ANN LANDERS Childr For Parents' Laxity pear Ann Lanaers: i'd iike 10 say a word to the mother of the four-year-old child who refuses to sleep in her own bed and screams until her parents take her into bed with them. We had an identical situation in our family. Her parents catered to Ellen and gave in to her because they couldn't stand the screaming. They took her in bed with them until she was 10 years of age. Ellen is now a swoman of 40. She has been in and out of mental hospitals al! her life. When she got out into the world and discovered she could not order everyone around the way she ordered her parents, she became so frustrated and angry that she withdrew to a world of make-believe. Please keep telling parents that they owe it to their chil- dren to control them when they are young. If they fail in this duty the child pays a terrible price.--Mrs, M. E. B. Dear Mrs. M. E. B.: Thank! you for sharing a personal ex-| perience with us. I hesitate to} hammer away at the same old) line, but a letter like yours is} well worth printing because par- ents need to be reminded time} and time again that if they don't get control early they are sunk. Dear Ann Landers: My par- ents are divorced and I live with my aunt and unele. I have} many friends at school who} have invited me to their homes} for dinner so many times I have) lost track. | I would love to invite a few of the girls to have dinner here but I don't feel this is my home.} I hinted to my aunt that I pore like company once in a while en Pay Dearly ard she said she didn't feel up to entertaining for herself, let alone for me. I hate to keep accepting invitations when -1 am not able to reciprocate, Can you help me with my problem? --Unhappy Girl j Dear Girl: The. word "enter- tain" is scaring your aunt off. Tell her you wouid appreciate the privilege of inviting one girl at a time to share whatever is on the table. Surely she can bake an extra potato and buy one more chop. Stress the fact that no special preparation is necessary, Tell her you want to use the same dishes and tablecloth. Offer to help prepare and clean up as part of your contribution. Only the coldest heart could say no to this simple request. Dear Ann: I married a wid- ower six months ago and we are very happy. My first hus- band died in 1955. He was a handsome and brilliant man but I've made it a point not to talk! about him to my present hus- band. My husband rarely speaks of his first wife but his two sisters speak of nothing else. Last night! There is nothing quite so charming as crocheted place mats, and this one -- part solide, part airy, will adda PLACE MATS WITH COLORED WEAVING tions please send self-ad- dressed stamped envelope and 10 cents to cover cost of handling to the Needlework bright note to your table. All you need to know is the chain stitch and a double crochet. If you wish instruc- Department of this News- paper, asking for Model No. | generally good year, 'with June, | .|standing months for unique ac-} THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA m 15, two weeks in August and the/be endowed with the talents onth between Dee. 15 and Jan.|needed to succeed in the enter- , ; » "tainment field, will also have a A child born on this day willlgreat love of music, FOR TOMORRO W You may incline toward scat- tering your energies on Satur- day, trying to follow a half dozen different interests at the same time, but you will accom- plish nothing by so doing. Base your program on. essentials oy, ana Compicie one project before you start another. P.M. influences smile on social ac- fivities_and romanea. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, you should find the year ahead marked by more than satisfac- tory progress where worthwhile goals are concerned. Best pe- riods for monetary interests: The days between April 20 and May 3, the last two weeks in July, the weeks between Sept. 1 and Oct. 8, and from Oct. 29 through Nov. 15. Do not specu- late during the latter month, however. And do operate con- servatively until Feb. 1 of next year, when you will enter a truly excellent cycle where your finances are concerned. On the job and-or business front, look fot excellent re- wards for past efforts during the first 17 days of July, throughout September and the first week of October; also in mid-November and late Decem- ber. Creative and intellectual workers--especially those in the| literary field--should have a August and next February: out-| and get thi. $14.95 setof BELGIANCRYSTAL Before you buy any Dishwasher, you owe it to yourself to see and hear a new, whisper-quiet Frigidaire Dishwasher in action! So visit your Frigidaire dealer and see for yourself how Super- Surge Washing Action gets everything cleaner... without pre-rinsing! See how you can wash and dry all the dishes and pots 'n pans, too! There isn't anything "just like" a. Frigidaire! Let your eyes and ears be the judge! Frigidaire is the "whisper-quiet" dishwasher that can give you a Lifetime Holiday from Dishes. Now ... at Frigidaire dealers. jimpeccable taste, her charm, I invited them to dinner and they raved endlessly about her) SOCIAL & PERSONAL her beauty, her intellect, her) Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor priceless sense of humor, and) complishment and recognition-- profitable as well as otherwise. Social and family affairs should be generally harmonious for most of the year ahead, but See why it's her skill in the kitchen. As I sat there looking at my fallen souf-} fle I felt terribly uncomfortable. Am I overly sensitive or are} Mrs. John N. Flett and Miss they guilty of poor taste? This|Peggy Jackson are leaving to- happens ehwnever we are to-|morrow for a holiday in Florida. gether. Should I ask my hus-} band to speak to them?--Ellen| The family and friends of Dear Ellen: Yes--and I'll bet}/Mrs. David Morris, Bruce he won't mind. His discomfort! street, entertained at the home probably exceeded. yours. of her niece and nephew, Mr. Telephone 723 - 3474 fo Daughters Entertain Mothers At 4th Guide Co. Banquet A most successful banquet was held recently by the 4th Oshawa Guide Company and Brownie Pack at Westmount United Church. The evening commenced with a toast to the Queen by Mrs. L. H. Magee who also welcomed # everyone present. Grace was said by the Reverend Frank Ward, pastor of Westmount United Church, A toast to the mothers was proposed by Brownie Rhonda Pierson, and Mrs. C. B. Bowman replied. Dinner was served by the Unit- ed Church Women. The 'erd table guests in- cludec 4 Reverend and Mrs. F. H. Ward; Mrs. Earl Linton, past president of the 4th Par- ent Committee; Mrs. James Muzik, Lieutenant; Miss Dianne Hart; Miss Bonnie Hart, Lieu- tenant, 1st Air Ranger Flight; Mrs. J. W. Hart, Captain; Mrs. J. Gaskell, District Commis- sioner; Mrs. L. H. Magee, presi-| dent, 4th Parent Committee; | Miss Patricia Magee, Lieuten- | ant; Miss Barbara Magee; Mrs. W. E. Gardner, Deputy Division Commissioner of Oshawa Dis- trict; Mrs. Kurt Junginger, Brown Owl; Mrs. H. R. De-| Mille, Tawny Owl, and daugh-| ter Pam; Mrs. F. Mosic,| Tawny Owl; Mrs. Charles For-| | +} Inner Resolution Makes Extra Time By ROBERTA ROESCH "How do the people you write, about find time to do so many} things above and beyond the} daily routine?" inquires one of our readers. "I am jealous," she says.| 'There is no one anywhere who} wants came work to do at home| any more than I. But I can't seem to find the time to get started on things I want to do. "I need a boost very badly, 60 I hope that you can help me." This letter is typical of many I receive in each day's mail from women who want a little more than the daily routine. And I agree that it is sometimes jand Mrs. A. C, Britton, Burk istreet, in honor of Mrs. Morris' {80th birthday recently. During the afternoon and evening al- |most one hundred relatives and lfriends called .to.. congratulate \Mrs. Morris, who received |many good wishes and gifts.| Mrs. Aubrey Horde, Toronto, and Mrs. Earl James, Oshawa, |poured tea in the afternoon and iMrs. A. W. Magee, and Mrs. P. iG. Fletcher in the evening. The |East Unit of Centre Street Unit- fed Church Women catered. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Ennis, Mary street north, recently re- lturned from a month's motor ltrip through Florida, visiting {Pompano Beach, Tampa, St. Carnival Glass 'Is Worth Fortune TORONTO (CP)--Don't throw away that old carnival glass bowl--it may be worth $1,000. | "The punch bowl now is : | priced at about $1,000 but there| jare other more important | pieces," says Rose Presznick of; \Lodi, Ohio. "'A double globe! llamp costs $2,000 new." The glass got its name be- MARILYN WILLIAMSON (All-Round Cord Guide) sey, helper, and daughter Char- | cause it was a popular prize at lene; |Marilyn Williamson and her|says Mrs. Presnick, a collector Company leader Miss | carnivals during the early 1900s, lof the glass and a writer on) | antiques. She was here attending the| mother and sister, Mrs. D. G. Williamson and Patricia. There was a mother enrol- ment which included Mrs. tor Huffman, Mrs. C. N. Heath, Mrs. C. B. Bowman, Mrs. Doug-| She offers this las Baumhour, followed by a)| would-be collectors: a cotvine Ward Gah gieer | ret Oe erenrice 'pleas badges, which included the All-|They are ideal for younger col Round Cord given to Miss Mari-|lectors just starting out. The lyn Williamson, daughter of Mr.| price of antique glass won't go and Mrs. David Williamson. ldown. Go into smaller pieces Miss Patricia Magee was pre-|and keep building your collec- sented with a gift in honor of tion." her coming marriage. F The evening closed. with a campfire and taps. sale. advice Carnival glass is also called taffeta lustre glass .and poor ---- |man's tiffany glass. The colors |range from dark purples and Isesons inte my huey echedule | ti... to Nahter ehadee and there Now as the children and I com-|are iridescent shades through- bine music with food, they get! out. so interested in the tunes that) GC. nival was particularly Jarnival was particularly pop they forget to fuss about what} ae in ty eat cet they are eating." jular in Frenc > 8 a ng A writer I know, whose daily|tions of Canada in 1910-15, she routine would never allow him|said, and antique glass hunters time to work on a book, has) sti) find it when they come to managed to complete two nov-| Canada from the United States els in the last three years. He! plans a page he's working on hard to find those hours for something extra over and above} a | the ordinary demands of the| morning, day. But I also know, from observy- ing people and talking to many of them, that often the "'in-be- tween time" is what many men and women use for the extra things they want to do. For example, a mother of six does exquisite needlepoint. In order to find the moments for it, she salvages "in - between time" and keeps her current project ready to pick whenever she can. "Often I fill in some petals | on a flower I am working on while I wait for the baby's bot- tle to heat or the coffee to perk," she said. 'Or if I have five minutes before the clothes in the dryer are ready to be removed, I sit down and do some work then." Another woman, teaching her- | self to play the accordion, goes about getting some valuable practice time in the evening while her youngsters are having dinner. "T always sit with the chil- dren then," she says. don't eat until my husband comes home, this is time I used to waste fussing at them to eat "Then I came up with the|| idea of using this time to prac- tise on the. accordion, some- thing that I had let slip because I couldn't--if you'll pardon the expression--squeeze the music "Sinee I]} before he drops off to sleep each night. When he gets up in the he completes that page before he begins his work- ing day. In your case, the project you want to do above and beyond your daily routine may be en- tirely different from those dis- cussed above. 3 But everyone has some "'in- between time" in the course of a day. And often this time is) your passport for making a start on the projects you would LAKE VISTA BEAUTY SALON Re-Opening Specials SHAMPOO & SET 1.50 Comb out and Set F PERMS 18.00 Reg. 15.00 Reg. 10.00 Hair Cut 1.00 @ Children 75¢ 1198 Wecker Drive, Oshawa 728-0422 Reg Vic-|Canadiana antique show and) to | r Women's Department | Petersburg, Clearwater, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami. At the Daffodil party given by the Ontario County Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society on JQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 1, 1966 \the second week of September, | be on guard against stress in close circles in late June, during} in mid-October and mid-Decem- ber. October tension--with re- sultant friction--could be the result of an unforeseen change) in environment, but you should Wednesday afternoon, those in the receiving line were Mrs. Owen Friend, service to pa-| tients chairman; Mrs. Bert} Jr. Garden Club Syer, Bowmanville, immediate | me past-chairman of service to pa-| Opens Competition tients; and Mrs. Morley Finley, | wife of the president of the On- ; tario County Unit of the Society. | To Children, 8 16 Mrs. Lyman Gifford officially)' embers of the Junior Gar- opened the tea and Mr.!den Club met at the Children's Matthew Gouldburn presented a| arena for the regular monthly musical program by Oshawa') meeting, The director, Mr. Rob- artists. ert Richards, read a thank you ' a letter from the secretary of the Mrs. Nelson Hamlyn, Division Horticultural Society, thanking street, has returned home from|the children for the favors they | visiting her brother-in-law and|}q made for the Horticultural sister, Mr. and Mrs. William | cocjety's recent banquet. Eagleson, Sault Ste. Marie. Two. new provincial competi- While there they took a trip toltions were introduced, and ex- St. Ignace, Michigan over the amptes-and information were Mackinac bridge. given by Mr. Richards. These Mrs. Edgar Bradley, Mrs.|competitions are open to all Uriah Jones, Mrs. J. E. B.|gitls and boys in Ontario from Shortt, Mrs. Stanley Gales,|8 to 16 years of age. Mrs. Robert Reddoch and Mrs.|, Competitive growing of sun- Mabel Carpenter have returned flowers and florabu ida is open from a pleasant, three - week|t0 Juniors 8-11 years of age.) vacation in Hawaii. The making of a mosaic pic- ture using dried: foods, such as Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook|tapioca, rice and others, is the and daughter, Joanne, Harmony |project for seniors. Future gar- road south, left today by jet for|den planning was discussed. a 20-day vacation in Hollywood: The yearly book is at press, Beach, Florida. due to the interest of the West- BLACK'S LOOK WHAT'S NEW t™" FOR SPRING! THESE BOTANY Dylanize' WOOL SWEATERS BY Now you can put these lovely pure wool sweaters through your own washer, Pure wool fashion- right sweaters are so easy to core for. SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVER LONG SLEEVE PULLOVER FULL-LENGTH CARDIGAN like to accomplish most. Ls sw SCE NN SY , Now At Our | ZELLER'S ' CANDY COUNTER ) delicious Easter Treats WIN A CHOCOLATE EASTER BUNNY 9 99 valued at ; s k up your entry form at Zeller's § will take place Soturday, ZELLER"S p Nothing to buy --- just pi Lucky draw é ' ~w These are superbly toilored of pure wool worsted fabric woven from 100% super-fine English Botany matct rfectly to s $15.98 BLACKS LADIES WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE NORTH OSHAWA Skirt and Slim {mount Kiwanis Club, who help | Best periods for romance: to further the Junior Garden Club work in Oshawa. Place mats representing pop- corn trees were made for Easter cheer for the sick children at Oshawa General Hospital, Mrs. James Hedge assisted with the project. Junior Garden Club meets fourth Monday of every month, at the Children's Arena, and is open to all girls and boys, eight to sixteen years of age. NURSE CLAIMS DAMAGES VICTORIA (CP) -- A city nurse is suing city council after being injured in a traffic acci- dent. Rosalyn Thorne Poulter says traffic lights in both direc- tions were green when her leg was hurt in a two-car collision. \not let this dismay you, since such a change should prove | highly beneficial in the long run. CRYSTAT cap! your best huyis... MW FRIGIDAIRE FF: PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS Be-| |tween now and April 12, through- out August and next January; \for travel: Mid-June, the last | SUPERFLUOUS HAIR |) REMOVED BAD BOY APPLIANCES R.R. 4, King St. East Oshawa, Ont. 728-4658 Sy Electrolysis with the KREE IMPERIAL De Luxe short- wave, reveal- ing your true self, free of worry and em- barrassment -- Trade and Save Now on Frigidaire et HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. 90 Simcoe St. South 725-5332 FREE CONSULTATION MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa of the Genosha Hotel, April 4, 5, and 6 PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dates. | McMULLEN HARDWARE CREST HARDWARE 36 King St. East, Bowmanville, Ont. 623-5408 to select from "¥- 7 over 1,532 new spring suits! Our selection of light-weight suits is at its peok right now, But every doy will see the choice diminish os Well dressed men choose the style, the color, the pattern and the fabric thot does them proud Make your choice today. SUITS PRICED FROM 9.50 PLUS ... This Spring Bonus Offer 20 FREE with your suit purch worth of merchandise of your choice ase USE YOUR CREDIT -- NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES Don't. forget the shoes « Jarman shoes of course! DOWNTOWN--36 KING STREET EAST and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Friday 'Til 9 p.m. Open Thursday ond Friday 'til 9 p.m.