Liberal MPP Daid Trih ta. ~~ wee =a TORONTO (CP) -- Premier Robarts crossed the floor of the A 24-hour leased circuit con-| house to the Liberal benches al : 'day to present a scroll necting the cable desk in New . : York with the AP bureau in ing Farquhar Oliver, dean of Saigon vastly improved com- the Ontario legislature, on his a to and from Viet Me n ag house and his ae technical centre,|_, Mt: Oliver, first elected in his | staffed by AP press engineering riding = Srey South in Aa as land? maintenance enacialicte. Scones a ae was created in St. Louis to work| oid twine ac 1] with staff technicians in the field and with newspaper pro- duction executives. The two AP photographers killed in Viet Nam were Bern- jard J. Kolenberg, on leave from 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Merch 5, 1966 THE TIMES HOMF GARDEN GUIDE |900 Million Readers e ; ee | Ce ies ae es a an [oe kc a Tropicai Piant Collection wet AY News Lach Vay ~ Grown For Rese arch NEW YORK (AP) -- Associ- ated Press news reaches more 'jthan 900,000,000 people daily, excellent reservoir. In the home,|ating Vase plant (Aechmea rag OT -- Wes Gallag- if this receptacle is kept filled|ciata). Silver King, with large) rs y: it serves as an ef-| Purpurea, with purple to maroon, In his annual report to Asso- 'oster's Favorite, a very|Cciated Press members, Gallag- variety with glossy |her said that even with 3,000,000 wine-req leaves, Au tbree tave Deres TOVIRS an i pendant spikes of dark-blue| Press wires every 24 hours THE ee oe oe OF By A. R. BUCKLEY : Of Plant Research Institute In the Plant Research Insti-' with water, r tute greenhouses a section is| fective humidifier as well as|and F set-aside for growing a collec-|supplying some water to the | colorful _ te eee elected twice as a UFO mem- ber and seven times as a Lib- eral. He was never defeated in a general election. The scroll signed by Premier Robaris said Mr. Oliver had served the people of Ontario not only as a private 'member but as a cabinet minister and as leader of the opposition. Mr. Oliver was minister of public works in the Hepburn government in 1941 and in the Nixon government in 1943. After the Conservatives came to power in the 1943 general elec- tion he became leader of the op- position. CHEAPER THAN PLOWS EDMONTON (CP)--The pro- vincial department of agricul- ture is urging municipalities to plant windbreaks as permanent snow fences. Officials say many communities spend $100,000 a year on snow clearance and they could cut this in half by planned planting. tion of tropical and subte ant-itself. - § esearch. To copy nature as much as Press | : ggg Bee age of the most shih" you can set these| flowers, which last as long as is difficult to cope with the ever fascinating groups in this collec-| plants into blocks of peat moss| five months although they later increasing flood of news. tion is the bromeliads. A great| or. osmunda fiber fastened by|turn deep rose or purple, Other, "As the world grows more lsmall - mesh wire netting to)species, such as Aechmea ful-;complex and more sophisticated number of these plants come) : c from the rain forests f the| pieces of bark. If the peat or|gens, with green leaves and it develops more problems and under the same conditions asjfiber is kept moist and the/ scarlet flowers, bloom later and'more news," Gallagher said. F 3 many of.the familiar florist-type| leaves filled with water, the will extend the flowering sea- «This explosion of new 5|Hupn Tech hag posal epiphytic orchids. They are|plants will flourish, especially) son. : ; .,,..|places the editor in the same | national Ghk had sree ie found on the trunks andjiif nutrient requirements are The billbergias are Brazilian position as the college president | poen saad previously branches of tall palms and oth-| taken care of by an occasional plants with stiff pineapple-like who must try to compress and | Pphate Sachs biendbt to saual ter trees on which sufficient|weak application of a liquid/leaves and very showy bracts!qesign teaching to produce not tbe niealier ot p stinee ee A n debris has collected to form al fertilizer. When grown in pots beneath each flower which give |only the specialist but the well! men MiIbA since the he suitable substraum. Other bro-|a mixture of equal parts of soil,|the spikes of bloom a most) rounded student as well. . . Civil Sins Dea tana ---- meliads are terrestrial. peat and perlite is preferred.|attractive coloring. Billbergia| Gallagher Neted that AP dor: have been pera gh - aa some of these plants are in-| Among the most popular bro-|amoena has rose bracts and | espondents bnkereo physical | Naw Aer ded eke hae geniously arranged so that they'meliads are the vase plants/blue flowers edged with greet, aongers regularly, Two. Associ-|clated ras aan -- -- form cases or cup-like recep-;(Aechmea), so called because|B. nutans, the nodding billber | Ss ve en os ; ; jated Press photographers lost| wounded t " tacles = collect water. In-/of the very pronounced vase-/gia, has pink, green and blue | their lives in fhe Inst yaar bali here," Gallagher nature this | HOMBESIGN No. 814 Therp very little waste space) this compact house. Yet tic flow is exception- ally The extra large Kitchgas ample table space, is hat to all parts of the housejso to the basement and ep lavatory. Where the servi¢ are available, this latternsuld be located in the basent and the space used for sfge or other purposes. Desigs for frame construc- tion th stone accent, but instrgons for building in in bk veneer are included withie blueprints. By omit- tingle porch on the right handde, the house could be builf! a 50 foot lot Stgard Blueprinis for this DESN No. 814. cost $15.00 for first Set, and $5.00 for jlitional Sets. They are availe in Canada by re- turniail. (Ontario residents musemit 3 per cent Sales Tax Now available at this Newaper Office (or from thaddress below) is our newESIGN BOOK entitled "SWRBAN and COUNTRY HOES designed for CANA- DISS" price $1.00 taxe free. TH EDITION includes. in- fomtion on Cost of Building ant Financing in Canada, Heing Insulation, Construc- tial Details, etc., plus many ouanding new Designs R¢h, one and half storey, sp level, two storey Colo- ni and Duplex Homes. Al- soncluded in this Book are fy details on how to order Beprints. 'THE HOME WORKSHOP BEDROOA BEDROOA BEDROOA 0-1 P71 aga In FINANCIAL PLANNING through MUTUAL FUNDS American Growth Fund Canadian Trusted Income Fund Growth Equity Fund 67 KING ST. E. OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE... 723-8801 "We will be happy to serve you" signed to home care until hos- pital authorities are convinced the change will be beneficial. Mrs. Marion Barter of the Metro Home Care program says before a decision is made, eath case is studied by the attending nhvsician, a nursing co - ordi- nator and a social worker Care is taken to prevent pa- tients being returned to homes} where they may be surrounded by tension and stresses. It is essential that the family have emotional stability and _ intelli- gence enough to carry out the treatment routine, Mrs. Bar- ter says. In an emergency, the family} can summon help by telephone. | Tf necessary, the patient will be} readmitted to hospital promptly. | Home care can keep people | out of hospitals, as well as get- ting them out faster than nor-| mal. Last year in Toronto 238 patients who would normally have been kept in hospital went | 'directly on to home care. | "And the beauty of it is we can accomplish all this without | sacrificing the quality of the care being given the patient," Dr. Pequegnat says. The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario. 0 Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled 'Suburban and Country Homes." Mail requests 10c extra. 'Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times.' Name eececesccccccseose FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE. QUESTION: We just moved) come from the cellar drain. How into our newly built home, be-| to. we stop this? -- St. Joseph, |_ , y 7, i ot a i fore the walls were even paint!' ,nswrr: Evidently the trap| ed. We plan to do the finishing} under the drain is dry and per-| ourselves. How long must We! mits sewer gas to come up. a wait before painting the plas-| couple of buckets of water pour-| ter? ed down the drain, about once a ANSWER: If you plan to use| week, should correct this diffi a rubber base wall paint, two or) culty. three weeks is generally suffi--| : cient before putton on the paint; | INADEQUATE WELL? no sizing or sealing coat is ne-- QUESTION: We have been cessary. If an oil base paint is using the well which supplies all to be used, it is advisable to' our water for about 10 years. || allow at least two months for|For the past fey months, the|! the plaster to dry; with an oil) supply seems to have diminish-| 4 } Fi basepaint, it is necessary to)ed and we don't get the water) wel ee | first apply a coat of primer-| we need at all times. We've had| 4 iif sealer. the water pipes checked and they are in good condition, not SEASON FOR ASPHALT TILE? | clogged anywhere. What do you QUESTION: Our home is built} recommend? Binghampton, on 4 sopeisie sah. : pg ed ut down asphalt tile on the ; Foor of the utility room. Cael ne: Thad thay nd¥®entre unit may be used this be satisfactorily done dur-) ground water level, affecting Representatives: Lee Wally Gales Gales Have you outgrown your present water heater ? big various ways. All these pieces pital. ing the winter? [the quantity of water the well the 31" chest, the 16" end/stay an average of 10 days. ANSWER: Asphalt tile on be| can supply under present gael oi prety cco wy, SAFEGUARDS SET UP lexplained the program to the put down any season of the/ditions resulting in what is f v oR ; } , > cj oun- year. However it is advisable to known as a "weak" well Fre Which is available for SOc. If PB gD ron rsegh nerd Boca fr pape gry tt have the temperature of the ma-|quently, installing a larger ee acne tg of $410," Dr. Pequegnat says. | councilmen stormed out of the terials and the floor not much| to store the water remedies thi . : e "| Home care programs are| meeting. Reaction in the legis-| below 60 degrees in order to| condition because the pump caj'®™ 225 and dining chair Pat- fn "Oat . water gradually! that hold water. There are three| flower spikes and is about the | viet Nain: seeps to the roots and forms an! beautiful varieties of the fascin-| easiest al i BOOST WAR COVERAGE SGRisERS SESE Ds : --__--_------| grow. The iris-flowered billber- APPLY NEW SYSTEMS | * gia (B. iridifolia) has pale-pink ~ Gallagher reported these tech-|Nam were built up, so was the hort Of Hos ital Beds bracts and yellow flowers, and nical advances: _ |AP staff assigned to cover the be E Creation of a new communi-|war. By the end of the year it na), the familiar species seen cations department under' As-|had grown to 30, divided equally = |on flower markets has markings' sistant General Manager Dan between nationals of Viet Nam S urs Home Care Pro ect of white and deep green, rather. De Luce as a planning instru-/and AP men assigned from the p ) in the satellite age and to apply! The staff of writers carry new communications develop-|cameras. Similarly, all AP pho- ate shortage of hospital beds CAROL REALLY ments as rapidly as possible 10 tographers write stories of (ersten Secgate go gras LIKES BARBERS Automatic Wirephoto, a fully| Another problem of coverage eat . d DETROIT (AP) Caro] |automatic photo process, was of the news, Gallagher said, is this new type of hospital pro- introduced and more than 150|the inability to get reporters |gram, : ¢ op , "are: a barber. Canada and Europe signed up worthy areas, The theory behind home care: Carol, 21, is a barber. Her (for it. "In mid - January of 1966, |hospital, bring the hospital to mother is a barber. So are 8 | -------------- ----'President Sukarno ordered the (leeger toe, ts i Penmeat wt an aunt, two uncles and two | gsarisRpURY (AP) -- Rhode-|#8ency offices in Indonesia and i cousins. sians here, pinched by Britain's|\°XPUlsion of our corres- tients received home care and Her grandfathers, both of oi! embargo, are buying car pondents, ... he says this year the number ; : ble ; will jump to 1,800. Carol's sister, Margaret, 20, |old." Harold is British Prime |Staff man into the China main- works in a barber shop and |Minister Wilson, trying to over-|!and. To cover that area, we) ning. The savings in terms of is getting married next month |turn Rhodesia's illegal declara- monitor Chinese broadcasts bed space and dollars have; obtain stories from others able : enal."" : ; » trie violence. ' ' . been phenomenal. PMbyctand gy ali -- ~ to tour the country. A notable ally occupy & hospital ye for "operates e khop Tieht criss BUGS WATCH WEATHER example of the latter was a) ive weeks is ischargec voy hap Dea, Fo ee 0 aneroid barometers made of|Charles Lynch of Canada's g : lliving cells. Southam Newspapers." ; lfering from cancer, heart dis- ee ren ay Bid lease, post-operative surgery and accidental injuries. nurses, physiotherapists and so- cial workers, and they are pro- vided with whatever medical wheel chairs to modified iron lungs. "We bring to the home every- . Lindsay Plans fa \in the hospital," says Dr. Pe- | @ |quegnat. "There's no lowering | Tax Reforms standards." | oy NEW YORK (AP) -- Mayor administered by an independent | John I Blbody under the guidance of the| Thursday night a sweeping tax Ontario Hospital Services Com-|Teform program, including New cade 40 THREE SEPARATE CHESTS/provincial and federal govern- come {aX as oh of a $520,000,-| ci as and a set of shelves that fit the|ments. It costs about $7 a day, " '! ax ane ie nus ned in| compared with $28 a day in hos- | e tax program gned| . | budget. r | When Lindsay, a Republican, of all bromeliads to As American forces in Viet |the zebra billbergia (B. zeb- | ri like those of a zebra ment to explore the potentials | United States and abroad. TORONTO (CP) --A desper- the worldwide system of the AP. | battle action. community in Canada to adopt Greene'sambition is to marry members in the United States. and photographers into news- \Instead -of treating patients in sister, her father, a brother, OIL EMBARGO HURTS closing of American news it works. Last year 1,000 pa- them, were barbers, too. stickers reading "I hate Har-| We are still unable to get a 'And this is only the begin- --io a barber. tion of independence without|from outside the country and| The patient who would norm- #, Many flying insects have tiny|series of 30 articles written by| from home. } days. Included are people suf- They are visited by doctors, appliances they need, from thing the patient would have ram is Le Pesos egelly 9 V. Lindsay announced i mission, with funds provided by| York city's first personal in- It reduces the hospital | to finance a record 4,500,000,000 ' emerging across Canada. They| lature also may be cool. | have the mastic cement spread The core of the tax plan 1s Iiness hospitals, and there are|the income tax, which Lindsay said will raise $385,000,000 an- more readily. WALL CORNERS CRACK QUESTION: We repeatedly have to repair the corners of our upstairs bedrooms. The plaster cracks badly at this point. Is there any way to rein- force this joint so it won't crack the way it does? ANSWER: Evidently the cor- work to store water during of] peak times and build up a sup ply to meet requirements. suggest you consult an exper-|Dept., Oshawa, Ont. enced: plumbing contractor ¢ water systems dealer. Has yor neighborhood grown recently More building means wells to tap the source. ENCLOSING OIL BURNER | QUESTION: I plan to finish tern 224 are also 50c each or all three patterns for $1.75. The Oshawa Times Pattern) programs in hospitals in Well- ington County and Ottawa in On-|nually, It would be graduated it | |nipeg, Regina and Saskatoon. are used in 10 of Toronto's acute} hot water quickly, ario, Montreal, Hull, Que., Win-| from one to five per cent and would be collected by the state Hospital. patients are not as-|as withholding. safely and economically ners of the walls were not rein: off our basement shortly to be forced when the lath was in-| used as a recreation room I Stalled. To correct this, cut) want to enclose the area aroind away a six-inch-wide strip of! our oil burner so that it is cim-| plaster from each side of the| pletely separated from the Pst | corner. Then fasten in place a of the basement. What typé¢ of} metal lath known as corner-| panelling can I use that would | lath; available at most building be fireproof? supplies dealers (if your dealer ANSWER: doesn't stock this, have him cut) with your local 12-inch-wide strips of metal). j Check matetials AN OLD ART that is now fire department popular again is stenciling tin and the building department, In| ¥2"e 8"4 furniture in gold on lath, and bend them at right|many cases. gypsum wallbaard|2, black background. Pattern) angles to fit the corners). Then. is ace te--OF- Cement ashes tere eich gives more.than--8 replaster the corner. No repair tog walthoard Both dew na-|40zen different authentic old less than this thorough tfeat-| terials are carried usually by|Stencil designs, an outline of ment will give a permanent! jymber dealers and building sup-|materials needed and clear cure, plies centres handling all knds begat ge ig elo aot : : sai of wallboard. Be sure t ke|** 8 as MILK STAIN ON CONCRETE provision for aie a diel the for Home Decorators QUESTION: A leaking milk! furnace room: lack of suffitient No, 35--a_ tremendous container left stains on our back' air would prevent your oil burn-|O27Sain for $1. landing of concrete. How can er from functioning properly, The .Oshawa the stains be removed? \Dept., Oshawa ANSWER: Scrub -the area FENCE OR WALL? with a hot solution of washing, QUESTION: My lot has sev-| sunset book, published by Lane soda or trisodium phosphate, us-eral large stone piles which I|Publishing Co.. Menlo Park ing about two pounds to the pail wish to organize into a rustic Calif., (price $1.50) contains a of water (keep solution away fence or wall around certain section with the information you from painted surfaces as it will borders of the lot. Can you sug-|want. Sunset books are avail- soften the paint); then rinse' gest literature on technique andjable at many variety stores thoroughly with clear water. If, tools for building a dry wall? 'bookstores, or from the pub- after scrubbing, the concrete re-- ANSWER: Some books on/lisher. : mains discolored because of the masonry and concrete contain! === Packet Times: Pattern Ont CLEAR-UP YOUR TN. PICTURE . With this EXTRA High Performance TV antenna and be ready for Vivid COLOUR at its best. Have the SSF-10 installed and enjoy Improved SPARK- LING black and white pictures, Replace your old TV antenna, get Better Pictures with a New Super STARFIRE by 'LINDSAY'. . . As a family grows, its need for hot water grows too. Wash loads get bigger, washdays more frequent, siiowers and baths increase, and there are more dishes to wash. If your family's need for hot water has outgrown your present water heater, Hydro can solve your problem-- with a Cascade 40 electric water heater. Cascade 40 is\ flameless, safe and clean. It needs no fide, so it can be installed anywhere in your home. Cascade 40's tank is guaranteed for ten full years. No matter how much hot water you use, you'll save money with Hydro's low rates, So take the sensible step toward solving your hot water problems. Step up to a Cascade 40 electric water heater. fat in milk, cover the area with| sections on building dry stone a thick layer of a paste of pow-| walls; also a number 6f publica- dered whiting and a non-flam-jtions on patios and fences and| mable liquid spot remover, plac-|walls. Fawcett Publishing Co ing a sheet of thin plastic on|Greenwich, Conn., and Popular top to retard evaporation. When Mechanics Press, 200 East On- dry, brush off and repeat the' tario St., Chicago, Ill., have this treatment if necessary type of literature. Their book- lets are frequently available at is ; hardware, newsstands d QUESTION I plan to relay : rie ie a the fireplace brick soon. Are lige ng How 'to Build) Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD, @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec-Treas 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-5281 FIREPLACE BRICK FOR EXC BLACK & TELEVISION ENGINEERED COLOUR ELLENT your hydro C8-6881-8 WHITE RECEPTION any special precautions neces-|¥2!!8, Walks, Patio Floors", a sary? -- Columbus, Ohio, sane ANSWER: Be sure to use only fire brick cement: avail- able masonry supplies dealers: follow directions carefully. The thickness of the joints betweén the bricks should be narrower than the normal space between brickwork. Allow the cement to set for at least 24 hours be- fore building a fire in the fire- place. RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $5.00 PER DAY iti, MILEAGE CHARGE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa ODOR FROM CELLAR DRAIN QUESTION: We have been living in our new house for} about a year. Recently a very} Call ws TODAY for a Free antenna check up and estimate OSH PHONE T.R. TELEVISION Corner of Bond and Division Street SERVICE MADE US FOLEY PIUMBING and HEATING LTD. 319 COLLEGE AVENUE METTE PLUMBING CO. LTD. 23 CELINA: ST. 723-1191 AWA 728-5143 728-9491