te TO. King Festerms Syodioatn Inn, 1966 Weck = IED HAVE DONE REALLY WELL, IF ONE OF YOUR SMALL SOUTHERN INSURANCE COMPANIES HADN'T PAID OUT KISS ME AN' I WOKE UP Te QUICK LIKE -- FORA P BUT REAL OR NOT=IT WAS A WONDERFUL. Js THING To BE KISSED BY YOUR VERY a MOTHER, EVEN INA DREAM~ BUzZ SAWYER OUR FEET GE We CHAIRS! "THE WORLD'S ONLY INVIZIBLE FISH. TEXKLUSIV EXIBIT! SEE* be 4 / GRANDMA.DID YOU PATTERN THESE \! [Wow/T HiT THE JACKPOT WITH THAT COMPLIMENT? } ( COOKIES AFTER YOUR OWN BIG HEART P 1S THAT TRE "TP PLANES FLEW ~p SOUTH THE LONE RANGER a gosing as 4 pio- communist newsreel Photographer, Donna Durand Covers the arrival oF the U.S. team in "neutral" Vientiane to pick up two G.I, captives the VC. are going to Free SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK \ we FIND THEM? ) YES, THE PLANS SAFE! THAT SPY NEVER SENT OFF THIS PIGEON WITH BUT HOW CAN \\ emp WHEN I GOT SUSPICIOUS, 1 HAD TINKLE HIDE A GADGET IN ONE THE WARNING, am} HIDEOUT >+sce ee one A CONTINUOUS SIGNAL. WE CAN == PAE THEM. UP WITH PE. .0... AUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER. PLANES. IT SENDS OUT © King Fenteree Syudienta, bin, HA Wo ld sighte remerved. vj WE'RE WITHIN 5O ere, OF THE PLANES. NOW TO . 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, February 14, 1966 IN ON IT, TO WAIT FOR HIM TO MAKE A move! ~ CROSSWORD ACROSS 6. Jewish 1. Learns month hurriedly 7. Diamond . Conform holder 11. Fasten 8. Textile firmly screw pine 12, Drilling 9. Understand tool Maple or 13. Placed in apple, for arow instance id, Peel Sand hill 16. Unite New Eng- - Country in land State: 8. Europe: abbr. abbr. . Like an une . Cerium brushed sym. suit 29. Family . Floating 3, Tractable on the . Tarry water £8. Make . Guys' dates amends for Aswan, . Soothing for one ointment name Saturdsy's Anewee . The Gabor girls, for instance . Trivial quarrel 33. Behold 34. Fusses or todos 36. Bird sym- bolizing peace 37. Scope 38. Brewer's yeast 40. Clear 41, Celtic goddess 43. Musical sign 45. Type measure . What ,birds 1% 18 and snakes SY 8 {9 fio do . Failed to attend . Fashionable Y Channe) Channel Channel Channet Channel Channel Channel Channel 11--Hamiltes TEED oA erwTRONCHER 5:00 FM, tora mn: ce Fl Son 11:20 Twilight aire Peete 4--Reach For The Yop News, Sports So Chuck Heoly 6:20 P.M, News 6:38 PLM, Vi--Femily Theatre Mevie 0-+8--Nowe Weethey . = 12:30 @--Huntley-Brinaley News FC . Current 5. Frequen tly Y 'Tap | . Mrs. Copper- 22 field . Hat . Think, old style . Fido's pal . Tufted-stem herbs . Power for YY the Clermont 36 [37 DOWN . Gullet 7:00 P.M, Ti--My Three Sons $--Thunderbirds &--Dobdle Glills o--News, W. 4--Littiest 3--Honey West $--Huntiey-Brinkley 7:30 PLM, i--Combat 4 With Girt 9--Mete 63--Don Messer's Jubilee 4--To Tell The Truth 8:00 P.M. 10:08 1--Whiplash Playtime Bowl ched Bobo: +2--John Forsythe Show 3--The PLL BE AWFUL, 1 KNOW ITI I'm jg NOT WHIT TRENIER'S GIRL... Zi YOUARE! HIS WHOLE FAMILY WILL KNOW IT, AND I'LL COME APART AT THE SEAMS! YOU'RE SORT OF A FEMALE ROBIN HOOD... TAKING FROM THE RICH TRENIERS TO GIVE TO US SIMMER DOWN, POOR PRICES! ROOMIE, YOU WON'T BOMB OUT, 4 @ King Fectere: Syndicate, inn, 1966. a, Weeki rights rennrwed, YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr, Molner: A discus- sion has been raging at our house for years. One argument is that a young woman's blood- stream becomes more and more impre as the time between her periods progresses, and when she has her period, these im- purities are lost, The contention is that she has headache, ner- vousness, blemishes or pimples at the beginning of her period, but they disappear afterwards because she has gotten rid of these impurities. The other thought is that her bloodstream is as pure or im- pure as at any other time, and that the blemishes, headaches or nervousness are probably | brought. on because her hor- Purity Queried 6-3--Ivanhoe 10:36 1i--Ed Allen 9--Bingo 7--Peyton Place 4--The Lew and Mr. Jones 10:00 P.M. Ni--The Merv Griffin Ghew|t-2--Paradise B: %--~The Big +2--Run For Your Life 7--Ben Casey © 63--The Sixtices 4--Art Linkietter 10:30 P.M. 4--Toronto File 3--Mone bg ead 63--Chez Helene Ni Reenty YReetre 11:66 P.M, 4--Passport To Adventure| 11.0.6-1-4-43-6--Newsy 5:30 PLM, Weather end boty 6-Viewpeint Metro Fined P.M. Bow 6--Might Petre 11:30 3~Yhird Man 11:40 P.M, %--Plerre Berton 6--The Long Hot Summer Movie Ni--News) Weather) Sopris é--News Cap parts | 4---MKe's Cornivel 0 Playtime With Uncie Soety I 9--Dialing er Cotere 9:30 A.M. Rose le Gillie ry -2--Fractured Phrases 4-1 Love Lucy 1:28 &3--Across 1330 $--Abracadabre A.M, enade A.M, Valley ick Van ee 12:00 §%--Toronto Tedey §-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date +News end Weethay ond P 12118 PM. 4~--Spesker ef the Hewes 12:30 PLM, 11--Noon Time %--i Love Lucy §-2--Let's Play 6-4--Search For Tomorrew d--Meonday Repert P.M, BRIDGE West dealer, Neither side vulnerable, opening ; curred several years ago on the television show 'Champi a 'The -- pe. 0 were wa e broadcast ae an editor of the gazine make a brilliant but un- successful opening lead against the final contract of four hearts. ' Moyse selected the king of diamonds as his lead, a star, tling choice considering that he had neither the queen nor the ace to back up the king, Moyse had a good reason his lead, if turned out that he had made virtually the only lead oe could give declarer the con- tract. South took the king with the ace and cashed the Q-J, discard- ing three spades from dummy, He then led the king of hearts, Moyse took the king with ace and played the A-Q' spades, but declarer ruffed high in dummy and played another heart to bring the hand to-a conclusion. The only tricks - South lost were a spade and two trumps. Note that Moyse would have defeated the contract, even with a diamond lead, if only he had not led the king. It was the king play which shattered the lense, A diamond lead was certainly reasonable on the bi though it is true that the of the ace and another spade would have been more impres- sive. Moyse's thinking was that once he had decided to lead a diamond, he was in effect hop- ing that East had the queen. Having made this assumtpion, Moyse thought that the king lead would be more effective be- cause it would create an entry to East's hand for a lead through South's supposed king of spades. It was a beautiful theory all right, and perhaps Moyse's imaginative play should have been suitably rewarded, but, the way things worked out, he.is still busy these days trying fo live down the disastrous effect of his brilliant opening lead. - OPEN CHURCHILL HOME WESTERHAM, England (CP) The country house of the late ir Winston Churchill, Charft- well, is being redecorated in the style of the 1930s, when the statesman was in semi-retife- ment. When finished in May, the house will be opened: to the pub- lie. 12:48 PLM, li--News 4--Guiding Light 1:00PM, 1 Theatre %--Morning Ster &--Matines PM, %--Ben Casey 4--Luncheon Date +--Moet the Mies A.M. B-tAke Develee Shaw 1:30 PLM, 9--James Beard. Show $3--Luncheon Dete $4--As Ths World Turns Movie 2:00 P.M, Kids Is People 7--Nurses 64--Passwore 2--Days of Our Lives 2:15 P.M. $--Deer Charlotte' 2:30 P.M. t--Peopie in Confie? 66--The Decters AM, y--A Time For Us é--June Allyson Show With Unci| 4-Linkletter's Party 3:00 P.M. Ta SALLY'S SALLIES 'l--Donne Reed %--Fractured Phrases O8--Ancther Werte Ptenere! Keepited +43--To Tell The Trem 3:30 PLM, li--Funny Company it's Your Move AM, S--Country Music Well 6-2--Kraft Music Hall t--Man Called Shenandoah of the Andy Griffith 6-2--Concentration J. ina Reed ¢3--Friendly Giant 4-The McCoys 10:45 A.M. 43--Chez Helene 11:00 A.M, 1l--Mike Douglas Mr. and Mrs, $-2--Morning Star 7--Supermarket Sweep &--You Don'? Sey 7--Superman Show t2--Texe 1 Sete dpe af Wight &--Kertoon Karnivel 4:00 PLM, t--Mickey Mouse Ch 6--The Motch Gome 7--Early Show ~ 63--Bonnle Rudden Show 4--becret 63--Butternut Square Andy of Mayberry 3-Rocky and Hie Prtends New and Used You Can Exchange Skates Thet Are Too Small For A New or Used Pair. Of Bloodstream By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD mones are upset temporarily, Please enlighten us.--Mrs. D. H. This same 'argument seems (my mail tells me) to be quite widespread, so let's discuss it. The purity of the bloodstream is not involved. Nature's pur- pose in causing a monthly pe- riod is not to remove impurities. Rather, the purpose is to wash away a thin lining of the uterus, SO a new one can grow in case next month the ovum is fertil- ized and a baby hegins to form in that lining. The blood used in this process is slightly different, in that it flows instead of clots, as 'blood ordinarily does when jit reaches the air~as blood quickly clots when we have.a minor wound. Exactly how the body. does this, we do not know. There are innumerable questions about the body, nature, and the universe which we don't know. How do violets know when to bloom in the spring? Why does water freeze at 32 degrees? Why do we sneeze? Chemistry may be the greatest mystery of life. Right now it is for us to learn all pve can about how things happen, without necessarily knowing why. The monthly period affects women, not because of impuri- ties in the blood, but because they are remales. This cyclic change is controlled by hor- mones, and hormones are gov- erned by nature. The exact "how" is still as mysterious as 'the 'forces which tell a bear when to hibernate for the win- ter, a rose bush to have occa- sional seed globes, or a morning glory to open in the sunshine. Headaches, nervousness, blemishes or other side effects may occur before a menstrual period, but most women do not have these problems. True, most women gain a bit of weight, usually a pound or two, occasionally more than that, as the hormones rise and fluid is retained in the tissues. But it's! normal. | Hes, hormones control this; | Yet hormones it's just a word to, describe certain complicated' chemicals which are a part of| life. We can jsolate and accum-| ulate hormones, and use them,| but we have yet to understand exactly why and how they work. We know a lot about chemistry, but we don't know it all. : Dear Dr. Molner: I do house- work for a lady who has glau- coma, Is it contagious?--J, B. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALE THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON. DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT -- Hockey Sticks, Panta, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, ete. STAN'S SHARPEWING & RENTAL LTD, 223 King St. W. 723-3224 No.