Te ely SP a ey te ENT S86 ios Se San resreary sree THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, as 20--Real Estate for Sole 26--Reai Estete tor Scie (Zui Sstwis for Seis 3---Reni Eatate for Sais /2S---Reai Esicis far Sale G--Reai Esteie fcr Sais basin 20--Real Estate for Sale INSURANCE Man, ge 25 to 35 for Ciftims and Seles Supervisory work, At least Grade 12 ed- ucotion mature judgment ond hinhect standard. of ner: sonal ir egrity. Previous ine surance experience not mec- @S$0rY. GOOG tIyMIny avrury and -employee venefits. All replies treated confidential. Rlease write to: District Man- ager, CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION 286 King St. West, Oshawa Experienced male office cleaners. 6 days per week. CALL 668-5476 ZOLLECTOR -- parttime for established active mentnly debit. Experience not , car essential, No selling. For in terview write giving telephone number to Mr. Cody; 2405 Lakeshore Bivd. West, Suite 205, Taronto 14. pelts ates EXPERIENCED short order grit 'man! for charcoal broll,, Whitby area. Speed, efficiency and cleanliness essential. After 5 Yelephone 942-6343 MALE CLERK required for general con: struction, outside work. Experience ne cessary in time keeping and_ job cest, | Reply Box M16095 Oshawa Times, a6 King Es East STATIONARY ENGINEER, second- class rotating shift work, oil-fired Lech Reply ng| te Box M1609 Oshawa Times, st. BODYMAN, experienced, wages, steady employment. Apply Har- wood Auto to Body, Columbus 655- 3621 PAINTER wanted for Experienced. Good wages, ployment. Apply Harwood Auto Columbus 655-3 655-3621. WANTED: ; Ambitious bo morning and vicinity. Telephone today, 7 725- "4473, WELDER LANCER, steady steady em- Body boys to deliv JaRvOK er Yor hotel. 12 p.m. Box 1608) Oshawa Times. 19--Maele and Female Help Wanted _ MATHEMATICS ond/or PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY TEACHER Needed immediately for grodes 11 and 12. Port time or full time. GOOD SALARY WRITE BOX 15722 OSHAWA TIMES 86 King West, Oshawe TAXI DRIVERS | Part or Full Time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 | Se eee oat TiME FOR A CHANGE? Was last year really a successful year? Does your pres- ent job offer you al! the opportunity you want? Adequate income? Advancement | required. Good| 'aulo-body shop. | i paper in all areas of Oshawa) | worl | Ps pia person, Write box 14368 Sahew Tim "to 8 'em. | Six nights weekly, $1.50 per hour. eae potential? if your answer Is no, write Box 13198, Oshawa Times. SALESMEN and salesiadies. single. Earn up to $150 weekly. eaceecokacl Married o7 Show- | ing our top quality desk and door name- | plates. Age no barrier, Must have neat appearance. Apply in writing to Master Name Plate Limited P.O. Box 126 Osh- awa. PAPER BOYS or girls wanted for Whitby and North Oshawa area, Cali Mrs at 725-6647 EXPERIENCED shirt pressers, and counter girls. One Hour 96 Harwood South, Ajax 942-2212 ADVERTISING | newspaper. Must be experienced. salary. Telephone 942-1476 MAN AND WIFE to do cieani ng, eve- nings and weekends. State age. Write Box 1§861, Oshawa Times | 20--Recl Estote for Sele Metcalf REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 1525 SQ. FT. OF SPACIOUS LIVING Far only $123. per month and an investment of $2,300. you can own anew six-room brick home in a convenient north central location IMMACULATE BRICK BUNGALOW Only 2 years old and just waiting for your inspection Excellent north end location! Six beautiful rooms, garage and paved drive! DOWNSVIEW PARK LOOK AT THE FEATURES Ravine lot. Wolk-out Good Double garage ! basement! Two washrooms Separate dining room 'plus breokfast nook! Three bedrooms! All for $23,250. TRI-PLEX Two. excellent tions, Each is fully rented ond showing good return on your investment which would be $12,000, LIST NOW! for the coming spring rush OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 Dial 728-4678 Gord Hawkshow 723 Ken Honn 723 7963 Jack Osborne 728-5836 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 MEMB: EB MLS renting loca 1861 0.D.R _ We hist exeiusive & | | | 11 OF A KIND Martinizing, | | SALESMAN for weekly| REALTOR JIR_AKAT 240 0041 vee OSHAWA EAST 6 ROOMS $17,200. Dream Bungalow of brick ond stone construc- tion. Three bedrooms with ample closet space, 4 piece ° tiled bath, ""L" shaped liv- ing room and dining room, modern family kitchen. Down stairs, we have o large rec- reation room with bar and fridge. Landscaping al! com- plete, backyard all fenced, asphalt drive. The work is done ready to enjoy. Call to- night ond inspect. WHITBY $12,500. Five roomed bung- alow with attached garage, all newly decorated, yes, it has three bedrooms. This home is a gaod buy, inspect now before its SOLD, pos- session immediately os owner has moved out of town. OSHAWA CENTRAL $12,500. Five roomed, two storey older: home. This is a clean, two bedroom home with broadioom all through. Why pay rent when you can buy this one with paymerits including taxes less than rent. Phone to inspect now os it will not last RAE R. JONES REALTOR 728-6661 668-8841 Let's go house hunting with GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 155 Simcoe St. $. Member ODREB SORRY | ONLY Approximately 114 acres of land with 11 year old frame bungalow. 3 bedrooms. Excel- lent condition. Perfect for the gardener, Situated just east of Oshawa. Call 723-4645. CARRIES $59 MONTHLY Durable, maintenance - free John Mansville siding gives lasting beauty. Home-owner- ship is the keystone to thrift, and you couldn't rent a home for this monthly payment. De- tached. 4 rooms. Sparkling interior, Make the first step to better living -- call us now 723-4645. $1500. DOWN 1 open mortgage for balance, carries $95. monthly. Life- time aluminum siding pro- vides minimum. of upkeep. This delightful 2 bedroom bungalow situated on o nice lot 60' x 130' is exceptionally neat and tidy. New furnace with oil heating. The price? Only $12,995. Oshawa loca- tion near G.M. Call 723- 4645, CARRIES $96 MONTHLY $12,640 full price. Attractive NHA resale locoted in Ux- bridge. Only 3 years old. 6 rooms plus rec room. Values like this sell fast. Move when you wish but call now 723- 4645 In a setting of tranquil charm. Architect designed and built, this 3 bedroom home offers a unique approach to modern living. If you are looking for a cistinctive Whitby home -- this is it. Lorge 'airy living room fronted by a lovely bal- cony. Ultra modern kitchen. Finished family room with fireplace Price $22,000. Call 723-4645. EVERYONE KNOWS Who's the biggest in the real estate business but did you know that "Oshawa's Small Office' has sold so many pro- perties in such an unobtrusive way that there are actually people who have never heard of us. Careful now... or we just moy sell yours. PAUL RISTOW LTD REALTOR 728-9474 Financia! Trade Building 187 King Street East VISIT braemor gardens Stevenson Rd. N and Annapolis Oshawa's Most Convenient Community Smart Business People Sing the Praises of Oshawe Action Ads rw UIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. Si 723-5281 COMPLETELY FINISHED BASEMENT 1 @ Large brick home anl ysix years old. Three large bedrooms, L shaped living room and din- ing. room and plenty of closet space throughout this home. Two baths, recreation room with bar, Moke-an appointment right now, to see this lovely home, priced to sell . $17,500. NEAR NEW. EASTDALE COLLEGIATE Il @ Lovely two storey brick home with three extra bedrooms and two bathrooms This home is just three years) old and in excellent condition. Full asking price only $17,- 900. e SIX ROOM BUNGALOW Hl. @ neor the shopping centre. Priced economically ot $12,- 900. This home is clean throughout and nicely bond- scoped. Gorage. Call on home now. e NORTH EAST AREA IV. @ Priced to sell at $14,900 Two storey home in good con- dition, Wall to wall broadloom| in the large living family sized kitchen are two of now. for full particulars. fe HEART OF THE CITY V @ Large two storey frame} 'and stucco home situated on a} lot of 50 x 110 that could with rezoning provide mony income possibilities. Three good sized bedrooms, and bathroom. New forced air oil furnace. This home has the/ comfort of a modern home but} the spaciousness of an older home. Priced to sell, e GOOD RESIDENTIAL AREA IN. WHITBY VI @ This is a lovely ranch style brick bungalow with at-} on a} tached garage situated good sized corner lot. Complete- ly finished recreation room with bar, three good sized bedrooms and large kitchen. This home is} only four yeors old and priced to sell ot $16,700. e CLOSE TO THE SHOPPING CENTRE Vil @ Semi-detoched three! bedroom brick bungalow, in a| good residential area. Lorge living room and two finished rooms in the basement. Good terms available and immediate possession may be arranged. Full asking "ns only $14, 200.) LOW DOWN PAYMENT CONS!IDERED VIII @ If you ore tired of rent- ing, but want to live comfort- ebly and cannot find anything within your budget, give us a cal! on this two bedroom beauty large} this} room and} just) the attractive features} to be found in this home. Call) remodelled kitchen] | | | | 103 King Street East 5% room ranch style bungo- low in beautiful condition, 3 good size bedrooms, large living room and modern kit- chen. Home is only 7 yeors old, T.V. tower and potio, nicely londscaped with rock- ery 'ond plenty of shrubs. Phone A. Donaldson 725- 9882 or 728-7328. | Builders lots, choice north end | location, don't wait until there are none available. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. COURTICE AREA Smart four room white frome bungalow with bathroom, modern kitchen, private drive, T.V. tower ond oerial. Property 404 feet deep, houses close by, close to No. 2 Highway. Asking $1500.00 down. Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457 SOUTH END 2 bedroom Bangalow, olu- minum siding, close to Hou- daille Industries, taxes $164, Cali Will Irvine 728-2868. NORTH WEST AREA $2500:00 and take of this four bed- | room home with ample room for a growing family. Hot water heating adds to your comfort. Full price $11,900. Call Ston McCormack 655- } 3066 | DUPLEX Ritson Rd. South, one four room apartment and one 3 room apartment, extra room in basement excellent condi- dition, large garage, live rent free. Buy now and save, Robert Johnson 728-2548. | LOT IN HAMPTON | Only $1800.00 Full price, | 66 x 165, good location. Call John Kuipers 723-6590. RAVINE LOT | Brick bungalow with 2 bed- rooms, L shaped living and dining room, lots of cupboard spoce, 26 ft. recreation room with built in cupboards and | sink, garage, private drive | and nicely landscaped lot | with shrubbery. Asking only | Invest | } $15,300.00. Call Keith Pet- ers 725-4162. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD Supervisor REAL ESTATE DEPT. Completely renovoted five room bungalow with new floors, new roof, new plastering. Full asking price only $10,900 Coll 723-528) culars Open daily 9 pm for full from After hours call Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Monitius Evelyn Cossel Len Bissell! Italo Bortolussi Eleanor deJong Ernest Mueller Steve Englert Jean Peacock Jack Graham El. Ann Thompson Doug Trivett George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock 5.4330 Dick Young 723- 7183 We list exclusive and Photo M.L.5 Member of 10.D.R.E.B. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS 725-3454 728- 2754 5-3710 25-2070 -6329 -2949 0208 5581 -4330 -9947 4731 3-7390 -424] 3-2537 i } OPEN DAILY From 2 to 9 P.M. Weekends | to 6 P.M. Except Monday & Tuesdey FLOODLIT AFTER DARK Homes of Distinction Designed For Better Living Toke advantoge SPECIAL PRICES Consider and compare the Low 614% Interest Choice of three and four bed- rooms, electric or oil heat ng some with $500 Winter Works Bonus DON'T. DELAY DRIVE OUT AND SEE DIRECTIONS King Street East over Hort's Hill, past flasher light, turn right at 2nd Street (Athaboskea), to Lebrador Drive Mode! Home EXCLUSIVE AGENTS GUIDE REALTY LIMITED porti-| 9 am. to 728-7083 | 728-0768) PHONE 723-5221 | | Central East Oshawa $15,900 -- Full Price. 3 bedroom Brick Bungalow near Separate and Public schools -- Established, quiet, residential. street Phone immediately for appointment to see this lovely home. Modern Bungalow |. This 3 bedroom bungalow '~-with large Rec. Room is well maintained by the careful owners. Convenient to ALL schools, plus Rosslyn Shopping Plaza nearby. It's a home which will give your family @ proper environment in a nicely matured neighbour- hood. Must be sold so see this one at once and moke your offer Full Price $29,900.00. Large 4 bedroom Split Level with 2 car attached garage -- Stone Fireplace in living room and brick fireplace in a beautifully finished rec, room - 2 complete bath- rooms. This lovely home is situated on a large lot 85' x 175° in a choice Whitby loca- on near public and high school * THE EXPERIENCE AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 1S AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU SELL - BUY - BUILD LIST WITH CENTRAL, | OR Ron Armstrong | Tom Houston Bill. Taylor Ralph Schofield 725-9592 668-4416 723-9349 728-3376 EXCELLENT Whitby Location Gracious square plan, 2 storey home, large living room, sep- arate dining room, will com- fortably hold full dining suite, The 9' x 14' kitchen is mod- ern and has loads of cup- board space. Three averaged bedrooms and 4 pce. bath. $4,000. cash will handle. The discerning buyer should see this spacious centre - hall plonned home. Coll RUBY MATHER for appointment. 942-3310 GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. FULL PRICE $14,900.00 LOTS -- LOTS -- LOTS * perty. Whitby--Executive Home AFTER HOURS CALL 723-5221 JACK RICARD REALTOR 99 King St. E. BOW MAIN VILLE 623-2503 ATHABASKA ST. 5 year old brick bungolow, Extra washroom in basement. Finished rec. room, Stone patio, Garage. $17,900. Terms. 200 ACRE FARM Just off hwy. 115 near Pontypool. 4 bedroom home with all conveniences. Lorge L barn, 2 ponds. Level, stone free farm. $32,500. Terms. 35 ACRES with fast stream. Slightly roll- ing, wooded land. $5,900. Terms. BOWMANVILLE 3° bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage, paved drive. Good area. $15,500. NEWCASTLE Colonial style homes in excel- lent condition on Mill St, 2 "bathrooms, fireplace. 4 bed- rooms, etc. 200'. x 300' lot. $18,000 SOLINA RD. 5 miles West of Oshawa, 1570 square foot ranch bung- alow with attached garage. 4 bedrooms, dining room 12' x 15' kitchen. Broadloom and drapes. 125' x 625' lot. Ask- ing $25,000. Terms HAMPTON 3 bedroom bungalow on 1 acre of land. 4 piece bath. 24'-x 30' barn. $12,500. Terms HOUSE TRAILER 50 foot Champion. Fully furnished $3,300 723-5688 Orono 1 R 12 Garnet Ricard Wilf Hawke FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board ACREAGE 98 scenic acres with two creeks on paved highway, 9 miles east of Oshowo, Only $20,000 full price--terms. 50 ACRE FARM 20 miles from Oshawa, 4 bed- room home, modern conven- iences, with piped woter, pig barn and implement shed. Full price $24,000--terms. COLBORNE, ONTARIO 265 acres farm. Town water and sewer run through pro- Brick two. storey ten room house, barn 40' x 100'. Asking $70,000 but open for reasonable offer. SPRING BUILDING 10 acre sites one mile from Bowmanville. Partly Wooded balance in choice garden land. $5,000.00 with $1,- 000.00 down OUTSTANDING RESTAURANT On 12 acres stream and mod- ern bungalow 300 ft. front- age on busy road. Seats 100, terrific potential, room for miniature golf course or drive-in theatre. Health forces immediote sale. Asking $67,- 000--$20,000 down Clore McCullough 723-7843 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 George Beaton, Port Perry 985-2987 Howard Forder, Brooklin 655-3853 Bill & Doreen Gimblett Office Pt. Hope 885-4548 Residence " 885-2535 649 % NHA Mortgages Exciting! Gorgeous! Wonderful! Beautiful! Fantastic! Different! Delightful! That's whot they*ore saying about Armstrong Homes Southwood Pork, Ajax. A community of distinctive fine homes. Down payments from $1,350 Trade-in plan ovailabie. GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 942-3310 4 busy 723-4645 JOHN F. DEWIT REALTOR Bowmanville, 14. Frank Street 623-3950 78 Acre farm with 7 roomed home. L-shaped barn. Asking $12,000. Terms. 200 Acre farm with 8 roomed brick home, Large L-shaped barn, 140 acres workoble, Ask- ing $29,000. Terms. 144 Acre farm with 7 roomed brick home. Good size barn. Hen house. Asking $20,000. Terms. 190 Acre form on No. 28 Highway with 10 roomed brick home. All modern con- veniences. Large barn. Drive shed etc, Asking $85,000. Terms, EAST OF NEWTONVILLE, 70 acre farm with new bungalow. Barn, Beoutiful stream. Ask- ing $30,000. Only $7,000 down. NORWOOD AREA, 100 acres with 6 roomed home, bath- room. 2 Ponds. Asking only $1500 down. APSLEY AREA, 200 acres with large river, connected with Stoney Lake. Over 1000 feet highway frontage. Ex- cellent for motel. Asking $13,000. Terms 50 Acre farm with 7 roomed home, bern, garage. Highway location. Asking $11,500. Terms. COURTICE AREA, 10 acres with 8 roomed brick home. All modern conveniences. Asking $15,900. Terms. MAPLE GROVE AREA, 5 roomed new brick bungalow, with double garage. Nice sunporch. Finished 35' x 13' recreation room. Large lot. Suitable for V.L.A. We Photo M.L.S. Exclusive AFTER HOURS CALL: Donald Mountjoy 623-3614 Guy LeBlanc 623-3715 Idso Wiersma Orono 1649 Phyllis McRobbie Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 Lorne C. Duff 985-2728 Ross Davidson Bethany 30r2 list and HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King St. West 728-6286 FRAME HOME NEAR ADELAIDE WEST 3 roomy bedrooms, spacious living room, useful dining room, 4 pe. bath on main floor and well kept hardwood floors. Grounds 47 by 104. Handy to schools and choice of shopping. You will be glad you bought it, Call to-day, COUNTRY LIVING 4 bedroom split level with attached garage. Brown Rug Brick exterior lends a homey charm, Park size site and taxes only $268. This home is looking for a happy fomily. BRAND NEW NEAR MIDTOWN CRES. SHOPPING Only minutes from modem shopping. This desirable bun- galow with built-in garage and walkout basement has intéresting possibilities, Hos a 6%% N.H.A. mortgage and carries for $96.00 prin- cipal and interest DOUBLE GARAGE BUNGALOW In a fine north-west location, large living room, bright sunny kitchen. Brick veneer house with Armalux windows only $22,000. Call to-night. Open 9 a.m. --9 p.m. after hours call: 723-2894 728-5513 723-3533 728-1903 723-3533 725-6243 723-3775 Margaret Lee Les Hall Frank Smith Bob Stevenson Munro Smith Dick Barriage Jack Sheriff Glen MacKinnon W. L. Dougan REALTOR OSHAWA SOUTH 3 bedroom, brick bungalow. Hollywood kitchen. Home in immaculate condition. Carries for $96. P.I.T. under present mortgage. Call on this one. Excellent location for General Motors South plont. 15 ACRE PARCEL Located in city limits, North Oshawa. Good level building land. Still zoned buffer, Prop- erty value hos got to increase os the city expands North- word. Try an offer. COUNTRY LIVING Moving to the country this spring? Give us a call naw, tell us what you are looking for. We are located in Osh- awa North, Simeoé and' Taun- ton Road. Excellent location to find what you want in the outlying area Call Anytime 725-1109 623-7159 - | OSHAWA'S SMALL OFFICE INVITES YOU TO INSPECT 455 JANE AVENUE A delightt:!l civ raam central hall plan with attached gar- age, just over a year new. Pleasing autumn brown brick ond field stone, complimented by © graceful stand of white birch, Adult occupied and de- corated in warm pastels. Se- porate dining room, oversize tiled 'bath, twindow and double glazing. Transferred owner offers ot $20,900 with $14,300 mortgage at 64%4%. Guaronteed to sell. 62 CENTRAL PARK SOUTH Just off the beaten track yet neor King Street, o popular brick plan with three better than average second floor bedrooms, limited hall space permitting well proportioned living room, dining room and kitchen. Tidy and terrific for o fortunate family. Offered ot $16,900 with flexible in- vestment. WENTWORTH AND CEDAR Apartment sites opposite new plezo offer fuly serviced lots, initial investment and reasonable interest while you moke money. You can't af- ford not to investigate this in- vestment opportunity. low CALL 728-9474 or evenings 723-8327 728-5422 723-3052 Vern Morton Tom Huzar Earl Salter PAUL RISTOW REALTOR Financial Trade Building 187 King Street East OPEN HOUSE DAILY HARMONY VILLAGE Harmony Road South, East of Donevan Collegiate, Florel! Drive and Walnut Court. "Luxury Living Homes" by K. R. BELL & SONS LTD. 5 exciting models featuring 3, 4 and 5 bedrooms, 2 car garages, 2 bathrooms, stone fronts, walk-out basements, sodding front and rear. Low Down Payments" or Trades Accepted. Possession One Week P. "hy Ve ausile REAL ESTATE 28 Division St. BOWMANVILLE 623-7472 "HARMONY VILLA" Owner moving, -- attractive clay brick bungalow that fea- tures a ball-room size kitchen, bright living room, 3. bed- rooms, immaculate hardwood floors and full basement. Principal, 'interest and taxes carries for $112.00 at 6% 9 200 BOND STREET Commercial site 40 x 222 feet with 2 bedroom home and gorage 29 x 19 feet. This may be it! INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 7 Stores en-block, majority under lease and 8 rental units in prime location. Financial statement availoble to re- sponible purchaser. Asking price in vicinity of $200,- 000.00. When Buying or Selling consult P. E. GRAVELLE, Broker Eeynings--Michael Gravell 623-7304 SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century Of Service OPEN DAILY 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. WHITBY CENTRE ST. N. Eight yeor old, 3 bedroom brick bungalow very close to public school. Full price just $13,500, -- with terms. Call now for appointment to in- spect. COURTICE Lovely 5 year old ranch brick bungalow with attached gar- age. Consisting of three bed- rooms, L-shaped living and dining room with wall-to-wall broodioom, modern kitchen, finished recreation room with fireplace. All this situated on a completely landscaped lot 105 ft, by 160 ft. in depth. Owner will take reasonable down payment and. hold one mortgage for the balance. Hurry, inspect now and make your offer, NORTH WEST Split level home finished throughout for comfortable living, situated on a profes- sionally landscaped lot with trees. Modern kitchen, den, completed rec room, glass sliding doors to patio are some of the fine features of this modestly priced home. Buy now and save ! FOUR BEDROOMS $2,700 DOWN Excellent two storey family home, located near Wilson and Rossland Road, Lorge liv- ing and dining réom, modern kitchen, 2 bathrooms, oil heating and many extras. One N.H.A. 6% % mortgage on balance, Call now for more information and appointment to see. $2,600 DOWN NORTH EAST AREA Three bedroom brick bungo- low with split entrance, Large family size kitchen, partially finished recreation room ores. Four pc. tiled bath with van- ity. One N.H.A, mortgage for balance with monthly poy- ments of $129. including taxes. BEAU VALLEY SPLIT LEVEL Seven room home consisting of large living room, dining room and step saving modern kitchen; three spacious bed- rooms, two bathrooms, panel- led family room with stone fireplace ond glass sliding doors to Double gor age, elec.:ic heating. Decor ated in. attractive stantial down payment and excellent terms for balance. Call and arrange an inspec- tion now. EXECUTIVE HOME Situated on a lovely lands- scaped lot, this seven room bungalow is a home you would be proud to entertain in, from the large living room with broadioom and fireplace to the spocious recreation room, or the modern family room. Three bathrooms, double cor goroge ore just some of the excellent features of this fine home. Shown by apointment only, Call now, LIVE BETTER in this fine brick bungalow consisting of three modern bedrooms, dream kitchen, spacious living and dining room. Basement divided with flue for future fireplace. Glass sliding doors from rec- reation area to patio. Double goroge, electric heating. All this for only $23,900. with attractive ferms for the bal- ance. Delay will mean disap- pointment, arrange an inspec- tion to-nite. LOTS $700 DOWN Two lots 80 ft. by 420 ft, in the village of Hampton. Pric- ed at $2,600 each and owner. will hold mortgage with ex- cellent terms. neutral , colors. Priced to sell with sub- * BE OUR GUEST For a quaiity tour 466 BRENTWOOD OPEN HOUS Commencin THURSDAY 4 p.m to 9 p.m. NICEST FEATURES EVER. Modern Hollywood = kitchen with built-in stove and oven, gleaming bathroom, nice size bedrooms, garage, recreation room facilities, fully fenced yord, sunken rear patio, storms and screens, close to schools. 614% mortgage, $120 including taxes. YOU ARE INVITED DIRECTIONS: Simcoe Street North to Ross- land, east an Rossland to Central Park Blvd. North, then north to Brentwood, ~ UIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Ontario 723-5281 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED i . . "Action Office' "HARMONY VILLA" $500.00 WINTER WORKS BONUS NEY NEW! 20 claY brick bungalows. Several different models! School area, quiet streets, pre- poid services, Priced from 316, 800. to $17,400. Gov- ernment financing at 6% %. No hidden costs, "T ie built. Call 728-5157 for full information. LOTS OF LAND $10,800. full price. Very reasonable down payment. corries for $75. monthly. Three bedroom bungalow, hardwood and tile floors, 3 piece bathroom, oi! heat. "oe from town, Call 728- FB BETTER THAN NEW Only 4 years old, Brick bung- alow -- 3 bedrooms, recrea- tion room, Close to schools ond shopping. Asking $15,- 900. with a good down pay- ment. Dial 728-5157, ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 48 Simcoe Street South 728-5157 JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR NEAR DONEVAN 728-6750 LARGE SELECTION New Homes @ Trades' Accepted @ Low, low down payments @ N.H.A. financing @ Voriety Oshawa locations PHONE 725-3557 J. B. McMullan Real Estate Broker ATTRACTIVE new bungalow and 2 storeys priced from $17,500. down poyments from $2,450.. Built by KASSINGER. 61%4% N:H.A. mortgages. $500. Winter Works Bonus. Phone us now for further details. 723-2265 $1,000 DOWN Builders Trade-in 3 to choose from Practically new, 3 bedroom brick bungalows, in well dev- eloped areo, close to schools and shopping, one mortgage for balance. Carries like rent TELEPHONE 723-6541 HAVING A NEW HOME BUILT THIS YEAR? Desire the North End? Wont a prestige location? Th Beau Valley is for you! Moy we suggest you contect our sales- mon now, Homesites ore get- ting scarce in this ONE OF. OSHAWA'S FINEST develop- ments. See us, pick out your location and let us help you with your plans NOW. BILL HORNER Can sell ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 728-5157 your home for cash. For full porticulars coll 723-2265 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 George Koornneef 723-2859 Don Howe 723-9692 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Marg Holl 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Maible Boudresu 728-2233 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Member of. the Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. 360 King Street West. Free, easy, safe parking. COLLEGIATE This spacious bungalow with car port is 1 year old. 6%4% N.H.A. mortgage. Extra lorge fenced lot. Mony features, Convenient financing to in- terested buyer. WHITBY Attractive large 3 bedroom bungalow, Finishd rec, room with bar also large play- room. This home has meany features ond cannot be re- placed for the price being osked. DOWNTOWN AREA OLDER DUPLEX PROPERTY 2, three room apartments plus finished rec. room, Will show good income. Asking $13,600. with terms. FOR ALL DETAILS CALL 728-7377 WE TRADE HOMES Older duplex property. $1,275 FULL DOWN Only 1. left 44% NHA mortgage. Extra large 3 bed- room brick: bungalow featur- ing built-in range and oven, vanity bathroom, buflt - in shoe racks in clothes closets, storms and screens, walk-out basement, plus many modre expensive extras - John Kosteniuk 723-4645 Griffin Real Estate Ltd.