THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, March 26, 1966 3 Green Light Given Expenditures Bill | | 'THESSALON, Ont. (CP)--The) Provincial police at Sault ste.| OTTAWA (CP)--It was gov-|regular business for an emer- ernment payday in the Com-|gency debate on the Ontario mons. Friday, the traditional trucking strike. opening for MPs to tackle any| The Toronto Jawyer charged topic they choose. that Labor Minister Nicholson y The debate on capital punish-jhad failed to remove a major "ment was shelved temporari!y|obstacle to settlement of the Ho deal with an appropriation|strike by not implementing the \pill giving the government in-|40-hour week for truckers under |terim authority to spend $870,- the Canada Labpr Code. /000,000 in the next two months.) Speaker Lutien Lamoureux This amount, subject to later|rejected the motion after Health| scrutiny and approval, was ap-|Minister MacEachen a rgued proved in less thah two hours. |that the matter. could be fully The rest of the day was spent|discussed during the interfm debating the final package of|supply debate. supplementary estimates for the, Later, Mr. MacEachen at- 11965-66 spending year~,which tacked NDP criticism of the ends next Thursday. About half;government's labor code stand lof the $173,701,576 involved weni|and said negotiations in the \through. truckers' strike were reaching hen the-rest is approved the |@ Critical stage. He declined to eight spending bill ja the cur. |Bive details but indicated that lrent fiscal year will be $7,999,-|Provincial and federal officials 605,015. ¥ involved were hoping a settle- 'Monday the House is due to ment was fear. : resume the capital punishment) Angus MacLean (PC-- debate. It is supposed to end|Queens) expressed concern |with a vote Monday night but|@bout a possible new Canada- this still is in some doubt. Russia air agreement giving Russian planes the right to pick DISCUSS TRANSPORT up and deliver passengers be- Transport matters took qup tween points in Canada. |most of Friday's discussion. Transport Minister Pickers- | David Lewis (NDP -- York/gill said there wasn't a chance GOLDBERG GETS DEGREE ~ Arthur J. Goldberg, U.S. Charter Day. ceremonies at ambassador to the United the University of California, Nations, stands very stiff Friday. Goldberg was the as the academic hood, sym- principal speaker bolic of the honorary degree, : is put over his head during ie : s South) sought to adjourn the/of it. MP Lashes Out At Ship Line bop rup MAGISTRATE. In Deaths Of Five In Montreal | : speed ie in the murder * $2.20 Meal Theft Costs $125 Later I five sailors on Sept. 14, 1965.' | He read extensively from a court of investigation headed by and that been some confusion". Attorney Affleck con Mr. Justice H. F, Gibson and said sole blame for the tragedy restaurant tended that Traviss' savings ac count had been closed out Dec. -- (AP Wirephoto) OTTAWA erat Frank Howard Friday ac cused Canada Steamship Lines! of participating in the murder of five sailors who died last Sep- tember when the ship Fort Wil liam capsized and burned in Montreal harbor Mr. Howard, member Skeena, said in the Commons that the ship was undermanned and badly built and the com pany pvas interested only in the was placed on the ee nt Two Oshawa rtsidents press-| union "there must He said that to -- lo . ed their luck' Feb. 13 when they|have for|labor costs the CATE hallast| ordered $2.20 worth of food at| Crown were opened while water ballast), | Ganosha Hotel was being pumped out. This has vase Bae a helped to upset the equilibrium -- Mg tonnage 147. Mill jof the ship, which was already st., and James R McMullen profit motive, not humanity, |? Ph of being top-heavy.) 1s" 14 Beatrice st., both pleaded "Apparently the only concern he. adde not guilty in Osaawa Magis-|to Black's was dollars and cents,' Mr | CRITICIZES PENALTY cheques were written after that. Men's Wear Ltd; ) Canadian Tire Corp. were convicted the 'CAPITAL PUNISHMENT DEBATE RESUMES MONDAY 15 and that all the worthless|to decide He wrote one cheque for $8.10 would be eligible for exemption. | trate's Court Friday to charges|another to Al's Bi-Rite Stores, Arthur, of Mr. Howard said CSL didn't)of obtaining meals under false} for $50; one more for $18.90 to| pleaded not guilty to the charge, Associate| laid and| Store; one to Oshawa Hardware} Insurance Act. A fine of $75 and fined a total of $125 Berry was|and Electric for $36 and finally, lone for $30 to the "Atlantic and! on him. ror while har.dcuffed and blind- folded in the back' seat of the gunmen's car. They said they were flagged down on the Trans - Canada Highway shortly after leaving a roadside cafe near North Bay. Three men waving revolvers and wearing stocking masks forced them sut cf the truck. Pair Found Shackled In Deserted Dance Hall \livee of two truck drivers may!|Marie said they received a tel-| have been saved early Friday|ephone call about midnj when hijackers who had kid- day. The caller sa napped them apparently tipped|had read nothing in the fapers off police to their whereabouts./about the two driveys and The. two, Kris Miske, 42, of|feared for their safety.) Police Vancouver, and David Lukiy,|were told they would ffnd the 39, of Coquitlam, B.C., were|men handcuffed in the dance found shivering and shackled to hall. a bannister in a deserted dance| The drivers said they were hall on Highway 17 near here.) | | Two NDP members, Frank |Howard (Skeena) and 'Arnold |Peters (Timiskaming), voiced sailors' complaints about safety on the St. Lawrence River. John Turner, minister without portfolio who specializes in transport, told of the steps be- ing taken to improve ship chan- nels and radio aids in naviga- tion. 2 | Colin, Cameron (NDP -- Na- naimo Cowichan The Is- lands) criticied Canada's ap- proval of an international deci- sion to reduce the width of air corridors over the North Atlan- tic to 90 miles from 120, | He claimed that jet pilots--| "the only men whose Garntoa | means a damn"--are opposed to the idea. Greedy airlines wanted it. Mr. Turner said he had been) itold that a majority of pilots ap- |proved the decision, imple- mented in January by the In- ternational Civil Aviation Or-| oPpaAWA (CP)--Labor law- ganization. yer David Lewis (NDP--York But he promixéd a personal South) Friday accused Labor study of the situation. Minister Nicholson of "criminal- aeons jity" for not implementing the 40-hour work week for Ontario jtruckers. | He said in. the Commons he lis almost "speechless with in- dignation"' that the federal gov- ernment has shown an "'irre- ture Friday rejected a proposal |SPonsible and callous" behavior from, Kenneth Bryden (NDP-- toward a law calling for a Toronto-Woodbine) to exempt |Standard 40-hour week. from the Ontario retail sales tax| Mr. Lewis said the nine-week ES Ontario truckers' strike could ' , posters and literature or- , é ne ted political parties. |be settled in days if the federal Mi Bryden mada the pro-|/2¥ was implemented by Mr. osal during clause - by - clause Nicholson. pos: i se - DY ss | John Munro, -- parliament: discussion of bills that will im- i vl f : . {secretary to Immigration Min- toca yee ies worth of new ister Marchand, accused Mr. axes bis iLewis of "political opportun- Provincial Treasurer Jamesjism" in Pitot the savanna |Allan said it would be difficult) was negligent. when auditing the) printers what items taken on a 200-mile ride of ter- Thessalon is 50 miles east of Sault Ste. Marie. ré They had been 'left there handcuffed to the bannister for two days after three gunmen hijacked their tractor - trailer jloaded with $180,000 in cigar- P P ettes and other cargo. There ge pi gate tinal |was no trace of the transport, career included work on the ba aps by D, 5, Scott Transport Gouzenko spy case and two |/d. of Vancouver. : royal tours. The truckers were suffering ginger esse. "|from hunger, exhaustion and cold. They said they shouted for help practically all the time they were handcuffed in the hall. | FINAL FUR DIES Edmonton police chief M. F. E. Anthony died of a 40-Hour Week Lack Scored 2 for those sleepy people for whom nothing but the very finest will do... Be a perfect s/eeper on a _. SERTA PERFECT SLEEPER © Patented Sertaliner construction . . . coils connected with ribbons of stee! support each other to support you longer gonn, | Tax Exemption | Plan Rejected TORONTO (CP)--The legisla- @ Regular or extra length é -- @ Firm or extra firm 79* each (nea) @ Innerspring or foam latex* mattress @ Full or twin width of matching box spring L "Foam latex mattress sold only with matching foundetion MATTRESS eu Phone...Mail Orders Promptly . Filled |books of 64 Fernhill blvd.,| under the Unemployment lcosts or 19 days was imposed For consuming liquor as a minor, Ernest Sydney Milner, 19, 308 Arthur st., Whitby, was |fined $50 and costs or 10 days lafter pleading guilty. The |charge was laid March 10. An Irishman who over-:cele- brated:St. Patrick's Day, March 17, was fined $100 or seven days after pleading not guilty to a lcharge of impaired driving. | James Quail, 863 Simcoe st. n., \told Magistrate Guest he was 'nervous and had a bad back lwhen taken to the city police station.. He explained that his unsteadiness was probably due to a back ailment. But Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck watched Quail stroll to the stand and noted: "You weren't unsteady on your feet when you took the | Stand". | Good Nemes To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker--President Bill MeFeeter®Vice Pres. Schofield-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 will jet you fastest is pretty girls, to Rome. the Colosseum, Just tell your A Hampton, Ont. father of six children, Barney' Traviss, 33, was found guilty of cashing five worthless cheques for $143 and placed on one year's: pro bation. He was also ordered to make restitution within four jmonths. He pleaded guilty to the five charges of false pre- ttnces. He testified he knew he didn't have the money in his auto workers' union credit ac count when he wrote the cheques but intended to make |deposits. He also said he had jtwo accounts with the credit You and your fr to DAFFODI of Wednesday, March 30th, ACTIVE REALTY ays and Mc- government must share the Mullen, $50 or 10 Nas Pacific Tea Co, Ltd., Bowman- guilt to a certain extent. Restaurant manager Robert! ville, Prag a . pe Campbell testified { that --both onalt évied against ; Ro Sieweahio Lines was skipped out without paying their Magistrate 'C. W. Guest also inue in the same fashion. | By JAMES NELSON er ; oe : cut wae milly ut Mullen back I saw the other] age to it. Three cars parked be- ; he government was gullly at chap, Berry, in his car onjhind the fence, at Hogan Pon- OTTAWA (CP)--Taken all to-|least of disinterest if not out-| Ajpert st. 1 knew he had been|tiac Ltd.. were also d 4 gether, the federal, provincial] right negligence in allowing an 4 smPee fron the age of steam nor diesels!len's was $1.05 or 30 days 1965, while their combined ex-| but tothe sailing days. . Berry said he did pay for penditures rose 10 per cent to wr. Peters said the fransport, both bills right after McMullen Also ¢ined jroo or 30 days was $19,008,000,000. department had refused to/had left the booth the two were The surplus which resulted first place and secondly, the re | Insurance Commission request eeipt did not coincide with the| 2". 25 for him to produce pay- $2.20 amount that the two ac-|[0l! and business records of his as a preface to his budget cused owed. firm, TY Sierras. width Speech next Tuesday night, the surplus of government revenues} ¢RIPAY, March 25, 1966 over expenditures may continue oe : Finance Minister Sharp tabled his budget white paper in the Commons predicting surplus last calendar year was $535,000,000, hut on the normal budgetary accounts used in Par- yegular business to discuss liament, there was a federal' the Ontario truckers' strike but were ruled out of order The Commons passed a bill ment fiscal affairs on the econ- omy as a whole ie study of supplementary But the 1965 figures showed! spending estimates. that the combined forces of ' at 3 Given in the interests of THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Memorial Hall, Simcoe St. United Church (SIMCOE & BAGOT STS.) Hate be po gga The Women's Service Committee Ontario County Unit Musicol Programme -- under the direction of Mr. Matthew Gouldburn travel agent that you want to take the only non-stop service from Toronto. Only 465; 14-21 day economy round trip. iends are invited a L PARTY ee wine, outdoor cafes, the gateway to all of Europe--to Athens, to Beirut, to Tel Aviv. 1966--2:30 to 4:30 p.m. = subject to 'government @pproval, rev Canadian Cacific AIRLINES 5 a ANNOUNCEMENT (CANADIAN PACIFIO- TRAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS / WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM |partial payment of the costs of hills. He said he chased Mc-jimposed a $200 fine on John Gad Uieiclnal sovciatnents ofl*'urchaie'" Conedn Shivping Act sitting with McMullen so [| told|to the extent of $700, court was Kenneth' PSnow 39 Ox- spend at most $50,000 to set up|eating in, Berry produced a re | oa, Ae Ox was in sharp contrast to a com in 1966, though on a somewhat further expansion in the eco- deficit in the fiscal year 1965-66 giving the covernment a two- government took out of the MONDAY, March 28 The Commons meets at 2:30 p.m. to continue the capital punishment debate. The Sen- ate stands adjourned until March 29. Howard said. 'As the result id the exercise of that selfish atti-!'eyen have its wrists slapped' | pretences. tude Canada Steamship Lines|but only had to pay some They OE er ape TI ' money. He said the department Me G t of transport and the federal|fined $75 or 10 ook More | Mullen down Albert st. s. and| Stanley Muise, '25, 557 Central | | the sstigat to $10,000.| : Did ed Mbeki eh he at as said this}/@ast on Athol st. before he} Park blvd. n., after he pleaded an rumted to a licence fee to cut found him hiding under a trac-| guilty to failing to remain at | back on crews, to build unsafe lapel and brought him'the scene of an accident Feb "e n, |back > restaure 26 when he ran his car i j acipsa al and to con- rac to the restaurant € ns car into a | unmanageable ships an "When I was bringing Mc-| "mesh fence" and did $250 dam- |him to fo sb s-| told. Canada last year took about/to remain on the books. eee eee pork io the j i. $250,000,000 more out. of the > . Timisk " y tad | F ie honiy thar thee REM in | Arnold Peters (NDP--Timisk-| Berry and McMuilen testified) Michael Lajoie, 21, 256 Ritson economy than they put back in. aming) added that evexything|that once they returned they|rd. s., pleaded guilty to ob The combined revenues of alll but cutlasses are discussed in| offered to pay for their bills.| structing a police officer March a ss ro fi Begg the act. It belonged to neither|Berry's was $1.15 and McMul-!25.and was fined $100 and costs VHF (very high frequency)|veipt made out for $2.16 which| ford st = he pleaded guilty bined deficit of all governments! communications for ships in the 't stand as sufficient evi-| '0 SUPPying liquor to a minor. in 1964 amounting to $102,000,-'Great Lakes system. 4) ence Devause a_ restaurant villig 000. ah - - jcashier testified she did not] ,, tc mgaln Measiuor relied 19 ste Hd hea OTTAWA |make it out to Berry in the omni a a8 Unemaioyment paper Finance Minister Sharp tabled in the Commons Friday AT A GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS smaller scale These figures cover the rev enues and expenditures of all! nomy, levels of government and in The paper forecast a deficit clude all kinds of income and $34,000,000 for the. fiscal outgo. On this basis, the federal! year ending March 31 New Democrats sought ad- journment of the Commons' amounting to $34,000,000. MEASURE THE IMPACT A : EER Economists look to the wider pega yee ce dah ed Ny ae national accounts figures em. alli ) to meet bills and pay- bracing all governments to ' Transport and public works > t act o <i bi Cc measure the imipact of govern: items took the spotlight as the House then turned to economy only a little under two per cent more than they spent To be sharply anti-inflationary many economists believe the figure should be higher ATTENTION FARMERS! SAVE ... Why Pay More on Premium Quality GASOLINE - DIESEL & MOTOR OILS Farm Tanks Available. 100% MORE OFFERS the Oshawa working man ™ Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District D X OIL "ts COLLECT 668-3341 CITY OF OSHAWA ASSESSORS Assessors No nior Assesso rse leading to M.ILM.A MORRIS FOGEL RES, TEL. 723-2563 Active Realty Limited, is pleosed te announce, that Morris has suc cessfully completed all Real Estate Education Courses, required by the OAREB at Toronto. Morris is now quelitied to assist you with" your Real Estate requirements 728-5157 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street $. Plus! e 4% Accounts--no: service charges Personal Chequing Motriculotion, currently enrolled in Certificate @ 6% Guoranteed Investment Assesors No. 2--Senic Certificotes--1! to 5 years cate, tr. Matriculation plus M,.I.M.A, Certifi Investment Funds Replies treated in strict confidence . : pertinent information os present salary, to: Forward resume giving all to qualifications, experience, oge, PERSONNEL OFFICER City Holl, Oshawa, Onterio 90% MORE INTEREST Central Ontario Trust Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Canadian Pacific Airlines gateway cities to all the world Montreal Windsor Mexico City Lima Santiago Buenos Aires Santa Maria Lisbon Madrid Rome Amsterdam Inthe air -- to everywhere } Hong Kong Tokyo Sydney Auckland HOURS Edmonton Winnipeg Toronto Fly CPA¥7- 50% More Interest on savings (We ALWAYS have) 4% quarterly and compounded the doy the account is opened. No waiting 54 period paid from For Reservations and Information Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN WHITBY Minimum account. 100% More Saving Hours 9 am. to 6 p.m. Mondey to Thursday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 104°BROCK ST. S. PHONE 668-8867 Complete Travel Arrangements and Travel Information Call or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BOWMANVILLE,-- BROOKLIN AREAS 57-King: St. Bost, Oshewe SX 728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 Call Now For Complete Travel Arrangements MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 25 KING ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001 Estote Planning Mortgage Loans Reo Purcho e e e Estat Saies and Pre-paid Save-by-Mail kits @ Free Hockey Ticket Drew ao 723-5221 :