OSH 'ednesday, knocked off Nu-W: $o-2, a8 did: 12 isis AWA Time W , March 30, 1966 vit and Miss 'against Morings Garage. The girls displayed some fine bowling this week, with Josie Gyurka carding @ 10 ' PIN ACTION 565, (206), Helen Neal S21, Ada Fi 7, 521, Jean Lawrence 520, Fairley Bouckley 500 (202), Joan Ross 492, Marie Collison 488, Doris Vann 487, Mavis Taylor 467, Mary Cole 459, Eileen Worsley 444, Car- ole Gibbs 440, Mary Mothersill 439, Wenda ' . \ © + J e Andrews 439, Carole Collis 438, Joyce Wa- eorge Reids Iriple "22% - (203, 202), ' ' Norm St. Laurent 549 (213), Tom Lar- oy 'eam Elandv & oo a = OCCA 34>, der Lares <7. © 521, Bob Howlett 506, George Turner 504, 7 George Lawrence 502, Harry Blohm 501 and Ron Andrew 500. Standings -- Vancos 45, Bonds Clothes Kings 37, Central Auto Ewes q 37, Speedy Muffler the-Big Five. 'and Miss 23, North Oshawa ' TUESDAY NITE MEN'S and the Crawiers™tupping iB » that tier e|7.0 wins in our league on Tuesday night, |with a 522, followed by Twila Wilson with | Gol ne ' gs Garage 30, - Lander-Stark Classic league's!with the City lads blanking Cadillacs.) 3, nice cee tend Glenda Thomson with a|Wick Cleaners 27. Oshawa Cleaners -25, While the A's were taking Late Starters t0| 509, Shirley Bower missed by two pins Meades Sunoco 24, Orphans 23, Gillands high triple mark for the season, | camp, [309 Shirley ee Kirkham 484, Ede Ryan| 2% Maligs 22, Nu-Way Photo 21, Yomacs was the keynote in the Tigers| Chow's remained in the lead by beating | 482 Marg Barnes 468, Alice Lanning 458, 19 and the Esses 14, Thompson Plumbing 5-to-2. General Ag-| Norma Magee 458, Marg Brown , Chris} 3-0 win Over the Hornets. The regaies moved into a second place tie| Overy 449, Marielle Guay 455, Jean Hut- G.M, TEN PIN win for the 'Cats' was a big one,|with Corvettes as they defeated Peacocks) cheon 497 and Lorraine Dalby 439. The Flintstones 'shutout Union as it brought them, to within two|s!o2 while the Corvetts wore losing| For the men, Rolf Rocker had @ 58.| paint Shop blanked cae Ble Raa i af the | their match fo the Police 'b's by the|Gien Copp 580, Gerry Bilous 558, Jim), d 1! j in: Points the leading Falcons,|same score. in the final game Madern| Lamont 541, Oz Weeks 538, Fred Snow 538, Ee re Minute Mh il who dropped a 2-to-l decisign Stl! upset Burns Shoes 5-0-2, | Prank Stewart $35, Tal Ryan 528, John fivety, as they wale raeey ps Pega to the Lions Ai MA, Bet ™ fy A ped. se (ra), | parse $16, Don Richmond 506, Horst Pie-| coming play-offs 4 wi 7k 3 ' i ~ i Y karski 506, Danny Thompson 501 and Jim) Doug Vann was Eagles' best| George Wind 540, Doug Keeler 531 and J.) Zambonelli 500. i he neal aaa Pas "Solis: Deeper as they shutout the Jets 3-0. Husband 521. Standings -- Independents 45, Ary| Dans saw their chances grow a bit gim- Standings -- House of Chow 42, General), 0.10. a0" a and W Drive In 34, Gillard * f hy th a. Blohm fired up the Mus- pvp be Paucar evi Reed Cleaners "3a crewecs 3 Orphans 3 Ticats. ee ee ings to a 2-1 decision over the|F° Comber 33 Berns eee ie Hl Vern Auto Glass 31, Duraclean 27 Scugog! Ron Nelson had the hi 4 ' f gh score on the tail end Hawks. ern Grill 30, Police A's 28, City Hall 27, eer ars 97, Should-a-bins 24 Astra NUIS|night, 606. (235) series. Rolfe Rocker é Police B's 24, Late Starters 11 and Cadi! ve, Tri ey ity| Big Eight oe George Reid 656 | lcs a 21%, Triumphs 23, Presto 20%, Motor City|had a 587, Walt Crystal 585, Horst Pie Es e \Cab 16, Big Five 16 and Moonbeams 15. karski 580, Ossie Spooner 579, Hans Bo- - , ee «bu (257, 208), Frank Sobil 597 (204, KING TEN PIN | |esch 563 (222), Tony Lupe! 556, Ray ha p ot? wre! EASTWAY MIXED LEAGU' fel 552, Tom Krawchuk 550, Zo! in 203), Big George La nce 588 Four shutouts in the league last week, me id | 546, Bert Wind 539, George Turner 533, "PEAS & CARR (208), Harry Blohm 585 (207),|with the. Independents solidifying their! Meades' Sutco Service | beat Vancos| George Waite 526, Garry Judd 525, Bill My S-to-2, but the league-leaders lost no) Raderford 518, Berf Harding 517, Gene Ay oy he » ei, La Dou; in . thold on first place with a seven-pointer $s ot . eon rk or over the Orphans. ~~ | ground as their nearest rivals, Golf Range) Supryka 516, Arno Knop 514, Bruce am rocca an 0) OCK-| Try Agains took over second place with/and Central Auto Body, failed to id Pah aah 513, Bill Hayes 511, Glen Copp 505, Jim Vinson 505, Doug May 503 and er 547. | @ 7-0 win from the Astra Nuts. Verns Auto advantage, by! also losing their matches. Standings -- Falcons 52, Ti-| ards against Prestos. Kings, while the Centrals were given a| Standings' -- Flintstones 36, Die Room gers 50, Lions 46, Jets 44, Mus-| The remaining four matches ended in 52 shuffle by Gillands. Begs 30, Rooks 28, Paint Shop 25, Dap- | 5-2 verdicts, with Duraclean winners over) Bond's Clothes moved into a second|per Dans 24, Jewell's Men's Wear 22, Ti- tangs 43, Eagles 42, Hornets 32 A and W's, Triumphs over Motor City| place tie by pickling Yomacs 7-to-0, Pick-|Cats 21, Chevelles 19, Minute Men 18, and Hawks 27. Cab, Scugogs beating the Should-a-Bins wicks beat Majigs 6 to 1, Oshawa Clean- F85's 16, Union Reps 9 and Caprices 4. GLECOFF 5 INVITE YOU 10 |Glass blanked Moonbeams, as did Gil-| The 'golfers' were shutout by Muffler} George Wind 503 VEGETABLES the first family of vegetables with butter actually inside them Here's the inside story. It started with Deep-Buttered corn-the first corn with the : || butter actually inside every kernel. And, oem nF ". §| now there are four more Deep-Buttered veg: | :| etables where the butter is no longer the FRESH CHER RAISIN B CHOCOLATE ame Res: des SPECIAL -- tg ARB" = o butter is ahsarhed into every pea, slice of carrot, kernel of corn and every lima bean. Only Libby's makes Deep-Buttered vege- tables--so thoroughly blends fresh butter and vegetables that what starts as 'wo flavours becomes one new flavour--- the unique flavour in Deep-Buttered vegetables. Try the new family of Deep-Buttered vege- tables from Libby's and get the inside story. =. *geep-buttered™ is.0 brand of Libby, MoNeill-& Libby of Canada. Limited A NERE Caen Se RN Nee PLAY SPELLBOUND Win $25.00 Cash! | GLECOFFE'S Supermarket 174 Ritson Road South Shop By Phone Call 725-3445 LOTS OF FREE PARKING GLECOFF'S CASH PAY CHEQUES OPEN 8 a.m, to 10 p.m. Daily AND BABY BONUSES. a = aie gat VT ~<Sre _ *