"YOU KNOW THAT LABOR GOVERNMENT WORKS" N. Irel and --_ Cs, TO: Mile, ee Wilson Sparks Win (Catholic |B.C.-Born Woman Wins Via Victory Slogan | Takes Seat, Lady Tweedsmuir Loses |who campaigned for re-uniting . ; ie ae : " ai ae oe a outstand-| Partition ed secland: is the first Se oc oggeeger found lived in Montreal -- Port Ar-| bor nig eee 62-year-old Mal-_ By LOUIS NEVI : |reaching the pinnacle 0 ever 2 = ceed iti, |non-Conservative and' the feat + Ss our SB in the |thur, Ont., as a boy. colm Macpherson retained his LONDON (AP) "You know) over a deenly - al = honors. ae a svt awd teat Cathilin ta ain o Math, =-- swing to Labor in the) Eric Lubbock, 37, who took | seat. He is @ formes lecturer at & - di- ' 7 | Drie election Thursday. | Gipsngua torte -tavsrais ts 2 the inlvevelte nt wune* ee ais bbs Mong ren in ie oa = pea matt 9 eres at the voir gata aiacatutre Two women typified 'the re- 1962 byelection upset, retained|wick and served in the Cana- in's nati ter the death of its leader| unusual age of 21, he became a se ; ¢ {hi : i i i cond ye 4 ace oa eee Hugh Gaitskell, and set out im- Hniatsesd . economics and re-| But, unlike two Sinn Fein can- coal J sot tumeied "ge Mess? pay tow Fo eh Siocder it world War pe te the tale if Meat than anyone else, Har-| Mediately "to fieai "ite wounds) search assisant of Lord. Bever-| didates who refused to take|, ory seat ie fis Lalar catty Upper Canada College. of major. -- old Wilson, leader of the Labor| 4nd end the divisions, His suc-|idge, the architect of the British|their seats after winning them) i1."the daughter-in-law of a ae party, made that slogan pos-| ess was shown when, less than) welfare state. jin 1955, Fitt means to make|rormer Canadian governor-gen- aie two years later, he led a unite¢| He served as a government| himself heard in Britain's House|, 41° 4 'Tory member re 0 Even before he became Brit-| Party into electoral combat andj economic throughout the Second of Commons. The people who}. o7. lost her seat to a Labor ain's third socialist prime min-|Won victory after 13 years in| World War and was elected to voted for him in the West Bel-\) spent. ister on Oct. 16, 1964, Wilson| OPPosition. Parliament in 1945. Laborite|fast riding expect him to be| . ite Se te set out to prove that Labor rep-|. Wilson was born March 11,| Prime Minister Clement Attlee something of a firebrand. ton lin had cud a cltue come serented the middie and work.|1916, in the grim, north Mid-|took the young legislator) Fit, calling himself Iristi Re-|/9'i,0 Conbetvanies sanabtens 4 ing classes, and were no longer| !ands industrial city of Hudders-| straight into his government.|publican Labor, defeated his he \ aah ehiea' sa! Canada the cloth-capped revolutionaries| field, the son of an industrial] Wilson has represented the Liv-/Unionist (Conservative) oppon- Wan mn 1981 crease ee ak éf the past. ae chemist and a school teacher.|erpool district of Huyton since/ent, Ames Filfedder, by 2,011| < ©5' 1" 190%, contested Eyton an Wilson made this the theme vy contis said that arp glnged a ot' Glatva "Balawi | Votes. is 17- F so| 2 family ""non-con ormist by re- e married Gladys Baldwin,| , t ; Co eee eorerae ot the|ligion and radical by tempera-|daughter of a Cambridse) somewhat mixed district provid-|{i°spiee wn ged non on party before calling a new elec-| ment." His religious beliefs and|clergyman, Jan. 1, 1940. They ling a marginal seat, Fit dae hc te ; tion in a bid to increase his| the Boy Scout movement, he|have two sons, Robin, 21, and) support both from both national- Miss Lestor, who moved with three-vote majority :n Parlia-|S4id, moulded his character. 'Giles, 17, lists who wani .cunion with the|"er family to Winnipeg from Vancouver as an infant, came ment. south and Labor party sympa-'+, Fneland at the age of 18. b ge pa lik el ht N Ti F Pl di lego She is likely to be one of only acked many "'patriotic issues"' t | Northern Ireland, unlike the, %Me ce J of policy that it might have 0 ime or au 1 S republic to the south, sends 12 two Canadian-born members of been expected to shun under the members to the London Parlia-|the new Parliament. The re- old image. . . ment in addition to having its |Sults from Rye, in East Sussex, | Defence of the pound sterling Wilson Has Bi Problems =: lepelaiuve here; B | were not expected until after to- against devaluation iecame a| Fitt, 39, calis himself a pro-|day but Godman Irvine, 56, cardinal principle of the govern-| fessional politician. He is a/Conservative member for Rye| ment's financial and economic} By JOSEP HMacSWEEN __ London oo that land-locked|}iyely speaker, thin-faced, clean- soe one wong as ee ' i ; doctrine. | LONDON (CP)--Prime Minis-| Country dependent on Rhodesian} shaven, with spectacles. He has tually unbeatable. native o § N- d his labor government | | ; I mae her ete' Wilkos veal . inaehing election | BACKED U.S ter Wilson, faced with crucial)commerce. -- twice collapsed in the Northern Toronto who came to England leaves Liverpool by train victory over the Conserva- | wijson fought the left wing of and even perilous problems at Wilson may have been able to/{reland House of Commons with| aS a boy, he was the only Ca-| this morning for London. tives. his own party tooth and nail to|"0me and abroad, is not likely|@tgue earlier that stronger ac-|ylcer trouble and been in hos- nadian ~ born MP in the last The 50 - year - old Wilson --AP Wirephoto | hack U.S. policy in Viet Nam,|'® Waste time admiring his own|tion against Rhodesia could not| pital for the ailment. House. | although | 0 Nam. |re-election returns today. be undertaken because of his| Fitt is the first Ulster mem- areas ough he worked long and ; we .. flimsy majority in the British) per i West- LOSE IN ABERDEEN |hard to negotiate an end to the; Rhodesia, with its continuing rs a aa otea shjber of parliament to go to West.) yj ady Priscilla Tweedsmui BRITISH PERSONALITIES | conflict Tight relations with|Potential of causing some sort pony of voit where peerting minster with the open label " 51 ue ca Wee teen eee es ; : heel ; ie .|Tory members favor negotia- i ' -/51, § |Washington were a basic prin- Of @ blowup in Africa, is only|iont or some kind with Smith,| Koen are British Howre of|since 1946, was a predictable | | cipl ilson's licy,;one of the problems--but per- 4 | ies in vi FARED THIS WAY IN vo T E ere ar: gs Px seat haps the most dangerous: rebel or no. Commons was Jack Beattie, who|loser for the ee / e Labor governmen % B Se ; If: t |the 'Labor swing. D. C. Dewar, | took over all the old imperial) The Commonwealth sanctions ut now the African Common-| sat also for West Belfast, rom or Wyearold Lador ooponeit LONDON (CP) -- How some! Sydney Silverman, 70, a La-| qefence commitments east of|Committee on Rhodesia is ex-| Wealth leaders may find it more|1951 to 1955. lfor the second time Ponte | i iti in{bor party left-winger who led|¢ it: inheri |pected ld its infre-|difficult to understand wh y|-------- | : prominent personalities fared in the Hat te abolish hanging *d Suez that it inherited from the |pected to hold one of its infre HSiitth> 4a wettinie «awn ith| : ie overcame her 3,900-vote margin Thursday's British general elec-) in Nels outgoing Conservatives, and|quent meetings shortly. Most} i 8 8 y with! former foreign minister who re-|+-om 1964 and won the seat by Britain, was returned in Nelson! made them its own. Honoring|Observers expect that African|Something that would haveltuyrned to the House of Commons], gim edge : tion: and Colne i landed them in: jail if ri ; : me eo : these commitments while mak-| mood. jlanded them in jail if risked|i, Thursdays election after a : a re ft Dr. Horace King, Speaker of ing every effort to reduce waste| This is apparent from Thurs- while they were under British|{jme in the political wilderness, | Christopher Dobson, 29, who ye ' the House, was re-elected in Frank Cousins, 61, technology | in expenditure became the core|day's 11-country meeting in Nai-|Tule. | would become "minister of Eu- | studied at McGill and Sir Southampton Itchen with a ma-| Minister and general secretary} o¢ the nation's defence dottrine.|robi where Kenya's President! Wilson's big majority appears|rope. ! |George Williams universities in 4 'ority of 25,246 votes. His 1964 of the Transport and General! wijson a socialist who has|Jomo Kenyatta led discussion of|to be causing much speculation) The main question undoubt-| Montreal before becoming pri- rd: Vall Table Wi carefree i f votes. His tie A seis : ad auth ae : Ambise 2 mes are es ic wcne 6076 whenihe was Workers Union, was returned aS| never read Karl Marx, brought|what-pressure could be brought|in various directions. Reports|edly on Wilsons mind is the | Vate secretary to the former Ca- Jo an Yalicy MAR ORAY (Was 'e,8! . S Labor member in Nuneaton. to 19 Downing Street the cool,|to bear on the British govern-|from across the Channel indi-|crushing problem of his coun- nadian Conservative justice min- wines, for caref; who opposed by Conservative and clas say. s0, president of Prilliant analytical mind gener-|ment over Rhodesia. cate today that German andjtrys debt and inability so far eh mn vlog an ere "7 his careiree people. People axe Liberal candidates. He was op- jougias Jay, 99, presi ally associated with the man-;~ There are plenty of reminders|/French sources are keenly in-|to pull itself out of the rut. ure mn west, & iastic about the good taste rte: posed Thursday by only one pe gle gM oie Mb ma,| #8e of a giant corporation. He|of Wilsons words at the Com-|terested in just what Wilson's| Almost the first job of the new i eat a a ee _-- . : turned -- Sec "preferred methodology to Marx-|monwealth prime ministers con-|attitude to the Common Market/Parliament, meeting April 21, bid = : : . candidate--an independent, \ority in the Labor riding of ism, lterence in Lagos, Nieeria, idireaily is. will be to approve a budget--|¢rals in 1964. Oakes won again. anytime -- with er without food. Year eesgas ndon Battersea } . | During the campaign he ham-|January. The word was put| Rightl y ly, Wi --for the| In Blackpool South, Conserv- choi Jordan Valicy 'abde Whe 7 Ith | 5 ghtly or wrongly, ilson|probably a tough one--for the) + , | Enoch Fowsll ' -- | 2 mered at the theme that he was|around in Lagos that Ian|has earned the reputation of a\coming 12 months. Wilson and/ative Peter A. Blaker, 43, who) ice of any T. ie minister in the Conservative) Labor Minister Ray Gunter, striving to build a better Brit-/Smiths regime would falljman whose words may conceal|James Callaghan, chancellor of| Studied at the University of Tor-|| 4 potter of taste 'They' government, was returned in/56, was re-elected in London) gina modern classless society|"within weeks, not months and|just as much as they reveal. Al-|the exchequer, must get close|onto and served with the British atter Of taste--yom iC sai Wolverhampton Southwest with Southwark. based on the technology of a|March was mentioned to report-|though the prime minister laid|to the knuckle if they are to} foreign service in Canada, re-| aa oT ° : them ail. a reduced majority: of 6,585 C oer second industrial revolution. Injers as a sort of deadline. down conditions during the gen-|keep their pledge of balancing| tained his seat. P gly inexpensive. Enjoy votes. His 1964 majority was\, The Ahh Sie Oe enoke (nt final appeal to the voters,| Now Kenyatta, one of thejeral election campaign that|Britains surplus and deficit ac-| Cyril Carr, 40-year-old former 9,856. ee aa be "ene Bee he = _ wanted to make the|most moderate of the African|would rule out Common Market/count in international trade by | student at Toronto's Upper Can- secede 'as ) people of Britain the govern-|rulers, says it appears that both|acceptance, the Europeans are|the end of this year. Britain was|ada College and Ridley College Jordan 'Wine, White Prime Minister Wilson was re-| Whitaker, 31, of the Labor party| ment's partner. oil and economic sanctions havelapparently not convinced thelon the wrong end of a figure|of St. Catharines, Ont., failed to Valley Red Tete Wine, Fable Wine, Si Rost, Slough constituency this year and ousted.Sir Anthony Meyer + hiner cmamemamasamnanaN elected in Huyton with 41,132)in London Hampstead. | His driving ambition andjfailed. Not Rhodesia but neigh-jlast word has been said. of more than £300,000,000 ($900,-upset the Conservative MP in Ctaret and Sautemes, in botties and-helf bottes, votes--a majority of 20,950. This) |sense of purpose were geared|boring Zambia is suffering from| There have been suggestions |000,000) last year--and that was|Liverpool Wavertree. | compared with - Wilson's 1964} | | majority of 19,273 votes. Con- servative Thomas Hobday got marginal riding of Billericay by Reginald Maudling, dep- 20,182 votes and David Edward|36 - year - old Labor candidate | uty Conservative leader, suc-| (Screaming Lord) Sutch, 24, a Eric Moonman. " | cessfully defended Barnet con- pop singer who campaigned in| G- J. Oakes retained Bolton | - pe ' stituency with only a slight Incumbent Conservative E. L.| throughout most of his life to the sanctions, says visitors in'that Patrick Gordon Walker, Gardner was defeated in the only half the year before. SHOWS SLIGHT LOSS loss of support to Labor candi- i > can-| West for the Labor party by de- en cae, . feating Conservative challenger Christopher Dobson, 39, former! LONDON (CP)--Following is| Enfield West--xlain Macleod; Blackpool South--xP. A. R.| Stirling and Falkirk -- xMal-| Mrs. G. P. Dunwoody, daugh-|McGill University lecturer and|a selected list of Members|(C), unchanged. Blaker (C), unchanged. colm Macpherson (lab), un- ter of the late Morgan Phillips, |Secretary to Davie Fulton when jelected in the British general| Eton and Slough--Joan Les-| Lond Streatham --xDuncan! changed. former Labor party secretary,|he was justice minister. jelection. It includes prominent |tor (Lab), gain from C. | Sandys (C), unchanged. | Woking--xC. G. D. Onslow won Exeter riding for Labor --_-- personalities, winners with Ca-| Birmingham Handsworth --| Brighton Kemptown--xD. H. (Cc ncha a ae ie 23 A with 22,199 votes by defeating C- G. D. Onslow, the Con-|nadian connections and the win-|xSir Edward Boyle (C), un-|Hobden (Lab), unchanged. pee 3 DENS: Middlesbrough East--xArthur Conservative Sir Rolf Dudley- servative incumbent, was te- ners in the ridings where the re-| changed. | Grimsby--xAnthony Crosland | Williams, who got 18,613 yotes.|turned in Woking with a slightly | sult was particularly close inthe) London St. Marylebone --| (Lab), unchanged. Bottomley (Lab), unchanged. | reduced majority. Among those |Jast election (x--Member of the xQuintin Hogg (C), unchanged.| Sowerby--xDouglas Houghton) Kilmarnock -- xWilllam Ross} Patrick Gordon Walker, for- contesting the seat. was Agnes |last House. Party designations:| Preston North--R. H. Atkins |(Lab), unchanged. (Lab), unchanged. mer Labor foreign secretary,|H. Scott, 54, a Liberal candi- Lab -- Labor; C--Conservative; (Lab), gain from C. | C,ventry East -- xRichard| Leicester Southwest--xH. W.! won a seat for Labor in the east|date who was educated in Ham- |] iberal.) >» Watford--xR. H. Tuck (Lab), | Crossman (Lab), unchanged. |Bowden (Lab), unchanged. | London constituency of Leyton,|ilton, Ont., and served with the unchanged. | London. Shoreditch and Fins-| Kinross and West Perthshire where he had been defeated by | Canadian Red Cross and later. Wolverhampton Southwest --| London Fulham -- xMichael|bury--xRonald Brown (Lab),|--xSir Alec Douglas-Home (C),| a Conservative in a sensational|in the women's section of the xEnoch Powell (C) unchanged. | Stewart (Lab), unchanged. | unchanged. ' unchanged. : byelection in January, 1965. RCAF in the Second World War. Rossendale -- xAnthony| Belper -- xGeorge Brown! London Lewisham North--Ro-| Workington -- xF rederick - Greenwood (Lab), unchanged. |(Lab), unchanged. |land Moyle (Lab), gain from C.| Peart (Lab), unchanged. | Joan Lestor, a 34-year-old na- Arthur Bottomley, Common-| Southampton Itchen -- xDr.| London Hampstead -- Ben| Cardiff Southeast -- xJames| Maldon--xA. B. C. Harrison tive of Vancouver, won a seat|wealth secretary in the Labor | Horace King (Lab), unchanged.| Whitaker (Lab), gain from C.|Callaghan (Lab), unchanged. (C), unchanged. | for the Laber party in Eton and| government, was returned In| Smethwick -- Andrew Faulds' Hitchin -- xShirley Williams! Newton -- Frederick Lee| Dover--xE. H. Ennals (Lab) Slough by defeating Conserva-|Middlesbrough East with an in- (Zab), gain from C. (Lab), unchanged. | (Lab), unchanged. | unchanged. : tive Sir Anthony Meyer. creased majority. Blackburn -- xBarbara Castle}. Harrow East--R. D. Roebuck; Lianelly -- xJames Griffiths}; St. Helens -- xL. Spriggs| Lady Tweedsmuir, daughter- (Lab), unchanged. (Lab), gain from C. |(Lab), unchanged. (Lab), unchanged. | in-law of former Canadian gov-| W. J. Molloy, a Labor seo Nelson and Colne -- xSydney| Reading--J. M. H. Lee (Lab),| Barnet -- xReginald Maud-| Easington -- xEmanuel Shin-| ernor - general Lord 'Tweeds-|ber who captured Ealing North silverman (Lab), unchanged. gain from C. | ling (C), unchanged. |warth (Lab), unchanged. | muir, lost the Conservative seat from the Conservatives in the Nuneaton --xFrank Cousins) Aberdeen South--D. C. Dewar| Ealing North--xW. J. Molloy| Bolton East -- xRobert Ho- of Aberdeen South that she had | 1964 election by 27 votes, WaS (Lab), unchanged. (Lab), gain from C. (Lab),unchanged. wee (Lab), unchanged. held since 1946 to 28-year-old La-|re-elected with a majority of Leyton --Patrick Gordon! Leeds East -- xDenis Healey -- - : bor candidate D. C. Dewar. 2,560. |Walker (Lab), gain from C. _|(Lab), unchanged. Huyton -- xHarold Wilson| Birmingham Stechford--xRoy } = o s Mrs. Shirley Williams, 36, Malcolm MacPherson, 62, ® (Lab), unchanged. Jenkins (Lab), unchanged. | Attention Legionnaires ! daughter of former professor former University of Battersca North) London Wooltwte ti East George Catlin of McGill Univer-| Brunswick lecturer and a for-|_-ynouglas Jay (Lab), un-|xChristopher Mayhew (Lab), sity, was returned with a/mer major in the Canadian | changed. unchanged. | s P E Cc I A L M E E T I N G greatly increased majority in/Army, returned with an in-| Yondom Southwark -- xRay| Orpington -- xEric Lubbock Hitchin constituency which she creased majority in Stirling and) Gunter (Lab), unchanged. (L), unchanged. Branch 43 Ro al an dian Le H had won for the Labor party in Falkirk. Billericay -- Eric Moonman|' Ebbw Vale -- xMichael Foot 4 Y C a gion ii Deputy Conservative Leader go Pasa ag Heath (C), en J. Oakes SUNDAY, APRIL 3 sis 1:30 P.M. Erick Lubbock, 37, an Upper Reginald Maudling was Tre-| ynchanged. | (Lab), unchanged. Canada College graduate, re- turned with a slightly reduced | : : tained Orpington riding for the| majority in Barnet despite a To Approve Contractor and Price Liberal party with a reduced challenge by Labor candidate | ae is | for New Building. } majority Geoffrey Hickman, 57, who at) | one time lived in Montreal and H Bearded Andrew Faulds, 43, Port Arthur, Ont. pron racially - sensitive Smeth- wick for Labor by defeating James Callaghan, chancellor | Conservative Peter Griffiths by of the exchequer, led the Labor | almost 4,900 votes. It was Grif-/party to victory in Cardiff | a fiths who had unseated Patrick Southeast with an increased | Furniture & Appliances Gordon Waler, former Labor majority. . foreign secretary, in the 1964 452 Simcoe St. S. 723-0011 election. Power Minister Frederick | - ; : Lee had his majority virtually | Oshawa's New Furniture and Appliance Store feat- ee ws Mrs. Barbara Castle, Brit- unchanged when he was: re- uring Admiral T.V., Zenith, Top Service and mony OPEN DAILY 4 TO 6:00 P.M. ANOTHER Pn - top lines of furniture and appliances. a4 sport ster, p- elected Newton. { Titania! Peter Johansen Ltd. & Son SATURDAYS 1 P.M, TO 6 P.M. ods all party by, winning with a slightly, Deputy Labor Party Leader | | Open Sunday Afternoon : ELECTRIC increased majority of 7,248 votes George Brown was returned in ; over the Conservative candi-| Belper constituency--but: with | THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! ON THEIR OPEN HOUSE | When you step into the hall of a HOME, Congrulations date. re ee Teduced majority, Johansen Home you will feel the Johansen homes are prime location homes mn, 4 ae 853 Fernhill Blvd, ' warm quality of excellence en- Just east of Stevenson Road off Rossland Adult Building velop you, and the friendliness of Road, with public and separate grade, " f aay) . P high schools and churches close by. Im- to live in workmanship will ex mediate access to shopping and major | Y Ah TU Central Location ; : . . t hrough th ct once aden ts ott ae IGHLY RECOMMENDED arm. te Reid Aluminum Sales ae Ae Prestige Address JOHANSEN TODAY AT : J Distinction Beyond Treat Yourself to a Visit. 853 Fernhill Blvd. Rosslynn Heights. Tl Rik R f : ' Compare Aluminum Storm doors and windows . : Te Dont eM nicrground ond Level | Overhead Garage Doors | CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST P : Parking : NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7:30 P.M. oO eae oe: Sliding patio doors | & SAVINGS CORPORATION Continental French Buffet || Zmmge Mm BR 2X) -- Sy Appointment Only 735 Fernhill Blvd. | RALPH SCHOFIELD, Supe Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. | 2 Oshawa, 723-7679 | i . N. 3-52. GENOSHA HOTEL GeorGIanN mansions 19 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-5221 | 124 PARK ROAD NORTH: OSHAWA