Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Feb 1966, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, February 24, 1966 7 On Firing Range SHANNON, Que. (CP)--The; and make another life for them- residents of this small commun.-| selves. . ity, 12 miles north-west of Que-| He said much of the 'fear bec City, are wondering what| would be greatly dissipated if Ahnut 9% familice fram o« ta.ling to receive good prices for tal of 450 people, most of them|the!r land. He aiso felt the of Irish descent, are to be up-| farmers would be "nearly satis- rooted from farms that they|fied" if the government offered and their ancestors have culti-| Work to the displaced people at) |vated for more than 150 years.|the army camp. They vill have to leave to| Mrs. Mona Conway Neville, make room for a firing range|Who operates a camp site and) extension at the Canadian Ar-|Tesort, said it was a "shock" my's Camp Valcartier, which nceng ge en told their land) ey se er She said she had written to) : Prime Minister Pearson asking| The expropriation takes in) for his consideration. She said about 10,000 acres. The exten-| she received an answer that the! sion is necessary, the authori- nae closely stud-| j ties said, for safety reasons. Mr. Griffin said the people! E | Jack Griffin, municipal secre-|had sent a petition to Defence | \tary-treasurer of Shannon, says} Minister Hellyer. The reply was | 4 | the fear of the people is the|that there was concern for the; | knowledge that they are going) families but that the plans were \to have to leave their farms|not going to be changed. | | | | | Robert Rossen Had A Lot To Do, But Time Kan Out HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- "I'm| "Even if I never make an- living on borrowed time," said) other picture, I've got The Hus-- Robert Rossen, "From now on,|tler on my record, I'm content| I'm going to do only the things! to let that one stand for me." I want to do." _ | NEVER MADE ANOTHER We were lunching last fall in| Rossen died last week without KING PUTS SHOULDER. INTO CLEANUP |iriucer tind endured a serious| tas gtit tag nett pie At Rey. Martin Luther King, Chicago, nelps roll barrel right, who is campaigning of ashes at a building on to clean up slum areas in west side of city. Looking on Bobby Upped His : ' illness in previous months and/a film creator, and his legacy Pegg ayo 0 § Por three brushes with death had) included other achievements be- tie Church (AP) | altered his outlook. sides The Hustler. Among them: Poe "T think I'll teach," he re-| All The King's Men, Body and | marked. "New York University| Soul and The Brave Bulls. has offered me a lecturer's post} Rob Rossen always was a and that appeals to me. There! rebel. The son of a New York are some things I'd like to say) rabbi, he drew his training from about picture making and I/the theatre of the depression want to express them to the) 1930s, Hollywood called him to younger generation. write such protest films as They Image And The People Learned tier its save any Rant treba ey Dee By BORIS MISKEW will accept the results of any Canadian Press Staff Writer | free elections in South Viet enthusiasm about making a pic-| tiny and Blues in the Night. ture right now. Not after that) Like many topflight screen last one." writers, Rossen grumbled over He referred to his 1985 re-|the way directors manhandled any free elections held in South discussion only. Viet Nam, even if the Commu- ine future noias for tnem. be peopie knew inéy were go- I 5 MEN'S SUITS Two FOR THE Me PRICE OF PLUS $1.00 @ Shope retaining, yern dyed wool worsted suits in distinguished stpripes, checks, . nail heed weeves. Vibrant new shades of Grey, Blue, Brown ond Olive, New Season Three-Button and two-button stylings for men and 'teen-age Men. All are expertly tailored. Sizes 35 to 52 for regular, tell, short and stout builds, FIRST EXTRA YOU SUIT SUIT SAVE mance = 59,50 «1.00 58,50 nxt = 9,50 1.00 88.50 coe §=-- 499.50 1.00 98.50 The four-day verbal battle be- : tween Robert Kennedy and the administration of Pres- ident Johnson has done much to help clarify the United States position regarding any Vietna- mese peace talks. The battle also has left the New York Democratic Senator,) brother of the late presinest) John F, Kennedy, a somewhat larger figure on the American political scene--someone to be taken seriously despite his dif-| ferences with Johnson. The former attorney-general) has been conspicuously absent) from the group of senators Johnson has taken into his con- fidence during secret briefings in the White House on the U.S. Vietnamese policy, but Kennedy took the opportunity to air his} views during a press conference last Saturday. Kennedy suggested that the) |REJECTED PROPOSALS Administration spokesman im- mediately rejected the senator's proposals, saying they prould weaken U.S. bargaining power and could ljead to Communist control of the post-war South | Vietnamese government. Kennedy's original statement was interpreted as favoring the putting of Communist Viet Cong representatives into a coalition government in Saigon prior to the holding of freely conducted elections. This was not so, Kennedy stated in clarifying his position.| He said he was not proposing} that the National Liberation Front be given an automatic share in the pre-election govern- ment, but rather that it not be automatically excluded from any future participation in the government. nists won seats. The U.S. never before had indicated that it would tolerate Communists in) the South Vietnamese govern- There still exists a major di- vision between the Johnson ad- ministration and Kennedy regarding the seating of Na-| lease, Lilith, during the filming) his scripts and sought to direct of which he had to combat the) himself. temperament of Warren Beatty.| Harry Cohn of Columbia gave "It isn't worth that kind of/him the chance with Johnny| grief,"' Rossen said. 'I won't] O'Clock, starring Dick Powell.| take it any more. I have noth-| Rossen's high-voltage Body and ing to say on the screen right! Soul possibly was the best prize- | now. fight film ever made. tional Liberation Front repre-} sentatives as an independent entity at a conference table This is what Kennedy favors,/| while Johnson claims the Viet! Cong should be represented as) |part of the North Vietnamese | delegation. fo What Kennedy has put for-! ward dramatically was essen-| tially suggested by Secretary-) } Thant of the United! Nations at a press conference) | Jan. 20. But Thant's suggestions | |were immediately turned down by U.S. State Secretary Dean } i CITY OF OSHAWA Welfare Visitor -- Welfare Department (MALE OR FEMALE) QUALIFICATIONS: = Mini Junior M with ean over-all average of 66% in English, History of Grade 12 and two of Mathe- motics, Sciences and Languages of Grades 11 and 12. Must heve 66% or better to quality for Welfare Graduation Diploma. Moture ond able to des! with people on persona! contact level. Must have 1966 Operator's License Be or become conversant with Provincial Welfare legislation. Reporting to the Welfare Administrator or wag st conduct home tn- vestigations on epplicetions under the General Welfare Assistance Act, Prepore budgets for welfore recipients. Applications close '3:00 p.m., March Ist, 1966. PERSONNEL OFFICER City Hell Oshewa MEN'S TOPCOATS ONLY $1.00 WITH PURCHASE OF ANY SUIT from 69.50 These fine topcoets are all wool meterial with inset sleeves end halt raglan back. Plain colors and checks in the lot. Sixes range from 36 te 46, Talls included. MEN! "CASH-IN" ON THIS TERRIFIC SAVING NOW! IT'S FANTASTIC ! YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS IT!! MEN'S DRESS SLACKS Buy One Pair And Get Another For Only National Liberation Front, the| CLOSED GAP political organization of the} And the White House closed rebel Viet Cong in South Viet) the gap a little between its posi- Nam, be given an independent] tion and that of the New York place at a peace conference and|senator by stating that the U.S be assured the United States| would abide by the results of Is South Africa Supplying Rhodesia's Oil, U.K. Asked LONDON (CP)--African coun-jarose at the time of the com- tries quizzed Britain at a sanc-|mittee's first meeting Jan. 25 tions review Wednesday on re-|when some African and Carib- ports that South African oil is} bean delegates challenged Brit- lubricating the rebellion of Rho-|ain's claim to the chairmanship desia's white-minority regime. (as the country directly respon- But informants said that de-|sible for Rhodesia spite some cross-examination, Hughes delivered a lengthy there was no sharp criticism at) progress report to the closed the second meeiing of the 20- 244-hour session attended country Commongrealth sanc-' mostly by high commissioners, tions committee on Rhodesia. | pius Arnold Smith, the Canadian Delegates were assured that) head of the new. Commonwealth newspaper reports have exag-! secretariat. gerated the volume of oil cross-) ing the Rhodesian border and also that Britain is making rep-| resentations to South Africa on the matter. Cledwyn Hughes, British min-| ister. of state for Commonwealth] 4, central African colony for affairs, nominated Canadian). nee Te ' ; i ; Negro-majority rule. High Commissioner Lionel <e : Chevrier as permanent. chair- Friday, another subcommittee man of the committee, will study Commonwealth aid to struggling Zambia, An airlift is REMOVES FRICTION | carrying some 7,500 tons of oil This move, unanimously en-|monthly to Zambia, about one- dorsed, removed friction that|third of it by Canadian planes Scheduled for today is a meet- ing of a subcommittee studying a crash educational program to be introduced in Rhodesia after the rebellion is ended. This would be designed to prepare UPSTAIRS at the GRAND RESTAURANT TRY US TODAY! We also speciolize in delicious Businessmen's Luncheons e@ LIGHT LUNCHES and taste tempting @ CHINESE FOODS - Including Toke-Out-Orders. PERG RESTAURANT | Rusk, and resulted in limited At home with: : ordan Sherry People on the go...active...smart...modern. At home they like an old favourite--Jordan Sherry, from the bottle, chilled or especially on the rocks. Choose from seven fine Jordan Sherries--dry to rich golden cream. For perfect enjoyment, be sure your Sherry is Jordan, Very popular. Tailored from the finest English and Domestic All-wool yearns, dyed and worsted and flonnels, in smert neat checks and plain colors. In Banker Grey, Dark Brown, Lovet, Siete Blue, Black and Charcoal. Reguler styles with belt feops or the popular young man's "Continente! Style". Sizes 28 te 44, FIRST SLACKS EXTRA SLACKS YOU SAVE big 9.95 1.00 8.95 Peeing 14.95 1.00 13.95 anace 19.95 1.00 18.95 Men's & Boys' SWEATERS Buy One And Get Another For Only $1.00 The finest ef the knitwear, made of Orion and Lambswool. Menufacturer forbids ue te hog his name, These come in White, Ivy, Walnut, Grey, Black end Blue. Sizes 8 years te yeors FIRST EXTRA you Get An Extra SWEATER SWEATER SAVE Sweater For 6.95 1,00 5.95 Only 1.00 9.95 1.00 8.95 More f 12.95 1.00 11.95 SPORT SHIRTS Buy One And Get Another For Only FIRST EXTRA YoU SHIRT SHIRT SAVE 4.95 1.00 3.95 5.95 1.00 4.95 AND YOU CAN CHARGE IT AT DUNN'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M. S 36 KING ST. EAST (Downtown Oshawa) Open Fridays Until 9 P.M. a4 { } Upatei whhhaal ad 14% KING ST. E. 728-4666 -- 725-0075 JORDAN WIN. 2 LOCATIONS

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