Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Mar 1966, p. 27

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me TAR Ti avv tional Liberation Moveme! 1404. Although the official figures jput the civilian candidate well lin. the lead, they left him short of the majority required for elec- tion. If no one gets a majority, the new congress elected Sun- day will choose between the two high men, Mendez said he would accept a runoff if he is convinced tne official returns are honest, Lien, Ne Bau, Mis party womie Guatemala Faces Crisis As Election Is Disputed GUATEMALA (AP) -- Guate-; Revolutionary Party candidate mala faced a crisis today as|Julio Cesar Mendez Montenegro, rival political parties disputed|who leads in the results, claimed c the results of the presidential "total victory by absolute ma- » election, jority" and declared himself The government-backed Insti-|president-elect. == tutional Democratic Party| The latest official figures from} (PID) charged fraud in strong-|an unspecified number . holds of the moderately leftist|country's 324 municipalities tionary Party and de-'gave Mendez 140,822 voles, VOl. . a eal borage Pate of the vote| Juan de Dios Aguilar of the PID | probably ~~ we as in the capital and in five dis-|142,586 and Col. Miguel Angel|no's to give him a majority tricts in the interior. 'Ponciano of the right-wing Na-'the 55-seat congress. -- ie THE BOWMANVILLE & OSHAWA PLACE THE FACE CONTEST --4| By STANLEY M. SWINTON ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED Your Quality G.M. Dealer "GOODWILL GUARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS" 166 King St. E. Bowmanville N BEAVER LUMBER co. LTD. 623-3396 PADDY'S MARKET Specializing in USED WASHER PARTS & REPAIRS ; wo Your Home Improvement Headquarters 623-3388 96 King St. E., Bowmanville PETER KOWAL Jr. REAL ESTATE Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 623-2453 Exclusive Agents for Oshawa Wood Products Homes $2 King St. W., Bowmanville Complete Line of Beatty-Thor-Cros- ley Appliances, Speed veen. Hampton 263-2241 difficult. It (any non-military, assistance) would be more token than substantial help. It is not that we were withhold- ing anything that makes a dif- ference to them." HOPES TO BE HELPFUL Her second reply apparently \indicated india feels that while |\Indian good offices now would Lack Of Food Problem Big Stanley M. Swinton, assist- | | a Fc jadvantage of all of us and e5-| stay in a position to help toward Sc iahit Ala abcd, |peciaily for Southeast Asia--but|a Vietnamese solution. As an Shy pa . + |I really cannot think what India| Asian nation and the world's j cai do ai ure miVnient, mi0Si-popuious aemocracy, sucu stopped off in New Delhi for Q@. "Has India considered|4 Tole could be important. an interview with India's | ne rime minister, Mrs, | ° : . iadire' Gandhi. | sending non-military assistance,| India is chairman of the North Viet Nam?" \trol Commission on Viet Nam. | A. "We are preoccupied (by|'Canada and Poland are the the Vietnamese problem). We] other members. feel there is so much bitterness; Asked to clear up confusion between North and South that! of the extent of India's food sending anything only to South) problem and whether it really Viet Nam would create difficul-|is a famine, Mrs., Gandhi re- _ for us ip North Viet Nam. | plied: | ; ; Bagg nere is no doubt about it...) "It jus' (herd amg to assist in a oT do not know whether we are! laa : as _ jin a position to do sanything.| time _ Mrs. Gandhi, in an exclusive) Buy for any peace offer, if wel ple fall interview, also said the food| get in any way involved likel flies. If' this is the meaning, Shortage in her nation of 480,-\this, it would be much morelthen we don't have famine, If 000,000 people "is likely to} ------_ | worsen in a couple of months, | Of the rapproachement be- tween India and Pakistan, nego-| tiated recently at Tashkent, /U.S.S.R., Mrs. Gandhi de- clared: "We are very sincerely and genuinely anxious to implement it in letter and spirit. We are doing all we can, It is too early to say how it is going to work." The prime minister, who de- parts for the United States in three weeks at the invitation of President Johnson, said the primary purpose of the trip "is to. create better understanding between India's point.of view on + NEW DELHI (AP)--Prime) Minister Indira Gandhi says she cannot see what India could do |to help end the war in Viet Nam 'at the moment, but is playing a role toward both South and {North Viet Nam which might ze Permits for occasional, temporary or per- manent utilization of municipally owned COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE WIN 5.00 cis EACH WEEK @ RULES foch week for 26 weeks you can win $5.00 in cash from the participating BRESLIN'S "Where The Well-Dressed Women Shop" 4 "All Classes Of Insurance" Contact Don Mountjoy at DeWith & Mountjoy INSURANCE AGENCY 623-3980 Res. 622-3614 14 Frenk St. 7 King W. Bowmanville | e 623-5854 businesses on this advertisment, All you are asked to do, is complete the questionnaire identifying the business which relates to the person in the picture and the question that is asked. Send your answer with your name and address to the Contest Editor at The Oshawa Times. There will be a draw mode each week, the first correct answer drawn will win @ $5.00 cash prize. Entries must be in no later than 4 Enter WHYTE BROS. Furniture and Upholstery FOR ALL YOUR FURNISHING NEEDS GOODBRAND Fabriee Cupranium Printed Cotton p.m. Tuesday of each week. now, @ QUESTION @ Whe Is Located at Automotive Trim 2 King St. E? 102 King St. W. 623-5252 28 King W. 623-5551 JURY & LOVELL LTD, Get thet GO-GO feeling with REXALL SUPER PLENAMINS 623-3361 2 KING £, BOWMANVILLE SCHWARZ " BROTHERS . DAIRY CATTLE .., Bought and Sold R.R. 3, Bowmanville Bowmanville 623-2895 or 725-0815 Cadillac Billiards 17 TABLES Breadioomed Floors OPEN 9 A.M, + 11 P.M, GILLARD Cleanit Service 725-3555 DEPOTS 92 Wolte 170% Mary 12 Bond E. 94 Simcoe N. Office & Plant at 92 Wolfe "Bring the Family' Lad. ies, Gentlemer and Childrer with Parents. ~~ Located in CKLB Bidg. 725-8112 360 King W, Winner! Mrs. J. Norton 34 Bloor E. Oshawe E. A. VIRTUE & SON DEPENDABLE STOVE OIL B.A. SOLAR HEAT 263-2431 BYAM.& BARNES PLUMBING & HEATING AGENTS FOR . . . DUO-HEAT & PRESTON FURNACES Tyrone 263-2650 or 263-2288 Tyrone CITY TV TOWERS Soles and Instollation WOODLYN BEAUTY SALON Grace Ann Wood, Prop. @ 11 Quolified Operators To Serve You! MIDTOWN TEXACO e@ COMPLETE REPAIRS @ QUALITY PRODUCTS @ COURTEOUS, EFFICIENT 3 Class "A" Mechanics e@.Lotest Hoir- styles and Permonents 723-1143 Oshawe Paul Cieslar--Prop. 511 Dean Ave. 725-0500 SFLYINGSSSERVICE=> * Service * Overhauls * Storage Custom Welding & Fabrication C.1.L. Paint Service Info re Flight Training Oshewe Airport 728-6135 81 Simcoe N. 117 Simcoe N. 728-0541 Rug & Upholstery Cleaning Se In Your Home or Gy Our Plant! BUCKAROO RANCH * Private Parties * Banquets and Dances *® Sleigh Rides * Trail Riding 725-2737 End of Rossland Rd. £. Phone 725-9961 OSHAWA CLEANERS 94 Bruce St. Giant Summer CLEARANCE SALE Continues at . . . Canada Outdoor Supply Company 1437 King E, 728-1555 Yy Mile E. of Town Limits ants SPACE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR MESSAGE ' @ Beoutiful European Dishes @ Smorgasbord Dinners on Satur- doy and Sundoys @ $1.50 Business Men's Luncheons Daily OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE 1626 Simcoe St. N. 725-9111 CUSTOM WOODWORK x CABINETS *. WINDOWS *% DESKS % FILING CABINETS 4 STORE FIXTURES Residential -- Commerical -- Institutional 723-7143 OSHAWA, ONT. | play areas and/or related facilities may be various issues and that of your president and your' govern- ment."' SPEAKS ON VIET NAM Mrs. Gandhi commented upon Viet Nam in reply to two ques tions: Q. "Is there any possibility of our proposing to President John- son that India offer help toward a solution in Viet Nam?" A. "We would very much like to see a solution. We are very| much concerned about the situa-/ tion there and feel if some way| obtained by submitting your requests in writing as soon as possible to -- The Oshawa Recreation Dept. Box 10, Oshawa Airport, Attention -- P. J. MeGarrity. crisis to accept it. it means that there will be a period of considerable hardship, there is one now and it is likely to worsen in a couple of months." Gesturing to emphasize the difficulty of the problem, the soft - spoken prime minister added that psychology is deeply involved since even when as- sistance is needed, when it is given as oh the recinions THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, March 10, 1966 27 This duality is an important] element in Indian political life} |--while the hungry nation des- perately needs foreign food aid, many Indians are chagrined. | Rescue Help Gratitude Given TOKYO (Reuters) -- Cana--- ees ; dian Ambassador Richard P, -- A spiralling population, farm "4 problems and drought created Bower today called on Japanese ~ *; |Sithe: situation. India has been Transport Minister Torata Na- as ch rocipiont! : : : kamura to express gratitude for _ has a tendency to resent being|S¥ffering severely from inade-| poooue . in a position of being forced bviquate rainfall, particularly in pre SPerenens mo last Frt anise : 'the last two years. AVE FURNACES TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR BIG SPRING REDUCTIONS for installation in March, April and May. 'LAUGHLIN COAL AND SUPPLIES LTD. We are Offering SPECIAL SPRING PRICES to avoid the fall rush SO TAKE ADVANTAGE ON SAVINGS NOW! Call 723-3481 Brite Sry |such as hospitals, to South and|three-country International Con- \f ON NEW 110 King St. W. OSHAWA e ON'S wre MEN'S BUDGET NISHINGS SPECIALS MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S 'DRESS SOCKS ... IMPORTED FROM ENGLAND Handsome socks made of nylon-reinforced wool. Long-wearing and machine-washoble. Spe- cial Elastex tops help eliminate annoying slipping. In classic rib pattern, Choose black, char- coal grey, medium grey, navy blue or charcoal brown. Sizes 1014, 11, 1144 and 12. Take advantage of this low price to stock up and save! gg 3 2 85 5 revere er poirs Gan SPECIAL, poir Men's, Young Men's Turtleneck Pullovers in Rugged Orion Interlock Orlon . . . so luxuriously soft, yet g-wearing! Styled here into smart pullovers for Spring. 'Shirt is V-necked with attached turtleneck insert in contrasting dark colour, Long sleeves, ribbed cuffs and waistband, Sizes small, medium and large in burgundy with, black, blue with black, camel beige with dark brown and green with black, SPECIAL, each END OF L:NE CLEARANCE! SAVE 1s! FOR YOUNG MEN BIKINI BRIEFS -- Reg. 1.50! Trimly. styled for the active young mah! Made of machine-washable stretchy nylon. Taped seams for extra strength, Sizes small, medium and large in white only, SPECIAL, each GATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 928 PHONE 725-7373 Much Below Usual Price! Men's, Young Men's Casual Cotton Jackets A great Spring jacket for the outdoorsman! Made of sturdy iridescent cot- ton poplin and styled for action with full roomy cut, raglan sleeves, self - collar and cuffs and comfortable 27" length. Fully lined with rayon satin Sizes 36 to 46 in blue-grey, black, loden green or beige. Order your jacket PHONE 725-7373 now and be ready for Spring! SPECIAL, OGG 6.6 Kei oO EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 929 ° d Store Hours: 9:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Monday to Saturday. Open Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9!

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