Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Feb 1966, p. 12

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42 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tosedey, Februcry 15, 1966 Seli the Olid and Bring in the New ..: With Times Aciion Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Soturday & to 12. ia 4 oa ea-Market Basket 15-----Employment Wanted [17---Female Help Wanted SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT | ene ra ten ont eps BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | datum See ccsre MP. PRESIDENT | ope won A AAIME. 1115 BORN ALIVE? ag Me wes we oe and students, to do pieas- 10--Farmer's Column Chev. station wagon in good | nt telephone appoint- DEAD and rippled farm stock licked condition, aie @ grade 9 ment work. No experience . : j 5 vr s Accountants Barristers Gardening and Supplies _| Rug-Upholstery Service Felephone «C peewee rey ape pigee ag A gad rrerience | necessary. Choose your | . HOSMAR, Chartered Account| ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, like to seek o new career with | Own hours. $1 to $1.50 tats 7 Prince. Street, Suite 4, Oshews, So ly nag ht A gg eg DO r) UPHOLSTERING Yi ; 11--Pets and Livestock a reliable company whose | per hours. : a | Eventng Bini ts a Fn oy Yourself WG \ ines | BEAUTIFUL baby "bodgles, --reeayter| Products ore sold to stores. GORDON R DAY ww. Oshawa shop-|OREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solid: | Wes 7 iu Wom Axe yelniea, talking siraln. Apply Mrs. 7.| Very -opgrestive, willing to ie cenit, SMB. tore Dill SUNFLOWER 'SEED Broed, 114 Elgin East work. CALL MR. DOVE 5 FRIEOLANDER AND CO., Ge, 7s Hroence ve Kellys BAL BEL WILD BIRD MIX / BEST FOR LESS Shepheran rine some 723- 8028 Chartered Accountants, Licnesed Teus- . Thomas H, Jermyn, BA, LLB, | r CRAPS. Palominos, Pintos, foals, ponies, Asnbu 1 fees. in Bankruptcy, 52% Simcoe Street] 7252000! CRACKED CORN | @ FREE ESTIMATES 655-4662 evenings 723-5051 North, Oshawa, 728-7371. MILLET (Day or Evening) ND 0, Cher-| Build: 4 y ing) BABY BUDGIES, 'all colors, teady_ tor| SeqrceMman = early Tortie bilingual fgg el ge Mle Thos Suis| Building Trades WHEAT | @ EASY CREDIT TERMS training, Palsimg strain. Apply 105 "scott hondabler' Mich. weedetion ea con tae Ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawe, Ca BIRD FEEDING STATIONS) ; .| [DOO TRAINING CLASSES = Sponsor: |seexe postion cr font Ponce spunea SALESLADIES ps Te 9 ay va § Luxow, CA. NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL WATER SOFT SALT | H A R W O O D ss Oshawa Obedience Association. Enquiries} own transportation. Write Box 14492 Osh- Must be experienced WALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND CO., ICE SALT L . Invited for classes commencing January|awe Times. us' experienced. Chartered Accountants, 26/4 King, Street FREE SAND . cele { : PM gs on i seman fan ba mien Fe wack | ROMING DONE Tr oun Tome. Telephone] Fy 4s Ladies Wear Stk G5) Davia 's. Perkin, CA: 21': PORTABLE T.V. SNOW SHOVELS Orn Venwetertne AE F)RGT POLAR YOYAGE Py) oo Nida anal Telephone 72 cate aN EXPERIENCED typist desires part time 7. Simcoe St. S. din a a tarde Catone" | SHO, |__PHONE 942-1500__| anmhmaswise mise, 7 2 | [RTE POPS ms eee Onsen a a] 7 Spee Accountant, 'suite 200W, Oshawa Shop- -- {no gimmicks or contests PET SUPPLIES | CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re LEADING A Duten EXPEDIfiod Ow. ¥ POMERANIAN CHOW CHOW and both|LADY will look aller child In her home ping Centre, 725-9953 styled. Free estimate. See our material] HEREACHED A POINT HE CALLED | 9 months old, registered, Apply|five days weekly. Apple Hill area, trans-| BABYSITTER to care for child 4 years {for Fecovering, Dalton Upholstering, 78] nova yeMRrAa, LESS THAN OnE mM 40,000,000 | Jo: Aquarium 299 Simcoe South or| portation If necessary. 'relepnone. 728-4597 old -- Must live in, one child welcome. ea, Ne os )VEMENT: DELOITTE, Pane WASKI HOME IMPROVEMENTS harles Street; 723-7214 telepnone 725-4585, Palins Write Box 15154, Oshawa Times, 8 King SELLS. Chartered accountants: 6. 4 S ith : Street) 723-7214 | 1,000 MiKS F 'A th = OR 30, 000,000, rich Rik, Re gute cA om} © Rec. Rooms tis Phas ooper- mi RE-UPHOLSTERY by experis, Eaabllh] Yongparee 7 . SERBY GEE, Tasiss We ge OL War eee yg hay ye aaa awa Shopping Centre, 728-7527. rec room over $1,500 -free ed 17 years. Workmanship guaranteed, istered, has had all needies, Good with! efficiency and cleanliness essential. After Youne WOMAN with typing } Sxperienes 5 P4634 Sood ia BE Land in tc OO : - O68 CLANCY'S Accounting Service, new 3-way TV, Hi-Fi, co Free estimates. Credit terms, Mattresses Children and very ome knowledge of food bu Complete bookkeeping service, 299 Simcoe) stereo). - | rebuilt, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up- 723-6306, plant, Brock Godaig ht | ALR 'Brock St. North Seuthy 7450097. Res. 725708. | @ Remodelling 16 CELINA ST ee eS Dor Aen, ee WANTED TO BUY -- Female puppies.|17--Female Help Want Sitoy. "Telephone 66 'Account- Tg DORK Came: E sere ried rresten, 17 Bend sirest| ° Additions 'ses als [Seles and Service 2--Personal 8--Articles For Sole anak 18--Male Help Wanted East. Telephone 723-4833, @ Garages i 2s . - LOVELY FIAMETESeaipouT tinen iy | aiirairninird a @ Carports, ete | . 92.9319 j "eigatenecle) STENO $ 4 | 723-1139 23-2312 Removal of superfluous hair sale. Telephone 725-2729 - Barristers This month. Specia! i : atin APPLIANCE 4 CREIGHTON, ORYNAN, MURDOCH, and California Redwood [TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or 1 cut REPAIRS Se id te ae SKATES 12--Articles Wanted BOOKKEEPER ONTARIO HYDRO VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries.| Aili workmanship guaranteed |them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or Ph ha Hotel WE NEED used furniture; Hi 7 Bank of Commerce Building. § Simess] fo, Vers wears. Suitable |72#-0610 : ___| Expert repairs to all makes phi NAL aad rae 'ppoint- | Big savings on Skating Our |redios, TV's. Valiey Creeks 16 Sond West, (GENERATION PROJECTS treighton, QC). or residences: € Ri terms of financing available Faataner sn of washers, dryers, ranges, ment fits for the whole family,dur- | 728-440). Shorthand typist with good DIVISION) 28-8554; G. L. Murdoch, | a BO FLECTROLYSIS ing our Big Fall Sale. APARTMENT SIZE piano wanted. Tele| knowledge of bookkeeping re- J. €. Victor, 985-7115. NO PAYMENTS TILL | @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ Cc ae f 7 2 Phone 728-6662 quired by local firm. Must be Mortgages arranged, JULY 1966 | CAREER TUNITY H ALCAN ie 723 464] rom $ . & pr. WANTED TO BUY, mechanical ¥ mature, experienced and reli- Requires Imenedictely for its £ NALD, BA, LLB, & ~ -- Whitby 668-2324 Cal) after 4 p.m, ' , Cae acer 'and Notary Pub| Please coll us anytime for | A better job with more pay LADIES ONLY! If you think slcohol Is & 303 RIFLE inlet cae Dh able, For more information Pickering Nucleor Power De- tic, The Commercial Buliding, 286 King} free estimote ond expert ad- can be yours in Communica- | FURNITURE & APPLIANCES [problem to you, we can help. For more p eR and. interview. S West, Oshawa, - Ontario Sop HE! © vice. o tione, Autoniation, Colour | 452 Simeoe § Oshawa | information call 668-8103 or 725-8533, All 13--Articles For Rent velopment on the eastern out available, 7254716 or 725-4717. TV i race oi ies Blues ie j h 723- 0011 replies in strictest confidencet = CALL skirts of Metro Toronto the HUMPHREYS, BOYENYN, and WiLL-| 723-078) | Sora the cen Rests Con chin std |__| BRONCHIAL COUGH bothering you, and) Known for its accuracy ond ' following personnel in Civil | tronics the proven Radic RENTALS MRS. McDONALD and Mechanical Techriical MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King | . annoying your family? Use Meggezones, reliability, this rugged gun Street *, Oshawa; R, DO. Humphrey C ae home. stuc woy. Over | the tried and true British Pastilie. Heips , . ae) 6. "E, Boyenyn QC; W. A. Milliman, } SHEFFIELD | OF esate follow courses and Before You Buy A to clear the Chest, Throat and Head, 69c,| Will deliver years of satis- positions. LLB; 4. Humphreys, BA, LLB. wane ap vot A hb ee i D. be | Piano or Organ, See at druggists anywhere, factory shooting ', 1 i : Construction Co. | plans to choose from. No high | gan, waite pase aL fe eo TAII77; Residence: 72s-4d04; |W Seed! 103 King E. Oshawa | school diploma necessary. | HEINTZMAN 3--Sportsman Column $24.95 OF ALL KINDS DRAKE (architectural) i y | | other first mortgage funds avalible. | | Write for free 40 page book pllbidews ee ON REDUCING EQUIPMENT: -- s Draftsmen JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, | Solicitor. | | "Career in Electronics.' & Company Ltd SKATE EXCHANGE -- SHARPENING: SNOW TIRES honey Office, MK Street! 4 i S 6 sed. Bauer; Hockey equipment. massagin belts, rowing ma- 4 tet East, Oshinwe, 78-83 - a | RADIO. COLLEGE OF Mi Bsa "Creek, lé. Bond West, 728-4401. thee, bike exercises oa all PERSONNEL _ _ Lowest Prices 46) Kir Swen onto 2B ° RB hal act wa 5--Trailers ~ |All nylon construction, full $6. per month @ Work Study Classified Rat | lg hr ' <"* |GUARANTEED REPAIRS fo al! wringer Seriinetnsieeininnmininnmmel Gepth troction tread. A brond PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe 51 King E Technician a Untono, _ washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call/AIRSTREAMS factory authorized dealer new winter tire priced almost cleaning rods, pipe vise ing East ji | PRIVATE ACCORDION LESSONS, Grad-| 728-1742 or 723-0011 Ontario Trailers Ltd., 1877 The Queens- ' ; 1 : ' @ Chainmen and WORD ADS ver n ree ed teaching. Trial course includes loaned | BAMBOO DRAPES, vensiian anebay coar) coorer Ie Oot a | Siete Ceakdeal ae 728-6051 od Cosh -- 1 insertion of 24 words, $1.08; tnstrament, Phone 728-3907. vas: awnings. Complete servics, free eatelan aia pRaRE a from $17 56 u cutters, pipe threading dies, is men additional words, 4¥g¢. each; 3 ¢on (FUTURAMA) i th; ° Beanthes rac|mates, Mil Jelinek, 728-1993, 7--Swop « and Bart r p toilet auger, PI ing Technici secutive insertions of 24 words $2 88: TUITION In Lat French, | | : jx ' is ' e anning technicians additional words 12¢. each, 6 con-| @ KITCHENS tics, by English graduate. Telephone| ---- DOUMATIC w yer, Spiece bath PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- No charge to you the opplicant secutive insertions of 24 oc $5.04; | 668-3866 'Septic Service lgots a5 sininiens Wicd woke DASE pres- stepladders, ladder jacks, : h. | @ BATHROOMS en esege roan nee ruemamsconead jon SET EEene ----| sure *y:tems, sump pumps, laundry tubs, steel scaffolding, compressors, These are challenging posi- additional words 21¢, esc i . . | {SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned. Prompt service) hardwood cutti H, Chinn, Ph 723 ions ing. opport ee @ REC. ROOMS Janitor Service Gr Calle Waller iene es hae anna cuttings in one 723- sproy 'guns; walipoper steom- tions offer uniti gee he Rog 4 = shore! Example: You can have a rec /CELLARS CLEANED trash removed, | West, Whitby. 668-2563, ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, for advancement for Junior, poe room completely built for only hoveehold repairs done.. Telep! 5 ~ > 8--Articles for 'Sale TIRE STORE propane torches, Intermediate and Senior Method of Counting --~ Less $2.25 per sq. ft. | urveyors me ------ BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- Technical Personnel, possess- words counts as 24 words; each word, |CLEAN YOUR BACKYARD and base-|-- Sane ------ } initial, figure or abbreviation counts of floor area jment, Also scrap taken away. Call Joe|DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario| FREE--24-hour burner service 145 King St. W. cement mixers, finishing Ing minimum grade 12 aca- j G6 one word: phone number counts) we hove a staff of quolified | Nd Son, 723-2368 Grp Bh mtg wit 5 pomecia) blue prints,| TEXACO -- Fuel and Stove | Telephone 725-6511 trowels, wheel barrows, elec- CASHIERS demic certificate plus addi- ort Plumbers, Electricians, Car- |ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco-||' Ontario Stree a oil, "Blue Coal' stove, nut, | tric vibrator, air compressor, tional technical training or nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by! H. - FLIM AND TROLLOPE, 'Ontario Land Pe ---- spp AR 7 BIRTHS--DEATHS-- penters, Plasterers, Painters modern machine. Free estimates. Work | Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East, Phone stoker coals @ Slab Wood CARRIAGE for 5 Navy end white. jock hammers, hand trowels, Job experience, SOCIAL NOTICES etc., co-ordinated to give you | guaranteed. 728-7736 | 725-6881 e Canal Coal @ Building {Good condition. $20, Phone 728-5 water pumps, portable heot- Part-time married woman Excellent wooes 4 working $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents eddi- A pail we ' 5 668 4 shah shied, tain SRS : tol i fost service at lowest cost. ----~| Supplies, 668-352 IMPERIAL SHOE STORE -- Jus ers, steel scaffolding, electric cee Liberal fringe ts upon completion of 6 tional charges If not paid within 8 doys. Money To Loon |TV--Radio Repairs SAWDONS': (Whitby) LTD ed. Specializing In new shoes. Ladies', generator, ramset power rol- niy 18-45 years oye t 35 5 CO-ORDINATED 1 WILL LOAN you up te $5000 at e ge | 244 Brock St, S. -- I Son Souln, abaert ie tre Se wrk lark, elective hammers, mas- Aired ¥ A months satisfactory service. Z r the fi ords and 5Sc./ snectoreonmesnnenatanes 0 rs words OIL PAINTINGS-- andscapes, portraits, Apply stating age, education- hn th 12 in ; a page hogy interést to consolidate . mas BRewachle Bue ssinssbindya ide nilaliasiiialiins onary saw building jacks, ter pl ' r bi pt orthwhil ' if per lay hag additional chore if not purpose providi ing You ore sicadl gon V TONIA'S VARIETY figure work, custom picture framing.| mortar mixers, moortar boxes, Apply Manager al ,background, work histo) paid within 8 days. ere and have good credit. Tel ephone| COFFEE SHOP vabete§ Neh whiten 668-4497, 325 chain hoist, miter saw, elec- oi oa s] " story, 46: | u tric plane, tarpaulins, sand se CARDS OF THANKS For « fre imate call | ECONOMY A Izk f HARDWOOD, dry mixed, cut one year. ' if 4 $2.00 for the first 38 words and Se. 773. aoe |Mortgeges st son hie mm ee ae ae aaa Single cord, $10.1 double, $18. Telephone pp same adore therea wi jone al 966 OD) * isd ec Smith, ' ¢ a peo if not paid within 8 days. Priced to suit your budget ders $1.20 doz 21" TELEVISION set for sale. New pic-) isc sanders, actylene welding " ONTARIO HYDRO COMING EVENTS a | - TERMS ARRANGED 205 Bond St. W.. 725-3772 -|ture tube. Telephone 728-7909. outfits, 200 amp electric Shopping Centre BOX 1000 } ) BEST QUALITY alumi indows,| welders, $2.10. per Inch (display); $1.80 for the MORTGAGE (Open Sundays) _|doors, awnings, rallings, ete. Low, low OSHAWA mse ee teeesoe OSHAWA TV Sy in Wea oS STAN'S Pickering, Ontarlo ooking for a price? LOANS SUPPLY LIMITED PARTS NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re- AUCTION SA' > For Washers, Stoves and pairs to all makes, New hoses. Phone 233 King St. W., Oshawa LES mare PER ONN FER MGERTION. §-- | Remodelling kitchens, bath | TAUNTON RD. E. Dryers SUNS Sangh wala Treded- Taeaiea| Sharpening & Rentals Ltd } j | DEADLINES } rooms, rec-rooms, Moneys available for first Just East of Ritson | ' nih ELECTRIC MOTOR at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, PHONE 723-3224 ermanent FOUN i: ° OSHAWA APPLIANCE _ jand appliances. One location only. Pretty Order_desk requires lady F | Sam, DAY OF PUBLICATION PHELAN | gages ond agreements for | T1186. Simens 5, 728-7535. . | Eutuiiee, 8 Sees Soe ee Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- api mp oyment BIRTHS AND DEATHS Construction Co 24 HOUR SERVICE bide ture, only $299. inc. complete bed-/included, singl@ all-channel antenna com- Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal i : Fox Furs 1 eolumn--4 p.m. di vious; 2 col-| - Oshawa, Ontari Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $.{Television, corner Bond and Division, if ag ierger-10 eax dav previews:| 668 6032 77) o7 | HOLMES led! ay QUEEN Sales and Service. | 720-5143-4. SARGEANT'S RENTALS | per hour. Because of current expansion 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Guaranteed trouble-free winter .if you) S WORD ADS j and second = mortgages 728-9731. 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS F Open mortgages. No bonus. | 723-8] 3] Spe SNe anes BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture sole purchased. | TELEVISION -- RADIO new quality| ;ELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 441, es Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee | to do ple ant telephone 9 @.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION 2 | ry le Ot EVEN M. F. SWARTZ | com, living room, kitchen ensembles. | plete, installed, tax Included, guaranteed} Wear, Men's Formals, White contact work. $1 to $1.50 QUALI CONTROL | 723-4697 j Repairs to -al|-makes-vacuums. Free. estl- | WE BUY, sell_and exchange used turni- into new product lines, we Any odvertisement cancelled before FEBRUARY Purchase from Western Ol! Co, 725-1212. |VACUUM repairs, all makes, hose s,|Simcoe Street North Call 723-2414 the quality control depart- | Mortgage Loans Lost AND CALL | First mortgages, second mort- FURNITURE - 3 rooms, new quality| structure, hot dipped galvanized 1 tower CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 26Y King St ' Pay only $3. wkly. Unbeatable valuel lone year, $50. See all towers at TRIO Mink Stoles. | INSPECTORS CNcetarens AND | Eee | ELECTRONICS wal i King West, 728-7552, ture, or anything You neve. |The City __463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 have several' Rarenent bale a i urnaces cleaned, adjusted free. South, 723-1671. Se re gi egy ve es MR. HUMBER oried positions available in publication will be charged one day's eee ih ah brah Lanterenaneat i ; , etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0713. - insertion, i C for prompt service TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower|Drushes, e i FT TRUCK -- capacity 6,000 ment. SPECIALS p r structure all-channel antenna installed, pestis Vacuum Service, Main Stretti te "t rent by week or a. BOX NUMBER RENTAL--S0c i ' ; $50. Usnawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton| Pickering. Mackie's Van and Stcrage. | - Preference will be given te " i re} Call Road East, just east of Ritson Road. THREE ROOM N | While every endeavor will be mode| Save up to 20% during Jan- | 72% j '0 o n Road T ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. Nol BNTERTAINING -- Filly to one hundred Soaliebies jad th . to forward replies to box numbers to uary on Rec. Rooms, Kit- | 2 Whitby -- 668- 5679 TYPEWRITERS, new and rebuilt, stand- down payment, $15 monthly, at Honest people? Oshawa Tennis Club. for thond PP: f s th se mat: ; } Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 triculation or good standing the advertisers os soon as possible, chens,, Bath Rooms, Floors | ards, portables, elect: The ideal gift J 4 quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, 1 'we accept no jiability in respect of We wedi d 75% OF VALUE for students. Large stock to choose from.|BUY AND SELL -- Good used furnifure|parking. 723-2140 mornings. in Grade XIl. thre rd damage alleged to crise} Walls, Ceiling Tiles and all 2 . | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED a fe "htachines tow pric " Jen-jand appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 ea | Experience in product inspec- Ou ther foil for- | ns Business Machines, Sales an ~|Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481. H isi, at ; sates ola Some ueal FM cROV" 725-8576 CAL | TV TOW Raa A PARTY GREE orci sia W-mw | eunness Opportunities! = PAYROLL CLERK --_| tion in the steel industry wil whether by negligence or otherwise ? c "i | : ERS ANTIQUE Spool rocker; antique wash|ternity dresses, sizes 14-16. Very clean, , | : ia ole be an asset, but any technic~ ise! ites wail bet i eae for Ait TVeRS atime. tahoe taal 728-1653 i ARE THE E basin and pitcher; aquarium, completely| good condition. Apply 23 Drew Stre i . required by The wa Sep- al work experience ot @ res- ¥ Ct rin Je Se SS so Seo SS - ' sce and remodelling; chimneys, new and re- / BEST _ |eaviepes ana stocked "Mfelephone Ta-$00h TYPEWRITER portable $30. vd NECCHI SEWING erate School Boord. A -- ponsible level will be given REGULATIONS paired; sidewalk and concrete rai | GUARANTY TRUST Whe TI OIL SPACE HEATER with two hundred| $35, Electric adding machine $40, Elec- *MACHINE ough knowledge of Bookkeep- full consideration, hithy 468-2774, Gord May NHY SETTLE FOR LESS! yh tank; algo gasoline chain sew. tric typewrither, electric cash register ing required, Applicants opply The Oshawa Times will not be re- wae RE era pag Company of Canada Telephone 668-4249 $85. 723-4434, FRANCHISE AVAILABLE _ sei i lifi For ointment for errors in advertisements N ; Rec, rooms aiferations;| F of Canad MORFAT Gaking ite ae ies ee i au aT in writing, stating qualifica- or app 4 Nt TO} submitted otherwise than in writing not |etc, Free est mates. Phone collect "Don 32 King St. £ } 1. R. 3 . . t ANTIQUE BUFFET, 93 years old, solid) A highly profitable dealer- tions, experience ond salary interview call | TELEVISION summer campy etc. See at industrial Dis-|hand carved partridges on each, shelf} ship is now available in this expected to:-- | 668-4585, reo record player. in weabihe . Over 60 dealerships now in jour specialty N: ork id ; Z Pe hi ite proper classification, bln gen sar Ges wah eons MORTGAGES OSHAWA AND WHITBY window, in door automatic clock and tim. | livered. H. Cave Piano Tuner. Telephone High - powered advertising Oshawa, Ontorio, WHITBY 668-8811 or will not be held respon-|REMODELING and repairs, Free estl-| City, Rural, Vacat Lake Ontario for more. than one insertion of any Port Perry 985-2802 | washers, Ideal for restaurants, motels or|wainut, two drawers, three doors with advertisement nor beyond the price| PORTABLE weidin uipment and m: H i charge for a single insertion in which| available trom Samet rig Bicer| Oshawa, Ontario : Rosai, Harmony Road North. 725-9202. above with fox head above shelt, Severa| city, for the world-renowned Mr. John Tuskey error occurs, enced Im repair and structural, Phone}--------------------_____________| Corner Bend oy Division COMBINATION 'television radio and ste-|other, articles of aged furniture. Write! Niecchi Sewing Machines. OSHAWA +SEPARATE The Oshowa Times reserves the right | ROOFING 'ar ; FIRST and SECOND EG ee 5143 _-an--e,| $200_of best offer. Telephone 725-1770. | PIANO, upright. Bell plano re-condition- ; "at SCHOOL BOARD or Mr. Gordon Boles at to. classify advertising according to sree . Seer wy. Sem rooting, | "130" G.E,. AUTOMATIC RANGE rotisserle|€d. Tuned to concert pitch. Price $185 de- operation in other cities, 209 Simcoe Street N., CR ah : and Construction, RR 3, 125-6997 "ie Excellent condition $140. Telephone | 242-5547, or telephone 942-4777 program including television 2 In the cases of displ advertisements |° All Classes NIGHT SERVICE 305-2587 ee) WRINGER WASHER, Viking i Hx magazines, _newspopers, 'te + write sible for more space than that which|ma' Telephone Tony after 5 p.m. 72% eA. | > BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap re: ' ' f yor i- the actual error occupies. The mich a re SUMMERLAND | 725-8541 or 668-5830 | piiences. call Elmer, Hampton 269-2294| After 5 p.m, telephone 723-3704 Aah HA San ibid Mgt pends WAITRESSES lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad-| ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS ; Or 263-2995 SALE -- 9 only men's sults from lest; ©"C® ie ing ine i vertising matter correctly, but assume | rooting, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire- SECURITIES LIMITED] RAE S FOR YOUR WATKINS (quallly) products| Year's. stock, @ few of these suits were| business, we train you it's Required Telephone 728-2383 any time, garments sold but not picked up by cus- easy. This is a proven money- 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. Steel Co Ltd no liability of advertisement if any 25-3 places, masonry, Gord May, Whitby! 112 Simcoe St, N.--725-3568 | naccuracies In eny form are contal: Sihositt cad a? tomers. All sulfs 100 per cent English therein, ned | 668-2774, <n |MIREF AND SECOND "Tacfigage." Sele RADIO_ & TELEVISION VIKING "STOVE and large Viking re-|worsted in good 3-button styling. Sizes 36] | oker, with a very small in- 3 P.M. to 11 P.M, |NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco,|agreements purchased and cove ve, Sale| _ ------=-----=| frigerator also metal single bed. All in/to 44, Regular price $65, Sale price $35.| vestment, that's full. covered 11 P.M, to 7AM Box 330, WHITBY, Ont (T'S EASY TO PLACE A |sidewalks, re-modeling, rec-rcoms. Free and Hennitk, Barristers, 31 King Street | excellent condition, Telephone 728-8606. | Mercantile Department Store, Whitby by inventory. A company re- a mo J * TIMES ACTION WANT AD gelinates. A, Woods, TH (Or Bast, 729-7222. TV SERVICE CUSTOM MADE turnjture -- Coffee tab.) Plaza. presentotive will be in town Apply Mr. Campbell 728-4717, acc : D iS? AND 2ND MORTGA les, night tables, chests, rec-room bars|TELEVISION 2)-inch. Very good condi- . Call Classtied Direet Pacer ist AND 2No HORTOAGES vali | DAY OR EVENING faiseed Mona ay shortly, Reply to: Genosha Hotel _723- 3492 |Ventistry ___| North, Whitby, 648-3338, j 728-5286 REFRIGERATORS, $24.98) bedi, #124 BLACK FOX FUR collar can be worn Necchi Machines x SALES CAREER <---senenennninsneeneninenye {CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental) PRIVATE AND CORPORAT! : tor] new Smootn top mattresses, $19.95i/ with dress suit or coat, Brand new, Tele- : | Soraeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, |all mortgages. Mortgages an r OSHAWA billed ther BP Ld Ra ind (CANADA). INC. PART-TIME THIS. lea perinanent paaltion INDEX TO or appointment, 728-5171. ments of sale purchased. Creighton, | ome sets, radios, Guns new end' used. REPAIRS to all Coleman Products: Fish- 6586 St. Hubert St. f F " ; |BIALEK, DR. 8. PS Denial Suroeon, ritere yo and Victor. (See "Bar-! _ ELECTRONICS Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, |if@ fods and reels. Sportsman's Corner, Montreal 10, P.O $1 to $1.50 per hour and offers one of the highest CLASSIFICATIONS [112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. = , ae a nel HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appi Four Corners: Whitby (block west of f em Woman for plesant tele- annual incomes in any field. Women's Column pct host Mdina - FAST T.V. SERVICE ety a Che Chan oa eT HONDA 90 touring model, rear view mir-/SMALL ee oe ah HANDIMANS' phon Work: 4 re Gally, We orag well bia i Srganik- 2--Personai ; [Dressmaking SMALL DANCE patil on ie: Ree We, Cer rors and luggage carrier 'Adult owned and| business for sale: '39 G.M.C. truck and 723. 5051 ation specializing in the sov- $Poctunon's Column lenced, Reliable. Reasonable Service Call only $2.50 saBOLOUS JANUARY SALE enn driven. Excellent condition, 1900 miles. aluminum iedders, Cam. wid sing fr ings and investment field. iter: -- NOW On| 723.6076 trade for late model car, Selling for 6--Marine Equipment ALTERATION, sical it tema mage Ted _Taylor Alan 940-1663, DOMINION at Wilson Furniture. Double mattresses|-------- 7 oS eee RP health reasons. Ajax 942-5616, Bsa GOULD PREVIOUS investment or LB hig ir caiiegd lo order. Telephone Tan - from $20; chesterfield suite, $99; chrome|7#" TWIN continental beds. Brand new : STAR NEW YEAR as 8 beauly i &--Articies for Sale bei da AERO Optometrist TELEVISION chairs, $2.99; bedroom suites, $119. Wil-| condition, with headboard, $150, Tele-|WILL SELL patent rights and eau: as 8 beauty) sales experience not necessary Sa Mirket Beaker |ALTERATIONS -- repair ai Sittings |= wicHARD BLACK OB, VaF SIS 8.5184 9 ¢ Son Furniture, 20 Church St : phone 725-9772 after 6 p.m. the te Aah Oak ae Ge he cgi raze also available. Tele) 4s complete training with 5 . i ETT} ji es, : hip to market new pr b ; , re os jziopers, men's minds and. children's Street North, Sulte 6, Oshawa Telephone| All werk Pomme aieg ag le PLUMBING, heating, electrical THOPINEE sine Cheatertield sie, pull facilities required, can be produced by| RESPECTABLE LADY to live In to care) continued assistance provid- por' ' 723-4191, ori Aa bce adhe atbdohusesve and buliding supplies for sale at ail w, 4 jobber, Excellent Investment and re- i ie aricies Wanted DRESSMAKING of Ladies' Wear, also - "oo ~~------Ifimes, Reasonable prices, Telephone 725-|end tables, coffee table, two lamps. $130. |tirns. Ideal for retired person, No per- |'or,molneriess child, in exchange for room ed: aera advances ond ea beaoeal | ROTO terat i wl service 723 23-1729 --|Painting and Decorating | | WINTERTIME pte blag Hasllneg pienso Co... Brock | 725-6368. sonal time Involved. $1000, or less re-| chiig welcome. Telephone Barrie 726-3028. commission. ortuniti j hie Meealg and Dunlop Streets, by os, sce red. 723-0966 15--Employment Wanted nee Vv. TIME Blind 1h ck SESS ey race: Et Cor Congoleum rugs, scatter | quir o . ------, | PRACTICAL NURSE for nursing home| MANAGERIAL ability ree- 16--Agents Wanted ve FULLER BRUSH Products. Specials of-|Mats, pictures, lamps, florals, occasionallswAcK BAR business and equipment. required, Write Box 14968 Oshawa Times, 17--Female Help Wanted TO SELL PAINTING AND ¥. Service Anytime ered now. Telephone daylimes. 723-0444; ROE eto tiene a eee also service station equipment for sale.las"King East, Oshawa ognized by early advance- : : : : nings 668-6583 i rlors, tt Telephone 728-0545 < 18--Male Help Wanted DECORATING | East, Oshawa, va sled | LADIES' nylon hosiery, Make extra; "ment 19-----Mole or Female Help Wonted ; GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator, Thor|-- WE ARE LOOKING for people who wish | money selling stockings. Yeur own busl- 20--Reo! Estate for Sale | INTERIOR and EXTERIOR wringer type washing machine and four-| MUSKRAT COAT, lady's full length, dark!y. establish themselves in an_executive| "Oo "dsay cains, Tremolo pra OK Write Box 14896M 2 Summer Properties Broad! Custom Dr. TELEVISION piece chesterfield set. Telephone 723-9991|Drown, size 1414, good condition. Price|capacity with Canada's fastest growing # , Z fi 21--Forms for Sale = EREE EcTiiareee 798-51 aner 6 orn $45, Telephone 728-8105 trom 10 a.m. tolcrmanization, People replying shavld. be ph agg ged Mg iy dem de dah gb Oshawa Times text ots for Sal REE E ne 2 SE SRI ER NE aoe . oe ; be! mor fe now for free rature and evoke Bags PS and DODD & S Hh 43 120 BASS accordion, like new. Apply 11) |owoe--------------____________-___|presentiy employed with sound financial) wholesale catalogue. Resion, 10383 Hebert 24---Stores Offices and Store oe ed SOUTER [city Abd "TOWER, 'anten inas, alto repairs,|craydon Road, Whit! He Slats JM dag adders, cashiers' desks, genie pa sp ada i 2 yr Fao St, Montreal North, Quebec. or Tel. C. R. Holt 28--Houses for Rent 668-5862 All work guaranteed. 511 Dean AV6NUS: (BRIVATE SALE, heavy @iTy TangeT@| ast Nene tee oe ee eee eee aoe one eee eetsorike neane | RECRPTIONISY.TYPIST, legal experience TORONTO 927-3511 %~ f Telep! 50 i ¥ le. New, us milton, Ragilar i -Aportments for Rent i -- - ______. | fWo years old, $20. Very good condition. -- and have the ability to hire and train|preferred, Apply Greer and Kelly, 114 aur noone for Rent 'Plumbi g ° and Heating 'Weil Drilling Digaing Apply 290 Albert Street sate ph TaN genie Rad personnel, we will arrange an interview.|King Street East, Oshawa. mare - 2 am Hens, as ranieud ri Write In confidence, giving background|EXpERIENCED airl for Insurance office P se i 1 ---| TYPEWRITER -- Underwood 18 port |orice: $35. Sale price $1750. Mercantilelevd 'exrerionee te Boe ISC7BM Cuhawe oe en tat ce ee MANAGER to. Rent ' BEFORE You BUY d ae 9 Ga able, two months old, hardly used. Tele- iles for Sale USE THE lend oll heating installa clingbeck| (WELL DIGGING by, machine specializing] shone. 18-0105 Perement Shore: Whliby Flags Times, bookkeeping or In a general insurance FOR 3}--Compact Cars for Scie jHeating Phone 723-9 O-Inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chestny' aye ee .|LABY'S tur coat. Black Persian lomb.|UAmingy a? - D K le T ruc r Land tr <t - hag Picante "|VARIETY STORE with living quarters,/office. Apply in wrifing giving experience am fomoblle ig eee ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING jStreet West, With Fa. tents THISTLE baby Sin ae, Neotone Brown. | Siiver mink collar. Worn only five months. |iust listed! Newly decorated, features| and other pertinent facts, Bob Stroud Lfd., APPLE ORCHARD oS eee plies, fe ephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark «12 Personal ie tae chin A a ie 20 Bi ag os 728-8260 front store with rear living quarters of |Box 747 Oshawa. With some experience with Ltd, Plumbii PY nee B62, ne 728 , | pagpecties ~~~ liarge livingroom, two family-sized bed-/ -- ¥ ; Fae lee tae ane Eine Fp gece guar mr - mace ms |WANT ADS reach thousenos of intarester| rooms, large kitchen and bathroom, all | HOUSEKEEPER fo lived ar 'and ak beet cattle, Good wages for Roshan «ni le UTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada,| TWELVE TRAY 5 x & Cardex, cash reg. ' ~ first floor, full basement. Hliness ; ualified la} coming : B T facL Fy TYPHS of repsirs and remodelling, |Fiorida, California, Bonded drivers. To-| ister $20, chord organ, four hole coffes {> ospect® every day. Take edvantage of jorces sale. Asking only $13,500, inciud-| 'Ivete room: After_4 telephone 725. i e725 5813 "til 5 36----Coming Evente jpew and used materials. Reasonable |ronto Drive-Away Servi vicky $985 Yongelstove, clectric meat, slicer, steel shelv- the vast audience by telepnoning 713-3492 vi property and equipment. Call 728-5103,| FULL TIME girl wented, Apply Scoll's tl p.m. 19---Noticet 'ates, Estimates free, 722-11%\, J, Foley.iStrest, Telephone 225-77: . Bill Hamilton, Ragien, lace them W. ©, Martin Realtor. Chicken Villa, Whitby. otter 6 p.m. 725-2613 , a end piece your noe,

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