Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Merch 26, 1966 "BEST TCRY P.M. WE EVER HAD," -- HECKLER t ' | ' { ' 1 ! | 1 Wilson LONDON (CP)--The issue is;as saying he need not come to, see her every day. He speaks in Wilson Big Issue In British Vote has demonstrated the paradox that. sometimes taking boldness NEW YORK (CP)--Repair- men have located an under- wate> break that knockedout one of five transatlantic cables Thursday night, hampering some communications. A spokesman for American Telephone and Telegraph said ine preak was 6% miles offsnore from Tuckerton, N.J. The break interrupted com- munications of Press Wireless, a commercial carrier and sub- Underwater Break Located In Transatlantic Cable Net However, the AP's foreign news file from London was flowing uninterrupted by Friday afternoon over radio teletype relayed through Tangiers to New York. The cable break came at 6:12 p.m. EST Thursday, an A. T, and 'I. spokesman said. As soon as the outrage occurred, word was sent to St. John's, Nfid., ordering the cable ship Alert to Tuckerton to make the repairs. In one form or another, that,an almost Rinitasensne way seth ~ ape v aggre $ be r d ever 'Britain's responsibilities "east,trimming sails, ere is n seapgg: be "Minister. Wilson of Suez." surer safety for a government |Phone and Telegraph. called a general election for| However equivocal his stance than a wafer-thin over-all ma-| The I. T. and T. idiary next Thursday. . on Rhodesia is regarded in|jority that is'always in danger jleases channels on its section The issue is many-sided be-,some quarters, he was able to of crumbling." jof the cable to major newspa- cause few men are seen in so | split the Tory opposition on the! Wilson's boy - wonder back-|Pers and news-gathering agen- many different lights as James|issue, with one-third of the Con-| ground as an Oxford don, expert|Cies, including The Associated Harold Wilson, 50 this month,|servatives on his side at one!on economics, civil servant and|Press and United Press Inter- who became the voungest prime | point. ' minister in the Attlee'post-war national. minister of the century when he| Wilson and his ever-present | government gave him @ master-|ygpg Ranio was elected Oct. 15, 1964. pipe still retain. that homey /ful grip throughout the whole Of! prose Wireless said it "You're the best Tory prime look but he has unquestionably | government impossible for most! shie to obtain a alt td ble minister we ever had," shouts|developed a more statesmanlike | former premiers. line to taahon ack Gar pre an embittered Socialist heckler alr. : ; : | He is credited with being the! radio S using at a Birmingham meeting. As for his popularity with the|first prime minister who from! "He's sneaking total social-|people, Alan Watkins in the/rirgt .-hand- experience under- ism into the country by the back|Tory-supporting Spectator says: | stands modern government ma- door," mutter disgruntled busi-| ". .. Mr. Wilson is seen not) .hinery at all levels, He was }nessmen in London clubs. only as a national leader but as! anje to make changes so that| | "Wilson is a Communist," yell something of a folk-hero. . . -\the civil service and depart-| \the rebels in far-off Rhodesia, |The slightly grudging, slightly | mental structure can be made| Wilson was asked on a tele-|humorous attitude towards Mr. |}, respond much more quickly | vision program whether, if the Co ae ae all pe than formerly to political needs. 'election gives him a bigger ma-|'He's a card,' 'He knows wha Paes ; " ' jority, Britain will get full- he's doing'--cannot be other te ae i gg ge bm |blooded socialism instead of the than an enormous advantage to pr mp Bi Wilson Gai daveted |watered-down variety. the government." fanife 8 at ta hae toe tae He replied that his "policy is| Wilson as premier has turned and his wife Stare Ph ess jalready very Socialist and very out to be different than most re heed i; sehen trips pragmatic and people need not| parliamentarians and others ex- jes him 0 palg s. worry about Red bogeys under|pected--for one thing he has His father and proud mentor, their beds." shown far greater toughness|Herbert, 84, now can enter at Wilson, once regarded as a than had been thought possible | any time 10 Downing Street in legt-winger in his party, is the|with a tiny majority in the front of which he photographed prime minister who consulted House of Commons Harold at the age of seven. the Queen so often on Rhodesia! As The Times' political cor- " that one cartoonist depicted her'respondent wrote: 'Mr. Wilson 16 "Middle-aged" Deaths raters Geta, Start Quebec Inquiry retail butter prices, heads off} QUEBEC (CP) -- The recent The Alert left St. John's Thursday night and is expected to arrive off Tuckerton Monday, sidiary of International Tele- h STAYS WITH BOMBERS WINNIPEG (CP) -- Winnipeg Blue Bombers announced Fri- day the signing of veteran Dick Thornton for the 1966 Western Football Conference season, CHILDREN GO HUNGRY There are about 20,000,000 children under 14 in famine- stricken areas of India, « MEMBERS CANADIAN ORDER of FORESTERS Fraterndl Life Insurance Society CRT. BOWMANVILLE.... No, 964 CRT. VENTURE....... No. L1892 CRT. MOTOR COURT... .No. 1871 CRT. OSHAWA CRT. CHARLENE ...... CRT. WHITBY. CRT. DUNBARTON CRT. SNOWDROP CRT. SNOWBIRD No. L1931 CRT. NESTLETON No. 1030 For Service...Call yor C.0.F, Local Representative RON FULTON 942-0866- PICKERING ANNUAL MEETING of the GREATER OSHAWA . COMMUNITY CHEST Thursday, March 31st, 1966 AT THE HOTEL GENOSHA PICCADILLY ROOM DINNER: 6:30 P.M. BUSINESS SESSION: 7:30 P.M. ENTERTAINMENT 7:45 P.M, GUEST SPEAKER: Willard M. Gordon, Q.C. PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND DINNER TICKETS 2.00 Available at Hotel Desk < NEARS RETIREMENT awa Civic Auditorium and Square Dancing. Capt. Jef- frey was born and raised in Oshawa. He is married to the former Irene Pearce of Trenton. --Oshawa Times Photo CITY FIREFIGHTER dent of the Oshawa Fire- fighters Association. Capt. Jeffrey will retire at the end of this month after 25 years' service with the de- partment. For the past six years he was stationed at the North Oshawa station. He says he will have more time now for his two favor- ite pastimes -- playing Du- Capt. Edward Jeffrey (on right) of the Oshawa. Fire Department tries on a fire- fighter's helmet for the last time with the assistance of Capt. Vern Johnson, presi- Sky Objects Swamp Gas? Chief Rejects Theory By PHIL THOMAS Z Z said the UFOs probably re-|vision. We both can't be later, Agriculture Minister jeast 16 middle-aged men, fol- DETROIT (AP)--A scientist's) 5uiteq from spring thaws releas-| wrong." Greene said Friday. lowing the consumption of large opinion that some of Michigan's| ing trapped gases resulting _Mr. Greene told the Prince) quantities of beer or liquor, is unidentified flying objects prob-'srom decomposing organic ma-| In Windsor, Ont., a radio sta- Edward Island Dairymen's As-|peing investigated by federal ably were Swamp gases MA&Y| terials. tion reported Friday night it re- Seciation "there have already|and provincial authorities, it| have convinced the U.S. Air ceived seyen reporis from list-| been a few nervous thrummings/ was disclosed Friday night. Force, but not the people who 'PERHAPS FLARES' eners who said they had seen an/in the urban underbrush" about; Dr, Laurent Lizotte, associate saw them. He added that in the Hillsdale object moving in an easterly di- the increase deputy health minister of Que- Dexter Police Chief Robert/case the sighting might have! rection over the city. "There would be far more|bec, said in an interview that Taylor said: "I have no idea) been assisted by youths playing provincial police said ajreason for such concern. if the|his department started investi- what it was, but I don't think it| 'pranks with flares." ._ |eruiser was sent to the shore of!government had not introduced| gating the deaths a week ago, was swamp gas." : "There were no flares in-\Take St. Clair' but officers re-|this new policy and instead had|after a local doctor brought Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a North-/volved in this," said William! ported no sightings. left the dairy industry to con-'three or four cases to its atten- western University astrophysi-| Van Horn, Hillsdale County civil tinue deteriorating tion, cist and scientific consultant for|defence director. He and the) BRAZIL, Ind. (AP) -- Ronnie "This w th Quebec was working in co-op d ress con-| Hillsdale college co-eds reported ' ' is would have led eventu-| | =. ~ : the air force, told a press con-| ' ge P |Thurston, 14, brought to the|ajiy to shortages. which in t eration with federal food and ference Friday that sightings| watching a white and red ob-| Brazil Times office Friday Slwould have ieee the srospect| 4TUz authorities, who Dr. Li- made on two specific days prob- ject--about 20 feet across--for| camera he had won in a Hews-toh such laseer and st aanteak: zotte said joined the inquiry ably ste m.med from swamp! nearly three. hours. boy's contest and asked to have|jable constmer price increases|!U" days ago gases. "I think I will disprove him! the ¢jim removed and developed. |in +} " All the deaths occurred in the ' : Pee One NEN & a Manta. ADa 'lin the long run anit : : said this had not been estab- He said his study was con-|(Hynek) in a few weeks," Van He might, he told editor) 'The new polloy Hniban Hittas Quebec City area within the last F , y 5 <a ngs 8 ae Pei lished, but the men involved fined to sightings made near| Horn said, 'I also didn't care . 4 me ies two months. and in all cases',....; Dexter March 20 by a family|for the methods of investiga- cuore L. Coudret, have a pic-| prices one to four cents a pound Meath Wan Aiinntawiads cara.| Probably were accustomed to and by police officers, and at} tion." ure of an unidentified blue-lin order to help pay for an in-|_-- i : drinking the cheaper intoxi- white object that he said hov-|crease in the return to farmers Hillsdale by 87 college co-eds} At Dexter, Mrs. Frank Man-| oioq oy : : i # canis, and the county civil defence di-| nor said: "I saw it (the UFO)|<7e¢ over Brazil for 20 minutes'for their manufacturing milk.| Demonstrations iT by 4 sancg "Other persons have been, rector. | with my own eyes. And my son} Thursday night. The new level is $4 a hundred- treated in local clinics over the Dexter,' a small community,|and husband wouldn't lie. They| Coudret developed the film|weight, up from $3.50. Sl : d ye d last few weeks for illnesses is about 50 miles southwest of| saw it too .I think there's some-| himself, more than doubling the! A text of his speech was re- ate 0 ay which present the same symp- Detroit. Hillsdale is about 100|thing going on the people don't|¥Sual time because of the 9:30 )leased before delivery. TORONTO (CP)--Two dem. 20M." he said. miles west. know about. I'm seared. I want|?-m. EST exposure, and found, -------- : uke Ohairationaceone tor and ey ~~ BERYL TAKES PRIZE against the war in Viet Nam-- The Mills of the Gods, Beryl'are to take place here today. Hynek said both. the sightings|to pack up and move." it showed an object like an up- he investigated were in-swampy| Said her husband: 'There's side-down, handless cup. s documentary for CBC-| While an expected 2,000 dem- RES also| TV about the war in Viet Nam, | onstrators anak on Petarnect areas--"most unlikely place fori nothing wrong with my eyes and Two other members Siakaiataiessciiladineiehinieesntaiet -- - 0 boy's family said | Saw the object, which appeared! won the George Polk award yj) ; , bel jto be about 100 above the ground) for its category for 1965, the oral my shri ie galt ~ aid te Sock Abi : D . é ' 4 war, a smaller group will make atde | cks away. It van-| first Canadian winner in 18 4 token denioastration outside 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. |ished abruptly without moving. | years. Toronto's U. consulate, the 241 KING ST. EAST 725-1169 | A 2H : ; \Co > ordinating C omm it te e $2 035 000 000? | WEATHER FORECAST Her ed War in Viet Nam y y b . | ' fis gro bed (CP) -- The pc ---- does not have a MIT HELL' DR Jnited States commerce depart- fixed bearing on the U.S. drain| C S$ UGS 9 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 723-3431 By the -- Committee for e reedom an Jemocracy will Cold Spell To Continue ee eee on oreo ee med Sens, me! Showilurries May Come SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5101 "a LL: | New Increases CA | Headed Off -- MP CHARLOTTETOWN The new (CP) -- federal dairy policy, jac troubles which could have resulted from the frequent and abundant use of intoxicating beverages." ~All the men were described as alcoholics. Dr. Lizotte said. the investiga- tion thus far has not estab- lished that there was anything wrong with the alcoholic bever- ages the men had consumed. It was not necessarily a case of "bad beer or liquor."' In some cases, the victims were known to have been drinkers of adulterated alcohol or "home brew.' Asked about a persistent ru- mor that the victims had been drinkers of beer rather than other beverages, Dr. Lizotte BOB JOHNSTON of LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. 728-4678 for Beautiful new homes, low down poyment homes, apartment end store leases, or building lots. Toke your choice! If we hayven't listed whet you are searching for, give us @ cell anyway. Absolutely no pressure to leave your nome end number. of the/ F they By ARCH MacKENZIE on expanded plant and equip- jstage a counter-demonstration jat Queen's Park, seat of the On- tario government. | Oskar Perro, spokesman for ACFD, said he expects 2,000 ries in Canada this year for| Past records show Canada, persons, some of them from out plant and equipment will total with a well-established complex ar ome ' of town, to appear at the pro- $2,035,000,000. of American-owned firms con- 'shun we tha eeu bp ate This, represents a gain over stituting more than half the 530 6m. ather olfice.at 1965 of $195,000,000 and includes!Canadian manufacturing area ave REY, ' : nd : ' ae ried : Synopsis: old winter like a rise of 25 per cent--to $1,201,- alone, has ability to generate weather is firmly entrenched 000,000--in the Canadian manu- 'fresh expansion funds without over Ontario and little change is forecast for today nd Sun- Ottawa region: Mainly sunny |vincial legislature buildings to but with cloudy periods today |counter what he called leftist facturing sector. The increase imports of more funds from the ip~palae.it$238 000 000. J i ; day. In southern Ontario after- and cool, Sunday Sunny and con-'groups who oppose the Viet py el a) Nebr teniperatere tinting cool. Winds westerly 15/Nam war. today but light tonight and Sun- day. Other . figures released bY pace ON NEW STUDY Bs Commerce Secretary John Con- The figures released today are '0 struggle to the 32 mark. I$ Thomas nor today show Canadian plant- based on a new commerce de-|Northern Ontario temperatures London .. will climb to between 10 and 20)\ Kitchener Forecast Temperatures OW tonight, high Sunday aba = i AR a and-equipment spending worth y whic ; ars : partment study which hence- : ceee $201,000,000 in American-owned|r 4, will supplement. existing above. Sunday may bring a|Mount Forest . little more sunshine to most Wingham 30 ini smelti i mining and smelting, a gain of ones, areas and less snowflurry activ-|Hamilton . 28 28 $1,000,000. : Further detail Spending in petroleum this |jished later. ity than today otherwise little St. Catharines .... change is predicted, Toronto 28 year would sag $64,000,000 to) The pattern of direct invest- Lake St, Clair, Lake Erie,| Peterborough ..... SERVICE STATIONS | OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. R. J. TUMEY'S SHELL STATION 962 SIMCOE STREET NORTH yo Waister DONUT' 438 KING STREET WEST Opposite The Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-9063 I weil dowel UW will be pub- ALEX NATHAN'S SUNOCO STATION 215 KING STREET WEST 25 25 30 32 $426,000,000 and in other indus-| ment flows altered sharply, es- tries increase by $30,000,000 to pecially for Canada. These Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- Kingston 28 $207,000 ,000 ' amounted to $793,000,000 in 1965, tario, Haliburton, Killaloe, Trenton 3 For all plant and equipment including the $200,000,000 refi- southern Georgian Bay, Wind-|Killaloe . expansion abroad, outlays for nancing, compared with $250,- sor, London, Toronto, Hamilton: Muskoka .. 1965 are estimated at $7,078,000,-' 990,000 in 1964. Mostly cloudy with a few snow-|North Bay 000 compared with 1966 expec-| Petroleum ~- producing coun- flurries or brief period of light Sudbury .... tations of $8,764,000,000, up 24 tries of Asia and Africa also ab- snow today. Partly cloudy with Earlton soe chance of an occasional snow- Sault Ste. Marie... per cent. sorbed more last year while , . Europe, up 45 per cent in 1964, flurry tonight and Sunday. Con-' Kapuskasin HAR: s ? 0 : 3 B sevee 8 P RISE IN EUROPE tinued cold. Winds light. White River The increase in -Canadian| '00k only 1 per cent more last manufacturing spending is ex-|* Northern Georgian Bay, Al-|Moosonee . ceeded by indications of gome, Sault Ste. Marie, Ti-| "striking" rise for Europe of 4 magami, Cochrane, White| per cent--up to $2,323,000,000 } River, North Bay, Sudbury: European petroleum expansion '¢ !" the first half with the ap-| Variable cloudiness with an oc- up one third--to $972,000,000-- parent repatriation of short- casional period of very light also is forecast. jterm and liquid assets as re- snow today. Sunday partly But Connor said that despite|@uested by the U.S. govern- cloudy. Continuing cold. Winds : . : ment, northerly near 15. such increases, evidence now | ------------ tltoaacs ditions Eh available from recent studies suggests that the 900 U.S. par-| ent companies enrolled in the| voluntary program to curb di-| rect business investment abroad | still can meet their goals. U.S. bond issues abroad, plus TELE-BIBLE other foreign borrowing, would! So ae . help, he said eS : a y 4 ci ng that spending | : ig eae : % GEORGE BROWN'S SUPERTEST STATION -- : of FREE Colour Catalogue : 334 PARK ROAD SOUTH Just mail this coupon to-- House of Braemore, 4646 Dufferin St., Downsview, Ontario. WILL YOU HELP THE OSHAWA CRIPPLED CHILDREN SCHOOL BUILDING FUND Everyone Purchasing a Dozen Do- nuts on Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday at the Regular Price of 79c will Receive Back 10¢ to be Put in Fund Box on the Counter. COOPER'S TEXACO STATION 56 BRUCE STREET WHITE ROSE STATION 38 PRINCE STREET Income: receipts from direct 0 foreign investntent rose 10 per cent to $4,100,000,000, most of T. GOCH SUPERTEST STATION 437 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH WINDER'S ESSO STATION KING and RITSON ROAD SOUTH illustrated catalogue of elegant living room furniture - my *ney 288 BLOOR STREET WEST Millions Direct Their Lives By the Holy Scriptures 'OT:11" If you think there is not a good picce to ect in Osh- | awa... then you heven't Its words Bring Meaning To Life tried the dining room at the " , ' . , Dial 728-2221 for Confidence, Meaning, and Hope CLINT'S TEXACO STATION WENTWORTH and CEDAR {ame HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA DOVE'S FINA STATION 792 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Tele-Bible 728-2221