on a lUmited temporary basis During school vacations, she These three housewives with|provided in this type of work 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 31, 19660 Need More Homes' Temporary: Employment two weeks out of every three--|never takes # jou. different needs are fairly rep-|are unlimited. ~ F : W d Girls bry niginy ong on oe Still a third type of housewife- resentative . a han 4 . a 7s * and can be home wi' e chil- |women. being hire in the part- UES Hichest Award In Guiding or aywal i Otters Wide Range Of Jobs dren while she works days. temporary worker is Mrs. time employment field. But the | ba pee TEACH TONG ' Sean pontadertate MONTREAL (CP) -- The A second type of housewife is Eleanor Hedlunk who likes the| number Tr housewives who reg-| CUMABY (CP) -- Women's ; umber of girls emotionally-dis-| . >. pogemra ROESCH company's school--a 'free serv-| Mrs Elizabeth Krist, who finds freedom of temporary employ-|ister increases all the time. interest in languages has paid Presented At 3rd Co Meeting turbed becawse of breakdowns) ,, . Dhaba § : i lice--or ta thetr--own-homess---1a eps attetantinin 4 Pudcad ment because her husband's job|At the present moment, theloff at the University of Al- . in family life is rising steadily I am interested in your Col)' Tousewives from all stations |ucn satisfaction in-temporary requires freauent travel. She |temporary employment field is|berta's extension department o 'tis h i and facilities to help them can-\Umn on temporary employment,| "yi are registered with the Work, because it helps her keep|tikes to join him occasionally one" of, the--biggest_growth_in- here. French, Spanish, German tea aig ae Gan Cone not expand rapidly enough to and I want to investigate the |tirm for part-time work assign-\" with her skills at the samejon trips, and working on a/dustries in the country. (Ukrainian and Russian courses e " n et aaesecently eee B\keep up, says the executive di- field further," writes a New) oo. time it supplements the family| temporary basis is the only way| And, for housewives who can|are all taught by woman teach- pany at Guide House a "A j rector of the Girls' Counselling York housewife. : ._.,| income. ishe can do this. loffer skills, the opportunities'ers, ; bop presentation of the Go a \ Centre. "But I have been away from| For example, on a recent visit; p14 most important, says) Y goss A age roy "Moral and spiritual values|an office so long I don't know|'® the New York office, I\yps Krist, a temporary job| of Mr. and Mrs. Ha ro \are stressed today by éven the whether I am the type the tem- learned about Mrs. Joan McCul-| doesn't interfere with her major} . ; 1 roule. The presentation wey | \hest-meaning people in a way|Poraty agencies want to hire. |laugh, a 32-year-old wife of alresponsibility as the mother of BLACK'S BLACK S made by Mrs. J. T. bogs j eet makes them appear quite|Piease send me information on|New York City policeman. She|an active 10-year-old boy. She mmissioner of Kingsway Dis- avar' from the realities of life," the kinds of employees most in|is also the mother of five chil-|signs up for work during thei (Lodies' Weor L Lodies' Wear Ltd. ct, eon = . os jor Gee tl aemends? |dren, ranging in age from 9 to\gchool year and works from ies' Wear Ltd. Pear tas, a gift 'of the : ¢ "Thus youngsters learn at an| To get the latest and freshest 2 years. : 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., so she is home eieny. 3 re a \ecarly age to fend for them- views. I contacted a recent) She decided to return to work! when her son gets out of school. THESE BOTANY "rhe Guides formed a horse- : : selves and grab at the pleas-\newcomer in the temporary Dylaniz ghoe and eight Guides holding : ures of the moment because|tieiq. A division of a business ' Blue and yellow candles stood in . only the moment counts." |machine corporation and estab- | line in front of stepping stones " : : She says girls demonstrate |lished throughout the United W O O 8 ea ce the eight steps to a RX their conflicts in many ways--|States, this company offers ti % ima ' 1d Cord. As Kathleen Stew- stealing, running away, school firms a pool of office skills eo ' f SWEATERS BY read an outline of the steps comprising 45 categories, Here thy had taken Cathy lit each truancy, open hostility, unman-|i, . sampling: Secretaries, : g eandle. She was then presented ageability, mental depression, | hookkeepers, key punch oper- bs) as ae Gienavr f #ith the Gold Cord Book. i ' withdrawal and sexual perver-jators, teletype operators, bi Re | 'ae iz In addition to the parents. of 7] sion. |lingual secretaries. | / Oh Yee 45 fhe Guides those present were: q In 1965 the centre handled) This organization allows | ' 5; Miss Vera Moyse, former cap- the problems of 470 girls, 257) women applicants, who have in and Commissioner; Mrs. CATHY SPROULE of whom required major case|been away from an office for f , homas Pugh, Brown Owl of the} (Gold Cord Guide) work. Miss Short says the cen-|a number of years, to come in Ad, i [ : i aw Now you can put these. lovely oy Brownie Pack, Mrs. J. W.| ltre is desperately short of tem-|and familiarize themselves with| fla > ; ' 1. : ar fart, District Guider of Kings- | bordered by a Gold Cord was|porary emergency shelter forjthe latest office equipment. 5 es 4 a a pure wool sweaters in your ow ees EI ge ge donated by Cathy's' parents. {disturbed girls and of suitable|They can also practise and im- . be " roule, Miss Elta Sproule. Miss; The evening closed tith|longer-term residences for girls|prove their speed in typing and 4 ; Ne " ~ "4 i Marjorie Sproule, aunts of the|\Campfire and Taps f a echine transcription in. the me aE 4 fashion-right sweaters @re 80 aed Cord Guide, Mrs. E. T.|- i daicak iceman Bessy ates i arkin and daughter Helen, of ; 3 Foronto, Miss Helen Boddy, pas for ro ' : ; ae 3 ' 4 Miss Frances Maroosis, Mrs. W. este Prong { 2 SILKY ANTHRONE Wilson, president 3rd Parent) 74g fa PN 4 sate Le 4% FULL FASHIONED ., Committee. - pease Great =Following the presentation, , 1AM EE 3 ; a the Guides put on a Go-Go skit i a? : nae Sin = Coat / % 4 SILKY ANTHRONE followed by a piano solo by Guide Debbie Sproule. , y : ay , ' = ; Cathy 1s oo. of the Oshiiwa INTERNATIONAL : to include Pie oe Guides who will be attending lltening oh -- in New ; 3 ~ | -- teed ie, in your ALL lined SKIRT .wecves Cramenrern ects) 47, HAIRSTYLIST : ete travel plans |) WEATHER the parents committee assisted by several Guides The tea table} With every purchase you } H ' an where! COATS moke in our store you fe is pleased to announce the opening fi Destination y ceive. a chance to. win @ was centered with yellow chry-| Pina, formerly of Art's Beauty Salon, santhemums. The cake inscrib-| ~ ed "Congratulations Cathy" and Bt 1 inai oo of her new salon and would consider go That's our full swinging | : : ve Arig WISHING WALL. 'MACHINE DOES SHOUTING it a pleasure to have her old and any : o coat in loop mohair. So Roin or shine. . . Spring Is the ¢ : LONDON (CP) -- A British new customers drop in soon for expert ee aN light, so right, the perfect season for @ populor All firm is manufacturing @ purse- hairstyling at its most imaginative. coverup for every fashion. Weather Coat, Choose from our ized device which produces) ; A : Jade green, pink, blue, i wide selection of colours ond "canned screams" at the press | ; ; as of a button. Shaped like a hair- for appointment call . . « 723-0391 | \ daffodil yellow. Sizes 8-16. styles, gpray and designed to protect 128 WILSON RD. S. | 20 OO 14.95 to 45.00 qomen alone after dark, the "bomb" will emit up to 50 | gcreams guaranteed loud pe gee off ae : | BLACK'S ab 'i RA: ; | LADIES' WEAR LTD. LADIES' WEAR LTD. HOUSEHOLD HINT ' : A eee STS stay toes | Pasbieensinn 067 one og IMCOE NORTH -- OSHAWA Just add a few drops of food a = : a Koyker icp] ! ! 3 j . ORAWA 7a RP OS =? coloring to the suds. washing machine, Pure wool eosy to care for. @ USE YOUR CREDIT @ NO MONEY DOWN @ MONTHS TO PAY WILL GIVE YOU ABSOLUTELY BOYS' PANTS | : ' MEN'S MEN'S SPORT JACKETS sicanind: "nek e 7 pty, L 4 up for Spring ond | : Golf | PERMA : tate. tome : Bey? , Continental end ivy tht & Come in and see our Jackets | CREASE nev arng sock ot | eg and Meme } Sport Jackets steds and Fiennels, Boys' Sizes 12 to 18. (Avail- ond Biozers in Che- able et Shopping Cen- ONLY PANTS viots end Sexon | tre Store Only). Tweeds, Two Button . and Three Button Just the pont for the ec- ' Style. All ere hand- NOW ONLY tive man end at the low- ; somely tellored. Sizes est price yet, : 8 to 18. 5.95 wih the muchas oF 0 eee weno Hrs | P| ce 12.95 36 to 46. FROM ' e SPRING Credit Is Good! > "nar" hops Your Credit Is Good! * vovcus ro pay % U 2 T PGA Ge! | MEN'S BOYS' CONTINENTAL STYLE ; kage Smartly tailored suits that he'll be oer DRILL SUITS PE gad det 4.88 Brown, Olive and Blue. Sizes 8 to PANTS 18. A REAL buy from. 0 eown's um more or take more time to enjoy the special feeling of dis- ay . BOYS' VISIT OUR tinction this Easter. Just stop in . . . select from all that's new in fabric, pe ee 1 Srajonend shrunk © DRESS SHIRTS styling and color. . . enjoy truly skilled fitting, And by all means top off 44 s youn 'igs " pe In Button d Hl d 5) H 0 E vailable in sizes to ' , oe eee your suit with a trim, dashing new hat. See what a lift your new look gives ] : a 40. Regular 4.25 NOW ee D E P T you. And what new looks your new lift gets you. See the New Season three- ye te ' : ro Ta. tA Shpelng Con ; ae f to 18. (At Shopping Cent button and some two-button stylings for men and teenage men, all are see ay at BS Store Only). sian ital Be -- see our very expertly tailored. Take your pick of yarn-dyed wool worsteds in distinguished ee 4 : . eS esi Page ine eo stripes, checks, nailhead weaves. Vibrant new shades of Grey, Blue, Brown " : a 4 2.99 mer style and comfort. and Olive: All sizes available from 35 to 52, for regular, tall, short and e4 ei stout builds. 4 36 KING E. Oshawa DOWNTOWN ' Sho in OSHAWA masioi ( We ba PRED GF M50 G h OPEN Pi oe & FRIDAYS Thurs. FROM & Fri, TO 9 P.M. To 9 P.M. f