Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Apr 1966, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 1, 1966 § Whitby Merchant Watches Unknown Flying Object appearance of streaks,' Mr.| Other reports of sightings by Arnold explained. He said his|local citizens indicated the ob- 14-year-old son, Tom, also saw] ject appeared to hover over the the object in the sky. Henry Street High School. WHITBY (Staff) -- Is it a bird, a plane or, is i super- man? No one seems to know the answer but plenty of people are seeing fiying saucer-like objects in the sky and, Whitby residents are no exception. Hareid----Arneld,. 908 aise st., operator of Arnold's Meat Market, spotted a mysterious object on two occasions" this week. The saucer-type object appeared in the sky over Whitby Tuesday evening and again Wednesday night. "There is no sense in anyone saying there is nothing there," in the sky, The object was first| seen with a pair of binoculars and then a small telescope. "Anyone could have seen it with the naked eye," Mr. Arn- old said, "'but, to see the colors one had to look through a tele- scope." The object appeared to be triangle shaped Tuesday evening, blue in color with red streaks. shooting out. from two sides and a point at the rear. Wednesday evening the ob- ject appeared to be saucer- shaped, blue with white streaks. "It could have been spinning around which would give the Broadway's bouncingest bundle of Joy...on the screen! BROCK Evening Programs Stert at 7 & 9 P.M, WHITBY Feature at 7 end 9:20 It's never too soon to start laughing at a a a FLFR CONE STEVENS MAREN OSL HTTON SA Wr. ENR ONES LO NOLAN Arold said. 'We did see an object and it appeared to hover Girl Guides Back Hospital Appeal WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby Girl Guides and Brownies are rallying around the drive for funds to construct the Whitby General Hospita:. Approximate- ly 400 Guides and Brownies and their leaders are involved in the campaign to raise at least $100. First in more than name, the First Whitby Brownie Pack has raised its portion of the total. The major portion of the money was raised through purchasing doll clothes made by one of the leaders, Jackie Whale. Other money was. contributed by the Brownies themselves. RAE R. JONES REAL ESTATE Sales - Valuations Consultations _ 668-8841 or 728-6661 Let Us Help You Plan Your MORTGAGE FINANCING | Many years of mortgage loaning experience can | help you choose the best mortgage plan | VICTORIA and | GREY TRUST. WHITBY | 'Worse by DANO ROSE » Scrsenpmay by GUMDER Saturday Matinee Attraction Only "ENSIGN PULVER" In Color WITH BURL IVES, MILLIE PERKINS TOWN OF WHITBY Applications for the position of RADIO DISPATCHER and DESK CLERK in the Police Office -- Will be received up to and including Friday, April 15th, 1966. ROYAL HOTEL TEAM WINS IVAN HICKS TROPHY Hicks Trophy in the Whitby time the team won the Davis, Melvin Brown, Bob : trophy. Shown above the Talbot, Bill Lundmark, Bob Mercantile Hockey League team are, left to right, front | Oegemar and Larry For- this season. It was the first row: Harvey Roberts, Terry right: Andy Myers, man- ager; Dave Harrison, Bill Townsend, George Mitchell, Ken Roberts and Bob Tripp. --Photo by Stannett Coming through when the chips were down, the Royal Hotel team won the Ivan WHITBY PERSONALS A garden of plants and palms, )Mrs. Samuel MacDonnell at complete with a splashing prat-| Verdun, Que. erfall, pussywillows and floral arbour, carried out the spring theme for a most successful tea held recently at St. Mark's Un-| ited Church Hall under the aus- pices of United Church Women. Mrs. Glenn Carr convened the decorations. |St. Andrew's Unit| WHITBY BOWLING NEWS | Plans Two Events' WHITBY LADIES' CANDY LEAGUE Piece saci gees rairighs Pl may WHITBY -- Grotip No. 2, St.|iolisens &, benle Buds 0 and Pooper, Kathy, daughter of Mr, and/Andrew's Presbyterian Women, |minis ie eee Mrs. Elmo Hendren, 405 Atholjheld a well attended meeting st., celebrated her fifth birthday) Wednesday at the home of Mrs. March 31. The following young| John Harvie. i sters attended her party: Débbie} The chairman, Mrs. Warren |Wendy and Sharon Huntley and Mowat, opened the meeting with Victoria McBride. a very timely reading entitled ig. and Mrs, Ed. Hite rs a by Mrs,|16 Royal rd., Pickering, cele- ture lesson given by Mrs. latest hat styles, cael py| brated their silver wedding an- wee W. J. S. McClure led a Hety Selsner, a Ron Pas-|Miversary last Saturday. A sur-| 44" 'Athheatina - discdasion strolling need apis Mrs prise party was held at the Made in His Tager : Oe cee, wi. Ron Har-|home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph). scripture passage. ris, Mrs. D. G. Courtice, Mrs,| Miller, Bross = ne a AA ani During a busy business meet- M. E. Goodlet, Mrs. Harold) WS arrang } Be diddy i ee i pathy «Peete ing plans were completed for Myers, Mrs. Glenn Carr ra} age al bg Ait -- the business luncheon to be held Mrs. Glenn Sawyer, the latter) We eke ne '|in the Sunday School room April having arranged this feature. _, shar leg pnd|20. at 12 o'clock noon, and for Spruce, vill April § at 1.30 Bm, and Mrs. R. H. MacCarl and Mrs.|coffee service and many other a ee pe agar: the season so please make the extra S. G. Ireland, with their helpers, | gifts. There were 30 friends and] 41 '99 sf Ga eo | : conducted an excellent home!relatives in attendance. 7 ae Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 20. Address all applications to the undersigned; Gearge R. Rankine, Chief Constable, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundes St. W. Henderson 740 (288, 267); Wayne Goring (268, 307); Vince Cusma 739 (272, 249); Jack Scott 725 (253, 229); Gary Jessome 720 (246, 243, 231); Cam Gauvin 714 (256, ae = gp AP ta togy 709 (279); Ozzie _| Moore , + Al Hammers 678 Triples over 600: Grace Sandford 6577! (234, 225); Ron Childs 678 (231, 223); Ed. Gladys Wiles 644 and Betty Pascoe 633. | Hutchinson 674 (292); Gord Platt 664 (204 Triples over 500: Sheila Villeneuve 570;|Andy Vanderende 661 (285); Emidio Jean Ward 558; Bernice Moase 554; Mary|Gviottl 655 (279, 223); Earl Cane 653 Amell 544; \sabel Farndale 544; Alice|'276) Keith Laundry 647 (244, 223); Anderson 534; Jean King 531; Noreen Dar-| Clarence Moore 636 (238); Ron Black 636 ling 524; Goldie Marshall 523; Alice Brad-| (234); Ray Short 623 (230). ley 517; Dimple Gough 517 and Kay Fer-| Singles 220 and over -- Wayne Johnson we a 264; Erine Stoneman 252; Henry Wiggers Pra kb deo ng . 249; Hans Zimmer 243; Bill Gough 240; Alice Bradley . 257; Grace Sandford 246,| Have Foster 236 jJay Rosebush 236; Ken 228; Dimple Gough 242; Rae Theirman| Harris 234; ; Bi 238; Jean Ward 236; Gladys Wiles 235,| W2r'ss 2342 John Lazaro 234; Bill Robin- son 233; Bill Ruegg 231; Doug Murison 203; Kay Fertile 232; Noreen Darling 206; 4 . Mary Ameli 205, 200 and Bernice Moase|349" Harry Vanstaveren 226; Cec Bowler on the! 201 7 ts 4 eam Standings--Ramblers 15, Whitby Eg Dwellers: Audrey Barker 82;! police Assoc. 13; Whitby Hotel 137 Jokers iesa Cormack 96; Muriel Grant 90; Eve-|13; Whitby Barber 'Shep. 127, Joe' lyn Jeppersen 99; Greta McDonough 84i|her Shop 2, Bathe The Coens ow, Bae Thorman, 73 90). Mildred ADOMAS Lewis 'Tetiors 117 J. @, McMullan 'Real The bowlers are reminded that the| Estate 11; Andrew's 10; Mitton Machin- monthly luncheon will be held at thel Meters' Je niotoem nee oA oneal Spruce Villa April 5 at 1.30 p.m "hee i dogs hoy *| Throughout the afternoon the Betty Pascoe 274; FOR YOUNG MODERNS" "COOL JAZZ Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M, SATURDAY MATINEE 4 P.M. to 6 P.M, WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE (Wednesday) _.| Triples 620 and over -- Les Reed 782 (298, 267); Don Reed 753 (354, 220); Bruce One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wellpaper end Murels Custom Draperies Broadloom C..L. Points end Varnishes Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 YUNDAS S WHITBY eng ee TOWN OF WHITBY Applications for Constables le. Presiding at the tea| A social half hour was enjoy: | bake sa hi 'gon adorned with| Whitby Brass Band Ladies'jed over a cup of tea served by'| ge sifu 8 ring floral ar- Auxiliary is sponsoring a rum-|the hostess. ee rangement were: Mrs. J. H.| mage and home nae, e age! es 3 | id: iM dj2 at the IOOF hall from 10) . ° Breckenridge and ars. Harold]? J Sith ars char-| Whitby Duplicate by Mrs. H. T. Fallaise and Miss|!es McKay in charge assisted ° . Th re te by members of her committee. Bridge Winners j oh w y s, daug Mr. and) WHITBY -- The winners and A delicious lunch was served) Frances, daughter of Mr. and) -- by Mrs. Edwin Breen, Mrs.|/Mrs, Paul Kaiser, Cochrane st., oo ygtbage 9 gt gaat ges A ir assis- ; i "A Vv > 8 -- Anstey and their assis-| i, celebrating her 12th birthday Whitty Duplicate Bridge Club : so | today, were: ue Convenors Mrs. A. B. Con-; : | East and West: Mr. and Mrs.) | Miss Irene Hedges, Toronto, "<° " | red and rr] oa = i was @ weekend. guest at Oe ee a ate Ge ne eI saa poco t . on a arnbbh of} home of Mrs. Goodwin Jones,| 2" 'dy rs. 4 Miss Cs gi baad ted ence of April 20 in All Saints'|123 Mary st. e. ae: 'eee A. Senet aml Sar. parish hall. Desserts sill be) pawl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed|D. Nicholson, 8214. served from 1.15 till 2 P.m.,| Hutchinson, is celebrating his| North and South: Mr. and cards from 2 till 4 p.m. with|fourth birthday today. Young|Mrs. H. Winter, 102; Mrs. K.| draw for prizes. | guests attending his party are:|Hunter and _ wat meen : \Dana Skea, Shelley Morrison,|vray, 9714; Mr. and Mrs. M. Tie vee Be sererved by Tod and David Alexander and|Hutchison, 90; Mrs. G. Wick Paul's baby sister Jill. and Mrs. D, Thomson, 88. | calling Mrs. Edith Watts ih ote. Applications will be received up to end including 3616 or contact any member o the Afternoon Guild. There will Friday, April 15th, 1966, for Police Constables e rnoon Guild. The | also be a booth with gift wrap-| \ ker the Town of Whitby. pings for sale. In charge will be Miss Louise McIntosh and Mrs. | George Levingston | Mrs. Daniel Batherson, 1107 Henry st., left for Montreal to attend the funeral of her mother Whitby Teachers At Seminar WHITBY (Staff) Whitby Public School children were given an unexpected holiday to- day when their teachers ad- journed to-Toronto to attend a teachers' convention. The convention, held at the Toronto Teachers' College, focused on the 'Language Arts', and began at 8.30 a.m. with) official registration. | Lectures on various topics were provided during the morn- ing, dealing with primary, jun- ior and intermediate grades. Following a tour through the Teachers' College, and a lunch period, the lectures resumed in the afternoon. The afternoon session dealt with 'Language Arts for 1980' and 'Critical Thinking' Application forms moy be obtained at the office of the Chief of Police, YOUR FINEST BRANDY VALUE... The following qualifications ore required: Between the ages of 21 and 30 years, minimum height 5' 10", minimum weight 160 Ibs., minimum education 10th grade. Address applications to the undersigned. George R. Rankine, Chief Constable, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundes St. W. TALKS GARS You'll Save Three Miles To The Gallon Investing in @ Spring tune-up and then | neglecting to change your carburetor elr filter is like sleeping with a short blen- ket: you pull it up to warm your fees and your feet get cold. There's not much net gain. The Oshawa Times 1966 WHITBY PROGRESS EDITION to be published in Mid - April The agg Reed gs it's ere business, industry... . it's facilities, growth a ture comes off the presses, Monday, April 18th, This i indpi motor. fascinating story of "Our Town' showing what eB eeceneinien aad elon wre <a0t onan ond whet's on its way will be distributed throughout the Western i aoe ey Se Se out World, Order extra copies for your friends and relations ond for is re oe mean your out-of-town business associates and contacts. of the fuel. This is 2,000 cubic feet -- enough to fill a 10' by 20' -- for every gallon of ges at 60 mph. MR. ADVERTISER: When rood grime clogs your filter, your carburetor gets less r air then it needs. The gasoline-oir mixture becomes too rich The atmosphere the Whitby Progress Edition generates is an excellent Place for you to inform the public of the importance of your business in fuel. Economy goes down and so does power. ; q - bees or industry to our Town. Be sure to tell your story in this year's edi- Recent engineering tests on two V8 engines in a 1964 Mer tion, If your advertising representative has not contacted you yet cury end a 1962 Plymouth with clean and clogged filters call him ot 668-3703. showed a miles-per gallon gain of 3.6 mpg for the Mercury and 2.4 mpg for the Plymouth with « clean filter over @ ADVERTISING DEADLINE !. SATURDAY, APRIL 9th Factory d, Now in Whitby The Finest Quality Na- |} tionally advertised cloth- |) ing for men by Michaels - Stern. clogged one. Recommended changes for oir filters vary with different road conditions. Every 10,000 to 20,000 miles is fine in our area. But these figures can be altered drastically if you drive frequently over dusty roads. A reputable car dealer will not sell you a filter if you don't need one. Heed his advice. To be on the Sofe Side, depend on Northside! SEE OUR FINE SELECTION SOON MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE Whitby Plaza Traditionally, a Five Star Brandy is of outstanding lity, jorin perfection flavour and smoothness alling at a new peak of yet its surprisingly moderate price remains unchanged a premium price. Famous Paarlim ndou iy Can fine ported Brandy Brar ¥ NODTHSIDE GHRYSLER DODGE ida w

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