Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Apr 1966, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 1, 1966 15| Blackstock -- Team Wins BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Black- stock Bantams were at their best Saturday morning as they | eliminated the Hurst team in their best-of-three series, Black- stock won the firsi game 9 to 3) and the second game 3 to 0. In the first game of the series Dennis Romeril ied the winners with two goals. Singles went to L. McLeod, G. McLaughlin and P. Mappin. In the second game Romeril, McLaughlin and D. Wright were the scorers, | The goalies, J. McLeod in the) first game and Kirklatrick in) the second, were outstanding. | BANTAMS WIN | In the afternoon the Black-| { HALT ORDERED stock Bantams defeated a star- ; 6. G. Me- Judge Alexander Holtzoft | Studded team 7 to of the U.S. Dostrict Court, |Laughlin and B. Lee had two) Thursiday ordered a halt in |oals with singles going to N.| strikass and picketing against ecleneoue R. Carnaghan and eight, railroads. The judge eo , ae - granted the order at request ; phe Joys 'i ee ye ee of atborneys representing the SECHEONS 5 ve ' a \. : railroads. 'The surprise str- | Dootrst Hall's Pee Wees. Jack-| ke aitart at 12. a.m. gains f 9 " EST: jt idled some 200,- |Son had a hat trick for Jack- 000 wiorkers on eight lines in peel wi pions = peste _n Baie. leach. Middleton had one, Rick |Campbell had four assists. | Lf | Martyn scored two and had two ut orl y jassists for Mountjoy's. Car- ;naghan had two goals and Fel- , s | stead two assists. | Jackson's meet Hall's for the Is Lacking | House League Pee Wee title; while Mountjoy's meet Wil- jliams' in the consolation series. On Beer Ba | The Cartwright novice team lost a heart-breaker to McKee's and dropped out of the Dr. OTTAGVA (CP)--The federal;}Dymond Cup series. McKee's | government considered asking| scored with 15 seconds left in manufacturers of two other) overtime to take the win. brands ef beer sold in Quebec! Clark Purnell, son of Mr. and City anea to destroy their) Mrs. Dale Gunter, was baptized stocks biit has decided it lacks) py Rey, Romeril at the Sunday the authority, informants said morning service. ; Thursday . oe eRe | Prize winners at the Women's| Health Minister MacEachen|tnstitute euchre party were: disclosed in the Commons that} irs. Percy VanCamp, Mrs. tests hatve been run on tw0/(eoj| Hill and Keith VanCamp. other brainds of beer following "The. Roari enarioat® Sea reports af a possible connection 'ia uae ota dante ed between heavy beer drinking)". ' : and 16 to 18 cases of heart fail-|Tiday night at the high school. ure. ' Brian Hamilton, Neil Bailey, | A spokw-sman said outside the Harold Hamilton, Neil Bailey, | Commons the two other brands ee & pet peel gree were nof. produced by Dow : D y. mem-) Brewery !which announced Wed- bers of the rink received tie) nesday it' js destroying all beer packs and cuff links | produced 'at its Quebec City) plant, M . An informant said the gov- eeting He d ernment siecided it could not) ask that stocks of the other two} ast ni brands be destroyed because no| 7 U t | relationshi}> has been found be-| | tween the beer and the deaths.! COLUMBUS (TC) ~ The East Mr. Mag Kachen said in a pre- Unit of the United Church Wo- pared state»ment that a test by|men met at the home of Mrs. the Queber: health department|Morley Beath. The committee for a 'num ber of metals" in the|in charge included Mrs. Gordon | beer had |proved negative. He|Corner, Mrs. Frank Bray and did not na.me the Dow Brew-|Mrs. Frank Ballard. | ery in his statement nor indi-| The scripture lesson of the cate who , produces the other! master story was given by Mrs. brands. Bray. Mrs. Corner read the} NO CHAN(iE IN QUALITY meditation and offered prayer. An inspefttion of the Quebec} Mrs. Ballard gave a reading | City plant '*howed no change in|2d played two accordion solos. the quality of the beer or the|Mrs. Corner read a story on method of :manufacture. Friendship. Mr. Mac#iachen said no rela-, A feature of the meeting was tionship bet ween the deaths and|the playing of recordings of beer has been found, but the two Easter hymns. company had volunteered to, The April meeting will be held destroy its ,product under gov-jat the home of Mrs. George ernment sur ervision as a '"'pre-|Scott. The committee will in- cautionary 1neasure."' lclude Mrs. Ray Scott, Miss M The fedeival health depart-|Robinson and Mrs. G. Scott. ment was ,informed March 19| The Hospitality Unit of the by a Quebec: doctor about a pos-|U C W met at the home of Mrs. sible relationship between beer| Wilfred Sanderson. The leader, drinking and a new form of/Mrs. Waleter Holliday, presid- heart failurge, 'tan entirely new ed. syndrome,"; Mr. MacEachen' mys, Elmer Powell conducted said. i the worship service in which None of gthe victims drankjeach member contributed sen less than eight quarts of beer a'tence prayers. The topic was day. There were about 40 sus-| 'Willing Service". pected casets with between 16 'The next meeting will be held re of Geatt is, all in the Que- April 5 at the home of Mrs ae By BXO TR: Thomas Flett with Mrs. Stan- He said a.complete pathology ley Webber and Mrs. Clifford report is being prepared by one| Naylor in charge. Roll call will member of .a special commit- be answered with articles for tee_set-up-¢it-the~ Laval Uni-the children's booth for the versity teach ing hospital spring bazaar. The health" minister made the; Miss Marie Laviolette, RN, statement In 1*esponse to a ques-|has accepted a position on the tion by Oppos ition Leader Dief- staff of the Calgary General enbaker, who asked whether an! Hospital. : investigation. had been com- -- SESE Sen AL ENA RISES pleted ena at eam A. E. JOHNSOY, 0.D. SKIM ACR OSS SURFACE é : The hovercraft going into OPTOMETRIST service on thm2 English Channel 1 H this year cari ies 35 passengers 14V2 King St. East across in 25 minutes at 60 723-2721 m.p.h. PLUMBING i oO eg PLUMBING & HEATING 319 College Ave. 723-1191 "E MADE US" MAR DEVELOPMENT aa ad EAVG, Ve | * AND N REAL ESTATE use MODEL § SIX LOVELY MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM SATURDAY 4"0 SUNDAY 1:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Daily Lake Vista Gardens' PARK ROAD SOUTH - OSHAWA FULLY DECORATED 2 PRICED FROM $16,490 STORMS AND SCREENS (Winter Works Bonus) CUSTOM KITCHENS BY NORDEN CERAMIC TILE BATHROOM DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS MAHOGANY TRIM THROUGOUT HOODED KITCHEN EXHAUST FAN 00 POST FORMED COUNTERS (Roll Top) ' . TWO ALUMINUM STORM DOORS ---- OIL HEATING IF YOU NUMEROUS OTHER CUSTOM FEATURES QUALIFY EXCLUSIVE AGENT ui re 4 MA ESTATE 323 KING ST. WEST -- OSHAWA LES HALL @ DICK BARRIAGE FRANK SMITH @ JACK SHERIFF Phone BOB STEVENSON @ GLEN MacKINNON a al MONROE SMITH @ MARGARET LEE MARIANNA HOMES are On a Solid Foundation of FOOTINGS and BASEMENT FLOORS by OSHAWA CONCRETE FLOORS 23 Erie Street 723-4736 Certified ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS by WESTERN ELECTRIC 725-0842 Certified Electric Home Heat Contractor CONCRETE LOCKS by HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS "Your Assurance of Quality" 723-2226 MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS - Select the Finest DOMTAR BRICK ANGEL STONE NATURAL SILLS --- and -- BAGGED MATERIAL -- Supplied by -- BATHE *& McLELLAN Building Material Limited 81 King St. West -- Oshawa 725-4761 Congratulations To MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS On Their Lake Vista Gardens MODEL HOMES W. S. GALBRAITH Are pleased to be a part of the building of these beautiful homes. W. S. GALBRAITH HUNTER DOUGLAS Flexalum ---- Siding -- Aluminum Clap Board Aluminum Soffit and Facia Telephone 725-8832

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