rade will follow Harwood Ave., King's cres. and Burcher dr. WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Bowmanville | Ajax Plans Royal Hotel Team Wins Hicks Trophy WHITBY (Staff) -- The Royal were outscored 2-1 with Mel| Hotel team has won the Ivan|B and Ken Roberts scor- Hick's Paar b playing in theling fo! barby Lloyd Seymour} Whitby Mercantiic answerad for the losers, I League, The, winners downed) The Royals won the trophy : is year in a three-games-out- dag Hog neo Aig bye ont of-five series. The win marked by Ken noasies at 7:20 A sei the first time the team has won beite's Lloyd Seymour tied the the trophy since it was put up game in the early part of the for grabs eight years ago. second period but Melvin Brown During the game, the winner put the Royals ahead again be-|of the 50-50 draw: Bob Dias, 669 Shakespeare ave., Oshawa, was announced, fore the period ended. In the third frame Ottenbrites . Slides Shown Members were reminded to European Trip bring at the next meeting a The Salvation Army Women's Home League held its weekly meeting. Cadet Mrs. Charles pair of men's new work socks Eyre presided and was in/(to make monkeys) for the charge of the devotional. "Work Sale". Red hy igtg Hea All ladies are invited to at- slides of a Ww s- Sot whee thay visited Holland,| (2nd the weekly Thursday meet: ing. It is not necessary to join the Army to attend. Tea hostesses were Mrs, Jim Germany, Bavaria and Paris, France. They were accompan- Reid and Cadet Mrs. Charles Eyre. tian, 72 Hockey fed by vety realistic commen- taries explaining the ways of living and customs in those var- fous countries. Tax Levy Up BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Bowmanville Town Council Tues. night struck a tax rate WNICN Calls tor an increase w 14.91 mills in the residential rate and an increase of 17.26 mills on commercial property for public school supporiers. The increase in the residential rate for Separate School support- ers is 12.09 mills and an in- crease of 13.69 mills on com- mercial property for Separate School Supporters. The rate for public school sup- porters on residential and com- mercial property, respectively, will be 103.91 mills and 114.26 mills. Separate School support- ers will pay 111.09 mills on resi- dential property and 121.66 mills on commercial property. The tax levy, based on a total assessment -of $8,984,558, will raise $978,648. The total expendi- ture by the town, including school requisitions will be $1,- | 430,650. | Of every tax dollar raised 51 cents will go for education, 15 cents to the county and three cents for general municipal ex- penses. The public school requisition for 1966 totals $218,711, an in- crease of approximately $31,000. Islington Man $350 On Two WHITBY (Staff) -- "'We have to do something about all the Wayne Daltons on we iigu- ways today that are endanger- ing other motorists," Magis- trate Harry Jermyn said Tues- day morning. The magistrate directed his comments at Wayne Dalton, of Islington, charged with driving while im- paired and consuming as a minor. | The 20-year-old youth was fined $100 and cost or 30 days on the charge of consuming ani $250 and costs or 30 days on the charge of impaired driving. No time allowance was provid- ed for payment of the fines. The Crown called two wit- nesses who testified the youth had forced three cars off the highway and was weaving all over the road. OPP Constable J. J. Bibeau also testified dur- ing the case. On his own defence, Dalton claimed he had not been im- paired and was only over-tired. He said he had been driving his car steadily from Pembroke, Ont., and had not had proper sleep. He did admit he had a 'shot of rye' near Peterborough Trophies will be the best bands and floats. to the high school grounds. presented to Opposition Hits Sports Day 7 Fined Charges AJAX (Staff) -- Plans for the annual Ajax and district Sports and costs or 15 days. Taylor's|Day were formulated by the licence was suspended for three|Committee Tuesday night. All uivyiis, Tio was given 14 2zyz|indicatione noint to the June 25 to pay the fine. ' |event being more successful than any in the past. The day's program will com- merce with a parade of ficats starting at 10 a.m. Bands and floats from many centres in the district will participate. The pa- Consuming as a minor brings little compassion in magis- trate's court as three youths discovered. Paul Vernon Sweet, 245 Lupin dr., Whitby, was fined $50 and costs. Similar fines were imposed on William Ross Davis and Logan Jensen both of Stouffville. The accused -- given 14 days to pay the es. was set at $1,000. Magistrate Jermyn noted Carter had a pre- vious record, necessitating bail being set. Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? Drunkenness in a public place cost Stanley Clay, 56, of Sun- derland, $50 and costs. Charged with theft and two charges of break and enter, Gustav Hansen, of Dunbarton and Donald Carter, of West Rouge, were remanded one week for sentence. Hansen was remanded in the custody of his mother; while bail for Carter your plates. This pleasant pow: remarkable sense of feb nextont end iy.No quai holding por more , , gooey, iy taste or feeling. It's af seling. ve alkaline {non-aeid), et any drug at the high school grounds. There will be races for all age groups as well as novelty and jumping events. The sports will OIered [Or Wie spurt Sve counter. 4 Field day events will be held Agriculture Chief OTTAWA (CP) -- Agriculture Minister Greene ran into a wave of opposition criticism Tuesday for not making a policy-and- problems statement at the start Of &@ COMMUUD Guuimuee creme of his department's spending es- timates. S, R. Williams, chairman of searistan eR ---- BROCK One Complete Program Each WHITBY Evening -- Starting at . . 7:30 AUDREY HEPBURN be climaxed by a_ three-mile race, In all 12 trophies will be A dance in the evening and the selection of 'Miss Ajax" Will Ciimax tie day's events. a Pp Also Added Attraction Starting 7:30 "CRACK IN THE WORLD" in color Starring -- Dana Andrews -- Janette Scott a pected to haye and 155,000 applications for supe plementary payments under the current dairy support The average payment though was more than $140, well above the projected figure of slightly more than $1 Let Us Help You Plan Your MORTGAGE | FINANCING Many years of mortgage loaning experience can help you choose the best mortgage plan VICTORIA and GREY TRUST WHITBY to 'pep' him up. Magistrate Jermyn stated the over-tiredness was no excuse for endangering other lives. "There could have been one or jmore serious accidents," he jsaid. The high school requisition totals $267,167, an increase of approx- imately $80,000; while the county levy is $134,102, an increase of approximately $33,000. It was explained that the mill rate for general municipal ex- penses is unchanged. Auxiliary Plans Children's Show The Women's Auxiliary of the|T. S. Brandon, or any member Whitby General Hospital met) of the auxiliary. Proceeds to go March 28 at Kathleen Rowe) towards the Building Fund. School. Mrs. Howard P. Doner| A nominating committee was chaired the husiness meeting. | appointed for next year's execu- Plans were made for the/tive. The slate of officers will "Children's Show", with Magi-|be presented at the April 25) cian John Giordmaine perform-| meeting. ing, April 23 at Henry Street) Refreshments were served by High School from 2 to 4 p.m.|Mrs. Joseph Bland and Mrs. Tickets are available from Mrs. John Blucher. Township Awards Truck Tender BROOKLIN (Staff) -- The;way Motors, Whitby and North- lowest tender for any commod- | side Chrysler, also of Whitby. ity may not always be the|The latter tender was approved most desirable, Such was the|in the amount of $9,660. case Monday evening when| The highest tender was slight- Whitby Township Council ap- ly more than $20 above the proved the highest tender sub-| Seaway tender but was judged mitted for a new truck. |the most desirable in conform- Two tenders were received by|ing with requested specifica- council, coming from both Sea- tions. Township Grants Total $1,865' BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Whitby |lowing: Brooklin Horticulture | Township Council gave ap-|Society, $300; Brooklin Spring | proval to grants for local or-|Fair, $100; Groveside Cemetery, | ganizations in the amount of | $400; Ontario County Soil and $1,865 at its meeting, Monday |Crop Improvement, $25; Salva- evening. |tion Army, $75; Burns Church The largest grant approved | Cemetery Board, $50; Southern Ontario Ploughman's Associa- will go towards the Victorian s for $750. Ten| pv a ln Mig tion, $35; South Ontario Agricul- $50; Junior Farm- other organizations were named | in the list of charitable associa- | tural Society, and Ontario Farm Among the list are the fol-|Safety Council, $30. WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mantle,jand Mrs. R. W. Johnson, 312 £ Driving while under the in- ifluence of alcohol cost Lorne Religious Art [Savi of Clarkson, Ont., $100 Show Planned | Theo and Susan Harlander, of; Brooklin, are among the artists taking part in a national ex-| hibition of contemporary relig-| ious art in April. Toronto's Regis College, aided by a grant from the Canada Council, will provide the setting for the paintings, sculpture and liturgical art. | The Oshawa area artists will| join more than 70 other top-| ranking Canadian artists in re-| sponse to an invitation by Regis College to present art works which are considered religiously | meaningful by the artists them: | selves. | One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper and Murels Custom Draperies Broadloom C.I.L. Paints end Varnishes Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PHONE £68-5862 Local Improvement Notice TOWN OF WHITBY TAKE NOTICE THAT: |The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby infiinds to construct, os locol improvement, cement sidewalks on the North and South sides of Dundas Street East between the points men- tioned: NAME OF STREET FROM TO Dundas St., North Side Gorden Street East Limit Easter Town Limits Dundos St., South Side Garden Street Eost' Limit Eastern Town Limits and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the lond Mr. and Mrs, Gerry Ploeger, abutting directly on the work, The soid sidewalks ore to hove 2. The estimated owners cost per foot ia as follows:-- Dundas Street, North Side--$1.75 per lineal foot. Dundas Street, South Side--$1.75 per lineal foot, The special assessment is to be paid in five (5) equal onnual instalments ond the estimated owners annual rote per foot front- oge is 0.41¢ per lineal foot. Application will be made by the Corporation. to the Ontario Muni- cipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may, within 21 days after the first publication of this Notice, file with the Town Clerk his objection to the soid work being undertaken. . The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so, it may appoint o time and place when ony objection to the said work will be considered. DATED at the TOWN OF WHITBY, JOHN R, FROST, this 28th day of Morch, 1966. CLERK, TOWN OF WHITBY. Mr. and Mrs. William John- son, of Vancouver, are spend- ing a few months visiting their sons and daughters-in-law, Mr. BOWLING NEWS WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE (Wednesday) Triples 420 and over -- Clarence Moore 25 (316, 284, 225); Ron Childs 706 (256,| 255); Bruce Henderson 697 (256, 240); | Harry Vanstaveren 696 (242, 233, 221); Cam Gauvin 687 (273, 249); Ed. Hutchin-| son 677 (263, 238); Tony Vandermale 675) (314); Les Reed 674 (243, 238); John La-| tulipe 673 (269, 221); Ken Harris 673 (253,| 240); Cec Bowler 672 (329); Jim Levett 667 CRED SayRasebush 664. (240,220); Bill Henderson 66) (289); Tony Perroni| 659 (251); Tom Ainsworth 657 (248); | Wayne orien 654 (238); Gord Platt $52 | (244, 226); Jim Mifflin 649 (238); Willie} Cvancic 640 (245); Joe Clampo 642 (238, | 228); Gary Gessome 634 (261); Ozzie) Moore 635 (259); Ray Short 628 (240); Hans Zimmer 626 (241, 222); Andy Van- Gerende 621 (251); Geo. Childs 622 (239) Singles 220 and over -- Don Waltham | 269; Vaughn Brooks 269; Keith Sharman | 252; Bill Shearer 252; Don Reed 245; | Chas. Snelgrove 238; Ernie Stoneman 235; Lloyd Hicks 231, 227) Eric Erickson 229; Jim Vanderende 228; Doug Murison 227; Ron Black 227; Amie Rousgeau 225; Jack Rypstra 221; Jan Hendricks 220. Team Standings -- Jokers 12; Ram- blers 12; Whitby Hotel 12; Whitby Bar- ber Shop 11; Whitby Police Assoc. 11; | Drew's 10; Bathurst 9; Lewis Tallors 9% J. B. McMullan Real Estate 9; Joe's! Barber Shop 9; Mitton Machinery 9; Sam's Barber Shop 7; Knightmen 6; A and T. Motors 5: Spruce Villa Hotel 4 Motors 5; Spruce Villla Hotel 4 They visited Miami Beach, Key % ¥ West and the well known Cyprus Garden. They spent some time Ee land where they visited mem.- | Dundas Street, North Side-----Cost--$13,741.39 'of which $7,290 78) || |bers of their families. 1. oe pola wy te Corpora ii a se | Belated birthday wishes to indas Street, South Side--Cost--99, of which $2,954.46 Is ae Gems Tl eee el a | ee ee ey te Sor who celebrated his birthday| yr. Harry Appleton 318 Gil- g st. w., has received news of Lear, Burns st. w. the death of her niece, Mrs.| Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Wilde Mary Jones, of Wales. and grandchildren, Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. James Wilde, Don't count on finding a '31 Cadillac, b ding a '31 Cadillac, but... 925 Green st., have returned| High st. and Mr. and Mrs. Sid- $13 Maple st. e., have returned widths of four (4) feet at Silver Springs and visited Mar. 29. |bert st. w. At present she is Donald Wilde, Lindsay, were from a southern scenic tour.|ney Johnson, Gifford st. from a three-week trip to Hol-| The estimated cost of the works is os follows several other places of interest. Mrs. Fred James, 108 Dunlop the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert! Sunday visitors at the home of 1003 Henry st. Speedy recovery wishes are extended to Mrs. Ernest Hall who recently underwent surgery at the Oshawa General Hospital. Mrs. Hall is the mother of Mrs. | Robert Jacobs, 607 Anderson st., | Whitby. 4, WHITBY MEAT MARKET Where you get Quality Meat at Cut Rate Prices RED & BLUE BRAND CHUCKS of BEEF "20'.":<"~ Short RIB & BLADE Roasts CROSS CUT ROASTS Korsher Style--PICKLED CORNED BEEF Coorsh--All Beef BOLOGNA Sun Brite MARGARINE uw. 49° uw 99° uw. 63° us, 69° SOAP BAFFLED FOLK Soap was invented about 1,500 years ago but its uses were then unknown, so it. was used as a cosmetic and as axle-grease. Shoulder LAMB CHOPS Fresh----Average 3 to 7 Ibs. Shoulders of Pork For Stew BRISKET BEEF Choice Quality MINCED BEEF 3,,; 1.00 | WIENERS 2 ws. 79° We Specialize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS Cutting and Wrapping Ask About Our Prices WHITBY MEAT MARKET Whitby Plaza WHITBY Phone 668-6941 Red and Blue Brand Beef--CLOSED MONDAYS--All Meats Gov't. Inspected us, 59° By the piece 3 uss. 1.00 us, 49° Now in Whitby 3 ins, 83¢ < 25¢ The Finest Quality Na- tionally advertised cloth- ing for men by Michaels - | Stern. SEE OUR FINE SELECTION SOON MERCANTILE DEPT, STORE Whitby Plaza ___ dealer sells Goodwill Used Cars ; For the best used car deals in town, come to your Pontiac-Buic See your Franchised Goodwill-Pontiac-Buick-Beoumont-Acadian-Vauxhall-GMC d: THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED H. DICK PONTIAC-BUICK LIMITED loss KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT. | PHONE 723-4364. 103 DUNDAS ST. EAST., WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 668-5846 | Be Sure to see "The Fugitive' Mondays et 8:00 P.M. -- "The Red. Skelton Show" Tuesdeys at 8:00 p.m. -- and "Telescope" Tharsdays, ot 9:30 P.M. on Channel 6 k-GMC TRADING POST