LABOR TRIUMPHS [Zen-Lamb /Rimie to erases Role Seen OTTAWA (CP)--Jules Legit. ee ee ee Canadian ambassador oho ue ged s j wt . e Cail 8 ea ite aa ese Sn el I Free take Prount| OPO, cata, eae The popular vote was running| pre-election polls had forecast--|point of his platform. For March ener . ants ce on French territory--the RCAF 49.9 per cent for Labor, 41.1 per/toppied Tories left and right and| Wilson says he will go in but reladigua y Air Division headquarters at cent Conservative, 7.5 per cent/returned Labor MPs with in-|on his own terms, which include| By THE CANADIAN PRESS | ; , {Metz and the bomber-transport Liberal and 1.5 per cent for|creased majorities in almost|safeguards for British agricul-| March aama in bo 257+ _afermante "hare ssid Sno se omien Vase : other_groune jevery case. jture and for Britain's trading| {hat was heard right across the Though Mr. Martin didn't say This has been a great wiM&-| 'rhe rout unseated right-wing|partners in the Commonwealth] country, but it exited for another|P'eSident a personal message|so, it is known that France tory . .. a mandate from the/and progressive Conservatives|and the European Free Trade} year with both lion and lamb-|{"0m Prime Minister Pearson.|wants Canada to abandon the people of this country," Wilson! without discrimination. Most re-| Association. He believes much of! like qualities. |The contents were not divulged. |two bases hy April 1.1967. said. elected Tories--incitiding Heath| British industry's present tfou-| In the western provinces the) Mr. Leger will return to Ot- ey TO PUSH REFORMS |--were returned on reduced ma-|ble results from uncertainty/month generally ran true to|tawa next week to report to Mr. | See4 ate eee oe REAL ESTA The vote of confidence gives|jorities. over the future during the previ-| form -- in like a lion, out like Pearson and External Affairs | Wilson, 50, an opportunity to| Among leading Tories ousted: |ous abortive Common Market!a lamb. : | Minister Martin on his conver- Reg. Aker=-Presigent proceed with economic and so-| Julian Amery, eo former avi- negetiations 1962-63. ae ane In mentors op it was a/Sation with de Gaulle. Bill McFeetere=Vice Pres. ial reforms he be 7 months|ation minister and prominent e pro-Labvor swing engulfed) lion at both ends. ' me Sch poor with a barely wercans ma-|Tight winger; Henry Brooke, 63,/two traditionally Tory constitu-| Ontario. reported a stormy FB oy salah ily AL ofield-Aker Ltd. jority that had fluctuated be-|former home: secretary; Chris-|encies in the London area. | March 1, and generally a clear Paris meeting but that its main| = twaun four votes an one, jtopher Chataway, 35, former| Lawyer-journalist Ben Whita-| but cool March 31, though in At the same time, the big ma-|junior minister and a charter|jker, 31, upset Henry Brooke in|northern areas some snowflur- jority promises Labor's restless|member of the progressive Tory|Hampstead. Advertising m aniries fell, spreading across the | ° left wing--at least 50 MPs--|group; Peter Emery, 40, junior|]David Winnick, 32, unseated Sir| province' as the new month} 50 % MORE INTEREST ----$------ sctimeniiamidaaa more elbow room in any effort|front-bench spokesman on eco-|Richard H. M. Thompson in| dawned, | to tug Wilson leftward from his|nomic affairs; Dame Patricia|suburban Croydon South. | More than three inches of middle-of-the-road posture. The|Hornsby-Smith, 52, junior minis-| 5 ¢ WOMAN WINS | heavy, wet snow coveted par 100% MORE HOU ng left had been subdued for fear|ter in several Conservative gov-! ae aan 4 a atie eed: of central and southern Ontario ° of toppling the last government.|ernments; Sir William Anstru-|, "0 i teacher bor i Vancou.| aly. today, snarling rush-hour It is the first time that a/ther-Gray, 60, chairman of the otis te se ath . ai na thet rane and cutting visibility | 4 British Labor government has|Conservative back - benchers vidin sar ition and Widadh ant As winter played an April Central Ontario Trust improved its position in a gen poco nel iprecoents spi of pe " nes i ys odlger ig of _ A ss are yhry Berkeley § vady : ' - "e, 2 § experiencec pp Fen sage the general Tesskemaie: aL, diiumtasinaee! Actor A nd 4 vid Faulds 13,| light rain and some fog OFFERS the Oshews 50% More Interest lelection of Oct. 16, 1964, which|of the former Canadian gover | ousted ery cat ig od The weatherman said a dis working man 0 ended 18 years of Tory rule,|nor-general who had been a|'he Midiands riding of vom, | bance moved across Ontario pith was: Labor 317, Conservatives|member of Parliament for 20| Wick, the i cataoted a ns during the night and was head $08. Liberals 9. Speaker 1. years and junior Tory spokes- ba that rejec ec pees ing due east into the northern At dissolution March 10 the) man on foreign affairs, ralker ee a United States. Two to five standing was: Labor 314, Con-|, in - WAROH hy iere nel ue fiths | inches' of snow were predicted servatives 303, Liberals 10 i¢ pros ony "ee } t J Faulds Feige rice at vaste sor Montreat tonight ee ee shinitan © a son's cabinet has returned) Fs ! rOCAte acl shy TT yn Oe Lake coun 'in Thurs unscathed The prime minister} harmony, nthe ewe oe Ai a a belt ye day's election was the biggest|S#4, Thursday night his iront-| Results indicated that issues north from 'Toronto the Mus F 100°o More ' bench lineup would be changed) of race and immigration POHCY| token was backed by 32 P Pata for any party since the 100-seat : ye sg | after we have had a chance!had little impact on the vote.| Saving Hours Conservative triumph of 195 1% hac 6 tinipa a ' if srature 5 le- a : 8'|to relax a little. Socialists who opposed the Wil-| somperatures and 15 - mile - an naan id ' {That government was rocked fee ; : ; j hour winds, CANADA S NATIONAL FRUIT? iby the John Profumo sex-and- ae pow, Parliatepnt assem-| son pe Mg 'The weather office predicted oo" +6 oa Mondey te ; ; : acing mlaned dae sh. | Security scandal in 1963 and lost| ¥!es April 21. on colored immigrauon were! the snow would stop over most 9 am. to 9 pm. Friday Doctor Harry Harley, Lib- Parliament Hill, eo ge Pol ok range woh " gd to Labor in 1964. |, Among newly - elected Labor| elected handily. Bight independ. areas later today and tempera- 9 om, to 5 pm, Soturdey eral Member of Parliament fice Thursday shortly after els } t : : ae oe ' |MPs expected to get high gov-jents who campaigned on racist) tupeg will drop. Outlook for to- for the Ontario riding of he introduced a Bill in the trances to Commons and STRENGTHENS POSITION ernment posts is Patrick Gordon/ platforms picked up only a hand: nicht and Saturday was for Malton, prepares for a firm Commons to have the apple Senate. They were empty Edward Heath, 49, who took Walker, 59, twice defeated in at-|ful of votes. cloudy skies and temperatures bite in this McIntosh apple. declared Canada's National within hours. e 2 over as Conservative chief eight|tempts to win a Commons seat Vo vey wich vol ent" The picture was taken in his Fruit. To promote the Bill, --CP Wirephoto | months ago, was still rebuilding|as foreign secretary. ceived an electoral boost in 1964| (He BLWAYE have) Vie ped eA compounded wttery 41on the doy the t * opened. ie weiting 4 | ¢. thinioya account, -- 4 @. ve @ 4% Personal Chequing @ tstcte Pienning Accounts--re service cherges @ thortgoge Loons Feo! Estote Sces ond @ 6% Guaranteed Investment bd Purchases 1 i In British Columbia March 1 Certificates--1 to % yeors Tory unity when Wilson called} Gordon. Walker, who won atiwhen its 365 candidates col-isaw snowstorms electrical ee @ Pre-pcid Sove-by-Mail kits . the election. Heath failed to con-| Leyton, northeast London, mayj|lected more than 11 per cent of| stgrms and freezing tempera- @ Investment Funds @ Free Hockey Ticket Drow Vote B T esda Pinar ame serge ord rere hag Labor | be slated for a new post as min-|the total vote, suffered mixed es, while a raging blizzard V H ] V had forfeited its right to work/ister for Europe. His task would fortunes this time. lashed across Southern M: j- H ; H f on ores shaky pore ped but|be to probe Britain's prospects With 311 candidates in the, toba and virtually paraiveed the Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation most.observers judged that for joining the European Com-| tieig and a national awit a . ' ' E ung | Is g to the| area for two days. Alberta and : On Death Penalty Mentioned |Heath enhanced his position as/mon Market. left, the Liberal share of the to-| Saskatchewan started the month 19 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 723-5221 | Opposition leader. Heath, to the dismay of some tal poll fell to about seven per| off with a cold spell. : -- OAL TG The Com: page 3 oe ner Favreau | WEATHER FORECAST : gegen Hi mons will decide by Tuesday held at the latest at 8 p.m. Mon- seri OOKE ; 'CP)_ | | night whether to abolish, change oF on 5:45 p. Pe eae? BP pray . a oe -- gay a Me eee | or keep the death penalty. MPs, promised a free vote on ease rae ' | : the last Pari : Alp ari agremen yas ie ive fy Pane aimee @uaee maine ones Sw To End By Tonight ie zserc sre "i reached Thursday to bring the! Pearson, spoke free from. party ee tS eae 1 hg hee rid sera - aes pied capital punishment issue back lines during the first three days, ifabk 'permit diting the tral of| ie toval race cee A into the House Monday and dis-| with 24 opposed to the private enn Minnie i Wikies a i Ld date afy 2 rgan, 33, a mA jose of it one way or the other'members' resolution, 22 in fa-| {VON Qupuis on influence-ped- itt Pp 00 er e ue lawyer. Bowen upset some Lib- 9:30 EST Tuesday vor and two undecided dling charges erals last year by taking the| Reientionist Ralph B. Cowan The final vote is expected to| Dupuis, a former federal cab- = a : non : voting Post of deputy | (L--York Humber), who earlier/be close. Defeat of the resolu-|inet minister without portfolio, TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast | Killaloe 35 | Speaker in Parliament. me this week withheld unanimous|tion would pose a problem for|is charged with having taken ajissued by the weather office at Muskoka ..... 35 1 But two Liberals scored up-| consent required to extend the the Pearson government which/bribe of $10,000 from Roch 5.30 a.m.: North Bay .. 32 |Ssets. Dr. Michael Winstanely debate beyond its first three has commuted to life imprison-|Deslauriers, a St. John, Que., Synopsis: Light snow pos-/Sudbury . 39 47, a pers ee, ae days, sat quietly as MPs late in/ment 20 death sentences to per-| chiropractor, in return for al-/sibly mixed at times with driz- Wariton .......... S 32 ---- Tory W. S. Pear ei the evening consented to the!sons convicted of capital mur-|leged use of his influence to ob-|zly rain may Persist through) sauit Ste. Marie ... 2 [1964 vd Ae 0 oe le a agreement. der since taking office in April tain a provincial racetrack per-|the afternoon in southern On- Kapuskasing '¥...+. 10 is Pigg hes ire. In Co ngs The agreement means that) 1963. mit for Deslauriers. The permit! tario. s : ~ P =f 2aun ee ' iley, orkshire, accountant ich- the debate on Finance Minister| Capital murder, defined as Was never granted. Lake St. Clair, Windsor: | White atives seceeee 0 35 ard Wainwright, 47, took the CANADA Ne. 1 GR. Sharp's budget, scheduled to/planned and deliberate mur-| The trial was adjourned Cloudy with occasional light lel ity stevereeee 0 2 bye ie bay from Labor's c begin today andrun until next der, treason and piracy at pres-|Thursday night until Monday. |rain becoming mixed with snow | Timmins ........... 10 32, 'A. -E. P. Duffy. oad reamery Wednesday, will be interrupted.|ent carry the death sentence.!Court sessions have been ex-/ending during the afternoon. | It will start today and then be|All other kinds of murder are tended into the evening recently | Cloudy tonight. Variable cloudi- suspended until after the Com-|non-capital and carry a life sen-|to speed up proceedings. jness Saturday. Not much mons Easter recess, which is to/ tence. Paul Martineau, lawyer for| change in temperature. | begin Wednesday and continue) The resolution--sponsored bYy| Dupuis, asked Guy Favreau,| Lake Erie, Lake Huron, south-! to April 19. four MPs from the Liberal, Con-| Privy Council president and for-|eTm Georgian Bay, Lake On- The House order says voting|servative and New Democratic! mer' federal justice minister,|tario, Haliburton, Killaloe, Lon- on the resolution to substitute a parties--would require the cab- whether, during a meeting with|don, Toronto, Hamilton: Snow mandatory life sentence for the inet to approve any parole of a Dupuis Jan. 6, 1965, he had been| tapering off this afternoon and death penalty must come to a'lifer. questioned about other persons|ending by evening. A little |involved in the racetrack permit|cooler. Mainly cloudy tonight. . . | affair. Variable cloudiness Saturday. CANADIAN WHISKY Major Victory Is Scored Ves" said Mc. Favreau, s1/ Winds southeast 15. siting ta : was questioned about the role|"0r') 20 today gradually de- fe oe a one . * | of certain persons and about the "Ngee egg le ve di One of Canada's 3 Great Whiskies By Silverman In Election |intervention of « politcal figure| Niagara: Snow today ending hd e object of obtaining a| ae. a 1 nsec PROUDLY EXPORTED TO MORE THAN 50 COUNTRIES | x LONDON (Reuters) -- Sidneyjand Downey, running as an In- facetrack permit for Drum rebel gh yas ne geben | You Are Invited Silverman, author of Britain's| dependent, 5,117. mondyille, Que. decreasing southeast 15 shifting | T A d "no hanging' bill which abol-| The diminutive, silver-haired) Mr. Favreau said the political to north 20 toilay gradually de- REE: oil 3 0 tten ished capital punishment for ajLabor member gained his|figure was Bernard Pinard, pro- creasing "tonight, : DISTILLED. MATURED AND BOTTLED IN CA A COMADIAN, SURERLEY NIALL EM ED.17 five-year experimental period,|greatest personal triumph last|vincial minister of roads. He Ottawa region: Increasing scored a major victory Thurs-|November, when Parliament/thought it was Dupuis who had cloudiness today with wet snow : R E E D : $ F L 0 H I$ T S$ day by retaining his parliamen-| abolished capital punishment! mentioned Pinard's name. basiunion sate chi ne aca iu tary seat in the general elec-/for the trial period The defence lawyer asked/early this evening. Saturday tion with an increased major-| Silverman, 70, has repre-| ae ur Favreau had got in mainly cloudy with snowflur- MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT ity. sented his riding for the last 31| ' : 'ool. Winds ligh f Pani slurality touch with Pinard to ask for ries. Cool. Winds light becom- : years. He had a plurality of nerd (0 ASK $08 nT clase 16 teddy She gee, Extra Fast Service When You-Want One of the triumphant Labor); Oct ee. * ; "eee ' 3 | candidate's opponents was Pater ee Jetober, 1964, gen ag cigeongg Bil Favreau said erly 20 tonight. | rick Downey, uncle of one of the 4 series of child murders last {isa F 1, | ' + Sh pacha 1 ; es A Series 1, ' es fi Forecast Temperatures = one i ve Boag ia year on a lonely moor amid the ARRANGED BY ROUSSEAU ow tonight High Saturday you CAN NOW murders on the Re back Pennine range of hills in north-| Mr. Favreau said the meeting, Windsor 'a fa ne Waly ney campaigned to bring bac western England horrified Brit-| Jan. 6, 1965, was arranged by St. Thomas . pee | the hangman's rope, ain Real Rousseau. who was de-!r ogee -- ; a a7 | 163 Bloor West, But the Labor tide gave Sil-| Downey began his fight to|scribed as an influential mem:!Kitchener ... verman, a 4,577 plurality over| topple Silverman soon after po-|ber of the Liberal party organ-| Mount Forest OSHAWA Conservative rival Peter Davies lice unearthed the body of Les- ization and a close friend of Du- Wingham os : | at Nelson and Colne in north-/ ley Downey, his 10 - year - old) puis. |Hamilton ... 2 j A swing to Labor that aver-|Conservatives especially in the cent. ro no Aas on Annual Spring western England. Silverman) niece, in a shallow graveonSad-) He added: "As far as I can|St. Catharines citees 4 had 18,406 votes, Davies 13,829|dleworth moor last fall. remember, the purpose of this|Toronto ...... ese visit was to have the RCMP|Peterborough ...... 2 TILL investigation that had begun the! Kingston § "6 2 : se ' HERE and THERE ~_ +! pay DAY | _ City ambulance answered Coull, Darlington, won the 12- four routine house st ba year-old boys' solo class with OPPORTUNITY AT ONLY A COST OF .23¢ PER WEEK j : x . y terday and last night. a mark of 82. Fire Department had a quiet ik ae & deel toes Bruce Affleck, Crown At- Run short between pay days? Need extra | 4 APRIL 3rd time with only a small torney for Ontario County, money? No need to worry if you do. All you have eg . ber of minor calls. There ' y' . y . will be the guest speaker at were no fires. if. aman opera re Ps to do Is pick up the phone and call us. We would | Py " : (All Day) sas - be most happy to assist you over the hump until 7 Os a t eg ston prvi yr -- April 1 Se meetar oti re IN RECREATION next pay day. We may be able to extend you a ario Gazette carries the in- ; ' : ' formation that letters patent held in the games room at the little more credit, say $50 to $200. Call our local : Simcoe Hall Boys' Club. Dur- manager and arrange a credit in line with your : f incorporation have been fe < . 8 8 y ; } Geated i two Oshawa firms. '98 the meeting three new The Oshawa Recreation Department is requirements. Call him today, because... : i'. : The Reed Family would like you all te we aA members will be inducte t . i ; rey aro make the service club. | accepting applications for Summer Staff We like to say "Your Loan is OK" | a ee come and see their show end enjoy the positions. ce : 4 beautiful flowers. Get the whole family Estates Limited. and Ontario Processing Limited. _ 1 Data Processing Limite The Corps of Royal Cana- : oS »¢, dian Engineers will hold its t : Sig aee IA gpg ati Fg hl aay galt third annual reunion and PLAYGROUND LEADERS , CASH LOANS { ) . the warm, wonderful atmosphere of s aance» Saturday, April 30 at , Marie' Festival ~g Bic HMCS York, 659 Lakeshore SWIMMING STAFF (Guards & Instructors) A ; a greenhouses full of growing flowers, Music hi: eyo ough. Neil' Killens, Darling- >!Vd. w., Toronto. All sappers g ton, placed first in the boys' [ogelver with their wives and | SPEGIALISTS IN VARIOUS PROGRAMME solo. class .for contestants 2UC8S Are invited 1 atten eight years of age with a Further inipestation: and _ AREAS (Day Camp, Track & Field, Art OPEN FRIDAY TILL 8 P.M. FREE DOOR PRIZES mark of 99. Robert Fitches, 4 t . : co ke sand in tha re euUni On: Committes 66 and others) Py So le ge digs a aa Atlantic _ave., Toronto 3 or soa T yA E bs NAN i FREE ADMISSION . . . FREE. PARKING ON BLOOR WEST 2363 MINIMUM AGE REQUIREMENT--16 as of April 6 f 79. Hugh Coutts and Hu phone LE | e EVERYONE WELCOME e Snider Darlington, were firs (Swimming -- 17 as of June 30) COMPANY LIMITED and second in the boys' sol iz: . 61 KING STREET--WEST ss. 13 years, with arks of a j i ae Bs of Aidala available through local: High Phone 723-3451 7 al schools and the Recreation Department, | BRANCH OFFICE aes SPY DREW ADS fay FORMS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE ; *k Street, Suite 1---PI > 668-5821 Don Adams of Get Smart wa RECREATION DEPARTMENT, BOX. 10, OSHAWA AIRPORT WHITBY: 319 Brock Street, Suite 1one 668-5 a commercial ", before he ON OR BEFORE APRIL 6th, 1966 32 Conveniently located branches thraughout Ontario, won an Arthur Godfrey talent} , show in 1954. "Over 50 Years Growing 'Plants & Flowers in Oshawa" 163: BLOOR ST. WEST OSHAWA 728-7389