Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Feb 1966, p. 22

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SETI Te MR Rn ie . SAT eee a carne et 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Februery 24,1986 2 Turn Your "Don't Wanis" Into Dollars -With Times Action Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. \Q. Articles Ean Sale yaa pers il fink ee rieip cae SCOTS SCRAP BOOK Ry R 1 SCOTT | USINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | iid ett, S21, || SKATES =< | Pr bes yoy ing our Big Fall Sale, Beaver Motor Hotel on Beo- PEOPLE OF POPAYAM 1K g ; f $7.25 verton By-pors. capital To work In the Oshowe eres, rom $7.25 pr. Eig . ; i Rug-Uphol Servic : Plc te ( . required. Apply 'to: with large electrical organ. Accountants Barristers Instruction Rug-Upholstery Service ee we ie Be joshi nent | ee incon i t Aon VIRGIN MARY, aS rae) Howard Hancock : ER, HASKINS and| HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and yon A HIGHLY-PAID FUTURE : Aire THE CMY ibs } Good pay ond work oon DELOITTE, PLEND MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 3614 King ESCAPED if 303 RI LE Sunderland, Ont. Jeb: si jitee ing nn SELLS. Chartered accountants: G. A Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey,| !n just. few months you con H N " ) A PLAGUE, } Riehl, CA, RIA, B. Re Waters, CA, Osb-/ac7%G "S™ poyenyn, QC) W. A. Hillman, | have a highly-poid career, UP ; OLSTERI G cy LAGUE (Come UGE ier No experience necessary es awa Shopping d LLB; J, D. Humphreys, BA, LLOB. Office) with independence, and the w ' .. fi Known for its accuracy ond TELEPHONE we will train you, peal bd Pt ihe , IN, Chartered Account-| 725.1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, TIT gh r Fa fin ge T7 Bond Street! sog-2761 728.4326, 725-5133. NHA and| .chance to create something .A s * reliobility, this rugged gun 330 East. Telephone 723-4833. other first mortgage funds available. beautiful every day of your BEST FOR LESS will deliver years of satis. FOR INTERVIEW CALL ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account-| -- = life. PAUL POGUE BEAUTY factory shooting $24.95 PROMISING "ski resori needs capital) MRS. MacARTHUR t, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Pr SCHOOLS will train you to be Ontario, Telephone 723-1221. Building Trades o holr-stylist, - cosmeticion, | @ FREE ESTIMATES for fulure expansion. Modern. facilities, F Thar ett. Prospect to make $20,000 ROPxin™ BEADLE BJ ae salon manager, Your talent is (Day or Evening) ' --n ' 4 pe , eres ig ot apd gl ali 723-8174 n ' nheremter % o0 Accountents, Fine developed under personal | @ EASY CREDIT TERMS / Oshawa Times gles Ing, 187 King ike Be "agro oF '4 N i gel ak walirtO Besa aga 725-3509; 5. T. Hopkins, CA; INTER RATES guidance. No advanced edu : | HWAIRORESSER WANTED, Good work: A; €. Lukow, CA. W cation required. Call or write - \ eS « SMALL ie tibet ag 4 HANDIMANS'| ing conditions, Apply in person. Heldi'® DLANDER AND O., : 4 business for sale: (27 GMC. truck and) Modern Hairstyling, 367 Wilken South, Re ceed tsemad Ure Till March 21st paut pocue aeauty | HARWOOD aatuan (en slum "iedders, 'Coan Wit" consiggr| Mager", Mairsiiing, 3 t esurustey, Sav simese Street eset Ws All tyler construction, full livede for tate model car, Selling | for PRACTICA WORE A rupicy, $2 * C Gut PER YAR Aanit taetOn 166He we Nenlth ' 5 home ph eoMhage oie. TBST @ ADDITIONS Yonge St., Toronto, telephone Custom Upholatering , op MAINLINE RAML! pit epth teeth ead a mere pote nprAcaAn' baba el required, Write Box 16086, Ounes Toren . + tite pleee "7 fosters nan's busi WALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND CO.| @ BATHROOMS 487-2107; or 249 Queens . F ROAD THACKs MOLY yA ' LDEM, hide priced almost SMALL Presherous handimans businestiss King Bast, Oshawe 4 a ie King Street PHONE 942-1500 } | c As & 4etibed fof tale: 99 BME truck and aluminum TWO 'paritime women. Apply in person petite a 108 8599; crit ee Hell, @ KITCHENS, ETC. Avenue, London, telephone Work Hound errop | VIED MAKE U-5s WYOMING Mineola adines, Cash Will conmider trade for ly, saowhe 1D, bee aon 5 Commas CA; David G. Perkin, CAs ALL. TRADES 439-0101 : MORETWAN A FER 7 RAISED 5 G00 PRANAINEH "tiem $17.56 LPs |Ist8, Myiviet par, Selling for. tain 198) 'oopasite Comp samec). 1 CA CHESTERFIELDS revpholstered and re A 4 Mie HIND LEGS f t Ath | #yne ae U i MacMillan, C CO-ORDINATED TUITION in Latin, French or Mathe-|Sivieg. Free estimate. see maleril | eee vena - i ANTELOPES, ALL. BOTTLE GAVSGR cath Gad Saw LOCAL. INANCIAL Waatineon ogres 60 . DAY, Certified General matics by J. C, Luck, BA 668-2866, for recovering, Dalton Upholstering, 75! (OAKLAND CALIF) 140 POUNDS, FFD RABIES Hie for Ween, fully aeqiipped ana stock. YONG lady for clerical work, Grade Accountant "Suite Ras: SR BO PRIV R 4 Charles Street, 23-7212 eee iiniahns pam : 04 sd Raasonaply grad THOS education essential. Please reply in he ep a REMODELLERS |e#uiy Aegon Citar i cete tre ecmneosiacia OMINIC en ee ai ut i gar ay ai CLANCY'S Accounting Service FREE ESTIMATES Instrument, Phone 728-3909 ed 17 years Workmanship avaran ; \ ) {S.ccEmpleyvment Wented (07 ttictlion #00 past experiance, abt \ coven S119 REQUIRED -- 19 ow Complete bookkeeping service, 299 Simcoe is n Free estimates, Credit term, Mattresses! South, 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. 723-0966 Janitor Service rebuilt, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up. | | perience pee y * | Sponsoring Member of A.0.P.E holsfering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725031! 2----Personal B~--Articles for Sale | IR ; LORE ADPAINIS Jt EXPERIENCE [Metharray's 'Pave ae sunans Marth. . | ) i "" Sarrtetors CELLARS CLEANED trash _ removed, | esnyrrey's § hv hold al a Telephone 723 t i id ? ' dusrthand 7 as NGAN, GC, Soliciior.| "ial ee aealatets Sales and Service : . SHAG: Ee NOERIEMEED hewdroner wanted, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor Removal of superfluous hale ine a) , a naa Lie ba . . oa aa Ae oney to loan. Office, 14% King Street ' CLEAN YOUR BACKYARD and base ey Marie Murduft) will be in ( A 2A ( f | vs . os pi bpert ' Eon Oshewe, 771 --,| NELLIS gg See cee Mae APPLIANCE Oshawo, Feb, 281h, Mar, | vey {aaphisvin 198-46 Ht oat 0) \ ae GReeEn experienced' wih ae JAMES MACDONALD, BA, pb x EF and 2, Phone Genosha Hotel NEW '65 / in Bh A AR plpwiys Meg Bo gh Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco REPAIRS slag déten for apeelnt NRUDE MC 4 fe f ' as awe $l ert sae ors U jiding, 286 Kin nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by is . Of, ~ .e - ) 25 ' j ps oe ey fay nag aly Client parkin modern machine. Free estimates, Work, Expert Mei vag to all makes merit EVI } 9 Market Raeket vs ? é' 1 teed, 728-7796 of shers, dryers, ranges sion pavnan- muaoeen,on| '!MPROVEMENTS <n eo ELECTROLYSIS Reg NOW |e 1 NAR Ne, # Suiaile pielony. Fite 18 phate Help Wanted ng weg Notaries, | Money To Loan © ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ , yp G195. §i47, |detvary. te (Mik wp IPiMbit Bank of Commerce Building, S$ Simcoe and GENERAL df 723-464) 9% HP $416. 9n9 APPLES F § Sra ner omeee ct Cg anton me ee | ALCAN ) {OP I ta eo ay 2 ll =: be o Con garnn Ci tharde, Tie ariver, one 7 Creighton, QC: or residences: G. K " vl 457° phil } } i : 4 728-1 5 Murdoch, your bills or for any other worthwhile ; 40 WLP. Flee $870 $575 wn Baad tae p ifarn at, warke datver work, & Long | oe Drynan, @C, 728-8554; G. L. Murdoc REPAIRS lo FURNITURE and APPLIANCES {LADIES ONLYI IF you think alcohol ip | f ; 0 os ac efio OgIs Heti« er a ~ View ploved and have' ood credit. Taleotione Probie to you, We can help. For more 40 HP, Lark $925, 44650 i CAN SUPPLY wi Gilarls aittente Ieephend 11508 Mortgages arranged. Pees) v 4 452 Simcoe 5 Oshowa information call 668-8103 or 724-0899,- Al 1P.£1, potatoe $16 ee, waakdy og | WOTHER of presciigolen w ck etter) GEER AND KELLY, Ber stars, i 728-2061 BNE! ie ACOENR. = dt deere ae _Telephone 723-0011 replies in strictest confidence! Push Button lal ativadtiva prices. Free delivery, Ooh one or fue onilgren in my hore dally tors, etc, 114 King Street Eas AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada, WHILE THEY LAST awh, Whitty, Aine, 685 Ae son 9. ane Macey ofen, Thee 1 16a.4 1 eT. Residence Phones: J. wv. Geer, Mortgages _ ee es Florida, California, Bonded drivers, To) gg , CLEMENT Poultry, Boasting Chickans,| ROOM AND BOARD for one chile. Dey) or eC no ogis 3368; Teren : ronto DriveAway Service, 5385 Yonge rtorag ypring ; age ? ns She, |Ca7@ also available, Telephone 668-0976 H. Jermyn, BA, LLB; venings 723-8987 Before You. Buy A ; 24 Ibe,» 4 Whit, 406, per opens Shc binge soi Thomas Jermy E 9 y Street. Telephone 225-7/54 Convenient Budget Terms per ib, Call collect 987-4944 |GENTLEMAN -- enriy forties, b Piano or Organ, See ' |bondabie, holds medatiion and one | DIFCO LABS, leeding menu- Lig ernest cars| MORTGAGE : 3--Sportsman"s Column Oshawa 10--Farmer's Column jin First Ald, 1S years police experience,| facturer of laborotory re- cL, . thet 2 'dha . | seeks lon rust, Os a aren, h Street. Office hours: % 5.30 am.| HE] NTZMAN SKAT= =XCHANGE -- SHARPENING peor etaaseer tation airs ie pte "an én agents, requires Bocteriologist Evening eppointment. 'Diel 723-168 i paki f tne? New, used, Bauer; Hockey equipment Yachthaven DEAD and crippled tarm stock picked |own Vanep or Technologist to contect ooking for a price? & Company Ltd. Valley Creek, 16 Bond West. 728-4401 Up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone ae -- : 7 nee - Ltd Telephone Collect. Hampton 263-2721.|SECRETARY -- Capable, efficient, nine| 'Oboratories in Ontario. Sol- Classified Rates Remodelling "kitchens: bath 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 5. Trollete ' Licence 4-C-66 years experience in industry and real es ory, expenses, car and bene- ode! c a 3 setae ere : pa fate, Neat, accurate typist, dictaphone, i 5 Moneys available for first TELEPHONE 728-2921 Harbour Rd, (Off Simcoe St. 5.) | 1000 BALES ood quality hay. Telephone | nowiedge of shorthand end accounts ae ely opportunity WORD ADS rooms, rec-rooms, ond second mortgages, Open 1966 ROCKET and Hollday travel trailers 723-1901 | Port Perry 985-74 receivable. Desires position, hours 9-4 'or man age 23-35. , $1.08 i si S Free bunks if ordered in February H By ssi ar ae Telephone 723-8728 Cesh -- 1 insertion ef 24 words, $1.08 mortgages. No bonus. First |eigmanteeD REPAIRS to all wringer|Wilde Rental Service and Sales. 1415 _|11--Pets and Livestock = = ----------|_ Call for interview or inform- additional words, 414¢. each; 3 ¢2 mortgages, second mortgages vee wlitnek fits 1, Whitby. Teleph : oe . CONSTRUCTION superintendent. Proven secutive insertions of 24 words, '$2.88; | CALL " Brn ct washers and ranges. Free estimates, Call| Dundas Street East by: Telephone FILTER QUEEN «Sales and_ Service.| swentoy FOX TERRIERS, good qual-|record in commercial and industrial] tion. Telephone H. C. Nel- saditional words 12¢. each, 6 con-| and agreements for sale pur- or 723-001). ee 6 = Ht __| Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free esti- |? i; ds | buil s. Telephone Lindsey 705-324-3067 son, collect, rson-to-~ on secutive insertions of 24 words, $5.04;| PHELAN chased BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can |AIRSTREAMS factory authorized dealer.| mates. 323 King West, 728-7552 Pell aA de nah eaten OE pedals ata oe ay a ge The Park x paca additional words 21¢. each vas awnings. Complete service, free esti-|Ontario Trailers Ltd., 1577 The Queens-) oo oo - |DACHSHUND, purebred -- tan, female, ypist. desires typing bs , . Construction Co M. F. SWARTZ mates. MIl Jelinek, 728-1993, way, Toronto 18 Ont eee eee ocuums, Polishers. Re-|9 montfis old, had all needies. Telephone | and bookkeeping work fo be done in own) - (416) 444-2561, Feb, 23-25; : ons ' ae irs to ses ; Charge--I0 per sent additiena! eharge| 2S pas, RG AREA PCIE RS: omeemercetesra marinas KE a ld is TOE ee home. Telephone 725-2056 or mail resume to this news- f not paid within 8 days 26% King St. Eost i ceeds : eee if net pai fat ali lle Septic Service : 6--Marine Eq ipment DEEP FR : COZY-J RANCH KENNELS. German|EXPERIENCED | WAITER would like) paper, Box 15592M, Oshawa Method ef Counting -- Less thon 24| 668-6032 et ee SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service P PREEZE, 18 cu. ft. also Spiece| Shepherds, trained grown stock; pups. | Pom'tion Times. words counts es 24 words; each word, e 723 4697 on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut street /ALUMINUM car tops, 12 ft, $179.00.) Circular chesterfield suite. Phone 668-5004.| Paiominos, Pintos, foals, ponies. Asnbu 1 ; nee nitial, figure or abbreviation counts| bis West, Whitt 668-2563, 14 ft. $267.00. 1966 Chrysier outboard) 655-4662 evenings AN, EXPERIENCED couple wants office 33 one word; phone number counts finan 1 ee motors, now on display at Wilde Rental BEST QUALITY ALUMINUM windows, or acer 'ceaiina, eveninis or sel we | ae Ce ey Surveyors Pas wonny pe all bi Ps ia Street orices! Call 728-5385 or 723-3692. females, 9 months old, registered. Apply Nhl Fh ae their own transportation WE BUY, seli and exchange used furni-| Oshawa Aquarium 299 Simcoe South or BIRTHS---DEATHS-- H. PLIM AND TROLLOPE, Onterlo Land|BUY NOW and save. "Starcraft" i ity [telephone 725-4585 : A ? " oo" Pe * " ijture or anything you have. The City 8 ré " 'iiibsighdaial SOCIAL NOTICES 'FEBRUARY Mortgage Loans Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East, Phone|"Grew", "Traveler" boats. "Evinrude"! r/suing 'post Store, 446 Simcoe Street | BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, reedy tor 17--Female Help Ww anted DR FISMAN T 00 per insertion with 25 cents addi- 775-6881 motors. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd., te rata * potas Eesises It not paid within 8 days SPEC IALS 25-688 : Brookiin 656-4641 South, 723-1671 training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. T. idoors, awnings, railings, etc. Low, low| POMERANIAN CHOW CHOW and both & 2s RH : - Broad, 114 Elgin East | : ] r@) DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario|_._ --------venentnocereweens | TAPE RECORDER, portable, Sony 801A. i = _-- IN MEMORIAMS Sove up to 20% during Feb- 7V2% Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints, Leaving country, must sell. Best offer.|CHIHUAHUAS tor sale. Telephone Alax SECRETARY Design draftsman with ex- each thereafter plus 2c. per line of] chens, Bath Rooms, Floors, 75% OF VALUE wie. \NEW IN OSHAWA White Eine Sewing |GENERAL ELECTRIC automatic dryer,|HORSES WANTED to board, box stalls, shop and metal fabrication verse; 25c, additional charge if mot] Walls Ceiling Tiles end all TV--Radi lio Repairs jest, 7257181. Specielt | very. 9004 condition. Telephone 723-6045) good riding ares nraraphone 623-2790 alter) For law office. Experience pre- work required by rapidly ex- CALL ~~" | Zig-Zag Portable, complete $69.50, Trade- crit sivas : panding small company to CARDS OF THANKS eS H. McKOY 725-8576 728 1653 ing. secapted. 725-718) os FABULOUS JANUARY SALE" = now on BACHSRUND bonples for sale, red, regi ferred. Good salary, 5 day work with mechanical and $2.00 for the first 28 words oi ~ sets Sone steel sinks $9.95, pres- chairs, $2.99; bedroom suites, $119. WIl- poose boxes ee rent, ay, ned it week, Permanent position. Must have technical school ithi; iu Ss i. , i" t 7 je! . charge if not paid within 8 days. oie: ren estionites. Phone collect "Don" GUARANTY TRUST ECONOMY AND sure systems, sump pumps, laundry tubs,/<o, Furniture, 20 Church Street. jorses or td s, Reasonable rates COMING EVENTS Port Perry 985-2802 DELUXE 7088. TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-11 od Write Box M15537 $2.10 per Inch (display); $1.50 for the| PORTABLE welding equipment and man Compony of Canada ---------- | structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower 12--Articles Wanted MR. W. F. WEIR ve i n ¢ IL Ph K t, plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed| BAND-SAW, small or medium. Telephone (Word Ads). fenced fm repair and structura one 32 King St. E., TERMS ARRANGED ' _fone year, $50. See all towers at TRIO| 655.4457 ats Oshawa Times" cei AUCTION SALES wt Oshawa, Ontario Television, corner Bond and Division, re eNcao las oe An rew Antenna 0 728-5143-4 PORTA ARD, helght 6 ft., $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, our specialty New work and repairs ES OSHAWA TV MOTORCYCLES Pi -- Gani SH aati sc a or couche ~ WAITRESSES Large and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing $195. UP TYPEWRITERS, new and rebullt, stand. eee ean ee ae ans loos Ce Lt : WORD ADS REMODELING and repairs. Free estl- One year full guarantee. Low prices. | 722-3014 ; a 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS mates. Telephone Tony after 5 p.m. 728 MORTGAGES TAUNTON RD. E 25 used: Hondas, Suzukis, [Senkins Business Machines, Sales and| HUMAN HAIR =e minimw of 8" In 4 p.m. to 11 p.m, Phone 668-3348 nee aks ces, a iat -- All Classes -- just st Bisa Bal LOST Ae Pia: im an ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- ac Just East of Ritson catepetc. Repairs all-mokes. [GUARANTEED used wringer washers,| Modern Hair Styling, beta air Apply Mr. 'Campbell 9a DAY OF PUBLIC ON (Windsor Plaza) 723-5 BIRTHS AND DEATH places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby SUMMERLAND HONDA. SHOP Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 482 Sim-)A FRAME boat trailer for light 1é-oot Genosha Hotel coe South. 723-0011 sail boat. Any condition. Call Whitby CAREER CLASSIFIED DISPLAY sidewalks, remodeling, rec-rooms. Free] : ! 28-271 | : ir e 1 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 eol-|estimates. A.C. Woods, 728-3420 or| 112. Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 Vee Seiad eerer es a si eed sg age ga etal WOMAN ymns or larger--19 a.m. day previous . | PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for) TELEVISION RADIO FREE...2 tour busier service \oghemnlnad, teombinirae" canteen Some experience preferred. OPPORTUNITY ALL TYPES building, roofi j all mortga Mort 6 nd ir Cc peed ~ 197 CANCELLATIONS AND SF eta ana al Looe leak Sn ie eee! «24 HOUR SERVICE TEXACO --- Fuel ond Stove [purchase trom Western Ol Co. 725-21 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION Whitby 668-2774, Gord May risters".) i A c 4 f brushes, etc. Pick-up, 'delivery, 12013. °«° °°. ~----CO!~™":"" Local firm has opening for @ ~ fy all stoker coals @ Slab Wood Any advertisement cancelled _ before} ' FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avaii- - Fleming Vecuum Service, Main Street, ISHETE bright young man, age 22- barter » Siar a . Street North. 668-3338 supplies, 668-3524 REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $19 a Appl ; " BIALEK, OR ~"Surseon, i SAWDONS Ke | 2 Apply in person necessory. Starting salary BOX NUMBER RENTAL---S50c atige Osha or |FIRST AND SECOND Hiorlasca Sale ELECTRONICS XAAWDONS' (Whitby) LTD new smooth-top mattresses, $19.95; ele teri $350 to $450 monthly, with vs i 1 fi iner s starting in to forward replies to box numbers tol €AREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental pel etapa erent ah. Sing. Seer for preeven service' ' . | $¢t5, radios. Guns, new and used, Valley SALESLADY bth he W is igh Moly the odvertisers as soon possible. | Surgeon, 172 King Street East. Oshawa 3-723 : Creek, 16 Bond Street West SANDING MACHINES six MONtns, rite om in loss. or damage alleged orise| lable for first mortoage. No agents please WE ; CAF F Cat j I pen ar Slide oP talon in rat | ' 1itby--668-5 a ay he fable' extends 10 $9 inches. Cosh Sie : or Cafeteria ence, martial status ete. te words either follure or deloy in for] Dressmaking Write Box 16142, Oshawa Times | by 8-5679 For Washers, Stoves and Séil for $90, Telephone 723-1263 etter 4 ers, belt sanders, floor sand $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se ruary on Rec. Rooms, Kit- W Onterlo ) Street, 725-5632. 7--Swop and 'Barter Telephone 725-8182 942-2162 perience in light machine paid within 8 days. Ganerel Renclrs Centre, 38 Bond West. 725-7181. Special tach thereafter with 25¢. additional | = peeyeaRi-- ec roan aliSalions DOUMATIC washer dryer, Splece bath trom $70; chesterfield suite, $997, chrome - ee eer electrical engineers. { hardwood cuttings. H. Chinn, Phone 723-|% : ii phone 723-011 . background or equivalent. first 20 words and Se. each thereafter| available from January 24, 1966. Exper- Priced to suit your budget 8--Articles for Sole included, single all-channel antenna com ROOFING, concrete floors, flat rooting, santo eh ne Comet RR eee FIRST ond SECOND SUPPLY LIMITED ards, portables, electrics. The ideal gitt)24." ail reasonable condition 'and price Required 315 Yamahos, Bridgestones, Duc- | Service, 728-7783. Open evenings length. Cash or credit at shop. Heidi's rooting, chimneys, eavestroughing, tire | -- City, Rural, Vacation -- 723 813] Parts. Accessories television, refrigerator etc. $34.50 and up am. DAY OF PUBLICATION lew -pLAtTe mine and repairs, swees, SECURITIES LIMITED|____ raisicieansaciiipias 199 King W. 728-4242 igi LDSIMOBILE, take over payments, | 668-2469 you : ve CORRECTIONS paired; sidewalk and concrete repalrs.|Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See 'Bar oil, "Blue Coal" stove, nut, [VACUUM repairs, ell makes hoses] Lo----Articles For Rent ie Roce en Pores ore Saye [Dentistry able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock @ Cannel! Coal @ Building | Pickering RENTALS 231 KING ST. WEST 40, no. previous experience While lanl acdbevor will bia phode|Romeiniment; JORGAdS OF Raa' PRRGA." |ABramments purchieAa and cele lenbice 244 Brock St. S, --- Whitby poabe gates ye py SEN a eth OF ALL KINDS we .accept no liability ct of! For appointment. ? | PRIVATE INVESTOR has money avail a PAR TS DINETTE SUITE -- table, four chair Oscilloting senders, disc sand handwriting, stating experi- heather by. negiigence or otherw 3e.| ; : ' : a i 3 sie |LARGE SIZE, refrigerator, G Heo t Fhe Times' wil pot br responsible for|DRESSMAKING -- Suit, conte, ress |Musical Services _| HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED ELECTRIC MOTOR -- |eurte, nema ae' om PLUMBER'S 'TOOLS Box 16114 rep es uncalled for in 20 doys Ispecialty. Mrs. T Whitby, 668-2372. | SMALL DANCE BAND avaliable, . Rep: 'l | CANADIAN INS P i ods, pipe vise z REGULATIONS |RcrmRaTiONpect-euiing BP Orel seen, metlable. Reasonable. '> none TV TOWERS e " or will Feith al Wiha Can an Mora tripod, Diba wisn pipe SKLAR FURNITURE OSHAWA TIMES mending. Agent for Morin American|ioo_ cover Alex 10108 _t ARE THE BEST | OSHAWA APPLIANCE | ¢len - Autivian and Yogoievign tramps = . fae ' After § i Selaennne. 7 cutters, pipe threading dies, : ; 3 sponsible for errors in advertisements| *enio" Frocks. 728-1823 Optometrist 186: simeoce S 728-7535 | go5t metal SFr tollet ugar plang ere ies SALES CLERK e fiver mano = ee sir shape » i s ls febrnitted etter ae, ten iwritiog Pot Gardening and Supplies |r. richaro 8 ---- WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! JApply Gannon's "Auto Body 335 'Binor PAINTERS EQUIPMENT tion, Apply in person or ea advertisement nor beyond the 'price --| Street North, $v ay tag' ag ihe FOR YOUR WATKINS (quality) products|Wes!, O8hawa Stepladders, aluminum ex- , For Local charge far @ single insertion In which 1723-4191 mon ao ewes TMOR T R | O Telephone 728-2383 any time "EASY" washing machine, $45; Viking' | Hs aba ladder jacks Tony s Refreshment - . «f, . CUSTOM MADE furniture -- Coffee tab-| floor polisher, $17.) "Beatty" floor model | , BUILDING / Paint dD ; TELE les, night tables, chests, rec-room bars|ironer, $30. Pertect condition, Telephone| steel scaffolding, compres- SERVICE LTD. The Oshawa Times reserves the right nN @) ourse ainting an ecorating ELEVISION 773-5862 723-4382 sors, sproy guns, wallpaper to classify advertising according to Corner Bond and Division bl 800 Forewell Ave. 728-7305 SUPPLY FIRM ths proper Hanitiention PA TI q Wis FLOOR COVERING clear-outs, Thou-|CROSLEY refrigerator Used, good con steamers tarpaulins, low SUNFLOWER SEED NTING AND 728-5143 sands of yard# of discontinued patterns |dition, $65, Telephone 728.913 torches, propane torches on ! f disp! vertisement from 29¢ per foot, Wilson -Furniture, 20] pi ; , pate Steady employment, All come n the cases of display advertisements |WWil F BIRD MIX DECORATING Church treat FOOL-TABLE, 4: x i, alae, WELDING EQUIPMENT The Times will not be held respon. pany benefits avoilable, Write sible for more space than that which CRACKED. CORN INTERIOR and EXTERIOR 2 : USED AUTO PARTS -- 'Anything. Chos-|kitchen suite, beige, $25., large revolving| Acetylene welding pyle KITCH EN HELP stating age and salary ex- e actual error pecupies ue " ee MILLET Broadioom, Custom Draperies OSHAWA AND WHITBY |Kavich. Auto Wreckers, 6 miles east|clather line, $10. 623-3563 200 amp, electric welders. pected to: lishers endeavor: to Ishawa, No. 2 Hwy. 725-4920 he. Rolin ae, correctly, -but assume WHEAT FREE ESTIMATES NIGHT SERVICE RANGE, McClary Easy, with ae alee nade sig tae! Pe th SVILDER § nce FOR BOX 16029 The Oshowo Times will not be re error occurs. of advertisement if any Cement mixers, jpaccurpeles in any form are contained] BIRD FEEDING STATIONS DODD and SOUTER 725-8541 or 668-5830 tales Ba fied Phone 790 yr ae eae ee Oe trowels, wheel barrows, elec- ! erein. WATER SOFT SALT 668-5862 2 PIANO, Bell, upright, In good condition, | PIANO UPRIGHT (fell) Like new.| tric virator, air compressor, GENOSHA HOTEL OSHAWA TIMES IT'S EASY TO PLACE A ICE SALT RAE S suitable for student, $150. Bed, 48", mat-|Apply Bims Restaurant, Brougham, On jock hammers, hand trowels, BS <roseneerntcnei : - -- tress, matching vanity and bench, good|tario. Telephone 942-0062 ' TIMES ACTION WANT AD Be dorm, A a Sl a 0 water pumps, portoble heat . ind dition. ay 24 after w i} Call Classified Direct SAND PAINTING and RADIO & TELEVISION |% wl ns [AUTOMATIC WASHERS ¥5, dryert 46h] We steel scaffolding, electric MAIN KITCHEN REPAIRS to all Coleman Products: Fish.|wringer washers $35 and electric stoves SNOW SHOVELS ee i ing rods and reals. Sportsman's Corner,| $26 up. All rebuilt and refinished. Guaran generator, ramset, power roll- Apply in person only to -3492 RATING Apply in p y STRAW TV SERVICE 103 Byron 5., Whitby (block west of |!eed 3 months, Delivered. Call Chester's ers, electric hammers, moson- ee PPLIES Interior, exterior. Reasonable Four Corners.) Appliances, Caesarea, 986-4976 ory saw building jacks, Personnel Manoger PET SUPPLIES rates, All work guoronteed DAY OR EVENING TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, desks, |NEW IN OSHAWA -- White Eine Sew-| mortar mixers, mortar boxes, Two fitters required, Must be INDEX TO Era aotiinarae F2B-5286 chairs, Terms. We buy, sell, rent, service,|ing Centre, 38 Bond West. 725-718) - Spe chain hoist, miter saws, elec FLORAL DESIGNER with extensive ex. CLASSIFICATIONS Cooper-Smith M. Loople & San trade. New, used. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. |cial! Zig-Zag portable complete $49.50 ¢ A, P ha tarpaulins, 14' perience for retail downtown flower shop. able to do layout work. Ne : OIL PAINTINGS--Landscapes, portraits,| Mteins Accepted. 725-7181 ee eae ' -- ; {Steady employment, good future, good y 1--Women's Column MPANY. 668-2418 OSHAWA figure work, custom picture traming.|38 ELECTRIC RANGE -- very good and saw, 4 joiner, Sane wages for 40-hour week. PS! available 2--Personal co. Clark Studio. Telephone 668-4497 325) condition, automatic. Reasonable. Apply blaster, power tamper, power Apply in person to R. B. Reed and Sons SnShoruah's Cahann 16 CELINA ST. ELECTRON ICS Brock North, Whitby |229 Gliddon Avenue Florists al 28 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa post hole auger z sds cden for right men. 5----Trailers Psa your interior "painting done now BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture|FINE OIL PAINTINGS, Reasonably START THE NEW YEAR as beauty a' 6--Marine Equipment t We Deliver Free estimates, all work -- guaranteed and appliances. One location only, Pretty| priced. Wide variety. For viewing. tele S 7 A N 4 S counselor, Products also available. Tele 7--Swap and Barter 723-1139 723-2312 |728-9876. Lioyd Simpson Painting and WINTERTIME Furniture, 444 Simcoe South,. 723-3271, | phone 725-8248 . phone 723-9349, ANDREW ANTENNA &--Articles for Sal . Decoratin ' Se 9--Market ne J a eats SW TV. TIME FULLER BRUSH Products, Specials of-|POLAROID camera Model 700. Price $75. |GHHARPENING & RENTALS LTD,| RESPECTABLE LADY fo live In to care TREE TO TRIM? Call Sim. Or I") eat| EXPERIENCED painter and decorator TV. Service Anytime fered now, Telephone daytimes 723-0444; | Telephone 623-7365 beiween 10 and § pm i for motherless child, in exchange for room COULD: them down. Free estimates. 725-5118 or|//°* *stimates. Telephone 723-5956 evenings 668-6583 WASHING MACHINE tor sale, $95 o{| 299 King St. West, Oshawa and board and small remuneration. One - nik if ct, iis Plumbing and Heati 7 R | O TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower | best offer. Whitby 668-4192 PHONE 723-3224 pier ial ged leit WHITBY, ONT. _ -- -- . . . struct ib t - wo sini ous : | 3 elie 5 ¢ $30. Oshawa TV supply Imited, Taunton |SHOTGUN, automatic, ventilated rib LADIES' nylon hosiery. Make extra Mayall. 668-3348 Instruction ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING TELEVISION Read Hast Gat eae of Ritson Mocs sloht, variable. choke, checkered stock Tnenay sellin stockings. Yeur cam bust| < Poone Mr. Mayor, - '6--Agents Wanted ee Sark tie by gape ie ford Enok 728-5143 USED FILING CABINETS, 4drawer, aes" Condition, After 6 evenings! Tobles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- [ness Easy sales, tremendous profits. uh 17-----Female Help Wonted Pimiy tf 4 . 9 i! tab 4 . es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee matched quality and price $3, doz. an 18--Male Help Wonted TRAINED MEN* NEEDED neering, 255 Simcoe Street South AEC piel SN Rabe REE fidlan ates PP 'discount price "n G.B. heavy duiy-e@ric Wenge, nice U s Punch Bowls, Bridal |More. Write now for free literature and EXCEPTIONAL 19----Male or Female Help Wonted el Biya BEFORE YOU BUY give us a tr f 7 Polk i condition, Only $70.00. Telephone 668-3283 ns WGN. eee wholesale catalogue. Resion, 10383 Hebert . UY a try Gas $14.90. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. bi /y --Reol Estate for Sole A better job with more pay |and. oil heating installations Killingbeck FAST T.V. SERVICE : BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap | Year, Men's Formals, White -- |st, Montreal North, Quebec OPPORTUNITY Fropert es can be yours in Communica- | Heating Phone 723-9079 ' Call $2.50 ata os ele pg Best ayaiity, plate Call Elmer, Hampton 243-2294] Fox Furs, Mink Stoles LAW OFFICE requires bookkeeper and] For 2 ambitious aggressive 50 reds ORS A ervice all only § availa 4 3 4 ir 263-2995 = oj i r iting, : Lots tee Sole la Automati ! Conn Pee Ne aah Tepaiee and remodeling: y 28-3222 or 723-7112. Oshawa Live Bait laine pun, SARGEANT'S RENTALS [[oir0%se, marital wetus and exper] men between 25 and 40 wish- Reel Estate Wanted V. It's fun to learr ec s als. H Company BING, heating, electrical] ~ : vg improve their present Stores Offices and Storage tronics the proven Radio Col- rates. Estimated free, 723-1191, J, Foley. DOMINION land building supplies for sale at all 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 White Write Box 1012. Oshawa Times ing. to improve teir p Houses for Rent ty 3 fe isi R h 7 TELEVISION THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No/times, Reasonable prices. Telephone 725-) AUDY. ERS eamings L kneNaetts tor Rent ege home study way. Over ug-Upholstery Service EC Vile down payment, $15: monthly, at Honest]4171 anytime. Allied Wrecking Co., Brock|LIFT TRUCK -- capacity 6,000 tos--lift] WouSEKEEPER WANTED to live in and Phone' 728-9434 27--Rooms for Rent 22 easy-to-follow courses and ~ 728-5154 9-am. to 9 p.m. Cal's, 424 King West, 728-919). . and Dunlop Streets, Whitby } 16, to rent by ast or month. APPlY!care for three children in motherless 28--Room and Board to choo N "All \ i BUY AND SE weniture| CLEARANCE @, | Mackie's Van and Storage home. Own room, Telephone 725-6705 - sid ans t hoose from. No high All wo nteed UY AND SELL ~-- Good used furniture + new and used skate: | H 29--Wanted to Rent ae ool diplo: @ NOW OPEN @ Work .GUOIGr and appliances, Goold's Furniture; 215|Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street East, 725 |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers.|gapy SITTER, three preschool chil. OPPORTUNITY tor young man interest 30---=A sromobiles for Sale: - " yo} : ~ ma nec essary. Serving Oshawa Bowmanville . {Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481 jea4a reducing mathines, sick room supplies. } jdren, live in or out, Whitby 668-4615 ed in learning the restaurant field, to be 4 --Compact Cors for Sale Write for free 40 page book peat atone CITY TV TOWER, enven nae, also repairs.) PARTY DRESS, turquoise, size 10; ma | FURNITURE <3 teens, naw a yl Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 | YOUNG WOMAN required for food plant.|trained as assistant manager, for cal in yo ucks for Sale ' bended 3 ork g fe nm Avenu ¥ J i f j ri ce 'y tacnetsiies lanted Career in Electroni DARI tNGTON Telephone 50800 M23 i enue: Herni ty dresses, sizes 14-16, Very clean,|furniture, only $299., inc. complete ig | CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church Some typing exper ance Brock Farms, of vigor! cate HEBER li fe 34---Automobile Repair RADIO COLLEGE OF % ei | 900d condition. Apply 23 Drew Street. room, living room, kitchen ensembles Jaisie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 42) 5)3 Bro Brock North, 668-825 eee ie 'en ee ae Tien ar beniica- 35--<Lost and Found j UPHOLSTERY Well Drilling---Diagin | ADDING MACHINES, cash registers, |0°" OMly $3. wkly. Unbeatable value! | Simcoe Street. North. Calt 723-2414 |GIRL OR WOMAN for light housework tions strictly confidential 36--Lego 461 Kin 0 2B, | -- 102 King W., Bowmonville S--Misging ewriters, new and used. $35 un, Ali{ Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S| ENTERTAINING -- Fifly to ene hundred| and babysitting, two schgol-age children, | a re mT ~Auctions 51 King 51. W., Toronto 2 23 4] shot WELL DIGGING by machine spec ailzing| machines guaranteed. Expert service.|GUNS -- Bought, soid, traded. repaired|peopie? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-|hours 6 fo 4, live-in preferred, weekends WANTED - bathe oy oe 38--Coming Events Ontario 6 73 In 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut | Oshawa Business Machines 726-3664.| at Art's Gun Shop, 18 .Bond Street West, | quets; parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen,|free. Lake Vista area/"Afler 4 telephone bial ay ge no . 39--Notices Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809.| Evenings 725-9748, 7-973), parking. 723-2140 mornings, 725-0198, Haa7, others need apply. Steady job }4----Business Opportunities i15--Employment Wonted

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