Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Feb 1966, p. 2

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By KEN CLARK OTTAWA (CP)--Former and current Liberal politicians, a top-drawer newspaper man and even a Conservative could make the hie lean te-the Conate,-acx) cording to speculation. | Prime Minister Pearson is ex- pected to fill some or all of the 15 vacancies in the upper house any day now. Those selected will receive a $12,000-a-year salary and a $3,000 tax-free ex-| pens: =!owance. They must re-) tire at 75. Most or all of the spots are expected to to Liberals be- cause that is the persuasion of the government, but Howard Green, 74, a former Conserva- tive cabinet minister, is a pos- sibility, according to West Coast speculation. He represented Vancouver-Quadra in the Com- mors for years. Auinor Bruce Hutchison, 64, former editor of the Victoria! Daily Times and now editorial! director of the Vancouver Sun, | is another possibility. British | ;Columbia has two vacancies. Caiiieman Harry Hays, 57,) former Liberal agriculture min- ister defeated in the Nov. 8 fed- » iniemne | WEATHER FORECAST Senate: Liheral Politicians | NNewspaperman And tory? Alan Macnaughton, former,promoting his community at! Commons Speaker and member home and abroad; i for Montreal Mount Royal who Paul Desruisseaux, " Loewen cp pekingantee quit politics last fall; newspaper publisher and radio | issued by the weather office at Jean-Paul Deschatelets, for-|and television station owner in/5:30 a.m.: mer Liberal cahinat minister | Sherbrooke. |_ Synonsis: A disturhance ic ay. who left active political life for The Senate vacancies rose to/pected to push across North- personal reasons; 15 with the death on Feb. 16 of jern Ontario today and through - )Paui Hi. bouliard, wiv Lepie: |vemtiot anu SouueIn Uniariv un Rene tremblay, the Liberal) ented the Grandville district of Friday accompanied by a few MP for Matapedia-Matane who | Quebec. : snowflurries and followed by resigned as postmaster-general| Fifteen iy unusually high, but /SUghtly colder weather. late last year; not a record for vacancies. Lake St. Horace Boivin, 60, who re- spe tired as mayor of Granby in/|53, Conservatives 31, independ-|t@ti0, southern Georgian Bay, 1964 after 25 years in the post|ents 2, independent Liberal 1. [Southern Haliburton, Windsor, 90 PERCENT WOULD STAY OUT Parts-Makers Will Fight *..°2'"v'ins'tos:" Northern Haliburton, Killa. | loe, northern Georgian Bay, Al- s Any Auto-Pact Extension s,s Mer 2 magami, southern White River, | North Bay, Sudbury: Mainly cloudy with a few light snow- jflurries today. Cloudy with snowflurries or period of light |day and Friday. TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian companies that make auto re- placement parts plan to oppose any future extensions of the Ca- nadian-United States auto trade pact that would apply to them. each year. They fear that U.S. interests may press for inclu- sion of replacement parts when the trade pact undergoes its first i ; ae ie ei : ~,.|snow tonight ending Friday pe prnnty Rpnilrdsh hfe The morning. Friday sunny with a db, agreement in 1965 pro- few cloudy periods. Not muc} Arthur Paulin, president of the| vided only for elimination of change in teacaradibies 'aie: g e s y. | - = . | Uvereast, Sunny Int Sen asa iia == Clair, Lake Erie, | The standings are: Liberals |Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake Or-|Kitchener -. -- |London, Toronto, Hamilton: | |Cloudy with sunny intervals to- | Hamilton Ree anaes Chance of |St. Catharines.... some light snow or snowflurries | [Sault Ste, Marie... Temperatures Seasonable Ottawa region; Mostly sunny fduring the day, Clouding over again tonight. Friday mainly cloudy but with some sunshine by ailérnvon. Seasonavie téem- peratures. Winds light. rerecast Lemperawures Low tonight, high Friday: Windsor .....see08 St. Thomas....... London ... Mount Forest. Wingham .. TOFONtO ....sseeee Peterborough Kingston ... Trenton cccssceess Killaloe .... Muskoka wcesesees North Bay..eserses Sudbury ..csssecss Earlton Kapuskasing White River...+++ Moosonee .scccesee 0 SRABRSRSSRRSRKERSRRRRS rvale Automotive Industries Associa-|tariffs on shipments of new Cooks : i | tion of Canada, said in an inter-| parts and vehicles between the ,,. risa) northern W h ; te |view Wednesday a resolution is|two countries. aber? geo agp a ns being drafted by the companies| yr Paylin, also president of es eae mosey, ending to state their opposition to en-) Renae! and clearing partly this eve- 'acind H. Paulin Co. Ltd. of Toronto,/ning. Friday sunny with-a few largement of the pact to include)... 7, a ny It will| Said Canadian replacement|cloudy periods. Little change in | parts makers feel they would be|temperatures today. Colde r swamped by U.S. competition if} Friday. Winds southwest 15 to 25 the pact is expanded to include!shifting to light northerly to- their products night. \ MAJOR POOL Is offering you pool tables they have in stock at drastic reductions to clear stock for as little as 1.00 down during Major Pool's eral election, could get one of the three Alberta vacancies. Sid Buckwold, former Saska-| jtoon mayor, and Hazen Argue, | A ROUGH TIME FOR TILCO'S CO 2 OWNER 'the CCF politician who became | asp Rervige of ee pecans pro a Liberal, are mentioned for lar Cc cheat marast irm, is jostled by crow after breaking through. Ss : 2 : : : plant in Peterborough, Ont. ;-------- vi il il ee tats | SOREREn § BREE WRERO CY be presented Monday at the Tor- PRLS spa a DAVEY MENTIONED onto convention of the AIA. The speculative favorite to fill Timmins ... 30% OFF Greeting Cards Toys - | 1 across the street from the strikebound Tilco Plastics Pickets gave Harold Pam- met a rough time Wednes- day outside a coffee shop Purcheses Specie! Change-Over Sele ' at Newton's 23 ATHOL ST. WEST, OSHAWA WHEN NKRUMAH'S AWAY... HERE and THERE (Continued From Page One) | Minister Wilson set up last year to. seek a Viet Nam settlement. | The revolt got under way) 4 British official, quoting a| an EST) a ssi report oe gy _ Ber pote, ib Pee army sealed off Accra airfield) moving through the streets and early today. shooting was first heard in) The army also took over the! Flagstass House. : radio and communications. Army Maj. A. A. Afrifa broad-| Ghana potentially is one of per Py 5:32 pdr _ -- the wealthiest states of West Af- wo e no news at 6 a.m., the rica. usual time. But that all Ghan- ]¢ was the first of Britain's aians should tune in for a spe- african colonies to be grantea| cial announcement. , independence, in 1957. High The papedte Burma Mec 2 hopes existed then that Ghana -- ag am pi |would be the cradle of African 'ouse--was sealed an ol. | democracy. M. M. Hassan, director of mili-| Over a years however| tary intelligence, was reported nyrumah turned increasingly to| arrested. one-man rule, Opposition lead- _ Other reports said bombs had org were jailed and the coun- been hurled at the house of Lt-jtrys government became an Col. David C. Zanlerigu, who is! oytright dictatorship. chief of the presidential guard. One unconfirmed report said he SAYS HE'S OFFICER was killed The Accra broadcaster iden-| The Ghana Air Force was re- tified himself as an army of- ported co-operating with the re- ficer. bellion. "The myths of Nkrumah have A few hours after the broad-|been broken," he said, accord- cast here, Nkrumah arrived injing to radio monitors in Lon- Peking en route to North Viet' don, Nam. The state of Ghana came into) IVE U ATI being March 6, 1957, when the) say yoo conga broadcast {oTmer colony of the Gold Coast) heard at Lome, the capital of and the trusteeship territory of} ; ' Togoland achieved domin-! neighboring Togo, said the lead: ion perersete ers of the coup had given an ' r i ultimatum to militia forces to! sure eal -- _ lay down their arms. i |his life in recent years. He was'! The ultimatum ve lprime minister of Ghana when Sore eae signed by Kotoka, it became the first British Ne- It eties peu ss order a -- gro-ruled colony in Africa to at-| pnoed siaanipsasetmidmncescubean ad?" independence, and was . . elected the country's first pres- The coup came three days | dent when it became a repub- after Nkrumah left his capital lic in 1960 for talks in Cairo, Rangoon, Pe- Deesident iid aah titra king and Hanoi on a Viet Nam) duced the one-party state in) ace mission undertaken ON} y, nary, 1964, in which only his is own initiative He is accoM-| Honvention People's party was panied by a 71-man entourage. |e rmitted to operate. A referen- | Nkrumah is a member of 4) 44m approved the measure by five-man Commonwealth peace]. '99 99 percent majority mission set up last year by P i Prime Minister Harold Wilson | was FIRST of Britain to seek a Viet Nam! Nkrumah, the first' modern settlement |African nationalist leader to The Peking dispatch report-jachieve power, 'launched far- ing his arrival there said his' reaching development plans for| special plane was met by Chi-'\Ghana, played an important) nese President Liu Shao-chi and part on the international stage, | Premier Chou En-lai. and became an outstanding fig- STAGE PARADE ure in the African struggle for 3E ADE Pash The ceremonial welcome at) ©™@" {pation "ial At the airport was followed by a He dreamed of a socialist Af- eae Pte cane, (rica of politically-unified inde- Seated by tin eat al ruen aed pendent states and advocated, assistance in Bowmanville in reati "uni ov-| J y ; ; cymbals. the dispatch reported the creation of a "union ig anuary. The actual cost to . ' 7% ia The Chinese capital was dec- the town was $875.31 Five. grated with streamers and por- traits, including a life-size one of Nkrumah at a road juncture near his guest house The Nkrumah government has been severely criticized abroad for an allegedly repres- sive internal policy under which many opponents of his one-party rule have been, detained, some for alleged involvement in un- successful attempts on the pres- ident's life. Today's takeover in Ghana is the latest in & series of mili- tary coups in Africa. The big- gest was in Nigeria last month, when Prime Minister Sir Abu- bakar Tawafa and two regional premiers were killed Within the last two months the army has also seized power in the former French African territories of Dahomey, central African Republic.and Upper Volta. There was also an army coup Wednesday in Syria. IT'S HIS IDEA Nkrumah's mission to Hanoi, with a 7l-man entourage, was undertaken at his own initia- tive. Nkrumah is also a mem- ber of a fiv-man Commonwealth mission which Britain's Prime! "Why Pay More... SAVE!!'3 [4° a mt ON PREMIUM QUALITY Mr. Paulin said a recent sur- the single Ontario vacancy is|vey by the association showed} Keith Davey, the 39-year-old for-|90 per cent of its manufacturing mer radio advertising executive| members want to stay outside! now bowing out as the Liberals'! the pact. national organizer. | The replacement parts mak- Quebec has three spots open|ers do more than $500,000,000 worth of business in Canada The Rev. Winifred Bridg- es, pastor of Kedron Col- umbus. and Raglan United Churches, was the guest speaker at the February meeting of the Coronation School. Rev. Bridges gave an illustrated talk on India. She was thanked by Rudi Maeder on behalf of the members. Next meeting of the Community will be held on March 7. All parents are urged to attend. new applications were. pro- cessed. One building permit, repre- senting an estimated cost of and these prospects: $160, was issued at Bowman- ~~ z ville in January. Twelve plumbing permits were issued. During the week ending Feb. 20, 72 patients were ad- mitted and 79 discharged at tthe Bowmanville Memorial Hopitals, Eight births were reported. Sixteen major and | 31 minor operations were per- | formed. Twenty-nine emer. | gency cases were handled. Members of the Oshava Police Department scored 170 points to win the champion- ship and.the Labatt Trophy in a curling bonspiel with members 'of Bowmanville area police forces last week. | The Oshawa rinks were | skipped by Inspector FE. Bark- | er, Jack Cory, Stan Hodgson and Reg. Mcintyre. The Bow- manville rinks were skipped by Don Anderson, Ray Hart, | Harvey Cook and Len Janes. J. H. Jose, Newcastle, was elected county director at the recent annual meeting of the | Eastern Breeders' Association | at Orono. The winners of the herd conception competition for Durham County were: 31 cows or more, Mr. Stan. Mill- son, Enniskillen, 76 per cent; De Jong Bros., Nestleton, 74 per cent; 15 to 30 cow herds, Mr. Clifford Swallow, Bow- | manville, 91 per cent; Wm. | Darch, Enniskillen, 88 per cent, Members of the Durham County Hog Producers' Asso- ciation elected 12 directors at a recent meeting. They in- clude: Cartwright, Murray Byers, Walter Wight; Man- vers, Floyd Stinson, Lawrence Staples; Hope, Bev Gray, Howard Quantrill; Clarke, Don Staples, William Allin; Darlington, Lewis Wood, Keith Crago; Cavan, Ted Mc- | Dowell, Russell Kennedy. Elected as directors at large were Herb Morton Mel- bourne Morton, Howard Mal- colm, Jack Brown, Bill Fer. guson and Balfour Moore. Making Room for... SWIMMING POOLS NOW IS THE TIME TO GIVE YOUR REC-ROOM A BREAK AND YOUR POCKET BOOK TOO... TAKE YOUR CUE FROM MAJOR POOL... AND RACK UP THE SAVINGS... WITH PRICES YOU CAN'T MISS... DON'T BELIEVE IT... ? COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF... NOW! LIMITED QUANTITY ! DEAN J. KELLY PIERRE BERTON editor end Broed- castor hes announced thet Deen . Kelly of Oshewe will be his guest on toniaht's Pierre Berton Show on CFTO Channel 9 et 11:30 p.m. The interview has been nomed the} Deon Kelly Story. Pierre and Mr. Kelly will discuss whet hes hop-} pened to free Enterprise in Can-| ade. The original program listed| WAVE AWAY ON A n T.V. Guide has been cancelled/ in order to view this special pro-| WHITE EMPR ESS gram. Mr. Kelly is well known in| Unbreakable corners ---- made from the finest Oshawa for his successful crusade | heavyweight steel with oa laminated vinyl as President of the Oshawa Busi- decorator designed exterior, Heavy duty steel ness Men's Association in the re-| Cast off to adventure aboard a Canadian Pacific White fie. Saloniianer tag tevelers. San Gere aie moval of the railway trocks in Empress, largest ships sailing the scenic St. Lawrence eee ne ey Osh f street eontoure wrep eroun jecoretor style jegs. Ne see route to Europe. En route you can learn the latest 8" wood grained finish side wolls, Fost bali dances, see the latest movies, hear the latest jokes. Or action from Leval precisioned rubber cushions, ! you can relax, swim, enjoy gourmet meals, and just get hare Trost oan Donahoe bce peta DON T FORG ET away-from-it-all, Thereare regular White Empress sailings Che Rih KR cue sticks, 2%" striped boll set, instruction from Montreal and Quebec starting April 15. Plan now to NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7:30 P.M. book, triangle, chalk, bridgehead b board. It'll b Hl, C ' Cenadinn Paull otk Ad. Gk sbnat Unter Conk HERE ARE THE BUYS, UNFORTUNATELY Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. sailings from Southampton to South and East Africa. L i MITED QU ANTITY GENOSHA HOTEL '229 FROM THE FLOOR AS IS WN MONTHLY Sah 3 NCOM E j AX WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM { only GALAXIE S471 was $169.00 NOW $125.00 1.50 0.00 OUR PRICES FOR { only GALAXIE S481 was $199.50 NOW $149.50 1.00 11.70 { only RIVIERA $482 was $279.00 NOW $205.00 2.00 10,70 EDFETERS Announcement START $164°° THE EMPLOYEE'S { only IMPERIAL $483 was $299.50 NOW $229, 1,00 10.10 a INCOME TAX SERVICE 723-1163 THE "GALAXIE" One hundred and seven wel- fare recipients, 11 less than the previous month, received ep ernment of A SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS OF (G7 (y) FOOD CLUB MONTREAL-GREENOCK-LIVERPOOL Tourist Thrift Season fare April 16 and 22, from Ask about 25% reduction for tour groups. lafermation and reservations: 723-2224, 723-2226 Canadian Pacific 275 -- 284 289 303 348 332 304 144 we For Reservation and Information Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 104 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY PHONE 668-8867 IN STOCK ONLY WHILE THEY LAST Which has been operating in DOWN MONTHLY 9 only GALAXIE S481's at $169.50 SAVE $30.00 1,50 10,00 3 only RIVIERA $482's at $225.00 SAVE $54.00 2,00 11.80 6 only IMPERIAL $483's at $249.50 SAVE $50 1.50 11,00 { only ELDORADO $4701 at $425. SAVE $114, 2.00 14,10 Oshawa for the a years is now located 2 only ELDORADOS $4801 at $489. SAVE $86. United Auto Workers Credit Union Bld. KING STREET WEST 1,00 16.20 No Payments Before August . . . All prices do not include tax. Commence Mon. Feb. 28 Until April: 30. T. 1. SHORT FORM (Delivery and Set-Up Not Included) STILL ONLY $2 00 e | Comp!ste Travel Arrangements and Travel Information Call or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL | OSHAWA--WHITBY--BOWMANVILLE--BROOKLIN 57 King St. East, Oshawa 728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 MAJOR POOL Call Now For Complete Travel Arrangements EQUIPMENT CORP. CANADA LTD. MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE | 690 brake st. (Just South of 401) 125-6582 FUEL OIL Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa --- Whitby & Ajox Districts

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