Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Apr 1966, p. 19

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20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 1, 1966 19 14--Business Opportunities|17--Femole Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted | __ |20--Real Estate for Sale _ |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER 20--Real Estate for Sele {20--Real Estate for Sale MAN or WOMAN | Required for grill work, Bur- 10 SNACK BAR AND GAS PUMPS Available April 1st in Oshawa area with four room apart- ment to be let on profit shar- ing plan. Tenant's shore of profits after expenses but before employees woges 'Tt required, approx. $14,000 to $19,000 yearly depending on tenant ability. Open fifteen hours per day seven days o week, Prefer couple without children under sixteen to live in apartment for best man- ogement and operation, but will consider. others. Only in- vestment required is $1,000 cash for snack bar merchan- dise. Must be able to be bond- ed. Apply to Box 19649, Oshawa Times. 15--Employment Wanted | RESPONSIBLE AND TRUSTWORTHY University of British Columbia student employed at General Motors in Oshawa from May 16th to Sept. 15th, 1966, wishes to obtain lodging in return for mainte- mance of yard chores, etc. Please con- tact said student for suitable references ghd other Inquires: Brian L. Denton, 3130 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver 8 8.C Canada. BOOKKEEPER - accountant, Gir! Fri-| day, ambitious and fully competent, de. sires part-time work. Experienced in all) phases of office routine and bookkeeping, | general ledger, preparing financial state ments, auditing, setting-up books, etc. Write Box 19928 Oshawa Times | EXPER D in country home| for one or two smal! children on week ends or over holidays while parents are away. Telephone Bowmanville 623 5068 WILL give day care to one child in my own home. Five-day week. Large yard on a quiet street. Close to South GM. 728 4572. ' | COUPLE Would like job taking care of apartment building. Man part - time, woman full-time. Experienced. Telephone 728-2422. TYPING DONE in my home. Letters, reports, statements, etc. Prompt service Call 723-6172 Sa | LADY DESIRES HOUSEWORK by the day. Telephone evenings 723-7430. at home, Reasonable 4 p.m TYPING DONE at rates. Prompt service telephone 723-6860. FEMALE CLERK-TYPIST desires office position. Over ten years general office experience. Last two years worked for finance company. Telephone 723-9212 | WILL 00 ironing in our homes. Please) call daily anytime except between 4 and 6 p.m, 668-2161 or 728-1528 17--Female Help Wanted SECRETARY After For Public Rotations office shorthand, typing and book- keeping essential. Must storter, WRITE BOX 20118 OSHAWA TIMES | be thoroughly experienced, self- | | Girls 18-24 | Travel all of Canado, loter Europe with large chaperoned group. Transportation fur- nished. $250 monthly. Com- | mission plus bonus. No ex- | perience necessary. Must be | free to start immediately. Apply Mrs. Higgins, GEN- OSHA HOTEL, THURSDAY and FRIDAY 2:30 to 5:30 only. Anyone may apply in- cluding new comers to Can- oda, Waitresses Full and: part time, neat op pearance. Over 21 years. Apply in person TAMBLYN'S LUNCH BAR Oshawa. Shopping Centre FULL TIME CASHIER 3 10°31 SHIFT Apply MR. CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL EXPERIENCED MATURE LADY | to work in Snack Bar and | Grocery. Good wages to right | Telephone 725-3275 WAITRESS required, full-time. no even ings or week-ends. Apply in person. Silver Grill, 1628 Brock Street South, Whitby EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, part-time work, days only, Victory Grill, 50 Simcoe Street North, opposite Armouries | BABYSITTER to 'ive in and care for five children, . working mother Light household duties, $25. weekly. Apply 4864 Shoal Point Road, Pickering Beach WOMAN OR GIRL to mind children while mother works. Live in preferred. Tele- phone 723-1390 LICENSED HAIRDRESSERS wanted for general work, Apply in person, Vincent's Hair Styling, 110 King Street East FLOOR LADY to supervise staff of 20 op erators on overiock and surging machines.| Must be able to train operators. Should have experience in time study salary and conditions to right person Pickering area. Write M19655 Oshawa! Times. | SENIOR GIRL required for siock con-| trol records. Grade 13 and experience ne-| cessary, Salary open depending on ab Wty. Good working hours. Ajax 942-1501.) BO YOU NEED an extra $40 4 week. if/ | nmerson Excellent | you can spare 15 hours per week and have! 8 car write Box 19983 Oshawa Times AJAX, reliable woman wanted to come/ into my home days to care for three children while | work. Telephone 942 $467 FULL-TIME or part-time, experienced| hairdresser required for Salon in Ajax Telephone 942-3583.- HOUSEKEEPER age children in motherless home. Live in Telephone 725-1459 A LADY for light housekeeping help convalescing patient. No family. Telephone 725-5216. WAITRESS, to care for two school-} | and tel others in experienced, reliable, for evening shift. Apply South-End Restau rant, 5 Bloor Street East RELIABLE middie aged woman to look after one school age child and orie pre school five-day week, from 6.30 till 4. In Mary Street area, 725-8707. MIDDLE AGED woman wanted to for small rest home, no heavy Telephone 725-0149 RESPONSIBLE girl to babys Satu afternoons and some g y Harmony Road South. Telephone 723-5864 | STUDIO GIRL OF CANADA requires foil and part-time representatives in this area Complete training and guidance supplied Telephone 668-2685 after 6 p.rr LAW OFFICE requires bookkeeper and receptionist Please reply in handwriting stating age, marital status and exper lence. Write Box 1012 Oshawa Times, Whitby, rday evenings, vicinit | West, | 'a ; i ohn EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted for the Mayfair Salon, Telephone 728-0662. | '18--Male Help Wanted | ------ tor | Car not necessary. EXPERIENCED WAITER required. ply. Queen's otel, 67 Simtoe YOUNG MEN required, mechanica gers and hot dogs only. Ex- perience preferred. Apply in person DAIRY QUEEN 1003 Dnudas East Whitby KITCHEN HELP Woman required from 4 P.M. to 11 P.M. Apply, MR. CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL Apply in person. Telephone 728-5444, yf without 212. King BOYS WANTED to sell papers on Good Friday MONEY ! PRIZES ! BONUSES ! PHONE TODAY GLOBE & MAIL 725-4473 Experienced SALESMAN FOR FORD DEALERSHIP APPLY LES MacDONALD STU MacINTOSH MacDONALD FORD SALES 520 KING WEST OSHAWA Telephone 723-5241 623-2534 CAR TRANSPORT DRIVERS Required trailer experience. Apply 280 CORDOVA ROAD OSHAWA, ONT. REAL ESTATE CAREER Juctrious hon- late you may nteresting and satis- If you est and mode! automobile, find an are reliable with the Real We an opening for an aggressive Saleman between 25 and 40 ng career Estate Profession. have who can meet these require- ments Interv ence. For inter MR DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED Realtor 723-1168. Boys 18-22 Travel A iews BULLIED contact $250 month- Rapid learr ce necessary ns, GENOSHA RSDAY and re only. No Anyone may op- g new comers to PART - TIME SALESMAN required for Retail Furniture Store Experience Preferred Phone 725-3519 Oshawa Driving School 728-0091 Ap. Streeo abil | plates. appearance. Apply \light farm work. hauling experience jpius wages. Cannington 432-2173 Sunday, April 3 SALESMEN and salesiadies. Married or single STEPS TO SUCCESS . Leading Fraternal Society offers dignified interesting life-time career _Work..consists of _inter- viewing families who have prior knowledge of our Organization, strictly -- "NO CANVASSING". , Proven opportunity to earn 5-figure income within Ist year 4, Yearly automatic increases pension, company benefits. 5. Up-to-date training by qualified specialists. 6. Dynamic expansion pro- gram with excellent pro- motional opportunity. 7. Also ideal career for am- bitious man. and wife team. . Opportunity to enter car- eer with _ professional status . Qualifications: Married, age 25-45, own car, A-1 character, neat oappear- ance . Mr, S. Farr, Membership Chairman, will be present for 1 day only for personal interview ot 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m Hotel Genosha Fleetwood Room NO FOOLING This advertisement insertion only, This sales posi 1 offers a guaranteed fu- The s for one ture for the rig s< right person must be 21 to 40 with a desire to be in busi- ness for himself. We supply the capital and management you want a legi- mparable business you to to knowhow. If timate, incc of your own we dare reply in confidence 19898 Oshawa Times box WITH CARS To supervise boys on: Good Friday PHONE GLOBE & MAIL 725-4473 MACHINIST Port-time experienced man to work 'half days or evenings ond Saturdays in Maple Grove oreo. Bowmanville 623-2630 Earn up to $150 weekly. Show. ing our top quality desk and door name- MIDDLE AGED couple or single man for| Free room and board) HELP WANTED, male, 18-23, to be train-| ed as assistant. Car essential jing salary. | Drive-in Please 728-229) Age no barrier. Must have neat in writing to Master Must have 5 years trac- [Neme Plate Limited P.0. Bex 126 Osh Good start apply McMurray's | | | | | |SINGER for small Country and Western| \19--Male and Female |FROM TIME TO TIME i Times has ope |5.30 p.m. Oshawa phone calls potential f group. Telephone 723-5714. in UNUSUAL REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY Promotion of our leading Real Repres po- of a Branch Manager mode ng on Estate ntative to sition has our one staff open sales wish to be with a and prestige type If you busy e, which prov provides unusual ou and which ona we will interview tance to offers excellent range potential provide confidential Commission, bonus and em- ployee benefits plan Experience in Real Estate preferrtd Please phone for appointment Ralph Schofield, ' rvisor Real Estate Department CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 TAX! DRIVERS Part or full Min MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 time mum Age 25 TIME FOR A CHANGE? Was last year jreally a successful year? Does your pres the opportunity you job offer you a Adequate income? your answer Is no, Oshawa Times ent want? Box 13198. The to act as carriers in our Advancement | write Oshawa| ngs for boys or girls outlying' areas {such as Bowmanville, Port Perry, Orono, , ' Send workin leonditions, Usual benefits, Ajax 942-2040,! Ajax etc ages of their own experience b The Times Cir Any boy or girl 1] and 4 interested acting as a carrier, ation at 723-3474 TWO WORM pickers, work at per thousand. Steady work Nelson St. at W p.m. 20--Real Estate for Sale HUNTING ACREAGES ' muse, V4 mile off Hwy. No. 62, $3,- 000. 200 acres, 75 clear, 6 room house, $4,500. Contact Maynooth, Ont Telept H between thel n earning! money plus gaining valuable| cal night, $5.00 859 to Live Bait Co. No tele-| OPEN HOUSE Hurry! Hurry! only 3" left CHADBURN STREET Downpayments as low as.. $1,800 Winter Works Bonus 64%4% NHA SEE FOR YOURSELF THE FINISHED MODELS. NOW ON DISPLAY! OPEN DAILY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 1:30 p.m, to 8:30 p.m, and Sunday 12 noon to 7 p.m. GALESMEN ON DUTY Saturday FEATURING: @ 3 6edroom bungalows @ Built in van ities @ Tile baths @ Colored fixtures @ Some have finished rooms @ Walk out base- e@ Car-ports or garages heat @ Large kitchens npletely decorated inside sodded brick rec ments e Oil ec e Fu Storms and screens. front lawn @ Are just a few of the fea- tures you will find when you get here DIRECTIONS Drive down King East to Wilson Road South just follow our 'Open House Signs" to Chadburn Street. Information For more Telephone 125 - 355] ~-\J, B. MeMULLAN Realtor GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. AJAX 942-3310 APRIL is the month to shop for that much needed home. This two bedroom home in North Ajax is ideal for the young mar- ried couple -- $2,100 Down Carries $93 Monthly P. I.T, Immediate Possession. SHOWERS foretell good luck -- Thot's what you will have with this 2 bedroom detached home in North-Ajax, Paved drive Large kitchen load big 200 $1,500 Corport-- ed with cupboards lot. Try foot deep Down BRING our wife to see this 3 bed- room detached brick bunga- low in central Ajex. Room finished in big full basement. - 4-pce private drive -- $2,500 down. Don't miss this one. Step saving kitchen tile hath o« tr MAY we show you this very lovely 3 bedroom" 12 "storey home Ajax? The home s a finished recreation room, forced air Oil Heating and.is in on excellent loca- tion. Private drive. Substan- tial cash required. See this beauty in Central contoir FLOWERS will be blooming around this immaculate 5 room brick de- tached bungalow very soon. Why enjoy this lovely home in Central Ajax, Nice giry kitchen -- 4 tile bath and convenient location Try $3,000 down for Call now GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd 942-3310 STONE HOUSE 113 acres, 7 miles north of Oshawa, 100 workable. Mag- nificent view, see U.S.A. and lights. Antique 8 stone house, winding ot woter of fur- bat oms, 4 bed- Good 100' x 40' barn, bowls. . Rolling clay. loam, spring pond, 5 acres maple bush, hundreds of wild Long hundred, make 10 acre lots. Priced t $50,000. half down. John Worsley 487-3333 or Camer- on, Ont, telephone 17. H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR Eglinton Ave. E Toronto 12 not pee this Toronto room nace, room. water flower excellent | | | | LIMITED 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century Of Service OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. NORTH EAST N.H.A. RESALE Four bedroom brick ond stone split level with attached gar- age, finished recreation room, two bathrooms, large family size kitchen, broadloom in L.R., D.R, and hallway, Priced at $24,950.00 with terms. Call now and arrange for an inspéction, BEAU VALLEY RESALE Lovely three bedroom bunga- low with a view of the back lawn from the sliding glass patio doors in the living room, Feat\@s a two-car garage with entrance to the base- ment. Just listed. SOMERVILLE EXECUTIVE HOME with all the big features re- quired including a 29' x 26' recreation room, natural fire- place, 3 bathrooms, separate den, kitchen with -- built-in stove ond oven, double at- tached garage and many more important items too nu- merous to mention NORTH WEST $11,950.00 Modern two bedroom. home with garage within walking distance to Shopping Centre Lot size 40' x 130'. Private rear lot, Taxes only $197.00 Ideal for the retired or small family PORT PERRY BUNGALOW Almost new, large two bed rooms with extra large living room, Spacious kitchen with mahogany cupboards. Asking only $14,900. Terms can easily be arranged CHOICE LOCATION $23,500 4 BEDROOMS Suitable for the larger fam- ily, or 4th bedroom could be used os a den. Extro large living room ond a profession- ally finished rec. room 16' x 14', Owner transferred and is anxious to see an offer. DARLINGTON BLVD. RANCHER Almost new with many ex- tras such as a double ottoch- ed garage, see heat, 2 fireplaces, oll this and more for only $24/900. $10,900.00 $1,500 DOWN Cozy 2 bedroom bundalow with a poved drive and gor- age. One open mortgage for balance at $75.00 monthly. Immediate possession. EXECUTIVE HOME BOWMANVILLE NORTH WEST AREA Lerge 3 bedroom bungalow with single car garage and privote asphalt drive. Fire- place in living room, all broadiloom in living room, dining room and bedrooms included, also drapes. Excep- tionally larae recreation room, finished in oriental motif. This lovely home is located on a well landscaped lot 75' x 150', For an appointment to inspect call to-nite | Guide Realty Ltd. HAVING A NEW HOME BUILT THIS YEAR? Desire the North End? Want a Then Beau prestige Location? Valley is for May suggest you contact our men now, Homesites are get ting scarce in this ONE OSHAWA'S. FINEST ment. See us, pick location, and let us with your plans NOW, you! out For further particulars eoll 723-2265 798 728 9348 2233 728-1066 723-9692 723-1358 723-2859 728-5205 728-2870 723-5638 725-3867 725-8300 728-2349 725-0201 725-1726 Ed- Drumm Maible Bill Johnston Don Howe Mara Holl George Koornneef Irwin Cruikshanks Boudreau Allan Thompson Mel Dale Irene Brown Mike Belmonte Wm,. Yasmanicki Reg Aker Bill McFeeters Member of the Oshawa & District Real Est@e Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe porking MOST DESIRABLE Four bedroom brick home with large kitchen and separate dining _room for the pur- chaser who desires comfort- able and gracious living, 2 natural fireplaces with finish ed room in the basement. and an extra 2 piece washroom on main floor plus rough-in washroom in basement. At- tached garage and beautifully landscaped front and rear yord, A very attractive home throughout. For appointment to view call DOUG TRIVETT 723-7390 723-5281 we soles- OF Develop- your help you | MODEST | | UIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. | 723-5281 NORTH EAST AREA | | | @ We have an immaculate three bedroom brick ngalow for sale, priced a 19,000. Completely finished~Tecreation room ond extra three piece washroom. Tastefully decorated) and attractively iandscaped. For} | full particulars, call now, \@ VALUABLE LAND Il @ on King Street East, Al- most five acres vacant land. The] last parcel of vacant land in| East Oshawa of .that size. Al-| most 300 feet frontage on King | Street East. Call us for more} particulars. GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 "LABRADOR DRIVE | | OPEN HOUSE | Commencing Wed. 2 to 9 p.m. Weekends | to 6 p.m. Individually Designed Financed under NHA 6% % Year round comfort with triple seal heating Oversize Rooms Family Planned Kitchens | Unusual value ... . priced competitively low. @ 3 and 4 bedrooms. King Street East over || Hill, past flasher light | right at 2nd Street (Athabaska) || to Labrador Drive Model Home, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Hart's turn THIS FOUR BEDROOM Ill @ home the East = oe overlooking city with carport] x has built in appliances, only] ot 723-5281 two years old, Reasonable down| °"'9"S- poyment to one mortgage at} Open daily from 9 @.m. tS 6%4% For further in-| 9 p.m | formation, call now. | e After hours call | Edith Gifford 728-0768 $11,100 FULL PRICE Roy Flintoff 725-3454| iV. « Do you Leon Manitius 728-2754) peeitin Evelyn Cassel 725-3710) We | 725-2070) 723-8738) 725-6713) 723-6329) 728-2949) in for full portl- interest wish to own a ve bedroom floor two home? room, dining r chen, pontry and bedr ond floor has four , and 3 piece bath. Cal hig deJong this investment property, focat "lb Mus er ed in Greenbor* } eve Englert Peacock ® Graham COMFOR TABLE Ann Thompson Doug Trivett " LIVING 1 pa Wolter Mittler V "e Full asking price $16,000 Ganrsa Nuewver for this. three bedroom bunga-) iad " low. Ideal locotion. Bus service,| 1, . close to schools. This home! must be seen to preciated,. ma extras Huge landscaped lot, For mo information, phone us to-day. eo | SOUTH EAST AREA VI @ This modern three bed room brick bungalow with paved] drive is located on La Salle; Avenue. Full asking price is} "THIS WEEKEND | MINTO STREET late home. | | (4th street east. of Simcoe St, N.) \ ® A NTION BUILDERS on Rossland Rd, then south 200 ft.) Firs ] om, MOC 728-5581 725-4330 725-9947 728-4731 723-7390 728-7083 728-424) 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183} We list exclusive and Photo MLS| Member of O.D.R.E.B. Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young spacious be ap inside Vil @Beautiful building lot} near the Taunton Road in | area which is growing qu Call now for full particulars, e TOWN LIVING AT ITS BEST @ This home in Port Perr modern} Vill has been given a new "ook" aluminum combined with cedar log siding, low taxes, new| furnace, modernized kitcher and detached gorage. These are eae only a few of the extras in this 1525 $q ft. of floor clean home. Tx space Excellent convenient location immacuiotely inspect, cali now, noms ceramic tile bath with vanity JOHN F. DEWIT an It. KRedllOl Bowmanville, 14 Frank Street PHONE 623-3950 BOWMANVILLE, 7 Roomed bungalow with modern con- veniences. Asking $12,500. $1500 down, BOWMANVILLE, Investment property, Centrally located. Good yearly income. Asking $35,000. Terms. NORTH OF BOWMANVILLE, 5 Roomed bungalow on 6 Acres with beautiful stream, Only $2700 down. OSHAWA, 2 Bedroom bunga- low on Adelaide East, All mo- dern conveniences. Asking $11,500. Terms. OSHAWA, 5 Roomed, nice brick bungalow in good loca- tion. Wall to wall broadjoom floor covering. Only $2700 down, MAPLE GROVE, 5 Roomed, beautiful bungalow with double garage. Finished rec. room. Fireploce. Over 4 Acre lot. Asking $18,500. Terms. COUNTRY HOME, beoutiful 728-0208 | "brick and stone bungalow with stone fireploce. New double garage. Almost 3 acre lot. Owner leaving country. MAPLE GROVE, 414 Room- ed bungalow on No. 2 High- way. Large treed lot. Only $9,000. Terms. NEWCASTLE, New, 5 Room- ed, brick bungalow on nice treed lot. Aluminum storms and screens all around, Priced to sell, SEED STORE & FARM SUP- PLY BUSINESS, including ma- chinery, truck. Asking $20, 000. Terms. We List Photo M.L.S. and Exclusive. COUNTRY SPECIAL IX @ Custom. built home, locat ed between Oshawa .and Whit by. Has mony feotures to offer | Rathe and bore we in exhaust fans factory built cupboards Storms and screens Aluminum soffitts storm doors with separate dining room you inept phases te your in spection of this very attractive home to see what we meon. Full price $19,500. | @ MONTRAVE AVENUE | Quality construction by BATHE & McLELLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Electrically heated N.H.A. 644% mortgages for sale wi $500.00 Winter. Works Bonus res |Total price --- $16,700.00 rec. |Down Payment---$2,800.00 LESS --- $500.00 Winter Works Bonus Poyments -- ix months old brick bungalow immediate posse ent owner has | This distance home of oe Ae thly $123.00 information ' | including toxes j/OPEN - | until 6 -- Saturday RIGHT! | 1 until 8 -- Sunday home near th e PRICED XI @ Two st shop ore Exclusive Agent tach 5 : large fot ticulors LLOYD SPECIAL: ! ! | Mil © Fitiesh teed lots within! eC Ca stance of Lake REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E Sor lots havea trout Scugog stream through them. Call now] for full part 3 | @ TREES! TREES! XII1 @ Build r ne sttag on this well treed acre of lo 728 > eit hee, Seman are. forge -4678 the worries of e 1, Buy now and have t pac erected be comes fore the h MAKE YOUR NEXT MOVE THE RIGHT MOVE THE 2 MODERN LivVING ae NEWCASTLE : XIV e $4000 dow to one 6 LLOW CROWD TO brick bunga we Oc ant 5 IEW kitchen. This home is laid out| just a little differently in de-| sign and well worth inspect | Call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED} now YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT OPEN HOUSE |) i ths"ssdivien THIS WEEKEND eg RD Sc hice SS. ir inspection --- all. under From 2 to 6 p.m. the | '$500 Winter Works Bonus 10 Homes To and 614% N.H.A. Mortgages. Choose From mor Oshawa's fastest growing and most conveniently located design controlled subdivision. 96 lots sold In 1965 1966 UR Quality horres by BUILDING ASSOCIATES VROOM CONSTRUCTION LTD. DOWNSVIEW CONSTRUCTION Call exclusive agents "Oo aor COME L DIRECTIONS: King St. East to Melrose Lloyd Metcalf ESTATE LIMITED | | 40 King SE -- 728-4678 | south on Melrose to Apple ea A € rove pr A REAL GUIDE REALT REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King St. West 728-6286 SAVE $500 New 6 room bungolow fea- turing 4 sunken.living room. vonity and coloured fixtures. Located in a choice area with excellent financing at 6% %. $10,500 Four room frame bungalow located on a lot 335 feet deep, owner asking $2000 down and will take back the mortgoge. Hurry on this one. NORTHWEST Five room bungalow priced at e low of $13,500, situated on a quiet street and having taxes of only $270. Quick possession as vendor is anxi- ous for an offer. OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9. P.M. After Hours Call: 723-3533 725-6243 723-3775 728-6750 723-2894 728-5513 723-3533 728-1903 Munro Smith Dick Barrioge Jack Sheriff Glen MacKinnon Margoret Lee Les Hall Frank Smith Bob Stevenson OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEK-END WHITBY -- West of Dundas St. North on Cochrone St. to Gifford St., follow Gifford to "For Sale' sign. 2 storey brick - featuring rustic fireplace in living room, beamed ceiling, full dining room, large kitchen, 2 piece washroom off family room. 2 piece washroom off large master bedroom, 4 bedrooms, 4 piece bath on second floor, double car garage. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 515 Brock St. S. WHITBY 668-5853 SIBBY'S REAL, ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 NORTHWEST 7 room 2 storey home in im- maculate condition, close to hospital and asking only $16,500. See this home to- night RANCHER Custom built 5 room brick and stone with attached gar- age and stone fireplace; well landscaped large lot in a de- sired N.W. location. Only asking $18,600. Very anxi- ous to sell To inspect and other properties . call ANTHONY SIBLOCK at 728-7576, these ERAN oe oe LIMITED 21 King Street West BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board INCOMPARABLE VIEW from a_ ridge overlooking Lake Ontario and Oshowa, There is a two-storey brick home with a huge living room 40' x 17' with stone fire- place, 4 large bedrooms with 40' balcony adjoining, 3 baths, patio, 2-car heated gorage. There is a golf course started ond steep ski slopes for the ski enthusiast. This outstanding home js set on 22 beautiful rolling acres of lond. Price $79,000--terms. SCUGOG ISLAND 4-bedroom cottage lot 68' x 165', fully furnished, nicely treed lot, garoge. $8,500 -- terms. INDEPENDENCE IN THE COUNTRY 10-acre wooded porcels with terrific view, neor Tyrone, 10: minutes drive to Oshawa, Only $4,000----$1,000 down, RAGLAN Modern 6-room bungalow on lot 100' x ,)60', near high- way, $17,500 -- terms. SPRING BUILDING 10 acre sites one mile from Bowmonville. Portly wooded balance in choice garden land. $5,000------$1,000 down. Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m. 723-5787 723-7843 728-1005 623-3077 623-5055 655-3853 Joe Barnoski Clare McCullough Doug Gower Pat Yeo Ken Hockin Howard Forder Brooklin George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 Bill end Doreen Gimblett 885-4548. Residence Port Hope 885-2535 ACTIVE OPEN TILL 9 P.M. VERDUN ROAD $12,500 is the full price of this neat 3 bedroom brick home, compact living room, large kitchen, newly decorat= | | | | ed. Garage, low taxes, low. heating cost, a good Hurry call 728-5157, OPEN HOUSE DAILY TILL 8 P.M. "HARMONY VILLA" a few left Save $500.00 Winter Bonus 614 % Mortgages Wilson Road South, turn left on Olive Avenue, to Model Homes. Works iIDOWN $2,500.00 DOWN |IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 20---Real Estate for Sale N.H.A. Resale, open to of- fers, 3 bedroom brick, with real large kitchen, hardwood flooring, fully decorated, near schools and shopping centre. Don't delay call 728- 5157 to-day. ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street §. KEITH Pei te REALTY LTD. 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST $15,900.00 Suburban property with 6 room modern home with elec- tric heating, nice clean con- dition, one acre of land. $2,500 DOWN. $12,900.00 Bungalow with large modern kitchen, 2 finished rooms in the lot with shade $2000.00 DOWN. basement, nice trees, 10 ACRES---$2500 DOWN Good workable land near Taunton Rd. east. $3850.00 FULL PRICE Small ond large lot about 9 miles from Oshawa home; ber NEAR ORONO $650.00 DOWN -- 2 acres with fast flowing spring creek, cedar trees. A real retreat and picnic grounds, (Continued on Page 20)

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