AWA PALA ww wat me mi: FARM CALENDAR. Feb. 15, 1.30 p.m. -- Uz- (bridge, Department of Agricul- ture board room, Ontario County Farm Safety Council di- rectors meeting to plan 1966 | OIPPRDTA FATINTY | RS a Still Built In U.v. States I... um BiEty 28 uclear Ramh Mondey, February 14, 1966 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, He said the only te oot lat the Chinese in the event of war wou ad be to use arty bomb: sith nlentw of fallout. However, he said he doubted whether the United States could win a war with China; "'I don't believe you could even deter U.S. Stand Draws Cheers ATLANTA, Ge. (AP)--Thou- sands of persons, their ism undampened by drizzling rain, cheered the United States TORONTO: (CP) -- A United)tic to think of getting any kind nuclear physicist saidjof gentleman's agreement 60 . ton, Feb. 10, at 11 a.m. HYDRO OFFICIALS INSPECT i . Ross Strike, Bowmanville Rural Operat- partner in Mel-Ron Con- ea. nyaro and ing Area. The structure struction Limited of Whitby, Hydro's Central Region seen in the background is the general. contractor; Manager, Adam S. Smith, now rapidly taking shape. Charles E. Crease, Hydro's visited the site of the com- In this picture, from the Central Region Consumer mission's new all-electric left, are Ronald Deeth, a Service and Sales Engineer; headquarters building for ' < County Hog Producers Hold Annual Meeting Province of Ontario marketed 37 per cent of the hogs processed in Canada last year. Ontario does not produce sufficient pork for its own use and imports pork UXBRIDGE The annual, Clare Curtin, zone director, meeting of the Ontario County | Ontario Hog Producers' Market- Hog Producers' Association was|ing Board, reported on the work held in the Town Hall, Beaver-\done by the Board during the year. One of the interesting NEW AREA OFFICE | -- Guelph War Memorial Hall, projects and program. Feb. 15, 8.15 p.m. --Brooklin Half-way House, Annual meet- ing of Ontario County Wheat |Producers' Assoc. | Feb, 15, 8.36 p.m, --Catning- ton, Brock High School, Febr- ary meeting Beaverton Junior Farmers Feb. 16, 10 a.m. -- Toronto, Royal York Hotel, Annual meet- ing Holstein - Friesian Assoc. | 'of Canada. | | Feb. 17-18, 10 a.m. --To-| jronto, Royal York Hotel, On-| 'tario Beef Improvement ssoc.) amual meeting | Feb. 17, 12.15 p.m. -- Ux- bridge, Dept. of Agriculture Board Room, annual banquet 'and conference for Ontario \County 4-H Agricultural Club Leaders. Feb, 21 - 25, 10 a.m. to W. Rex Walters, the Commission's B 0 wmanville Rural Operating Area Man- ager; Chairman Strike and Region Manager Adam Smith. (Ontario Hydro Photo) 4p.m. | University of Guelph: Feb. 21-- Soils and Crops Day; Feb. 22-- Holstein Club Dairy Cattle Day; Feb. 3 Names Officers 2rtscsd bes, Fen. 202 ive | | - stock Feeder's Day; Feb. 25 -- | UXBRIDGE --The directors|farm Economics Day. j of the Ontario County Holstein} feb. 21-22, 10 a.m -- Toronto, {Club met in the Department of|King Edward Hotel -- Provin- Uxbridge, |cial Plowmen's Association An |Agriculture Office, |Feb. 4, for the purpose of elect-| nual Meeting and Convention. ing their officers, and planning| pep 23-24, 10 a.m. -- Toronto, their program and projects for King Edward Hotel -- Annual : |\Meeting and Corivention, Agri- . : | i The 1966 officers are Honor- | cultural Societies Branch. Sunday night his country is still building the so-called "dirty nu- clear bomb" because it is the most effective military weapon, Dr. Ralph E. Lapp, who |worked on the Manhattan Proj- ect that helped develop the atomic bomb during the Second World War, was interviewed the CBC's television progra: This Hour Has Seven Days. "That's what's in inventory and that's what the B-52s are carrying,' he said in reference to nuclear bombs with heavy radioactive fallout Dr. Lapp said it is unrealis- that only "human" bombs are used in nuclear war. "Your op- ponent will use his best weap- ons as he sees them." He described a nuclear was as a convulsion, "a horrible con- vuision in which there' be RS time for restraint. An enemy wil], simply hurl his nuclear might at you as a kind of se- ries of Jovian thunderbolts, and you in turn will not wait to eva- luate the damage." Dr. Lapp said he thought it would be technically possible for China to have a hydrogen bomb in two or three years. China by using the blast of a Minuteman or Polaris weapon against its cities." Dr. Lapp said the. nuclear bomb lost in the sea near Palo- mares, Spain, last month in the crash of a U.S. bomber con- tained a "tremendous amount of know-how. It's the major thing that separates China from the H-bomb." - military action in Viet Nam at a giant rally. "Let us consult our courage-- and not our fears!" said State Secretary Dean Rusk, the key- nate sneaker. The rally, mation: Viet Nam was called to express support of U.S, policy in Viet Nam. The crowd that streamed into Atlanta Stadium despite the rain was estimated at 10,000 by Col. Lowell Conner, director of the state department of public safety. ROCK COMES CLOSE Geographos can come closer to the earth than any other asteroid, less than 3,000,000 miles. } ou Want a Savings Account that lets Don V. Slinger, United Co-op- eratives of Ontario, Toronto, in his address, stressed the impor- tance of good management prac- tices in a successful hog enter- prize. He emphasized the value of high quality breeding stock, particularly boars from Advanc- ed Registry breeding. Well bal- anced high energy rations, and constant vigilance in the con- trol of disease, were also essen-| tial. | projects started during the year is a research program carried out in co-operation with the Ani- mal Husbandry Department, Un versity of Guelph, and to which an $11,000.00 contribution was made, Ben Steers, director on the Provincial Hog Producers' Asso- ciation, pointed out that the 'Civil War ary President, Ron Werry, Osh- from other provinces. awa, BR i COMPETITION WINNERS Leask, Seagrave, Lynn Fair, agricultural repre- president, sentative, outlined the Ontario| water, RR 2; secretary - treas- County Boar Premium Policy. |urer, Lynn Fair, Uxbridge; au- Fourteen farmers took advan-|ditors, Gordon Beare, Uxbridge tage of this policy last year. He|and Harold Page, announced the 'winners of the|/RR 2 : 1965 Hog Quality Competition. Final plans were ma These were nection with the Annual Holstei Section 1 -- farmers produc-|Club Banquet. It will be heldMa ing 25 to 100 hogs -- Mrs R.|March 10, in the United Church, jZarins, Cannington, RR 2; Wil-| Columbus, with Rev. W. G. So- imot Suggitt, Sunderland; Ar-|loniuk, Oshawa, RR 2, as the ithur Dowson, Blackwater, RR 1; | guest speaker RR 2 vice- : Feb. 24, President, John | hridge lg Neil Raines, Black-|jyaluation Day for farmers Ixbridge, |ton, Brock District Hgh School. 12.15 p.m. -- Ux- of Agriculture Board Room. Pasture Project who took part in the pasture roject. I" Feb. 26, 9 a.m. --Canning- jAnnual Ontario County Seed in cON-| tyudging Competition. | vere 'DURHAM COUNTY) feel free about : 2 writing cheques NDAR| Indonesian {Lorne Thompson, Port Perry,| Arrangements are being made} FARM CALE A ' . | Is Feared |RR 4 jat the present time for a bus trip| Feb. 15 -- 1.15 p.m. Corn pro- Ride Recalled | ° | Section 2 farmers produc-|of Holstein Breeders to visit | duction, IOOF Hall, Orono. Pro- 'TORONTO (CF) A Montreal ing 101 to 200 hogs -- Doug Har-|farmers in York and Peel Coun-| fessor*George Jones, speaker. | SINGAPORE (AP) -- Indo-|history professor says therelder. Blackwater, RR 2; Warilties on Tuesday, April 12 Feb. 16 -- 9.30 a.m. Lindsay, | nesia has recalled its ambassa-|might be civil war in Quebec|windatt, Beaverton, RR 3; Teal Atraurements were also made| Field Crop Extension Bravich der to Communist China, Radio| within five years if the province Faux, Blackwater, RR 2; Donjfor a barn meeting Mar. 17. Al-| Meeting | Jakarta reported Sunday. is not separated from the rest|}adden, Blackwater, RR 2 |though a definite place has not} Feb. 17 -- 10 a.m., Depart-| Quoting First Depaly, Fem eto Canada . Section 3 -- farmers produc-|been found for this meeting, it|ment of Agriculture Office, Subandrio, the broadcast mr _Prof. Cameron Nish, head Of|ing 201 hogs and over -- Fred|is hoped that it can be held at|Bowmanville, Durham County| § Ambassador Djawato wal it "|Sir George Williams Univer-|,amb and Son, Port Perry,|the farm of Orvan Chambers, |Soil and Crop Improvement } lense attitude" adopted lean Las Gee bo RR 4; Lloyd G. Wilson, Ash-| Wilfrid. The program will em-| Assoc. project meeting : | China. be violence in Quebec, which burn, RR 1. |phasize milk production and|Feb. 17. and 18 Training | | utili § - Homemakin, The action, announced on the could range anywhere from a|OFFICERS ELECTED a or ast Waite Show isl cuote. tor: +H nd eve of an investigation > mill- few assassinations to civil war.| The election of directors re-|be held again at Port Perry| Feb. 22 -- 1.15 p.m., 100F tary tribunals into 7 gn He addressed students whO/syited as follows \Fair on Labor Day, Sept 5.|Hall, Orono, Dair y Herd coup in terre a nee adi e/last summer visited Quebec on| Rama -- Alvin Johnson, Oril-| A new project this year is |Health. Dr. H. Smith of the Re- first step nest = Poki P-lan Ontario-Quebec student ex-|jia RR 6; Mara -- Ira Fur-)herd improvement canvass; this|gional Vet. Lab. will be the -- re rs = bi i Sa inl meee program. : niss, Brechin, RR 1; Thorah --|will be undertaken by the pres-| speaker. The broadcast, os ored in| Prof. Nish said the existence | Clarence Hewitt, Beaverton, RR lent directors, past directors, and| Mar. 1 -- 115 p.m., OOF Singapore, reported a warning] of two cultures in Canada is the)3; Brock -- Les Faux, Black-|other interested Holstein Breed- | water; Scott -- Maustyn Mc-jers. Knight, Uxbridge, RR 2; Reach) ---------------------------- -- Ted Lamb, Port Perry, RR 4; Uxbridge -- Gordon Ewen, Uxbridge, RR 1; Scugog David Beath, Oshawa, RR 3] Whitby -- Heber Down, Brook-| Hall, Orono. Men: Weed Con- trol with Grover Smith and Harvey Wright. Women: Kitch- 'en planning and time efficiency US. Policewomani in the kitchen with Miss Pat Ww . Pa ray, home economist, in Wins Action | charge. COHOES, N.Y. (AP) -- made earlier by Subandrio, who| country's weakness, not its also is foreign minister, telling/|strength. . China not to interfere in Indo-| He said all the acts defining nesia's internal affairs. \the positions of the provinces have enshrined Quebec and the Stand-Firm result has been that the prov- jince's people now demand the Mar. 2 -- 8 p.m. Orono Town ee Policy Cited BANGKOK (AP)--U-S. Vice-| President Hubert Humphrey re-| assured Thailand's leaders Sun-| day that the United States in-| tends to stand firm against) communism in Southeast Asia. This was Humphrey's main mission here, it was learned.| Another purpose is to encourage) the Thais to move toward eco-| nomic development of the Me- kong River Valley in-co-opera- tion with neighbor nations Bangkok was the second stop on a tour that began in South Viet Nam and will take the vice- president to Laos briefly today, to Pakistan, India, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines and probably South Korea. \right of self-determination. lin, RR 1; Pickering -- Lloyd| The| all, Meeting of Durham Flue ARE USELESS | Wilson, Ashburn, RR 1 |New York state commission for| Cyred Tobacco Growers. Prof Nish said . student- | Directors at large -- Gordon |human rights has upheld) Mar, 3 -- 1.30 p.m., Orono Nish said . student-ex-|paper, Brooklin; Earl Windatt,|charges by this city's only po-| Town Hall, Workmen's Com- change visits and leamning|peaverton, RR 3; Harvey Moor|licewoman that she was sm_| Densation for the farmer with dians | A directors' meeting will be ically because of her sex | will be held in conjunction with ie' geld Weeuch« Canadians (Held in the Dept. of Agriculture| But the policewoman, Mrs.|the annual meeting of the Dur- identify with nobody but them. | Ouices Uxbridge, Mar. 3, for the Faith Barnes, 41, resigned her|/ham County Safety Council ps i iy | purpose of electing officers and|post Saturday, the day after she) Mar. 8 1.30 p.m., LOOF Th Wish ssid the moderate ee ee and projects|Was notified of the ruling, to) Hall, Orono. Meeting of en- French wer mine wring |tor 1968: work as a secretary at @Mitrants in the Durham County nch were useless in trying) -- = renee _ larsenal sa : separationist because he cannot | < Centennial Farmstead Improve 4 " : ma i a t| CHURCH MAKES PROGRESS She contended in a complaint! ment. competition get_what fe _wants _excer by! sa Meoaeagacs 'SS|prought before' the commission! Mar. 19 -- 9.30 a.m. 1OOF being part of a nation other) ABERDEEN, Scotland--(AP)|iast-October that her salary as| yall, Orono, Farm Pond Con- than Canada |Britain's newest chapel of the|,' juvenile officer wit Vivel tractors School Y He said the royal commission Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-| years' experience was $3,500 an-| Mar 0 er ka Cue on bicuturalism and biingual-|ter-Day Saints was opéned in|nually, while men "performing |fown Hall, Annual meeting, ism was a waste of money andjthis east coast fishing town.|the same job" received 94,400 5 i : a ln 'i sejee § >4,309.| Durham Farm Management would be rejected in Quebec be-| Costing more than £100,000, it) Mrs. Barnes said the city Of] Assoc. The new Ontario Farm \cause it was established by the|is the 56th to be opened in Brit-'Cohoes, 160 miles north of New| Record Book will be discussed: federal government lain in the last five years |York City, now will pay her the| "Those attending are invited to difference between the two! attend the Canada Pension Plan scales for a six-week period. | meeting at 2 p.m She said the money won't a et . amount to much, but the com- % : es 4 COURTS TAKE TIME mission decision left her with ROME (AP)--Italian courts o---- sof satisfaction "Now women--not only po- have-1,700,000-cases awaiting & hearing, a state prosecutor said| ry -- f t f t licewomen--can fight for thelr! jer. He predicted it might take | Orville Freeman ts secretary of agriculture squats to talk with a Viet- namese gir) during visit to- FREEMAN VISITS VIET right to equal pay." bi Mrs. Barnes, mother of four, |__» ae said she resigned her job before | tin Squares will perform at the learning of the decision. _.__|Saturday concert, again with Mr. Mountjoy calling. Musie from Mary Poppins will be presented by the members of Kedron Choir the Junior Choir. Plans Concert [ono 'ssnbers, 'cr at the door Sige oe |Proceeds from the concert will KEDRON (TC) -- Kedronipe donated to the Kedron United Church choir will pre-|Christian Education ' Building sent a production, "Let's Get) fund. Up a Concert', in the Sunday | School room on 'Feb. 18, and| Feb. 19, at 8 p.m Mrs, Grant Hunter, organist) and choir director, has been assisted in preparing the pro:| gram by Mrs. Ross Lee and) Mrs. Charles Thomas | Included in the program are folk songs, popular show tunes | and Sacred music. Mrs. Orville |] Sellick, Mrs. Donald Gibson, |] * Mrs. Ronald Love and Rev.| ; e re all are heard. One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper ond Murele Custom Draperies Broadioom C.AL, Paints end Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paipta DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668.5842 Winnifred Bridges will be solo-| ists during the evening. Guest| soloist for both performances | will be Fred Densham On Friday evening, The Dur-! ham Dukes and Dolls, with Mr. | Murray Mountjoy as caller, will} jput on a demonstration of mod-/ lern square dancing. The Brook- if ~ RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $5.00 PER DAY --awttact om MILEAGE CHARGE 725-6553 | -- | RUTHERFORD'S day atherfarmonthe coast ing, After a two-day tour of CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, northeast of Saigon. The the countryside, .Freeman discussion is about garlic returned to Saigon today. Oshawa plants pvhich they are hold- (AP Wirephoto) Look into Nationai? You can write any reasonable number of cheques on your National Trust Savings Account without being charged. And that's just one of many customer conveniences. Our office hours are arranged to suit your busy schedule. You can make your deposits by mail. (The postage is on us!) And your account will earn 4% interest, on the minimum half-yearly balance. But that's just the beginning! Besides Savings Accounts, National Trust offers two other modern savings plans: High interest-earning Guaranteed Investment Certificates which can bought for periods of 1 to 5 years, and Natrusco, National's thriving Mutual Fund that lets you share in our country's bustling economy. All are backed by the Company's experience in managing . more than one billion dollars under their administration or supervision. Save with safety... look into National. 32 Simeoe St S., Oshawa and 14 offices in Greater Toronto National Trust SINCE 1896 0836