THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, March 26, 1966 5A AID TO YOUR AILING HOME CRABGRASS IN LAWN ; QUESTION: Our lawn began to be overrun with crabgrass irom an indifferent neighbor's lawn and we have been having a hard time getting rid of it. Can you recommend anything? ANSWER: Severai herbicides have been found effective for / eontrol of crabgrass, especially, when applied before the crab- grass germinates (end of April- beginning of May). These, how- ever, alsexretard or prevent germination of lawn grass seeds for/two to four months. I_sug- gest. you send 15 cents '(no stamps) to Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402, for copy of leaflet No. A1.77:51, "Better Lawns, etc.," giving detailed, specific in- formation. INSULATING ATTIC SPACE QUESTION: We bought our 10 - year - old house several months ago. I plan to insulate the attic space soon, using blanket type insulation. Is_ it necessary to install this all the way up to the roof peak? ANSWER: The recommended procedure is to put the in- sulating material between the rafters up to ceiling height. Then it is run_ horizontally across the opposite rafters and down to the eaves. Insulation between rafters should be so placed that there is an air space between insulation and_ roof. Ventilating louvers 'Should be installed high up in the gable ends to ventilate the air space above the ceiling area, Allow one square foot of louvre open- ing for each 300 square feet of attic floor area. If the attie is left unfinished, insulating the attic floor is the simplest pro- cedure. CRACKED ASPHALT DRIVE QUESTION: We have an as- phalt driveway which is only a , couple of years old. The sur- face is developing small cracks and there are a few small de- pressions. Is there any way we Cam vepair the drivewav our- selves, before it gets wig 6 bad? ANSWER: Yes: An . instant pave, do-it-yourself type asphalt is available at many large gar- den supplies dealers and deal- ers in asphalt and asphalt prod- ucts. This material requires no heating or heavy rolling equip- ment and comes ready to use. It is merely raked over the area to be repaired, then rolled with a garden roller or tamped down with a shovel. Or cover with a board and run your car over the board a few times. WHITENING MORTAR ' QUESTION: We have just had a home built and wanted a white fireplace. However, the mason used a gray mortar, making the fireplace look dark- er. Is it possible to whiten the mortar in some way? ANSWER: Scrub the mortar clean. When it's dry, paint it, using the same type of white paint used on the brick facing. PAINTED RADIATORS PEEL QUESTION: During some free time at the beginning of this year, I painted all our down- stairs radiators, to get that job over with. I painted them with a flat paint I intend to use on the walls and was careful to clean and remove all grease, wax, etc., as you frequently recom- mend, first. But the paint has started to peel off. What do you suggest to correct this? ANSWER: If the radiator sur- faces were thoroughly cleaned of grease, wax, soot, etc., be- fore the paint was applied, the peeling may be due to the radi- ators heating up before the paint was thoroughly dry (very likely during January!), or the -We hape a brick house, built paint coat is too thick. While the radiator is cold, remove all loose and peeling paint, and have an absoiutely clean sur- face by wiping with fine steel wool and turpenie. Then apply a thin coat, (or coats) of paint. And keep the radiator unheated until the paint has thoroughiy dried. I suggest you wait until the end of the heating season before redoing the job. DAMPNESS IN CLOSET QUESTION: We have'a down- stairs coat closet, at a corner of the house , itwo "outside"' walls) which is very damp. Garments left there for . any length of time develop mildew. a crawl space, but no danjp- ness problem in the rest of t house. How tan we get rid of the dampness? . ANSWER: Sounds exactly as though you have plaster walls, and that the closet's ~plaster was applicd directly against the brick. When warm, humid house air centacts the cooler masonry - piasier surfaces, it condenses, creating a dampness problem. An insulating air space should be provided be- tween plaster and brick: False walls should be: installed over one-inch furring strips, using in- oard or plasterboard. e surface of the awnli PATTERN 340 A PERFECT HOME for mar- tins and swallows is shown here, this birdhouse is a _ re- production of a New England meeting house. It has 10 nest compartments and is 27 inches high. Pattern 340, which gives actual - size cutting guides and directions, is 50c. This _pat- tern also is in the Birdhouse and Feeder Packet No. 32 which contains fourunusual jull-size patterns for $1.75. The Oshawa Times Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. THIS MEANS YOU -- there seems to be no doubt about it. Mamma Goose and her gos- lings register amazement. Pat- tern 308, which gives actual- size cutting and painting guides for this amusing group of cut-outs with full-size let- tering. guides for the KEEP- OFF sign, is 50c. It also is in Packet No. 71, Novelties to Make the Neighbors Smile which is $1.75. The Oshawa' Times Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. SUNDAY THE AVENGERS -- "The Murder Market'. A series of baffling murders brings Steed and Emma to the pretty - pretty portals of a chic marriage bureau. They sign on as clients -- to find danger walks arm-in- arm with their suggested wed- ding partners (7.30 p.m. Ch. 9). BONANZA -- "Shining in Spain". Little Joe Cartwright, gallant as ever, halts a run- away stagecoack as it enters Virginia City. His help leads to involvement with a beautiful young passenger. (9 p.m. Ch. 6). COLOR ME BARBRA -- Fea- turing the incredible vocal tal- ents of Barbra Streisand, _pre- sented in three different set- tings; the Art Museum in Phila- delphia and a circus and con- _cert in New York. Not to be missed (10 p.m. Ch. 6). MONDAY DON MESSERS JUBILEE -- With Don Messer and his Jolly Islanders, singers Marg Os- burne, Charlie Chamberlain and Catherine McKinnon. Also the Buchta Dancers. (7.30 p.m. Ch. 6). BEWITCHED -- 'And Then I Wrote'. Writing the script for a U.S. Civil war Memorial Pageant, Samantha uses magic to bring the characters to life so she can describe them. (8 p.m. Ch. 6). SHOW OF THE WEEK Perry Como, smooth and re- laxed greets Liza Minelli, Burr Tillstrom with his puppiets Kuk- la and Ollie, and a= special guest Tommy Steele, British star of the Broadway musical hit "'Half a Sixpence", (10 p.m. Ch. 6). TUESDAY MUSICAL SHOWCASE "Dreams" is the theme for a half hour of, music with guest stars Carmi Georges La- Fleche, Denny. Vaughn and his orchestra and the Musica] ON TELEVISION Showcase dancers. (7.30 p.m. Ch. 9). GOMER PYLE --"Gomer and the Father Figure". Gomer befriends an old man who is so appreciative of Gomer's solici- tude that even tough Sergeant Carter is touched -- in more ways than one. (8 p.m. Ch. 9). 3 DICK VAN DYKE SHOW-- "Odd But True'. Millie Help- er enters Rob im a newspaper contest for oddities after she discovers that connecting the freckles on his back makes a picture of the Liberty Bell. (9.30 p.m. Ch. 6). WEDNESDAY BLUE LIGHT --An. exciting Second World War --suspense drama starring Robert Goulet in the lead of double agent David March (8 p.m. Ch. 6). HOCKEY NIGHT IN CAN- ADA Montreal Canadiens meet the Toronto Maple Leafs at the Gardens. Bill Hewitt and Ward Cornell commentate on the action. (8.30 p.m. Ch. 9). THE SAINT -- 'Romantic Matron'. The Saint goes to Buenos Aires and is caught up CTI IT'S HERE! The GO-GO Sportcycle YAMAHA RO-DON SPORTS Taunton Rd. E. (just east of 5 points) @ SALES @ SERVICE @ RENTALS DISCOVER THE SWINGING WORLD YAMAHA Re ea ne ¢ in a mysterious affair involving an attractive American widow, a romantically handsome Latin and a daring robbery (11.25 Ch. 4). THURSDAY HOGAN'S HEROES -- Three Américan girls are interned at Stalag 13 and Hogan attempts to discover who they are, how they fell into German hands and why they are kept under heavy guard (7.30 p.m. Ch. 6). LET'S SING OUT -- The Brandywine Singers, Addis and Crofut, and Jackie Washington join Oscar Brand for a_ folk music session at the University of Waterloo (9.30 p.m. Ch. 9). PIERRE BERTON -- "The Pat Néal Story"-as-told--by- her husband Renald Dahl. Mr. Dahl, whose Oscar winning wife is happily winning her battle back to health, talks in London. (11.40 p.m. Ch. 9). FRIDAY SMOTHERS BROTHERS Tommy serving as an efficiency expert in Pandora Publications, discovers an executive is steal- ing the ideas of a shy mail- room employee and presenting them to Mr. Costello as his own clever creations. Justice wins through. (7.3 Op.m. Ch. 9). FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIES -- "The Magnificent Seven", star- ring Yul Brynner, Steve Mc- Queen, Eli Wallach, with James Coburn, Charles Bronson and Horst Buckholz. Terrified vil- lagers, unable ic defend them- selves against heavily armed marauders, hire a strange as- sortment of gunmen (9 p.m. Ch. 6): SATURDAY JACKIE GLEASON SHOW -- Comedy variety starring Jackie Gleason and featuring Frank Fontaine, Sid Fields, Phil Bruns, Helen Curtis, the June Taylor Daricérs, "Gieason--Girls, Greta Randall and Jan Rockett, plus Sammy Spear and his or- chestra. (7 p.m. Ch. 9). ACADEMY PERFORMANCE -- 'Voice in the Mirrorr", star- ring Richard Egan and Julie London. Jim Burton, suffering from an emotional upset steals money and zoes on a drunken spree which leads to still more drinking (8 p.m. Ch. 9). et. will help keep the air cir- culating and dry, preventing de- velopment of mildew. The unit is merely plugged into a cone venient electric outlet and con- sumes only the equivalent of a 29-walt buibs iis avaianic at many housewares dealers and electrical appliance stores. TILE ON CONCRETE QUESTION: I plan to install an extra powder room in the corner of our basement family room, using plasterboard for partitionin it off. 1 would like to cover the walls with plastic tile. How can the tile be applied to the two concrete foundation walls which will form two sides? ANSWER: Plastic, or any other kind of tile, should not be applied directly to any type of solid masonry wall. Gypsum wallboard should be put over furred strips;7 and the plastic . tile applied according to manu- facturer's instructions which should be available from your tile, dealer, NO DUST, NO COBWEBS QUESTION: We bought an old home, The attic and cellar are full of cobwebs. Is there anything that could be used to reduce the terrible dust we get when we try to sweep them down? ANSWER: Using a vacuum cleaner to remove the webs, in- stead of trying to sweep them down, reduesc the dust con- siderably. MIL JELINEK AWNINGS AND CANVAS GOODS 'VENETIAN BLINDS Vertical & Horizontal BAMBOO DRAPES COLORS AND SIVAES § 10 PLEASE ee Ane * Workmanship *% Free stinaten ey %& Commercial * Residentiel 728-1993 (Evening Calis Welcomed) Nei. scan cama eae SPECIAL Driveway Gravel 34" @ 2" Coarse Gravel Stone @ Coarse Pit-Run Gravel OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY 725-0232 877 King St. E. Leatethiceaainiesal NELLIS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS and GENERAL REPAIRS @ Roofing @ Eavestroughing @ Remodelling "All Work Guaranteed" For Free Estimates Call... 728-2061 For All Your Garden Needs is YOU ARE INVITED OSHAWA SERVICE Open 1259 SIMCOE N. TO visit > GARDEN CO. LTD. 9-9 723-1161