So ee Feorwary = Council last week to a Manvers School Area, Darlington School Area. partly located in School Area. Council agreed to ma ping of the township terial is only for the use. authorize the of Forests for maintenance a PICKERING SCHOOL ADDITION NEARS COMPLETION liam G. Davis Oct. 14, Stu- classroom wing has been dents now studying in double set at Mar. 1: while the ee gh shop wing will be completed new building after the by April 1 and the gymna- Faster holidays. Completion sium by April 15. date for the south- west --Oshawa Times School Budget Boost Foreseen At Pickering Pick-) The total. school budget} 11.69 mills of a tax rate of 18.32) Legion c School amounts to $92,450 for the oper-| mills. vA" 2, assed its| ation of the Lincoln Ave. Public! The board had an operating |ture 2, Firemen 0; Debenture repayment ae $8,824.54 cons fea Lucky Strikes 1 to 6.63 mills while/while the provincial grant for Cost will" come to| 1966 is expected to total $48, 500 fom 'Perrow yar (a9e)3 Jonn, land taxes $34,125, plus student}(271); Bill Collins 734 (311); fees $1,000. 729 (305); Expenses during the year are ny Reston 73) Warren | expected as follows: instruction, |(7¢" jef'"tanoy)* Dee. Danver $71,000; instructional supplies,|Kappy 665; Paul Frank 678 $4,000; administration, $4,500: Mcintyre 698; Bill Gordon 1 2 Deeth 280; Bob McAllister plant operation, $16,000; 1.15 p.m. Men -- Weed Control} --Donna Thexton,| maintenance, $1,500; auxiliary/ Workmen are putting the | vineial Park, finishing touches to the 35- classroom, $2,000,000 addi- tion to the Pickering Dis- trict High School which will be officially opened by Edu- cation Minister the Hon. Wil- weed inspector; | DeCoe, and W. were appointed to the terms, The | was Photo authorized to at | sociation of Ontario at Accounts, February 17 Res PICKERING (Staff) -- ering Village Public Board Monday night p. 1966 budget asking for a tax in-) | School. crease of .73 mills over Jast) amounts year. _}operating Red Wings 2, Jets Wadden Bros. 1; DURHAM COUNTY, Donna Thexton FARM CALENDAR' Rost Speaker Mar. 1 -- IOOF Hall, Orono, | ORONO se Change Sought HAMPTON -- Approval was|Department of given by Darlington Township office, Ontario County ences asking the council of the United | Feb. 28, 8 p.m. Counties of Durham and North-| umberland to detach part of the; in the Township of Darlington) Mr. 1, 1.30 p.m. -- Uxbridge | and attach these lands to the! | nantdnnni: Paral rE 'The council motion poinis oui the former Public School Sec- tion No. 20, Clarke Township; No, 20, Manvers Township and No. 23, Darlington Township are Darlington Township, At present they are ° part of the Manvers Township able to the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board aerial photo-| graphs and topographical map-| charge on the condition the ma- A bylaw will be prepared to} an agreement the Department of Lands and erection and centennial project in the Darlington Pro- Orval Grills was reappointed while Russell Harold Watson tee of adjustment for three-year township assessor | convention of the Assessors' | totalling $30,214.84, were _Passed for payment. 'BOWLING SCORES (Thursday Night Section) wits -- Legionnaires 3, Knights of Colormive 0; County Bow! 3,|_ 9 Legion Old Sweats 0; Post Office 2, Otten- Firemen "B" 2, gion No, 2, 0; Ken Smith Construction 2, High Triples and Singles--Dick Adams/ Marty Jordan 716 (290); Doug Allen 709 (344); Roger Reeson 695 (280); plant| Hatch 279; Elmo Gibson 293; Larry Blyth| AY 'SO! SALE SALE FINISHES -- MARCH Ist, 1966 Buy NOW and beat the Sales tax! CABIN TRAILERS e FREE!! Free folding double Bunk or Frame hitch with 1966 Models Sold in February 1966 Model 15' Rocket. . . 1395,00 | 1966 Model 17' Rocket. . . 2195.00 1966 Model 15 Holiday. . . 1545.00 1966 Model 18' Holiday ...... 2395,00 Includes os stondord equipment electric brokes, propane fridge oven, toilet, 25 Gallon Water tank, double gas bottles, window awning USED TRAILERS 1 Only 14' HOMEMADE Feb. 28, 1.30 p.m. -- me Agriculture | Fin RE-SE petition) Club directors' meeting. Uxbridge! Department of Agriculture | office, Uxbridge Township Plan- | located! ning Board meeting. Beef Producers' directors' meet-|fll ie to plan 1966 program and projects. Mar. 2, 1.30 p.m. -- Uxbridge Legion Hall, Parmers' meeting to discuss Workmen's Compen- sation as it affects the farmer. Mar. 2, 8 p.m. -- Uxbridge Boardroom, Egg and Poultry meeting for District 7, which includes Simcoe, York, Ontario, Durham and Victoria Counties. Mar, 3, 12.15 p.m. -- Uxbridge Boardroom, Ontario County Hog Producers' meeting to plan 1966 program and projects. Mar, 3, 8.30 p.m. -- Brooklin, | Township Hall -- March meet- | ing Brooklin Junior Farmers. Mar. 8, 1.30 p.m., Uxbridge Boardroom March meeting of Ontario County Co-op Medi- cal Services, Mar, 8 8.30 p.m., Uxbridge High School -- March meeting of Uxbridge Junior Farmers. Mar. 10, 1.28 p.m., Uxbridge commit-| Legion Hall -- Canada Pension '| Plan as it affects the farmer, A representative of the Inceme Tax Department will attend. Mar. 10, -7 p.m., Columbus -- Annual Ontario County Holstein | Club banquet. Mar, 11 to 13 -- University of Guelph -- Annual Junior Farm- ers Conference. Mar. 15, 8.30 p.m., Brock High School, Canninggon March meeting for Beaverton Junior Farmers. ke avail- without board's with| Not as Illustrated was the As- Windsor tend G Firemen | Goold's Furni- Le- 1 Only--HOMEMADE 13', Sleeps 5. Stove, Radio, Hydro and Gos lights 18' GLENDETTE 1965 Model. Used 3 weeks -- Brakes, fridge, stove, oven toilet. List Price 2700.00. SPECIAL 1 Only Used 1965 DELUXE TENT TRAILER. Sleeps 4 to 6. Used 3 weeks, With mattresses. 2 ply perm- asol canvas roof and walls 2 Only--Used "SILVERLINER" TENT TRAILERS. Sleeps 6. (276, 266); | Adams 737} Doc Dafoe 2100.00 375.00 595.00 Watson 676 Canadian with Grover Smith and Harvey|12, Grade 7, a daughter of Mr.|agencies, $200; capital outlay, Wright. Women -- Kitchen Plan-/and. Mrs. Clayton Thexton,/$500 and taxes written off, $150. | ning and Time Efficiency in' whose subject was "Albert, Debentyre repayments in 1966 BUDGET DRY CLEANING Table, Gouche bed, ice box. 2 New 1965 LECKIE DELUXE the kitchen, Miss Pat Wray,'Sweitzer', was the top contest-| will total $19,348. The township home economist ant in the Durham County Public|share during 1966 will amount Mar. 2 -- 8 p.m. Annual Flue-|Speaking finals here Tuesday|to 27.44 per cent while village Cured Tobacco Growers' Winter nicht. Ten speakers took part in| ratepayers will pay 72.56 per meeting. Orono Town Hall the contest which was sponsor-|cent of the budget Mar. 3 -- 1.30 p.m. Work- eq by the Durham Trustees and! In 1965 Pickering Village had men's Compensation for the Ratepayers Association. an assessment of $2,169,816 Farmer with speaker from the' 1, second place was Kathy|while the. section of the town board. All farm people are: in- McGuirk, 14, a Grade 8 pupil| ship served by the Lincoln Ave vited to attend this meeting be-| 4+ Manle Grove East Public|School had an assessment of ing held in oe ee la School. A daughter of Mr. and/ $747,145. yes agg Co ot ge tr Mrs. Thomas McGuirk she spoke' The 1965 public school mill| Farm Safety mt on "Stars Unlimited'. rate for the village was 17.59! Attendents On Ha To Operate Machi Laundry Blair Park Plaze -- $2.00 for 8 Ibs. NO SELF SERVICE -- Frigidaire Coin with Mattresses 2 New 1965 STANDARD MODELS with Mattresses whiskies use the word "Gold? nd ines Whitby 1966 12' CAR TOP, 712 HP Rating. Reg. 230.00, SPECIAL Town Hall. Third place went to Caroline | mills ons =ias pe yg ee Johnson, 13, a Grade & student Ge cliethia 40 ae On a cropos.(2t Orono Public School. She ed peel sil plan Se ban n|SPoke. on P ye ni B= gly ~~ |Curie"'. iss Johnson is a market sales of these crops.| : Voting at department office, 44/daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Johnson. Frank st., Bowmanville, 8.30 eG Haddidens, seehent ot to noon and 1.15 to 5 7s ise, 3 _ - the Durham County Club, pre- sented the trophy to the win- tilizer recommendation course,|ner- Ralph McIntyre presented department office, Bowmanville. the Bowmanville Lions Club Marh 8 -- 1.30 p.m. --Farm- Trophy to the second place win- stead beautification for those en- "er. tered in the Durham County) ~ Centennial Farmstead Improve- ment Competition. IOOF Hall, Orono Mar. 10 -- 9.30 a.nm to 4 p.m RED WING ORCHARDS Feature this Week... NORTHERN SPY APPLES FANCY AND CEE GRADE At their best now for cooking and eating p.m Mar. 7 -- Continuation of fer- EXAMINE MONARCHY STOCKHOLM (Reuters) Both chambers of Sweden's ~¢ parliament decided Wednesday | tee --_ posing School, |t, appoint' a committee to in-| Mar. 10 aa" p.m. Orono Town vestigate the role and status of | Hall chanads Pension Plan | the country's monarchy. The} Sscussila votes followed discussion on! Mar. 19 -- 10.30 a.m Srone whether Sweden should remain Yown Hall, Durham Farm Man- a monarchy or become a repub- agement Association annual lic. meeting. The new Ontario Farm Record Book will be discussed. | and banquet for Durham Coun- Mar. 15 -- Gordon Tobey, en-|ty Co-op. gineering specialist, will be at; Mar, 30 -- 1.15 p.m. Depart- the Bowmanville 'office of the ment office, Bowmanville, Dur- department of agriculture ham County DHIA annual meet- Mar. 16 -- 6.30 p.m. ~--Orono ing. J. Moles, Ontario Hydro, Located 22 Miles West of Whitby on No, 2 Highway at the "BIG RED APPLES" 1966 12' HEAVY DUTY CAR TOP, 10 HP, Reg. 265.00, SPECIAL... CAR TOP, 15 HP. Reg. 335.00. SPECIAL. CAR TOP LONG DECK, 15 HP. Reg. 365.00, SPECIAL USED 3 Only 12' ALUMINUM CAR TOPS 1 Only 14' CEDAR CANOE 2 Only 16' ALUMINUM CANOES .. 1 Only 14' CEDAR STRIP BOAT 1966 14' So dont be 1966 14' T Only 14' CRESTLINER MUSTANG 40 H.P. Rating 1 Only RICHARDSON LAPSTRAKE, Like new. 70 H.P. Rating . United Church annual meeting guest speaker. HOOVER WASHER- SPIN DRYER You can in this amazing washer dryer from Hoover. Wash-rinse and spin dry 24 pounds of clothes in just 30 minutes. Use only 83% gallons wash water which can be saved to use over again. NO INSTALLATION NECESSARY -- Use anywhere, stores in a minimum wide, 291" long, space only 1612" 37/2" high. Gentle clothes them but water. @ spin drying. NDEPENDENT SALES WHITBY LTD. 309 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY Can You Imagine... Washing a 6 |b. Load of Clothes in 4Minutes ? Nothing touches Many clothes are ready to iron after COMPLETE ONLY .. 1 99.95 PHONE 668-2081 e iv utbeard Motor 1958 2 HP. ELGIN 125 1952 10 HP, JOHNSON 12 ~+#HP. EVINRUDE aucrnic 200 jounson 125 25 H.P. ELGIN 5995 ELECTRIC 40 H.P. JOHNSON Lone shee... 400 "425 1966 CHRYSLER OUTBOARDS CHRYSLER New NOW ON DISPLAY -- 3! to 105 H.P. AVAILABLE 1 Only --- POLARIS MUSTANG SNO-TRAYVELER DEMONSTRATOR -- Model 1000. Reg: 995.00. SALE rem 58 5.00 1965 3% HP. WEST BEND 5 HP. JOHNSON 7% HP. JOHNSON .... 7% HP. EVINRUDE ... 5.4? GALE 7% HP. WEST BEND 7% HP. ScoTT 1952 1954 1954 1956 spin 1954 1952 1963 1962 1964 1964 1989 1965 Phone 668-3226 WHITBY, ONT. SERVICE AND SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E.