30--Automobiles fo for Sale |31--Compact Cars for Sale 1963 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 sedan. Red, one owner. Licence 310311. Sabyan Motor Saleg, 334 Ritson Road Sout.h 723-3461. 1962 CHEVY 11 four-door automatic, good condition. Phone 725-5479 1960 "VOLKSWAGEN, condition. Reasonable. Phone 668-4932; after 6 p.m., 263-8859 : 1962 ENVOY, 4 cylinder, 4 speed trans- mission, radio, whitewalls, snow tires with rims. Body and motor in excellent condi- tion. 623-3493 or 623-5687. 1962 VAUXHALL station wagon In good condition. Also '62 Acadian two-door hard- top. Radio, all extras, in excellent condi- Annly 154 Division Stree ines "CHEVROLET impale, aia, 327, &speed, ardtop, black interior. whitewalls, oversized een Must selitt! Phone 725-1665. 1958 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, 6 cylinder, guternatice chaps radio, new tires, me- iy A-}. 728-5033 after 6 p.m 959 "CNRVROLET 'station wagon, white, 6 cylinder, standard transmission. Li- cence X10537. Sabyan sig Sales, 334 Ritson Road Seuth, 723-346 4 CHEVROLET convertible. "Everything i including 33,000 miles. Like new. lower steering, power brakes, avuto- matic, Telephone 725-2825, u tian Viet nvlece . 725-0632 or 723-9046 1964 CORVAIR Monza, licence 68029J. Automatic, radio, beige with matching weer Stalker Motor Sales 723-6322, 723-831) you J WANT economical transporta- on? For a good buy call Courtice Auto Wreckers, 125-5238. Night 725-4404. 74% PONTIAC Laurentian four-door sedan, V8 with power steering and extras, $1,500. Apply 367 Baldwin Street, 723-9203, 3963 FORD convertible, Licence A37285 Va automatic, power steering. White, with red interior. Like new, Stalker Motor Sales. 723-6322, 7233-8311. 7956 CHEVROLET, standard shift, new licence, trailer hitch, back-up lights etc. Good condition throughout. After 6 tele phone 728-3270. 1964 CHEVROLET Super Sporis | two-door hardtop, 327 cubic inch engine, excellent} condition, power steering, power brakes, | Telephone 723-3838, 19962 FORD GALAXIE V8 automatic, radio, whitewalls, discs, Make offer. Ap- ply before 3 p.m. 75 Banting Avenue 728-7859. 1705 VAVANALL oviomanc @ : One owner. Apply 564 Finucane Avenu y 1963 CORVAIR Spyder, "Convertible, four- speed with turbo-charger, fully equipped. Best_offer accepted. Telephone 7 723-6815. 44 CORVAIR MONZA coupe, , 110 HP bp "speed, new tires, A-1 condition $1800. Many extras. Telephone 623-2710. 32--Trucks for Sale 1962 Ve TON GMC truck, Fleetside, 42,000 miles. Excellent condition. $1195.00 Whilt- Ss a 1955 GMC one ton truck, long box, also 1948 Chevrolet pick-up, $125 hand winch, best offer. Telephone is 777 | MUST SELL GMC half-ton panel, , Me | chanical ly good, new paint job. Best loffer, Apply 1437 Simcoe North, 723-6368 |1964 FORD jong wide |box. Good condition. Used as @ car, Rea- |sonably priced. Telephone Pickering 942- 3928. 1955 CHEVROLET \-ton truck. Excellent mechanical condition. No down payment Terms to suit. Licence |9037B. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. "64 KAISER JEEP Model C.J.5, Closed cab, 6 foot hydraulic snow plow, front 4 Telephone 655-3438. }end winch, 150 foot cable. Sold new $3987. 1945 PONTIAC Laurentian four door, V-8,|Used privately. Our price $2250 cash automatic, radio, 8,400 miles. $2,300. Tele-|trade or terms. East City Motors Limi phone 668-4517, Whitby jted, 1745 Danforth Ave., Toronto, HO1-| A Osh 728-2328 1962 PONTIAC V-8 automatic, four door| 4% or Oshawa 726 BEL ERNI 7 sedan, black, seat belts, radio, Many| 196! "CHEVROLET 'o-ton panel truck, extras, beautiful condition throughout.|Good condition, custom radio, seat belts, Price $1,550. Finance can be arranged.|$750. Telephone evenings 725-3955 Li clas EE Se eR 1957 FORD, F600, dump truck. Best 196) CHEVROLET, impala sedan, licence| offer. Telephone 728-4504 after 5.30 p.m J7711, V8. automatic, power steering, | i957" GME dump truck, five-ton, Reason Power brakes. Cash, trade or terms. aie, Apply 1138 Cedar Street or telephone Stalker Motor Sales 723-6322, 723-831). | 793.5097 '55 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, Exceptionally |QEALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the good mechanically, 25,000 miles on re |Business Service Directory brings extra built motor, $125 or best offer. 725-5555. | customers ay moderate cost.. Telephone 19 OLDSMOBILE Super 88, four- oe 4492 to place your ad. tomatic, power steering and brakes. |~ $s |33--Automobiles "Wanted -- $500 or best offer. Telephone 728-6818 ; cK 'RA: condition, Price $998. ttn ae rice $995. TAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want lcars for wrecking, Highest prices paid ' Telephone 668-6296 1964 CHEVROLET Biscayne, four-door! 20) wentworth East, 725-1) sedan, Bargain for cash or trade down A DE BA, At RRR eR to automatic. Apply 427 Madison Avenue |WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. no charge for towing. Telephone 728-4549, 1960 BUICK LeSabre, perfect condition, | Robert Nichols. | under 30,000 miles, one owner, automatic. | -------- | Telephone 455-3572 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars| ~'bought, parts for sale, iron and metals! y RILEY -- 1.5 Ki condition. Many |pought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. | . $325. Telephone 725-3219. - ~ ----«« OSHAWA AUTO PARTS Wanted cars| 1965 PARISIENNE cusiom sport V8 Yel-|for wrecking. Tiree and parts for sale. low, black vinyl top, black leather trim,|ji75 Nelson Street. Teléphone 725-2162.| $2995. Telephone 725-2218 re . -- - |WOULD LIKE TO TRADE 1959 Pontiac! 1969 CHEVROLET convertible super|in good condition for elther Austin-Healy sport, 327, four-speed. Apply 359 Ritson! or MG, Telephone 728-7020. Road North or telephone 723- 4239 1965 ACADIAN Beaumont convertible |34--Automobile Repair V-8, automatic. Still under warranty. Low mileage. Port Perry 985-2839 1954 OLDSMOBILE convertible. Fair! shape, Best offer. Telephone after 5 p.m.,| 723-9003. | 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, Licence J7705| 6 cylinder, automatic. This car hay orig Inal paint, like new, Stalker Motor Sales 723-6322, 723-8311 193 FORD CUSTOM, 72 door sedan Raven black with contrasting red. trim @ real gas miser with 6 cylinder and sutomatic. Lic. H48149. Seaway Motors 1(1965) Lid., 1120 Dundas Street East, Whitby. 668-5893. 1966 CHEVROLET four-door, Bel Alr V-8, fully equipped. Silver blue with matching trim, 4,800 miles. Telephone 728-6386 after ipm 1965 FORD XL two door hardtop, night: mist blue with matching ali vinyl in terior. Fully power equipped, & cylinder, automatic transmission with bucket seats and console. New car warranty. Lic. 27204, Seaway Motors (1965) Lid., 1120 Dundas Street East, Whitby. 668-5893. 1956 CHEVROLE BeiAir convertible, 283 automatic, body A-1, dual exhaust, pit '@ ton pick-up, iTIAC Convertibie, black with white top, V8 automatic, power steering, radio, new white wall tires. Good condi: fi SPECIALISTS IN @ Convertible Tops Rear Window Curtain Light Zippers Sewn in Seat Covers OSHAWA AUTO TRIM 62 BOND W. AT CHURCH Telephone 725-8042 | HILLCREST TRANSMISSION CENTRE| clean. - Telephone 725-923). === |Automatic Transmission Specialist) '6S BUICK Skylark, two-door hardtop, 1 mile east of Townline on V8, automatic, radic, power equipped.) = et Call 725-0685 after 5.00 p.m | No. 2 Pe ney | 1965 "LAURENTIAN Vi automatic and| meng! Svante io. One year! warranty. $2,495. Phone 723-8651 232 Nalton's Supertest) (Former 1963 PONTIAC sedan. Beige, automatic TRANSMISSION _ specilaists Bower steering, push-button radi sions are our only Buel ness. ed slip differential, North. Phone 728-7 | snow tires, low mileage. 3-9) t | 5.90. p.m ___|35--Lost and ion | 1930 MODEL A town sedan, needs up epg eee holstering otherwise restored; Also 1920|TARGE light brown Model T touring, unrestored. Call 942-2874 markings and two tegs. or Answ to Reward. Tele 1963 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, auto. phone 29 matic white walis, wheel discs radio, Dominion Royal 800 tires. Maroon color. Hampton, 263-2552 USED CAR PARTS, trailers, also used tires East, after 4, 723-228) LIENS PAID OFF! We trade up, down Choose from over 60 cars. No downpay. ments! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375 Sh "CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan ic, radio, white wails and discs. Telephone 942-5693 1964 CHEVROLET Impala wagon, V-8 automatic, power brakes, power steer ing, chrome rack, 7 new tires, white with red interior. Telephone 668-8989 1956 PONTIAC coach, automatic, with radio. Apply 992 Chevrolet Street or tele phone 725-304) 1962 FORD GALAXIE four door Comfort and prestige in award winner, Featuring V-8, transmission, power steering and Lic. 25783, Seaway Motors (1965 1120 Dundas Street East, Whitby 5893. 1965 CHEVROLET H30126, super sport, equipped, Demon Sales 723-6322, 723-8311 43 PONTIAC custom sport, V-8 automatic.) '64 Impala 4-door hardtop, V-8 automat ic, Lady owner Private. 728-850! 1962 FORD. A biack beaut seen, $395 down. For a good deal on Fords call Lou 668-8606 "8 CHEVROLET top, 6 automatic. Excellent re-bu A-1 body. Very clea 9391 after 6 evenings four door transmissio limit Laurentian Transmis 1038 Simcoe} white retriever, Brown collar ame Lucky. SERVICE as you tke It, wnen you need It./ Check the up-to-the-minute Business Ser-| Ypindies to make) vice Directory daily in the Classified 509 Bloor Street | ection 36--Legal Auto chrome IN THE MATTER OF THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT } REVISED STATUTES OF ONTARIO, 1960, CHAPTER 49, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO AND IN THE MATTER OF THE CHANGE OF NAME OF JOSEF PELESKO ERY_G VEN extible V-8 automatic Stalker Impala, 2-door 31--Compaoct Cars For Sale SABYAN MOTOR SALES: LTD Vokswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD, & 723-3461 Opening Evenings * VOLVO & PEUGOT & MERCEDES BENZ General Repoir and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd.. South Oshawa 728-0921 YCHYN East Both NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of DONALD McPHAIL POLSON, deceased: All persons - haying -- claim agoinst the Estate of ihe sh ate ot the City ot Usnawo, in the County of Ontario, Insur- ance Agent, who died on the Eleventh day of December, A.D. 1963, ore herby notified to furnish proof thereof to the undersigned before the 24th day of March, A.D. 1966. After the said date the Executors will distribute the Estate having regard only to claims of which notices have been filed. DATED at OSHAWA, Ontario, this 21st day of February, A.D. 1966. GERALDINE CATHERINE CHILDS POLSON -and DONALD MUNRO POL- SON, Executors, by their ae Nee SALMERS, 63 King St We, Oshawa, Ontorio. aa rer NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of ALMA MURDOCH, All persons having claims gainst the estate of Alma Murdoch, late of Oshawa, Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of November, |965, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 4th day of April, 1966, full part- iculars of their cloims, Im- mediately after the said date the said Personal Rerpresent- otive will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regord only to claims of which it shall then hove notice. Dated. at Oshawa, Ont., Ist day of March, 1966 this NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED. 21 King Street Toronto, Ontario, Executor By McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Borristers ond Solicitors, 32 Simcoe Street South, Oshowa, Ontario, Their Solicitors herein East, 37--Auctions : 9 ISATURDAY, MARCH 19th AUCTION SALE Farm implements ond house hold' furniture Allis Chalmer tractor W.D. 45 model, hy- d-aulic 3 point hitch with plow and cultivator; | Mas sey Ferguson fertilizer 15 disc drill, Like new Massey Ferguson hay - baler; like new !HC side delivery rake on rubber; Massey Ferguson fertilizer spreader and full line of implements; large quantity of household furni- ture, some antique articles, ot lot 23 Broken. Front Whitby, 1 mile south to Vic- toria St., turn east on Base- line, 1 mile turn south. First farm, PROPERTY OF WM P. SMITH. No re- serve farm sold Terms cash. SALE at | P.M. SHARP Alvin. S. Farmer, Auctioneer, Phone Gormley 887-5311. AUCTION ing received instructions Mrs, Maude Khan, 64 Liverpool Rd. N., Bay Ridges 1- will by public ot Stirtevants Auction Holl, 33. Hall..St.. Oshawa..on.Sat urday, March 12 at 1 p.m the household contents, G.E. television, electric range, dryer, power lawn mower (seat model), tables, chairs, rugs, mony more articles*too numerous to mention. Terms cash, Myles King, auctioneer. the : Hav from sell auction 38--Coming Events Pe SUNNYSIDE PARK Monster BINGO THURS., MAR. 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS JACKPOT Nos. 52 and 56 10 Pay Double in or less Jackpots 52 Nos $10 PER LINE PLUS BALANCE FOR FULL CARD 38--Coming Events OBITUARIES JAYCEES BINGO Admission 50c Two Jackpots NOS. 53 AND 58 $500. IN 50 NOS, OR LESS $200. In announced Nos, ote cae) Consolation Prize $10 per line both games $175 Jackpot $75 games Nos. $20 full card 20 Regular double in per line $20 17 Five $30 gomes Bird Game 7:45 P.M EXTRA PRIZES Every Thursday at the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS AND 7:15 P.M Children under pay or less. Early | | HOLY CROSS | BINGO tual Friday 7:45 $600 IN' PRIZES $140, in 56 Nos. $20 Consolation | | '§10 each Horizontal Line | $200 54 Nos. $20 Consolation in Free Admission No Children Please SPECIALS THIS WEEKEND Wednesday to Sunday at the Ranch-Burger ON NO 2 miles n opposite th of Whitby Hill Park, FEATURES coffee barbequed Sausage Hot Dog 'first Italian de French F " All truckers wel- ries n, to Midnight ANYONE Mg dade Fate c ts EUCHRE PARTY Oxford Stre et ht | GREENWOOD | RACEWAY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 FIRST RACE -- Mile (Tr year-o 7-Reaper M | Also Started nd, Lemac, Big Way c SECOND RACE 1 Purse ey Way ' Also Started: }4 4 € wood Ardent DAILY DOUBLE, 4 AND 5, THIRD RACE -- | Mile year-olds and $ 2 2-Bar Bai ry Quee Ruck M Callacot Also Started yanide ey Sor 'don tan Stuart Direc FOURTH RACE ~ Pace) Year-olds and up. Purse $700 (8 2-Scotiadee, Galbraith 480 3.20 2 4-Cunny's Lou Yocky, Gilmour 3.70 3 8-Junior Atom, Osborne 3 Also Started: Edgewood Hal, Lady let Direct, Senator Herbert, PAID $123, Pace Major's M Maiesty, 1 Mile for Monster AT 7:00 16 not admitted Free Parking Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with 12 HIGHWAY in pistol or rifle at the UAW b March .} hilip's Hall ch 10, & for 3 and!' who passed away March 28, Vio- Royal Nim Board Says | MRS. JOHN ROBSON "i The death occurred, Mar. 9, jat the Oshawa General Hospi- School Safe tal, following a prolonged sick- ness, of Mrs. John Robson, | ROSEBANK (Staff) --Pick- Baldwin st., Brooklin. She wasjering Township Council, in a jin her 52nd year. jletter to the School Area 2 The former Janet Harries} |Board, advised the board to Paisley, the deceased was a take action on the unsafe con- daughter of the late Alex and|dition of Dunbarton Public {Sarah . A Ann Paisley. Born at! school. Titams feria. a ee(celvea ner education at ; " a [Dament) are. pidased Yo" anncunee "he | Michael's Public School | ag eres gers andl a jeirtn of @ son, John Darrin, 4 tee. 4Vithe Dumfries Academy. She rents delegation to ozs., on Monday, March 7, 1966 at the was married at Dumfries in|Council to protest the school's Osh G i oH fal. A \becthar, toe Micherd, Gory brid. Rbonds. 11986, |safety, Council said tests taken |Many thanks to the girls on the Fourth "4 Yecident of Whitby for eight|in September indicated the Fl | oor, years before moving to Brook-|foundations of the school are lin a year ago, Mrs. Robson|Crumbling and that the east and |was a member of St. Andrew's|West walls were only capable of |Presbyterian Church, Whitby; alt 1005 pound test. Council sug- DEATHS GEORGE -- Bob and Joan (nee Han- fa are very proud to announce the arrival of a daughter, Regan Ann, 'born |March 5, 1966. A sister for Robin. Many | thanks to Dr. Anderson and 4th floor staff, THOMPSON David and Margar: | (nee McFadyen) wish to announce ne |birth of their son, John David, born on |March 8, 1966, at the Oshawa General Hospital, Te St.|. VY4UNCH oUugKEDLeG Une poara past president of the Women's gested that either a new school jMissionary Society of St. An- be built or children at the |British and Whitby Red Cross| facilities, | Societies, a former member of| ; EVON, William J., DDS | Board Chairman T, jAt the Princess Margaret Hospital, To-the Whitby Board of. the Vic- |Houten said. council's i Me | ronto, on Tuesday, March 8 1966 Dr.itorian Order of Nurses, a Pp William J. Evon, dearly beloved husband! a ciher of the Whitby Senior | ions that the school. was un- safe was incorrect and the pre- of Doreen Yeo, of Oshawa, loving son lof Mr. and Mrs. 'Paul Evon of LaSalle, Citizens' Committee and a for-| lyious school: board had looked into the matter. |(inignonne), Lawrence «oiry), Par jerimer member of the Dumfries jand Joseph, all of La Salle, Resting at| Community Chest. Hig cian vane Wests (near Silver: During the Second World War; Trustee Donald Quick suggest-| thorn), until Thursday, 9,30 p.m., then| Mrs. Robson drove a Red Cross ied council be advised the board Ray md wee i Rien bees ambulance. _ is aware of the situation and HE ag PP ge liga ale saat age os wae ce '" ? nan = egg nnd oes |1966, Interment Sacred Heart Cemetery,!cinoson (May) of Stratford, I" Chaineen Vast a said he N. Ruddick! objected to the letter being sent La Salle Ont., and Mrs. GREENFIELD, Cecil J. (Ella) of London, Ont to the minister of education since council implied that the suddenly, at the Oshawa General Hos, Mrs. Robson is at the W. Cc. AE gr Pg a ae ga Town Funeral Home, Whitby, | board was not doing its job.| beloved husband of Blanche Marr and|for service in St. Andrew's|He said the deplorable condi- dear father of Cecil and Owen, both of Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m.'tion of township roads were! Whito in his 76th year. Resting at the 7 , ~ W. ¢. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for Mar. 12. Rev. W. J. S. McClure|much more unsafe "than the requiem mass in St. John the Evangel-;will conduct the service. Inter-! Dunbarton Public School. | ist Church, Whitby, March 11 at 9 a.m. . 4 ; } intanaa) Maat teak Chere mene wou ne Groveside Ceme-| Trustee Ross Deakin said the| Oshawa. Visiting to commence 7 p.m. tery, Brooklin. board should get it across that Wednesday. Rosary 7 p.m. Thursday Visitors will be received at|the school is not unsafe. the funeral home from 2 to | and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday. MELLOW, Lauretta M. Entered Into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, March 8 1966, Lau: retta M. Clarke, beloved wife of Rev. Harry A. Meliow, DD. Daughter of Mrs Rachel Clarke, Manilla, Ont. and sister of Ganton Clarke, Peterborough and Charles) The memorial service for! A. Clarke, Scarborough, in her 60th year Bridge Winners Memorial service in Northminster United Charles Edward Morgan, who church, Oshawa, Friday, March 1) at 7.0] died Mar. 6, at the Oshawa Gen-|, WHITBY - en winners 193 p.m. Cremation. (Flowers gratefully de- high scores in the games play |Elined.) (Donations to the Heart, Diabetic|@ral Hospital, in his 71st year, led by the W hitby D A i or Northminster Organ Fund will be\was held at 2 p.m., March 9,) y uplicate appreciated and can be made at the'at the Armstrong Funeral [Bridge Club were: Armstrong Funeral Home.) iia North and South -- Mr. Good- The service was conducted by |Win and N. Shortreed, 109; Miss ROBSON, Janet Herres 7 After a prolonged illness at the Oshawa/ Rev. D. Feltmate, pastor of} A. Lawlor and Mrs. J. Frost, 93; General Hospital, on Wednesday, March 9, King Street Pentecostal Church. |Mrs. Love and Mrs. Baxter, 1966; Janet Herres Paisley (of Brooklin was in Frankford 4; Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison, f isaig Whitby Duplicate! FUNERAL OF CHARLES EDWARD MORGAN formerly of Whitby) beloved. wife of| Interment John Robson; dearest sister of Mrs. F,| Cemetery. Simpson (May) of Stratford; and Mrs n N. Ruddick (Ella) of London, Ontario. The pallbearers were Gordon] Rening at the W. C. Town Funeral Chap-| Foster, Arnold Bell, Thomas , Whitby, for service in St. Andrew's| i | Presbyterian Church, Whitby, on satur-| McCready, Oswald Werner, | day, March 12 at 3 p.m. Interment Grove-/ Ralph Anrews and Ben Hard- side Cemetery, Brooklin; minister Rev ing |W. J, S. MeClure, Visitors will be receiv- v4 led Friday 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. It Is re quested that fhe casket remain closed East and West -- Mrs. Coll and Mrs. Beaton, 11214; Mr. Cole and Miss G. -Bovay, 10414; Mrs. Booth and Miss For- |sythe, 100%; Mrs. Watts and |Mrs, MacDougall, $2. Mc HERE AND THERE Bowmanville Town Council is making plans to erect a new fire hall and police sta- tion. FUNERAL OF GOERGE ANTHONY TRYON The memorial service for Entered into rest In the Oshawa General|George Anthony Tryon, who Hospital on Wednesday, March 9% 1966, died Mar. 7, at the Oshawa WT Phoebe Weir, tatur ot mers, weed |General Hospital, in his 77th| (Phyllis) and Keith, Oshawa, John, To year, was held at the Armstrong) ronto; in his 86th year. Resting at the Funeral Home at 3.15 p.m. Mar. 9 Major G. Holmes of the Sal- |vation Army conducted the ser-| lvice. Interment was in Oshawa! | Jnion Cemetery The pallbearers, all members of Branch 43, Royal Canadian} Legion, were William Thomas, j Lawrence Holmes, Alfred Brise-; |bois, Maurice Proctor, Ken Loyst and Charles Beck. | TAGGART, William John funeral service in the chapel Friday, March 11 at 3 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa, The total cost of. welfare in Bowmanville in February was $4,817.77. The actual cost to the town. is expected to' be $785 56. There were 112 reci- pients of welfare. beyond Price, reach of all. GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 Kindness within yet Three building permits were issued in Bowmanville during February. Six plumbing per- mits were also issued. The total estimated cost of con- struction was $8,995. W. C. Coverage Is Explained BOWMANVILLE A meet ing was held in the Orono Town Hall to acquaint farm operators and their employees -with the a dear New Workmen's Compensation who passed coverage. A group of Australian Ro- tarians will be in the Oshawa- Bowmanville district during the week of May 8. IN MEMORIAM Patsy Blake, of Bowman- ville, was the winner: of the high school section of the Royal Canadian Legion Pub- lic Speaking contest held re- cently at Port Perry. The winner of the elementary school section was Joanne Gainor of West Rouge School, Pickering Township. - In loving memory of Ethel Blanche Cox, ay March 10, 1963. one knows how much. we miss you, e knows the bitter pain ave suffered; since we lost you e has never been the same | If we had all the world to give | We'd give it, yes and more, To hear your voice and see your smile, And greet you at our door; But all we can do, dear mother, Is go and tend your grave, The meeting was held in con | junction with the annual meet- ing of the Durham County Farm Safety Council. Mrs. A. Allin Bowmanville, was elected for a jsecond term as president. Mrs Se ages ab asta debe EPP Allin gave a summary of the Ts ths bhet reatine Gad over Made activities carried out by the Always remembered and sadly missed| local Safety Council during the W | by daughter Florence and son-in-law past year. The Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce, at its recent annual meeting, decided it will continue to hold its Santa Claus Parade. W. Laycox told Pickering Township Council this week that if work con- tinues on schedule, the town- ship's new municipal building will be completed in June. The president of the Ontario Farm Safety Council, Bruce Eagleson, Cobourg, outlined ac- jtivities at the provincial level |A. O. Dalrymple, agricultural jrepresentative, stressed the} great importance of following recommended safety practices on today's farms because of in- creased mechanization, wi Ethe acts Reeve C. ng_memory of (a dear who passed away March 10, 1963 Ay heart still aches with gadness, And secret tears still flow; What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know When the days are sad and lonely, And everything goes wrong, eem to hear you whisper r up and carry on time | see your 'picture, seem to smile and say, t cry, I'm only sleeping, We'll meet again someday." Sadly missed and always remembered 2 by husband Albert and son Arthur, dear, Pickering Township Coun- cil has applied to the Depart- ment of Highways for a 1965 Blackman and two other) road subsidy of $494,497.99. representatives from the Work : men's Compensation Board, To- ving memory of a ronto, outlined coverage for who pass- farming operations to the 140 attending. Twenty-seven building per- mits, , representing an esti- mated value of $249,800, were issued in February by Pick- ering Township Council. The figures for the same month last year were 15 permits and $148,200. MARTIN -- In dear mother, Margaret Martin, fh. 10, 1963. 'kind in all just till her ways, the end of her ame compulsory 'att for all workmen employed on farms. Coverage is not compulsory for operators or their wives but may be ob- tained. by application. Farms yjare divided into two categories depending on the risk of acci dents Coverage bé on Jan, 1, 1966, id kind beautiful 1 heart and mind memory she 00 remembered by , George and grandct aureen, dren MARTIN -- In loving memory of our dear sister, Margaret, who passed awa Si March 10, 1963; also her husband, Alex, 1963. Gone from us but leaving memories Death can never take away Memories that will alway# linger 70; While upon this earth we stay 20|...Sister May and husband Robert C 90 and family, brother Mary. 2 Operations of general farm- tree fruit farms, dairy Charles and wife stock farms 'and horse} farms, Christmas tree farms,| clover mills, ensilage cutters, ing larke| farms, Office manager Charles Rick-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 1966 25° STOCK MARKET TORTS bode 2 AM. 1-Odd lot, rights ibuted by Toronto Stock, Exchange--March 10 Quotations in cents uniess marked $ xd---Ex-dividend, xw--E x-warrants. STOCKS ce from previous board-lot closing 'séle. 10: Stock Bankfield Bernat Belietere Bethim Bidcop BL Hawk Brunswk Bounty Ex Cadamet Cam Mine Camp Chib Cdn Keely Cc Malart Cantre Coch Wilt Coin Lake Coniagas Con Shaw C Bellek € Callinan C Hall C Mogu! Con Nichol C Rambler C Red Pop Cop Man Cowich Craigmt 9 De Eldona Delhi Pac Denison Discovry Hollinger Huds Bay Hydra Ex ' Kenville / 2 Iso Jaye Exp Jelex Joliet Jonsmith Joutel Jowsey Kerr Add Kelly Dsd K Anacon Lab Min t Dufauilt angis Liberian Louviert Macassa MacLeod Malartie Marcon Mattomt Maybrun Mc Adam al Newlund N Mylama Senator Norgold Norlartie Northeal Northgat Norsp Aw O'Leary Opemska Orchan Pax Int Pce Expl Peerless Pick Crow Pine Point Placer Porc Pay Preston robe M Edex Q Mattgmi Radiore Rayrock Rio Algom Rockwin Roman Rowan Cr San Ant Sarimco Satellite Sherritt Silvrfids Silvmaq Sil Miller Sil Stand Stanrck Steep R Sullivan Teck Cor Texmont r Tombill Tribag Trin Chib U Asbestos U_ Buffadn Un Keno ura "Pore West Mine Wilco Windfall Wr Harg Yale Lead Yukeno Zulapa 9 17 1 $ 262 262 162-- 4% 144 2 20 238 «231 155 13 24 #0 2 $) 5% 860 182 20 30 % 2 nN x) 5 4 65 $10% 104 62 2 $ s 4 50 12% 1 10% 45 32 7 90 1 820 7 47 16% 21 155 140 45 s $20% 20% 20% +¥| 68 $10 7 Sales High Low a. m. cn'ge 82 3 13 Me WA 2 2 20 155 | 13 3° 12% -- " 0 4) s 860 ) $2534 25% 25% ) $814 Bile B14 + % 23% 23% 23'4-- 20 182, 62 250 12% 3) %% 10% 45 10 5914 +1% 26" 15¥4 11% 35 4 1% 35 4 v7 85 +1 +1 0 7 16Va 16% 2.0621 262 26¥2 264 +2 565 3 35 7 120 640 560 580 21% 75 2 «1 1 290 3 82 35 9% 25 50 2 jo 560 335 120 165 640 555 580 133 289 320 62 500 560 -- % 3% 21% 21% 120 175 640 555 580 128 134 290 94 320 462 =! 25 %% 38 3 90 204 204-- Vs 10° 19 23 OILS, 'GAS Alminex Am Leduc Asamera Banff Calvert CS Pete Cc Dehi C Ex Gas C Gridoil C High Cr C Homestd Cdn Sup oO Cent Del Charter. O Chieftan D C West P 600 215 475 22 220 $15% 33 iF 265 270 20 395 515 4 78 220 $22 $11 390 225 700 1540 156 1 5 160 16 ay x) 390 3 475 ate 21% 21% + %/ 220 263 395 220 700 475 220 1534 32% --} 263 270 395 515 78 220 22 We V7 90 «390 700 156 160 390 15% 32 95 77 55 90 Griffin, Oshawa Realty Firm Doubles Office Space who has been in the xr---Ex- Net ckange is --h 750 750 750 +15 me + 68 1+ % 3) --~Y 5 F 90| 5 +13 - 5 + 3 2| Pac French Pt Gr Plains Gt C Oilsds Int Hellum Mill City N Americn be " . Okalte. Permo Petrol Place Pander Prove Gas Union Ol U Canso Wstates W Decalta Wilshire Alta Gasw Algoma Alliance A Atl Sugar Bank Mont Bank NS Bath Pw Beli Phone Bow Val p BA Constr A Can Cem Cc Brew C Brew A CB AImA CB AlAw C Dredge C Found p C Hydro C Hydro p Cimp BkC Cind GO C Refract CWN Gas Chemceil Clairtone Clairton w Cc Savings Con Bidg Con M § | Con Paper | Con Gas | Coronatn Coron w Coron 2 w | Crain. RL Cygnus A | Cygnus *B Dist! Seag Dom Elect Dofasco Dofasco p Dom Lime Dom Store liomtar Dom Text Du Pont East ChTr Exqut Aw Falcon Hughes OA Home A Hur Erie Husky Husky B HB wei HB OG imp Oil imp Tob imp Tob p Ind Accep Ind Wire Inglis 1BM IMC Int Intl Intpr int Sti Nickel Util PL Jefferson Jeff Bw Jockey € Labatt Lafarge A LOnt Cem Locem w Laura Sec Lav Fin Lau F2.00 Leu F1.25 Levy B pr Life Invest LobCo A LobCo B LobG B pr Met Stores Mont Trst Moore Morse A Murphy Nat Trust Noranda Nor Ctl @ Nor Phone Oshawa A Pete Pembina PC JwiA Pow Corp Pow_Crp.p Price Bros QN Gas Rank OrA Reichhid Revelstk Rolland A Romfield Rothman Royal Bnk St Maurice Salada Sayveite Shell Sheil Shopper Ct Slater Sti Sogemine TorDbm Bk T Find Transair Tr Can PL Trans Mt Trans PPL Turnbull Turnbl Ap Walk GW Well Finte West ind West IndA Wesic'st W Pacific Weston B Wstn 44 p West A wt Whte Pas Zenith Sales to 11 am: | -- 0 $2 12% 124 + Me 512% 12% 12% 17. +2 WS 175 158 --2 + 135 225 300 La He INDUSTRIALS 295 200 250 4 $12% 12% 1234 $5% Sie Sh& 925 5 925 $67%4 67% 67% 100 250 250 2625 $374 374 34+ he 185 $43 430 43 100 $10% 104 W%+ % TA? $192 19% 19% 442 $12% 690 $27% 290 $61 266 $70'2 220 $10'4 1384 $572 § $18'4 $8% 7% 7% 30% Wat ve i Mae vw "% " "Me io W) + 13% 13% + 42 4 + 3 z 23 W% WA+ ™% 7% 42% 424 S11% 11% 11% + 560% 60% 60% + 38% 8% 8M $12 12 12 $17 v7 7 $20 (19% 20 $13% 13% 13% -- ee eee 290 $13% 230 230 230 345 45 45 $40% 40% 40% 15% + 165 20 + 13% 13% " 35: a 33% + 450 = 7 +% $364 3614 3614-- Ve $16% 16% 16% $26% 2614 26% 997% 97% Wane " 280 280 20 -- § $24 24 $20% 20% 20% $36") 26 364 -- % $42%4 422 42% + Ve $46% 4614 4614 25 220 290 + § $101% 101% 1014 + 3 $26 26 6 3 2 "a 5 7 74 26% 156 % 200 3000 79 a 25 $26% 26% -- 111 8157 17 reps 100 $5% >» wh fn Ba 8 10 $264 26% 24) os st nT i ee 5% 1514 1 125 $1214 ai dura as " 2 a 45 $382 3814 38) 200. $5% 5% ee 220 $282 28Ve 28% 500 310 310 310 $1334 13a 131 185 $194 19% baa " 100 $1114 11% 310 $13% 13% 25 $51 $1 1000 $154 1514 892 $20 19% 860 $5314 5314 395 $14% Wu 100 $6 +8 3a 1% 6% 280 $21% 2% 2% -- 300 330 330 ae 330 350 $10% 10% et " 23$540 $40 50 $84 84 7 + 970 $9834 9B 98% 4 94 332 + Ve 25 $334 33% 107, $83% 834 B34 % 4 6a Ve 1456 + Ve 225 100 Noe+% 32% + Ve 25 425 a +" 400 3650 4 ~% Sta+ Ve 160 z10 100 $16% 16% 161 i) 38% 8% Neb . $2814 2814 2814 -- Vp S72 17% rw e 2 20 --% 8 y $i Nn VW " S119 11% 11+ $302 302 We % $15'2: 1512 151 $28% 28% 28% -- ve $32% 32 32. oy 300 300 300 13% $14 13% 194 $194 19'4 $79%4 79% 79% -- ty 9 9 +% 2 $19 (19 Sat % $9 9 $22 22 3244+ Ve 10% $514 Siz $322 32! $104 10% $2814 28Ve 281% 1214 %% 12 12% 12% $5% a 160 155 $92 4 $12°° 12 - $12% 12% $4545 $46%4 45% $132 13% 13%-- % 485 485 485 $2654 26% 26% $9%4 a5 4614 + Ve $27% 27 374% 4+ Ve 14 78h -- Ve 0 + 455 200 $24% 210 $94 297 $13% 275 $12 (12 250 220 215 943,000, ADD Toronto 1 10:4 4" ar a. m.: FOREIGN TRADING 400 80 80 8 +1% 700 150 150 150 100 119-119-119 100 225 225 225 2700 275 255 255 Use Of Asbestos Not Dangerous TORONTO (CP)--The use of asbestos as a filler in making plaster mouldings in Ontario schools is not a danger to health, the legislature was told Monday Health Minister Matthew Dy- mond _ said: he opportunity for children in this province to come in contact with asbestos in their school work is limited, and would not constitute a haz- ard to health for MARTIN In loving memory of our/Cash Crops mechanically har- 16.60 40 4.20 ed" away. march 10, 1963 and brottentn| vested: anid farm drainage con-|strong Homes are only left to' Griffin Real Estate Limited, 80 who passed away| tractors are assessed at the rate! sej] in the company's establish- a young company fast gaining of $3.50 for each $100 of payroll.'eq Rolling Hills home division|recognition in Oshawa and dis. Operation of tobacco farms,|here. The firm is the exclusive |trict, has doubled its office mushroom farms, fur farms,|sales agent for Armstrong|space to cope with the planned 42 Lovingly remembered by brother Her-|fruit farms other than tree|Homes, a big general contrac-|1966 volume of business. bert, sister-in-law Joey and family. fruit, chickens and turkey|tors outfit in Oshawa. The company, with its head- 5.10 jfarms, bee keeping, nursery-; "Our next subdivision," Mr.'quarters at 155 Simcoe st. s., ns tre peep ol Aa tev ing mabenery of or;/men, florists and market gar- Rickson said, "is to open up at/expanded onto a_ connecting peated eWay hid tay Merton whe! deners are assessed $1 for each Forest Glen Estates, Harmony |property -- 153 Simcoe st. §. --| The years may wipe out many things, $100 of payroll. The rates\rd, n., with 187 units. It will|to be able to handle the job of memory. of those, happy "days | a8Sessed are paid by the owner/open by the middle of April. All|selling some 500 homes in the When we were all together and payroll amounts are to in--homes will be moderately|area this year aedly, missed by Mom, Dad, Noel, San-iclude free lodging 'and meals. priced." : | "We will be building some 300 Compensation payments to in-| Griffin Real Estate Company |to 400 homes between Oshawa |jured workers are similar to|sold closé to 250 new properties|and Ajax in 1966," said John --| those employed in non-farm|last year. It has branch ~-- Kosteniuk, vice-president, in out- industry at Ajax (office manager, d|tining one of the firm's major The rates established jyould;Baran) and Rolling Hills (oltice projects for the year. He added indicate a one to three and ajmanager, Frank Retter) that models of the. new home half percent increase in labor' 'We have our own mortgage|centre in the area will go on costs for farm owners. How-|company where we can finance/display at headquarters within ever, it' is insurance against|the sale of the older properties,"|the next 10 days "Its use in some schools does costly, serious injury-and may)|said Mr. Rickson, pointing out | A selection of 25 different jnot present a significant dust jenable farm owners to compete/another highlight of. the firm,|models of homes will make up|exposure since the material is more successfully for labor. the president of which is Herb|the centre, used in a wet state." son reports that 12 new Arm-|business some 17 years. Atherton, ot not be 496 Milton responsible name by zed " arch 6,1 Deoler 119 x ny t | $25 00 CONSOLATION 20 Gomes at $20 5 Special Games at $30 Regular Games' Pay. Double in 17 Nos. or less written consent Oly __| 1 -- $150 JACKPOT Te Set $20 PER LINE PLUS FRESH FRUITS | %5° PER FULL cARD 50.00 Door Prize and Early Bird Game at VEGETABLES Mineo ra USE THE MARKET BASKET Moore Agnico Cowich Gunnar Multi M Nick and Author and Fiat alizing in Volkswagen Repair and Service. 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 MAKE AN OFFER! '62 VAUXHALL SUPER door sedan, White. White- extra snow tires New mileage. Top Days 723- Zoltan, Your --2 +1 of beautiful Tied with ali our love, Memories 'to cherish 'forever, ot the two we dearly loved. memories, Spec |, JOSEPH E. DALY, of 170 Park Road| South, Oshawa, will not be responsibie| ny debts contracted in my name by| c after this date, March 8,| "SIXTH RACE -- year-olds and (Pace) for 3 for 000 (7 7:50 a 4.70 4% 3 "Wa re Also Started *E XACTOR, NOS PAID yaa, 0 SEVENTH RACE > Pace) for 700 ) The 4 walls, battery grade second car 776) oF evenings 723 6474 | CORVAIR, four-door, 1961, red, new! tires, radio. Good condition, automatic "6 licence. Ajax 942-3924 1965 VOLKSWAGEN 500, sunroof, 8,000 miles cence yan Motor Sales, 334 Ritson 723-346 968 VOLKSWAGEN de eptionally clean ce Jt OM Motor Sales, 334 Ritson Road South, | Also Started: Jarvis Ra Roy McGregor, and Capta GHTH RACE w ow Extra Buses RED BARN : : ie | NORTH OSHAWA" «| ,A50. tinsel, Armee foie Fa MOUNT LAWN } : ial | MEMORIAL PARK 4 Children under 16 not admitted 723-2633 : Memorialization possible with the BRONZE MARKER supply and install; Pérmanent almost MATTHEW Wa Bolly 5.40 2 23 ' "NINTH RACE is ear-cids and TS engine 9451. Sab sir hat we | Attendance, 4,714 Totel Pool, $275,391