Board Would Go | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Merch 2491966 19 120 Mothers, Dau ghters To Arbitration lably with settlements reached | vious experience, will start at recently in other cities in On-| $3,900, a $300 increase. ' ' ' tario. Some 75 per t of th - » WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Fac per cen e sepa Attend At Bia Bancauet _ brite poisnitig Ge a ten Under, the ney wage scale, alate school boards laymen JA LLe ria , ipa 4 'ejection hy sena- Standard 1 teacher, "direct from teachers are in Standard 1 or é neat ite | rate: school lay men teachers, the veachers coliege wiin no pre-|lower, MAPLE GROVE (TC) --,vice at the University of Guelph Breeze, and her brother, Gus| windsor separate school board ~ eee More than 120 mothers and|where their son, Don, is & mem-|McCarthy, flew to Newfound-| jis prepared to go to arbitration ' |daughters attended the Mother| ber of the graduating class. | A age oe ge lig theif its scales are not accepted. and Daughter Banqiét held by reception was hela an -Creeime the funesal-of their mother. AUS Fw teva ot EOE hh A the Maple Grove Girl Guides| Hall. DELEGAT AMED ara ate eng di genial OrPrPOR IUINTI ST and Brownies. Guests included) Mr, and Mrs. Jack Morton a sia . tee, said Tuesday night trustees District Commissioner Mrs. J. lhave | returned after a vacation. BROUGHAM (TC) -- Sister have presented their final offer ; Geddes and Mrs. Cole. lat Treasure Island Florida. Louise Pilkey, past noble grand), is the 608 tawehers under ite! The toast to the mothers was) Mrs. Fred Wright is a patient - ~ a delegate to the: Rebe-| Jurisdiction. proposed by Nancy Symons bolas in Bowmanville Memorial Hos- hoes pdedivarctg in June. Sister| "If they fail to accept this --. Irene pie Pio haps -|pital. Leala Beer will be the scholar,| proposal then we have no choice ppreciation to those wh The second meeting of the} 4 district meeting has be j-|but to call in an arbitrator,' ed the turkey dinner was voiced Maple Grove 4-H Group "Jol- led ri gf for 7 as deen Ca" Dr. Picard said. He said his by Mrs. Whitney. ..,|e8 Chapenux" was held in the) mp. lodge has been invited Poard's offer compares favor- : : : Mit. Cole presented the First/Christian Education, Hall. Teel take tart te aw atria | The Oshawa Recreation Department is Aid an ed Cross badges to *s projeci is 'Accent on : F : . Kathy McGuirk, Brenda Bam-| Accessories". Directed by Mrs. church service: April 74 in Osh- heed cherie ---- accepting applications for Summer Staff \ber, Jo Preece, Susan Henry,}Graham Lee, the 17 members |#¥@- Several members attended) Drotner nes ' ositions. aia Judy Hogg. Certificates al-| will make hats and scarves. The the church service held by; The Pickering Township hock- Pi White Dove Lodeg at Ajax. ley team played a tie game with oe Went to Reels Goedmieeny. Inning? members: wih make: DUT | The new fire truck was call- | Wexford Sunday afternoon at PLAYGROUND LEADERS ons, Barbara Beck-} at uaa Preece, Bea Den ee fed out Sunday afternoon to ex- \the Ted Reeve 'Arena. Brough- Becker, Pat Welsh, Gail Mc- PLAN OPEN HOUSE tinguish a car fire on Audley rd.jam players are J, Annis, C. SWIMMING STAFF (Guards & Instructors) Donald, Linda Stevens, Jane No-|_ PICKERING BEACH (TC)--| .Mrs. George Perry has re-|Coates, R. Hooker and J. Me- ble, and Kathy Sol. Paradise School is holding an turned "wom St. Thomas where!Guckin. es ia' SPECIALISTS IN VARIOUS PROGRAMME Mrs. McGuirk thanked Mrs.|open house from 7.30 to 9 p.m. Cole for the help given to the|Mar, 28. Parents are being ur- AREAS (Day Camp, Track R Field, Art girls by the Red Cross and First ged to attend to learn about} |Aid instryctors. The banquet/educational advances at the 5; and others) closed wfth a song from a'school. Refreshments will be | \quartet of Guides and commun-| served. FOR ALL YOUR "i| MINIMUM AGE REQUIREMENT--16 as of April 6 ' . , jity singing. The dance held by the Beach (Swimming -- 1 FREIGHT PILES UP AT AIRPORT ltr, ang, Mes. W. H Bromn\poye at Powell rd schol ta] SPRING GARDEN NEEDS eee Paste | c ser- 7 | , : ar ' . : oo . attended the baccalaurette tured scl age and piody J A JANSSEN & SONS Applications available through local High This i ar' *k- " y Airport, reight and g . ; This is part of the back ronto International Airpor argo on air freight a a - the' Beach Bove | e e Schools and. the Recreation Department, ; caused by the Ontario express has been ordered 52 {sponsored by jog of undelivered goods at Teamsters strike, now in its to ease the pileup. | Alpinists Push }was rained out. It has been| LIMITED i _the air terminal at Te ninth week, A five- day | em- _(cP Wirephoto) set for Mar. 26. FORMS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE RECREATION DEPART- EES SHEE Pahoa 'Up Mount Eiger | Several car loads of church | 843 King West -- 728-9429 MENT ON OR BEFORE APRIL 6th, 1966, |teenagers attended the Youth| ] | it-| F *hris y § ille.| Masons Pay Full Tribute Hectonie Units sn sera: Mi ra a Selling Overseas death of their leader, a team of,= romanian ree nem American and British alpinists | ZURICH, Switzerland (Reut-|Wednesday again attacked the To Ex-Lodge Member bera}ccleceonia computers arejicy north Wall of Mount Eiger in jrapidly spreading in westernja bid to make the first direct ; Tribute was paid to the late: memory of his late brother. Europe after a decade of tre-| vertical ascent. . s 8 FEET LONG: . ' ' ' A |mendous growth in their home| Layton Kor of Boulder, Colo., i **. Wor. Bro. Charles Mac- Bro. George R. Wallace, son of country, the United States and Chris Bonnington of Eng- ( Eco 6 denzie Wallace, a'former lodge the deceased, and a junior offi-| An estimated 5,560 computers} land began moving up the Eiger Sp Romy = member, at a regular meeting cer of Ashlar Lodge, No. 247,| are currently being used by pri-| | wall to reach the advance biv- rece end held by Cedar Masonic Lodge. Toronto, presented a rug which| Yate and public enterprises in|ouac in the ice field known as ' 1 4' d| 'The Spider." : > will be used for ceremonial pur-|£Uropean countries, compare : BoA lll re seine bhi poses on behalf of his eee. with 3,500 two years ago. Their; An eight - man German team ; rie > his sons self. number is expected to jump to} which had pooled forces with the years, and at the time of his|mother, his sons and se about 12,100 in the next five|British - American team spent 39: "Where The Garden-Wise, Economize"' death was an honorary inspec The presentations were ac- 5 : insi . , " years. the night on the mountainside in tor general of the Imperial knowledged by Ww es hgh las The electronic data processing|a precarious camp Council. : Penfound, WM of ce a at | business practically started John Harlin, 30, of Los Altos, by ous ue were pee a Hare ah * a Phe from scratch in Europe with the|Calif., captain of the British- made to the loage by members | pale trl 0 appearance of small desk-size| American team, fel! 3,000 feet of the Wallace family as| Bro Wallace's service to units around 1958. By the fol-|to his death Tuesday. He was CHAIN LINK ' COTTAGERS! memorials. A Red Ensign,| Masonry lowing year there were. about|11,500 feet up the 14.046-foot FENCING aR FARMERS! t bearing the Arms of Ontario,,; At the end of the presenta-|300 computers in use, ranging} mountain was presented by V. Wor. Bro. tions those assembled observed | from small machines to huge|. Kor and Bonnington decided Full 100-Ft. Rolts! . Deep or Shollow Well H. L. Wallace on behalf of his|two minutes' silence. electronic brains at dawn to gon, saying 'John Convertible Jet brother, Fred, a member of the' When business for the eve-|-- mate ~| would have wanted it that way." 36" $12 97 a ie : Port Arthur Lodge. ning was concluded a social DISEASE GOES UP Two other members of the team ° on. WATER SYSTEM The Red Ensign was original-|hour was held. Wor. Bro. Pen-| 4 total of 23,250 cases of in-| Were expected to join them ee 14 88 ly a Canadian flag which was found was toastmaster and the fectious syphilis were reported |/ater 42 $ ° ea. with 17-gel. tenk presented to the lodge by mem-|jnvocation was given by Bro. in the United States in 1965,| Harlin was the first American 6-FT. T-BAR i aaa bers who were First World War|the Rev. Lee Begg, of Toronto|compared with 22,733 the year|t® conquer the Eiger's north -FT. T- ' = 5 veterans. Bro. Fred Wallace's|and formerly of Oshawa. before. jail by the conventional zig-zag q 91.88 contribution was a change of) Rt. Wor. Bro. Gordon Bunker [route in August, 1962. He swvas et a re A FOOT VALVE crests on the banner. gave tribute to Rt. Wor. Bro WORKS COST MUCH jalso the first American_to-scale 7] ' | INCLUDED. An engraved flagstone, to Wallace and emphasized his| Telstar's solar cells are syn-|the north wall of the' Matter- JUST LIKE CLEARANCE! featee™ TO 600 GAL. hold the flag, was presented by|service to Scottish Rite|thetic sapphire crystals in pla-| horn. He i. earne d mountain V. Wor. Bro. H. L. Wallace in!Masonry. 'tinum settings. [climbing in Canada, ARBORITE or FORMICA Factory Grade Seat = ; "A" grede NATIONALITE , a BATH SETS Gold & Silver 4 x 8's vx 4 Sparkle On White HARDBOARD "Bosic: Mater . $81 Cc r tT Our Most 1 1 84 peek Cae es "nevenst THAR Toner Popular Colour! 5 7 MAHOGANY " ¢ JUST 37¢ PER FOOT!! J ea. PANELLING A Division of the S. S. Kreege Comp First Quolity Hardboerd! bn lots of 25 or more A et ee 2.69 4' x 3' UNDERL mx 24" tx Ve". THICK! AY BASEMENT #3, 3.08 F Idee! For Tie 7 1 C | WINDOWS : -- aie Work -- Save Now! theet b ue 1%" First Quality Save! Beautifully Greined : 5.85 MAHOGANY Leather-Like Washable Viayl! Tanger, DOORS SPACEMASTER DOORS | GALVANIZED io id ze" x 66" 30 x og" | EAVESTROUGH ; B Square Fe el 13:88 16.77| 1-22. A mot 26 66" C06 Pos ; Top Quality! You Always Seve At Coshwoy! oo re. Sertons: wm" x 4x & TRUCK LOT PRICES! -- : terry Good Quality Utility Spruce and Pine aye PLYWOOD 2x4's...583 = [2° 7 10:40 B feet Long | 100-ft. Rotts! rigs oo 2x 4's 10' to 16' "a ch PLASTIC PIPE 7 al "Ae oak re in ele one eee 2.11 | ASPHALT 2 5" 3.79 2x 8s 8 16 114.00M 89.50M | ryt SHINGLES 4 ' e . Stenderd Grade Waterproof 4" 1 i igpingpenad i SHEATHING PLYwoop | MAHOGANY 5-95 BOLOGNA B/G" & OX Bi, ORG Rs sc cisecsecces Bale BI-FOLD DOORS NAME BRAND f Ha" x 4x 8, cach, sercsasceceees Be lD Wine sot" 94 6%," Ya" mA XB, cach secseseceee eee AAG 2-Panel_ Plain . 3.54 POWER ae Se" x A xB, cach cessesecsceees DMO E2Z-0 x 6-Cooceeee 7.75 -E€ x 6- 6 cceeee 8.75 9 omp 4' x 8' ASPHALT -O x 6-66000040.45 ente : - 2- R 05 Ox 6x SHEATHING BOARD, each.... 1.98 2-Panel_ Louvre GYPSUM LATH.....ssseeec. 41.40M be dane oe ; : 9" x 9" Vinyl Asbestos 2" INSULATION BATTS... 39.85M 93-0 x 6-6...«..17.70 FLOOR TILES REDWOOD SIDING........ 177.00M Hardware for above sizes. Black Marble t; / 4c Set seccccessccces mae4O0 Freshly Roasted WALLAGARD svoessosrsenisec WAEUM Erste' erent ic ied é ~ oe ICED | peer stew | SPANISH ~ i i El sos lal At te Alex, Extt 66, % Aas ore 8 Se ALUMINUM DON UTS Potatoes, Ver. Roll PEANUTS Telephone Alax san-1221 = Oa tne Te te COMBINATION Fancy Delicious on BROOKLIN North of Whitby, et corner BARRIE-- Junction Highways STORM & SCREEN & and Butter | No. 11 and No, 93. 12, 3 " BELLEVILLE -- 24 Newb 5 C Doz. 65° 45° Reneioee mownne S800 1 Gee, MORIN BAY ce ae DOORS LB. : Bramlee Rd. at Stegies. Just Gaug at Fisher. NIAGARA MALTO Fat sided 4 of Hwy NOT Tera A FALLS" -- 1268 Montrose off tac ale id eronte J Lundy's Lane, GALT -- High- a Customers Phone 667-4265, Brampton Phone 451. way 24, south of Highway 401. 3800, Also--London, Windsor, -Ruthven and Ottawa, Ontario. ' to 23.77 each al