Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Mar 1966, p. 29

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r p | 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Scle -- GORDON a, eee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 30, 1966 24 20---Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale ACTIVE} OPEN |20--Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. |20--Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 18--Male Help Wanted BELL CANADA requires [18--alale Help Wanted _ HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY NOW! | netsd a full or part time man (b> help meet the demand for ap much needed service for rvvotorists. Pleasant, dig- nified, good paying work. No ea:perience necessary but o cor. is, For full information contaw:t O.A.A. Supervisor, 15--Employment Wanted RESPONSIBLE AND TRUSTWORTHY University of British Columbia student employed at Genera! Motors in Oshawe from May l6th to Sept. 15th, 1966, erg to obtain lodging in return for maint tance of yard chores, etc. Please ion tact seid student for suitable references and other inquires: Brian L. senior' ae West 10th Avenue, Vancouver 8 8.C a a oe sna eauntant CLASS "A" LICENSED ~Girl Fri- de- Open Until 9 p.m. dey sires part-time work. Experienced in all phases of office routine and bookkeeping, general r, preparing financial state- VERDUN ROAD iting, setting-up books, etc. 'Mee Bay 10072 Oshawa Times. TYPING DONE at home. Reasonable rates. Prompt service. After 4 p.m., telephone 773-6860. 17--Female Help Wanted Girls 18-24 later BULLDOZING & Naa MECHANIC must have Experience knowledge of Travel all of Canada. EQUIPMENT phone 725-8402. ASPHALT PAVING SALESMEN RECAJIRED IMMEDIATELY $15 per week guaranteed salary' plus commission of good, par basis 723-0381 BOND ED ASPHALT PAVING co 723-5281 TEN ACRES 1 @ of good leve! land in ex- | cellent location within five miles of Oshawa City Limits. Reason ably priced. 6 c $16,000 FULL XIV. @ Three bedroom brick bungalow, close to schools, lo- ment with recreation room fa- cilities, large combination living 723-5281 HERE |S A MAAS RARE DARGA 'ated in the South End of the ity, This home has a full base- REALTOR "Watch for the Signs That Sell" and call "THE HOT LINE" DIAL 668-8826 Just listed. 1% storey, older brick home, Forced air oil bestins, sarane law a Carries on one 'mortgage Ht .00 monthly. Coll 728. 187. DOWNSVIEW 'PARK Interesting, amazing .. . how well this home has been plan- ned for modern living. Bed- rooms have two sets of double HOUSE Hurry! Hurry! only 3" left CHADBURN STREET Downpayments ASKING PRICE 11 @ for this fabulous home in the South End near General Motors plant. A large living room, roomy kitchen, four piece tiled bathroom, larae bedrooms room and dining room, modern kitchen and attractive bath- room. This seven year old home is on a lot of 50 x 100 with hedged rear vard and paved drive. Europe with large chaperoned group. Transportation _fur- nished, $250 monthly. Com- mission plus bonus. No ex- perience necessary. Must be free to stort immediately | EXPERIG, NCED \ WAITER required. Ap- ply Quea'y's Hotel, 67 Simeoe Streeo North, O8 hawa. SINGER for small Country and Western group. Ttilephone 723-5714. only PAINTERS -- experienced men as lowas... $1,800 closets with vanity in between, 5 piece ultra modern bath- room, sliding glass doors off dining room to balcony, walk- out basement with double also preferable AGE LIMIT 35 Please Apply in Person 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY (HIGHWAY No, 2) NICK VAN DEN BROEK ROGER MORRISON MARLOW HANCOCK GEORGE SULLIVAN PETER HEILER CLARE SHANK Mrs GEN- Apply OSHA HOTEL, THURSDAY and FRIDAY 2:30 to 5:30 only. Anyone may opply in- cluding new comers to Can- ade Higgins, Full and part time, neat ap- pearance. Waitresses Over 21 years. Apply in person EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 64 King E. Mon. - Fri. 12 -- 1 9 - -4 | Office Manager | Telephorits SAL sing ing |awa plates. appearame. Apply in writing to Master Name Fate Limited P.O. Box 728-2751. ESNIEN and: salesladies. Married or je Earn up to $150 weekly, Show. our iop quality desk and door name- &ge no barrier, Must have neat 126 Osh. | MIDDLE! AGED 'couple or single n man for ---------=== light faren work. Free room and jplus wag es ed as acgiistant, Car essential. Good start- Ing 19. salatry. ag apply MeMurray's ely 728-22! --bAale and Female Chief Avéoustanti TAMBLYN'S LUNCH BAR Oshawa Shopping Centre | 4 FULL TIME CASHIER 3 TO 11 SHIFT Apply MR, CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL MAN or WOMAN Required for grill work. Bur- gers and hot dogs only, Ex- perience preferred. Apply in person DAIRY QUEEN 1003 Dnudes Ecst Whitby KITCHEN HELP Woman required from 4 P.M, to 11 P.M. Apply. MR. CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL EXPERIENCED MATURE LADY te work in Snack Ber ond Grocery. Good wages to right person. Telephone 725-3275 | or part-time, for Salon FULL-TIME hairdresser required T 942-3583. experienced In Alax. EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted for) the Mayfair Salon. Telephone 728-0662. HOUSEKEEPER for elderly couple. Live in. Young pensioner weicome. Call 723-/ between 5.30 p.m. and 8 p.m. HOU! IEPER to care for two school- Ca Nat Pn motheriess home. Live In. WOMAN to mind two children, one schoo! age and do light housework, near hos- pital. Telephone 728-1936 after 7 p.m. | LICENSED D HAIRDRESSERS wanted for Lorie work. Apply in person, Vincent's) lair Styling, 110 King Street East. TAW OFFICE requires bookkeeper rand receptionist. Please reply in handwriting, | stating age, marital status and exper: | lence. Write Box 1012 Oshawa Times, Whitby WAITRESS required, full-time, no even-| ings or week-ends. Apply in person. Si! Grill, 1628 Brock Street South, Whitby. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, part-time| work, days only, Victory Grill, 50 Simcoe} Street North, opposite Armouries. | BABYSITTER fo live in and care for| five children, working mother. Light/ household duties, $25. weekly. Apply 486 Shoal Point Road, Pickering Beach. WOMAN OR GIRL to mind children while| mother works. Live in preferred. Tele-| phone 723-1390. FLOOR LADY to supervise staff of 20 oP | erators on overiock and surging machines. ~~ Must be able to train operators. Should have experience in time study. Excellent salary and conditions to right person. Pickering area, Write M19655 Oshawa Times. SENIOR GIRL required for stock con- trol. records. Grade 13 and experience ne- cessary. Salary open depending on abil- ity. Good working hours. Alax Aig SALESLADY for cafeteria. Dupont of Aiax Cafeteria. Telephone | 728- 7305. DO YOU NEED an extra $40 a week. || you can-spare-15-hours.per week and have! a car write Box 19983 Oshawa Times. AJAX, reliable woman wanted to come| into my home days to care for three children while | work. Telephone 942- 5467. A LADY light housekeeping and to help convalescing patient. No others in family. Telephone 725-5216. 18--Male Help Wanted _ foys WANTED I to sell papers on Good Friday MONEY |! PRIZES ! BONUSES ! PHONE TODAY GLOBE & MAIL 725-4473 PART - TIME SALESMAN | required for Retail Furniture Store Experience Preferred '\ Phone 725-3519 RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Osh: awe and Ontario county: Trade well es tablished Excellent opportunity time, Write Raleigh, Dept 405 Richelieu, $1. Henry, and Saturdays. ing telephone number to the manager. | 300 Toronto 1 Montreal, COLLECTOR part-time, Fulll GENERAL OFFICE C-310-189, | typing. Telephone 742-6100. (CA not necessary) Required for large, local pro- gressive lumber and building supply dealer Applicant must have good background in accounting and office management All sick benefits, plan available pension Salary commenusurate with experience $7,000. to $7,- 500 Reply stating qualifications employment history to Box 19757 Oshawa Times. Experienced SALESMAN FOR FORD DEALERSHIP APPLY LES MacDONALD STU MacINTOSH MacDONALD FORD SALES 520 KING WEST OSHAWA Telephone 723-5241 623-2534 REAL ESTATE CAREER If you are industrious, hon- est and reliable with late mode! automobile, you may find an interesting and satis- fying career in the Real Estate Profession. We have an opening for an aggressive Salemon between 25 and 40 who can meet these require- ments Interviews in strict confid- ence. For interviews please contact MR. BULLIED. DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED Realtor _723- 1168. Power Supermarkets requires experienced part full time MEAT CUTTERS Previous superinainet experi- ence preferred. Good start- ing salary. Pleasant working conditions, Liberal employee benefits. Apply MR. CEPECAUER 500 Rossland Rd.. Oshawa time ond ; Flelp Wanted TAAXI DRIVERS - Part or full time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAXI 725-477) |WORM PICKERS, work at night, $5 per thou: | Street em to 6 real ent want Steady work, Apply 859 Nelson Wolfe Street East from 4 p.m. Oshawa Live Bait Co. No tele- sand pn phone ¢:a Ils. TIM E iFOR A CHANGE? Was last year ly asrsuccessful year? Does your pres- job @offer you all the epportunity you it? Adequate income? Advancement potential? |f your answer Is no, write Boys 18-22 Travel All Canada, later Europe with large group, New cars furnished. $250 month- ly comm. plus bonus. Rapid advancement for fast learn- ers. No experience necessary Apply Mr. Higgins, GENOSHA HOTEL, THURSDAY = and FRIDAY. 2-5 p.m. only. No phone calls. Anyone may ap- ply including new comers to Canada MEN WITH CARS To supervise boys on Good Friday PHONE GLOBE & MAIL 725-4473 DRIVING INSTRUCTORS Wonted full time, with late model cars. Will be trained at the school. Good wages Oshawa Driving School 728-009 mall monthly current accounts 160 Bay Street, Suite No work course and Commercial man 16 collect] No sell ing involved. Must be dependable, have \good car and be free to work evenings For interview write giv-| i | | | | | | | | preferred. | Box 13) 1348, Oshawa Times. 20-1 teal Estate for Sale _ Douglas J. M. BULLIED REALTOR 333 King Street West : 723-1168 "NORTH EAST AREA' Fant.ily home in excellent con- ditign with a completely re- mocleled kitchen, fireplace in Jiving room, four bed- roogns, many other extras. Recisonable down payment wit'bs terms. "VALUE" Just} a few months old--7 rooipa split level. Located in onew of Oshawa's newer areas. Owiser has been transferred and' will give early posses- sion, Lower down payment req'tiired. "CEINTRAL LOCATION" Nine room. family size older dwefiling with garage in an excellent residential areo. Clest: to transportation and shopping. Kitchen has double stainless sinks, 3 pc. wash- roo @ with extra stool. "RETREAT" Fur.gished cottage on beauti- ful Pigeon' Lake. Excellent view and accessible year roudid. Down payment con- sidcyred "NORTH WEST" Veiny neat five room bunga- low! newly finished with alu- mirguen siding. On extra large lot 'in desirable area. Phone 723-1168 Meigber of the Oshawa end District Real Estate Board pie Gana fo. tNLb bt PETERS REALTY LED, 1193 King Street East _ 728-7328 $22!, 7:00.00 Immaculate split level home,. beautifully decorated, mahogany trim ondi cupboards, indirect light- ing, stove, hood and fan, at- taclyed garage, large lot. Must be seen to be appreciated. IN\@ESTMENT OPPORTUNI- TY 2 Six room houses ) with nearly new forced oil furnace, large kit- cheews, very good condition. A tito! price ee $18,900.00 tak es all, Will consider trode. $15,400.00 --- 3 bedroom honge in north end location on florge lot in good condi- tion with recreation room withy ber, oil heating ond garage $1,900.00 -- 8 room home with hot heating nord> west district water oil 10. ACRES on paved road justl off Taunton Rd. $2500 DOAN $3,$700.00 -- Lot 100 x 214 fr $640.00 DOWN Inspect thisr 2 summer retreat cedor trees: and spring Located near Orono acre wit'by cree k HAa@PTON--10 acres with tasé flowing trout stream Excg2ilent building site for type home. Cell exet utive 726-7328. d Cannington 432-2173. ... |mEve Vi ANTED, male, 18-23, to be train with lots of closet space. Paved) ;---- driveway, The basement has a] | den, bathroom facilities and a possible extra living room, Con- toct Guide Realty Limited now for full particulars. A BARGAIN ! ° 111 @ This very livable four bedroom brick two storey home|! » is on a paved street, close to e schools and within easy walking e distance of downtown This home features four walk-in/ | Commencing Wed, 2 to 9 p.m. FOUR BEDROOMS ; Year Round Comfort with OPEN HOUSE Weekends | to 6 p.m. Individually Designed Financed Under NHA 61% % Trivle Seal Heating Oversize Rooms Family Planned Kitchens Unusual Value . . . Priced Competitively Low closets, full dining room and | @ 3 and 4 Bedrooms | e t e .¢ firesloce in the. living # King Street East over Hart's i Hill, post flasher light turn This home is @ must to og || right at 2nd Street (Athabaske) | to Labrador Drive Mode| Home. e SUPERB LIVING 1V @ Modern two storey, four! bedroom home, situated close to schools and shopping in the preferred North West grea. At- tached garage, hollywood kit- chen, and wall to wall broad- loom in the living room, den ond stairs ore just a few of many appeoling features. Coll now for full particulars J Leon Monitius Evelyn Cassel Leonard Bissell Art Johnson Gl JIDE REALTY | LIMITED Call 723-5281 for full porticulars. Open daily from 9 a.m, 09pm. 728-2754 725-3710 725-2070 723-8738 udi O'Donnell 725-6713 | | | Grove 723-6329 728-2949 728-0208 728-5581 725-4330 725-9947 728-4731 723-7390 728-7083 728-0768 725-3454 728-4241 Italo Bortolussi Eleanor deJong Ernest Mueller Steve Englert Jean Peacock e CLOSE TO THE GOLF COURSE V @ Modern bungalow with attached garage, located on) Jack Graham quiet residential! street close to} EI. Ann Thompson Simcoe Street North and all) Doug Trivett schools. This home represents} Walter Mittler © good opportunity, with two] Edith Gifford bedrooms on the first floor and Roy Flintoff two more finished bedrooms in| George Nymeyer WHITBY -- 3 BEDROOM TWIN HOME -- $13,250. Neor shopping plaza with family size kitchen, decorative wood panelling in living room, sharp decoration, extra high basement and finished landscaping. See and make your offer for this fully meret model. 2,900. -- FOR THIS 3 BEDROOM we brick on paved Whitby street. You need only $2500 down payment to move into this economy property and the balance you can pay like rent. Don't wait to call us on this one, see it now while it lasts. BROOKLIN -- BUILDING LOT 87' frontage lot with depth on prestige Villuss street. Build your home away from the City confusion and yet so close to Oshawa and whitby. Asking price $4600 OSHAWA BLVD. SOUTH -- $8750. 2 bedroom bungalow with asbestos siding, low taxes, garage, smoll lot. Retire here with low upkeep or a good start for young couple wanting to sove. BUY NOW ON No. 2 HIGHWAY -- COMMERCIAL _ 7 room, 2 storey home and 112' x 176' lot near busy Thickson Rd, Live Hére and have your own service business in one of the finest locations between Oshawa ond Whitby. Reasonable toxes, close proximity to other thriving businesses. Need obout $15,- down SEABREEZE ROAD -- PICKERING Beach can be your next address if you are looking for a reason- able 3 bedroom home with large lot. Fomily size kitchen, low taxes ond heating cost. No need to pay more than $7900 for this winner, so act quickly NEED MORE ROOM FOR RELATIVES ? If so, we have 3 bedroom brick bungalow with extra basement apartment that can be utilized for many purposes. Many extras in this immaculate home with extra cupboard space, large 12 x 15 master bedroom, L-shaped living and dining orom, attached garage plus workshop building at rear of 74 x 146° lot. Fruit trees Here too with asking price of $19,000. COLLEGE AVE. OSHAWA -- $12,900 1% storey frame and stone construction on 40 x 175' lot. Clean decoration, many cupboards, valance boxes, aluminum awnings and neat landscaping. Not crowded here either on trim corner lot with low taxes. glass sliding doors to patio and rear garden. Also has wall to wall carpeting in the 24' living room. Garage and much, much more. Owner away . . . but we have the key. Coll 728-,5157 right now to see this beauty OPEN HOUSE DAILY until 8 p.m. "HARMONY VILLA" Save $500 Bonus 61%4% Financing Many already sold Built by TONNO Winter Works Bonus 6%4% NHA SEE FOR YOURSELF THE FINISHED MODELS. NOW ON DISPLAY! OPEN DAILY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 1:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 12 noon to 7 p.m. SALESMEN ON DUTY 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 list exelusive ond Photo M.L.S. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 TO 5 P.M. Trades Accepted Bungalows and two storeys Electric or Oil heat Many other features Choicest area in town Convenient financing PRICED FROM $14,975 DIRECTIONS: Follow King E. to Wilson Road, turn south to Athol and Devon Streets. Joseph BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 WE TRADE HOMES the basement, Call now for fur- Lloyd Corson ther information, Lucas Peacock Dick Young e NORTH EAST We VI @ Immaculate ranch bun- galow with extra large double goroge, recreation room with bar, Located in an area where homes of prestige ore exclusive Many extras, too mumerous to mention, Priced ot $31,900. e TODAY'S BUY -- TOMORROW'S SECURITY Vil @ This, five room 114 storey home, located on a spacious lot mid-way between Oshawa and Bowmanville with modern kit-} chen and bath, T.V, aerial and many more features, Call to-| day to inspect this valuable property. | INVESTOR'S SPECIALTY Vill @ Two acres of vacant, land on Manver's Road approxi-, mately 1% miles north of Bow-; manville. School % mile away, town water. Call about this now. | ' | RURAL LIVING AT ITS BEST | 1X @ Have you or will you be| retiring in the near future and wont something to do in your] spare time? We hove a home| for sale with approximately one} acre of ground situated just off the No. 2 Highway. For the man who enjoys gardening, this may be the answer to your dream. For your inspection and approval, call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED. STONE HOUSE 40 MILE VIEW 113 acres, 7 miles north of Oshawa, 100 workable. Mag- nificent view, see U.S.A. and Toronto lights. Antique 8 room stone house, winding staircase, hot woter oil fur- nace, 2 bathrooms, 4 bed- rooms. Good 100' x 40° barn, water bowls. Rolling clay loam, spring pond, 5 acres maple bush, hundreds of wild flowers. Long hundred, make excellent 10 acre lots, Priced ot $50,000. half down. John Worsley 487-3333 or Camer- on, Ont, telephone 17. H, KEE LID, REALTOR 181 Eglinton Ave. E. Toronto 12 NORTH WEST AREA X @ Beoutiful ranch style brick bungalow, Three master sized bedrooms, large living room, two piece bath and recreation room in the basement. Situated) on oa large lot, one block from} public and high schools .To in- spect, call todéy: e COMMERCIAL PROPERTY XI @ Brock Street South Whit by: 74 x 145 foot commercial lot with five room home. For full particulars, call now, BROOKLIN XIl @ We have listed a three bedroom ranch style brick bun- galow with attached carport Dining room, living room and bright kitchen. Finished recrea- tion room with corner fireplace and another bedroom in the basément. Full asking price for this home is only $18,500 ® AJAX SPARKLING NEW LARGE-LOVELY-LUXURIOUS $1,400 DOWN (If you qualify) Armstrong Homes No, 2 Now Started GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd 942-3310 SPECIAL!!! XII1 @ If your wish te have a relaxing weekend by o trout stream, amongst o cedor bush call about one of fifteen chaice lots that you can put your new YOU ARE INVITED | TO VISIT OUR OPEN HOUSE DAILY COMMENCING WEDNESDAY From 2 to 6 p.m. 10 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM Phase LARGE SELECTION New Homes Quality Materials Forced Air Oil Heating 100 Amp Service 3 and 4 Bedrooms Kitchen Exhoust Fan 64% Interest Rote Only One Mortaoae Low Down Payment $500 Winter Works Bonus COME OUT AND SEE 1] 1] Trades Accepted i | | | DIRECTIONS | eo @ Low, low down payments @ NHA. financing @ Voriety Oshawa locations PHONE King St. East to Melrose, then south Melrose to Apple east Apple 725-3557 to Open House signs on on Grove IS IT YOUR TURN TO PROFIT ? You have heard of your friends buying a home a few years ago and living in it for a year or two and then finding they have to move. They were pleasantly surprised 'to find they had realized a substantial profit in selling their home. Hundreds of people have listed their home with us and have been satisfied. If you decide to sell, may we help you to pros- perity? and independence? DIAL 668-8826 SMALL BUNGALOW Estate sale. Open to offers. 4 room insul brick home with paved drive and garage. Near Oshawa shopping centre. Call 728-5157 right now. After 9 p.m. call Morris Fogel 723-2563 Charles Rankine 728-3682 Robert Johnston 725-6788 Bessie Crysler 723-2925 Ernie Holmes 725-0387 Bruno Rohn 655-4742 Steve Lehan 728-9326 Hertha Schmidt 728-5157 Ralph Vickery 725-6342 Bill Horner 728-2236 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South WE LIST PHOTO M.L.S. PEATURING: @ 3. bedroom brick bungalows @ Built in von- ities @ Tile baths @ Colored fixtures @ Some have finished rec rooms @ Walk out base- ments @ Car-ports or garages @ Oil heat e Large kitchens © Completely decorated inside @ Fully sodded front lawn @ Storms and screens. WHITBY STORE IN SHOPPING PLAZA needs a new owner. Suitable for many types of business. 16 by 35' building in' busy neighborhood. Full price $13,900 with bg down and one mortgage nk balance. A chance to start r own business in a growing ar: WHITBY -- 7 ROOM BRICK & STONE BUNGALOW with lerge 2 car garage, open fireplace, deluxe recreation room with built in features, play room, study and large 1312 by 2114' kitchen. A beautiful home on landscaped lot near all conveniences. If you are looking for real value in a better home coll us for appointment to see. $12,900. FOR: 3 BEDROOM BRICK on family street with shopping and schools close by. This econ- omy -home is on paved Whitby street and needs only about $2500 down to make a deal. Clean decoration too. KING ST. DESIRABLE WHITBY HOMES ore being built for early occupancy. Extra fine workmanship in these Brick and Stone bungalows near Schools, Churches and Shopping. Buy now and choose your own style and colors. Trees, fireplace, electric heat ond other interesting features, From $19,000 to $21,600. McCULLOUGH DRIVE, WHITBY 2 year old 3 bedroom brick with attached garage in popular south west area with sharp decoration, mahogany trim, extra spacious kitchen, and lorger than average bedrooms, Extra bedroom in high dry basement, other extras too, Make appoint- ment to see and make your offer with about $5,000 down, BOARDING HOUSE WITH 12 ROOMS PLUS extra bachelor apt. rented for $50.00 monthly, Large 99' by 192, lot on busy Brock St., Whitby, has commercial possibilities. The chance to make money here and live well should sell this property quickly. LUPIN DRIVE BEAUTY $18,500. 3 bedroom brick with attached garage, 20' living room and extra 13' x 16' bedroom in basement. Neat poved drive and mony deluxe features with rustic lot, workshop and tastefully decorated throughout for the porticulor--buyer,_-One..614 % mortgage here too with one payment to ude taxes EQUIPPED 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY, $19,900. A fine Whitby home that shows loving care with neat stone fireplace, paved drive and not too much garden to look after. Close in location in older part of town with many built-in features including stove, oven, refrigerator, etc. Broadloom in living room and hall plus drapes will save you some of the extra money after buying. Completely finished recreation room, finished laundry room, 114 baths. A prestige home for those who don't like sub- divisions. CROCUS CRESCENT IN WHITBY is a delightful location for this 2 year old brick bungalow with carport, 3 bedrooms in all with spacious lot and divided base- ment. Lovely exterior appearance and fine mahogany finish on woodwork. Need one $4,000 down with one mortgage to a full price of $16,900 RCHER RD., AJAX, ONLY $12,850. 8 year old brick twin Laine on popular Aine street with 3 bed- rooms, and recreation room with built in features, spacious living room with broadioom, mahogany kitchen cupboards and other extras. Hedge, fence and landscaping make this a fine package at this price. Need a good down payment but worth seeing quickly MADISON AVE., OSHAWA, $17,500. 2 bedroom brick and stone bungalow with attached gorage, patio. Completely fenced for privacy. Recreation room, built-in cabinets, fireplace and other features. Must have good down payment. DINING ROOM HERE TOO, $18,500. This 2 yeor old solid brick, 3 bedroom home with attached gorage is situated on 50 x 130 foot ravine lot in convenient Whitby location. Immaculate decoration, natural trim, extra bedroom in basement. $5,000 down with 614% mortgage for balance. AJAX, EXECUTIVE 3 BEDROOM Split level home on 65 foot frontage lot with comparable homes surrounding. This better built brick has dining room and family room with natural stone fireplace. Features galore here with built- in oven and range, glass patio doors, 2 baths, built-in cupboards. ete. Reasonable taxes here too and all this for $23,300. THICKSON RD. S., FRAME $13,500. With large lot and low taxes for a small family, Extras here. in this economical hame ore stove, refrigerator and broadioom.: Full dining room.and 2 large bedrooms in this 5 room bungalow, Need 0 good down payment here OSHAWA -- 3 BEDROOM STUCCO $12,500. 7 room with fireplace, extra 2 room apartment rents for $50 monthly and helps pay expenses. Low taxes and spacious 80 foot frontage lot makes this a must to see, Call now for appoint- ment : 282 ACRES BUSH, CREEK, NEAR WHITBY A real hideaway for the busy executive and so relaxing watching the spring fed creek meandering through the cedar filled bush. You will have several interesting locations to place your dream GUIDE REALTY LIMITED J B. McMullan u Real Estate Broker home on this choice property. Asking price $700 per acre, SAVE 1,000 Winter Works Bonus NEW DUPLEXES @ Electric heat @ 1-5 room and 1-4 room apartments @ Built-in stove and oven @ Broadloom in iiving room @ Fully decorated 6%4% N.H.A. Mortgage: NEW BUNGALOWS @ 2 Choice areas @ Low down payments @ $113. P.I.T.. per month TO INSPECT CALL JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 WE TRADE HOMES Are just a few of the fea- tures you will find when you get here. DIRECTIONS: Drive down King East to Wilson Road South just follow our. "Open House Signs" to Chadburn Street. For more information Telephone 125 - 3557 J. B. McMULLAN Realtor BOLAHOOD BROTHERS FOR YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE MOVE WHITBY NEW LISTING Very clean 5 room = semi- bungalow. Located close to schools and shopping. Listed ot $13,900. Try your down payment. Call Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. SPECIAL MUST BE SOLD Only $15,500 will purchase this 10 yeor old brick bun- golow in excellent condition throughout. Extra large kit- chen, large bright living room, double garage. Very handy to separate school, See this home now, Call Jim Brady ot 728- 5123 or 728-0483. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 Simcoe Street North Member of 0.D.R.E.B NEARING COMPLETION in Excellent North End Location just north of Rossland Rd. close to schools ond buses .6-room 3 bedroom homes separate dining room brick veneer aluminum soffits electric heating factory built cupboards 1525 sq. ft. floor crea sodded lawns with tree $2,300 down $123 monthly includes Yircsnoy interest and toxes -- 6%% mortgages Just 16 available so act fast Call exclusive agents LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED AQ. King St. E. 728-4678 KEITH REALTOR LIMITED "Weed this and reap" Only $70 yearly taxes, 20 minutes from Oshawa, excel- lent four bedroom country style home. Only $6,500 with low down payment. Immedi- ate possession. Must be sold this weekend. DOUGLAS CARMICHAEL 723-7463 11 SUITE APARTMENT $15,000 DOWN CENTRALLY LOCATED -- Fully leased to adults. Shows excellent return, Terraza hallways and stairs. Hot water oil] heating. Will consider home as port trade To inspect call BILL MILLAR 725-1186 or 725-2557 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED 67 King East Custom Home $34,500.00 -- North End -- Tri-Level, stone front, double garage, large foyer -- Wall 'to wall carpeting in liv- ing room, separate dining room with built-in china cab- inet, Bright large kitchen --- Family room in walnut, floor to .ceiling fireplace, sliding glass doors to flagstone patio, 3 bathrooms -- | year old $14,900 down Lower down payment con be ar ranged PRIVATE SALE 723-5348 20--Real Estate for Sale ° (Continued on Page 30

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