rt ne ee cy BIRTHS OBITU DALE -- Paui and Diana (nee Jones? thank God for H i ZR Coupes w twee 2S FUary &, 1966 at pital, A brother for Jeffrey. WALTHAM ~-- Len end Ejleen (nee Guthrie) are happy fo announce the birth of their first child, @ son, Leonard Her- bert Guthrie, weight 7 Ibs. 3 o7zs., on Monday, January 24, 1966 at the Oshawa General Hospital, Mother and son both fine. WEST -- George and Beverley (nee Pe hy pees ie the arrival ir son, Davi Samia Goh oe, Seorye 'Special thenks Oshawa General al. a to Dr. W. H. Stanley and maternity floor nurses. announce jan, weight : SS MRE. NORMAN. H. DUNFORD The death eccurred, Feb, 5, at the Oshawa General Hospital, following a week's serious sick- ness, of Mrs. Norman H, Dun- ford, 235 King st. e. : The former Lila Helena Coch- rane, the deceased was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane. Born in Helena, Montana, she was married in Millbrook. A charter member of -North- minster United Church, Mrs. Dunford was one of the six who DEATHS helped to organize the first women's association, She was a member of: the Women's Pro- CALLAN, Prudence May Entered into rest at the Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, February Th, 1966, Prudence May Moore, widow of Charles Michael Callan, mother of Mrs. John Hunt (Elma), Mrs, John Pearce (Edna), Oshawa; Frank, Detroit; Beverley and Pete ; Cobo- Saturday and Sunday with funeral serv- ice in the chapel Sunday, February 13, at 2.30 p.m. Then service in Christ Church, Coboconk, Monday, February 14, at 2.30 p.m. Interment Coboconk Ceme- tery. CRANDELL, Robert R. In Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, February 11, 1966, Robert R. Crandell, in his 50th year (114 Olive Avenue), beloved 'of Wilma Vann, and dear father of Mrs. Ruth Dingman of Oshawa, Mrs. Robert Manthorn (Jean) of Courtice, Mrs Roger O'Reilly (Linda) of Ottewa, Mrs. Gordon Tait (Roberta) of Hamilton, and Kathleen at home; brother of Mrs. Leon- ard Pelow (Blanche), Mrs. Thomas Rori- son (Violet), Clarence (Ski) Crandell, and Douglas Crandell, all of Oshawa; Mrs. Byron. Smith (Dorothy) of Ganonoque and Bert Crandell of Toronto. Resting at Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East, Oshawa, with service In apel on Monday at 2 o'clock. In- ferment Mount Lawn Cemetery. STONE, Geraid Suddenly at his late residence, 2175 Avenue Road, Toronto, on Friday morn- ing, February 11, 1966, Gerald Stone, be- husband of Bessie Parsons, and Oshawa; loving grand- father of Patricia and Peter. Funeral ar- r not yet co SYLVESTER, Rita On Sunday, January 30, 1966, Rita Syives- ter, widow of the late Boyd N. Sylvester, beloved mother of Patricia Bastedo, of Oshawa, Ontario. A_private service was held In Toronto on Tuesday, February 1, 1966, URIE, Joseph Clifford Age 27, of the Royal Canadian Navy, Halifax, Nova Scotia; a former resident of Oshawa. Pagsed away suddenly while on duty February 11, 1966. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Urie of Oshawa, he is survived by his parents, two brothers, Norman and Gary, of Oshawa; a sister, Mrs. William Buchanan (Bertha) of Osh- awa, his wife Shella of Halifax, and seventeen-month-old daughter, Jodi-Ann. Funeral err not yet completed. LOCKE'S FLORIST Fiineral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Kindness beyond Price, within reach of all, GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM GERACE -- In loving memory of a dear husband, Frank Gerace, who passed away two years ago on February 13, 1964. | My heart still aches with sadness, And secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you No one will ever know. yet | seem to hear you whisper, "Cheer up and carry on". Each time | see your picture, | You seem to smile and say, "Don't cry, i'm only sleeping, We'll meet again some day." 1 miss your smile and your kindly/ ways, | With you I spent my happiest days, 1 miss you when | need a friend, On you | always could depend. | | write these words with deep regret, For a husband | loved and never will forget. Though absent, you are always near, Still loved, still missed, ever so dear. ~-Lovingly remembered by wife Mary. HART -- In loving memory of a dear husband -and "father, Lawrence Hart, who passed away February 5, 1965. God saw you getting weary So He did what He thought best, He came and stood beside you And whispered "Come and rest". He wished no one a last farewell, Nor even said "Good-bye", He was gone before we knew it And only God knows why. --Wife Bessie, daughters Doris. Shirley and HART -- In loving memory of a dear father, Lawrence Hart, who passed sway February 5, 1965 Hig memory is as dear today As in the-hour he passed away. Sadly missed by Barb and Bev, HART -- In loving memory of a dear father and 'grandfather, Lawrence A. Hart, who left us suddenly Feb. 5, 1965. Dad, we often sit and think of you And speak of how you died, And many a time we have longed for you And many a time we have cried. Your tired eves ere sleeping, TWo Wiiinig hands are still, For @ Dad who worked so hard for us resting in God's will. ' You never said goodbye to us, Perhaps it's just as well, We never coyld have said goodbye, To one we loved so well. But when we look and see you gone, 1t really breaks our hearts, So you who have a Dad, Cherish him with care For you will never know the heartache Tilt you see hit vacant chair Lovingly remembered and never for- gotten by Ck aii Beverley and Eleanor, sons-in-law. Russ and George and grandchildren. MARSHALL ~~ In memory of # dear loving wife, Edith Marshall, who was called to Heaven February 12, 1943 Though her smile is gone forever, And her hand ! cannot touch, Stil! | have so many memories OF the one | loved so much Her memory 's my keepsake, With which I'll never part, God has her in His keeping, | have her in my heart. --Sadiy missed and forever loved by her husband Fred ° SMITH -- In memory of our dear son. in-law, Grant Smith, who passed away February 11, 1959. The depth of sorrow we cannot tell Of the foss of one we loved so well, And while he sleeps @ peaceful sleeep, His memory shall we ever keep. --Sadiy missed by Mr. and Mrs. George Harris. SMITH -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Grant, who pessed away February 11, 1959. Those whom we love go out of sight, But never out of mind; They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind Loving and kind In all his ways, Upright and just in all his days Sincere and true in heart and mind, gressive Conservative Associa- tion, an ardent worker in the King Street Home and School Association when it was first organized, a member of the women's auxiliary of the air -lforce during the Second World "War and liaison officer of the Consumer's Branch of Canada. Mrs. Dunford is survived by her husband; three daughters, Mrs. Ross Courtice (Helena), of Oshawa, Mrs. R. Jackson (Bernice) of Hamiton and Mrs. Vic Cubitt (Norma) of Oshawa and a son, Robert Dunford, of Lakefied. She was predeceas- ed by a daughter, Edith Cavell Dunford, in infancy. The funeral service was held in Northminster United Church at 2 p.m. Feb. 8, followed by in- terment in Oshawa Union Ceme- tery. Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow conducted the service. Rev. Gordon Porter assisted. The pallbearers were Scott Hubbell, Ed. Mulligan, Wilfred Anthony, Dick Bassett, Castle Larmer and Roy Stephens. MRS. ALMA HOBBS Seriously sick for the past year, Mrs. Alma Hobbs died |Feb. 6, at Hillsdale Manor. She was in her 8ist year. The former Alma C ornish, the deceased was born July 16, 1882 in Liverpool, England. She was married Sept. 19, 1910 at Holy- head, England and had been a resident of Oshawa since 1928. Mrs. Hobbs was a member of Christ Memorial Anglican Church. She was one of the original members of the Osh- 'awa Duplicate Bridge Club and lserved as its president, A for- mer president of the E. A. Lov- ell Home and School Associa- tion, she was very active in the work of the Girl Guide Move- ment for. 25 years and was a Red Cross Nurse during the First World War. She was also active in the work of the St. John Ambulance Association and served as its secretary. Mrs, Hobbs was predeceased by her husband, Oswald Speak- man Hobbs, July 10, 1962. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs, Betty Terrell of Port Perry and Mrs. C. H. Mewett (Pat), of Oshawa and a son, John Hobbs, of Oshawa. Also sur- viving are three sisters in Eng- land. . The memorial service was held at the Armstrng Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Feb. 8. Inter- ment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The Venerable Arch- deacon H. D. Cleverdon 'con- ducted the service. The pallbearers were Albert Haley, Jack Fuller, Russell Andrews, Albert Hatfield, John Borrowdale and Harry Boyd. MRS. WILFRED. MORTON The death occurred suddenly Feb. 6, at the Oshawa General Hospital of Mrs. Wilfred Morton, 215 Tresane st. The former Martha Etta Mc- Gregor, the deceased was a daughter of the late James and $Martha McGregor. Born in Fenelon Township, she received her education at the schools in Cambray. Mrs. Morton was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church! and was a member of the Osh-| awa Horticultural Society. She| was devoted to her home and her family. Twice married, Mrs. Morton was predeceased by both her) jhusbands. She was married in 1919 to Glenford Sissons who predeceased her in 1915. In 1917) she married Wilfred Morton who |predeceased her in 1957, | She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. R. Ketchabaw | (Dorothy) of Talbotville, Ont.; Miss Madaline Sissons and Mrs. I. Perrin (Thelma) both of Osh- awa; and five grandchildren. Mrs. Morton was predeceas- ed in 1959 by a sister, Mrs. S. |Causley of Port Perry and in |1918 by a brother, Wilfred Mc- Gregor. The funeral service was held at 3.30 p.m., Feb. 8, at the McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Home. Interment was in Osh-, awa Union Cemetery. Rev. G. W. C. Brett, minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, conducted! the service. The pallbearers were John Weir, Francis Thompson, Charl- es Fogal, Newton Stacey, Glen Ketchabaw and Walter Axtell. [EDWARD THOMAS CLARKE| Edward Thomas Clarke died Feb. 5 at his residence, 180 Wayne st. The deceased, who had been in poor: health for three months, was in his 53rd year A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. | Thomas Clarke, the deceased was born in Oshawa Mar: 26, 1913 and was married here June | 23, 1936. A lifelong resident of the city, he had been an em-| ployee of the Brewers' Ware- housing Co., in Oshawa for 29 Beautiful memories he left behind Lovingly remembered by his wife Mary and son Eric, YARMOLA ~ In loving memory of 4 dear mother, Ann Yarmola, who passed away February 12, 1945 Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten. --E ver remembered by the family. Everlasting Memorialization is almost possible with the | MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER that we supply ond install; Please call MOUNT LAWN | MEMORIAL PARK 797 F497 years. He was an enthusiastic hunter, fisherman and alley bowler. | During the Second World War} (CARD OF THANKS VAN ALLEN -- | wish fo thank my | many friends and neighbors for their kind |thoughts, cards, gifts and visits during |my recent stay in Oshawa General Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr, Fulton, Dr Gill, DOr. Mills, nursed and staff on 3F and the ladies of PMA and United Church Minister Mr. Butler. ARIES Mr. Clarke @nlisted in. the 14th Field Battery at Cobourg and Sarvee tees eee te eee, soni ing five years overseas, with the rank of sergeant. . Mr. Clarke is survived by his wife, the former Dorothy Anne Bonnetta; seven daughters, Mrs Gilbert Judd (Carol) of Hamil- ton, Mrs. Edward Sweeney (Do na), Mrs. Robert Hazel (Son- dra} and Misses Catherine Rosemary and Joanne Clarke, al of Oshawa and Mrs. Gil- bert Reader (Heather) of Port Perry and six sons, Edward, Peter, Richard, Douglas, Thom- as and. David Clarke, all of Osh- awa. Also surviving are three sis- ters, Mrs. Edward Lake (Hazel), Mrs. Phillip O'Neill and Miss Margaret Clarke, all of Oshawa and 15 grandchildren. Rt. Rev. Monsignor Pau Dwyer conducted.the memorial service at the Armstrong Fu- neral Home at 2 p.m. Feb. 7. In- terment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. MRS. LUELLA BAIRD The death occurred Feb. 6, at the Oshawa General Hospital of Mrs. Joseph Baird. She was in her 73rd. year. The former Luella Brent, the deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brent. Born at Port Perry, she had been a resident of Oshawa for 15 years. Mrs. Baird was a member of Northminster United Church and'was a member of the Unit- ed Church Women. She was married at Port Perry in 1931; Her husband pre- deceased her n 1960. The funera servce was held at 2 p.m., Feb. 9, at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel. Interment was in Pine Grove Cemetery. Prince Albert. Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow, minister of Northminster Unit- ed Church, conducted the ser- vice, DAVID COOK In failing health for several years, David Cook, 370 Adelaide ave. w., died Feb. 5, at the Oshawa General Hospital. He was in his 50th year. Born in London, England, Mr. Cook was an electrical contrac- tor. He was a past president of the Oshawa Electrical Con- tractors' Association. He is survived by his wife, the former Ida Nugent; a daughter, Maureen Ann, at home and a son Brian David, serving in HMCS Saguenay. Mr. Cook was at the Gerrow Funeral Home. Requiem Mass was sung in St. Gregory's Ro- man Catholic Church at 10 a.m., Feb. 9, Interment was in Re- surrection Cemetery. STEPHEN ALBERT SMITH The funeral service was held at. 2 p.m. Feb. 1, at the Mc- Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home for Stephen Albert Smith, 82 Wood st., who died Jan. 29, at the Oshawa General Hospital. He was in his 53rd year. Born at Camberwell, England Noy. 11, 191%, the deceased was an employee of Duplate Canada Limited and was an adherent of the Church of England, He was a member of Local 222, UAW and of the Duplate Rod and Gun Club. Mr. Smith is survived by two daughters, Miss Marion Smith and Mrs. Jack Pinch (Cath- erine). and a son, Gordon Ross Smith, all of Oshawa and a grandson, Jackie Pinch. The funeral service was con- of Christ Memorial Anglican Church. Intermentwas-in-Osh- awa Union Cemetery. The palbearers were Don, Callison, Thomas and Jack Wil- son, Smith. GEORGE T. BAGNELL The death occurred, Feb. 9, at the Bowmanvile Memorial Hospital, of George T. Bagnell, 109 Church st., Bowmanvile, He was in his 82nd year. Mr. Bagnell is survived by his wife, the former Mable Mills " ducted by Rey. J. D. Osborne|> Jack Pinch and Gordon! and a son, Edward (Ted) Bag- nell, of Bowmanville. ' The funeral service was held at-the-Merris..Funeral_ Chapel, Bowmanvile, af 2.30 p.m. Feb. 11, Interment was in Rowman. vile Cemetery. * JAMES WILLIAM MILLER The death occurred, Feb. 9, at the Ajax and Pickering Gen- eral Hospjtal, of James William Miller, of 22 Elgin st., Ajax. He was in his 66th year. Mr. Miller is survived by his wife, the former Stella; and three sons, Dave of Pickering, Victor of Whitby and Robert of Ajax. Also surviving are three brothers, Afred, Donald and Harry Miller, of Yarmouth, No- va Scotia and nine grandchild- ren. The deceased was the Sherrin Funeral Home, King- ston rd., Pckering, for requiem mass in St. Bernadette's Roman Catholic Church, Ajax, at 10 a. m. today. Interment was in St. Francis de Sales Cemetery. The Rosary was recited at the fun- eral home at 8 p.m, Friday. MRS. F. A. BILL BAKER The death occurred, Feb. 7, at the Oshawa General Hospital, of Evelyn Louise Patterson, dearly loved wife of F A. Bill Baker. Besides her husband, Mrs. Baker is survived by two daughters Mrs. W. McMillan (Mary) and Miss Louise Baker. Also surviving are her mother, Mrs. Louise Patterson; three sisters, Mrs. W. McMillan (Ra- chel) of Isaac Harbor, N.S., Mrs. M. McKenzie (Audrey) of Malagash, N.S. and Miss Mary Patterson of Montreal and a brother, Joseph Patterson, of Truro, N.S. The funeral service was held from the McDermott - Pana- baker Funeral Home, Port Per- ry, in the Church of the Ascen- sion, at 2 p.m. Feb. 9. Inter- ment was in Pine Grove Ceme- tery, Prince Albert. ALDEN (DENNY) GIBSON The death occurred suddenly at his residence, 110 Ontario st. Bowmanville, Feb. 7, of Alden (Denny) Gibson, He was in his| 73rd year. | Mr. Gibson is survived by his| wife, the former Ida Bowen; | three daughters, Mrs. Claire Wickett (Dorothy) of Belleville, Mrs. James Garvock (Ruby) of Oshawa and Mrs. Urbain Caron (Alma) of Ste. Therese, Que- bec; three sons, Elroy of Orono, John of Oshawa and Dennis of Bowmanvile and 17 grandchild- ren. The funeral service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, at 2 p.m. Feb. 9. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. at |95th year, had been in failing |health for some time. Edward, Alfred, Harvey, Rich- ard and Barry, all of Oshawa and Lloyd of Toronto, The memoria! service was held at 2 pm, Feb. 2; at the Armstrong Funeral Home.,_ in- terment was in 'Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. Frank Ward, minister of Westmount United} Church, conducted the service. 'The pallbearers, all members of Branch 43, Royal Canadian Legion, were: Alfred Brisebois, William Campbell, Charles Beck, Jack Hodgson, Maurice Proctor and James Boyd A Legion service was conduct- ed at the cemetery by Rev. A Woolcock, padre of the Legion Branch. CLARENCE E. STILWELL In-poor health for two months Clarence E, Stilwell, Garrard rd. i., died, Jan. 28, at the Osh- awa General Hospital. He was in his 86th year. Born at Courtland, Ont., June 8, 1880, the deceased lived in Saskatchewan before coming to Oshawa 24 years ago. Mr, Stilwell is survived by his wife, Hazel; three daughters Mrs. J. Wilson (Grace) of Le- roy, Sask.; Mrs. R. Chrishop (Peari) of Etobicoke and Miss Eleanor Stilwell of Oshawa and four sons, James of Toronto, William of Beardmore, Ont.; Lorne of New Westminster, B.C. and Jerome of Scarboro. The memorial service was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m., Jan. 31, fol- lowed by interment in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Major Gordon Holmes of the Salvation Army conducted the service. The pallbearers were John Turich, Monty Solway, David Stilwell, Thomas Moorecroft, Lloyd Butler and Al. Robson. WILLIAM HENRY ELMS The death occurred, Feb. 9, at his residence, 210 Keith st., Whitby, of William Henry Elms. The deceased, who was in his A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Elms, the deceas- ed was born in England. A-resi- dent of Canada for 88 years, he had lived in Whitby since he re- tired 14 years ago. A member of The Brethren, Mr. Elms was employed as a tee! and die maker by the Office Specialty, Co, Ltd.,.at Newmar- ket, prior to his retirement. Mr. Elms is survived by his wife, the former Eva Maude McCourt, whom he mraried in Winnipeg ; aged two sons, Har- old of WhiiSy and George H. of Tacoma, Washington and a step- son, Robert R. Richardson, of Whitby. seven 'grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. The funeral service was held at the W. C, Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby; ~ at ~3:50-~p.m: Feb, 11, Interment was. in Groveside Cemeitry, Brooxiin. MRS, RAYMOND ROSEBUSH The death occurred, Feb, 1, at the Oshawa General Hospital, following a lengthy sickness, of Mrs. Raymond Rosebush, 501 King st. e. The former Gertrude Strong, the deceased was a daughter of Mrs, Alberta Palmer, of Osh- awa and the late James Strong. Born in Windsor, Ont., she was married there Oct. 12, 1926. She was a member of St.. Paul's Prsbyterian Church. Besides her husband and her mother, Mrs. Rosebush is sur- vived by two daughters, Mrs. H, Green (Shirley) of Windsor and Mrs. J. Burrows (Faye) of Oshawa. Also surviving are two broth- ers, Harold Strong, of Bloom- field Hills, Mich. an raine Strong, of Reddington' Beach, Florida and six grandchildren. -The funeral service was held at the McIntosh And Anderson Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Feb. 4. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. Walter Jackson, minister of St. Paul's Church, conducted the service. The pallbearers were R. Hen- derson, R. Murray, W. Hackney, R. Fleming, N. Parker and G. Hunking. FUNERAL OF ROBERT GRAHAM The funeral service for Rob- ert Graham who died Feb. 2, at the Oshawa General Hospi- tal, was held at 3.30 p.m. Feb. 4, at the MclIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home. Rev. H. Dyck, minister of Albert Street United Church, conducted the service. Inter- ment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Wil- liam Bone, John Bone, Harold Gaham, Maurice Proctor, John Bint and Peter Bremner. MRS. MARY ANN BOWES Followint a prolonged sick- ness the death occurred, Feb. 4, at the Oshawa General Hospital, of Mrs. Mary Ann Bowes, 105 Mary st. w., Whitby. The de- ceased, who was in her 89th year, had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Earl J. Ward, for three years. The former Mary' Ann Laventure, the deceased was a daughter of the late Duncan and Martha Laventure. She was born Oct. 23, 1877; at Castleford, Ont. Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Annie Cox, of Vancouver; Prior to moving to, Whitby, Ms. Bowes had lived in West- FUNERAL OF L. J. GILLIES The funeral service for L. J.| Gillies, who died Feb. 3, at Hillsdale Manor, was held at) 2 p.m. Feb. 5 at the McIntosh- Anderson Funeral Home. The service was donducted by | Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow, mini- ster of Northminster United Church. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. The pallbearers were Ken Brack, Leonard Tyrell, Rolly Crawford, Roy Smthers, George Sugden and Vic Tyrell. ERNEST ROY PARKER The death occurred, Jan... 31, at the Oshawa General Hospital, | of Ernest Roy Parker, 326 Ver-| dun rd. The deceased, who was in his 42nd year had been in poor health for five years and/| seriously sick since last Septem-| er. | A son of the late Edward and) Annie Parker, the deceased was born Sept. 14, 1924, in Oshawa. He was married Aug. 5, 1944, | at Columbus., A resident of the Oshawa- |Kedron area all his life, Mr. | Parker was a member of West- |mount United Church and of Branch 43, Royal Canadian Le- gion. He was a veteran of the Second World War. |. Mr. Parker is survived by his wife, the former Ellen Ro- zell; two daughters, Ellen and Debbie, of Oshawa and six sons, income. You save tax dollars Only 16 days left toreduce your -- 1965 taxes! If you act now, Investors can still help you save 1965 tax | dollars! How? Through a Registered Retirement Savings Plan. On your 1965 tax form there fs a place provided where you can deduct qualified payments from your total now and make them multiply into a handsome retirement income. You are likely eligible | for this additional tax deduction even if you participate In | | @ group pension plan. To qualify for 1965 tax deductions, | payments must be made before March 1, 1966. Find out now. Fill in the coupon and mail it today. tion. Name Aavestors SYNDICATE LIMITED Without obligation please send me additional informa- 80 BROADWAY. WINNIPEGT Address City/Town. purchases, in the technical principles. CITY OF VANCOUVER Mechanical Engineer To assist in the preparation, analysis and development of specifications for @ variety of automotive equipment design of vehicle compon- ents, in bine supervisory and administration tasks. Qual- ifications: Registration or eligibility for registration os professional. engineer in British Columbia. Emphasis on training In and sound knowledge of mechanical design Preferably some related professional perience in the automotive field. Salary: $627 to $750 per month. Application forms must be obtained from end returned to the Director of Personnel Services, 453 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver 10, B.C. as soon os possible. ex- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdoy, Februsry 12, 1966 29% | Let Them Eat Cake... ; i TORONTO (CP)--bread from| two Toronto bakeries will cost two cents more a loaf starting Monday. Canada Bread, largest bakery in Ontario, was the first to an- nounce the increase Friday, fol- lowed by Christie's Bread of Toronto. The companies' 24° - ounce loaves, which now sell for 26 cents, will cost 28 cents. A spokesman for Oshawa Wholesale Lid. said brands. of) Both Canada Bread andi bread it distributes are not ex- cs, : aes pected to rise Monday but peop og ring enayge y....|for the rise: Higher , a Tease i-~ |tribution and_ prodiction costs, --------y Jater in the week. THE OSHAWA : YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING AT ADELAIDE HOUSE ~ Thursday, February 17th, 1966 _ cvxar (nr, Meeting -- Ticket $1.50. for Women's Activities, nity Pro ~ rams Branch, Ontario Department of : ern Canada for many years. She was a member of the Bap- tist Church. ; Mrs: Ward is survived by three daughters, five sons, a brother and a sister. She was predeceased by her husband, Thomas Alexander Bowes. . The deceased rested at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. The funeral service was held at the Boyce Funefal Home, Arnprior, at 2 p.m., Feb. 7. Interment was in Sand Point Cemetery, McNab Town- te jue You are cordially invited to be present for this Dinner ing, but if it is not possible to come for dinner, please to heor the guest speaker --- her address should begin approximately 8:00 p.m. Y.W.C.A. members are urged to. attend and, if possible, to bring a friend. " Dinner eat ig Be purchased ot the Main Office ors reservations le by telephone on or before February 14th, > Telephone: 725-1322. iby From REED'S i RED ROSES \ RED ROSES 7.00, 8.50, 10.00 per Dozen and up Spring Flowers Daffodils, Tulips Iris and Hyacinths Potted Hyacinths « Potted Mums =~ Colorful Azaleas - 4 Valentine Novelties with Red end White Flowers $6.00, $7.50, $10.00 and up Our 'Sweetheart' Specials White Pompoms & Red Carnations 'B. REED & SONS FLORISTS LTD. Drive-in Flower Centre, 163 Bloor W. -- Telephone 728-7386 : "Over 50 Years Growing Plants and Flowers in Oshewe" 28 Simcoe N. Clip and retain this ! Discount schedule shows cash-savings for each Passport-type and purchase-period: now on sale through all branches of the chartered banks. The sooner you buy the more you save: ADMISSION PRICES FOR THE 1967 WORLD EXHIBITION (Canadian Funds) Fan. 12, 1966 to July 31, 1966. chart. Aug. 1, 1966 to + Feb. 28, 1967 (End of Advance Admission Program). Season Passport One-Day Passport Seven-Day Passport $1.80 $6.50 $20.00 Passports for children 2 to 12 available at half price. Youth Passports available at spectal rates commencing March 14, $2.00 $7.50 $22.50 $35.00 Your Expo67 Passport is your ticket--to a world of unprecedented glamour, excite- ment and education. nations have indicated they will be coming to Expo67--and more and more countries are joining all the time. , these Expo67 Pass- ports are now on sale through the neigh- bourhood branch of your chartered bank. For your convenience. Already scores of 9 Peet, Cm, ee Caan Darren Sr fe TC a oR Full discounts are in effect, to assure you of lowest possible prices for each buying- period. Refer to above chart for timing and values that best suit your plans. All prices for Passports incinde: TRANSPORTATION on Expo67 rapid- transit system; this will carry Expo67 visitors back and forth among the four areas of the World Exhibition; plus... ADMISSION to all national, industrial and theme pavilions; exciting kaleidoscope of man's progress, his aspirations and his future, START BUILDING A FAMILY "EXPO 6% TOUR ACCOUNT" AT YOUR NEIGHBOUR- HOOD BANK BRANCH. (MAKE YOUR THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY Be sure your family sees Expo67 April 28 to Oct. 27, 1967 -- at Montreal, Que.