Lemons -- S$. Weeks 8? and R. Farmer | High triples -- Keeler 950, Lugtenburg] Lemon League -- ¢ /Lidster 93, €. Ger-] (214), wi 205) 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, March 9, 1966 ly pallet Sriplee ---- Kaa |,oitmen, League, € (Cldner 98 (20, Onarse Waite Ma (20, ond Oe } Group 2 -- Blowers won 3 points, total 4) Congratulations to the winners of this) f | SHERIFF'S. TAILORING LADIES -- Rogers 837 (318) and Bishop 835 (316); | section, the Shindigs,-with-23-points-Por} --Stendings-------Fiintstones 12, go & i kin . |Cycfones won 0, total 3 -- Klapow 719/ the teams that have fo take # section | Die Room Twisters 12, Minute ] - : - MOTOR CiTY MIXED DOUBLES Williams $92 (223, 213); Eleanor Worona | Team. Pre a ee eae cre land Deremo. 664; Lucky Bees won 1,|there is one left to - Cod luck to ait [Paint Shop 9 Ticats 7, Dapper Doug Smith was our top bowler: this|592 (217, 214); Miriam Price S89 (229); total 3; Jets won 2, total 2; Die Hearts # Jewell's Men's Wear 5, F-85's 4, Caprices ee oO ith 735 286, 248, 2317 and fol-|Jackie Legere 581 (231); Dona Pascoe|Mumbug# 10 and Peppermints 5 iWon 2. telat Sm Shaddick 843. (493),| a Standings ~~ Flippers 11, Lucky $ix"441> Chevelies 2 and Union Reps. 2 Towed by Reg Norris $71 -- 230, 246; Mae |573 (274); Isobe: Calder $61 (239); Fern| ple geod AM LO oe Bastarache 704 and. MacPherson 701; | SIPPY Do's 16, 'Ring's 13, Happy Gang home Jamieson 666 -- 274, 216; Bud Morey | Buechler 542 (201); Audrey Hepburn 537 |and oy Smith's. rity game end Bonna Hope Fulls won 1, total 2 -- Coscaretia |" the Mice % a eamers 17. | CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS 55] -- 228, 224; Helen Trott 650 -- 232,|(213); Joan Anthony 535 (217); Irene] gioel ane at deserve special mention (701) Bali Highs won 2, total 4 -- Strank GENERAL MOTORS | Dick Stata was high man with 715 (244, ° 238; Al Jamieson 657 -- 252, 249; Stella | Horne $34 (233); Earline Keeler 528 (213); 724 (306) and Ballem 681; Hi Balls won rT : * [Makazchule 642 -- 251; Hi Johns 639 --|Dorothy Brabin 527 (226); Marl White) 200 scores -- El, Taylor 2¥7, benora|s ' jaia) 3, The Mihute Men, Rooks, Flintstones, | 26?) with Wes Stata right behind with 714 4, , 208; George Watson 638 -- 229, 527 and Carol McLean 514 (200, 206). Padi lie 24, Gail Desileto 211, Thelma | High Averages --- Bailem 255, Bishop and Die Room Twisters are all tied for! (231, 279), 248; Pete Makarchuk 625 --- 234, Lemon League -- Gail MacDonald 99, 7 106, |233 and Rogers 227, first place, following last week's action " " Marion Hagerman 616 -- 210, 221; |Jean Essex 98 and Audrey Mcintyre 49. |'wrria Unton 201 and Mare Fersuron 200, |. High Singles -- Taylor 398, Webster 393 |in the league. The Bie Room lads gain. |S Hundred" tripled were rolled by Ford 608 -- 218; Archie Bruce 603 ---|" Team standings -- Stingrays 22, Cor-| Lemon League - Bea Brear 76 and Shaddick 393, ed their distinction with a 7-0 shutout|Molly Hartshorn 685 (239, 2273) Bob 205, 208 and Lucy Kutasienski 601, 246. | vettes 18, Mustangs 18, Wildcats 15, Vali- High Triples -- H. Ballem 956, G. Taylor over the Ti-Cats, while Rooks were trim- | Miller 644 (232, 251); Paul Beauchemin 862. 1 d The 200's -- Sadie James 205, Curly ants 13 and Falcons 10. MEN'S MAJO™ 881 and H. Ballem ming Paint Shop $-2, the M-Men beating | 629 (253, 204); Al Smith 618 (271)) Don Jackson 250, Art Irving 203, Inez Curl 228, ae 7 i F85's and Flints besting Chevelles) Returned Pres 1 ent Elsie Smith 210, Rolly Hagerman 231, Eve. FRIDAY NIGHT INDUSTRIAL cen 5 re, Loa Sriies: an 4. perth WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES with a like score Lounds 611 (211, 201); Harvey Balson 610 Clark 202, 214; 'Bert Smith 201, Léon Da-| team Points -- Motor City 3; West-|fotal 3 -- Hill 813 (380) and Kastner 731; | 700 Games -- Brenda Grennon 721 (193,|, Union Reps. after losing their first|(211, 228) and Don Robinson 601 (221, Wey ass Saas Ga a noe Pins ae Ar! mount 3; Dairy Queen 3, Acadians 3;|Ozarks won 1. total 4 --- Stovin 729, St. | 260, 268) and Shirley Powers 714 (263, aed ge gr ag Maly Lys Pati 208). Zee : Sat Rctee og Fay i awrence leading the parade, with a 592 eehergd i Pane -chumley SS Bart) aes Qc Rane Fy PRIS fee i ae) i cae pe, Oa igi the Canrices, in thelr mated wits nny nae Sioatty mi we ™ rg on Bowling Association Neild 18 AN-| The tadies hea june Pettit with S05 for 11730) xeries. Here Prakien 89 (71th tne ee im woodes. £13, Koy mann High Tripl D. Woks | (1631, 8 - $23 (348) and Nesbit: 751] 224, 187); Lorraine Worden 643 (159 Jai, | Dapper Dans. 3 aul jassto! + Evelyn Stata % | encer 589 (229), Fred Snow 580 (211), otiy § igh Triples --- C. Weeks 804, D. Wot- | , Brown a esbil | 224, ; J a , wee (246; Fran Gibbs 225; Garnet Palmer nual meeting at Oshawa's East-|!heir best, followed by Glenda Thomson ape tGillard. $78. (202), Jonn' Mason $73 | 288 Cally Bond 200, Jean Kroll 238 and ton 761, H, Canfield 716, P. Cormier 716, |(329)) Les Sabres wen 2, tolal 4 -- Con: |243); Carole Misziak 622 (184, 218, 220) Tony Lupel turned in the night's best i274; Bill Ellictt 220; Joan Darl and. Ken 9 : a W. Helmecke 682, D. O'Brien 674, B. boy 739, Sabins 730. and Coulson 705; /and Jrene Rogers 615 (244, 221, 150). best score, # 605 Including @ 245 single. | johnston 208; Sid Boneham 208; Ni way Lanes on Sunday. Leona Jones 469, Ede Ryan 467, Bev|(201, 201), Wayne Layton SéP (246), Ray Gallant 651, E. Girovard 645, M. Thomp- | Team 7 won 1, tolal 1 -- Bell 744 (355),| 200 Games -- G. May 275, M. Henson |A big split in the eighth frame ended a mm 208; Nery A new slate of officers Was | Doran or jeeuila Wilke Pie aio. kon Mad ie pgs sel we TOWN AND COUNTRY LADIES LEAGUE vk a4 W. Smith 1D. Williams 625, '4 Himes 734 and Stata 17; Sports won 1 250, S. Pearce 244, Ps Bird 236, G. Speagie| strong of seven strikes for Tony, just es wee Pts nile i wil LF? a as pela Pe aad oll bbe ag ie a msl Ht - Elizabeth Hutch int , G. Element 614, B, Fisher 607 | Total 2 -- Topping 703; Mick Mac's won | 234, F. Mitchell 232, A. Langley 228, R.|when it looked like he was headed for! Team Standing -- Packers 12, Leaders elected and final preparations) pichmond '426, Dot Tyson 437, Dio| (229), Ev Edwards 542, Jim Loreno $36|,,Hivh Triples -- Elizabeth Hutcheson 825/ Linley 625, G. Element 614, B. Fisher 607 | Total 2 opping ick Mac's wo! [24 F- Mitchel) ats, A. Sehr tbigger and better things. Gary Judd had 10 Pots and Pokes 9, Mets and Go-Go's . ' | i | (335, 296); Irene Brabin 691 (262, 235);|and G. Osborne 605, 2, total § -- Hardie 732. ' } for the coming dinner and dance pchartdf ging Pret a sink pi SE pie nese tea Bit weisters ~ Mary DePratto 657 (226, 217, 214); Bev- High Singles C. Weeks 343, H. Can- High Averages Cassells 254, Keeler M. Harris 218, S. Wilson 214, F. Bracey |a 597, Dan Thomson 581 (213, 207), Alex |6, Clowns and Imps 4 points. were discussed and settled. | | "Stanuings "independents 2, A and Wand Don Frayne Bs ry Neel a at aa McGhee Sale 258 Pe conser" 296." al So BI high nogoe--s_Risich a, H. Gil-|B.' Pearce MOS" "Daniel "Rthe'Be Lean | Gurr Fan se (80), lon Cope ta Ui |poes"an te ext rooms Oe Tp John Waldinsperger of Os Bite 20, Orpheus ty, crawlers 19, Gllc|Onferlo, Motor 'Sales 14," Dyett's Sports| (254) I$obe; Siglin 607 (285);, Darlene Gallant 251 and F, IIlig 250 lard 401 and L. Sabins 397. 20° M. Fitzgerald 200. Rolf Rocker $57 (201), Bert Wind 551 \fo Nassau" Tournament! awa, was returned to office as) i" cieaners 17, Asira Nuts. 17, Dura-|13, Les Eveniss Sales 12, Homes by Har-| ~ wae cheater an president, while George Turner, | cleans 16, Big Five 15, Moonbeams 15, | rlsons By Jew ane #1) Beige Gleaner j .| Presto 15, Scugog Cleaners 15, Shovid-a-| 10, 'h Supertes' Fi iswor lean. Oshawa, was retained as secre-| iitsto, '% ions Ti and Motor City |ers 9, Ideal Dairy 8, Mackie's Van. and tary-treasurer. Walt Crystal is|cab 10. Storage 8, Pepi's Pizza Palace 7, H. and the new vice-president. | EASTWAY MIXED inter oo Bob Edgar of Oshawa, and) warer vervynck's 616 (232, 223) series | : Tom Krawchuk of Bowman-| was the night's top individual effort and LANDER-STARK CLASSIC 1 dded to the list of paid off in a 5-2 win for Walt's Meade's| Eaicons lost their match to the Eagles rere Races yo we | Sunoco team over Hitt and Miss. 2 to 1, yet managed to retain thelr slim directors that included George| However, Bob Peake's 605 (220, 203)/hoid on first place, thanks to the efforts Brabin, Oshawa, Bob Finckling | "6 Seles Crovene the biggest dividend | lathe, Mustangs and 'Lions, who blanked : | i ' y and "Tex" Drury of Peterbor-|as Central Auto Body garnered a much| Ray George, Harry Blohm and Lou Abraham of Co-|needed seven points over the formidable) petryshyn combined their efforts for the ough and Tom North Oshawa Golf Range __|Mustange as they beat the Jets 3 to 0 bourg. ' ne | Speedy Muffler Kings also made @ bid! The Lions made a team effort pay-off In The Association dinner and {gain as they stymied Gilland 7-0. Oshawa | their shutout win over the Tigers. Pt id Sat {Cleaners toppled Pickwick# 52. VancoS) Hawks edged the Hornets 2 to 1, In a dance will be hel . Facnatid their comfortable league lead with|game featuring geod scores from Bert day, March 19,.in St. John's|s $2 victory over Moring's Garage. Fair-| Wind, Jim Thomson, and George "/Pud" 4 ley Bouckley and George Turner aided | tawrence ' | Hall, corner of Simcoe and Orphans to @ 5-2 win over Yomacs.| Big Eight Ray George 614 (278) Bloor streets, All Oshawa and Mallgs zfriumphed over Nu. Way Prato Herman Prakken 997 (225), Bert Wind j » in. 0 2. Esses nippy onds Clothes 4 to 573 (222), Jim Thoms 570 (204), H. area bowlers are cordially in-)° O.o4 scores were Doug Cole $50 (212), Binhm $60 (20), Sen) Genres arene vited. Tickets may be obtained George Turner S38 (208), Ki Neal. $3464, Ralph O'Reilly $59 (210) and. Lou + Lanes arry Blohen Seorge Reid $19, Ernie | petry-hyn $69 (305) at es Lane ab Gillespie 508, Ron Andrew 506, Bob) 8. dings . Falcons 45, Tigers 43, Jets Come along, an TINZ &/Fioody 506, Sam Larocca 505, Al Young 4. stustangs 3%, Lions 3%, Eagles 37, friend! Pe sng one dag a gear "Hornets 32 and Hawke 25 | or the girls Fairley Bouckley was salespevadioniiiaiein runner up to Marion Peake with $14 BEAT THE HOUSE Carole Collis 499, Anne Bone 485, Mavis The jackpot rose to $75 as Herm Prak- | Taylor 484, Mary Mothersill 477, Hazel ken defeated challenger, Bob Peake 623 McLachlan 474, Doris Vann 474, Joan S awa qua to $31 In the roll offs. Ros¢ 472, Josie Gyurka 471, Jean Law Peake, who had a tremendous 1107/ rence 468, Mary Cole 466, Ada Floody j qualifying round, averaging 202 for five| 457 and Amy Walker 444, games, ran into a series of splits and| Standings -- Vancos 3], Bonds Clothes ac n eam was no match for Herman once "The 23, Speedy Muffler Kings 23, Central Auto House' opened up with a 225 game to|Body 22, North Oshawa Golf Range 22. start the roll-off. Pickwick Cleaners 19, Hitt and Miss 17 Displaying some of the com Oshawa Cleaners 17, Moring's Garage 17,) " » . TUESDAY NITE MEN'S Nu-Way Photo 16, Malis 16 Yomacs woe ask for wl agers \ , 12, Orphans 11, Of the four shutouts registered in the | Meade s Sunoco Service league this week, Peacock'# win over ESse8 9 and Gillands 9. ifirst half of the schedule, Scu Cadillacs and Chow's victory over City og Cleaners five- club to Hall, came as no great surprise GM TEN PIN {808 aner: pin lub took However, Police B's win over Late The surprising Rooks and Flintstones!a most important two-to-one de- Starters and General Aagreaates' white eased 'into a first place tie, In the league |cision from the second-place wash of Thompson Plumbing, were real with 7 to 0 wins over their opposition, |, . es eye openers, As was the 52 win by the|while last week's leaders, Die Room|British Canadian Construction Police A's over powerful Burns Shoes.! Twisters, were losing to Jewell's Men'sientry, in the Willowdale major Corvettes managed to stay in contention' Wear § to 2, too with a 52 verdict over Modern Grill The Rook# humbled Union Reps, while | OOP. . Doug Edwards topped the bowler# on bi ph hp ig teed a tremendous block into The B.C.C. Club took the the night with a 576, followed by Heftm/| the Minute Men's play-off aspirations. Prakken with a 573. Doug Keeler had a Paint Shop took the Ti-Cats 5-2. Dapper jfirst game when the Toronto 545, Bill Bone 569, and Glen Copp 555 Dans won over FaS's also § to 2 while | boys finished strongly to rack Standings -- Peacock Lumber 26, House the Chevelles levelled Caprices by 4 likeli) @ 1361 team score, while sf Chow 24, Corvettes 242, Thompson | Score 2 : » Wi Plurnbing 24, Burns Shoes 23, General, Rolf Rocker and Alex Ross had the the Scugog shooters ran into Agoreaates 2012, Police B's 17, City Halljnight's top scores with a 625 series each. linet enough trouble t se i Te Police A's 14, Modern Grill 13, Late Gary Judd fired a 619, with @ tremendous |2U : sh ee to lose it, Starters 7 and Cadillacs 4 277 single on his card, Tony Lupei $75,jWith a respectable 1270, ne Aine Koop <4, Dea thomaon $37, George) Sel Himes was best for the mm 5, Tom rawchu! : KING TEN 528, Glen Copp 526, Oz Spooner 525, Gerry|OShawa club in the first game The Try Agalns moved In on the lead.) 2) 7 0 eee Wait : ¥ 8 Rae : F » ers, with a 7-0 win over Gillard's, as the alunos 20! i ag RAE Sa | with 300 while Dave Bishop was entire team clicked in their best showing 'nie "Room Twisters 14, Paint Shop 14,(next with 296 followed by Harry| lane Boesch, Tal Ryan, Alice Lanning| Minute Men 14, Dapper Dans 10, Jewell's |Gillard 295. | ' p Men's Wear 10, Ti-Cats 9, Chevelles 7, , , . and Ede Ryan really girtied as they/ cio! «"Catrices 4 and Union Reps 2, Cec Beach was a tower of strength for B.C.C, with 325, pulled within two points of the leading Independants, who squeeked past Should a i abins 43, and but one point back of EASTWAY MEN'S THURS-NITE (Paul Christmas 296 and Secre- A and W's, who dropped a 5-2 verdict to Wilson's Men's Wear® took over sole 5 Vi s : ' Crawlers. possession of first place in the league, | (ary Vic Langley gained an as. "Qs" Sponer led the Big Five to a 5-2\as they scored a 40 win over ideal |Sist with 267, win over Duraclean. Rolf Rocker was Dairy, while last week's leaders, Hou-/| c " * Orphans' best, as they beat Scugogs S/dailles, lost a 3-1 decision to Pepi's and | | The second game was keenly te 2. Moonbeams flickered past Triumphs dropped into second place and a tie with jcontested until the final two ee: Zz er a Wen ced aens te Ontario Motor Sales, who beat Mackie's /frames, when Scugog took over ute Glass 3. Presto an stra Nuts s : y : were involved in @ #4 0 24 bender,| Wilson's shutout win was enly one of tO even things up, winning the with. Prestos on the long end of the five blenkings In the Weague. LA. ou . game, 1219 - 1145. Bob Galla- score surprise rintl; sworth'# topple E * % ;, Hane Boesch was the night's best with | and L.; Scugogs blasted Goch's and Har.|Sher With 264 paced the Osh- m4 Hever Babcock se, Ossie Sponer | risons overwhelmed the high scoring Les}awa attack and was supported $88, yan 551, Jim Zambonelli $45, Eveniss crew. Ben Richmond S37, Rolfe Rocker, S13,| Only Dyett's and €lint's Texaco played| DY Gillard 254, Bishop 253 and Gien Copp £2, Ox Weeks $78, Clarence neighborly aa they divided four points, |Jim Cassells 250. | The third and rubber game The Oshawa and District i 526, John Zedic 519 and Fred Snow ti dors scoring this week saw George 4 Build a better mousetrap jalso went to Scugogs, when Gil- = 0 , Oshawa Skeeters Retain "2," =" iwith 274 and 273 respectively, to pace their club to a solid Lower Lakes League Lead "):°2. 0. sn with 823 (295); Bishop, -- with Oshayra skeet shooters, taking| shoots, in order to hold the slimjalmost perfect trundling was part in the Lower Lakes Skeet) margin separating the two top'right behind with 820 (296): League in Hamilton last Sun-|teams. If this appeal is ac-|Himes 726 (300) and Cassells day, came within two birds of|knowledged, the local scatter | 711(269). taking first spot in their latest! gunners should be able to come' Christmas was best for B.C.C. tournament. out on top in the final shoot. (with 828 (296); Langley took Scoring 242 broken birds out) 'The local gun club fields will|time out from his secretarial of 250, for a five-man competi- he open for practice shooting on|duties to toss in a neat 788 tion, still keeps them in first) March 19, preparatory to meet-|(285) while Beach had 726 (325). place in the league standing] ing for the regular shoot in St.! Scugogs face Fraser Movers with 4514 points. St. Catharines.) Catharines on March 20. entry this week scoring a 243 last Sunday, | ies Re nie - brings them within a point and a half of Oshawa in the league standing. The York Skeet Club took third place in the Sunday tourney with a score of 241. "NORM" FISHER'S Top scorers of the Oshawa five high guns, were Allen Wood and Bill Rudyk _both| Meat Market breaking a fifty-straight. Nel-| son Starr displayed good shoot- ing form with 49, with Doug For Personalized Branton following closely with rervice 47. Wilburt Newlands and Sheridan both scored 46 each j with Newlands' .score being taken for the totai five-man WEEK-END SPECIALS - high gun Other Oshawa scores were ALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Paul Branton, Stan Starr, Don Hubbard and Max Brown each HAMBURG breaking 45 with Louis Sirriz- zotti and Tom Minor following PAT i IE 5 5 LBS. 1.99 with 44 each. Eric Cornish, Harry Ingleton, Herman Sweet- man and Ted Brown broke 41 SHOULDER each, George Weldon broke 30 ¢ and Ted Powell came in with LAMB CHOP LB. 36 With only two more shoots left, in the schedule, every ef- SIRLOIN and 7 c fort should be expended by the WING STEAK LB. Oshawa:shooters to get a good t th cttw biased gi eb aed SWEET PICKLED A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Buy a Beaumont Beaumont Custom Sport Coupe (with Sports Option) Remember When... ? COTTAGE ROLLS . 75° By THE CANADIAN PRESS One of Babe Ruth's much- publicized holdouts ended 36 STORE SLICED tia i Viiec"atte § BREAKFAST BACON. 85° when the Yankee Slugger LB. signed a two-year contract " ae for $160.000 with New York. | Buying a Beaumont is a very, very clever move. Look what you get: (1) New-for-'66 ; | 4 Newspapers made much of BY THE PIECE styling; your Beaumont will stay new looking longer. (J The right dimensions. the 'news that a baseball BOLOGNA 3 bal | 00 Roomy and comfortable inside, slim and parkable outside. (J Luxury. Door-to-door play Flag Soi woe hy e carpeting in most models, along with deep-foam seats, padded dash and visors; eee Of the otesident ot the -- << -- << << =< ean rich, color-keyed upholsteries. (] Power, A frisky. 120-hp thrift six is standard: For United States FREEZER SPECIAL e more frisk choose the bigger 140-hp six, or one of the three V8s at 195, 275 or 360 Sacer: -- ne woe hp. Transmissions to match. A fully-synchronized three-speed is standard, four- ncsossccs e; DEALING YOUR | Hindquarters ib. 57: | speed floor-shift or automatic is available. All this at low, low Beaumont prices. ¥ SE o3ks Be CAR? FEF . | See how we know Beaumont buyers are ingenious? They've discovered a new f | Sides ........ th, 47? theory of relativity. Relative value. Think it over. Then buy Beaumont. A SPIRITED ONE FROM GENERAL MOTORS The Mon To See ls JACK |§|HOGS **"™.. age! No Charge for Cutting, Wrapping ond Freezing HUGHES 1p Fishers Meat Market $) THECLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED ----_H. DICK PONTIAC-BUICK LIMITED at ONTARIO MOTOR 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT. 103 DUNDAS.ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT. SALES 22 Simcoe St. North Phone 723-3732 PHONE 723-4364 PHONE 668-5846 Be Sure to see "The Fugitive' Mondays at 8:00 P.M. -- 'The Red Skeleton Show" Tuesdays at 8:00 P.M, -- and 'Telescope' Thursdays, at 9:30 on Channel 6 = See your local Beaumont-Pontiac-Buick dealer LTD.