Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Feb 1966, p. 6

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' fs THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 14, 1966 SOLDIER HITS IT BIG at Ft. Bragg strumming his guitar. His hit record "The Ballad of the Green » Special Forces Staff Sgt. "Barry Sadler, a veteran of "the Viet Nam war, is shown Life Is Normal In Nigeria Zone LAGOS (AP) -- Life has re- borne water and other ameni-| fiitned to what passes for nor-|ties" now are sent to military mal in Nigeria, Africa's most/authorities instead of _politi- populous country, a month after cians. the military revolt. Nigerian newspapers, most of Nigerians discuss the policies them shri! political organs be- ' @f the new military governor,|fore the coup, now use much Maj. - Gen. J. T. U. Aguiyi-|SPace praising the military re- ironsi, while sipping palm wine |8!me. petween glances at British or; Mail is no longer opened for U.S. programs on television. inspection, as it was for a week Few soldiers are seen. The | after the revolt. But the govern- police, who seemed to disappear jment cable office exercises during the uprising, have again strict censorship on news _dis- taken up their duties. Trade | Patches. All references to tribal- union leaders who have led two|=™ or corruption in the old gov- general strikes in three years| jtering descriptions of the mili- are promising industrial peace. | tary rulers are accepted. (This Many civilseryvants have i ; én 1 a smug and righteous story was sent by air mail.) attitude since the army ousted minister Sir Abubakar Tafawa cabinet ministers and most poli- wept and president Nnamdi tical appointees. Azikiwe, who was in London Prices of staple foodstuffs like |when the revolt broke out and rice and plantains increased|has remained there, have been after the revolt, but were rolled removed from government and hack under army orders. Mar-! private buildings. ket mammies complain that Schools opened on schedule ernment are deleted. Only flat-|° Barets" has sold more than 200,000 copies and he ex- pects to top the one million mark. (AP Wirephoto) Valentine For Dorothy By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Just about everybody's Valentine this year is Dorothy Malone, the iplucky Texan _ whose _ heart |stopped, then was revived, dur- jing an 11-hour lung operation last September. F The actress now is working three full days each week on {Peyton Place--more than her |schedule before her illness--and jenjoying it. "TI do get tired,"' she admitted. |'And when I go out in the eve- ining, they are very short dates. Miss Malone looks wan but as beautiful as ever. She lost |10 pounds during the illness and another 10 since through lack Photographs of spain prime /of appetite. |ANSWERING MAIL Now she feels strong enough to attend to some unfinished business: Answering the thou- sands of get-well messages that came to her in hospitay* "I may take years to do it, 'In Canada On Weekend -ithe basis for Canadian corpo-|deterrent. Twenty-two per cent \ 23 Die In Accidents |US. Military M | ve ae ( Tough BR h DAIGUNN (AP)--in dyULT View 2 tam the U.S, military. machine often performs like a well-con- jditioned but half-blinded heavy- |weight boxer pushed into a strange ring full of trap doors jand stumbling blocks. ole In By THE CANADIAN PRESS {ber of accidental deaths, with 'RIDAY At least 23 persons died in|six reported on the highways.| Mrs. Lloyd Merton Good, 41, accidents across Canada during |Five died on Alberta high-|of Goderich when her car left the weekend, 18 of them in/ways. ithe highway near Clinton and traffic. |. There were also three traffic|crashed into a tree. 4 ; A survey by The Canadian|deaths in British Columbia, tw0) SATURDAY & Thé opponent frequently | Press from 6 p.m. Friday tojin Ontario and one each in Ronald go pkeda Madve 36, of seems like a cunning veteran midnight Sunday, local times,|Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.| >) Marys : rate |lightweight with eyes in the} ihe 4 : Nd iy : ys, Ont., of carbon m0-| pack of its head. also showed that three persons} Prince Edward Island, New|) ige nniconing from a faulty died in an airplane crash in|Brunswick and Saskatchewan | ys uftler system m "| 'This analogy was drawn by a Manitoba, one person died ol/were fatality free. | a : 'U.S. commander after his troops carbon monoxide' poisoning. in| The survey does not include} SUNDAY /had swooped down by helicopter Ontario and one by fire in Novajindustrial or natural deaths,! Robert Lemp, 13, of Waterloo, |in a carefully planned operation | Scotia. ' iknown suicides or slayings. of injuries received Saturday|aimed at trapping a large Viet Quebec had the highest num-! The Ontario dead: night when struck by a car.. (Cong force. ay hie | Aside from small-arms. fire and other Po eape snipers, who later es- Hees Hits At Liberals' U.S. Economic Stand By KEN CLARK fenbaker said the OTTAWA (CP) -- Conserva-|have shown the Liberal govern-|insurance plan but insisted that, Over and over again intelli- tive leaders sounded off against}ment bends in the wind by ac-|it be voluntary. The government| gence has proven to be the most the Liberal government's stand|cepting a proposition that under-/ would pay the premiums for the} vital factor in South Viet Nam | on U.S. economic guidelines at}mines the Canadian economy. needy, since the French war. The pat- a weekend meeting of the Pro-| Dalton Camp of Toronto, na-| The federation also called for |tern established during gressive Conservative Student/tional president of the Conserv-| a conference of federal and pro-|the French days remains un- Federation. lative Association, said Canada| vincial delegates to discuss how! changed. Some 200 university studertts| is learning something about the|}the Canadian constitution can ' heard George Hees, member of|realities of its economic life. |be amended in Canada rather|TOO MUCH, TOO LITTLE -- Parliament: for Northumber-| "We now are in a position|than having Britain do it. The guerrillas have lots of in-\ land, say that the Liberal gov-|whereby we must accept the| The constitution would also formation from its intelligence | ernment's promise to retaliate|policies devised in the interests|"incorporate the just political, |sources, the U.S. and South Viet- if the U.S. guidelines hurt Can-|of another country, but oper-| social and cultural aspirations') namese too little. This was what | ada would be too late. lative in our own," he said. Can-|of French Canada. the U.S. commander referred to| He said the U.S. should be|ada has been dominated for a| Another resolution called for, when he described U.S. combat lgeneration by the continental-|the removal of the six-per-cent units as half-blinded. | ists. interest ceiling on loans by| The fact that U.S. military | The meeting was annual con-|chartered banks. Other Bank/ operations are directed at long- | Act revisions were also pro-|time Viet Cong redoubts| posed. prompted the reference to the | Michael Vineberg, 21, a Me-| weird boxing ring. | Gill political science student,} The guerrillas use their inti-| was elected federation presi-|mate knowledge of the territory | dent, succeeding Joe Clark of/to full advantage in pulling out | Edmonton. 'aS soon as any engagement) A-GO-GO to | HARRY'S HIDEAWAY Presenting: THE INSPIRATIONS Entertainment Nightly Genosha Hotel that bursary |grams be expanded in order to/ca) |see that those in need obtain| missed the enemy completely. [necessary help, The delegates) The pattern is repeated con- steered away from advocating stantly. The major battles be- free tuition. tween the Viet Cong and com- | The federation also decided jo, bined forces almost always have support the national govern-| been on terms of the Viet Cong's eaped, the reinforced battalion jmade to understand that Can-| jada should be exempted from \the guidelines, which aim at re-| lstricting U.S. foreign 'invest-\ference of the federation. The ment. |delegates split 50-50 on the ques- Mr. Hees, a former cabinet tion of retaining the death pen- minister, also sdid the Liberals' |alty. Sixty per cent of the dele- |'disastrous" tight-money policy|gates answered a questionnaire |should be halted on the controversial subject that | Davie Fulton, another former|is soon to come to a free vote |Conservative cabinet minister,/in the Commons. said a responsible Canadian na-| Of those opposed to capital |tionalism will not be created by|punishment, 37 per cent said a government that accepts as|capital punishment was not a rate activity guidelines laidjwere worried that a mistake down by a foteign government.|might be made and 34 per cent | Foreign capital is welcome in|questioned the morality of im- |Canada, he said, but it cannot|posing the death penalty |be responsive to direction from| Thirty per cent of those favor- janother country. 'Capital injing retention said they wanted| }Canada must act as Canadian,"|the death penalty continued for jhe said. The government must/the murder of prison guards be prepared to assert this po-|and police. sition. In a supplementary. question, Conservative Leader Dief-|37 per cent felt that convicted) . . jmurderers serving life terms {should be denied parole. Sixty- |three per cent thought they | |should be eligible for parole. U.S. Soldier eee ee ee ee one SANTO DOMINGO (CP)--In-| gates finally voting 26-16 to sup- ter-American peace force pa-|port the U.S. position in Viet trols were strengthened in this|Nam and to urge the Canadian} Dominican capital Sunday after|government to extend non-mili- a U.S. soldier was shot and crit-|tary assistance to the govern- ically wounded by snipers|ment of South Viet Nam. armed with automatic weapons.| Also approved was a resolu- The clatter of gunfire andj|tion saying that spending on ed- bomb explosions Saturday night|ucation should take -- priority and early Sunday was the most |over further spending on wel- extensive heard here in months, |fare programs. Condition of the U.S. para-| However, the federation urged | trooper, shot through the chest | === rsnentre while on guard duty. downtown, was described as critical follow- ing an operation. Sniper action reached such in- tensity that police patrols were withdrawn temporarily from the heart of the city on orders of the national police chief. BLUE HORSE LOUNGE Presents This Week "The Blue Chips" Direct from the Country Western Jamboree Held recently in Wheeling, West Virginia. COME AND.HEAR... @ Country Western at its Best @ Comedy sabsinciebalitinaih cateinitcdanaaate: t STARTS WED. -- TWO HITS Elvis Presley in "BLUE HAWAII" --- "SEVEN SLAVES AGAINST WORLD" BILTMORE Today Only: The 3rd Dey None But The Breve at the \telligence agencies complicate so much? It has long been ac- Coffg guerrillas have infiltrated command. erations have been launched without notification to the Saigon [eniittary---to guard against com- |promise. But even then the Viet |Cong have somehow got ad- s achine Has ss SF vance warning. Viei ivGili Phere.-also-are-otherfactors... There the dilemma __of i whether to watn=civitians-that~ war is coming and allow them or SS without warning and subject the civilians to bombardment. In some cases the Americans themselves. have proved less ithan adroit in keeping secrets. 'A U:S. airborne combat jump was abandoned when if was learned that word it was im- intallicance not te warn sf Vist pending had spread all the wav Cong plans. Each often operates |'° the United States. ig in ignorance of what 'the other' [HAW HISTORY TRACED ally has learned. Campeting: in-| The "January Thaw' about |Jan. 20 has been traced since 11873 and is mentioned in litera- |ture since 1798. Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S sary % y eaviuy ae them, Also a frustrating factor is the} Viet Cong's' use of extensive | trench and tunnel networks as an escape trap door. In many) cases too they are aided by sympathetic local villagers. Neither the Americans nor the South Vietnamese have been} able to put together an effective Si vend ee Gee ara eater tn eu BLY Vl Vi aa EAU, = the situation. INFILTRATE ALLY How do the Viet Cong know) cepted as fact that the Viet | the South Vietnamese military In a few cases purely U.S. op-} APPEARING THIS WEEK "THREE HITS AND -- A MISS" NIGHTLY at the NEW MOTOR HOTEL Thornton Rd. South and Champlain Ave. Phone -- 723-4693 Visit Our New DINING ROOM @ SPECIAL @ Businessman's Lunch Daily but I'm determined to answer} -- all the letters. The stacks of mail that filled my back bath- room are beginning to diminish, but I've still got a. long way to go. Now I'm starting to get thank-you notes for my thank- you notes. I'm afraid those will have to remain unanswered." Miss Malone was stricken Sept. 22 with back pains. By evening she Was near collapse and was taken to hospital where her illness was diagnosed as blood clots in her lungs. Prompt action by surgeons and use of a new heart-lung machine saved her: life persons wearing "military-look- for the spring semester. College ing uniforms" demand free students have so far obeyed a food. military rule against shouting Roadblocks inside the cities party slogans, carrying plac- have been lifted. ards or holding political meet- 'Village petitions for "pipe-' ings. Robarts, Pearson Criticized For Water Pollution "Evils" OAKVILLE (CP) leader has criticized Prime Min- ister Pearson and Premier Johr R speaking EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT TWO DAYS ONLY FEB. 16 - 17 WITH TWO PERFORMANCES EACH DAY TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT BOX-OFFICE LAURENCE OLIVIER "OTHELLO PANAVISION TECHNICOLOR* FROM WARNER BROS, EVENINGS & P.M ALL SEATS $2.00 MATINERS 2 P.M ADULTS $1.50 STUDENTS $1.00 HOTEL LANCASTER "The Friendly Spot' HELD OVER The Skeeter Bonn Show Exciting and Terrific Comedy Golden Girls Back! BY POPULAR DEMAND Featuring: Shirly Starr--Vocalist and Guitarist John Bedard--Baritone Vocalist and Flamingo Guitarist farmers on their a great deal of this into he prayed by land and washed said A union the lakes ris for not mat against water pollution as Pres ident Johnson has done George Burt tor of the United Auto Workers (CLC), told a United Act for Clear Water Conference both leaders open sew Canadian direc The avenger who scourged all Ei Doradoi Me, ' one MAES ap W MATHUR KENNEDY 9.0205 Scxcerp by ; (1 i EASTMANGOLOR® Distributed by WARNER BROS, BAY Skeeter Bonn--Vocalist, Guitarist and Terrific Comedian that were sitting beside conference A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE GOLD RUSH Lounge and Dining Lounge Central Hotel KING ST. W. OSHAWA office River He said Mr. Pearson's backs on the Ottawa which is full of pollution "Just across from h the E. B. Eddy Co. eve dumps tons of sulphur I understand is a fish-killer the river," he said Mr. Burt said Mr. Robarts must drive along the Don River in Toronto which he described as an open sewer DETROIT RIVER'S BAD "[ don't think Paul Martin (minister of external affairs) should be hesitant in making a statement either," he said, "He lives on an open sewer---the De- troit River." Mr. Burt said a campaign to stop polution "won't cost as much as a pension plan and it is just as necessary for the} health of the nation." In another conference session Dr. George B. Langford, direc tor of the Great Lakes Institute University of Toronto, said mink | became sterile after being fed fish caught in Lake Erie. He said a high concentration | of (ddt). has been found in the fatty tissues of fish and that hundreds of sea gulls had been found dead on beaches after eating 'the fish. | Tons of insecticides are office y day which into Y 2 Coton HIT! |--TheBattle &. Villa Fiorita MAUREEN OHARA-ROSSANO BRAZZI TECHNICOLOR ® PANAVISION® prom warner ros, BIGGEST BOND OF ALL! 2 eat. Recommended as ee at the VILLA HOTEL ee ~ SPRUCE LOUNGE & DINING LOUNGE Vin jut ty » ALBERT R BROCCOL ww it. SEAN CONNERY 'THUNDERBALL' Proce y REV MCLORY PANAVISION Mess UNITED ARTISTS le'! im Yes the Beautiful and Talented GOLDEN GIRLS return to The Cadillac Hotel Simcoe St. S., Oshawa AOR alia Mie Our French Buffet Is Going Strong Luncheons -- 12 to 2;30 Dinners -- 5 to 9:00 .... Saturdays -- 5 to 9:00 .... Sundays -- 5 to 8:00 Fri. and Sat. -- Cold Buffet -- 9 till Closing | FRANK 'Dual Trumpeter' MOTLEY & His Quintet The World's Most Fabulous Trumpet Player RETAINS TITLE MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Vi-| cente Saldivar of Mexico | i knocked out Floyd Robertson of Ghana in the second round of their scheduled 15-round match Saturday night and retained his + yt hos "a worid feathe: tle, _ Oshawa's Finest Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M, SAM LOCHRAN ~~ MANAGER We cater to Weddings, Banquets, Parties, Ete. For Reservation Coll Whitby 668-3386 PLAYING ! TIMES -- 1:40 - 4:20 - 7:05 - 9:30. LCS, 9:15 '

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