Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Mar 1966, p. 5

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m@ |Top Guiders, Brownies Win Proficiency Badges The following Girl Guides and Brownies earned proficiency badges during the month of Feb- ruary. First Company, Diane Ing, skater; Nancy Pollard and Gay Courtice, the Little House} amhiam Second Company, Wilt, Cheryie Siimpoon, 2s Cockburn, home maker). Cher- yle Simpson, Margaret Cock- burn, Daveline Wilt (hostess), Seventh Company, Debbie Mc- Laughlin, Cheryl Edwards, Darlene} poeta Third Company, Linda La- valley, Brenda Lynch, Frances Buckley, (hostess). ee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Merch 5, 1966 §& BEFORE MAGISTRATE \fic to pull over. He said Gerbis, at one point drove along the Driverfined $100 Aiter Two - bhicle Golden Hand and Wings -- First Whitby, Karen Lawson,| Nancy Houston, Second Whitby, | Sheryl Wallis, Jane Atkinson, | Debbie Buaa, Debbie Dunlop, Susan D p. | Second Whitby, Debbie English, | Tawni Nickson. Signallers -- First Whitby, AJAX (Staff) jAn Ajax| man was fined $Ipr 15 days when he was fog guilty, in| rate's son nn mm aed mane -la charge of carl driving.|Miss Lee Garreti, Bast ended for|W i She sustained abrasions and a f 2 Wish-|cracked coccyx. His licence was one year. Jack N. Elliott, bone cres., had tharge of! Rouge. He was fined $50. Barry J. Tingley of Brownfield Gar- dens, pleaded not guilty to the iwrsdav. onicharge which was laid after shoulder for 50. feet narrowly missing guard raus. Gerbis admitted he had made an error in judgment by al- lowing his two-year-old daugh- ter to sit on his lap. Accident CHASE MEN FROM BANK WICKFORD, England (CP)-- Police chased a panel truck through deserted streets here = four men were seen Carry- est Rouge, was sirucx Dec. oad g heavy bags out of a bank late one Sunday. They admitted they had been in the bank all day--doing reconstruction work. e George Harris, West Rouge, id he saw the accused's car Nancy Houston. Thrift -- First|dangerous drivin fithrhawn,|5# The bags contained tools. Whitby, Karen Lawson; Fourth|Both charges res Whitby, Debbie Edey. two-car accident, Knitters First Whitby, | Base Line rd. (hostess); Debbie' McLaughlin; from ai\veer across the road and strike Cheryl Edwards, (cooks). ithe girl. Tingley said his wind- " " the lela was steamed and he was |reaching for a cloth when he CLUB CALENDAR | MONDAY, March 7 Co-Op Credit Union banking night Ist Whitby Scouts Salvation Army Brownies Whitby Baptist Church Explorers St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women Group No. 3 Whitby Curling Club Ladies Karen Lawson. Second Whitby, | Barbara Brandon. Needle woman Whitby, Ivis Young Swimmers -- Second Whitby,| Susan Davies.. Minstrel -- Sec- ond Whitby Susan Davies. | House Orderly--Fourth Whit-| by Elaine King. Seventh Whitby) + Pam Collins, Phyllis Grech, Jeanne Callus. Second Seciion executive meeting Pentecostal Church Women's DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA BOARD MEMBERS School, located on the north side of Taunton rd., a short distance west of Hampton. Seated studying a map of the municipality, showing the distribution of school population, from left, are During the past year members of the Darlington Township School Area Board have given much time atid effort laying plans for the erection of the M. J. Hobbs Senior Elementary Missionary 'Council All Saints Angiican Church Evening Guiid | TUESDAY, March 8 Tester -- Seventh Whitby, | Kelly Stevens, Debbie Roxbor-| ough, | Toymaker -- Seventh Whitby, | | lus. Book Lovers -- Seventh Whit- by Cathy Lee. Constable John yd of the! Pickering Townshipplice De-| partment, said he § the El- liott vehicle, whichad only one headlight, swirinto the opposite lane heforhe colli | sion, Five people w injured in the accident. his li- hree A Toronto man | cence suspended fi months and a fine {$100 or, 15 days was imposed hen he; pleaded guilty to driving. Constable R. Browof the Department, said thivehicle crossed the centrejne of Highway 2 twice. Hepid the paired ! | | Gm | Debbie Roxborough, Jeanne Cal-| Pickering Township jolic e| rt V, ere created To \ BS Individual y Requirements | Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club | Whitby Shrinking Volets TOPS Club | Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Sydney Warden, vice-chair- man; F. W. Werry, chairman and H. Bruce Tink, finance chairman. Other members of development; Harry Oyler, property chairman; M. J. Hobbs, secretary - treasurer and administrator, and H. accused's speech watslurred and his breath smelled) liquor. Constable D. Martinaid the Artist -- Fourth Whitby, Deb bie Edey, Writers R. Moorcroft, supervising principal. Oshawa Times Photo. the board, standing from left, are Herbert Mackie, chairman of planning and |Red Cross work room Salvation Army Cubs 2nd Whitby -- }Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary St. Mark's United Church Seventh Whitby, | Heather Andrus. | PERSONALS accused admitted drinlg three |beers at Peterborough flier in ithe day. | A Pickering Townsh|m.an was found guilty of jreless heard a scream, Six months' suspended sen- tence was imposed on Francis Gerbis, 46, of Brock rd. n., Pick- ering Township, when he plead- ed not guilty to careless driv- ing. Pickering Constable R. Good- | win said he saw the wheels of| the accused's vehicle cross the | centre line twice causing trat-| UNDRY ROOM, ROOM, GARAGE Family Monuments STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hachy |dtiving after his vehiclstruck and Mrs. Ralph Nichols attend-|# Pedestrian on Island % West |ed the funeral of the late Mrs. | 4 Women Unit No. 10 Fifth Cubs and Scouts | Mother's Auxiliary Whitby Brief Details Best Talkers aa Needs Of Education | WHITBY (Staff) Answers| would be able to make provision to three questions submitted to|for the special cases. These the Whitby Public School Board | groups include the visually and by the Ontario County Public perceptually handicapped chil- School Consultative Committee, dren, the mentally disturbed provide a complete picture of'and those with brain damage, educational requirements in the; Senior opportunity class lev- area. Both the town and Town- els could also benefit from this ship of Whitby are included in| consultative specialist program. the brief prepared by the Ad/Specific training could be pro- Hoc Committee of the local vided to enable the slowest pu- board. pils to learn an occupation. Problems of providing educa-| Special services would be tion in the Whitby schools was available for the gifted pupils thé first question dealt with by|as well. the board. A new approach to) fxact description of how this education in the elementary training would be rounded off schools was recommended. This depends on the numbers of stu- program would promote a full\dents to be included in the pro- kindergarten to Grade 13 ap- gram. Specialied help to the proach to education. Two dis- regular classroom teacher or es- tinct levels of education: kinder-|tablishment of special classes garten to Grade 8; and Grade 9 would have to be decided. Oth- to 13 were regarded a8 obsolete. er factors governing the estab- Special services should be in-jlishment of such a program troduced in local schools during |would include levels of ability} | the next five to 10 years. Such'and special aptitudes of the pu- services would affect approxim-|pil. The entire program would ately 2,300 Whithy elementary /also be geared to the rate of in- students and, 1,200 township crease of the entire school sys- children in the event both sys-|tem. tems were amalgamated. Adop-| Through adoption of the spe- tion of a board of education, in-| ja] consultative program other cluding both public school sys-|important provisions would be tems and the 5,000 student sec- possible. Psychological services ondary school. system, would|for testing, diagnosis and re- provide education improve-|.9mmendation of special pro- ments for approximately 10,000 grams to teachers and princi- school children between kinder- pals are direct benefits. Liason garten and Grade 13, at the j All Saints Anglican Church | Afternoon Guild Whitby Chapter Order. of the Eastern Star No. 248 'Speak Out The regular meeting of Al- monds Clover Lane and Hilltop one home economics class, one Parents Teachers' Group was| WEDNESDAY, March 9 library and a double gymtor-|held Wednesday at Clover Lane} Whitby St. John Ambulance ium. : School : : : | Whitby Kinette Club The brief explained in detail Two pupils fro Hi top school, / Unity Club Past Noble Grand a program: now underway to|Paul Power and Dale Fegan,} (Rebekah) provide a library and gymtoria|Presented the public speaking/ THURSDAY, March 10 at each school where the sie|talks they had given in compe-| whithy Baptist Church Cubs warrants such facilities. Five/tition with other schools in the | salvation Army Women's Home libraries, in addition to those|atea. Paul spoke on "Canada"! Teague now planned, are. underway, and Dale on 'California'. | Faith Baptist Church WMS Two gymtoriums replacing in- All members of the executive| Board of Directors Whitby adequate facilities should also|Were returned to office, the) Co-Op Credit Union be planned. The entire program |OMly changes were that Mrs.|gt. John's Anglican Church for libraries and gymasiums Earl Hawes is now recording Parish Helpers should be provided in staged |Secretary and Mrs, Vern Con-|s¢. Mark's United Church progressions, fitting in with ei-;N9r, corresponding Secretary,! Women Unit No. 2 ther renovations to old struc-|aded social Convener is Mrs.| whitby Garden Club structures or new building pro-| William Power : grams when further classrooms, Mrs. one neta class-| FRIDAY, March 11 are required. room won the book money for! Req Cross Senior Citizens' New classrooms for industrial |{"® most parents in attendance.|" goojay Club utes arts, crafts and home econom- Pentecostal Church Young ics are recommended. Such fa-|tion of establishment of a cen- People's Christ Ambassadors cilities would provide replace-|tral film library, especially in Co-Op Credit Union Banking ment for the present annex at/co-operation with other boards| night Colborne Street School. Plans/in the area, was highly recom-) for the provision of these facili-/mended, | SATURDAY, March 12 ties have been ingluded in the! At the present time there are| Salvation Army Guides proposed senior school, approximately two books per| Salvation Army Timbral Included also ia the recom- student in the school libraries.| Brigade mendation for increased facili-|This figure should be increased |S eemmes ties are provisions for admini-|'° he ig a cs gee the | strative and supetvisory person- "€%! five to 10 years. ition- nel. Board bnentibg and pie 0 si age shelving, equipment} BUDGET DRY CLEANING w " renc: c rs ence rooms are also desperately 24 reference books are also re $2.68 for 8 Ibs, NO SELF SERVICE -- Attendonts On Hand required quired. To Operate Machines Four town schools are over 35 PROGRAM EQUIPMENT years old while others were re- The school system is desper-'ported to be even older. These! ately in need of program equip- schools qualify for renovations present time. Increasing student population through addiional with the Mental Health Clinic ment. Present requirements to which should be completed in and other agencies, plus advice!reach minimum standards sug- stages over the next five years \Ivy Rushton, sister of Mrs. | Nichols, The interment was at| Oxford, Nova Scotia. Motoring back they met with an accident. Mrs. Nichols suffered a frac- tured arm and wrist and is in Perth General Hospital, New Brunswick. Order of the EASTERN STA Whitby Chapter 244 DESSERT GAME NIGHT Tues., Mar. 8th 7:45 P.M, MASONIC HALL Cochrane St., Whitby, On| A very enjoyable evening was spent when 70 relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin, 377 Glendale ave., Oshawa at a party and dance given in honor of the forthcoming marriage of |Miss Joan Buttery to Donald | Yeo. The couple was presented with a chair and magaine rack. Later a tasty buffet Junch was enjoyed by all Everyone Welcome -- for benevolent Prizes Proceeds fur. WHITBY /BIBLE\, CHAPEL Ma SUNDAY SERVICES 9:30 AM.--THE LORD'S SUPPER (at 314 Dovedale Dr.) 11;00 AM of Blair Park Plaza) --(at R. A. Hutchison Public School 4 blocks south}! SUNDAY SCHOOL -- Classes for all ages. - and -- FAMILY BIBLE HOUR -- Adult Service Subject: A MESSAGE FROM GOD'S WORD TO YOU Speaker: Mr. Merv Rowan of Bancroft. Frigidaire Coin Laundry Pork Plaza ---- Whitby and assistance to the attend-|cested by the department of; Renovation of heating plants ance officer, would be further pqucation stand at $5,000 of the in four schools should be car- at present. advantages capital expendittre i ried out within three years. ADDITIONAL FACILITIES Considerable audio visual Such action would necessitate SPECIAL SERVICES The brief approved by the equipment is als¥ required, ac-|conversion of five coal burners Consultants are required to wpsp for delivery to. the cording to the brief. nvestiga-jto oil fired furnaces. teach special subjects or divi-|Qc¢pscc outlined a definite pie- i : ies my sions as the need for increased ture of school facilities required and improved educational stan- in the future. Such needs were dards become prevalent. These |»,-arded as highly imppertant in categories include: art, audio keeping the local educational visual, language arts, remedial ig stein: at peak performance: and opportunity classes. Included in the recommenda- Such specialists could enlarge tions was a suggestion for the | the scope of the present oppor- construction of a new 22-room tunity class program. Provision school. This school would be for more specific education and classed as a senio r public training for slow learners would | school. It would contain 16 regu- | be possible. It would be geared jar Grade 7 and 8 classrooms; | to the pupil's individual needs: two senior opportunity class: | The consultative spe: lists rooms, one industrial arts class; | RAE R. JONES REAL ESTATE Sales - Valuations Consultations 668-8841 or 728-6661 residential development would present even greater needs than 8:00 P.M.--YOUNG PEOPLE'S (ot 314 Dovedale Dr.) TUESDAY at 8:00 P.M. | PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY--Acts 7 (os announced each | or | EUROPE IS ONLYA cron hime sys esase | WAVE AWAY ON A | WHITE EMPRESS Cast off to adventure aboard a Canadian Pacific White Empress, largest ships sailing the scenic St. Lawrence route to Europe, En route you can learn the latest dances, see the latest movies, hear the latest jokes. Or you can relax, swim, enjoy gourmet meals, and just get away-from-lt-all. Thereare regular White Empress sallings from Montreal and Quebec starting April 15, Plan now to be on board, It'll be a ball, Call your travel agent or any Canadian Pacific office. And ask about Union Castle sailings from Southampton to South and East Africa. Blair FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET'N REV. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister. SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 A.M, "Faith Tidings' Radio Broadcast 1350 on Your Dial 9:45 A.M, Welcome To Our Family Bible School 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP AND PRAISE PASTOR'S SERMON "FOUR INDISPUTABLE FACTS" 7:00 P.M.--EVENING GOSPEL HOUR PASTOR'S SERMON "TREASURE IN HEAVEN" SPECIAL MUSIC:-- Mrs. Marjorie Deeks of Toronto Guest Soloist At Ap Services PROFESSION AL~-MEN BUSINESS MEN MONTREAL-GREENOCK-LIVERPOOL Tourist Thritt Season fare April 15 and 22, from Ask about 25% reduction for tour groups. Information and reservations: 723-2224, 723-2228 yidian Pacific TRAINS /TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES /HOTELS /TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM '229 WEDNESDAY, EVE. 8:00 P.M. PRAYER, PRAISE and PASTOR'S BIBLE CLASS "'There's Alwoys A Welcome at Faith" WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister; Rev. John McLeod Organist W. &. Summers, A.T.C.M, EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rev. Harold Hesselink For Reservation and Information Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN ironed 104 BROCK ST.S. WHITBY PHONE 668-8867 ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Mrs 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship H 7:00 P.M.--Gospel Service |/Complete Travel Arrangements and Travel Information 9:45 A.M.--Bible. Schoo! Call or See wa 720-- | FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Prayer ond Bible Study 1 OsHAWA----WHITBY--BOWMANVILLE--BROOKLIN |57 King St. East, Oshawa 728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 iTEDCHURCH | Jury & Lovell Travel Agency Rev, J. M. Smith, B.A, B.D | 2 KING ST. E., 623-3361 Mise: tie erie Serer BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Mrs. J. 1 AR.C.T, | 9:45 A.M.--Church School | 11 A.M.-~-"FALSE PROFES- -- | SION" Whitby Pentecostal Church 307 BROCK ST. N WHAT MEANETH 2 P.M, DUTCH SERVICE 7 PLM. ENGLISH SERVICE ACTS 2:12 EVERYONE. HEARTILY WELCOMED ~ WHITBY 9:45 AM--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--PASTOR PREACHING ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St Rev, W. J, S. McClure, B.A. Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH John d Dedication Service) 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Beaton, 11:00 A.M, - SIO Call Now For Complete Trovel Arrangements. ve The Sacroment of Infant Baptism q Lord's Supper" 9:45 A.M.--Juniors, Intermediates, [ Nursery Care and pogiihass 25 KING ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001 TUES. -- 8:00 P.M WED. -- 8:00 P.M -- Young Peoples Bible Max Case - Asst Prayer & Study Junior ng ag 1 AM--N os. Ainalavnt Pastor: Rey Congregation dur SO) eer eantreny Divine Worship Jon King P; Telepho Junior, r Congregation ne 66 8-3091 for information

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