Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Mar 1966, p. 15

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150 ROUNDS PER MAN! AND HOLD YOUR FIRE TILL ORDERED, WELL, IF YOU HAVEN'T GOT IT COMBED BY Now, Co war 15 THIS? FROM THE INTERIOR, AFTER AN ALL- NIGHT RIDE, COME LOYAL TROOPS 'TO JOIN ALREADY SURROUNDING THE PALAC! 1 GHAMPOCED MY HAIR AND Now (T WON'T COMB WOOD, }_ Guess | IH CAST HURRY Wvou'es fat WE'LL BE LATE TO THE DINNER DANCE cea Peace cen eee RMN ere te ten ene ete MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES 1 tng Fenteres Sy mcnate tang | Pty Weakd rights romorvod" ISN'T GOING J@ SLEEPY HEAP--T DON'T KNOW WHAT "TIME BREAKFAST AROUND HERE, BUT, LETS NOT BE Te ATE ve! BIGHT PLUTH THREE BQUALTH ELEVEN / THAT'S GREAT, THAM! I KNEW YOU WERE SMART! 3 COULD TELL IT ALL ALONG // OH, CHEER P= NOW THAT YOU'VE COME ALL THIS Dares MeClure 3-3e UH «ee WHAT DOTH *'BQUALTH'MEAN, Cing Verma Spedoeony a Well hee I DON'T KNOW IFT CAN M yn BUT I/LL HAVE "10 TRY ~~ Why ARE You AND ALL YOUR SCHOOLMATES CONSTANTLY PRACTICING FOR WHAT? HE SAID HER PIE WAS THE WORST HE HAD EVER TASTED... THE GIANTS THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 WELL KILL TWO BIRDS WITH [4 STONE / ANESCORT THE BORDER AND A CHANCE TO GET LIEUTENANT ; YANGS OPERATION ON FILM / THE SITUA SPENDI) 'SCOUT REPORTS GI. ' 7 PATROL AT FOOTOF } e) , HILL, JUST ACROSS TO TION WITH PUBLIC uy * f rae WE HAVE SANCTUARY IN THIS SIDE. EAGY TO THEY VIOLATE RULES (F FOLLOW US/ TERI,ULL TRADE FOR THAT SILLY, DONALD DUCK YOU MY FROG J7poN'T BE GIRLS DON'T |. LIKE FROGS! YEAH, BUT THIS 1S DIFFERENT! LISTEN... BUZZ- WHISPER-MUMBLE... BUT HE ISN'T REALLY A FROG, MOM! HES A HANDSOME CROSSWORD DOWN 1. Native of 8. E. Asia 2. Decisive . Mountain in Greece . Pasha ACROSS 1. Dig 6. Painful spots 11. Small and grand, for instance 12. Box . Dutch 13. Like some meter post-party . Yell trays . Neighbor 14. Hollywood of Ida, trailer . Rant 15. Ios . Small case 16, Regret . Man of 17. Norse god visions of healing 14. Yourg seal 18, Paper Emerson or designation: Rogers abbr, 20, Timber 19. Iridescent wolf gem 21, Jump 21. Greeting, 22. Fore- head 24. As far as 25. Whose symbol is the harp? 26. Noure ished 28. Hesi- Yesterday's Answer tant 38. Genuine remark 39, Caution 31. Site of the 42. Attitude San Carlo 44,Item often Opera flipped $2. Eye in- 45. Metric flammation measure 85. Small fish 47, Liquid 36. Pinafore measure: 37. Weapons abbr. casual style q 22. Near to S e 8 {2 fe 23, Theme 27. Across 2 29. Caliber 30. Well-known Y 'La 32, Provided Argentine WY that 33. Verbal Z 22 37. Quadrant 40. Snoop 41, Invalid's food 43. Actually 45, Italian river 46, Girl of song 47. Goads 48. Sleighs 49, Past, for one YOU SIMPLY CAN'T TAKE OFF THIS WAY, EARL! YOU'VE GOT A JOB.,.A GOOD JOB... AND YOU'RE JEOPARDIZING IT! St Gi I'VE ALSO GOT A RL,..AND IF 1 DON'T 'ajl'M JEOPARDIZING HERI! MIND THE' STORE UNTIL 1 GET BACK, HUH, AL? YOU ARE A NUT, DELMONICO! YOUR HEALTH Poison control centres are a| fairly recent but certainly valu- able development. In a big city, a centre gets thousands of calls a year. Who uses the centres? Some- times doctors, asking special information. Often parents, ask- ing what to do when a child is poisoned. At one centre I was told that they dread two types of parents: The panicky ones; and the ones who are the exact} opposite. re So if you have occasion to call such a centre, keep at least halfway calm. It is important that you tell what the child ate or drank. If it is patent medi- cine, furniture polish or any- thing with a brand name, tell) the poison centre. Their files| will show what is in the ma- Centres Valuable In Poison Control By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD terial and whether it is poison- ous. If you are uncertain and the child has vomited, save the vomitus for analysis. Then follow the centre's ad- vice. They are expert at know- ing whether to advise you to try first aid, to call your doc- tor, or to go to the nearest hospital--they usually can tell you which hospita] is nearest, too. | At the other extreme is the person who calls for help only after a child has been vomiting for hours. Sometimes people at the centres have: to beg such folks to take the child to a hos- pital, even when this may be the only chance of saving a life. Don't make the mistake of thinking that an antidote is nec- essarily the whole ansyrer to a TELEVISION LOG Channei 2--Buttele 9:0 Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buftalo Channel é--Toronte Channel 7--Buffaic Channel &~Rochester Channel %--Toronto Channel 1i--Hamiltea emer amen nace YwesuayY eve. H--Pomity Thoett m lerniiy e J $--Five O'clock Movie | foarte Fu @--Supermen 6--Passport To Adventure 11:00 3--Stingray OLlevd 6-3--Dick Va 4--Petticoat $:30 P.M. W:18 S-Leave | Te Beever) ®--Metro Fi 7--Rocketship 7 Viewpoint é--Music Hop 3--Rawhide Wi "e ilight Theatre -- = 6--Generation vr 4--News, Sports Chuck Healy 6:20 PLM, N--News #2--Tonight 4--Sports Movie 6:30 P.M. 1:40 N--Family Theatre Mevis Ne. 8 0-4-3--News; Weather, 6--Hunticy-Brinkley 7--Maverick é--Across Canad 7:00 P.M. Wi--Daniel Boone 9--The Littlest Hebe @~BSlography ¢--News, Weather, Sports é--Nightcap | 6--Newscap WEDN 300 9:00 6--Piaytime 4--Cer b& Where are Your 3--Giliigan's island 9:30 2--Huntiey- Brinkley eta Report 6--Extension 7:30 P.M, 9--Musical Showcase Mother The Car 10:00 it 1i--Whiplash Playtime 4--Rawhide 3--Hogan's Heroes 6:0 Pe, Vi--Movie 63--Ivanhoe 4-1 Love 10:38 ll--Ed Allen aisles Bingo 63--Red Skelton Hour 8:30 P.M. 9--F-Troop. 62--Dr, Kildare 7--McHale's Navy W:45 4--Red Ske! 63--Friendly 4-The M 9:00 P.M. 11:00 ~The Wackiest snip | -2--Paradise in The Army 8-4--Movie 9--Mr. And 6-2--Morning &3--Front Page Challenge) 7--Supermarket Sweep 63--Butternut Square 7--F Troop T--Peyton Place PY 63--News Magazine 7--The Fugitive 4~-CBC Reports 30 PLM. 119-8-7-6-4-3-3-- News Weather and Sperts 04--Lete Show The Saint %--Plerre Berton 12:30 P.M, 1---News, Weather, Sports | 8: MM. é--Captain Kangeres ypsy Rose 2--Doble Gillis 8-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 63--Cher Helene ll--Mike Douglas PLM. 11:30 A.M, 9--Abracadabra &3~--Across Canada 4--Dick Van Dyke Show in Dyke Junction ll--The Merv Griffin Shew| %--Toronto Today 1 5 +2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie é@~Luncheon Cate +--News and Weather blic Eye nging Society PM. +-2--Let's Play 64--Searc For Tomorrow 3Neon-dey Repert P.M. 12:45 PLM, ined 64--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M Ni--Thestre eee | 9--Morning Star 4--Anay of Ma' etre PM. é--Luncheon Date thew 4--Meet The Mil 3--Summer Carousel tke Douglas shew 1:30 P.M. P.M, 9--James Beard Show 64--As The World Turns 2:00 PLM, Kids is People 7--Nurses | 6-4--Password ESDAY 2--Days of. Our Lives A.M, 2:15 P.M, %--Dear Chariotte A.M, 2:30 P.M, With Uncle!) ¢--Peopie in Confilel +#--The Doctors obby %Disling For Dollars |7--A Time For Us With Girl Talk 4--Mike's. Carnival &~Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkietter's Party Movie 3:00 PLM. '--Donna Reed 9--Fractured Phrases @8--Another World 7--@eneral Hospitel $+43---To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M. Ni--Funny Company A.M. A.M, With Uncle Bobby $-2--Fractured Phrases %--ite Your Move &--You Don't Say Lucy 7--Superman Show AM +3--Take 30 4--Bdge of Night 3--Kartoon Karnivel 4:00 P.M, $--Mickey Mouse Clup Giant The Match Gome cCoys 7--Early Show A 63--Bonnie Prudden Show Ms Secret Storm A.M, Bay 4: 6 Secret Squirrel Mrs. 9--Movie Star 7--Early Show 6-3--Razzie Dazzie 4--The 4-Thirty Show @10985 gy o87482 3108 GaQs 9QI749 @ar @K6s 'The bidding: 3@ Pass Opening lead--king of dia- monds. The finesse is undoubtedly a . wonderful instrument of play, ° but there can be no doubt that it is used to excess. After all, whether a finesse works is | largely a matter of luck, and is is surely undesirable to rely on luck when there are other means of attaining your goal by substituting a less precari- ous form of play. This hand serves to filustrate the point. Let's say you're de- clarer at four hearts and West leads the king of diamonds. At this point, the possible losers are two spades, a diamond and a club, but you note at the same time that one trick can be saved by a successful finesse of the queen of spades. However the finesse has only about a 50 per cent chance of success, so you naturally start to look for other ways and means of play which will in- crease your chances of making the contract. Actually there is a way of playing the hand that assures you of making the cone tract regardless of which oppon ent has the king of spades. What you do is win the king of diamonds with the ace, draw two rounds of trumps, and cash the A-K of clubs, You then exit with a club, not caring greatly which opponent wins the trick. Let's assume that East wins the club with the.jack and re- turns the ten of spades. Reject. ing the finesse, you go up with the ace and return the jack of diamonds, forcing West to take the lead with the queen. West cannot harm you at this point, since he must either yield a ruff and discard by playing a diamond or a club, or élse lead a spade, which would make your queen a trick. The spade finesse never really enters the picture once you've made up your mind to leave nothing to chance. Students Carry Truscott Appeal TORONTO (CP) -- Four Tor- onto students left for Ottawa Sunday in hopes of presenting Prime Minister Pearson with a petition today asking for a royal commission inquiry into the Steven Truscott case. The petition bears the names of 55 students of Victoria Park Secondary School, It was organ- ized by the school's Charile Brown Society, named after a comic strip character, The four, Lorne Taylor, Rich- ard Jordan, Larry Yamamoto and James Montgomery, were in a delegation Saturday which gave the petition to Robert Stanbury, Liberal member. of Parliament for York-Scarbor- ough. Mr. Stanbury said he had dis- cussed the case with the stu- dents, who had read the Isabel Lebourdais book about the 14- year-old boy sentenced to life imprisonment seven years ago for the rape-murder of Lynne Harper, 12, near Clinton, Ont. He suggested the students present the petition themselves to the prime minister. . SALLY'S SALLIES poison. Sometimes it is; some- times it isn't, Volatile solvents (gasoline, turpentine, cleaning fluids, and so on) upset the child's stomach--but when the stuff is vomited up, some of it gets into the lungs. Then the acute danger is pneumonia. Hospital care is urgent, plus x-rays to keep track of the con- dition of the lungs. CAUSE TERRIBLE BURNS Causties (lye, or things con- taining lye, such as brush clean- ers, paint removers, drain cleaners, etc.) cause terrible {burns and subsequent stric- tures. You may wonder how a child would ever swallow such stuff. Well, children do. The poison centre at a childrens hospital in Michigan reported 15 cases of this during one month last fall In one case a painter had used some lye, dumped it out, and filled the container with plain water, yet there was enough of the chemical left to poison a youngster. Poison centre personnel tell me that for some reason a good many people ask with apprehcn- sion: "You won't use a stom- ach pump, will you?" Why this should alarm folks, I don't quite know. Maybe the idea of a "pump" raises a wrong and scary image. A better term is lavage or washing, because the stomach '(when necessary) is really |washed out, not "pumped" out. If the doctors find it is the best thing to do, don't worry about it. If the poison is not a volatile substance, it is important, to provoke vomiting. Irritating the back. of the tongue or throat with a blunt spoon handle will induce vomiting. Syrup of ipecac, an old-fashioned prep- aration, has again been sug- gested as first aid fur poisoning. One - half to one teaspoonful will usually induce vomiting promptly. A one-ounce bottle should be part of the medicine cabinet's first aid supplies. But above all, the important thing is prevention. Dear Dr. Molner: Whai causes a sneeze? Is it due to the way a person inhales?-- F. No. It depends on what he in- hales. If something irritates the respiratory membranes, # sneeze--a sudden. explosive ex- pulsion of air--is nature's way of trying to remove it. It may also be a reflex action provoked by bright light in some people. Note to D. L.y-Shis "burning" sensation probaly signals a urinary infection. Baking soda -- cure it. Consult your doc- rv. '

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