22 «THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 22, 1966 Never before has Eaton's offered such substantial savings on these 2 great names in china... Wedgwood and Royal Doultom! This once-in-a-life- time offer on bride-beloved patterns of traditional bone china, fine earth- enware and transulscents, time-hon- oured Wedgwood jewellery and the ' renowned Doulton figurines;, .. NOT be! W EDGWO OD j -- to be missed ! Zs f 4 : a 4 f i we A : LTON aw : LIMITED QUANTITIES . . . i : £ SHOP EARLY. Wed d Fine Earthe uaa Wedgwood Fine Bone China Royal Doulton Fine Bone China ee ee eee --e oe "Edme"' "Summer Sky" "Conway" "Willow Weeve" j "Belle Fleur" | "Gold Florentine" "California" | "Richelieu" "Rondo" ' "pelrose'"' 5-Piece Place Setting Reg. Special Reg. Special Reg. Special alk, tis Sets Reg Special | Reg. Speciel | Reg. Specia! 's. tae | Reg Specie! | Reg. Special Reg Specie! 10" Plate 5.95 3.97) 7.95 5.30, 4.50 3.00 10" Plete [12-95 19.97/34.95 23.30/17.95 11.97 10" Pete. «(25-95 17-90/21.50 .14.99/24.50 16.8 7" Plote | 1.75 1.17| 2.35 1.57) 1.25 83 FA hace | 5.75 3.83/11.25 7.50] 5.75 3.83 o | 8.25 5.50| 685 4.57] 7.80 5.20 Sp | 1.10 673} 1.60 (1.07) 90 7" Plate | 3.95 263) 7.50 5.00 3.95 2.63 7" Plote 5.85 3.90| 4.80. 3.20) 5.50 3.67 wipe 95 | 63) 1.15 77) 758 5' Plate (275 83) 5.45 368).275 1.83 5" Plate 350 233] 290 193) 330 220 Cup and Saucer | 2.15 1.43] 2.85 1.90/ 1.60 1.07 Cup and Saucer | 5.50 3.68/10.75 7.17| 5.50 3.68 Cup and Saucer 8.35 5.57| 6.95 4.63] 7.90 » 5.27 Tae dacs -- --------$ $$$ --_--- = -- = -- -- _ --. | oven arden 5-Piece Place Setting | Reg. Special "Ascot" , "Aste Green" ' Carlyn' | "Piedmont" 'Sovereign' ' "Strasbourg" 10" Plate | 9.95 6.63 5-Piece P'ace Setting ' saggy ang ave Haag pg 5-Piece Place Setting Bip picegele asters ee | Ree pega 7" Plate | 2.75 1.83 10" Plat 139.95 26.63)28.95 19.30/19.95 13.30 10" Plot. 122.95 15.30129.95 19.97/29.95 19.97 5" PL | 1.95 1.30 bb eate 5 8.50/ 9.25 6.17) 6.50 '4.33 Re deny 7.35 4.90| 9.55 6.37| 9.55 6.37 ate | 1.50 1.00 7" Plote 5.83) 6.45 4.30) 4.50 3.00 7" Plate 5.15 3.43) 6.70 4.47| 6.70 4.47 Cup and Saucer | 3.75 2.50! 5" Plate ) 4,13] 4.50 3.00} 3.00 2.00 5" Plate 3.10. 2.07|' 4.05 2.70] 4.05 2.70 Cup ond Soucer | 8.17| 875 - 5.83| 5.95 3.97 Ces onl beuckr, | 735 4061 965. GAD 9.68 G08 Holloware also available et these Special Prices ! sensative snirihtnashnasintts tibiae itlcantecinantins i Sites RC Rs eg Royal Doulton Translucent China "Senetor" | Florentine" | "Lichfield" | Special | Reg. Spetiol | Reg Special | "Larchmont" | "Hompton Court" | : ; | Reg Special «| Reg. Specie! | Reg. Special ' BiTien Place Setting Pe 14.33/1450 9.67|25.95__ 17.30 Pi ais Reg. Speciot | Reg. -- Special | Reg. Special te hae (8295 MLevi27.50 1898117.96 11.97 10" Plate , agol acs Sis ae 1 mae NO 700| 16°50 7.00| 9.75 6.63 fe 10.50 7.00) 8.75 5.83| 5.75 3.83 7" Plate 3.201 325 2.17) 5.85 3.90 7" PI | 3.00 2,00] 3.00 2.00| 2.75 1.83 7" Plate TAQ «£08615 4101 3.95 263 5" Plate ; 1.93| 1.95 1.30| 3.50 2.33 i ate 2.10 1.40) 2.10 1.40; 1.90 1.27 5" Plate | 5.10. 3.40} 4.20 2.80) 2.75 1.83 Cup and Séucer' | 460| 465. 3.101 835 '5.87 5" Plate | 1.65 1.10} 1.65- 1.10).1.65 1.10 Cup ond Saucer | 9.95 6.63] 840 5.60) 5.50 3.67 a Cup and Saucer | 3.75 2.50) 3.75 2.50| 3.65 2.43 : | "Coronet" | ") ue " " » "Black Florentine" "hsia Block" i : | Reg. Special | Miremont' | "Reflection" "Tumbling Leaves" | Ree, 'ot me iat | 5-Piece Place Setting | | Pi ; Reg. Special | Reg. Special | Reg. Speciel 5-Piece Place Setting Peet peg Pp on rp 10" Plote 115.75 10.50] the Setting = 1 9.50 © 6.33/12.25 8.50) 7.50 10" Plate 93/21. ert " | 4.85 3.23] - | 2:65 1.77| 3.60 2.40) 2.15 7.85 5.23) 6.95 4.63) 7" Plate | " pl ere F iy q 7" Plate | ' 3.50 2.33) 7" Plate | 1.85 1.23} 2.55. 1.70) 1.50 5" Plate toon aa aoe Say Palaces | 205. Lat 5" Plate | 1155 1.03 | 210 1.40] 1.25 iJ. x ; MEA | 5. : | Cup ond Soucer | 7.50 5.00| 650 4.33! eee ae ! Cup ond Saucer | 3.45 2.30/ 4.50 3.00! 2,60 5 er ne ay eee Holloware also available at these Special Prices ! Holloware also available at these Special Prices ! Take Advantage of Sale -- Savings Without Immediate Cash Outlay! Shop On EATON'S BUDGET -CHARGE Royal Doulton Bone China Figurines TERMS ... NO DOWN nm. | ee | mt Autumn | Reg. each | Reg. Reg. 9.95 to 15.95! Secon, wed| 3150 | BERD guile | hoe Ane | { Brooches and pendants in round and .oval shapes, drop and button earrings, f PAYMENT Rose 12.25 | 8.17 Hs. Absaaald | 24.75 | 16.50 rings, cuff-links and tie tacks! They come blue and white with sterling eilver s Hong 12.25 8.17 * Lobster Men | 26.25 | 17,50 mounts; blue and white, sage and white, black ond white. 6 63 10, 63 Hill, eae | 31.50 } 21.00 eo 24.75 | 16.50 in gold-filled mounts, SPECIAL, each ...sceesees: " to " Volerie 118.25 1° TAN Shire Laeve 27.00 18.00 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 252 PHONE 725-7373