Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Mar 1966, p. 14

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ANN LANDERS : Ignorance And Snobbery Not F --Dear Ann Landers: I am a 14-year-old girl who is trying to 'be a good person and act like a Teal lady. Something happened yesterday and I need your ad- vice. ~My girl friend (I will call her Marybeth) comes from a wealthy family. They have a cook and a maid who have 'worked for them for as fong as I can remember. The cook is of @ different race. In fact I will come right out and tell you she} is a Negro. Yesterday I was in the drug- store with a girl friend. When I saw Marybeth's cook in the drugstore and I said, "Hello, Gay Chintzes Brighten, Beautily "Many A Room By ELEANOR ROSS Here and there, in decorator setups and in mock-ups of model rooms planned*for spring friends, My folks like him a lot.| 4 tiendship Basis how are you?" she was piéas-| ant and answered me nicely. After she left the store my girl friend told me I had com- mitted a big error by greeting the cook as if she were a friend. According to her, servants should not be spoken to in pub- lic. We have never had any servants and my mother doesn't know about such things. She suggested I write to you. What is right?--E. E, L. Dear E. E. L.: A lady speaks to everyone she knows. Your friend is not only ignorant but she sounds like a snobbish little pain in the neck. Are you sure you want her for a friend? Dear Ann Landers: I am a 26- year-old girl who has a good job. I still live at home with my parents. They are strait- laced and insist that :so long as » camen as Bee 1 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Meren 11, T7080 -DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. AIR RANGERS |Whitby, Port Perry and Peter-| 7 The members of tlie 1st Osh- boro. awa Air Ranger Flight are ai| The farewell was given by the moment preoccupied with| Edna Anderson of Bowmanville, examinations and hope to be|Refreshments were served by back in full swing next Tues-|Ellen Curry and her committee, day, March 15, when the regu-| ' i . lar meetings start again, with} weematey ig | vew e membe ked to attend ee rit ee ee The monthly meeting of the iform. = Astra Unit of the Simcoe Street The rangers recently return-|;,.; = a ed from a winter camp at Ade-| Une Page od phos Blog Bn mac. The Warrant Officer and|jonneth Cowan presiding oe oe Captain, Miss Sandra Gaskell, Fo the worship sarees the ut the members through a| J be ' 8 Con oe "| Unit attended the "Lenten serv-|| iI live under their roof I must labide by their rules--even if I stay here' until I am 50. | Sunday a friend dropped by.| I used to date Jim four years but now we are casual ago |rough initiation. a Plans are being made for the! #°¢ held in the church. third annual card party, to be! 2 : held March 29, at' Gil' Guide lowed with Mrs. Douglas Court|| House. ney giving a report on the forth-/ Five new recruits have been! CO™M8 "Fantasy of Spring Hair! Age Styling Tea" to be held in the jenrolied and 'were now in full Memorial Hall on March 29 at A short business meeting fol-|{ ' showings, we have seen a fabric) wom asked Jim to stay for din-| # ' juniform for the annual air cadet that was supposed to be rather /ner, which he did. After dinner| out of fashion--chintz. This can|om took me aside and said be so beautiful and so right in| she and dad had promised to go| some settings. It also has anisee my aunt and that I should interesting history. "Chint" i8\,, with them. When I said the Hindu word for spotted or):'j'q rather not,' mom snapped, variegated and was used to de-|\we will cancel before wel scribe the gay patterned fabrics |joaye you alone in this house that were developed in India. yith Jim." After the chintz fabrics were} I felt humiliated but I agreed exported to Europe in the 18th/to go. Now I'm furious with my} century, it was found advisable |mother for' having done this to| to glaze their surface to protect|me. I need your views.--Child beam Chapter inspection-in May. EASTERN STAR The regular meeting of Sua- Order of the MR. AND MRS. HARLAND WILLIAMS Warren Avenue --Oshawa Times Photo Couple Mark |Eastern Star No. 73 was opened jby the Worthy Matron, Wilma Taylor and the Worthy Patron, George Taylor. Presentation of the flag was jmade by the Marshal, Pearle Davidson. The devotional ses- \sion was given by Chaplain 8.00 p.m Mrs. Steven Salmers gave the members an interesting lesson on the decorating of Easter eggs. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Salmers and her group. ALBERT STREET UCW 4 Twenty members were in at tendance for the March meet jing of Unit 4 of the Albert Street United Church Women. Mrs.} "ASTUDY IN SILK of The blouse is hip-length and gently mobile, The skirt is Pitfalls Of Buying House Avoided By Good Lawyer By JEAN SHARP TORONTO (CP) -- The fi- 'ii nancial and legal processes of buying a house are a scary mystery to many people. You can take the element of un- pleasant surprise oul of them i you employ caution and a law- yer and real estate vroker whose reputations you know are 'ood. "The best advice I can give H| any house buyer is to settle' on ¥/a lawyer before you enter into #\a transaction," says J. W. Richardson, assistant director of education for the Ontario As- sociation of Real Estate Boards. "Be sure he is someone you know persérally, by reputation or who is recommended by a disinterested person, You should avoid using the same lawyer as the other party, It may be cheaper, but when you are }} making an investment of a ma- jor sum, it is worth paying for 'lyour own lawyer, "There is little the purchaser can do to protect himself. You should be sure you have sound advice." SEARCH TITLE houge and property. "He is looking for obligations against the property or other H | obligations of the owner which might result in a claim against the property. It is in looking for One of the things your lawyer) will do is search the title of the! should choose a realtor you can rely on, then be frank with him and be sure he and the lawyer explain anything you don't un- derstand. "You should understand ex- actly how much money you will be required to pay each month. The amount, usually called car- rying charges, will include prin- cipal, interest on mortgage and taxes. It does not include ex- penses such as heat and utilities as people sometimes think, "You should insist on under- standing everything before you sign, anything." "You may take over an exist- ing mortgage or want to arrange a second mortgage. Mr. Richardson recommends getting advice from your real estate broker rather than undertaking mortgage arrangements on your own, ; "The broker may be the best equipped to tell you about fi- hancing a house. He should know several sources for money for a mortgage. He may rec- ommend a trust company or some other source to suit your budget requirements. "Buying a home is something |that requires expert knowledge that the average purchaser doesn't have. "Choose your advisers care- fully. 'Real estate brokers and |these other obligations that an|Salesmen are licensed in most | average person might fall down) Provinces and you can complain jabout them to the government, |searching a title himself." sometimes make trouble for| You." Mr. Richardson says people) but that won't necessarily help themselves by not understand-| ing clearly what they are sign- ing at several stages in a house purchase, "They don't question the real vincial jestate salesmen closely enough) timates the new sim- piece dress silk linen. | up for little two - cardinal red MANY KEEP BEES QUEBEC (CP) -- The pro- bureau of statistics es- the 1965 honey crop at Silver Wedding Anniversary ' Mr. and Mrs. Harland Wil-,were the bride's sister, Mrs.| A report on the sick and sun- 26-liams, Warren avenue, cele-|Risebrough, and the _ bride-|Shine members was given hy year-old woman could be Or-\prated their 25th wedding an-|groom's sister, Mrs. Clayton,thé associate matron, Gladys dered to come along to auntie's! jiversary last Saturday with a|Willson, Miss Deborah 'Sand-|Elliot. Get-well wishes were ex- house because she must not be/reception at their home ford, niece of the bride, kept|tended by the worthy matron, left alone with a man. Mrs. Williams, the former|the guest book. The official inspection of of- have made it/Doris Grills, daughter of Mr {concerning the offer to pur- ; chase, 'The salesman must ex,|299%000 Pounds, worth $646,- plain to you what is involved,/000. This is $2,000 less than last People tell me they're embar-| year's. Reports covering 62 per rassed to ask too many ques-| cent of the hives in the province 'think the "salesman 'will feci,™ere turned in by 959 beekeep- \they don't trust him, ers. "Basically it is the pur- Joseph Wiltshire opened the} meeting with the reading, "Hap- py is the one who is contented with what he has"' their light printed colors from|of 26 egg ft and dirt. So it) Dear Child: It is at once frat ol 9 age oer chin'2 | pathetic and ludicrous that a finish--first in a long, long line| of protective finishes that we! now take for granted. Beeswax was used in the old Beatrice Duchemin, slim. Soft high neckline, wide side-to-back belt and concealed skirt pockets car- ry out the feeling of sophisti- A quantity of items were turn-| cgtion and ease. ed in to replenish Mrs. Reginald} --By Tracy Adrian Pike's travelling suitcase, which) -------- ~------- ------- > has been really making the DIM LIBRARY BLASTED Your parents glazing process, and early chintzes were stiff, brittle and extremely shiny. New chintzes are treated with/stick to their rules, Toots, or|John Williams, were married|Mrs. Williams. Many messages| Visitors' were present from: |ter meeting of modern fabric finishes which make them softer, more pliable and less glossy. They are also plain, however, that so long as} you live in their home you James Grills and the late Mrs.|ments including a sterling sil- Grills, and Harland Williams,|ver chest holding 25 silver dol- Many gifts and floral arrange- ficers was made by the District! rounds. Deputy Grand Matron, Mrs must do as they tell you. Sojson of the late Mr. and Mrs.,lars, were presented to Mr. and|Hallie Benstead, Toronto. jmove out. | Dear Ann Landers: What is March 7, 1941 in the Church of of congratulations were re- St. Gregory the Great. Their|ceived including those from the| attendants were Mr. and Mrs.|Honorable Michael Starr and} more durable, because the pro-|wrong with an 11-year-old boy|Harold Rosebrough, who were|Mrs. Starr and from the Rev- cesses impart stain-resistance and also permit them to be laundered successfully. The soft Surface lustre will be enhanced by ironing the damp fabric on the right side after sudsing and rinsing. Cashmere is another fabric that is always in fashion--for suits, coats and, of course, fine aweaters. It is wool spun from the downy fleece of the Cashmere at which is native to central sia. Naturally, quality is 'who is afraid to sleep alone? | My brother gets up in the present for the anniversary erend Norbert Gignac, pastor of celebrations. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-|St. Mary of the People Roman middle of the night and imag-/liams have one son Garry at/Catholic Church. | ines that he héars things. roams around the house and gets everyone up. Last night he said somebody was trying to open his bedroom window. The| jonly way to persuade him to go| back to sleep is to let him into| bed with one of his older sisters. | What should+be done? This letter is from a sister who is writing for our mother who is/ terribly upset. -- Waiting To! | He | home Out-of-town guests were pres-| Pouring tea at a table cen-jent from St. Catharines, Brook- tered by an anniversary cake,!'lin, and Whitby. Students From All Provinces Working In Montreal Hospital MONTREAL (CP) -- Can-|them an occasional home-cooked graded in cashmere, as _ in|Hear jada's centennial celebration is| meal. 'Many other yarns. Top quality; Dear Waiting: Your. mother/still a year away, but for stu-| "Now, however, we notice the cashmere is soft, luxurious, and| should discuss the problem with|dents at the Marie Enfant Hos-|girls are making friends with lightweight. a doctor. An 11-year-old who is|pital here it is in full swing. jeach other and that is the first Less expensive versions con-|afraid to sleep alone needs to; 'The novel and far-reaching|real sign that we're making a tain some of the coarser outer|describe his fears to someone|centennial project brings young| success of our project," Mrs. de hairs of the animal and these|who can evaluate them properly|Canadian women from as far| Yturralde said. do not dye as evenly as the/and help him overcome them. jeast as Newfoundland, as far) Organized excursions includ- fleece. | The boy should not be allowed|north as the Northwest Territor- ing a young people's symphony Many sweaters are of cash-|to get into bed with his sisters. |ies and as far west as British}concert at Place des Arts, a trip mere combined with other This could create a whole new|Columbia together in Montreal|to Ottawa to meet 'Governor- Wools. set of problems. to study pediatric nursing on|General and Mrs. Vanier, an - | scholarship lone to Quebec to see the legisla- The program was launched|tive and the Plains of Abraham seven months ago by provincial/have been planned for the girls. governments to recruit appli-| Weekends are free and often cants across the country for the|include skiing excursions.| iclass here. There is a two-hour study pe-! The 22 young women selected|riod each evening, except for) --two from each province andjone night when gymnastic! two from the Territories--ar-|classes are substituted. rived early in the new year.| "After six months, all of them They will complete the 18-month|will be doing some practical course in June, 1967 jnursing," Mrs, de 'Yturralde "During these 18 months, Can-| said. ada will be within the walls of} Financing of the project was the hospital," Mrs. Daniel de|a combined affair. Internal ex- Yturralde, honorary »gecretary|penses were met by the hospi- jof the Board of Directors of the|tal's board of governors and the hospital, said in an interview. |ladies auxiliary. The Centennial "We believe it is a salutory and|Commission covered travelling ieonstructive togetherness and, | expenses. jwe hope, a fitting contribution) "Upon their return to their to the centenary of Canada." [respective provinces these END MISCONCEPTIONS jyoung girls will be at the serv- As most of the hospital's staff lee Of sick children and at the comes from rural areas "and|Same time ambassadors of good amalt towns 4 Quebec "many ae Mrs. de Yturralde said. ' we oun es ' Y\-pheir participation in the ev- | will spend their lives within the! . ry day ii " ., | : 4 jety day life of French-Canadians Peggopapans 3 a vo sapere Mrs.) wil enable them to understand | Similarly, student Pautette| "2! Canadian unity is part of |Huppee of Maillardville, B.C.,\9% sme oaplist wal regards the project as "the OP-|tounded in 1935 and specializes portunity of a lifetime. lin caring for new-born babies There is a great need for such| aq treating children suffering personal contact, she and two) -.4. long-term illnesses other students agreed in an in-| RE WSN EIEN terview. They admitted they| were "in the dark" about many | facets of life here. They also] encountered graphic examples OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Match-Making | Islington, Bowmanville, Toronto, CONVENER 5 Mrs. Harold Conlin is the convener of the "Spring-0- Rama of Family Fashions" being held by the St, Greg- ory's CPTA on Wednesday, March 16 at 8.00 p.m. in St. Gregory's Auditorium. a ci TOMBOY LOOK By ALICE BROOKS Cap off outfits smartly with their home regions. Phoebe Nahanni, an Indian jgirl from Fort Simpson, N.W.T.., jrecalled she 'was asked if they still travel by horseback in the s 4769 SIZES 12%-244 of ignorance regarding life in) Returns To Poland' WARSAW (Reuters)--The art! of discreet professional match-! jmaking for a price has shown) jsigns of making a revival in| | Marxist Poland It was announced that Unit 4 would be in charge of the Eas- April 6, also that tend the Men's Own, March 23. Mrs; Wiltshire ed All Occasion cards, and ma-| terials which were to be made up for the spring bazaar. Mrs. Wilbur Down conducted, FORT WILLIAM, Ont. (CP)--|chaser's offer. He should know |Peter Mutchler, chjef city }j-| what he's undertaking before he i \brarian, strongly cr' the UCW on} puilding's decoration all groups of|brary board meeting. the UCW were invited to at-|the average person's idea of) |what @ library should look like| Prises people. It is usually sub-| : me --dull, dreary, colorless+: he| ject to adjustment and includes thanked the/eaiq « 3} ; ; said. "A most tizin c- members for the success of the |ture " 5 ee = \pakeless bake sale and display-|---- In loss, i | pairs the devotional period and used) washer. ebout icized the | Signs it. It usually includes the 'ata li |Price and down payment and 'tt fits|the balance to pay on closing. "The balance sometimes sur- expenes on the property pre- | paid by the owner. For instance, - ------- |if you buy a house in June and rave Pe | the taxes have been paid for the) HOUSEHOLD HINT full year, you will | order to guard against! owner the difference." pin children's socks in before tossing in the PLAN PAYMENTS ' Mr; Richardson ¢ays you' Now is the time - te think SLENDERIZING owe the] 360 King St. W., Oshawe Plenty of free parking. your summer figure. Call "CREATIVE COIFFURES SALON" Let us put you in ship « shape. 728-4351 -- marwenaetnce jas her theme "Take Time". | Study of the book: of Ephe-| jsians was completed by Mrs. }Helmuth Dyck, who announced | |study of Acts 1 would begin at) lthe next meeting. | It was announced that the next meeting would be held; April 14. On the regular date, | April 7, the Albert Street United Church Women will present a \quick tricks cooking demonstra- | tion with prizes and refresh- ments at 2.00 p.m. You can get help with Lydia E. Pinkham AY ALL DRUG COUNTERS be suited for Spring Introducing the Statf of the... ROSSLYNN BEAUTY SALON LOIS ToYNE NIELL is the Manager: Stylist. Formerly of Bobette Beau- ty Salon and the Beauty Clinic's Salons. CAROL COCHRANE Who comes to us from the Rose Beauty Salon in Co- bourg and is a personable young beautician. She is well qualified to serve all age groups. YVONNE ARSENAULT NEAT SWINGE ;Territories. Winnifred Parsons : : - X ifrom Hermitage, Nfid., laughed bat pa a Ag = art of | -- = Who h f ; ; a jwhen she remembered being) ™@tching girls with fat dowries/ z . "a | : : o nds tour years gen- cena Set) cunlcht tern a et Po ae ele Nc | | : si . Use 2 JEAN- and simple as althere. i was the prerogative of the vil- strands sport yarn together jtennis dress, and just as great; 'And they thought it was so|!age crone or of the backstreet Pattern =e to a all sizes.!for showing off your figure tojcold in Newfoundland," Winni-| marriage mart. ear sang te fats ou Casual in cotton,|fred said. "'Where I'm from, at| But during the Stalinist 1950s; - Hy $ 88} crepe. any rate, it's warmer than|the custom dwindled t =| for each pattern (no stamps,) Printed Pattern 4795: Misses'|hevet" Yl Gaally uae eae Fvith| please) to Alice Brooks, care of} Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size! Most of these misconceptions | the dowries. The Oshawa Times Needlecraft) 16 takes 2 yards 35-inch fab-|are being cleared away through! Recently, as certain trades Dept., 60 Front Street West, To-/ric, cin }casual contacts. Half of the| have blossomed among Poland's ronto 1, Ontario. Ontario resi- FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins|girls' day is spent on concen-|new Communist middle class dents add ic sales tax. Print| (no Stamps, please) for each/trated language lessons--French|and produced modest family plainly PATTERN NUMBER, pattern Ontario residents add for the English-speaking and| fortunes, the art of professional ET wor Westie pera nae wae tt cee English for the French-speak-|match-making has also shown } Needlecr. -|NAME, / ES §, § Eling signs of revival. alog stars knit, crochet -- many| NUMBER. oe "We increased our staff by| Rewards for the really top more neediecraft eo og Three _Send oder to ANNE ADAMS, |two to include bilingual instruc-| match-maker in Poland today free patterns printed in catalog care of The Oshajva Times, Pat- tors in the two languages,"!are high and discretion is vital ears Cillectora" Quilt Pat lang po dag Street West, gang Yturralde said, if the tax collector's attentions NEW! lle s' Quilt Pz ronto 1, Ontario "Big sisters' were appointed| dare to be avoided. | terns re Oe ee est . COME ALIVE FOR SPRING! jto help the Visiting students feel} Most Polish marriages, how- ing = Ss. --* exten -- ad egg ~ one Spring-| more at home and members of ever, are of the boy-meets-girl collec Bye intl - |§ ne bs ern Catalog 125}the hospital's board of gover-| variety, and a high proportion of seums. og mn a PB a2 u- top BLADES or sun, fun, dancing, nors and the ladies auxiliary|teen-age weddings were taking seum Qui (* ook mo. 2 : eluxe j dining everyday One free pat-'have made an effort to assist/place here until the authorities Quilt Book No. 1 -- sixteen com-| tern -- clip coupon in Catalog.|/them with any problems, show |raised the legal marriage age plete patterns. 60c. Send 50c, them around Montreal and: give'of 20 for boys and 18 for girls, t new London - inspired tomboy caps. Snug 'n' sporty! eral experience and who has worked with Mrs. Hart Spring sin the air and thoughts turn to Spring ' fashion --like our outstanding collection of (p revious owner). NICCOLINI SUITS. Shown just two with the style features, quality workmanship, and perfect fit that makes them true value. Loop mohair or all wool heather in Spring-bright colours, Petite and Misses sizes, $25.00 May We Have the Pleasure of Serving You ! ROSSLYNN BEAUTY SALON JEANNE and ED HUGHES -- OWNERS 60 Rossiand Rd. W., Oshawa Fashions since 1867 723-3925

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