between Primates of the Anglican and Roman Cath- olic churches in centuries, --AP Wirephoto by cable from Rome XXIII during a visit to St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. Earlier the Archbishop and Pope Paul VI held an historic. meeting, the first DR. MICHAEL RAMSEY, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, kneels in pray- er Wednesday afternoon be- fore the tomb of Pope John e ° | Gerda Forgiving -- ROME TEXT | (Continued From Page 1) Col ist Learns and liturgy, but also matters OTTAWA (CP) -- The sad|"purchase" were not in agree-| of practical difficulty felt: on story of Charles Lynch's brief/ment as to the story's werth.| either side. His Holiness the but exciting "fling" with Gerda) They voted 4-2 against, and} Pope and His Grace the.Arch- Munsinger--and how he got his|Lynch found himself with--or bishop of Canterbury are, in- $5,000 back--was unfolded in,almost with --a contract he| deed, aware that serious ob- the Ottawa Citizen Wednesday. |could not back up. stacles stand in the way of a Lynch, chief of Southam News} A fast phone call to Southam) restoration of complete com- Services, told in his daily col-|staffer Charles King in Munich] mynion of faith and sacramen- umn how his $5,000 bid for the caught Gerda with pen' poised,} taj Jife; nevertheless, they are Canadian rights to the West/but the contract still unsigned.| of one mind in their determi- German beauty's story of her "Gentlemen," writes colum-| pation. to promote responsible life in Canada had heen ac-j|nist Lynch, "never under-esti-| contacts between their com- cepted after negotiations in Mu-/mate the compassion of @) munions in all those spheres nich broke down with the Tor- woman when she has a guy! of church life where collabora- onto Star, the Toronto Tele-|over a barrel. ... Gerda turned! tion jg likely to lead to a gram and the CBC. out to be all heart." greater understanding and a Then he discovered that the; She put the pen away. King) deeper charity, and to strive in common to find solutions | The dialogue should include not only theological matters | such as scripture, tradition, 'four centuries ot schism. publishers of the six Southam|pocketed the unsigned fue | newspapers involved in the'and his boss sighed in relief. HERE and THERE. Trophies will be presented to Oshawa Green Gaels la- crosse. club players by the city. Council has also decided to contribute $250 toward the cost of a banquet for the team, which last summer won its third consecutive jun- ior Canadian lacrosse cham- pionship. The annual spring meeting of District 12, Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario, will be held in Oshawa April 27. The district includes On- tario, York, Halton and Peel Counties. City assessment commissioner Gerry Meredith is chairman of the district organization. City council has agreed to contribute a $250 grant to the association to help defray expenses of a luncheon. A 1.28 acre parcel of land at 188 Wayne st., will be pur- chased by the city for park purposes. Council has agreed to accept an offer to sell the Jand by Mrs. Phrona Rogers for $7,500 plus legal fees. Wayne st. is in the north end of the city and extends west from Simcoe st. Oshawa and Whitby artists have had works accepted in the seventh annual art exhibi- tion of the East Central On- tario Art Association. The ex- hibition, started March 18, will continue at the Belleville Public Library auditorium until April 2 when it moves to Peterborough. Works were ac- cepted from Mrs. Laurine Sage and Peter Vangiis; bot of Whitby, -and Roy Allen, Oshawa, Third prize in a coloring competition run by a Tor- onto's TV station has been won by seven-year-old Faye Snegal, of 92 Tecumseh st.. She was one of 30,000 entrants in the competition. Her prize is a portable radio. Five directors of the Osh- awa General Hospital were re-elected to the board with- out opposition at the annual general meeting Tuesday. T. L. Wilson, a former board chairman, announced that H. L. Gay, Ernest Marks, QC, G. B. Miles, H. A. Wash- ington and H. KE. Pierson, have been elected for three- year terms. Col. R. S. Me- Laughlin was re-elected as honorary president of the hospital board and Mrs. T. H. Everson as honorary secre- tary. Honorary vice-presidents who were --re-elected---are: J. H. Beaton, A. E, McGil- vray, J. A. Morphy, A. G. Storie, ©. Waite, E. H. Walk- er and W. A. Wecker, OBE. Mr. Wilson paid tribute to the memory of H. P. Schell, a former honorary vice- president of the: board, who died during 1965. A guaranteed income plan for persons over 65 years of age has the support of Osh- awa's city council. The Sen- ate Committee on Aging re- cently recommended to the federal government that it in- stitute a plan guaranteeing an annual income of $1,260 to single persons and $2,200' to married couples. Council. has endorsed a City of Fort Wil- | liam resolution which en- dorsed the Senate commit- tee's recommendation. The importance of unity of Canadian campers was'stress- ed at the recent monthly meeting of the Motor City Camping Association. William Robb, national chairman, Canadian Family Camping Association, said unity would improve camping facilities, give campers a better oppor- te af Canada's diminishing natural resources and aid the wel- come of camping tourists. A file of detailed campers' maps were or. hand, specify- ing highways, waterways and elevation as well as govern- ment and privately ~ owned camp grounds. Detailed infor mation on each park was ity to wurde ruptio Yt Urge PV BRS for all the great problems that | face the church in the world of today. Through such collaboration, by the grace of God the | Father and in the light of the Holy Spirit, may the prayer | of our Lord Jesus Christ for unity among His disciples be and with progress toward | unity may there be a strength- | ening of peace in the world, | the peace that only He ean | grant who gives "the peace | that passeth all understand- | ing,"' together with the bless- ing of almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that it may abide with all men for ever. Danny Harris Is Big Celebrity NELSON, B.C. (CP) -- The Beatles may be okay elsewhere, |but in-this West Kootenay city the teen - agers have their own! real - life singing star. H He's Danny Harris, a young man who returned to Nelson re- cently after a stand as a record- ing artist in New York and a | tour of the United States with a small band | Harris, whose 10 records have }sold more than 1,000,000 copies, plans to entertain locally and make periodic trips to New York to cut new records. His most popular record-- Peepin' and Hidin'--sold nearly 500,000 copies. The Somerset, England, na- i who lived for a time in Oril- lia, Ont., claims a voice span- ning four octaves--from barri- tone to soprano. aid == Making-planning | for a camping trip easier. "Bud" Ron Green, Motor City club president, an- nounced the next meeting will be held April 18 and an ad- dress will be given by an official of the Department of Lands and Forests on park facilities and possible expan- sion. ' SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS OF Ctb> FOOD CLUB a8 40 71 7 190 210 220 22) a 34 58 38 36 43 ae 86 266 2758 285 286 287 290 291 296 222 36 309 " 258 72 589 102 OUR PRICES FOR FREEZERS START | 6 a FROM PHONE 723-1163 72 52 58 7 44 "4 52 38 TLELLEETHA LLEEETEE 100% MORE OFFERS the Oshawa working man @ 4% Personol Chequing Accounts--no service charges @ 6% Guerenteed Investment Certificeterx--1 96 8 yeors @ Investment Funds Central Ontario Trust 90% MORE INTEREST Central Ontario Trust 19 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa | HOURS 50% More Interest on savings (We ALWAYS heve) 4%.% pold and eeompounded quorterly from the doy the account is opened. No waiting +1 period. Minimum eccount, 100% More ' Saving Hours 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. Mendey te Thursdey a.m. te 9 p.m. Friday a.m. to 5 p.m. Seturdey Estote Planning Mortgage Loans Real Estate Sales and Purchases Pre-paid Save-by-Mei! kite @ Free Hockey Ticket Brew & Savings Corporation 723-5221 }burton: Cloudy windy and turn-| North Bay «..++++- ' jing colder. A few snowflurries| Sudbury | brought nearer to fulfilment, |geyeloping by evening, contin-,Earlton ........ lé Pontiff, Ramsey Plan ROME (AP)--Pope Paul andjin which both participated, the|can archbishop embraced in ajlaboration is likely to lead to a ldeclaration was read in Latin|Symbolic "kiss of peace," as|greater understanding and a |they had done twice Wednesday |deeper charity, and to strive in jat the Vatican. Both had read|common to find solutions for all portions of a common service of|the great problems that face worship prepared specially for|jthose who believe in Christ in; the Archbishop of eenanige| prayed together today and is-|by Bishop Jan Willebrands, sec- sued an historic common decla- retary of the Vatican's Se | ration pledging their churches to tian _unity secretariat, and in| English by Dr. Ralph Dean, ex-|the occasion--the Pope in Latin co peraeai delegate of the Anglican! and the archbishop in English. white, and the tall, purple-robed/C¢™munion. ~ i Cheered heartily by a crowd Dr.Michae!l Ramsey bowed) The declaration said the Pope outside St. Paul's as they left, their heads in common prayer|and Dr. Ramsey "'intend to in-|they clasped cach other's hands in the pontifical basilica of St, augurate between the Roman | and embraced again. Paul's outside the walls. The|Catholic church and the Angli- Whey auld ta the fecanitios ceremony climaxed the arch-jcan communion @ serious dia- that their hestiig ; Pig ae A g 'marks a bishop's three - day visit to logue which .. . may lead t0| new stage in the development Rome. that unity in truth for whic of traterial velations; based work toward unity. The Pope, a fragile figure 'tablish unity.' church leaders described them- 35 In their joint declaration, the Christ prayed." oon Chistian chatiy and of their churches to unprecedented|Pope John announced in 1959 Another wave of applause. ros mission to study in detail the | Conti Frid | : Cold ontinues rl ay lisp "should include not only but also matters of practica TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts; with occasional snowflurries to- the 500,000,000-member Catholic and a few snowilurries were". are disagreements over papal provement expected for Friday.| 520W. Cloudy and cold with oc-|questions of mixed marriages [Southern Lake Huron, Windsor, |°°°! Winds nort'vvest 20. |with a few scattered snowflur- Windsor ... 18 37 Friday. Winds northwest 15 Fri-|Kitchener .......+ : first ever by a pope and an An- It was greeted by applause in contacts and collaboration|that he was calling the Vatican : After a special prayer service'when the Pope and the Angli-| jspecific issues that divide the | theological matters such as difficulties felt on either side." lissued at 5:30 a.m, EST. Inight. Mainly cloudy and cold church and the 45,000,000-mem- forecast for southern and cen-| Western James Bay: Windy jjnfallibility, such doctrines con- Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, | C4sional snowflurries Friday. (and birth control London, Toronto, Hamilton:| Foreeast Temperatures lries. Cloudy with a few sunny|st, Thomas . day. Mount Forest ..... The declaration said the dia-| !churches sincere efforts to remove the which is full of hope for the |causes of conflict and to re-es-|years to come." . : Dr The declaration did not spe-ituesday and arranged his de-| e cify how the program of closer|yayture today (10 a.m. EST) so ontacts would be accom-|that he could visit the World plished. However, a first st€P|Council of Churches headquar- |was expected to be establish-|ter. Geneva, on the-way back ment of a Roman-Anglican com-|;, 'England. j|Private and personal capacity nicember, 1960. Dr. Ramsey came | and|an act of "treason" against Pro- | In their declaration the two ice. selves as being "of one mind in|walked to a car, they opened | their determination to promote |their coats and displayed white| responsible cont acts between|smocks with the words "Arch- their communions and all those|bishop Ramsey a traitor to Pro- | spheres of church life where col-itestant Britain." chew ity the world of today." | They discussed mutual prob-| \lems in a private meeting in the Pope's st ud io Wednesday night that lasted more than an hour, At the end of the day Dr. Ramsey said the "immense goodness of God" had allowed "a ceremony of friendship be- tween Rome and Canterbury Ramsey got to Rome TWO SWEEP WINNERS These. two men were colnshire Handicap in En- among several Canadians sland. who won big money prizes --CP Wirephoto in' the Irish Sweepstakes Wednesday. George Christie 71, of Toronto (left) plans to retire with the $60,000 he won .Thomas Walker, 35- year-old Brampton, Ont., auto worker, won $150,000 when Riot Act won the Lin- Good ras ie eae © By or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker--Presiaent Bill MecFeetera--Vice Pres. Schofield-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 No Canterbury archbishop had ever before paid an official cail on a pope since the two parted in 1534, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, the last previ- ous archbishop, travelled in a when he saw Pope John in De- jas head of the World Anglican Communion. Three Protestants who fol- lowed Dr. Ramsey here from |England to protest his visit as testantism were present again, today. The two clergymen and a layman sat quietly in the back of the basilica during the serv- Outside, as Dr. Ramsey) glican primate, they committed ie large basilica where the late aimed toward ending more than'ecumenical councit. | churches. } : ne " scripture, tradition and liturgy Cloudy, Few Sunny Spots Among the barriers betwee Synopsis: Cold windy weather| Friday. Winds northerly 15 tober world Anglican communion tral Ontario with only slight im-|and cold with snow and drifting|cerning the Virgin Mary, Niagara, Western Lake Ontario, | Ottawa: Mainly sunny but ae nie ea | Cloudy, windy and much colder Low tonight high Friday intervals and continued cold/tondon .. c Northern Lake Huron, Geor-|Wingham ... gian Bay, Algoma, Timagami, Hamilton . North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy) St. Catharines and colder with occasional|Toronto snowflurries. Cloudy with a few|Peterborough ..... lsunny intervals and continued) Kingston ......+.++ cold Friday. Winds northwest 20| Trenton «..+++++00« | Friday. Killaloe Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali-| Muskoka .... uing overnight. Winds north-| Sault Ste. Marie .. 5 west 20 Friday. | Kapuskasing 5 Cochrane, White River:| White River ...... Windy and cold with snow and) Moosonee eee ir "15 DON'T FORGET Che Rih Room NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7:30 P.M. Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m, GENOSHA HOTEL INDUSTRIAL BUILDING For Sale or Lease 10,000 Square Ft. .building, stone front, block three sides, on 22 acres of industrial land, loca- tion on 401 Highway at Bowmanville, designed specifically for the manufacture of pharmecutical products, special rooms for production of bacterial free products. Ample finished offices, all services to building prepaid. Gas heating, offices heated by under-slab duct work. Men and Ladies' washroom. Lunchrooms. 13 ft. clearance under steel joists 8 ft. ceiling in office area. All wiring and fixtures in- cluded. Full price $85,000. Liberal terms to res- ponsible purchaser available immediately. Inquiries invited, Call: GUIDE REALTY CO. 723-5281 ask for or DICK YOUNG LLOYD CORSON drifting snow. Cloudy and cold|Timmins ...... OLD USH Stake y aim on > TRIPE Get In on the Gold Rush--to Adams Gold Stripe. Gold Stripe has that robust "unsinkable flavor" to enjoy with any: mix--right to the bottont of the drink. Now's the time to strike it rich with Adams Gold Stripe--at a popular price, our cl = "Sarge Uron your life! @ SHAPED TO FASHION... WEIGHTLESS..» WONDERFULLY JOYCE, $15.95 jouce OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. DAVIDSON SHOE STORE 31 Simcoe St. N. Downtown Oskawe