7 " sowsey 260 Kerr Add KR Anscon Kopan tev fun L~-Dufeult Lakehead t Osu 44 £ 4 $% 1% Nu-- "% Fu 2 a eT wooo 13 13-1 ot es at 250 $13% 13% 1000 (31 ee 10000 18 | 17% 2260 2000 $19 134 We S41 41% 4194 -- VO $13% 1344 139%-- Ve av > ove 9 Pow Corp rine Bene QN Gas -- --. STOCK Terente -- Stecx * Quatatinns. in-cents~uni r--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale. » INDUSTRIALS q -- mf . $34 23 2 i" 1" 5s \ h s Killer Sear Gala Aa Wah uci ELMVALE, Oni. (CP)--Pro- vincial police are questioning distributors of the type of fish- ing knife used to kill six-year- [+Ul t+ "an mw 1+ oo KINGTON (CD) --Gardan Junior Woodcock, 26, a member of a paint gang working on a staff house, walked away and disappeared Wednesday from Elmvale is about northwest of Orillia BRUIN GOES BALD , THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, February 17, 1966 J : a JENDRIKA - PLUMBING & HEATING + 10:40 Net S AIS- . Shell Can $27% 22% 22% --- ve 70 in ime lpr $27% 272 27% -- % A Moh 900 $5 5 5 740 735 735 -- q ik' ie 97% 97% $172 17% 174 Te ig 7 0% 10% $28% 28% 22% + Ww $ ; : cS Rie ae | 1000 9% 9% $15" 15 1Se-- Ve : 400 980 970 970 -- 15 83 O78 50 50 26 old Michael Kent at a hockey; BASEL, Switzerland (AP)-- arena here last Friday. Psychologists were called in to | A blood-stained weapon, be- -- ye nage of the poo 2 polar bears, after zoo officials, lieved the murder instrument, veterinary. experts, nuteitioniats was recovered from the roof Of/anq dermatologists failed to ihe arena. it nas a 44-inchicure the bald patches. "We'd blade and a_ saw-toothed fish|do anything to get them back to scaler that folds out of a black/their snow-white best," said a handle. zoo official. Michael's body was found in Joyceville medium security prison. Woodcock, who arrived here in December, had been sentenced to four years for theft at Orangeville, Ont. 4 ee 'SPEEDY. BENGALS The 1965 Detroit Tigers play- ed three games in one hour, 48 minutes each. Alminex 1200 455 450 Am Ledue 71000 23 © 22 Asamera 100 240 240 240 Banff 1900 $13% 13% 13% 4 Calvert 6 3% a C SPete C Ex Gas C¢ High Cr oC honmesra Cdn SupO C Williston Cent Del Charter O C West P Dome Pete Dynamic Fargo French Pt Gr Plains 8 8 a ARE PLEASED TO Have Done The Plumbing Stock Abitib! Ackind Alta GCp Alta Gasw Al Cc y 1 ; $9734 Bn 292 400 22 Slater Stl Slater Aw Stat Stel Steel Can Steinbg A Tamblyn Tancord Texaco Tor tron A T FinA T FinAp Transair Tr Can PL. Trans Mt Trans PPL Turnbull Turnbi Ap Un Carbid Un Gas Versatile Vulean +15 Wainwr 95 Walk GW West ind Westc'st a fs estee! 5 W Pacific $17M 17% 17 + We 5 Weston A $23% 23% 23% = Weston B $242 24% 24'4-- Ve a ee West A wt Sie 1a 1dva ee ORS % 9% Wath MINES y 410 53 H4t tt Cann ee in This Beautiful Johansen Built Home and : wish to extend their CONGRATULATIONS ' to 50 $26 (25% 5 $2 2% 2% $27% 274 '272 -- Vo 8 Be $58% 58% SBA -- Ve $30% 30% 30% 2 s+ 4+ 490 iw aw iw ae 800 $244 24Ve 24% 1000 120 120 120 -- 880 $13% 12% 12% -- 2062 530 $25 $25 100 158, 158 158 2000 $19%4 19 19% + % 33400 365 355 360 + 10 10700 345 335 340 : 500 470 470 470 -- §|where he had gone from his 525 $12% 12% 127%4-- Ve 'eNicholl ks ts se in nearby Port McNic' 100 $12% 12% 12% +% 1600 149 148 148 58 OSB 2000 58 8599 180 -175 177 900 290 285 00 37% nm nm 2 4000 62 & 2 100 405 405 10 1000 MA 4% 4+ 1200 169 169 168 + 6 DEALING wae am ame 4 3 ~=~YOUR CAR? 39 21450 216 207 | 200 350 350 350 | 50300 305 23 295 | 100 225 225 225 | 270 $22% 21% 21% 21700 62 6) 61 3080 270 590 $2714 27% 39000 20 19 3100 400 395 2000 30 30 2500 640 630 4150 445 435 1100 250 245 245 | LTD. | cists trons aes i Oshawa -- 725-6501 | | outs iF ai 50 $264 2612 490-490 $37 Gridoll Gt C Oilsds Int Hellum Midcon Mill City Nat Pete N Cont N Davies N Americn NC Oils Northid Numac Permo Petrol Place G Prairie il Provo Gas Ranger Scurry Rn 2) 1 34+" 25% 25¥a--1 40 40 % 154 154-- ve sis 15 15 FOREIGN TRADING $2614 2614 264 -- Ve 50 $5i%e 544 54% +% 100 605 605 608 1000 325 325 325 +15 190 Noranda Bethim Provo Yk Bear Peter Johansen Ltd. & Son 300 190 190 » : Wie «Steer / 3 . 2 St doce Jendrika Plumbing & Heating 3: he aS ws + 4 eis +15 8 323 Ballafd St. OSHAWA, 725-7013 999 The man to see is MITCH KOWAL t ONTARIO MOTOR SALES $10% 10% 10% + 460 = 460 4% 474 +14 190 199 + 10 1' 1% | 35%a 36 + M4} Peerless 12 Pine Point 62 Placer 2% Preston 12% Probe M 40 «40 Purdex 13 Que 'Man 32.0 (3 Quemont 10% 9 Quonto 9 Radiore ws 10 «+S Rayrock Né 116 116 Rio Algom $21% 21% 21% + %) Rix Afhab M4 Ki) 33° «+2 Roman Ryanor San Ant Satellite Sherritt Silvrfids Siivmaq 460 424 194 sii" 36 Acad Uran Spooner Triad Ol! Union Oil Unispher U Canso Un Reef P Wstates W Decaita W_ Decit w Wilshire -- 1 267 27's + Ya 194 +-%4 | 5 + 5 485 1399 132 cd 485 WwW 132 Aetna inv Agnico Akaitcho AAm Moly Ang Ruyn Ang U Dev Arion Armore A Arcadia 2 | 62 +% 29% ve | M+ 40 --2 134 + a) 22 -- a} 10% 'la snowbank near the = iH i | 166 274 166 274 106 Wn" 635 + 25) 440 | 109 11% 11% --- 9 Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,542,000. Argosy Atl C Cop Aunor Bankeno Bankfield Barnat Bary Expl Baska 1S Belcher 50 Big Name s2.C«S 2 Black Bay 4000 14% 14 14 BL Hawk 185 Broul Reef 2 Brunswk $) 2 CONTINUES Buy Now and Beat The Sales Tax! Codville D Computr Col Cell pr Cc Bidg ton 1 Congratulations re. PETER JOHANSEN LTD. & SON -- From -- H. G. DESIGNS LTD. Manufacturers of THE NYLO SLIDE DELUXE WINDOW AND VIPO FORMICA KITCHEN CABINETS Station Road 942-3791 942-3798 PICKERING CASHWAY FRI. - SAT. - MON. - ONLY! 3800 SHEETS Oe OUR | x 7' MAHOGANY PLYWOOD (4 MM, UNGROOVED) 22 PER PANEL IM ANY QUANTITY! NOW LESS THAN 8c PER SQ. FT. 46% 46 Ve M0 40% + 164 16% 20% 20% 265 2% Ma 15% 5% Lied 3% 28 Ws MEN'S and BOYS' BRAND NAME SWEATERS! Teck Corp Texmont 0 118 120 Texore 37% 37% 3% Tex-Sol 38 Tombill Tribag U Buffadn Camp Chib Camp RL Cc Tung Cc Dyno ¢ Faraday C Jamiesn Cdn Keely ¢ Lencourt Cc Malart Candore Cc ry Captain Cassiar Chester Chimo Coch Will Coin Lake Comb Met Conigo Con Shaw ¢ Callinan ¢ Halll Cc Marben Cc Mogul C Mosher Con Negus i" 16 100 230 30 230 + § 1842 $101%» 100% 101% +114) $ 27% 27% | 38% 210 $110 70 $176 250 $23% 7S $32 150 $15% 250 $14% 200 (78 The finest of the knitwear, made of Orion and Lambswool. Manufacturer forbids us to use his name. These come in White, Ivy, Wolnut, Grey, Black end Blue. Sizes 8 years to 80 years. GET AN EXTRA SWEATER FOR ONLY 1.00 MORE! You SAVE 375 0) «(110 0 | 184 18% 8% Con Nichol 12%4_12%4_12% ¢ Rambler 48 5 B+ 8) € Red Pop 16% 164 16% --114/ wee Cop Fields 158 ~ 2) 267 $19% 18% 19% | | 480 $15¥e 15% 15% | 25 $524 52% 524+ Vo! 100 775 775 775 -- 35 210 $15% 15% 15% 400 $19% 19 ' 2192 $54 53% 53% 375 $1515 1500 $22Ve 22% 22% 15% 15% 14% i4G 60 $394 39 400 S64 6% 425 325 325 17% 17% 1% 9 11 V7 18% 184 18% FIRST SWEATER 6.95 9.95 12.95 SLACKS Buy One Pair And Get Another Pair For Only "SWEATER 1.00 1.00 1.00 Are you looking for..« @ good, gueranteed USED CAR s+ + If 80, coll 623-2556 and ask for HAROLD MICHELSON Over 30 cars to choose from ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. Bowmanville 750 $10% 10% 10% 350 $92 92 92 +45 270 $107%s 10612 10612 --1 TAS 332% 37% 32% #0 6 6 6 +1 1100 915 91S PIS -- § 100 470 470 470 ey IGE Bete Ow 5 : e rs 1300 is 1s S$ is 1s 1000 0 @ | 3 as 410 85 205 % 250 ie 65 6 300 21S $23% 23% 23% Green Pnt 1200 7240 $) 507 5 Gunnar 505 Hasaga 500 yoo $34 --~--V if 285 326% 26% 26% + Vs\ Hesanay oop 3000 $545 Se Se Hollinger 150 100 $52 54 5% Huds Bay 0 700 $19% 19% 19%4-- | Hydra Ex 575 $18 18 1B Irish Cop 540 $105" 10% 10% iron Bay 500 Sé¥e 6% 6% | 1300 190 185 199 + 10 224 $12, 12 (12% | 210 $30 30) (30 | 100 $18% 18% 18% -- Ve| 200 $82 82 %h+s 250 $11 11% 1% 600 $112 11% 11% 50 $47 47 47 j 140 $16% 16% 6% } 25 $34% 34% 34% | 775 $28% 2% 28 | 300°230 225 m5 -- § 100 $162 16% 164 -- ve! 5135 $32% 32 32 +% 100 200 200 200 + 50 8 8 | a Te 19% 8% 84 154 15\a-- Mu 534 Sia + % 32% 2% -- ve| 2 2 =--% Bia 29% | t+i+iti ron ni Fase Kelly DA jpn Co 144 8 500 259 600 194 $000 25 RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH *5.00 PER DAY witacrcn MILEAGE CHARGE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S so Jaye Exp Pembina Pembina p Photo Eng 725 $154 SAVE... SAVE! Choose from black marble, jet carnival or charcoal grey!! FACTORY GRADE Approx. Quarter Inch HARDBOARD x9,,.06¢. x8 .,.008 | Toronto Area Distribution Centres | Bramiea Rd. at Steeles, Just MALTON 'sss b, # Sos Joe south of » Ne. 7. Toronto Customers le 4265. Phone 451-3800, aerators AJAX Highway 401 to Ajax Exit 66, then south to 161 Dowty Road. Telephone Ajex 942-1221, North of Whitby at comer BROOKLIN (to Wit we 12, Telephone Brooklin 655-3313, | OUT-OF-TOWN CENTRES | PETERBOROUGH--116 Parkhill East of The Otonabee, BARRIE--Junction Highways No. 11 and No. 93, BELLEVILLE--24 Newbury Street. NORTH BAY--Mce Gaughey at Fisher, NIAGARA FALLS--1268 Montrose off Lundy's Lane. GALT--Highway 24, south of High- Also--London, Windsor, Ruthven and Ottawa, impossible THE Go back to ASSOCIATES one possible payment To Start Monday, February 28, 1966 BASIC TRAINING, GRADE 7 COMMERCIAL UPGRADING, GRADES 8, 9, 10 consolidation loan (English, Mathematics, Science, Typing) | : TECHNICAL UPGRADING GRADES 8, 9, 10 (English, Mathematics, Science, Drofting) with an Associates Look ...3 Colours... One Low Price! CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS UN See ATR 2 9" x 9" 3 He-s] 7ap.ggss '4 ALBERT ST. 4SY PAYMENTS =] E x Jac 19/4 152 seiesiy Sud VINYL ASBESTOS EACH aaa grins meee || FLOOR : Unemployed Men and Women : ie Be RN Re | el QUANTITY ss FIRST SLACKS EXTRA SLACKS YOU SAVE FREE COURSES AVAILABLE |] Pevmsal Drcome Lar" 8961 88s Plus Living Allowance Wane. po : GRADE 1 9.95 1 .00 1 8.95 The torn ond Pb Governments in Conjunction With e OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION h will conduct TRAINING COURSES at the Buy One Shirt And Get Another R. S. McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE SPORT SHIRT 570 Stevenson Road North Oshawa for 00 Only . Woven cotton ginghams, neat all over designs. Dashing popover styles with tap- pone ie chia lige wrk sane 'cn : ical shies kechsled. Your chokes. brown, grey, blue and green in the lot! First Shirt Extra Shirt YOU SAVE 4.95 1.00 3.95 5.95 1.00 4.95 YOUR CREDIT @ Too often, those "easy" monthly payments can add up-to-a-staggering figure. That's the time-to see the Associates about a debt consolidation loan, and go back to one low payment a month. The Associates will lend you, money to pay off bills, and then arrange one monthly payment carefully suited to your budget. Ask an Associates manager about a debt consolidation loan, and get a 'fresh start today. All courses are conducted Monday through Friday from 4:45 to 11:15 p.m, Grade 10 courses last 4 months, others 3 months. REMEMBER -- 90% of our graduates get jobs - Why not you?... Vacancies are available NOW Apply At Your Local NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE W. G. FAWCETT, Ce-ordinator, Program 3 ASSOCIATES FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 111 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 735-6531 @ 2 LOCATIONS @ 36 KING EAST AND OSHAWA DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open to 9 p.m. Friday Open to 9 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. $. E. LOVELL, Choirmen, Oshawa Board of Education