27 =(THE COHAWA Times, Wednesday, March 30, 1966 ON SKI TEAM Andree Crepeau, 18, a na- tive of Sherbrooke, Que., was named to Canada's ski team in 1964. She won the Canadian divisional cham- pionships. that year while skiing on a broken leg. She attends Notre Dame Univer- sity at Nelson, B.C. Sales Tax Ease Seen OTTAWA (CL) -- Steps to eliminate some controversial sales-tax measures imposed by his predecessor gvere announced by Finance Minister Sharp Tuesday night. In his budget speech the min- ister announced a restored ex- emption from the 11-per-cent tax for some production machin- ery and a promise of future ex- emption for the 'rest. But he reserved judgment on lifting the tax from building ma- terials "until I am able to re- view our tax system as al % whole." Walter Gordon, the former fi- nance minister, withdrew an ex- emption from the saltes tax for these two categories in stages starting in 1963. Removal of the exemption has been a target of} # the Conservative opposition ever << : since. $200 00 Mr. Sharp said revenues from| bd the tax made "a vital contribu-| MRS. M. BAYNE tion" to an improved financial TORONTO position and did not block an| fj increase in capita] investment. MODERATED RATE "| . , Indeed, in the last few months (the tax) has probably] ? assisted in moderating an exces- sively rapid rate of increase." Mr. Sharp announced imme- diate exemption, effective at midnight Tuesday night, for dies, jigs, fixtures, moulds and tools used in production machin- ery for shaping and working! materials. He then proposed that Parlia- | THIS WEEKS BUG PRIZE WINNERS! $500.00 MR. P. CAMPBELL KINGSTON #92979 28 peeee be Fo ed Fee oe Rees Peed FO ee ts ee: PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LOBLAWS RED LABEL TEA JAVEX 22 23° Be 43 ts fax 7 ae pus. cont for a Chocolate Mallows 33 PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Hostess Biscuits other categories of production] Me" PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! All 12%¢ Varieties--Gerbers machinery. starting April 1, : : 2 gle a six per cent would 4 a eliminated completely April j te : 1, 1968. re oe JARS If economic conditions should 5200 00 oe 59: e e Fruit Cocktail 2 .::+:. change, the program to elimi- nate the tax could be speeded URS. M. DEUTSCH TORONTO 55: PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Fancy Cream St;le Stokelys Corn 3.2: 55¢ up, he added. But elimination at PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Loblows EACH 35: this time would '"'only tend to Marble Cake BIG CITRUS FRUIT SALE! exaggerate the capital invest- PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Colifornia's Finest! Sweet and Juicy! ment boom now in progress." eed LARGE Fae raph eo AGS PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! CHOICE CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS «-. PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Lean Solid Meat BONELESS PORK LOIN PORK PORK 8 5. PORK PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Meaty LOIN LOIN LOIN ROASTS | c mon FAST FRY LB. CHOPS Pork Side SPARE RIBS PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Compass Brand Rindless SIDE BACON... PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Pennywise BEEF STEAKETTES PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LAKE PERCH FILLETS ~*. PRICES EFFECTIVE MAR. 30, 31, LAST WEEK TO SECURE Make Mone LNUELOPLS 64 FL, OZ. PLASTIC BOTTLE 32 FL, OZ. PLASTIC BOTTLE WINS PONTIAC MR. TOM PERE TORONTO '200.00 MRS. BIGELL TORONTO 14-0Z. PKG. LB, PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! 6c Off Blue Bonnet Coloured MARGARINE ....... : SQ PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Robin Hood FLOUR PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Kitchen Pride LEMON MERINGUE PIE PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Frozen SHOPSY'S ASSORTED READY DINNERS PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Kellogg's Cereal SPECIAL "K" 2. 22: PKGS, PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Aylmer Choice sigs 4&9. 3 »xcs.1.00 WINS TRIP MR.JOHN LOWERY PETERBOROUGH gories seem likely to be ex- ceedingly high, if not in fact ex- cessive." CUTBACK ANNOUNCED The anti-boom aspect of the tax on building materials--he announced a 10-per-cent cutback in federal construction earlier-- carried weight with Mr. Sharp. "I am not convinced that the exemption from the sales tax for building materials should be| } restored. The arguments for this| ee Renee mae $200.00 $100.00 *100.00 are not as strong as those that apply to machinery and equip- MRS. J. SANTON MRS. M. SMITH MRS. V. ROBERTS CHALK RIVER WEST HILL TORONTO be " " on m4 $200.00 MRS. JENNINGS JORONTO ae APRIL 1, 2 Advance notice of the govern- IZE MEDIUM niin . SIZE i DOZ. ra ase doz, C ment's plans was given deliber- > SFECIA i i From Sunny Fiori dai Now at Their Very Desi ately so businesses could con- PREQIVENT ixtst A SIZE C sider it in their planning. It was WHITE C PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Garden Fresh From California! CAULIFLOWER ee: eot) cccooco0e ue DQ EASTER CHOCOLATES & CANDY NOVELTIES the expenditures on these cate- LARGE THE FINEST SELECTION OF EASTER CANDY & CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES AVAILABLE IN ALL LOBLAW STORES OG os Coming under the immediate exemption announced by Mr. Sharp are patterns for dies, jigs, fixtures and moulds as welll j as the items themselves. Also exempt are tools for pro- duction machinery that work on materials by turning, milling, grinding, polishing, drill- ing, punching, boring, shaping, shearing, pressing or planing. These other items were also put on the sales tax exemption list effective immediately: --Fuel oil used for generating --False teeth, surgical skin- , 4 j f -- en . es : closing devices and surgical| j 7 es 4 : ' " = hy a " a : i drapes for operating rooms. | , " ce : . unas 3 ° --Crab and shrimp traps -_ ie : ; % e r ' (.) é by fishermen. --Steel stalls and stall parts} used on farms. EXTRA STAMPS 2) -00 100.00 5100.00 MRS. R. HOFLAND MRS. L. PATRICK MR. J. LENZ TORONTO OTTAWA TORONTO eSB x tt made stained glass| (WITH COUPOM & PURCHASE OF WITH. COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 26 Fi. OZ, BOTTLES 'WELCH'S PRUNE NECTAR windows. --Dryers used by tobacco farmers. --Natural gas. MEAN $21,000,000 less The exemptions are expected to mean $21,000,000 less for the federal treasury in the 1966-67 $100.00 +100.00 *100.00 | MRS. J. SHEERAN MRS.N. COLLINS MRS. E. KENDALL MIMICO TORONTO TORONTO WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 11-OZ. PLASTIC BTL. vr i = 'TRUMPET INSTART COFFEE 31 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 ei _i\_4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 5-02, TIN SECRET *"Q00D-AIRE" adh $3 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 7-02. TIN REGULAR @ HARD TO HOLD WITH Bn! Come WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-LB. PKG. AMT POWDER I MI 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE LARGE TUBE "SHAMPOO WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8-07, PKG TOTAL WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 20 FL. OZ. TIN ST. WILLIAM'S 'TWO 15 FL. OZ. TINS STOKELY'S DARK RED ONE 32 FL. OZ. TIN. LIQUID FLOOR WAX fiscal year. In a change the other way, Mr. Sharp announced that sales tax now will be levied on re- treated tires, previously ex- empt. He also announced simplifica- tion for the tax on electronic tubes and cigarette lighters. Both items will be taxed at a} flat rate of 10 cents an item. The tax on electronic tubes previously was 15 per cent with a minimum of 10-cents a tube. The tax on lighters was 1% per cent with a 10-cent minimum, ' ADORN HAIR SPHAY $4 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF INSTANT PLEASE $5 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 28 FL. OZ. TINS 'WITH PORK VAN CAMP'S BEANS PON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 3-OZ. PKGS. JELL-O POWDERS 51S COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF AMY ONE 16-07, PKG. ORANGE, CHOCOLATE or BANANA -- FARM HOUSE FROZEN CAKES 525 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 SPRAY DEODORART CST T Tage 34 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 d d WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4-02, PKG. DREAM WHIP TTT Lae 316 COUPON HXPIRES APRIL 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE PKG. OF THREE LUDEN'S COUGH DROPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS PET 57 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 12 FL. OZ. JAR ROBERTSON IMPORTED SCOTCH ORANGE or SILVER SHRED LEMON MARMALADE 517 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 14-02, TINS DEEP BUTTERED PEAS, CARROTS or LIMA BEANS LIBBY'S VEGETABLES S27 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 HEAD & SHOULDERS SS7 TT AaE 38 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF * ONE 10-07, PKG, WHEELBARROW BRAND BABY GOUDA CHEESE S37 V Laswe S18 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE DINNER BETTY CROCKER CASSEROLE DINNERS $28 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 di EXTRA STAMPS 1 EXTRA STAMPS AEROWAX $9 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE 10. FL. OZ. TIN FROZEN ORANGE DRINK HONEY DEW S19 COUPON EXPIRES APRE 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-OZ. JAR PLAIN or SWISS CHOCOLATE OVALTINE $29 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. Tis 9:30 -- Downtown APPLE PIE FILLING COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 $10 2) EXTRA STAMPS Bia "a" CEREAL S11 COUPON HXPIRES APRIL 6 2) EXTRA STAMPS KIDNEY BEANS S13 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 EXTRA STAMPS BE, CRACKERS $20 COUPON HXPIRES APRIL 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 2 PLY PKGS. 'WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE £90 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 di EXTRA STAMPS 2) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF Two 2s PKGS. MONAI COLOURED MARGARINE $21 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE BUNCH DELICIOUS BANANAS 2) EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS Store Open Thurs. and Fri. Till 9 p.m. IWITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 15 FL. OZ, TINS IRISH or BEEF CLARK'S STEW S22 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 6 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS McINTOSH APPLES $23 COUPON EXPIRES APREL 6