Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Mar 1966, p. 14

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MR. PITHERS, * 3 NEEO A RAISE** FOR EXAMPLE, 00 YO REALIZE WHAT €GGS coSsT THESE AY NO MORE, PAGWOOD Leis ON PAYDAY YOU'RE GOING TO GET A REAL NICE SURPRISE Wau BAB AN } I NO--A barring GIVING CHICKEN! RAISE? E COUP IS LALING LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY, NOY WITHOUT ORDERS, A SHOW OF FORCE BY OUR PLANES ARMY AND NAVY SHOULD BE ENOUGH TO MAKE ACADA RESIGN, VEILLE! THE REBEL PILOTS ARE D FROM THEIR COTS BEFORE J ROAR OF R, iN 2, PRIME MINISTER BENNETT AT A mibeiniAL Conreram "INTRA -EMPIRE " TRADE Md THE DOMINIONS WILL IVE PREFERENCE TO INCE. eT, BRITISH LER LETTING THEM ENTE! TARIFF FREE. We, WELL, NOT EXACTLY=- I HAP COMPANY THAT NICE MP MAPK ABLE~ HE SEEMS TO BE A THE LONE RANGER SPOTTED AS THEY NEARED THE ASSASSINS' GAMP, THE LONE RANGER AND TONTO ARE PINNED BY A MURDEROUS FIRE + +++ KEEP MOVING wind ys AGAINST AMERICANS "SECRET AGENT X9 " MY SOLDIERE READY / / WE PREPARE FOR ACTION ORDERED US TO AND THE PHOTOGRAPH YOUR | COLONEL? HEROIC DEEDS FOR P THE NEWSREELS OF THE WORLD - COLONEL YU a GOOD. TONIGHT, ANC WELL BF 2M FROM, 70 THE RIGHT WE HAVE ONLY ONE CHANCE, TONTO/ THIS WAY, BIG f ABLE TO hoy *" NTO! Th SENINO, HERE SUVERS, f AH, SO. TI HES TIED UP START WITH ANOTHER, MISSION. WE WILL. REJOIN m HIM LATER! TIE Wo has marvel DONALD DUCK tb iT ets UP HERE FOR ME/ '120....HE WON'T THINK TO L_WONDER,,...\f T CAN MAKE IT TO THE ROOF OF THAT BUILDING, ACROSS 1, River in Kenya 5. Church part 9. Apple centers 10, One kind of oil 12. Gentle breeze 13, Imitated 14. Tip 18. Nickel: sym. 19. Large worm . Roman measure . Assam language . Theatrical production . Taste . Night . Animal enclosure . Decrees of a sovereign Java, tree Chafe MICKEY MOUSE 1 UST WANTE? "TO FIND OLT SUMPT Toward Brewer's vat . Sycophantic reply 20, Certain athlete 21, Muscular spasm YO DOING? 22. Long-haired TELEVISION LOG ly _The 'Merv Orittn Show | $--Abraceasbre 23. Short can- non: abbr. « Pet . Pain- reliev- ing drugs . Brain part 7. Angry 9, Slice Draft animal 32, Squan- dered (away) . Ogles Channe Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel 2----Buttalo 3--~Barrie 4--Buftalo 6~Toronto 7--Buttalo &--Rochester Channe! 9--Toronto Channe} 11--Hamilten cept moncar 5:00 P.M | Namtty Theatre |. 6--Passport To Advent 5:30 P.M, Hop Saturday's Answer 34.Roman date 36. Nestling | 37. Reputation 39. Fuss 42. Denial 43. Exclama- tion 6--Mos 3--Movie @-Lloyd Thaxton S-ieave hy 6:00 P.M } 7~Twllight Theatre | 6--Reach For 4--News, Sports ox 23. Pursue 24. Contends Al 5 8 Y, " Lady (with) 27. Melodies Y | Mevie | %65---News, Weether 28. Sacred bull 29. Intimidate Soorts | &-Huntley-Brinkley | News 30. Creek 31, Possessive 7--Cheyenne pronoun 32. River: Asia Tl--My Three Sons | 9--Thunderbirds 35. Retailer's abbreviation | 8Dobie Gillis | 36. Prolonged {T'S THE FUNNIEST THING, GRANDMA... «=. BUT EVERY TIME I START GAINING WEIGHT AND FEEL 88, Remain 4--Littlest Hobo 3~Honey West 3--Huntley-Brinkley AN AVIN Fas pe cen tien eg - 40. Mariner's 1 MY MEMORY IMPROVES... term | 7:30 P.M; | H--Combat | 9--The Lucy Show 41. One kind | ®2--Huliabaloo | 712 O'clock High of chair 43, Measures: 63--Don Messer's Jubi | 4-To Tell The Truth Heb. 44, Tolerable 8:00 P.M, | Shewttched 45. Marries DOWN | &3--The Fugitive | 4-l've Gor A Seeret 1. Trips 2. Tapestry 8:20 P.M, Laredo | 9--Andy Griffith 3. Tidy PA! BEFORE YOU COME DOWNSTAIRG, LOOK AND SEE IF THE KIDS PICKED UP MUGGS AND SKEETER MA! Youd BETTER COME UP AND TAKE A LOOK YOURSELF! I CANT TELL WHETHER THAT Vor WHETHER WHATS | YOUR HEALTH JUNK IN THe MIDDLE OF THE |} PILEO THERE 1S JUNK et | ROOM WAS BEEN PICKED UP hue TO BE PICKED UP! By JOSEPH G A hours man who spends eyeht a day answering emer gency phone calls about poison ing tells me.that this year at \least 400,000 children in the 1 US. will be poisoned, probably more i i LIE HAS DROPPED IN UNEXPECTEDLY AT EVE'S APARTMENT IN THE CITY... ALL MY +f os VLL STAY ON ' MANUF A AND SEE IF | E \ CAN HELP, EV PIECES ed NO, JULIE. "wenn ONE MESS I'VE GOT TO GET OUT OF ALL BY MY LONESOME, AND WAITED FOR YOU.,. OR POPS. WELL, THIS ONE'S ON ME. LIFE VE Yan ~ CTURED PROBLEM Some of this is from carele ness. We left a poisonous sub | stance where a child could g¢ ,10 PASTE THE 4 "i f |} it. But' even TOGETHER AGAIN, , es }some of us | poison when we ser This could be the missing link in our defences against ac cidental poisonings, be caus poisons are gener j ously through our homes--in the bathroom the kitchen the | basement: on vanities, in clos | ets window ledges and sin more don't important recognize it © scattered on garage. Not e, a l ery po skul +; and. crossbones Most on i medicines, taken in excessive) asta rea w'y "|| Recognizing Poison 3 "¢ _Gi| Key Consideration MOLNER, 'SECURE ALL MEDICINES +a--Dr. Kildare | T--The Legend of Jesse %--Bingo James 4--The Lucy Show 9:00 P.M %--Country Music Hall $-2--Kraft Music Hall 7--Man Called Shenandoah &3--Show ot the Week | 4--Andy Griffith | 9:30 PM 1--Mona McClusky Take A Chance --Peyton Place ~The Law and Mr. Jones }% | 4 MD bottle on a_ table Hedge. Pre-scholars or children|tres in my city has an index of| amounts, are still leads the list as killer. A tablet, or several tab lets, is among our most useful medicines for adults.. But let a 25-pound child take a dose that would he normal for a_ 150 pound adult, and there's trouble Let a child eat a handfitl tabl and he may die Birth-control pill upswing as child-poison. Com mon pills for anemia can cause iron poisoning 'Tranquilizers, antibiotics, sulfa, rubbing alco hol, "cold tablets," heart. medi cines and many other take} their toll of children, Vitamin! tablets, too | poison Aspirin a child in early grades ar any number of mé After medicines hold cleaning comfy niture polish, det jammonia, _ silver metal polishes, drain cleaners tles are.under you In the bathroom vanity jhair dyes land polish remove iquer, antiseptics, shaving lotion. (It of ts are on the sliced up because h razor blades.) Turpentine brust ginning thinner, insect walk, can't get} weed-killers safe rule is to keep ment cohol The only all medications in secure cabi rat 1 rildre b ide to creep; or to some them. Don't leave a medicine!bulbs, rust remover, gasoline. EVERAR® 3---Mona McCluskey To Seaver rhe TP | tight Metre 6--News. Weather, Sports 4-Mike's Carnival +2--John forsythe Show auto How many bot All sorts of cosmetics, to bed. smuggling a package o cleane! 11:30 A.M, *-The Big Valley %2--Run For Your Lite 7--Ben Casey &3--The Sixtiees 4--Art Linkletter 130 PLM. 6~--Toronto File 8-2--Paradise Bay | 4+Dick Van Dyke Show | 6--Luncheon Date | +-News ond Weather | &-Pepeye end Pale 12:18 P.M. | 4-Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M, 1i--Noon Time %--1 Love Lucy 8-2--Let's Play 6-4--Search For Tomorrow a-Meondey Report 12:45 PLM, Vi--News 64--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. N--Theatre 9--Morning Star | 8--Matines 7--Ben Casey 6--The Long Hot Summer ee rae ie + io 3--Movie 1i--News; Weather; Soprts Guwn Gs Mike Devgiee thew 1:30 PLM. 9---James Beard Show $3--Luncheon Date | &4--As The World Turns | Movie 2:00 P.M, Bobby %--~Kids is People | ¥---Dialing Por Dollars | 7--Nurses With Girt Talk | &4--Password | 2--Days of Our Lives ne 7 AM: 2:15 PM, eta iactiyeny "hees | *~Dear Charlotte 2--Doble Gillis 10:00 A.M, 11--Whiplash %--Playtime With Uncic) b 10:45 A.M. 6-3--Chez Helene 11:00 P.M TO) 1)9-4-7-44-3-2--Nows) Weather end Sports 1:18 PLM, Vi ¢ f--Metro Final 11:20 PLM, 1-4--Late Show 11:30 P.M, 1i--The Saint 4---Sports -- Weather +2--Tonight Shew 3--Third Man 11:40 PLM. %--Plerre Berton TUBSOAY £:00 A.M, 4--Captein Kangeres 9:00 A.M, Playtime With Uncle Lee laei 2:30 P.M, bas %--Peopie In Conflict #8--Tre Dectors 7--A Time For Us é--June Allyson Show 4--Linkietter's Party 3:00 P.M, ll--Donna Reed | ®--Fractured Phrases 1--@eners! Heapitei |+43--To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M, \1--Funny Compeny %--It's Your Move &-You Don't Say 7--Superman Show Bobby §-2--Fractured Phrases 6-3---Ivanhoe 4-1 Love Lucy 10:30 A.M, Ni--Ed Allen 8-2--Concentration | 7---Donna Reed 63~--Friendiy Giant 4-The McCoys 10:45 A.M, | 6-3--Chez Helene 11:00 ALM %--Kartoon Karnival 4:00 PLM, 9--Mickey Mouse Club | & The Match Geme 7--Early Show \6-3--Bonnie Rudden Show 4--Secret Storm '%-Rocky end Hie Friends 6-3--Butternut Square +-Andy of Mayberry 11:20 A.M 6-3-Across Canada or window! One of the poison control cen- 15,000 materials containing poi- son, most of them "ordinary" items found in the home or in medicine cabinets. If we are e victims of dicines come house rounds ergents,/poison; we've got to keep our- and other!selves aware that "household" waxes, commodities. can be dangerous Tomorrow I'll give more spe- cific advice Dear Dr r sink? or on the Molner: I am 68 hair, lac-jarguments about eating raw deodorants,}clams and drinking some of the isn't poison- | juice My friends claim this will e toddled off|eries t\do cla No, What good value, if any, ms have?--Mrs. A. J. H. this will decidedly al-|eries. Clams have protein value vaintiand some. calorie (not ver high)... and as a seafood are rich and/in iodine. Eat them if you like jthem, © varnish fertilizer seeds Fur-\going to reduce this peril of not In the garage or the base-jgive you hardening of the art- 114 THE OSHAWA Times, bib Merch 21, 1966 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder Im Masters' Championship Play) FAMOUS HANDS South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH Opening lead--king of spades, There is one play in bri you simply can't find in t textbooks. The play is known as the Alcatraz Coup. The rea- son it is omitted from the text- books is that is is a form of cheating. The Alcatraz Coup, logically enough, had its origin in Alca- traz. Who the genius was that invented it is in dispute, but the many claimants include some of the most distinguished members of the rogues' gallery. The first recorded use of the play occurred in this hand. West led the king of spades and shifted to a heart, which East ruffed. Back came the deuce of clubs (This was not an honest return -- it was the fifth best club.) West took the ace and played another heart, which East ruffed. It was the fourth trick for the defense. East returned a club to the queen. Declarer then led the king of diamonds and continued with the seven, East following with the ten. South was now at the crucial point of the hand, Only one diamond, the queen, was missing, and the question was whether or not to finesse, South analyzed the situation thoroughly. He knew that East started with five diamonds or had started with no hearts and that his distribution was likely to be 5-440, But had East Started with five diamonds or four? If East had five, finessing the jack was mandatory; if East had only four, going up with the ace was the right play, South finally reached a con- clusion, On East's ten of dia- monds he played the ace of hearts. West didn't bother to look at the play and automati- cally followed with the queen of. diamonds, South now corrected his re- voke, substituting the ace of diamonds for the ace of hearts, and thus made the contract. Of course, players who in- dulge in such practices eventu- ally become ostracized and in fact, the Alcatraz Coup was ultimately barred even on The Rock. The penalty, curiously be yg was solitary confine- ment, SALLY'S SALLIES "No, I'm not cross. There's nothing in the world I'd rather do than discuss electronics with you." SPORTS BRIEFS RECALL SHOCK BOSTON (AP)--Boston Bru- ins, crippled by injuries and ex- periencing a seven-game losing treak, announced Monday re- call of centre Ron Shock from San Francisco of the Western Hockey League. PROMOTER DIES CALGARY (CP) -- John M. |Bannerman, 75, who devoted }many of his 52 years in Calgary to promotion of football, died in hospital Monday. In 1964 he was named Calgary's Sportsman of the Year. He was a past presi- dent of the Canadian Rugby Un- ion DISMISS CASE COLUMBUS, Ga. (AP) -- A draft evasion indictment against John Henry Jackson, quarterback for Toronto Rifles of the Continental Football League, will be dismissed, an assistant U.S. attorney said Monday. ESKIES SIGN CANADIANS CALGARY (CP) -- Calgary Stampeders. of the Western Football Conference announced Tuesday the signing of two Ca- } bleaches, nai! polish; years young and have had some|nadian offensive tackles. They are George Hansen, who will be starting his eighth season as a Stampeder, and Herb Schumm, ing, but | saw one child welligive me hardening of the art- 23, released in mid-season last year by Edmonton Eskimos. He was signed as a free agent. WINS FIRST ROUND BARCELONA, Spain (AP)-- Barcelona def ea home-town rival! EsnencZ 1-0 Wednesday night in thef first quarter-final Fairs Cup soccer encounter,

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