The January meeting of Gar-| Mrs. T. York took the. count denview United Church Women|of visits made, amounting to 32 was held at the home of Mrs./home and 26 hospital visits. | W. E. Mcintyre with an excep-|Mrs. W. Edwards asked for tionally good turn out as an ex-|volunteers to visit the Whitby cellent start for the new year.| Ontario Hospital and offered to The president opened the. meet-|make the aprons. Several mem- ing with the thought for today|bers agreed to help. These will and called upon Mrs. C. Mc-|be issued at an early date. Aughey for the worship service.! A request was received by It was announced a cheque the president from the steward had been'sent to- St. Mark's|board for Communion cloths. It United Church for the use of|was agreed that the UCW will the hall for the bazaar in No-| provide these. On the motion of vember, and this had been re-|Mrs. D. Rints, seconded by turned with good wishes and an|/Mrs. D. Snoddy, $50 was allo- offer of continued support. cated to this project. Mrs. F. The treasurer, Mrs. R. W.|Parrinder and Mrs. E. Good- Jack, has moyed out of townjhand will purchase the cloths. and Mrs. Elmer Goodhand ac-| The next meeting will be Feb. cepted the appointment. 21 at the home of Mrs. R. The social committee Wwas|Fyans, 302 Palmerston ave. called on for.a report of activi-| "Mrs. T. York took the count! ties and some discussion eN-|¢¢ visits made, amounting to 32 sued on the possibility of a home and 26 hospital visits. Mrs. square dance to be held iniw jqwards asked for volun- February. Mrs. York agreed tOlteers to visit the Whitby look into the possibilities and) Ontario Hospital and offered to arrange this event. procure a speaker on this sub- The president asked for sug- ject for one of the meetings. gestions regarding money mak- This offer was referred to the ing projects. It was agreed that program convener, Mrs. D. members would sell all-occasion | ¢, oqqy ' | i cards again this year and also'" : : | _ A full head of steam is be- issue penny aprons to all mem-| Mrs. F. Parrinder plore hind a sanitary sewer proj- bers. Mrs. E. Goodhand offered |9VeT the meeting to the pro-| ect in the town of Whitby. nvener who continued; Weayy construction work, to make the aprons. Several |gram co \ : ie members seibea th help. These| With the questionnaire theme; under the supervision of will be-issued at an early date, |begun at the last meeting. This) -- A request was received by type of program leads to lively ; Experienc Tripp Construction Co., Port Perry, is currently carrying out the activities. "In the above photo, workmen and equipment are. shown on Official | | SANITARY SEWER INSTALLATION PROGRESSING Herry st., near Arthur st., where sanitary sewer mains are being installed. --Oshawa Times Photo Century Farm Signs Planned TH) RAL riuiG iii Sales Higher Sales of fluid milk by the commercial dairies in Ontario County during November con- tinued to set records. A total of 1,150,918 quarts were sold. This compared with 1,137,209 quarts in October and 1,073,029 quarts in November, 1964. The farm economics, co- operatives and statistics branch, of the Ontario Department of Agriculture reports sales of buttermilk in November of last year in the county totalled 9,906 quarts. This compares. with 10,618 quarts sold in October of Oshawa Holstein Champ Prod Flettdale Atom Iris, a Hol- | stein cow bred by T. Robert | Flett. Oshawa, is the new South | African champion for milk pro- duction 'as a junior three-year- | old with 15,122 pounds of milk and 509 pounds of fat in 300 days. The cow is now in the herd of B. L. Bernstein, Johan: | nesburg. The dam of Flettdale Atom Iris is also classified Very Good and has a yearly record as a seven-year-old of 19,167 Ibs. user "Seturday, Februory 12, 1966 5 a WHITBY Yeriioe BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister: Rev. John McLeod Corner Byron at St. John Rev, W. J, $. McClure, B.A, i Organist Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist Mrs. W. &, Summers, A.7.C.M, 11;00 A.M.---Morning Worship 7:00 P.M.--Evening Worship 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Wed, 7:30 -- 9:45 A.M,--Church School '11:00 A.M, ~ "Each Will Answer For kdimself" Nursery Care'and Junior Congregation during Divine Worship milk containing 716 Ibs. fat and testing 3.74 percent butterfat. Her sire is a Very Good son of an Excellent dam with a nine lactation lifetime total of 142,- last year and 10,285 quarts in, November 1964. j Sales of chocolate dairy drink| last November totalled 65,276) quarts. This compares. with) 64,024 quarts sold in October of last year and 55,746 quarts in November, 1964. A total of 51,551 quarts of fluid cream were sold in the county in November, 1965. This com- pared with 52,052 quarts in Octo-| ber of last year and 40,032) quarts in November, 1964. A total of 3,348,528 pounds of jmilk, at a cost of $163,248, were jpurchased from farmers dur- ling November by the commer- cial dairies. The report: states 70,899 jpounds of creamery butter were made in the county last 978 Ibs. milk testing 3.97 per- cent butterfat. JANITOR NOW TEACHES SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) A woman janitor at the Ameri- can International College here| puts down her dust cloth twice a) week to become a teacher. Stu-| dents found out Mrs. Irene Nich- ols gvent to school in France Prayer and Bible Study mo agate UNITED CHURCH Centre & Colborne Sts. Rev. J. M. Smith BA., B.D. Miss tla Newton, Mrs. Jy L. Beaton, A.R.C.T, . EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rey, Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M.--""LENT AND THE CHRISTIAN" SUNDAY SCHOOL 3:45 A.M.--Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary, Junior Congregation Telephone 668-3091 for information 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7 PLM. ENGLISH SERVICE sy EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED and persuaded her to start classes in conversa tional French, | Family Monuments Created To FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET N. REV. DeLOSS M. SCOTT,. Minister. the president from the dteward discussion and stimulates the . Ajax Hydro Manager , ion cloths, It|thinking of the 'members, re-| eee eae uce will reveals new viewpoints and provide these. On the motion of 8!ves food for thought. -- Mrs. D. Rints, seconded by Mrs. The meeting closed with the) AJAX Ajax Hydr'o new) University where he studied for manager, Joseph Robert "Joe" Mason, 40, literally has grown up with a keen interest in elec- D. Snoddy, $50 was allocated | benediction. While the ladies} December compared with 78,196) tricity and electronic equip- BOWMANVILLE--The mark-|pounds in December of the pre-| ing of farms, which have been|yious year, The make in the| iughrand rie : ek . owned by families for at least county during 1965 was 1,017,294 | ee phate eg 100 years, has been undertaken| pounds compared with 1,076,896 | , an in tea? with Voling-ias a centennial project by the| pounds in 1964: wood PUC for about a year.| junior Farmer's Association of|--- The following year, he returned! op tarig to the shipyard in Collingwood to complete his electrical train- ing. After that he took the posi-|the planning stage, the associa- tion of manager of Seaforth/tion hopes, before 1967, it will PUC serving in that capacity |have Century Farm sings avail from 1949 to 1952. That year he/able for farmers. joined the field sales staff of a} To qualify for one of the signs| company selling electrical|the farm must have been in the| switchgear and line material.| tamily name for at least| After experience in sales, he|199 years and must, at present, | entered the electrical contract-|} Jived on an operated. | ing business for about two years Township clerks in Durham| until his appointment as man-|., . . | ager for Streetsville PUC in County are being approached 1954. to search records to trace farms | Married in 1947 to the former| Which are eligible for the signs} \Mary Louise Gartlan of Colling-|F2milies whose farms qualify | SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 AM.--"FAITH TIDINGS" RADIO BROADCAST CKLB; 1350 on Your Dial 19:45 A.M.--WELCOME TO OUR BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--SERVICE OF WORSHIP AND PRAISE Pastor's Message: "WHOSOEVER WILL MAY COME" 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL HOUR OF SERMON AND SONG "HEAVEN'S REALITIES" Individual of Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 to this project. Mrs. F. Parrin-|prepare d refreshments the der and Mrs. E, Goodhand will|group cut labels which are purchase the cloths. lsaved to procure dishes. Over The next meeting will bé Feb. |4,000 labels have been collected 21 at the home of Mrs. R./and the goal is six thousand. Evans, 302 Palmerston ave. A social half hour followed. Legion Auxiliary Holds Birthday Party The Royal Canadian Legion|in appreciation for her six years| posed to talk about all manner Ladies' Auxiliary held its 2ist|of work as banquet convener. jof electrical things since he Birthday party and installation|Gifts were also presented to|/was a very young boy. His fa- of officers and executive Jan.|Zone Commander Gertrude Wil-|ther is electrical superintendent 95 in the Legion Hall. Approxi-|liams, Mrs. Dorothy Archer, for a Collingwood shipbuilding mately 60 members and guests|chaplain; Mrs. Maud Brown,\and engineering company. Joe sat down to supper served by retiring executive; Mrs. Mabeliand his two brothers, both of the men's branch. iLindley, retiring pianist; new/whom are connected with the Head table guests were: Rev. pianist, Mrs. Nora Hopps; new electrical industry, were fami- Stanley Armstrong, padre of the|chaplain, Mrs. Alice Carr and|liar with motors and generators Branch; President Ed Brush|the new banquet convener, Mrs.'jong before they reached their and Secretary Tom Coulthard, |Lillian Connor. Zone Commander Gertrude Wil-| The president, Mrs. Phyllis liams, Oshawa and Mrs. Idola|Norris, welcomed the ladies and Simpson of The Oshawa Times.|said she was very pleased to see/nounced by Chairman Ed.) wood, Mr. Mason and his wife Zone Commander Williams|such a good turn-out. Steer following a recent meet-|have five children. He has been installed the 1966 officers and| Flowers on the head table|ing of Ajax Hydro Electric Com-/active in Anglican Church executive. were donated by John Burtin-| mission. He succeeds Jack Sand-|work for many years holding| The treasurer, Mrs. Mabeljsky. After supper they werejers who resigned in mid-Octo-|yarious positions including James, told the auxiliary the|taken to Mrs. Agnes Ashton ber. lchurch warden. ladies had given the Branch|who was sick at home. Mr. Mason assumed his new| Mr, Mason comes to his new| $1,400 in 1965. Birthday cake was served by|position as Ajax Hydro mana-|post as manager of Ajax Hydro The auxiliary presented to/the President, Mrs. Norris and ger Jan. 24. Prior to that he| with enthusiasm, Because Ajax | Mrs. Dorothy Ormiston a gift'auxiliary members. |had been manager of Streets- is a rapidly-growing community, lyille Public Utilities Commis-| mid-way between Metro Toronto| Ruth WA Hears Annual Reports | sion for almost 12 years. He|/and 'Oshawa, he considers his} The Ruth WA of St. John's] Members joined with the WA jalso had held the position of|new position offers an interest-| jmanager at Seaforth PUC for|ing challenge to match the local Anglican Church held its meet-jto serve refreshments at the| ing at the church. The president,|Jan. 24 Vestry Meeting. nearly four years. lhydro system growth and de- Mrs. Gordon Kyle, chaired the Mr. Mason, who is an alert,|velopment with the town's ex-| The next meeting will be Feb.| athletic individual, has handled|pansion and provide good cus- | meeting. Rev. John McKibbin} 9s at the church hail. An auction| virtually every phase of munici-|tomer service. opened the meeting with prayer./sale of used articles also will|pal hydro work. In emergencies = acme) eer bg ag be held. |he has joined in the outside} Pred ag Beara x ceeer" ill The Bible study was 'led by Sie directing and aiding the be held Feb. 22 at the church|Mrs. Gerald Kent, the subject |#nemen. hall. The committee in charge|¥2% "Learning to Pray." | Born at Meaford in 1925, Joe} ° meeting closed with moved with his parents as a} includes: Mrs. Bruce Langille,, The v H | i s. Joh ibbin|S™all child to Collingwood. He} Mrs. Bud Pipher, Mrs. Tom|prayer by Mrs. John McKibbin cembuted, with Waaler watciow | Coulthard, Mrs. Herman Parish|after which the group joined the . ae ¢ and Mrs. Gerald Keddy. |Men's Club for refreshments are eg ng ore High | Peppermint patties will be|served by Mrs. John Fawcett, School in 1942 be yt the sold again this year by the Ruth|Mrs. Gerlad Kent, Mrs. Geraldjengineening staff of the Colling- WA. Proceeds to go to the|Keddy and Mrs. Ronald wood shipbuilding firm as an| Anglican World Mission. Hawkins. apprentice draftsman. Prior to |that he had worked summers in} Christian Service Unit Officers Installed | the company's electrical depart- | group briefly reminding mem-| |ment. In the fall 1942, Mr. Mason; a hee i ie joined the RCAF spending some} Society for Christian Service|bers of their responsabilities to so1ne : : held its January meeting at the|God and their church. Mrs. oT years in radio and radar, church hall. The president, Mrs.|Dudley - Wilson thanked Mr. | ¥OF*, mostly ba -- ng wl Dudley Wilson, opened the meet-| McLeod. |bec. He was about to depart for) ing with a hymn and prayer. | The meeting the Pacific theatre of war, when closed with|the conflict ended in August eral treasurer, Mrs. William) Mrs, Cyril Rich; visitation tist publication convener, Mrs. Rev. J. McLeod addressed the Although the project is still in|Should contact the department | of agritulture office here> by) March of this year so plans may | continue. \ ment. Joe, as he is familiarly known to his friends, has been ex- WEED INSPECTORS COUNTY of ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, EVE. 8:00 P.M. MID-WEEK SERVICE OF PRAYER, PRAISE AND BIBLE STUDY, "There's Always A Welcome ot Faith" jteens. The appointment of Mr. |Mason as manager was an- SALE a gracefully proportioned accent chair SKATE EXCHANGE 2.97 SPORTSMAN'S| CORNER 103 Byron St, $., Whitby One Block West of 4 Corners Two Weed Inspectors are required by the County of Ontario. County will be divided into two areas. Salary $10.00 per day plus 10¢ per mile. Apply in writing on or before February 15th, 1966 to _in luxurious imported Wm. G. Manning, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Ontario, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario | velvets selected from the famous. Dalle traditional collection offered for a short time only at Whitby Pentecostal Church 307 BROCK ST. N. -- WHITBY ..WHAT MEANETH ACTS 2:12 THIS ? Whitby Textiles... CLEARANCE OF WINTER LINES Many Fabrics On Sale. WINTER STOCK AT BELOW COST PRICES. Hand Washable Blends 54° | Pure English Wool Flannel, Wide -- In ploin and fine pal gente 7 ti eol- check. Reg. 2.98 yd. oo Reg. 2.98: yd. Cost Price, yd. .... 1.98 Pe , 1.98 Den River Cotton, 36° Wide -- In plaids, Cost Price, yd. .... Reg. 1.49 yd, Cost Price, yd. ......... this special low price regularly 159.00 sale 119.00 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--Pastor King Speaking The Whitby Baptist Women's 7:00 P.M.--Rev. Hervey Shank Speaking Tuesday, 8 p.m. -- Young Peoples. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer and Bible Study Rev. Max Case Pastor Asst. Jon King Spring & Summer Fabrics -- Arriving Soon Linens and Seersucker Suitings -- Plain and Matching Design Goods, 100% English Wool. Guer- onteed by the manufocturer ond Whitby Textiles. Wool Boucle -- English Weol, 54" goods Pre-shrunk. Various weeves -- All Spring shades. *" 3,00,. 5,00 per yd, All: sizes, colors and designs. | SINGER SERVICE & SUPPLIES AVAILABLE. WHITBY TEXTILES 125 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY 668-3174 Spring Cottons -- 1966 Line. Now is te time to have your kitchen remodelled. Have the R. H. Cabinet Co. come to your home and give you a free-estimate on Custom Built Kitchens and Bathroom Vanities. Over 13 different designs in the installation of officers @S/esses were Mrs, Ruth Pickering) After the- war, he completed Mrs. Allan Forbes. grand convener, Mrs. Hilliard Custom-Built Kitchens to choose from secretary, Mrs. George Jetma. 0 Mrs. Dudley wa-|2%4 Mrs. G. Beckman 2 Grade 13 and entered Queen's Th, son; recording secretary, Mrs. Ruth Maw; corresponding secre-| tary, Mrs. Philip Allocorn; gen-| W W & F S e hy Wait For Spring... Missionary _ representative, | Mrs. Murray Detlor; social con-| e e vener, Mrs. Harold Crawforth; | assisted by Mrs. Ross Ward j and Mrs. John Bremner; de-| i votional convener, Miss Maude) Cameron; nursery convener,| Millard; work convener, Mrs. | Everett Pogson, assisted by Mrs. Don Mitchell; White Cross | convener, Mrs. Ken Bell; music convener, Mrs. Len Rich; Bap-/} ~-- such os French Provincial, Mrs. Philip Allecorn read a letter from Rev. Eric Clayson, | of Roxton Pond, Que., in ap-| preciation for the Christmas fift | he received. } Italian Provincial, Colonial (knotty pine), Modern, etc. 0.H.A. METRO JUNIOR "BY HOCKEY SUNDAY, FEB. 13th 7:30 P.M. Mrs. John McLeod presided for prayer and a hymn. Tea host-|1945. Hewis; missionary treasurer, convener, Mrs. Adelard Morin; | Joseph Harding; reading course) In different patterns, colors, morble Costly details such as the soft Button Tufted Back, delicately shirred arm bands and hand carved legs and woodgrain tops, with.« choice of Arborite or Formice Post Form --- (rolled counter tops). combine with fine craftsmanship to:make this an There be wlie 8 ticcent detians |e outstanding value. Highlight your living room with WERE THANKFUL FOR V, WON, ALL THE Bathroom Vanities. this charming occasional chair 38 inches high -- 24 Prices te suit your budget. inches wide. 29 exquisite high fashion colors from Dealers of Moffat Built-in Oven and which to choose. Surface Units. ALLOW 4 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY ROUSSEAU HERITAGE 2 HOUSEA 216 Mary St. E. -- Whitby Phone 668-3483 Also suppliers for general contractors Busnitave SInleviors Ontaves throughout the area. Dave Chalmers WHITBY LASCO STEELERS -- VS, -- ST. MIGHAEL'S BUZZERS Admission: Adults $1.00, Students (with cards) 50¢ Children Under 12 Admitted Free with Adult THE R. H. CABINET CO. 1614 Charles St. Whitby 668-6911 mca HAVE DONE PROPERLY ---- a