Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Mar 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Fourth Whitby Scouts Entertain At Dinner WHITBY ~ More than 100 feaute and Cuhs accompanied eir fa enjoyed the an- nia san henquet at St. Mark's United Church. The head table included the chairman, George Thwaites; the groups chaplain, Rev. J. M. their sponsor. The chairman mentioned the need for leaders and requested any tather who can heln to contact the lead- ers. In this respect, willingness may prove more important than experience and an earnest request to the fathers for the Smith; the assistant minister of additional help will assist the the church, Miss Newton; the president of the district council, §. Hollingsworth ; District Com- missioner W. Lawler, the lead- ers, C. Freek, W .Hay and J. Foster and Assistant District Commissioner C. Woods. Sam Hollingsworth expressed the regards of the district coun- cil while Rev. John Smith re- lated the close relationship and the keen interest of the sponsor; St. Mark's Church. His remarks to the boys and his appreciation of the leadership showed a close group leaders. During the well prepared sup- per, the toast to the fathers was proposed by Danny Quantrill. The reply was made by his father, Everett Quantill. Each of the group leaders in- troduced the assistants and help- ers of the Boy Scout Troop and the two Cub Packs. The mothers committee, un- der the leadership of Mrs. D. Quantrill, was thanked for an outstanding meal. | Two films were shown to close contact between the groups andianother successful event. Group Plans St. Mark's United Church 4, W's Couples Club met Mar. 5 at the Church House. Members en- joyed an evening of "Gridiron Bridge" with prizes awarded to winners. The president, Harry Ramm- ler, chaired a short business ses- sion. Plans were discussed for an "Irish Stew", Mar. 16, spon- sored by. the Couples Club. Tickets are available from members. The dinner starts at 6.30 p.m. and will be followed by an entertainment. College Group "Trish Stew" Further plans were made for he group's auction sale May 7 }at Whitby Community Arena. !For donations to be picked-up |please call Mr. Rammler at 668-4889. | Following the meeting a tasty }lunch was served by Mr. and /Mrs. Lorne Penfound, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grylls, Mr. and |Mrs, Jack Mesher, Mr, Mrs. Stan Parkinson, Mr. |Mrs. Jack Switzer, Mr. Mrs. Kenneth Elliott and 'and Mrs. Chuck Mesher. Visits Morocco and Mr. and| School Cost Plummets BROUGHAM -- The Board of Pickering Township School Area has accepted a tender from Goulding Brothers Construction Ltd. for $345,479 for a 14-room addition to Frenchman's Bay Public School. This tender, plus oS would establish » £480. 000 debenture. The original es- timate was $560,000, Reeve C. W. Laycox said at a council meeting Monday night he had not yet had an oppor- tunity to contact the Ontario Municipal Board about the township's 1966 debt, but didn't want to lose this tender price. He stated that the cost of material was going up 30 per cent and the cost of construc- tion going up 10 per cent. Treasurer Ronald Mitchell, present at the meeting, advised council that the debt had been dropped in the neighborhood: of $1,000,000, and a further drop was anticipated. The Ontario Municipal Board, had protested the township's deBt the week be- fore. Mr. Laycox observed that since the South Ontario County |Health Unit would now serve | the whole of Ontario County, the | township levy would only be for {three months out of the year. |The township requirement for | $30,672 will be considerably re- | duced. east] see Hold Workshop Last Saturday at St. John the | Evangelist parish hall, Whitby, a Patrol Leaders' Workshop and The February meeting of the|Whitby Township, thanked Miss! exchange of ideas was held. Ontario Ladies' College Castle Chapter Alumnae took the form of an arm chair tour of Morocco. Miss Hazel Worfolk of Whitby, who recently spent three weeks touring this fas- cinating country, showed slides and displayed slippers other items of clothing made from rich colored silks and bro- cades, She said she found the people were "sociable people but they) like to have privacy. This was obtained by having high walls in front of their homes. Where | ever we went in this country we) saw very little dirt. It is a very clean country." "The Moroccons eat their meals with their fingers which] prating her fourth birthday to-| Worfolk. The lunch conveners for the evening were Mrs. Harry -Tay- llor, Mrs. John Fox, both of Osh- lawa, and Mrs. McDougal of Whitby. At the January meeting, held and|in the home of Mrs. Stanley !Osborne, Whitby, Mrs. H. T. Fallaise of Whitby gave a book review on Place of Quiet Waters by Margaret MacIntyre. WHITBY PERSONALS Barbara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gerhardt, is cele- they wash very carefully before| day. starting a meal," Miss Worfolk| said. "Their hands and fingers are kept thoroughly clean at all times."" Miss Worfolk comment- ed on the fact that she didn't} gee one drunk person while she was in Morocco. "Most Moroc- cons don't drink fermented or any alcoholic beverages as this is against their belief. Minted tea is their national drink," she! said. | Miss Worfolk, who for many) years has been deputy registrar at the Whitby Ontario County Registry Office, Whitby, said: 'The impression I've had from this trip is the friendliness and kindliness of the Moroccon peo- ple. They are so friendly, kind and 'helpful. They really tried to be helpful. The guides felt they were there to take care of the three of us. We were three Mr. and Mrs, Walter Bell and daughters, Cindy and Sherry, Toronto, spent a day last week visiting at the home of his sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Gibeault, 909 Cro- cus cres. Best svishes to Angela Femia on the occasion of her 13th birth- day to be celebrated today. Jay, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Goodlet, recently cele- brated his eighth birthday. For the occasion a party has been arrangéd this coming Saturday with the following guests: Jef- frey White, Ronnie Small, Ralph Percy, Ray Pardon, Kenneth Colley and Paul Crook. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Taman, To- ronto, on Jay's actual birthday, were dinner guests. women touring this wonderful country. "We had been given assur- ance by the British Consulate that we women could tour Morocco without any worry or anxiety," she said. "'The Moroc- con people are friendly and they |? are most helpful." Miss Mildred Price, of Whit- by, assisted Miss Worfolk in dis- playing the pictures taken dur- ing their tour of Morocco. Mrs. R. J. Richardson, of Belated birthday wishes to | John Faber, Anderson st., who celebrated his birthday Mar. 8. The olunteer Ontario Hospital, Whitby, held most successful homebake sale last Saturday. General con- | vener was Mrs. June Ruttle, as- sisted by Mrs. Marion Wal- lace, Mrs. Betty Andrew, and Mrs, Olivia Detlor. A belated happy birthday to Association, The event was well attended |by some 40 Patrol Leaders and Seconds, plus five Guide Cap- |tains and their lieutenants, in- icluding Ajax District Commis- sioner, Mrs. Humphreys, with a few of her Guides. The after- noon got under way at 1.30 p.m. with a horseshoe formation. Whitby District Commissioner, Mrs. H. Whale, introduced the speaker, Mrs. F. W. Hawes, District Commissioner from Bay Ridges, explained Patrol Lead- ers' duties, patrol in council and held a mock court of honor. Mrs, Hawe had on display a well packed Patrol Box many other interesting teaching aids. Mrs. William Allan made the Guide Laws and Promise seem to have a part in each Guide's daily life and ways. These could be explained to new Guides by Patrol Leaders, all the Guides taking a. very active part. Mrs. George Thyvaites had some helpful ways in which test work could be taught through games. She prepared several examples which were enjoyed. To close the afternoon, Mrs. W. J. Edwards conducted camp fire which included an amus- ing skit by Patrol Leaders of the First Whitby Company and several well loved Guide songs. Mrs. Whale thanked those who had helped to make the afternoon a success. Guide Taps were sung. | David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Elliott, who was 18 on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Leclere, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leclerc, Chicago, Ill., were the guests of their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gagnon, Euclid st. The occasion was Louis Le- clerc's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gagnon also attended a birth- day party reunion in Toronto for Louis. -- AT THE -- WHITBY MEAT MARKET Where You Get Personalized Service BLADE & SHORT RIB RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF ROAST - 59° CROSS CUT ROAST vu. 63° FOR STEW BRISKET BEEF . 25°| BRAZEN RIBS us. 39° MINCED BEEF 3 WIENERS 2 LBS. 75¢ LBS. 1.00 MEDIUM AND MILD CHEESE PORK SAUSAGE 45° us. 59° OLD MELLOW COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 3 iss, 99° LB. 65¢ BREAD ™* "* 2 FOR Whitby. Plaza Ask About Our Prices WHITBY We Specialize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS Cutting and Wrapping WHITBY MEAT MARKET Ph: 668-6941 Red & Blue Brand Beef -- CLOSER MONDAYS -- All Meats Govt. Inspected BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 9, 1966 § Sentence Is WHITBY (Staff) -- Pleading guilty to setting fire to a house in an attempt to collect insur- ance. Mre, Mery Dachuk, Brock st. n., Whitby, was placed on ié monins' suspeiued senicice in magistrate's court here Tues- day. A condition of the sus- pended sentence is that she take up residence with her daughter in Brooklin. Evidence showed the house was insured for $3,000 and the contents for $1,500. Insurance investigators and Ontario Fire Marshal's officials said the fire had been set in three different places in the house. A fine of $10 and costs or four days was imposed on Ray- mond Austin Moore, 52, no fix- ed address, who. pleaded guilty to consuming in a public place. Pleading guilty to a charge of car theft, Raymond J. Scott, of Scarborough, yas remanded to Mar. 22 in custody for sentence. Making unnecessary noise with his motor vehicle in Pick- ering Township brought a fine In Home Blaze Case WHITBY DISTRICT irs 1. Gert ost," aug 673, Ed. Samanski 668, Doug BOWLING SCORES iim Wute 207, Rex. Norris 3. ty ee MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE |273,"Roy McLellan 26 N'S BOWLING LEAGUE 273, 'Roy McLellan 260. March 3 Results -- Knights of ot $25 to Shane E- Warner, c1| Columbus 3, Ottenbrites 0; Jets also fined $10 for failing to noti-/¢ cots (rumiture F oaen fy the Ontario Department of pares _|ty Bowi i; Fost Office 2, Coun- --" of a change of ad-|sines 1; Firemen 2, Red Wings ; i a eo No. 2, 2, Wadden Bros. Consuming liquor in a public|!;, Firemen "A" 2, Firemen place brought a fine of $25 and B" 1; Lucky Strikes 2, Legion costs to Jack McNibbon, of To-| 0d Sweats 1. ronto. Another Toronto youth,| High Triples and Singles -- Donald Harold Powell was fined|Geo. Richardson 728 (269); $50 and costs for being drunk|Keith MacDonald 717 (283); in a public place. John Bruechle 716 (273); Dick Adams 720 (273); Merle Reeson Appearing on a charge of be-|715 (281); Larry Batherlow 687; ing drunk in a public place, |Bill Collins 678 (266); Roy Wad- AE R. JONES st., Ajax, was fined $25 and REAL ESTATE Sales - Valuations Suspended Family Monuments Gm, SH/ Bee Icrectes to WAY || Hl FF ne | STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 additional 30 days. A fine of $200 and costs or 60 days was imposed on Elvin Robertson Knight, of Picker- ing, for failing to remain at the scene of an accident. His licence was also suspended for a year, A charge of auto theft brought a 12-month suspended sentence. miner ™ Schools Anticipate Patrol Leaders Capacity Enrolment | PICKERING (Staff) -- The| Pickering District High School Board was advised Tuesday |night that the expected Septem- ber enrolment at the Dunbarton, |Pickering and Ajax High Schools | is 2,814, Of these 1,150 will be e' Pickering, 925 at Dunbarton 36 at Ajax. | «nagement Comittee | Cuairman Dr. W. A. McKay} suggested a second vice-princi- | pal be hired for the enlarged | Pickering High School to deal |with disciplinary matters. Su- causing a disturbance resulted in a $100 fine and costs, or an Consultations 668-8841 or 728-6661 were blamed for the lack of| water at Dunbarton High School. | anne Although the, mains have been hooked up the board continues to pay high prices for trucked water because the County Health Unit does not like the location of the main. A board delegation will meet the Health Unit Wednesday night to see if the main can be turned on. A report from the Health Unit showed the water in the main is classed Al for drinking pur- poses. Truck Tenders Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m., March 15th, 1966 for either: 1 -- % TON WIDESIDE PICK UR TRUCK AND |perintendent C. Richardson said 1540 cases of disciplinary action jwere taken against Pickering | High school students last fall. | He said this was due to the high | proportion of Grade 9 and 10! students as well as the high proportion of students in the sci- ence, technology and occupa- | 'and| tional courses. It was suggested music be re- introduced at Dunbarton and ge grapny be introduced in Grade 11, 12 and 13 in successive jyears, The management com- | mittee is discussing the intro- duction of a four-year aca- demic arts and science course at both Dunbarton and Pickering Schools. | Pickering Township engineers ! 1 -- VAN TYPE TRUCK OR 2 -- VAN TYPE TRUCKS Specifications may be obtained at the Public Utility Office, 128 Brock-Street S., Whitby. Public Utility Commission of the Town of Whitby R. W. Cawker, Chairman. One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper and Murals Custom Dreperies Broadloom | C.1.L. Points and Varnishes |! Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 H. C. Simpson, Manager Our guarantee: great whiskies blended into every bottle CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Shoo Distillers Fil RICHMELLO smooTH PEANUT BUTTER 20 OZ. TINS LE ONLY AT DOMINION COUNTRY GIRL BPPLE Stock Up At This Pri MAPLE LEAF CHOICE 7-00 | DomINION FOOD SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY AT DOMINION IN THE K-MART PLAZA

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