38--Coming Events |38--Coming Events THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 30, 1966 23) BIRTHS | JAYCEES Monster BINGO Admission 50c Two Jackpots NOS. 53 AND 58 One Must Go $500. IN 50 NOS. OR LESS KINSMEN TROFYMOWYCH -- Max and Elaine| IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM _ wish to announce the arrival of their first |born, a daughter, Delaine Laurie, wei: A 2 Ibs. 14 ozs., on March 2, 1966 at Bring This Special | Y Price Pass TO THE Friday, April Ist KINSMEN SUPER CAR fo Dr. R, C, Ross, Dr, 1 and Or. W. L. Gilchrist penal! the birth of their son, Jason ine Oshawa General Noma? on March) 25, 1966. bn a § Dr. W. Cherewaty | |and 4th floor sti DEATHS te! ARMSTRONG, abo Harold (of Sangamo Ele AT THE | PETERBOROUGH | MEMORIAL CENTRE Over $8,000 ray Gertrude pie Peay and the late | Seaward Armstrong; dear brother of Mrs. | Alma Haskell and Bert, both of Oshawa; |Mrs. Gerald Morehouse (Jean) of To- |ronto; Marie of South Africa and Fred of | Bowmanville. Friends will be received at the Humphrey Funeral Home, 1403 Bay-) view Avenue (at Davisville Avenue), To-| ronto, Service in the Chapel Saturday af-/ ternoon at 1.30 p.m. interment Union Cemetery, Oshawa, at 3 o'clock. $200. In announced Nos, $25. Consolation Prize $10 per line both games $175 Jackpot $20. per line. $50. full card. 20 Regular $20 games pay double in 17 Nos. or less. Five $30 games Early Bird Game 7:45 P.M. EXTRA PRIZES Every Thursday -- at the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS AT 7:00) AND 7:15 P.M. and Returning after the Bingo Children under 16 not admitted SUNNYSIDE Monster BINGO 1~JACKPOT MUST GO! Two Jackpots Nos 55 end 59 $500. IN 52 NOS. OR LESS $200. in ennounsed Nos. $25 Consolation Prize $10 per line both games $150. Jackpot | $20 PER LINE $50 FULL CARD $800. REGULAR GAMES $20 PER GAME $40 IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $150. or -- $50, EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 Admission $1.00 Every Thursday RED-BARN BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS AT 7:00 AND 7:30 P.M. Children Under 16 Not Admitted BINGO $1,450.00 IN PRIZES paizes Oshawa Lions Club | 2 Jackpots NOS. 52 and 55 $300 in 52 Nos. or Less $200 in announced Nos. $25 Consolation Prize Plus $10 per line both games Early Bird Game 7:45 Shorp Guaranteed Minimum $5.00 Per Line $25.00 Full Card $150.00 Jackpot Game 20 Regular Games at $20.00 Double in 15 Nos. or Less, Last 5 Games $30. per game. ADMISSION 50c Bus Service leaving King and Simcoe S$ t ot 00 and j+15 pr The biggest prize money in the area for a 50c ad- mission charge EVERY WEDNESDAY All proceeds for charity IN PRIZES INCLUDING New 1966 specified Car from dealer of your choice or $2,000 Cash. $1,000 Hi-Lo Game. $1,300 Big Snowball (54 nos.). $1,100 Small Snow- ball 51 nos.). $600 regular games. $450 Special games. Don't forget to buy the econ- omy pack for value and save money. Plus 4 Early Bird Games (Share the Wealth) at 7:30. PLUS "50" FREE EASTER | HAMS AS DOOR PRIZES. wi GRAHAM, Alice After @ short illness at Oshawa General | Hospital Tuesday, March 29, 1966, Alice} | White, in her 101st year (resident of Fair- Graham, dear aunt of Mrs. Mabel Rich- ardson, Toronto, Mrs. Jack Gillespie (Dorothy) of Cannington, Russell White of} Ottawa, Ralph White of Stratford, Gordon |° White of Oshawa and Wardell of Ux- Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street} West for service "in the Chapel on Fri day, April 1, at 3 p.m. Interment Pine' Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. | WOOD, Margaret | BRAY -- In loving memory of a dear) SNELGROVE -- In loving memory of Oshawa General Hospital, pecie! on ong father and grandfather, Johnimy dear wife and mother, Helen Nor- at 44 rolling stream of life goes on, Reminds us of the face, me smile WOOD -- Orval and Judy are happy | oO lonesome Frederick Earl, weighing 6 Ibs. 9 9zs., "at | hong remembered by wife, Maud | --Dearly remembered by husbend,, Art | son and brother, Ronald McComb Gibson, | iwho passed away March 29, 1957. The love @ heart holds dear, --Aiways ( | ctr N e dear husband and our father who passed B | Suasenty, at the East " General shapely away March 30, 1964, | Loving' erine and family | husband, father and grandfather, John,! view Lodge), beloved widow of William Ever remembered by wife and family. | jenn away March 30, 1944. thi bridge. Mrs. Graham is resting at the! |; Remembered ty Dad, Mum end. tam j- | HY. | William Weeks, who passed away seven lyears ago today. | --Always remembered by nephew Len, | Suddenly as the result of an accident on | are and Suzanne. | moyle, who passed away hie 30, 1945. | My tips cannot tell how miss her, | My heart cannot tell a to say. | who passed away March 30, 1965. But still the empty chair | | ree only knows how | miss Sod f one who once sat ther: a home that is | Snelgrove, Oliver, B.C, sons and daugh- ters and twenty-two grandchildren, Osh- ewe. GIBSON -- in loving memory of a dear EEKS pee) ing memory ¢ of 7 door | Noting can ever tance ewoy jenly, te years ago Fond memories linger every day, "a Remembrance keeps him near. fe Always remembered and sadiy missed red dy moter ead sis-|by-son-Len, deughter-Intaw AMarlon and # | granddaughter, Suzanne. EASTER TRIBUTES TO YOUR LOVED ONES Nothing is more befitting or @ greater tribute to the mem- ory of loved ones who have passed on than a memoria! verse at Easter time. It is beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of a mother, father, wife, hus- band, daughter son or *hose beyond the immediate family circle, a faithful friend or kin. remembe rs, Doris and Blanche. KELLETT -- In loving memory of my He Is gone but not forgotten And, as dawns another year, in our lonely hours of thinking ints of him are always near. Days of sadness still come o'er us, | Friends may think the wound is healed, But they. little know the sorrow That lies within the heart concealed. ly remembered by his wife, Cath- KNOX -- In loving. memory of a dear) ho passed away March 30, 1961. Resting where no shadows fall In perfect peace he awaits us al! Where God will link the broken chain} As one by one we meet again. MeDONOUGH In ever toving mem-| ry of Chris (Sonny) McDonough, who! Too dearly loved to be forgotten. In the sincere hope of ren- dering o helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriate memoriun notice for Easter time, the Classi- fied Department of The Osh- WEEKS -- in memory of @ dear uncie, i | Monday, March 28, 1966, Margaret Wi i of 78 Albert Street, Oshawa, beloved | | KINSMEN |daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood, | dear sister of Joseph, Mrs. W. Robinson ST. GEORGE'S HALL }(Marie) and Robert. Resting af the | Northeutt and Smith Funeral Home,| ALBERT and JACKSON STS. Bowmanville. Funeral service two o'clock Mount | EVERY WEDNESDAY | Thursday afternoon, interment 7:45 tLawn Cemetery. 18 GAMES AT $10 2 'GAMES AT $20. SHARE THE WEALTH $160 Jackpot 51 Nos. $5 each Hotizontal Line $10 Consolation $15 DOOR PRIZES Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all. FUNERAL CHAPEL GERROW 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 CARD OF THANKS' awa Times will once again be publishing special Easter Memorial Tribute on Sotur- day, April 9th, 1966. TO ENSURE YOUR. MES- SAGE APPEARS AT_ THIS TIME, PHONE THE TIMES CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT AT 723-3492 BEFORE 5:00 | P.M, WEDNESDAY, APRIL - 6th. | THE OSHAWA TIMES Classified Department PHONE 723-3492 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE ___ 728-6555 | oh LASTING TRIBUTE For permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice: please visit the Park Office 723-2633 GORDON Mrs. Allan Gordon - and family wish fo express their deepest ap- | preciation for the many acts of kindness of friends, neighbors and relatives In the joss of a dear husband and father; also | for the beautiful floral tributes ae cards. A special thanks to Rev. N. | Swackhammer and Rev. H. A. Mellow Do | for their consoling. words. LIONS Bingo To-Night | Jubilee Pavilion. | Early Bird Game 7:45 Jackpot Nos. 52 and 55 SEE TUES. AD HENDERSON -- The family of the late | Emmalene Henderson wish to express | ir sincere thanks and appreciation to friends, neighbors and relatives for their kindness and sympathy, floral tributes and cards, during their recent bereave-| ment In the loss of @ loving wife, mother | and grandmother. A special thanks to the Ladies of Sunbeam Chapter OES and Cedardale United Church, The Rev. But- ler and Mr. J. Young for their consoling words also Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral | Home for their kind and efficient service. --W. Henderson and family For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 NOW OPEN! ALCAN Furniture & Appliances 452 Simcoe St. S. 723-0011 Oshawa's New Furniture and Appliance Store feat- uring Admiral T.V., Zenith, Top Service end many top lines of furniture and appliances. Spread it thin! Spread it thick! Spread it "oa Serr margarine is here! Spreads smoothly even when refrigerated. Serve it in its own container. A delightful new idea from Blue Bonnet, Canada's favourite margarine. New Soft Blue Bonnet is so' soft... you can spread it ice-cold on anything from the thinnest cracker to the softest bread. (Even on potato chips! Easy to blend, easy to measure. ideal for icings, sauces. Won't burn in your frying pan. - ¢ Two attractive table-service tubs in every pound. They save refrigerator space, can be used as serving dishes for your margarine. They're re- usable in dozens of ways, and they're unbreakable. it has the flavor Canada loves best! That sunny-sweet Blue Bonnet goodness that comes from pure vegetable oil. mar a A Division of the SS, Keesge C BIG SAVINGS on... (Discount Specials! Many More Unadvertised Specials - Shop Early! Ladies' HATS Beautiful ing millinery, see the large selection of straws, florals, nylon fries over straw, Choose from styles with veils or without, all in attractive spring shades to match any outfit. Priced from 98 10 7.95 ALL WEATHER COATS Reversibles and rayon lined all weother cocts in popular styles and colors, sizes range from 8 to 18 and 161% to 2412. Priced from 9.99. 18-54. MEN'S Terylene and Wool DRESS TROUSERS Dress trousers in Wool ond Terylene material with grip tabs, inside waistband. These pants come in three styles, Dak waist, sizes 28-38 Belt Loops with pleats and belt loops with plain fronts in sizes 30-44; In gray, green, brown, charcoal and block colors MEN'S POLO SHIRTS Men's short sleeve combed cotton polo shirt with placket fastening and action sleeves, in yellow, blue, red, white and beige colors. Sizes small, medium and large. o7 each EASTER BUNNIES Choose from several sizes and shapes made of rich, pure milk thocolote. Priced from 69: to Ladies and Misses - SPRING COATS See the large selection of new spring coats, choose from laminates weather- all, poodle cloth, woven and knit ma- terials, All in @ voriety of les and beautiful paste! colors. gceot to 20. §.54 Sub-Teen COATS Sub-teen spring coats in poodle cloth, woven fabrics and plain wools all im bright pastel shades for spring. Sizes range from 10 to 14X, 9.99 MEN'S Combed Cotton JAC SHIRTS Men's Short sleeve combed cotton joc shirts in plain colors ef yellow, green and blue, Also ribbed effect in block, blue, med, and large. red and wine colors in sizes small, o7 MEN'S Dress SHIRTS Men's sanforized striped dress shirts in blue, beige and gray colors with snap tab and button down collar, Sizes 1442 to 16% 3.87 ons EASTER EGGS Wonderful Lowney's and Smiles and Chuckles filled eggs, choose from Fruit and Nut, and butter cream covered with ereamy 'chotolate coating. Priced from "CHARGE IT" on your Kmart CREDIT CARD! Now! In the dairy section of your food store! JUBILEE PAVILION On Hwy No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby