Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Mar 1966, p. 14

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ANN LANDERS Well Modulated Voice Controls Child Best Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band received a tape recorder ptareiosliby oie here Pr from his boss for Christmes. That gift changed my life. A few weeks ago my husband asked me to listen to a sales speech he had recorded. When I heard my voice in the back- ground I almost died of embar- rassment. I was shrieking at one child and then another throughout the entire tape which lasted for 20 minutes, I scolded, screamed and shouted orders, like a fishwife. This was the first time I had heard a recording of my own voice and it was a horrible ex- perience. But it was probably the best thing that could have happened to me. I vowed then and there to stop yelling at my children. Ann, in just these few months I have discovered that children respond far better to words spoken in a gentle voice than to orders barked out like a drill sergeant. I hope other mothers will learn something from my ex- perience.--Modulated Molly ing, self-centred nit-wit who spend her time in beauty shons, at fashion shows and society benefits, Her husband is her cash register and her social front. Mr. X and I have dinner to- gether twice a week and we take business trips whenever we can. We cannot consider; marriage at this time because his boss would surely ask for his resignation. Mr. X means more to me than anything. in the world and I refuse to give him up for a woman who hangs on only for the money and ap- pearances sake. Is there something I can do to bring about the happy ending I so desperately want?--In The Shadows Dear. In: Your story is so routine I'm printing it at the risk of boring my readers. Get a new job and make a new life or before you know it those little crow's feet around your eye's will look like ele- phant tracks. Your hair will be gray and you'll be spending more and more time in the president Mrs. R. C. Ellis, The Bay of Quinte. Con- their duties was to elect a Dear Molly: The experts tell us that the tone of voice is just} as important as what is said. | I share Molly's hope that you! screamers will learn something from her letter. Dear Ann Landers: I am a) secretary to an executive who) is well on'his way to success. We have worked closeiy to-| gether for five years. It wasn't| planned--it just happened. We fell in love. Mr. X is 14 years older than I am and has teen- age children. His wife is a bor-! (Women 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fride beauty shop (like the boss's)' wife). All chances for marriage) will have vanished because dur-| ing the years when you should have been meeting eligible men you were ducking around cor- ners with a married one. ference of United Church Women has been meeting this week in the Harmony United Church, Oshawa. Nearly 150 delegates, repre- senting 60 churches and seven presbyterials attend- ed the four sessions. One of Belleville; and Miss Vina Neal, Victoria road, another vice = president Standing are: the recording secre- tary, Mrs. Eric McKinstry, Peterborough; treasurer Mrs. J. E. Marsh, Belle- new executive for a two-year term. Pictured here are the women who have accepted the responsibility. Seated from the left are: vice- president, Mrs. J. D. Mc- Intosh, Kingston; the new Confidential to Need A Third) ----__-- Party's Opinion: Sorry but I) can't sit down and cry with you. | When people take the kind of} then pone ine te nnd «| Ot. Patrick's Decorations Provide Gay Setting get something for nothing they | For Alst Bi rth day Pa. rty At Westmount have no right to complain about quality. Sen aay dle about your schvol is through the|tion for«mental illness was pre- adom-|Home and School Association'. | vention. ed the table for the 41st birth-| Mr. Ross welcomed the guests} Mr. Heath showed a film en- day of Westmount Publicjand recited a poem entitled, | titled "Who cares about Jamie', Mrs. Brownlee, delighted the|about a little boy named Jamie Shamrocks, green c @ n daffodils and Irish motifs Home and} UNITED CHURCH WOMEN ELECT NEW EXECUTIVE y, March 25, 1966 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Mr. and Mrs. John Swan are|turned from vacations in Flor- ida. holidaying in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Alger, | Women's Department HEAD TABLE GUESTS School, and of its School .Association' which were celebrated on St. Patrick's Day. inant in the a' tive of the Westmoun and School Association with th president, Mrs. Fred Sm ith) | wearing a green and white print) dress, and many of the guests, including some of the men wore touches of green. of Westmount United Mr. S. E. Lovell, the Board of Education; Shades of green were predom- ttire of the Execu- The Reverend Frank Seated at the head table we chairman 0! Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Pierson, Charles M. Elliott, superinten- | little bit of Heaven" and ""W jirish Eyes are Smiling". lencouraged everyone to join in|steal a small item. Small, but! wish to announce tt ff Frank Ward ac-|nevertheless, stealing. He al-| ment of their daiabiee hentel t Home singing. Mrs. | | - | ed home only to have his| Gail, to Mr. Regi e| companied her. Ward,|a 1929 tenders for coal, Church/| 1930, on board meetings. said grace, and one hundred| ,.4, ST SPE 7 guests partook of the tempting GUEST SPEAKER ldishes arrayed in buffet style. crowd with two Irish songs, "A| hen She Mrs. Boneham, program cha-| irman, introduced Mrs. Henry|detail, then she discovered the) \ichael Wasyly n, fa ee I 2 asylyk, all of Osh- |Demille who read three press|stolen item, and reported to the)... The chia Be eo who had had a frustrating day, and on the way home from school had a sudden impulse to mother scold him for a minor ville; past-president, Mrs. L. F. Richardson, Whitby; | and the corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. N. E. Lindsay, Renfrew. --Oshawa Times Photo | SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Mc Knight, wish to announce the} forthcoming marriage of their| daughter, Barbara Rose, to Mi-| \chael Alexander Kalynko, son) of Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.| Kalynko, all of Oshawa. The} wedding is to take place on | Saturday, May 14, 1966 at 3.00) }p.m. in St. Mary's Ukrainian| | Orthodox Church, Oshawa. | ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jarvis} |Wasylyk, son of Mr. and Mrs. reports from 'Memory Lane". |father. Jamie had a very under- place on Friday, 'April 15, 1966 A 1929 resignation of teachers,|standing father who took time|.+ 7 99 p.m, in St. Maui's' Prox and| Due to the sudden illness of 'Mrs. Doris Gredory, School Psy- to help him realize the wrong- Iness of his doing and explained! and went with him to return the item. Weuld you take time to ex- chologist, who was to have been) pain to your child and help Dr. on "Mental Illness, which was the number one health problem. re; the guest speaker, Mr. Ross int-| him understand his frustrations? fjroduced Mr. Heath, who spoke/ne asked. Mr Heath was thank- ed by Mrs. Melville Coolidge. Mrs Smith thanked the execu- Mary street, are spending a few | Gibbons street, are taking a va-| dent of Public Schools and Mrs. days with friends in Windsor, | cation in Florida. Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finer,| winner of the prize for the high- King street east, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Pierson, Hortop street, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eder,|philip's Catholic Women's| Fernhill boulevard, have all re-/ League. \Mrs. Fred Smith, president o |A child who failed to complete |tive members for their help in |Eliiott; Mr. T. J. Heath, inspec- | his work too often became dis-| making the birthday a success. tor of Schools and Mrs. Heath, |couraged, fearful and angry-\Mrs. Roy Spratt convened the Mr. Frank Ross, principal, and Adults were an influence, they] supper and Mrs. H. J. Rahme Mrs. Ross; The Reverend Frank) must help a child develop capa-| was co-convenor. The table de- Ward and Mrs. Ward; Mrs. Carl|city for stress and strain. Par-\corations were designed and Creamer, president of the Homejents and teachers both had to constructed by Mrs. Smith and and School Council; Mrs. So-\aid in this need, and the solu-/ Mrs. Charles Heath. \phie Brownlee guest soloist and) | It was announced that the E STARS SAY [Att meeting of the Home and Mrs. K. H. Pakosta was the est total score for three eve- nings in a series of euchre| \parties held recently by St.| held School Association would be | with | |Westmount Home and School 1 EL byterian Church, Oshawa. | jto Jamie why he had done it, poRTHCOMING MARRIAGE | { Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wysotski, Oshawa, wish to announce the} |forthcoming marriage of their) | daughter, Irene Rosalia, to Tho-} }mas James Smith, son of Mr.} and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Syd-) ney Nova Scotia. The ceremony} will take place on Saturday, Ap- jril 30, 1966, at 12.00 noon in St. George's Ukrainian Catholic Church, Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT | Mr. and Mrs. Alexander R.} Carmichael, Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Janet Leslie, to| Edward Botwright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Botwright, lings here of outstanding women CRAMPS OF | to relieve feminine functional com- Campus Library Centennial Project: HALIFA (CP) -- Mount St. Vincent College in suburban Rockingham has selected as a centennial project the establish- ment of a campus library as a centre of study of the needs and toles of women. Sister Alice Michael! said Thursday. in an interview: 'Tne library would mean that any- body doing research of women would know that we have the best material available." Sister Alice Michael will be installed Saturday as president of the only degree - granting women's college in Canada. Her installation will be the first such ceremony in the his- tory of the college. founded in 1914 by the Sisters of Charity, although she is the fourth to hold the office. She succeeds Sister Francis d' Assisi. Mrs. H. P. MacKeen, wife of Nova Scotia's lieutenant - gov- ernor, will cut a ribbon to open officially the $1,000,000 12-storey Assisi Hall, residence for 135 students. SERVES A NEED Sister Alice Michael said! Mount St. Vincent is continuing} the purpose of its founders "to service a need; to respond to the needs of the area." She said the college, which now has a new charter before the provincial legislature to change the institution to a uni- ANNOUNCE WEDDING PLANS Miss Irene Wysotski pvill become the bride of Mr. Thomas James Smith in a ceremony to be held the _ last Saturday in April in St. George's Ukrainian Catho- TURNED TO REPORTING Aline Saarinen was an art critic before becoming a gen- eral news reporter for a TV net- work, versity and give it separate legal status, would fail in its} purpose by not preparing young} women for dynamic, modern} society. | "There is a great deal more! interest in women than ever be-| "| fore," Sister Alice Michael said, | "and women are trying to find their proper place in society. "This is the need we must meet. We plan to have meet- and we also hope to have semi- nars." The college offers degrees in nursing and home economics, but through its liberal arts and pure science courses prepares the women for parity with men. It now has 588 students and is planning for larger enrol- ment. FOR HOT FLASHES OF MID-LIFE... YOUNGER WOMEN special tablet brings you grand relief Recent tests at a women's clinic showed Lydia E. Pinkham tablets brought most young women very real relief from monthly cramps, backaches and jitters. During "change-of-life," woman after woman felt eased of distressing hot h. dai a) Gentle-acting Lydia E. Pinkham tablets are specially compounded plaints. And Pinkham Tablets also contain blood-building iron, so helpful to older women who may suffer simple iron-deficiency ane- mia. Get Lydia E. Pinkham Tablets at your drugstore today. Available EQUAL PAY NOT COSTLY Introduction of equal pay for | women in Britain would cost| £600,000,000 a year, 3% per| cent of the present total wages. lic Church, according to an announcement made today by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wysotski, Osh- awa. The bride-elect is a graduate of Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital School of Nursing. The prospective bridegroom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Sydney, Nova Scotia, is a graduate of St. Francis Xavier University, Antigo- nish, Nova Scotia. Pat & Mike's FISH & CHIPS 688 HORTOP 723-1951 Deep Fried Shrimp & Scallops Helibut @ Generous Servings Closed Sun. & Mon. SUITING FOR ALL OCCASIONS This marvelously tex- tured suit in cotton knit with the look of fine linen, Bonded tri- cot lining holds the life in basic beige only, Sizes 12-18, 20.00 | . 3 : Association. TR jat McLaughlin Collegiate , A huge birthday cake decor- ~ een Mr. Cecil Jensen taking the|North Bay. The wedding is to lated in green and white was FOR TOMORROW members or: a tour of the school. | lake Dr.C.M. Elliott Reads Own Work ht . \eut by Mrs. Thomas Keast, the| For the third day in a row,|Anyone desiring a ride should To Vincent Massey H & S Assoc. eldest past president living ontlaanaaey ishusnoes. promise pl c at Westmount School by | the first president who is 85|more than average in the way |7.50 p.m. "A Tale of Two Curricula', s old. Mrs. Keast spoke alof accomplishment. In fact, | a literary work by Dr. C. M.|George Drynan at the piano.|few words suitable to the oc-/you may even experience some|g in mid-November and during Elliott, was the focal point of a|They were thanked by Mrs.|casion. : delays and disappointments injthe jast two weeks of Decem- talk given by the author at the] Keith Smith. i espe at ¥ eg tag sbigg' eT ae Ge yo ee ber. Outstanding good months March meeting of Vincent. Mas-) wrs s Ski _\table were, rs. st, Mrs.|be disheartened. Keep on DZ for those engaged in artistic or sey Home and School Associa- ear Gs camer oie C, Gutsole, Mrs. William)--with the knowledge that,) scientific setarorians will in- tion recently. held recently and thanked 'all/Mermitt Mrs. Leonard Weeks,|within 24 hours, stellar restric-| jude June, August and next Dr. Elliott, who was intro-|those who had sent baked goods| Mts. J.T. -- ae ae will lift = you can £0\ February, though the year will duced to a capacity audience|aS well as the mothers who|-ittle, -- o hi ereene full speed ahead. : be generally productive. ki |helped out at the sale. Mrs |Mrs. Ralph Boneham. FOR THE BIRTHDAY On the monetary front, your by Mrs. Douglas Skinner, de- Reith Sinith and dics Robert| Mrs. Smith mentioned a past | If tomorrow is your birthday,|best periods for gain in: 1966 fined "curriculum" as encom-| peacock Valunteabed' to suait president, Mrs. David Rollo peo your horoscope indicates that,|should occur between April 20 passing all the activities that|the treasurer's books before the| Could not be _--, _ '8 4188 of the first of the year, you|and May 3, during the last two took place under the jurisdiction' annual meeting. was ill in the ue ry vung entered an excellent planetary|weeks of July, between Sept. of the school. | 'The evening ended with open |entay she would . ve cycle where your material in-|15 and Oct. 8 and from Oct. 29 In speaking of the school li-/house when the principal rm give "ant "sch 1 rte terests are concerned and that, |through mid-November, Gains brary system, he commended alvited the parents to visit thele, the Home and School As- jit you have taken advantage of| will accrue through conserva- staff member, Miss Carol Mc-| classrooms wiiere they. Se edge all the opportunities for advanc-|tive operation, however -- not Girr, on the work she had done|speak briefly witth the staff| PROGRAM ing your status since then, youfrom speculation! As of Feb. 1, in setting up the school library.| members and view the work on| Mr. Lovell brought greetings Should be most gratified now. |1967, you wil! enter an excellent! He-termed~its-use-as~teaching| display. An impressive array of|from the Board of Education Don't relax in your efforts, how-|two month cycle for expansion} the pupils how to get informa-|art,by the stydents of all grades|and spoke of the Home and ever, since there's more good on the fiscal score, so, you have | vadoacdtittay in the hall and|School as the 'strength' bet-inews to come. For instance,| much to look forward 59. : 5 q career matters, which may, If you are careful to avoid) | also in Vegetable Compound. lections, accompanied by Mrs.| year Easter Accessories Burst \ Into Bloom: Fashions since 1807 x with Handbags by Julius Resnick Gloves by fot! clove tion when they need it; helping a child find out things for him-| auditorium. This display was|ween parents and the school, an self; as well as a form of read-|the work of staff member, Mr.|to have the best educat ing entertainment. | On the new approach to math-|of his Grade 8 students. The ematics, Dr. Elliott said the children were being taught not only what to do, but most im-| portant, why they did it. | Dr. Elliott svound up his talk] by reading his satirical fable,| "A Tale of Two Curricula") which pointed out the way) home training often undermined} and contradicted the teaching) in the schools. Dr. Elliott was) thanked by Mr. Robert! Peacock. } Mrs. Jack Dewell, the presi-| dent, welcomed the parents present. Mr. Gerala A. Harper, principal, presented the Inter-4 mediate Choir, singing three se-| | WOMEN KEPT OFF ROAD It is illegal for women to drive in Saudi Arabia and her| husband is jailed if a woman| is caught at the wheel of a car. New is the time - to think about your summer figure. Call "CREATIVE COIFFURES SLENDERIZING SALON" Let us put you- in ship - shape 360 King St. W., Oshawe 728-4351 "© Plenty of free porking jhave troubled you some last| friction in close circles in late lyear show signs of great im-|June, during the second week | provement this year, with good|of September, in mid-October ltendent of Public Schools thank-|Chances of advancement indi-|and mid-December, you should led the executive for helping the cated during the first 17 days of find both your domestic and so- Dewell thanked Mr. Harper and|school, under the guidance of July; between Sept. 1 and Oct. icial life extremely happy. his staff for all the time and|the president of the Association. a work they had put into prepar-| Mr. Heath explained why the ing their classrooms for the|Board of Education decided, to) parents' visit. jengage a school Pyschologist as) Buffet refreshments were pro-/many young children were in . a need of one. There were child- | Vie ee Serre Vy ener ofl ren who didn't have the basic} students under | grade mothers| happy family life to which they Mrs. Raymond Beaudrie and/were entitled. | Mrs. Jack Stewart, with the so-| Mrs. Creamer expressed best cial convener Mrs. Donald Mac-| wishes for the birthday ocassion. | Donald. | She said, 'the best way to learn! < { Bruno & Kean's Barber Shop and Beauty Salon Bruno and Kean's is now open to serve the ladies and gentlemen of Oshawa at their New Barber Shop and Beauty Salon in Oshawa's newest Plaza at Park Road and King St. W. For the Ladies .. . You will receive at Bruno and Kean's that personalized styling and service which. will make your visit a pleasure, Plus a Special Discount on PERMS for the Opening. For the Men... You'll get individual styling by expert Barbers, Plus the extra care ond consideration your grooming problems require, ion sys- Robert Walker, assisted by two|tem, they had to work together. Dr. Charles Elliott, Superin- grade mothers acted as hos- tesses in the classrooms. Mrs. z -- to -- ANYONE FOR HOP SCOTCH? (BOAC offers you the fastest hop to Scotland) Steep yourself in the folklore of a bygone age, when Bonnie Prince Charlie roamed the glens. Find a piece of white heather, and luck will be yours forever. This year BOAC offers you the bonniest way to Scotland. Fly by magnificent Rolls-Royce. 707 jet, and choose from 20 flights every week from Toronto to Glasgow. Like so many Canadians before you, discover the true warmth of a Scottish welcome. And chances are you'll find yourself singing, "My Heart's in the Highlands"... And meaning it! ! "For Friendly and Satisfactory Service' Try BRUNO & KEAN'S Barber Shop and Beauty Salon Phone) OPEN '8 TO 6 All aver the world BOAC takes good care of you == BOAC BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA (For Appointments 723.0022 King St. Ploze Park Road and It's the beautiful extras that make your Easter outfit unforge A. Shirred swagger bag in *Softee' vinyl. Navy or fawn. 8.00 B. Handbag in softly pli- able 'Seatonette' vinyl. ttable--like these... C. 3 button length double woven nylon, White, navy, beige, black. 2.00 D. Double nylon'6 button glove. White, navy, beige, black, 3.00 Fashions since 1807 Special Yo PRICE SPRING COATS Reg. 40.00 Smart Spring' coats favourite styles by a leading coat maker. Rich tweeds, boucles, and plain fabrics. Sizes 8 - 20. 9.79 in fashion"s spill Fashions since 1807

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