§. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, March 4, 1966 ses BLAIR PRAISES YOUNG... -.. TWO GAMES REMAINING Local 'Crushman' gee ep | : Moet 'Dates' Fis j A ? bd Cs] THE GENERALS §= 6 'Mioment Of Truth Nearing 1 FOS Soe P Oshawa "Crushmen", this By WREN BLAIR ae city's very fee OHA aed SLIFF: has scored a record-breaking Beverley and Barry Wilkins |"B" representatives, moved in- General Manager ay aca > cece gg : ee +337 goals. are all playing well on defence |to their Lakeshore League play- of Oshawa Generals - Times Spo E "It's just aed - players bent og' oe of cos ges oe ieee Ee wo games. are scoring goals for you, fans ave to take a nosedive for |at the aw vie Auditorium, Thaf®s all the Oshawa Gen- sometimes tend to forget Paul to play regularly. Rob- |2.00 o'clock, when they face The 1965 - 66 Junior "A" could end 3rd ahead of Mont- | erals have left to assure them- about the fellow who's stop- | P| cris' improvement in particu- |Peterborough "Don Byes", 1n achedule closes out this: week- real (providing Montreal wins | seives of fourth place in the ping the opposition from scor- " : lar has helped us recently.' |the first game of their best- ' only one of their three re- | OHA Junior 'A' standings. ing." ; : : Although the Generals could |of-seven series. . end, with the wildest fight for maining games). They ae The remaining games, here : : Orr who recently agerav- - Sack into fourth if Hamiiten Winnaw af end right where they are. 4th | oociast Niagara ratis Pivers : : . paee vacn uyury, duuieEd : LISTE Red Wings lose at Niagara |on the survivor of the Trenton-- Z8aSERE: (providing Hamilton, wno™ 1s") on Saturday, and in Montreal : : : his: skates last night for the 3 e Falls Friday, they have no Kingston semi-final series, in As this is written (Thurs- now 5th, doesn't win all of against the high-flying Junior ? first time since Sunday. But 4 ' ie intention of taking it easy for |the group championship finals, day) the Oshawa Generals, their remaining games, while | Canadiens Sunday, will be § : he still didn't take part in any ' the final two games. for the right to procede in OHA with two games left could end Oshawa loses all of theirs). tough -- just as the entire sea- scrimmage. ; "We played well last week- Junior "B" playdowns. tied for 2nd with a total of 54 In other words, the Generals | son has been. Regardless of : bs "We're pretty sure Bobby By ; end and it looks like we're on N FIELD points. (Providing Niagara could end anywhere from 2nd | what happens, general man- ee ; will be ready for the weekend, j the way back," said Blair, |PLAY IN LAKEFIE! uP Falls doesn't win any of their to 5th place, going into this | acer Wren Blair feels his club but we're not taking any ; ; "With the playoffs coming up, The Crushmen' finished sec- three remainifg games). They final weekend, deserves praise for doing as ; oe chances with the playoffs right : we have to keep improving. |ont in the group's final stand- well as it has. ' , around the corner," Blair : : It's no time to let up." ings, so they'll get four of the Bi CG Here Tomorrow Night "One thing that has been & : said. ; é j = -- neni Hasna ae Titec Gig tan «ee -| overlooked," said Wren, "'is ss Centre Danny O'Shea has i ourth, they would open the |! edd 7 or 1g ame 'ed a bit | that we have 10 rookies on our ' also been excused from prac- #4 ; quarter - finals at home on |is playing their "home games A tremendous home attrac- Bobby Orr, hampered a team, And it's been a long tice all week -- a measure ' : Tuesday, March 8, against |Out at Lakefield, with the sec- tion -- oa ~ agg ond by a sore back, will be trying | time since a Junior 'A' team : designed to help him shake his, , > either Kitchener Panuers hd _ a. p Pct enigerd gg : son, en the toug! close out the season, looking | with that many rookies man- hie second - half slump. The , St. Catharines Blac! awks. is 3 Falls "Flyers" take the ice "e oe sh 40-goal_ mark, an | aged to finish in the top divi- § f siump, which has seen him > The next three games would |third on Thursday night, Fourth, GERRY DIONNE here tomorrow night at the . datenwe. | Sinn" : score just seven goals in the CHRIS ROBERTS probably be Thursday or Fri- |game of the set, will be back) P : Civic Auditorium at 7.15 p.m. astounding feat for a ped Wren singled out goaltender IAN YOUNG last 16 games, has everyone, " 5 day on the road, Saturday her|here, at the Civic Auditorium, is counting heavily to produce a The Generals need at least man playing Junior "A" | yan Young as playing a major including Danny, stumped, : day on the road, Saturday here/0n Friday night of next week.|win, in this series. one victory to thoroughly as- jooKey, | role in the Generals' 1956-66 lot of the reason why we're 'He's concerned about it," Blair feels that lack of prac- and Sunday on the road. Coach Ted O'Connor and ma-| BRING UP MIDGETS sure themselves of ending in "ie flashy youngster from | success, In his first season as in the running for fourth Said Wren, "and we agreed tice and the pressure of uni- Should they finish fifth, how- |nager Bob Heard will be rely-| Oshawa Midgets were. elimi- the top four, and however dif- -y Sound who. turns 18 on | & Junior 'A' regular, Ian ap- that a few days off might versity exams have combined ever, they would open on jing heavily on Gerry Dionne, |nated by Peterborough, in their ficult it always is, to defeat Parry Sound. who th now has | Peared in more games than help." to adversely .affect Paul's Tuesday in Peterborough, back to "carry the fast mail" for/Ontario Minor playdowns, so Niagara Falls, it would seem the 20th of this: mon a arena | any other goalie in the circuit. Blair emphasized that he Net so mysterious is the de- play here Saturday and in Peterbor- |the Crushmen, in this series. /such players as Gerry Welsh, that this task might prove less 37 so. 2 onl he pulling "He let in one or two bad wasn't downgrading the bril- cline of defenceman Paul Ca "At any rate," said the ough Sunday. Gerry, a graduate from the mi-| Bill Prentice, Teddy Dionne and of a problem, than the Gen- here sg née the Generals rh | goals,"" said Blair, "but so liant play of all-star defence- dieux, who has been commut- general manager, "Chris Game time Saturday against nor Hockey Association ranks | Jim Nesbitt, of the Midget team, mre Hye so win ih Ben. for Boy a came against | 40es every goalie. Ian is a man Bobby Orr, who so far ing from Ottawa all season. Roberts, Bobby Orr, Nick the Flyers is 7.15 p.m. jand a pure homebrew product, | will be with the "'Crushmen", as real, in that bets veo ya of i aacce Hels sand i 2S ; has scored 23 goals this =. they make their bid for an OHA the season Sunday -night! oe " : arr Sma msatialra emer ncuctnan, worry and has had 27 assists, for a/Title. '50-point total. | Besides the second "home . ; | s . radley, with 18 goals|game", fourth of the series Crushmen Open Playoffs Saturday ...| Cobourg Novices | JOHNSTON A STANDOUT Oshawa Swimmers , Gay Prades, wi Nevin'who|here next 'Friday aight, Osh, had 18 goals and nine assists,;awa "Crushmen" had home op" : of an, Peter Nevin, who - has : : =e oe yer es knee ligaments and it Blank Oshawa 2-0 Make Fine Showin but didn't join the "'Crushmen" dates for Monday, March 14 h t the action takes place here a probably won't be known until in the first game of their Zone} qaQnuc S (@ | O | until after the New Year, are|and if necessary, the seventh Civie Auditorium tomorrow | ame time, if.he will be able to phase 8 # One of this city's newest sports|two of the team's other top and deciding game, on Sunday, }3 Ontario Minor Hockey Asso- March 20 afternoon at 2 p.m. when the dress. Gath Novite aniin lavore. group, the "Simcoe Hall Boys') scorers. islet Oshawa "Crushmen" open a '"'Crushmen"' 'have had diffi- | last night in Cobourg, the home |Club Marlins", held their first! Phil Solomon, Jim Booth, Ro- best - of - seven series against culty with the Peterborough | 1a. bianked the Oshaw al | invitation swimming meet, here|S¢t Knowles, Bob Dickson, Peterborough. The second Club all season and will have | vounostors 2-0 | or ourne ar | cee Frank Sawyer and Don Bowen game goes right back to the their hands full in this play- This was an especially fine| at the Simcoe Hall Boys Club, are others upon whom the club Lakefield Arena on Sunday off against Gary Darling 5-icame with Ken Scott, Oshawa' ; = : Eulalie and Cadillac, last week- afternoon at 2 p.m. The third squad. However, Coach Ted goalie, turning in a fine per-| By CARL MOLLINS | Father Bauer watched part of;crowd of 10,000 turned out tojend and the Oshawa boys put) YESTERDAY'S STARS game is also in Lakefield next O'Connor and Manager Bob [iqrmance to limit the home-- LJUBLJANA. Yu gosiavia|the Russian-Polish contest and|watch Canada and the U.S.\on a surprisingly good show, | | ° Thursday evening, March 10 Heard, both feel the "'Crush- | inne to only two goals (CP)--What a difference a year) came away with high praise for} come up with the most exciting Hamilton emerged as the wit! By THE CANADIAN PRESS | 1 t at 8.00 p.m. and the fourth men" can eliminate the Lift | Mites McGinn and "Pat" Kel-|makes 'for Marshall Johnston,| the Soviet smoothies, hockey of the Opening day. ning team but they didn't es-| Bruce Gamble, who kicked game here in Oshawa, one Lock City club, if all the |i. did the scoring for Cobourg|the 24-year-old centre from! "The Russians have a ma-|Many fans chanted: "'Let's go,|\ iio their 95-92 point lead, out 31 shots to register his first! week from tonight, March 11. players on the "'Crushmen" | 2,4 Roy Burgess, their goalie,|Birch Hills. Sask chine of great precision,' he| Canada." 'intil: the very. Hida: apent of|shtitout of the season and sec-| e The "'Crushmen" may be team come up with a big jwas brilliant in the nets, to| Johnston was singled out by\said "They will be very hard). Three young players appear-| 7 event, The Tor 4 try/ond in his career as Toronto| i ad a minus the services of centre- series foil the Oshawa snipers. team adviser Rey. David Bauer|to beat--but that doesn't mean|ing in their first world tourna fi shed a. : third ee id Maple Leafs blanked. Montreal! an 1 ni This is a 2-out-of-3, or first}as one of the key men in Can-|we are not going to try.' ment aig for four vi ~ 1S sont, poor third 'with only Cayadions 4-0 Thiviay night. ® to win four points, series, with ada's impressive 7-2 victory e Canadie P ig fe Canadian goals, Scoring leader : s vegas | Generally Speaking eee the return game here at the over the United States Thursday won. at was George Faulkner of Har-| R. Roth, pool manager at) Reg Fleming, who scored two whiskies : : | 'ivic i - | nie bee .G Nfld. { 'Simcoe Hall, was more than| 80als, including the winner, an The final voting for the eral sale will open at 9 a.m ee ee ss pied es wg Ata alle viet' bie incl feared with the fine showing) assisted on ceetgars he ay i J Monday at all three ticket out- 20 ae oe we: Ais - pie . . = , he na thane be Kis Oshiwa team. Ste |York Rangers edge 'oston Autoworkers Credit Union lets: the Civic Auditorium Box | third game is necessary, they'll) A year ago, Johnston was Victoria Juniors and Morris Mott got one apiece. yaa. Heat ead Anarene tue, | Daria: 4. trophy for the Generals' most O65. Jim Bishop's Sporting |t98s for "home ice". strictly a spectator. Injured in i b ! chil Tor wame . |McLEOD SCORES were the big pointwinhers dar\" ~-- ss th valuable player will take place Goods and Bolahood's Sports- a Toronto exhibition game, he Earn Final Berth Johnston, playing - coach Oshawa while J. Walkinshaw! ICE FISHERMEN ,. . Clean) use e couldn't play in the 1965 cham- at tomorrow night's game. haven... . Ron Buchanan, in ne : mS Jackie McLeod of Winnipeg and|and Wes Moyer, headed the\up before break up. Your Con-| H the Generals end in the top his first. year: of _ professional antam alge rie er ge VICTORIA (CP) Victoria) Ray Cadieux of Ste, Adele, Que.,| Hamilton contingent, all fouriservation Officer reminds you four they will open the play- hockey is having a big year in Cébinda Raised fourth: Chinooks, wha fumbled through scored the other three, young natators giving outstand-|to remove fish huts by March word offs here this coming Tuesday, Oklahoma City. "Bucky" pot- | 5 er oA : oures|ie eatly. stages of the Cana-| The Canadians jumped to aling performances, in their var- 31st so they will not endanger March §. Should they end ted his 2ist goal last Friday | oun a 0 In Lamers et ts take dian junior men's basketball|3.9 lead about midway in the ied events. summer bathers and boaters, place." fifth, they will open on the night as the "Blazers" de- | championships and came close} first period, too great a margin| -- silaiiok a road the same night . . feated St. Louis 4-3 before over | Oshawa Minor Hockey Asso- ee Ase ihe to elimination, meet University) for the Americans to overcome) 66 99 Auditorium Manager Bill 8,000 fans in Oklahoma City, |ciation's Bantam League teams A sha cK aleng ' Lge a rn of British Colimbia Jayvees to-| although they pulled the score} Basketball PLAY GOLF (@) Kurelo reports that should the .. . Three members of the |continued their Round - Robin gee age dip dy : ®-/night for the title to 3-2 in the second period. H e Generals end in the top four Oshawa Generals head into the |Playoffs last S ght, with two poate saPiniie toon ea gers The Chinooks, clobbered ear Wayne Dornak, the U.S: team Resu ts | AT and there is a game here playoffs playing their final ae ae Z chat Ai sinik: eho wasiad A theirjlier in the tournament by the| manager, said American goalie KING WEST Tuesday, season ticket hold- games of Junior "A" hockey. |run off, at the Children's Arena. |! 4 a ; aqidayvees, regained their poise}Tom Yurkovich was far off the py : j ers can purchase their tickets Danny O'Shea, Wayne Cash-| In 'he first game, B'Nai/ quest for a third straight world By THE CANADIAN PRESS GOLF CLUB for the opening..game at the man and Bill Heind! are the | B'Rith outscored Westmount Ki-|Crown by trouncing' Poland 8-1 Thursday to beat. Alberta's| form he showed when the Amer- National Association ; Re Thure.| Mount Royal Junior College! icans trimmed Canada 2-1 in an ; ; | N hewe 1 Auditorium Box Office between only players who will be over- | wanis 6-4, with John Boivin and|in thelr opening game Thurs- Counare tem 'Caleary 77.50 exhibition game last Sunday San hy rancsico 125 Philadelphia} 100 Thornton yl + Oshawe | Sunday and up age from the Generals next |Mike Hammond each notching! day. ; | "oupars led Montre pares | ay dtl 'aeotar. 'The Pid wear. ja pair for the winners while! © zechosiovaila, a oh Pleo Od ceoat ona - yo fired-up Canadian squad|Canadian Junior Championship | Excellent Greens -- Well Trapped -- | Rapheal Galea and Bernie La- = contender, blan i ree the day to advance to the semi-|outskated and outshot the Mount Royal College 77 Mont-| Membership Available j croix potted Singles. zermany 6-0 and Sweden beat finals against the Chinooks. Americans 42 - 20. Yurkovich| Teal 61 |-0% Reduction if paid by Mar. D ] t U t V d oo sheik was sha. mand, 6-1 It was the second loss for) turned aside 19 shots in the sec-| Mount Royal College 59 Victoria 15. Organizations, Office Groups, up a e pse S en Ors red by four snipers, Emery Cos-| weer POLAND SATURDAY (Montreal, lone survivor of 'four|ond period and had a total of| 77 ete., ask about Group Membership scarella, Wayne Barriage, Tom No games are scheduled to- eastern entries, in the double-.35 saves while Seth Martin of| (Victoria enters final against |Plon. : f S h d ] agg? ane oa ios agen day in the eight-country round-|loss elimination tournament. Trail, B.C., had 18 in all, 'UBC Jayvees) | Information -- 723-6101 | e sec e ° * = sabahiaiahdaie pilin edsaalinaidaniliomiaaidghiseaminate savediionbam sine suenibnionin a - nn Mal ame CEAULS {pit the second same, "Local robin' championship. group, but Hattiel to & 4:1 there is a full schedule Satur- Three goals each by W. Sey-; DURACLEAN: C. Brisbois, T, Laugh : ikea tives day. Canada plays Poland, Rus- é ve | 1% P. Basque, N. Chamberlain, B. Cob-| Brian Roy scored for Local Ini mour and D. Layton gave bet, w. Kimmerly, J. Gallant, §. Bar 1817 and Jim Prozduk matched| Si@ meets the United States,| Duplate a 6-4 victory over Art's cay 1 Dick B. McC ee, P. Murphy, D. 1 fae Hambly's Czechoslovakia takes on Finland Vending in the final game of mat : : and Sweden meets East Ger- rey 7 FIRST " the Duplate Hockey League + aah meus Tres many. 17.50 Schedule. It was only the sec-| 9 supply: Pilon (Yanch, Respond) 19.2! ¥ ond loss of the season for Vend-. Pens: Baker (cross checking) 2.12. LAST NIGHT 5 R ber Wh > ing SECOND emember On... f site * ee | i Mape (Aldred) 3.10 D. Leaming scored three for) 7 Suppiy: aospond (Nortiy, Yanch) a9 FIGHTS By THE CANADIAN PRESS the losers, two of them solo E Purecteon; Churnick | (@acque) 12.30 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Gene Fullmer retained efforts. Beckin scored Vending's Pens.: Lyons (cros¢ checking) and Bar-, Portland, Me.--Milo Calhoun, NBA recognition as middle- other goal clay (roughing) 2.45, Lyon (roughing)/173, Kingston, Jamaica, sided weight boxing champion 5.45, ini t iT ) 14.01, Resp = . 7 DUPLATE 4, VENDING, 4 Se rc Techy Grecing} nee, pointed Marion Connor, 178, Bos-| five years ago. tonight--in N. Seymour ton, 10 - ichuk, J. Gil THIRD "e hninet A 1 , 1961--after 15 savage rounds our, ¢ . Mackenzie, N. Fox,| 7. Supply: R. id (Lyon) 6.15 bs Angeles--Amos Ancoln, | s eres . eR J. Russell, B. Duncan, G. Houck, A. Sheri.) No Pens. 20444, Los Angeles, outpointed| iat eee aa i agean ee dan. . Gillard, J.T , EAS: a Aj . | which neither was knocked VENDING: R. WV » R. Planck, Billy Daniels, 193, New York, 10.| down, Fullmer lost to. Dick 8. McConne Leaming, 8. Whalen, . . ba is A H. Richards, ; ; Prosser, P | Tiger in 1962 and the Niger- Lindsay, M r, Beckin Kinsmen Midgets WOOD IS VALUABLE | ian boxer won world recog- , Sd ® The world's forests yielded| nition in 1963, only to lose 1. Duplate: Seymour (Cruwys) 0.2 F asiey i . +. Gull: tavern Trounce Kiwanis |s31.100,000 000° wart of prod-| to Joey Giardello the follow: a do this for a livin a i Seymour) 9.13 5 year Whalen (holding) 18.12 Two goals each by Alan|UCtS in 1965. 'ing year. g. ECON j Sr unassisted) 13.01, Monks and Greg Guidolin spark-| ed Kinsmen to a 7-1 win over , Whale: 1 * - grt For Th W tl e Hata: we wats th OMHA Midget rb Cature (holding) 8.41, Taylor (boarding) | League _ round-rohin_..playoffs 18.085. : THIRD Wednesday. ' P TR ) i ES 5. Duplate: Layton 'aeaeposrete : i ' (Seymour, Duncan) ai Other scorers for the winners ; ( 8 H Vending: Leaming (iinassisted) 532; Were John Vandermere, Ken Lorgest Selection Of Vending: Leaming (Whal 14.36 ene Bt ; Duplate: Seymour (cares bathe: A pate and Dave Bitton. John i For All Sporting Events and Gifts . Duplate: Layton (Gillard) 1401 @00dwin replied for Kiwanis. A In Eastern Ontario . Duptate: Seymour a a6 In (Layton, Cruwys) 34, 19 other Midget playoff Pens: Planke (high sticking) 5.56, games. Navy Vets downed Local P & Th B 6 Sar cane ea oy Rays Ves Wee ace e G. B. Company Bowl 6-2. ie 356 Dean Ave, In the second game, two-goal 2 performances by L. Mapes and|,,L@Y Wry scored twice for ' Open Thurs, 533 Seer Appointment 3 Vets, with Gord Sarranin, Doug G. Rospond paced Canada Out.| * 3 oe hg door Supply to a 6-1 win over Suppelsa and John Krantz add- Duraclean. Other Supply goals|!"8 Singles. Jim Yakemishyn came from R. Pilon and P | acored both Local 222 goals. Northy. D. Churnick replied for! Lions got goals from Charlie the losers. Ibey, Ken Sherban, Dave Geocoin 'See ll JUNIOR "B" PLAYOFFS SUPPLY & DURACLEAN 1 Jarrell and Roget Norton. Clay- SUPPLY: E. Bastarache, J Aldred, | Mapes, B. Buchanan, E. Goulet, J. Shep-/ton Plumadore and Rick Hard- hard, P. Northy, R. Pilon, G Lanch, T g were the Rose Bowl marks- Br Gonarion ere" & FE | en SATURDAY Ontario Minor Hockey Playoff 2:00 P.M. Saturday, March 5, 1966 OSHAWA CRUSHMEN 4:30 P.M, --VS.-- Civie Auditorium PETERBOROUGH DON BYES COBOURG NOVICE ALL STARS @ Adults 1.00 @ Children 50¢ -- ¥S, OSHAWA NOVICE ALL STARS Wi S4TURDAYS---1:30 P.M. WEEK NIGHTS --7:45 P.M ADMISSION: Take the Queen car to the gate or the new East-West Subway to the Wood- REE 00 Adults 50¢ Children 25¢ THORNTON RD. S. OFF KING ST. W. bine Avenue Bus. For dining reservations call Mrs. Rice 698-3131. s For excitement / go to the trots."