18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Merch 3, 1900 : | ; Turn Your "Don't Wants' Into Doiiars -With Times Action Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 1 8--Articles For Sale 13--Articles For Rent |17---Female Help Wanted c Fagin a es D V | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ByR J. scoml YAMAHA LIFT TRUCK STENOGRAPHER . wise dite, oF Seta SPOPTSCYCL ES 2 Ton Capacity ROOK KEEDED FOR RENT OR LEASE MT MIN I WER: Required for accounting of- Day -- Week -- Month ng aihenwy : : ® ee Y " fice, Must be experienced, IK JERUSALEM -- * hte M. GREENBERG State quolifications, experi- i A F i ae 35 AS Wms wey < @ Rentals AND SONS LTD. -- nt and salary Hr é eran, 10° em: t010 pm 728-7301-2 auitarrian £04 Accountants Barristers Instruction Rug-Upholstery Service ut fourm FO i a pPos 723-8711 ENTERTAINING -- Filly to one hundred ostinve Ne ie ills streetcars reine eee: ced SIONS OF 4 " people? shawa Tennis vb for ban- BELOITTED PLENDER, HASKINS and\JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor.) pRivaATE ACCORDION LESSONS. Grad- 3 Z s ; 4 malo ts, ties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, Let as peel oy G. A.|Money to loan. Si M44 King Street led teaching. Trial course includes loaned @ NOW OPEN e dhe tal ae , . 'RO - DON SPORTS Parking. 723-2140 mornings a so Rishi, CA, RIA, B. R. Waters, CA, Osh-/East, Oshawa, 728-8737. babel aah Ain clndld mid Serving Oshawa, Bowmanville down Know ae p SE TAUNTON RD. E CHAIRS, card and banquel fables, church JUNIOR 'awa Shopping Centre, 728-7527. Reet idi Tred TUITION in Latin, French or Mathe- ond area. WHERE Hf BEGINS AKD WHERE zi Sage aisje runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Certified G sat Bui ing Trades matics by J. C. Luck, BA. 668-3866. DARLINGTON iar ever oe on Gust East of 5 Points) Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2424, CLERK ccountant, 206W, Oshawa " ENGINEERING or high school training : ' _ . i cat r AEG ning Centre, 725-9983. Bt tclna Na selbewen wht coll, Frat UPHOLSTERY : Discover the swinging world of 114 Business. Opportunities| Bonstanstaeesneem tres] WINTER RATES |fsisi tena exact ©) 102 king w. tommonvit em é YAMAHA ation Complete ee :. 6 a 623- ed . : f South, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. saan , IN For telephone and general hana ENE OTE : 21 trp EXCEPTIONAL office duties. Apply een e eres), Mach vet enter Serieg sar tas al ae : | -M. GREENBERG OPPORTUNITY 273 Simcoe South fant, 7 CELLARS CLEA tras! removed, 8 : z For 2 ambitious "dodressive aK fe Lo tnt i ; FISH ARE, "age garess RiBARY ROBMAR, Chariered Asso: @ BATHROOMS ila iaseal Bcc Agua at HELD BEFORE ae oo Ae New & Used men between 25 and 40 wish- ment Ansty Osta coe? Paap vee aor at Prince Strat, arn & Oshawa) @ KITCHENS, ETC CLEAN YOUR BACKYARD and base APPLIANCE LARGE AUDIENCES en ' Angles -- Boones, ing to improve their present |coe South. tarlo. Telephone 723-1221. si , : f INTHE FAR EAST. , : latbars -- Chi : HOUSEKEEPER jo take care ol two HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO.,Charter: ALL. TRADES pow, Nie nas aatlaes . REPAIRS Cs FORTUNES ARE WOM "Mage . i eee -- children in home, Yor aeererteatcy ae ng Accountants, Financial Trade Build CO-ORDINATED --nerinnnntonnnennnnemememeenremecenomems | Expert repairs to. all makes oe = i Square tubing -- Pipe Phone 728-9434 month, Reply Box MI17105 Oshawa Times. Ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, Or Money To Loon of washers, dryers, ronges, HOW MAKY 9 Pr - -- - -------- ; i ee 'hae 2 te PROMISING «ski resort needs capital) EXPERIENCED waitress, full time, day tario, 725-3509; S. T. Hopkins, CA; H. E R - IMDIVIDUALS MAY, Contact . reso , or night shift. Sal Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. REMODELLE S 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5000 308 Bloor E., 728-7301-2 for future expansion. -Modern facilities, y Pg shift. Salary $50 clear per week. r7) 5 SNOW CRUISER, i965. G condition, | available now for skiers or partners, 14|Pnone 668-2069. Chartered Accountants, Licensed | Trus- 723-0966 vee ea, ie ver. Se ene ALCAN ; OF MALABAR best offer. Bowmanville 625-0478, terested write Box. 16225, Osh aw | o---- aT Re Eee ene tees in Bankruptcy, 52/4 Simcoe Stree Purpose providing you are steadily em- 3,000,000. DEIFIED SNAKES BECAUSE | Times. 18 Male Help Wanted we, TMT. : ' ; ae hives tes of shaarcn 5 WALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND CO., se e Me FURNITURE and APPLIANCES -- REPS 3-5 [plastic laminating machine. Apply 14/2|for sale: '5? GMC truck and aluminum Chartered Accountants, pitt ag Hall.) & si Mortgages 452 Simcoe S. ~~ Oshawa (0 King Features Dymo, tn TWh, Works sighs seer, Bond Street East, Apt. 2, or call 723-8485 |/adders. Cash. Will consider trade for G 0 H $60.00. Apply at 910 Donevan Crescent, WAYSIDE snack bar and service sta- | : | whi | lease, ful 4 HOME MORTGAGE Before You Buy A 3--Sportsman's Column |8--Articles for Sale | Whitby. ae [es for ease, fully equipped and stock TO THE tors, etc., 114 King Street New, used. Bauer; Hockey equipment ee i Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, st - 1h tas +, 798-4401 PPL ae equipped, Inen, china etc. Lease con- S * M Readers ev. Kelly, ac] IMPROVEMENTS LOANS HEINTZMAN Valley Creek, 16 Bond West, 728 ANTIQUE APPLES cintosh, "Spy, Delicious, pon! eee Torenty 401-0799. ervice anager 6--. i i containers. Algoma Orchards, Thickson| g well equipped garage with & Company Ltd Marine Equipment SHOW z. SALE Road North, Whitby |gasoline pumps. Doing excellent turn " BUY NOW and save. "Starcraft" NO. 1 NAD NO. 2 Ontario potatoes. Free "- lei tor, a = a pe Ee RC eer 'i ag = $ ; i, . partnership. Purchase price includes ga Tak Ofa bons 5 yet REPAIRS and second mortgages, Open TELEPHONE 728-2921 "", "Traveler" boats. "Evinrude delivery. Telephone 728-1306 or 723-0615. |rage, 45 x 40, all equipment and Sroun| @ Cloims clerk Brooklin 655-3641 + t rT 5 id mortgages | washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call . 2¥a Ibs. - 4 Ibs., 40c. per Ib. Capons SSc, |terms. For particulars call 728-5013. W. 0.) @ Ge I} ist Servi YCHYN, and HILL- mortgages, secon washei ranges, Free estimates. Call | - ; Hy |: nerally assis rvice oe Solicitors, 362 King 728 2061 and agreements for sale pur | 728-1742 or 723-00 ie ome 1%6-FOOT CABIN CRUISER; 40 H.P Motor Hotel per Ib. Call collect 987-4353 Martin Realtor. Sar un mahoger in his. duties n - chosed BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can-|noe tent Complete $1200. f ' QC; G. $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, vas awnings. Complete service, free esti- og ha ad bowtie ile Broly 2 Kennedy Rd. and Hwy. 401 P.E.!. potatoes, 10-25-75 Ibs. weekly. Egqx| 15-----Employment Wanted 725-1177; Residence reas. Wilt il Ate nha taba vs 196s EVINRUDE selectric shift 40 HP awa, Whitby, Alax, 655-4983 LAGY. Wants 40 20 housework by the day.| to meet with the public is @ : ¥ 5 l. a J S$ 2 2 vit h ' enerator, ectric start, -- % 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5 26% King St. East Septic Service with long shaft, generator, electri MARCH 10 and 11 necessity. sre et dah. ee ees SEPTIC TAN = =| trol hi f run i Stil fi ACDONALD, BA, LLB, SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service |'rols. Only 40 hours of running time. ts bondabie, holds medailion and one ja Mechanical knowl * Sorel ant! talichar 'and Notary Pub- 723-4697 on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut street |under warranty. 723-6125 oe 11 A.M. 10 P.M. th FIT AIG 48 vee Soe ieee hanica wledge, book: > a ee an d Bart. ea wn transportation, Write Box 1449 t West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking] Looking for a price } --Swap and Barter own transportation, Write Box 14492 Osh-| set. available. 725-4716 or 725-4717 9 : | Surveyors SAeaERNCK RAGA Gh Admission 75ce Local farmer to plow, harrow, | awa Times isters, Solicitors, Notaries, 4 isi tubs, pi fit H. Chinn. -- take care of one or two children in her ualifications, ee bpbdacs ree Bullding, $ Simco®| rooms ree-rooms, Mortgage Loans 1) Octatie tice eres. ive: printa, emery tite Piping Stings. Hy Chinn Se eTAURANT YABLEE bad chain, gooa| acres with his own equipment, . |home Location East ena of city. 728-5567.) * ; residences: G. K H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| NEW IN OSHAWA -- White Eina Sewing |rant. Apply 5 Bloor Street East Lawn Memorial Park. J ot lg 72% Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone|Cenire, 38 Bond West. 725-7181. Special , anytime Xs Apply 18 Bruce Street) or call Jack Whitemon: Ser- Ci 773-4768} og Victor, 905-7115. ins accepted, 725.7181 ldustrial loader. Telephone 668-2100. | } = --______________.| vice Maneger, Ss arran a ; -- --_-- estes ema acne c 7 1 2 | Mortgage: a PHELAN 75% OF VALUE TV--Radio Repairs FRIGIDAIRE 40" electric range, warm-|DEAD ana crippled farm stock picked) 17--Female Help Wanted e : be Ata tonic relies [ite over "| Telephi lect Hampt -2721, igs Classified Rates Construction Co. CALL r Sis Su tnatle cian, ier Clack: Gonder Ege eee Meee ROBSON Cash -- | insertion of 24 words, $1.08; 728-1653 |SLibe PROJECTOR 'for sale, with re|OAT STRAW for sale, 4 cents bale. MATURE MOTORS LTD. additional words, 414¢. each; 3 con- 668 6032 - jmote control, screen and six trays. All| siti ce Sonesta ee i 166 Ki St. E 1 t f 24 words, $2.88; ss jin perfect condition, Reasonable. Teie- past getty > mga ng St. E., Bowmanville ares ane G |phone 725-3757 |11--Pets and Livestock YOUNG LADY etc i at a ic A TERMITE CoLony z a ; } Rainbow Rest: it FRIEDLANDER AND O., FREE ESTIMATES reasonable rate of interest to consolidate) @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE e CONTAIN Yan \h y) aN T-bar etc.; 20 miles north-west. Shares aateeren, Whitby, , 728-737) : ployed and have good credit. Telephone 4 * 1958 PONTIAC, A-1 condition; i104 model ' See ist ue North, Oshawa, 728 Sponsoring Member of H.O.P.E. 1527031, of OAR TEAR OF Polaroid camera; Viking floor mede| TV;|SMALL prosperous handiman's business ° East, Oshawa, 725-6599; Willlam ¢. Hall Telephone 723-0011 [tl 2 p.m. Atter 3 pim., call e68206",|late 'model car. Selling Yor health. ree: ASSISTANT Ht ; d Y gons. Ajax, 942-56} Gram ieMillan, CA __| NELLIS' $$ |REFRIGERATOR in good condition. | -"s_Al@%-_ 942-5616 re ea Ealick. ; Nh of Hill Td i ore - aig Mage Mg oa og ap Piano or Organ, See SKATE EXCHANGE -- SHARPENING: |\9--Market Basket LARGE INCOME HOME fully rented and Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB; Courtland, $1.25 per bushel up. Bring ow and GENERAL Moneys available for first 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshowa over, showing high profits, {deal for @ Service advisor Evening appointment. Dial 723-1661 mortgages, No bonus. First |GiapanTeeD REPAIRS jo all WithetiGiain an ee Canadiana CLEMENT Poulfry, Roasting Chickens,|house, extra lot. Asking $32,500 with MAN, B : Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey, Evinrude electric start; heavy duty Tee i CAN SUPPLY you with JOnterlo er LS: J. ©. vumetveys. BA. 11.08, Omics E enings 723-8987 M. F. SWARTZ mates. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993. Toronto at attractive prices. Free delivery, Osh Good handwriting and ability mortgage funds available. Oshawa, Ontario, push-button gear shift. Complete with con 10--Farmer's Column GENTLEMAN -- early forties, biling lic; The Commercial Building, 286 'King West, Whitby, 668-2563, WANTED seeks position of trust, Oshawa area, has| keeping ond typing is an os- EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and Remodelling kitchens, bath- | DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario|Sinks; sump pumps, pressure systems, disc, rake and grass seed 4 .|YOUNG MOTHER with one will] Salary open, depending on 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632 ¥ "while PPO Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K | jfor rec-room or bar. Southend Restau this spring. Apply Mount WILL CARE for child in my home while] For appointment please write 8554; h, -- | } Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G.. L. Murdocl CALL 725-6881 Zig-Zag Portable, complete $69.50. Trade-| DAVID BROWN tractor. Heavy duty In-| 723-2633 anytime. 8 Articles for Sale jing oven, storage drawer, deepwell cook-|¥P Promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. WORD ADS a g e dition. Call 723-7047, tional words 12¢. each, 6 con- aati Fea Gores," ssh8t: GUARANTY TRUST ECONOMY AND ase Big savings on Skating Out- |35" ELECTRIC RANGE -- very good| ; 5 : 7 95 6 40 f th ti | words 21¢, each, $ : adit : | APPALOOSA STALLION at stud; chest- " fo] yeors Of age, wi ee 5 33 oe eee Compony ef Canada DELUXE fits for the whole family dur- condition, 'sutomatic. Reasonable, Apply! i. with white blanket, four white stock excellent sales record. Also 6 3 96 Charge--10 Ber cont ol eta: charge MARCH SPECIALS 32 King St.-E., Priced to suit your budget ing our Big Fall Sale lees Ge SECIS SRG oe nes, wete blaze. Telephone Hampton own cor. Method ef Counting -- Less than 24) Save up to 15% during Feb- Oshawa, Ontario TERMS ARRANGED from $7.25 pr. or T2095. thes oneal se wi SEY RANCH KERNELS. Semen : ee in on worar equnts os 24 word gach word!| March' on Rec' Rooms, Kitz | ------------ -- OSHAWA TV UNS -- Sought, Sas, ase raiad|Palonies, Pino tor ones kenses| © Go0d commissions, ete. THE ee ee eae cee) Ce, Bat Ran Foote, FIRST and SECOND 303 RIFLE 726973) o on SgAUTIFUL aby bos - Apply in person only two. words. Walls, Ceiling Tiles and all BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for i, Gensral Repelcs MORTGAGES SUPPLY LIMITED 7 yond |LYPEWRITER, portable, $30.7 Standard,|training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T. 149 BROCK NORTH BELL TELEPHONE Known for its accuracy $35. Electric adding machine, $40. Elec-|Broad, 114 Elgin East. c 8 ' -- All Classes -- TAUNTON RD. E. liability, this i gun tric typewriter, electric cash register, $85. |= SMTA BT PRION eae WHITBY Bee resices "McKOY 725-8567 os Cie isa. Vacation os ae 'R i Hadcnrald tugged 9 193 Ata POMERANIAN CHOW CHOW and both COMPANY $2.00 per wwartion with 25 gents pi ity, Rural, t ust East o itson will deliver years of satis- GUARANTEED "Sued woinne a females, 9 months old, registered. Apply at 1 p.m. any doy except tional charges if not paid within ys tir used wringer ers,|Oshawa Aquarium 299 Simcoe South or . ° SUMMERLAND 723 813] factory shooting rs ' ; c television, refrigerator etc. $34.50 and UP.|telephone 725-4585 Wednesda requires includes grading and-fill, two-year guar id ea n 1 me ™ y IN MEMORIAMS shee. Tertana Pavine. josanit SECURITIES LIMITED $24.95 OOS beat TOT rennet: ©? Silt ieTRALIAN RELPIN ale Coll MI. $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc oa sepinteresivinneesitan, waa -- coe South, 723-0011 each thereafter pius 12c. per line of [ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS --| 112 Simcoe St. N.--725 3568 jiature Shepherd (spayed), and Labrador a d n rd | TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-ft.| puppies, $20. and $50, delivered. Port verse; 25¢. additional! charge if mot|roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire. EES ERTIRSES ER PONG as Bes 'gt C - j , 4 , Po win paid within 8 days. places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby|/PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower|Perry 985-2645 CLASS "A i feeges. Mortoace: a Jincluded, single all-channel antenna com anaes a cag cored bari, "| mortgages. Mortoages, and' seree-| HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED pistes HONG, tax tated enna, <2 |SRIFISH BULLDOG" -- pareiree male tA CARPENTER! Rec. rooms ailterations.| Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar. All nylon construction, full one year, $50. See all towers at TRIO| 900d with children, about 1% years old LICENSED $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc "Don" ns ion,| Telephone 725-1380 Sach thereafter. with 2Se. edditional Bae bat tee: Phone collect "Don" | risters".) TV TOWERS depth traction tread. A brand Television, corner Bond and Division, ER I % SES 728-5143-4, GERMAN § PHERD. raclaiarad.. Bue. . ' tharge If not pald within § days. | SPENTRY, Ramodslig ond Rasaly | PRIVATE. AND CORPORATE mone tor| ARE THE BEST new winter tire priced almost |e Gawirume a -roomehew Quality Pies black MMRERD registered PuP-] For general clerical duties, MECHANIC COMING EVENTS Free estimates, Telephone Tony after|?!! mortgages. Mortgages and agree as low as a retread. furniture, only $299, inc. complete bed-|!ent show stock, West Hill. Telephone) good typist, shorthand re- : must have ents of. sal chased. Creighton, : : | 282-733) , $2.10 per inch (display); $1.50 for the;5 Pm. 728-315) BrIneh. dhirdork nant victor Pr ede fi WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! i7 56 jroom, living room, kitchen ensembles, | 282-733). - eh i -| quired, some bookkeeping first 20 werds and Se. each thereafter risters",) rom . up Pay only $3. weekly, Unbeatable value! MINIATURE Scotch collie pups (Shel- (Word Ads). : roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire-| - - Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S.|ties), Wonderful pets. Telephone tind-| experience helpful. Position places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby; FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avaiil- s a COMBINATION oil and gas, white kit-|58Y 324-3095 offers voriety and excellent Car & Truck AUCTION SALES 668-2774 able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock IN| N chen range, good condition, apartment| BRITTANY SHEPHERD regisiered pups, $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, el CARPENTRY, brick and block work, | sifeet North. 668-3338 TELEVISION size. Telephone 723-1410 orange and white, 7 weeks old--excellent| Opportunity for advancement, Ex erience Zi | Brads & aie phon as DEADLINES Free estimates, Phone 668-8014 |FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale Corner Bond and Division ashlee bd ATA witty >hvgraulle hunting stock. Telephone 725-9615. Permanent--5 day week, Pp -- Sand repairs. siucco,|49reement? purchased and sold. Hennick Shei ieee? Be Hyorauiic | front en : WORD ADS Dastiie Corecneti totems moailana Mencick, Barristers "31 king: sires! 728-5143 TIRE STORE |blade; M49 shield bantam truck mounted|12----Articles Wanted Aoaly 4 knowledge of fone AES previous rn i gg gag Re SE aaa Riesett Arce |BULLDOZING & WELDING 728-4717 cee ee aaa 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH |Telephone Orono 200. 66R ' Lost AND FOUND : ats : : sue : > gee ussett Avenue Dam. DAY OF PUBLICATION ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. Musical Services eee erates c RADIO TELEPHONE 725-6511 [REFRIGERATOR -- 7 HP cooling. saulp- WANTE : EQUIPMENT Sikri AND DEATHS ere eearinens Set ett PU SMALL DAWEH SAND avallebe, oer 24 HOUR SERVICE eee Algoma Orchards, Thickson Road, 655: Baby Grand Piano pean DAY OF PUBLICATION ia wea -----|lenced. Reliable. Reasonable. Phone |4961 also preferable om. Dentistry Ted Taylor, Alax 942-1663 ea MOTORCYCLES |ED - CHESTERFIELD complete aot; ~ Church cerenan vie TYPIST . CLERK AGE LIMIT 35 2LASSIFIED DISPLAY CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN ve ; 195. UP |cedar chest, dehumidifier, all in new e in_ excellent condition. f vious; 2 ek veg AAR » ,oentel Optometrist $195. U |condition, TV towers, $80. up. 723-7521.| Faith Baptist Church -- 421 : 1 colurnmn--4 p.m. day previous; 2 eol-| surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa.|--P 4 188 F | Whi Please Apply in Person umns or latger--10 a.m. day previous.|For appointment, 728-517) F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe ELECTRONICS 25 used: Hondos, Suzukis, - | 188 Farewell Ave. : Brock St. N., Whitby -- For general office work and Pply -------- == | Street North, Suite & Oshawa, Telephone Yamahas, Bridgestones, Duc- |COMBINATION TV, radio and record| 668-2508. local industry, Must be ac- LAT! ; CALE ALONE ay Dressmaking 723-4191. . : cate, etc, Repairs all makes. lErestion orn. PPI Te. Donic', "HUMAN HAIR"=e--minimeala7 In| curate. Good working condi- EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, |p. tca: - 6. f prompt service Parts. Accessories - length. Cash or credit at shop. Heidi's tions. 5 day week. Welfare H Any advertisement cancelled before hens abs tirapes Fitting s|Painting and Decorating Call DA SHOP | TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, desks,| Modern Hair Styling, 367 Wilson Road, $ benefits. linediats amoley. 64 King e lieation wil / ' yeh PS F HON | chairs, Terms. We buy, sell, rent, service, | (win 1 - e@ employ publication will be charged one day's|speciaity. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 Whitb --668 5679 ; ltrade. New, used. Bill Hamilton, Reolan'| indsor Plaza) 723-563 nant insertion, DRESSMAKING = sults, dresses, e? y 199 King W | Bile 'one (SMALL used culboard fnelore =o cash : Mon, - Fri. BOX NUMBER RENTAL--SO Minor alterations, Telephone 773-8697. PAINTING AND SHR ie GARR 8 - ONE WOMAN'S RED COAT. Worn only|Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West --50¢ 234 ieee 2 , While every endeavor will be mode|EXPERIENCED dressmaker: ladies' DECORATING to forward replies to box numbers to|wear, girls' wear and alterations. Tele INTERIOR and EXTERIOR the advertisers as soon es possible,|Phone 723-1729 Divers Double Strength Vanilla and 50 pepper a, CccePt_no liability in respect of ALTERATIONS, pants cuffing, zippers,| Broadioom, Custom Draperies or more Information see your Watkins BOX 16821 t F loss or do alleged t+ " S TY. Se Anyt iste 1 through either | Giure oF delay in for, |mending. Agent for North American FREE ESTIMATES rvice Anytime ELECTRIC MOTOR Distributor at 231 Mary Street, any eve FITTERS wail GUen hein WO ca | ae : : DODD and SOUTER 7 RLO Rapdir and Exchanue ning RENTALS OSHAWA TIMES whether by neclicence or otherwise, |e 14.5 FOOT MASON wood lapstrake with The Times will not be responsible for ss 68-5842 OSHAWA APPLIANCE | covertibie too, Mt He evince miler! OF ALL KINDS Se Two fitters required, Must be ay " ' ' ere replies uncalled for in 20 days. etme TELEVISION 186 Simcoe §$ 728-7535 many accessories, 2 years old. Must sell nessa asides complete. Motor and boat just over- ble to do layout werk. Ne REGULATIONS a 11| PAINTING"and 728-5143 Palace Wearreaier has weet lonet otter. tment ee NH SANDING MACHINES WAITRESSES : : The Oshawo Times will not be re GARDEN TIME DECORATING - - - Polaris Showmobile. After 6 evenings : ; Oscillating sanders, disc sand- others need apply. Steady jot» >wmobi ' pe as sponsible for errors in advertisements Telephone 728-6772 TWO SNOW TIRES, 5.00, 5.20 x 14, cheap. ers, belt sanders, floor sand- for right men. sages earame tines PARTS twice, $20. Telephone 725-5270 Oshawa, 728-4401 Write stating full qualitica- 9.12 sn Toe WINT M de $50. CASH to churches, schools, clubs, or Sage ET RT ase Te ---------|_ tions to: -- gre gv For Washers, Stoves and any organization. Sell 50 botties Watkins| 13---Articles for Rent ree submitted otherwise than in writing not BEGONIA BULBS Interior, exterior, Reasonable FAST T.V. SERVICE FOR YOUR WATKINS (quality) products| Telephone 723-7773 after Spm. on required Br feeathan, ara lnmirtien 'bi coe 4 atec Ail we Telephone 728-2383 any time. BED-CHESTERFIELD and chair. beige, ' me advertisement nor beyond the price GLOXINIA BULBS cies work guaranteed Service Call only $2.50 CUSTOM MADE furniture -- Coffee tab.|@!so chrome table with six chairs, Call PLUMBER'S TOOLS 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. ANDREW ANTENNA 46 charge for a single insertion in which FLOWER SEEDS Free estimates les, night tables, chests, rec-room bars}after 6 p.m., 725-53 Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise error occurs. VEGETABLE SEEDS M. Loople & Son DOMINION 723-5862 WEDDING DRESS, beige spring coat,| tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe 4PM t 1] P.M co. LTD The Oshawa Times reserves the right POTTING eh 668-2418 TELEVISION FLOOR COVERING clear-ouls. Thou- bridesmaid's dress, moss green, all size cutters, pipe threading dies, . . Oo . . to classify | edvertising according to 'ear toe . sands of yard# of discontinued patterns 18 tall, For particulars telephone 728-8043, toilet auger Full or part time WHITBY, ONT, its proper classification, frpm 29¢ per foot. Wilson Furniture, WOOD'S FREEZER, 17 cu. ft., $85. Vi phe NO-DAMP PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, Decorat-| 728-5154 9 a.m. 'to 9 p.m. | Church 'Street | good condition, Alax 942-0615 after 5 pnt PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Phone Mr. Mayall, 668-3348 : ing. Do it now! Free estimates. Cal é | ' y' In the cotes of display advertisements DORMANT SPRAY Schmidt, 7259872 my ne All work guaranteed USED AUTO PARTS -- Anything. Chos:|KITCHEN TABLE and four chairs, din.| Stepladders, aluminum _ ex- GENOSHA HOTEL : The Times will not be hela respon- } Vv 0 Wreckers, ! St inaro f \ S d r The "Times will not 'be hela 'respon WAVE your inierioy "painting "done kavich Auto Wreckers, 6 miles ea! aroom table, one' pair double 'width| tension ladders, ladder jacks, now fe | | Oshawa, No. 2 Hwy. 725-492 '5. P 3 8 Se dculecca lishers endecer testes | FERTILIZERS' -- [Free estimates, aii work. guaranteed.| OSHAWA AND WHITBY. {202% el ae eid, 725-9230, eT *80 Pim and week) steel scaffolding, compres- | HOUSEKEEPER for Whitby area to look NEW and USED fishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- 728-9876. Lioyd Simpson: Painting and REPAIRS to all Coleman Products Fish si Oe Il r after children and home. No cha k vertising matter correctly, but assume CLL jhe Decorating. N IGHT SERVICE ing rods and reels. Sportsman's Corner,|BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture te Aer a Must be of gentle and mature ditsawaltion: CAR no liability of advertisement if ony ea EXPERIENCED painter and decoral 103. Byron S., Whitby (block west of |and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 218] Steamers, tarpaulins, blow Will be made to feel as one of the family. ineccuracies in any form are contained GOLFGREEN b er and decorator Four Corners.) Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481 torches, propane torches. Own quarters with radio and T 3 ps Free estimates. Telephone 773-5956 725-8541 or 668-5830 -- -- b POOP 4 J ° Ys en erein. EVERGREEN Piao OIL PAINTINGS--Landscapes, portraits.| PIANO WITH BENCH, a-Inch console, WELDING EQUIPMENT ployers are professional people. Write SALESMEN S : ; IT'S EASY TO PLACE A SO-GREEN Plumbing and Heating figure work, custom picture framing.| ys al few ti ; . Box §74 Scarboro P.O. Scarboro, Ont EEN ' Clark Studio. Telephone 668-4497, 325|tiee gape, Soa teog ey Value $8007 sacr! Acetylene welding outfits, TIMES ACTION WANT AD GARDEN SO-GREEN : |fice $525. 723 BEFORE YOU BUY aive us « try Gas PART-TIME help wanted for dusting of NEEDED NOW h, Whitby - ------ " Brock North, Whitby |VIKING NORDIC, sleciric range, 307,| 209 amp. electric welders, fices. Telephone 728-5758 or apply 124 On- FOR OPENING OF ge og eh -alig Cooper-Smith Co, [Reming thine Saxon tans Kilinabece) RADIO & TELEVISION |SUY AND SELL -- Good used, turitire|tuiy automatic, 'removable oven' sides] BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT __|farle Street afler 6pm. MODERN OSHAWA - eating Phone 723-9079 ® spamconaae ae n ianc ne location y Vand diner.) Gad ! Tel . é dine oasis 723-3492 Pp : aL yPES oh rapae and Feeding Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. | Headphone TiBaiss, Kt Mew Tele ee rag Healy PaOAy sali tiocs bee Vaan cin tae SHOWROOM o' airs and remodelling, : . -- --------_- trowels, whee rrows, elec- - = A N new and used t is R i FULLER BRUSH Products. Specials of-|/ELECFRIC R rae S , 4 ness. Easy sales, tremendous profits. Un- ; 16 CELINA ST rates. Estimates free. 720s) oben TV SERVICE fered now. Telephone daylimes 723-0444; |auiy. gers (RANGE, immer paises te| the, virator, alr comioiessor, lnmtchet quality ed cries Ge ae oe Fer Bhan ba wong aah INDEX TO 723-1139 --- 723-2312 [ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup. DAY OR EVENING avenings 668-6583 : |dition. Telephone after 6, 728-9379 jock hammers, hand trowels, jmore. Write now for free titerature and RA non Mm) CLASSIFICATIONS es. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H 728-5286 TV. TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower | PiANOS -- New, by Willis. Established water pumps, portable heat- By Mantreat Nonie, Paley cauie bieacat 623-2534 y i ---------| Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engi . siveture ait-channel | antenna | installed,|1g71, $550.00 up. Guaranteed tuned, de-| ers, steel scaffolding, electric ; ~Sdietasicclitaaabes ate Les MacDonald or 1--Women's Column TREE TO TRIM? Cali Sim. Or I'j! cut|Meering, 255 Simcoe Street South $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton! iivered. Reconditioned pianos, $150.00 up . EXPERIENCED waitress needed. Apply 2--Persona! them down, Free estimates. 725-5118 or 3--Spertsman's Column 778-0610 a pas OSHAWA Road East, just east of Ritson Road [Reliable Piano, 2924 Danforth Avenve,| Generator, ramset, power roll- | cojonial Restaurant, 10 Bond Street West Stu_ Macintosh 5----Trailers 8-0610," a Rug-Upholstery Service ELECTRON ICS DEW WORMS -- minnows. Best quality,|near Shopper's World, 699-1654 ers, electric hammers, mason- | @uyaciFieD HAIRDRESSER" arhen MacDONALD FORD 6--Marine Equipment . Instruction 728-3222 'or 723-7112, Oshawa Live Balt! in perfect condition, $25. 723-1411. mortar mixers, mortar boxes, {Heidi's Modern Hairstyling, 367 Wilson! _ 9--Morket Basket Telephone 725-0500 plane, 10--Farmer's Column IHIGH SCHOOL AT HOME --|Cara, S20 Kena' West, TRIN, ones purchase trom Western Oll Co, 725-1212, | band saw, 4" iciner" sand RIN Restaurant, 315 Brock South Whitby Counter and 11--Pets and 'Livestock = ' illing--Diagi gam nnweni----= |CLEARANCE, new and used" skates ad ' ERE EEE SE eS L ici l2owArhicles, Wanted AT ITS Well Drilling--Digging PARTY DRESS, turquoise, size 10; ma-lCycie Centre, 204 Bond street'East; Tas: | Plaster, power tamper, power |HouseKEEPER io help Gare Tor Three Pricing Clerk 13--Articles for Rent WELL DIGGING by machine specializing|'ernt'y dresses, sizes 14-16, Very Clean, | 6344 post hole auger, smait children, one school-age. Light 14--Business Opportunities BEST FOR LESS fin aoincn tite, w. Ward, 200 creatnd| soa Sonaltion. Apply 23. Orew Street | ai NON WIESE ; housework for approximately one} Apply only if interested in 1S--Employment: Wanted, , Low monthly payments in- Street West, Whithy. 668-2563 or 668-3809.) ADDING MACHINES, cash req sters, ! S T A N S month. Telephone 725-9980. permanent position at : tn Tas i! up 16é--Agents Wanted nn sib ie 1{{ GOOFS. awnings, railings, etc. Low, low we thks ARETE sea 17Female Help Wanted clude text books and instruc- @ FREE ESTIMATES fol gf tena og |Prices! Call 728-5385 or 723-3692 LOCKE'S FLORIST, Oshawa Shopping 2--Personal $ guaranteed. Expert service. SH : Centre, requires the services of a. full im 19 tie Higip Wanted Wariiead tions. Prepares you to achieve Day or Evening) Z Business Machines 728-3664. NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re-|S4-ARPENING & RENTALS LTD. |Cent llower, "arranger. Interesiad parties | 273 Simcoe St. S. an r Female Help Wan f uv to achie hcp a Bu ' ms ¢ Evenings 725-9748 all makes, New hoses. Phone) 233 King St.-West, Oshawa ghould ly, in ion, between the TENET s sag 20--Real Estate for Sole Gaisris nla be) widens @ EASY CREDIT TERMS Reinounl "at inkelaus 6 ; ck Lees, : 728-6956 | . ; hours of 10 am. © 6 pm. at Locke's EXPERIENCED MAN required tor <x - . ie ] y ons roval supertiuous hair WE BUY, sell and @&change used furni } 29 6 pm, at Locke's A Solan te f P Marie Murduff will be in |ture or anything you have. The City|RE $24.95; beds, $12;| FHONE 723-3224 Florist Hising seks Ast Waukee ta Zi ir or So ° rovincia e WNAatIG yA Mur s ! Abi yn ' ne es -! é ' z.| ~ --_---- ~ ol So.Late tor Scie ee H A R Oshowa, Mar. 21st,22nd and . |{rading. Post Store, 446 Simcoe Streetinew smooth ee a eee mn EXPERIENCED seamstress, English Dearhacrs Shih Settee Hime, 4 33k " Want or FRI WOOD ; ' uth, 723-16 ves, $24.95; cribs, $10 ; 3 king, tt hone 728- i y phon q ao eee, Pete Wanted For E 23rd, Phone Genosha Hotel ie ee arene ee s ; dressers, chromel Tables, Choirs, Linens, Dish- e ans ioncenad Nes sr Sich) Thickson's Rd. "No_ pt calls "please. 2 5 s Offic See i rng *s nbie" a baa RANGE -- rigidaire' heavy duty; six Pia rhd Ss, NeW and used, Valley| s Colley. Glee Coft SPs ih oe ESTABLISHED COMMISSION salesmen Ame D. Cusen Usha these dates r appoint piece oak dining mn te, crib-andincni. s cs B es, Cutlery, asses, Coffee REL wi es B 784, O : : SUTTONS PGIATOT ING ment mattress. Telephone 7057 Creek, 16. Song. Street: West, 728-4001 Urns, 'Punch Bowls, Bridal i Par Ph ge " a" i Mabe career VOUT Cow idle tg hes ; Oda" Ontenl } 2 s, aba' ad vS per we n my home. Live In or! ada's finest line of Calendars and Adver- PHONE 942-1500 Soa cx Se" BRAM Blatt cahox ine beby itis GUREN Sales age ae oe Wear, Men's Formals, White -- |out. Vicinity, Adelaide and Division, for|tising Specialties direct from manufactur. E f : ELECTROLYSIS buggy, both very good condition, Apply| \°Pairs to all.makes vacuums. Free es Fox Furs, Mink Stoles one preschooler and three school-age./er. Highest commissions in "the industry Nome ie sg 5 3 i 74 Oshawa Boulevard North mates, 323 King West, 728-7552, Ss 728-5557 after 5.30. [paid weekly. Serious applicants only. : CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re VACUUM fepairs, all_makes, hoses,|MONEST CAL'S WAREHOUSE -- going) SARGEANT'S RENTALS |iaw orice requires bookkeeper and|Write advising area on locale you 'pl Cc Pp t siness { styled. Free estimate. See our material |. to lode (BEN brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.| QU! Of business at 205 John Street, Wh ee ee ie dS. 725-3338 |receptionist. Please reply in handwriting, |'0 cover. Sales Manager, Claybar Lhe Address for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75|LADIES ONLY! If you think alcchol Is alFleming Vacuum Service, Main. Street,| Bargains on all stock. 668-6361 POON at 63 Ritson Rd. S. 72 Stating age, marital status and exper aa a AS oe ae J TTR ete eee ees Charles Street, 723-7219 oble: . | TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD. Like new.|LIFT TRUCK -- capacity 6,000 ibs--lift lence. Write Box 1012 Oshawa Times, °6 PQ. SEE CGHRIE sean ation call 668-810 ? 33. Al ~"BineTRic. Golds ees f 1 ale. Telephone!i#. 19 rent by week c: month. Apply! Whitby OFFICE MANAGER for supervision of U 'Javailable in Oshawa, 843 Ritson South, ELECTRIC STOVE, fourcburnery used ery saw, building jacks, |Good working conditions. Apply in person SALES | Le 0 , K y 7--Swap and Borter ete eneweaenen=| CITY TV TOWER, aniennas, also repairs.| Company ~ te rete ts South. (Windsor Plaza), 723-5631 8--Arti ie rk: duaran 1D -|FREE! Furnaces cleaned, adjusted free chain hoist, miter sows, elec- -- -- Articles for Sole | UPHOLSTERING All work guaranteed. SI! Dean Avenue.|THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No CUntSHisay "Heiciae e aed Be pb . tarpaulins, 14' JEXPERIENCED WAITRESSES wanted 1S--Loat end Fos ss s 'RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. t 36--Legal UT AWAY @ tid @ thatied 17 years. Workmans i i 342 nat we ps with a Times Action Want|Free estimates. Cr rm r Fic SPARE ROOMS with paying guests | model p $559; will sacrifice.|1.B.M. ELECTRIC typewriter. Complete-|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers.|Pleasant sales work with above aver-|tions of a contracting office In /the ES a riled 4 vents ote P bagging 723-3492 and put one tolre-buillt, fur: refinished. Oshawa Up-|Dial 723-3492 now for Wayne Appliances, 78 Simcoe Street/ly overhauled, by 1.B.M. factory. Tele-|reducing machines, sick room supplies.jage earnings. No experience necessary.|Oshawa-Whitby area, Write Box 1A74, ' ; eplies in strictest confidence i} w, demo | are Mackie's Van and Sterage _|SEASONAL HELP NEEDED af once purchasing, accounting, and office finc- holstering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311, help you phrase en ad, "North, phone 728-8142, Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, Phone 9 a.m, to 12 noon, 728-2383, Oshawa Times,