NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES Saivation Army Pians Festival Of Music This evening commencing at 7.30 p.m., the Oshawa Salvation Army Corps wil! present the em feet as Ws Uiteues vane anu Mrs. Winifred Watson, soprano soloist, of Hamilton, in a festival of music, at the Salvation Army Citadel, Simcoe st. s. The Osh- awa Citadel Songster Leader, Bob Young, !s sponsoring the festival. The visiting band is directed by Bandmaster H. W. Ritson. Several fine instrumental solo- ists will take part. Among them will be Capt. William Brown, an accomplished euphonium so- Joist, who was recently appoint- ed to the property department at territorial headquarters in Toronto, Mrs, Watson has charmed au- diences at many Salvation Army centres in Canada and the United States. The Sacrament of Infant Bap- tism was observed last Sunday at Albert Street United Church. The minister, Rev. H. Dyck, of- ficiated. He was assisted by M. C. Barnett, clerk of session. The babies presented and their parents were: Mandy Jane Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Clark; Christopher Don- ald Hubbard, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hubbard, Robert Milton David Timmoll, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Timmoll. Following the baptism, the clerk of session presented Cer- tificate of Baptism to the par-,ten series, both morning and ents. Mrs. Dora Wicks present-| evening, on the subject '"'What is ed Nursery memberships. God Like?" Lavi in tne seivice, Mr, [Dyck installed the committee! The absolute equality of all of stewards for 1966. The com-|men in the sight of God is the mittee of stewards is headed by|theme of this week's lesson- Ernie Jones. In the afternoon|sermon, on the subject "Man'", the new board of session met for|to be read this Sunday in the: its inaugural meeting. --- Christian Science urch, St. Peter's Anglican Church,| Bible references include which serves the south end of| Paul's interpretation of this fun- Oshawa, has been put under the|damental spiritual premise: direction of Canon F. G. Ong-|"For ye are all the children of ley, rector of St. George's Me-|God by faith in Christ Jesus... morial Anglican Church. There is neither Jew nor Greek, Rev. Tom Shepherd, of To-|there is neither bond nor free, ronto, who was ordained a dea-|there is neither male nor fe- con upon his recent retirement;}male: for ye are all one in from the engineering division of |Christ Jesus" (Galatians). General Motors, will be added| In recent years attempts have to the staff, on a part-time|been made to replace many of basis, to assist in looking after|the great words of religious tra- the congregation at St. Peter's. |dition. These replacements have He commences his duties this /|led to shallow and impotent talk. Sunday. |Thus, Rev. W. Lewis of Har- jmony Road Baptist Church is leading the congregation in a Lenten series of sermons on key words of the faith, This Sun- day the congregation will con- sider the meaning of Christian obedience as they gather at 11 Sunday, along with their par-ja.m. in the Harmony Public ents and, wherever possible, | School. . their Godparents. | j This Sunday evening the rec-| Rev. James Skinner, secretary | tor, Canon G. F. Ongley, begins|of the Overseas Missions De- a Lenten sermon series on the|partment, will give a report on| Gospel according to St. John,|the Rhodesian situation during| which is part of the over-all Ler-|the National WMC Day Service| at 11 a.m. this Sunday in the All those who. were confirm- ed by Bishop Wilkinson at St. George's Memorial Anglican Church, last Sunday night, will be making their first commun- ion at the 9 a.m. service this Maple Grove United Church Holds 4st Annual Meeting =" Me Rev. John P. Romeril pre-jed the following receipts: Sun-|_ The Communion of the Lord's | Church. sided at the 4ist annual meet- ing of the Maple Grove United Church congregation' in the Christian Education Centre. He reported there are 192 mem- bers (32 non-resident) and said) that this includes 152 families. OFFICERS NAMED Officers elected were as fol- lows: Elders ---H. Freeman, E. Foley, William Laird, M. Bur- gess, K. Brooks, J. Henry, J. Cryderman, Mrs. H. Green- ham. Trustees --C. Mills H. Freeman, E. Foley; Stewards-- 8. Doyle, M. Goodmurphy, R. Barraball, J. Huband, UH. Brooks, C. Barr, A. Thompson, William Preece, J. Petrosky, S. Jeffery, and Secretary K. Brooks; Auditors -- F. Stevens, Mrs. H. Brooks, J. Henry. Missionary and Maint HH, Cryderman, Mrs. H. Foley, C. Swallow; Parsonage Board-- Mrs. F. Stevens, R. Brooks, Mrs. H. Brooks, H. Groen; Christian Education Committee Mrs, Bert Snowden, William] Laird, E. Dobbs, M. Good- murphy (Scouts and Cubs), J.| Noble, Mrs. C. Greenham, and| Nominating Committee --R. Barraball, R. Brooks and D. Brooks. FINANCIAL REPORT Treasurer Don Brooks in his financial report, showed that the balance on January 1, 1965, was 78 cents; total receipts for 1965 amounted to $10,861.63, total expenses were $10,719.23, balance January 1, 1966, $141.57. Mr. Brooks stated that the Stewards Committee budget King Street Pentecostal Church. | The speaker at the missionary | rally in the evening will be Rev. | L. C. Ulseth of the West In-| iday School $93,15, canvass,|Supper will be conducted by yearly donations $189; evening|Rev. N. F. Swackhammer at service, $10.65, and envelopes|the 11 a.m. service in First) $1,378.20. |Baptist Church. UNITED CHURCH WOMEN | | The United Church Women's| Special Missionary services| report presented by Mrs. W .H.|will be held Sunday in the Sim-| rage gperge t yeecaeggh so a coe Street Pentecostal Church. | . , of $730, total receipts | * | $2,949.48, total expen ses | rev. Clare Scrath and Rev. L. $3,273.80, balance Jan. 1, 1966,,Ulseth will speak at the 10 a.m. $405.68. The United Church|Sunday School Missions Rally. | |Women were thanked for dona-/Mr. Scrath will speak on the jtions of $1,000 to the Building) " | (Fund, and $1,100 to the Com-\eme "A Glimpse of World| Missions" at the 11 a.m. service| ' mitt tewards. | tate Bs loa for the|and Rev. James Bush will speak Bible Society that Maple Grove | had contributed $99.05 to the | BAHA'I \circuit's donation of $284. Mr. WORLD FAITH |Romeril reported that the dona: | jtion to the Temperance Feder- jation was $67.75. Bert Snowden gave the Sun- day School's financial report: balance January 1, 1965, $188.15; | total 1965 receipts $1,049.64, total lexpenses $991.71, donation to M. and M. $78.83, balance Janu- ary 1, 1966, $167.25. Eugene Dobbs urged that greater interest be taken by parents in the activities of Scouts and Cubs as otherwise this worthwhile work for boys could be discontinued. He said that the church has 33 Cubs, 13 Scouts, six members of the Sen- ior Patrol, and seven rovers. GRACE Teacher, "The foundation of all religions is belief in the one same God", For information re: weekly meetings or literature Write Box AS Oshowe Times -- 4 ------------ for 1966 totals $7,282. He moved that this budget be accepted. This was seconded by John Huband, and carried. W. H. Brown gave the Build- ing Committee financial report as follows: Balance, Jan. 1, 1965, $383.67; envelopes re- ceipts, $4,095.77, other donations $3,532.35, a total of $8,011.79. Expenses: Reduction of debt $4,953.20, interest $1,824.76, other $588.05, a total of $7,366.01, leaving a balance Jan. 1, 1966, of $645.78. Mrs. H. Foley reported on} IF YOUR ANSWERIS "YES" | SUNDAY SERVICES 1. Do you believe in the broth- | | 9:45 A.M. erhood of man, irrespective of | | SUNDAY SCHOOL nation, race, or creed? | 11:00 A.M. | 2. De you believe that "refi- Lenten Worship | gious truth," to be acceptable Wed. 7:30 P.M. must be in. harmony with the | | LUTHERAN Lutheran Church -- Canade (Mo, Synod) PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fiesa, Minister | Ronald A, Jansen, Vicar | truth in every other field--sci. COMPLETES BIBLE INSTRUCTION COURSE Bunn of the U.S.A., discuss- ing notes from a lecture de- livered by the president of the school entitled "Neutral- ity and Problems Connected with This". The course was shared by a class of 103 se- lected ministers of Jeho- Miss Marjorie Mullin, for- merly of Oshawa, has just completed a five-month spe- cialized course of Bible in- struction and missionary training at the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead in New York City. She is shown with Collin Fook (left) of New Zealand and Edward 'een SmgE® -| New Car Ideas on "Rhodesia Today" at the 7| e | p.m, service. | Have Big Payoff | | ' | Miss 'Bettyann Brown will be DETROIT (AP) --U.S. auto) the speaker at the 7 p.m. ser plants were veritable gold mines | vice in the Oshawa Spiritualist |!@5t year for imaginative work- Charch, jers who came up with sugges- tions on how operations could The Sacrament of Baptism|be improved. } will be conducted by Rev. Dr. | General Motors, Ford: and A. Mellow at the morning ser: | Crysler paid out more than $1/ Northminster United }000,000 to 216,838 workers whose | ideas were accepted. Each firm offers a maximum | Membership Sunday will be|Prize category of $6,000 in cash/ observed by the congregation of|@"d Ford adds a bonus of a| the Free Methodist Church,|new Ford or Mercury to win- | Rossland rd. The pastor, Rey.|ers of the top Ford awards. | R. H. James will conduct the} | service, LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 to 6:00 P.M. CKLB -- DIAL 1350 vice in The annual WMC Service will be held at the 11 a.m. service | in the Byng Avenue Pentecostal | Church. Miss Jeanette Rodger, | of Norwood, district secretary of WMC, will be the speaker. ! vah's Witnesses who were gathered from 14 countries. Miss Mullin is being sent to South Viet Nam, Asia, on special assignment. Her sis- ter, Mrs, Fred Van Horne, has been a resident of Osh- awa for 12 years. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Merch 5, 1966 JF M. And M, Fund Givinas Set Record At St. Stephen's Reports from 20 organizations;interest a large number of were reviewed and various|Young people, The AOTS Club aspects of the church's work|met monthly, Appreciation was were noted at the annual con-|Voiced of the work of the choir gregational. meeting of St. Ste-|directed by Mrs. §. C. Rundle. phen's United Church, Rev.| Re-election to the board of Walter Rackham. the eunervis.|stewards for three-vear terme ing pastor, presided. _ |were: B. Adams, W. Alexander, More than $8.000 was raised |C: Littlefield, A. Neal, R. Smith by the pnt grag tor gh [°F Fs YRucomT. purposes through the combined | OFFICIALS E) efforts of all organizations.) Blected 'ok cans tor Worthy of note was the steady|the ensuing year were: A. Fer- increase in the building fund/ries, recording steward: F which now has a balance of|Crawford, treasurer: W. Scott more than 6,900 for the future|missionary and maintenance expansion of the church. treasurer; 'R, Smith, building F. Crawford, the treasurer,|fund treasurer; Mr. and Mrs. indicated $2,894 had been raised|A. C. Ferries, auditors. Mrs. R. by the board for church activi-|Smith will represent the United ties. Missionary and Mainte-|Church Women on the board nance Fund givings of $445 were | for a two-year term. the highest on record. On behalf of the congregation, The session report showed the| Robert'Lang extended a vote of over-all church roll is 141 mem-jappreciation to Mr. and Mrs. bers. During the year there/S. G. Saywell for their work at were 12 baptisms, nine mar-|St. Stephen's. Mr. Saywe!l! riages and one funeral. The|thanked the congregation and Sunday School and Junior|noted the reports indicated the Church showed a combined en-| advance in fellowship within the rolment of 148 pupils, church as well as a definite KEEP WRONG SPELLING LONDON (CP)--A 40-year-ol Speillig misiake in an ornamen- tal plaque in the House of Com- mons is to remain, despite com- plaints from angry Scotsmen, The minister of works said al- tering Edinborough to Edin-' burgh would spoil a fine ex- ample of calligraphy. financial gains over the vaore He said this could not ha been accomplished without the ioyai Support ang nara WOrk OF the congregation. HEAR The Back to the Bible Broadcast DAILY Mon, to Set. 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. 1350 RADIO The United Church Women, /spiritual gain together with hacneeeieniiaaiiaiiaiiaiidl divided into the Eva Alexander and Nellie Dearborn units, were | active as were the mid-week | organizations which continued to} C TO SERVE GOD! 7:00 THE SALVATION ARMY 11:00 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP 2:00 P.M. -- Sunday School EVENING SERVICE Tuesday 2:30 p.m. Home League WED., 8:00 P.M. --- PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY. 7:30 P.M, SATURDAY EVENING NIAGARA FALLS CITADEL BAND. "A Welcome Awaits You at the Army" OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH STORIE PARK HALL -- MILL STREET Branch of Toronto Spirituolist Temple 1.S.A, Pastor: Rev, Roy F. C. Stoddard SUNDAY--2:30 P.M,--Healing 7:00 P.M.--Divine Service Speaker: Miss Bettyann Brown THURSDAY--7:30--Open Circle 8:45--Messoge Service (Psychometry) Rev, Roy F, C, Stoddard Free literature from U.K., Canada, end the U. 725-7183 Corps Officers Major & Mrs. Gordon Holmes 133 Simcoe South SUNDAY, For Information cail: ond Messages ven ct @ll serviess, S.A, or 655-4966 MARCH 6th ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 409 ADELAIDE AVE. EAST PASTOR: REV. D. N. HABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th, P.M. 11:00 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP Nursery Care Provided 7:00 P.M.-EVENING SERVICE Radio Ministry Chr. Ref. by eoch Sunday et 9:15 P.M. B (Back To God Hour), every other Sunday et 11 A.M, CKLS (churches in the area) New Bilingual Secondary School To Be Opened In September, 1966 Delda Streets. Dane Location: Welland, Ont. -- Intersection of Wellington and By Whom: Sacred-Heart Sisters -- Bilingual order. AGES 10 to 14 You can earn money and gain valuable experience as an Osh- awa Times CARRIER CALLING ALL & e | eis at Wired not pam pesearigieittcced \ Ge amy "-- 1)_90. private roome with lounges. on each storey to serve as girl's residence. well furnished library spacious gymnasium Home Economics quarters Activity Room 6) Cafeteria 7) Music Hall 8) Chopel 9) Physics and Chemistry Laboratory 10) 8 classrooms iption of Building: the sipport "given" "Missionary | Deeerip Brown brick construction Horse-shoe shape. and Maintenance. The total for-| 1 warded was $1,722. This includ-| FAITH H Lutheran Church UNITED SPIRITUALIST (Eamteen. Canoda Syed) CHURCH OF ONTARIO The Rev. Henry Fischer Pastor --- 725-2755 Orange Temple, Bruce St., Oshawe MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. (Upstairs) SUNDAY 91 Centre St. 2:30 P.M.--Healing Service and Open Circle || 7:00 P.M.--Divine Service Clairvoyant ence included? 2) 3) 4 5) 3. Do you believe the primary responsibility for human prog- | ress rests upon man? providing: tts an Interesting job for every young per- son who wants to meke his or her own spending meney. | then you are | professing the. | Unitarian belief | 5 year Arts and Science 4 year Commercial leading to the Graduation Diploma School MARCH 6th 11:00 A.M. UNITARIAN . FELLOWSHIP SIMCOE HALL BOYS' CLUB Eulalie Ave. OSHAWA -@ Sunday Services. 9:45 A.M, Sunday Church School 11:00 AM, THE SERVICE COME WORSHIP WITH US! Secondary Day pupils: Grades 9-10 $10.00 per month, Grodes 11-12 $12.00 per month Boarders (girls) $60.00 per month. APPLICATION FORM - INGO. 5. ib edie eek: Registration may be made to the following address: Sister Principal, Socred-Heart Secondary School, 67 Empire Streets, Welland, Ontario. Address | Secretary 723-6786 For whom: Boys -- as day pupils. Girls ---- boarders or day pupils. Capacity of enrollment: 350 pupils. : Tl School . Age ... l tl I i Mail or Bring Your Application to the Times in Oshawa or Whitby Oshawa Fimes (GREENE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT [ina Ci gs; REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS (World Hecdquorters, Independence, Missouri) ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX 31, LUKE'S ST. PAUL'S UKRAINIAN SIMCOE ST. NORTH + (Four blecks trom King) Rossland Rd. W. et Nipigon Wilson Rd. N. at King St. E. Simcoe St. South Minister Rev. G W.-C. Brett, B.A, Minister Rev. Walter Jackson Minister Rev. J. Jacenty REV. D. R, SINCLAIR, B.A. Ssinister OR GPa gaanivad - Fi Pianist Miss Jane Welr Nisten Dircone PHONG os a ee Your App will be @s soones a route isopenin your MAKE YOUR PLICATION NOW a ei +f, Reveals the startling signi- | ficance behind werld news! + with PROPHECIES next | 20° years! | Monday - Saturday 9:05 + 9:35 P.M, (or immediately following dr, A Hockey) 9:00 A.M.--Church School 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship Musical Director Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M, 2 os 9:45 AM, CHURCH 'SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "RECONCILIATION" 7:00 P.M. "THE LORD TABLE" The Secrament of the Lord's Super will be celebrated. Come and Worship With Us. 9:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 10:00 A.M. Church School For Children and Adulte 11:00 A.M, Morning' Worship 9:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL HUNGARIAN Minister Rev. E, Seress at Knox Church Simeoe St. North and Sundoy 10:30 - 11:00 P.M: 11:00 A.M THE LORD'S SUPPER 11:00 A.M, MORNING 'WORSHIP All Cordially 3:30 P.M.--Worship Service 2nd and 4th SUNDAYS 7:00 P.M Senior High. All Are Invited Phone 728-9606 Invited 1350 RADIO