@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Merch 31, 1966 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR OSHAWA GENERALS will open the OHA Junior "A" championship finals, against Toronto Marlboros, here at the Civic Auditorium, on Saturday night at the usual 7:15 start- ing time OR they'll open the series, here next Tuesday night, against either Marlboros or Kitchener. Marlies moved within one more win of a berth in the championship bracket when thy scored a very impressive 4-1 victory, right in Kitchener, on Tuesday night. That is expected to prove the key win of the series, since coupled with that 4-4 tie the Marlies scrambled the previous Friday, also in the Rangers' back yard, the Toronto team now only needs a tie on their own Maple Leaf Gardens ice, in the seventh game tonight. Rangers did manage one desperation win in Maple Leaf Gardens in this series but most of the hockey buys figure they're not going to do it again and that Marlies will wind up the series tonight. Al Osborne, Mike Carleton, Brent Im- lach, Jim Keon, Brad Park, Tom Martin, Terry Caffrey, all these have been starring for Marlboros as they make their determined bid for The Memorial Cup -- but the star of them all has been goalie Al Smith. You have to beat any goalie, to score -- but Smith has been sensational for the past two months -- they say, as Smith goes -- 80 go Marlies. Generals know what they've got to do! NO RUSH NOW! Remember the way they rushed the Generals along in their series with St. Catharines, sixth and seventh games on successive days, with the first game of the next series the very next night. Nobody is pushing the Marlies and Kitchener that hard now. Should Rangers sur- vive tonight in Toronto, their re-play of that tie game, is scheduled for Kitchener on Saturday -- with the winner to open the series here in Oshawa, on Tuesday. Don't know what the pattern will be after that, but we suspect that it'll be Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday-Sunday, with Oshawa prefer- ring to have their home games on Saturday, where possible and Marlies equally anxious to make use of Maple Leaf Gardens on Sunday afternoon. At any rate, the subscribers and other hockey fans anxious to pick up their tickets, get their chance tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, at the three usual outlets, Bolahood's Sportshaven, Jim Bishop's Sports and Civic Auditorium box office. The Friday morning sale is settled -- whether the series opens here on Saturday night, or doesn't get underway until Tuesday night. CAPSULE SPORTS -- Oshawa "Crushmen" are stand- ing by at the moment, waiting to see who they mvet in their OHA Junior "B" playoff round. Etobicoke got a big win, 5-3, in overtime last night, on Westclair's "home ice" and the sixth game of the series is tonight, in Etobicoke, where the Indians can even the series, with a win. At the moment, we don't know where their seventh game would be played, if one was necessary, nor whether the "Crushmen" will get the first game of their next round, at home . . . MONTREAL Canadiens came up with a scorching third period in Toronto last night, to beat the Maple Leafs 3-1. The win protects the Habs' grip on the top rung, in the hectic home-stretch dash of the NHL race ... THERE'S JOY in "'Dodgerville" today. "Sandy" Koufax and Don Drysdale inked their con- tracts in Los Angeles yesterday and the total figure is re- ported at $230,000 -- which they had agreed to split. That makes them the two highest paid pitchers in baseball -- but then, what could GM "'Buzzie' Bavasi do -- without those two, he didn't have a ball club ... THE BIG FIGHT is over but the melody lingers on. George Chuvalo was still around and upright, at the end of 15 rounds and if nothing else, gets the badge of courage award. One of the most significant events of this hassle is the fact that Conny Gmythe is standing firm on his resignation! AGAINST LONDON Oshawa Hawks Open Finals Here Tonight This evening at Donevan Col jto keep this young team from legiate at 9:00 p.m. will see the| breaking under pressure. beginning of the All-Ontario In-| 'The excellent bench strength termediate 'A' basketball finals,/of the Hawks as shown by the with the Oshawa Hawks meet-|work of such players as Garn ing the London '3M's' in the|Gunn, Bill Jepma, Tom Dejong, first game of a two-game, total-| Marcel Boivin in the St. Thomas point series. series has been the deciding London eliminated Toronto factor in several Hawk games East York Grads by four points | this season and will be a factor on the round, in a series that! in the finals. went into overtime, to become) Freq Reilly and Jim Rowden eligible for the finals. along with Bob Booth make the Oshawa defeated St. Thomas | paw; guard corps one of the Broncos by one point, over tWO\ strongest in the province. games and two overtime per-|' 4 hoped for return to mid- Jods, to squeak into the other) season form of the big three of end of the finals. ithe Oshawa attack in the per- FINAL HOME GAME Ld ta dra a tele ing, Tom Olinyk~and--the.-big Tonight's game will be the : " final ly tae of the year rookie from Central, Brian Jen- , \kins could guarantee victory for the Hawks, who have com- : : ; pleted their most successful sea-/274 @ provincial championship gon in years. for coach Jim Brady's hard London is expected to be an fighting club. extremely tough opponent and| anoTHER TITLE POSSIBLE bl ig juby will have to be at) A strong contingent of local =. hey a so fans boosting the Hawks, could ine Hiker a 7 esol rl enable this team to add another Gas che Shaki Seaaon $08 the | Provincial championship to the Oshawa team's success. His apad alent yay hy Je0n er sudden development as a top-\;oy eer - ayo hc Pia notch scorer, along with his in the pat dubia hasan great rebounding have added needed strength to the Oshawa | | attack. Harris, 27, Calgary Stampeder STEADYING FACTOR linebacker named outstanding Another bright point has been/| lineman in Canada in 1965, has the brilliant play of veteran| been signed to a 1966 contract, Bob Booth, who provides the|the Western Football Confer- steadying influence necessary! ence club announced today. HARRIS SIGNS CALGARY (CP) -- Wayne Fertilizers ..... Peat Moss ..... Evergreens .... Shade Trees ... Flower Shrubs . Hedges ....... LANDSCAPING A SPECIALTY "DROP IN OR CALL" Van Belle Gardens "Your Friendly Garden Centre' 5 MINUTES EAST OF OSHAWA On Highway No. 2 623-5757 Don Weatherbee, Milford Masters, skip and trophy donor, "Lew" Beaton, The winning rink was from Osh- awa Central Collegiate Insti- tute. ners last night, at the clos- ing banquet. Here is the winning rink, with their miniatures and big trophy. Left - to- right are Peter Dewsbury, Earl Wotton, THE J. L. BEATON Tro- phy, one of the premier seasonal awards, for the Oshawa Schoolboy curlers, was presented to the win- Annual Banquet Ends Another Fine Season | The Oshawa Schoolboys Curl-|ing for Central Collegiate; Don|main trophies for the club ing Club, comprised of young|Crothers, president of Th e/schedule competitions during the enthusiasts from the five local|Oshawa Curling Club; Maurice|season, together with presenta- "secondary schools', O'Neill,|Hart; L. M. Souch, of Ontario|tion of prizes to the runners-up |Central, Donevan, McLaughlin) Motor Sales; Peter Carswell, su-|in these events, was one of the |and Oshawa Catholic, wound up|pervisor of curling for O'Neill season's highlights. Donors of | their 1965-66 season last night at| Collegiate; Gordon Ritchie, su-|the trophies and prizes, or their |The Oshawa Curling Club, with! pervisor of curling for Donevan representatives, officiated in their traditional banquet and/ Collegiate and George H. Camp-|these ceremonies. |presentation of prizes. bell, Oshawa Times Sports Edi- FATHERS VS SONS } kh event once --_ closed tor. Annual added attraction of {another very successful season| ' i the Schoolboys' "closing night" | for "Schoolboy Curling" in this| WELCOME TO THE CLUB followed the banquet a al city, which has been in opera-| Chairman Earl Wotton voiced | presentation session, when tion at Oshawa Curling Club, for the appreciation of the school-| rinks consisting of the fathers more than 10 years. | boys, for the opportunity to use| ng their sons were matched in Earl Wotton, of Oshawa "Cen-) the facilities of Oshawa Curling) friendly rivalry out on the ice -- tral Collegiate", president of this|Club for their seasonal activi-|/.nq some interesting incidents lyear's "Schoolboys", acted as ties and in turn, OCC Club Presi-|anq scores resulted. | chairman for the happy banquet ie ig Crothers pet ge |session, which was highlighted | SU e young curlers that) |by the presentation of the three they were welcome but com-| SENIOR CURLING |main season's trophies, runner- mended them for their well-run By THE CANADIAN PRESS up prizes, etc. joperation and good conduct and National seniors curling cham- Head table guests for the oc-|assured all that they would be| nionship standing after six casion 'included Elgin Munday,|Welcome as adult members of] rounds: supervisor of Schoolboy Curling the club, in later years. at R. S. McLaughlin CVI; Fred} Chairman Wotton gave a brief Hempstead, OCC ice-maker; | review of the season's activities, | Fred Moss, OCC club manager; |including listing the results of | Doug McDougall, supervisor of; various bonspiels, naming the| curling for Donevan Collegiate; |trophy winners and other top T. Smith, supervisor of curling! prize-winning rinks. for Oshawa Catholic H.S.; Arn| The schoolboys presented an Schelle, vice-principal of OCVI: | appreciation gift to their ice-| H. E. Murphy, principal of|maker, Fred Hempstead, Gerry | ~ a4 British Columbia Ontario Alberta P.E.1. Nova Scotia Manitoba Saskatchewan Northern Ontario Quebec RAR ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Trophy was won by a rink from Donevan Collegiate Institute and they are shown above, receiving the covet- THE SAMUEL H. JACK- SON Memorial Trophy will New Brunswick |OCCI; J. L. 'Lew' Beaton; | Moore doing the honors. Newfoundland Jack Judge, supervisor of curl-| The presentation of the three | SHiwwww mam aeeeawnre Seen PAAAH Ven Remember When .. .? By THE CANADIAN PRESS England's Fred Perry clinched his _ professional tennis series, with Big Bill Tilden 27 years ago tonight --in 1939--at Detroit. Tri- umphant in New York and Chicago, Perry won his third victory over the 44- year-old American in three straight sets. ed trophy and their indi- vidual trophies. Left-to- right, are: L. M. "Jim- mie" Souch, Ontario Motor Sales executive, Allan rest on the O'Neill Collegi- ate and Vocational Insti- tute's trophy shelf for the ensuing year. Above are shown, Richard Rolson, Harrison Murphy, principal Ridgely, skip of the winning rink, Ian Jackson and Kirk Gillespie. Leon Jenkins, of the winning rink, was unable to be present. of "Oshawa Central," who presented the trophy, to winning skip "Tim" Day, Bill Holland and Lionel Allen. : --Oshawa Times Photos Round-Robin Bantam Play John Bradley and Eric How- ard scored two goals each Tues- Gay nigitt to iead Saths and Mt: Lellan to a 5-2 win ovér Local 1817. The contest was one'of four OMHA Bantam round-robin playoff games. The other Bathe goal came from Everett Bumtsmé, while Dennis Hood and Richard Harri- son replied for Local 1817. In other games, Canadian Corps nipped Westmount Ki- wanis 3-2, Police Association shaded Hambley's 4-3 and B'Nai B'Rith and Scugog Cleaners played to a 2-2 tie. Gary Squires, Bob Simpson and Pete Backageorge scored for Canadian Corps, with Wayne Barriage and Jeff Henderson getting the Westmount goals. Police got singles from Dave McKee, Alan Bathe, Frank Bathe and Paul Kane. Ham- bley's marksmen were Ron Sud- dard, Don Barr and Frank Alli- son. Bernie Lacroix and Bob Bell scored for B'Nai B'Rith, and Dennis Grady and Pete Smith replied for Scdgog. Canadians Seek Blind Golf Title HAMILTON (CP) -- Cana- dian champion Nick Genovese of Dundas will lead a four-man team against the United States in the American International Blind Golf championship at Clearwater, Fla., next week- end. Other members of the Cana- dian team are Claude Pette- more and Harold Mitchell, both of Hamilton, and Phil Leder- house, Prince Albert, Sask. Charlie Boswell, Birming- ham, Ala., is the defending in- ternational champ. BASS GETS $75,000 COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP)--Mar- vin Bass, head football coach and athletic director at South Carolina, announced Monday he had signed a three-year con- tract as head coach and general manager of Montreal Beavers in the Continental Football League, He said his contract calls for $75,000. Stake your claim on ADAMS GOLD STRIPE CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Get in on the Gold Rush--to Adams Gold Stripe. Gold Stripe has that robust "unsinkable flavor".to enjoy with any mix--right to the bottom of the drink. Now's the time to strike it rich with Adams Gold Stripe--at a popular price. and you're welcome to charge it We think @ mon should have @ new outfit for Easter juet as @ woman does, Of course, we're in the business -- but, really Easter ts the best time of the yeor to buy a new suit. Drop in and we'll show you whet we mean, enon 69-50 Easter... all the excuse you need to buy new clothes OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE