Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Feb 1966, p. 19

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A i 8 SION EA Cm NN 9 *cceuctiea sane THE GREAT CANADIAN Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has posted four new missionaries here. The mis- sionaries. seated from left, are: Elder Edward Neal, 20, of Moag, Utah; Elder_ Barry Peterson, 20, Med- ford, Ore.; left to right, top: Elder David Neeley, 19, Cornish, Utah and Elder John Wells, 19, Petaluma, Calif. Elders Wells and Neal reside at 25 Brock st. w. Mormon Missionaries Visiting Oshawa Homes A decade ago the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints probably would not have filled more than one church pew. Since then the church has gained wider popu- larity. The denomination now has its own church -- built three years ago at the intersection of Thornton and Rossland rds.-- in Oshawa Elder Neal, who already has 14} months of work behind him in Ontario, was posted here weeks ago. Elder Peterson has|; been in Ontario for 10 months and in Oshawa two weeks. Neeley four months ago. two has been in Elder} Oshawa| about a month and in Ontario for two months and Elders Peterson and Neeley at 421 Nipigon st. The foursome will be calling on 800 homes a week. Their objective is to convert people to the Mormon faith. --Oshawa Times Photo > Cheer baskets to needy fam- ilies. The Smokers' Dial. Service went into operation May 9, re- perted Willard Gray, temper- ance department secretary. From the first day the auto- The business meeting of the College Park Seventh-day Ad- ventist Church was held on Sun- day evening, Jan. 23.- Reports of work done in each depart- ment of the church in 1965 were presented te the membership. Church membership now|matic answering service worked stands at 762, with a net gain of to capacity. On June 6-10 a Five- 15 in 1965. day Plan to aid smokers in overcoming the habit was held in the UAW Hall. There was a consistent attendance of 30 peo- ple, and about 75 per cent claimed to have overcome the habit by the conclusion of the jiive days. This program was repeated in the fall with an average atten- dance of 28, and 21 reported victories. on the fifth night. In March, the department pur- chased a film entitled "Beyond Reasonable Doubt", showing the effects of smoking on the smoker. This has been shown in public schools, service clubs and other churches. MISSIONARY WORK Mrs. R. Fenton, home mis- sionary department secretary, reported the following mission- ary work done by church mem- bers (apart from Dorcas - Wel- fare activities): mission- Total church funds received during 1965 amounted to $211,- 996.35. Tithe income, which is 10 per cent of the earnings of each member, donated to the support of administrative per- sonnel within the denomination, was $142,735.03. Estimated church budget expenses for 1966 is $12,600.00. Funds remaining from '1e 1965 operating budget were $1,030.40. 195 PERSONS HELPED Mrs. C. Hoy, director of the Dorcas - Welfare program, re- ported the church 'helped 195 persons in 1965, including one burned-out family, which was helped with re-equipping their home and personal effects. Distributions included 2796 ar- ticles of clothing, 17 quilts 13 pair sheets and pillow cases, four pair pillows, several layettes, and 55 Christmas College Park Church £244 FAAS Group Gave $211,996 ary contacts, 1082; Bible studies given, 109; persons helped, 571; clothing donated to welfare, 3773 articles; cash value of food donated, $667. A report of the Vacation Bible School, conducted July 5-15, was presented by Mrs. R. Oickle. 'rhe total number of children en- rolled was 256. The number of voluntary assistants in this 'work was 58, J. A. Frood, director of the Pathfinder Club, an organiza- tion for junior youth, reported |® a membership of 88 boys and girls. Besides teaching about 10 craft classes, the club has equipped a brass and trumpet band of approximately 15 mem- bers in 1965, and several per- formances have been given be- fore audiences. DIET PROVED FATAL REHAU (Reuters) -- A 21- yeare]d West German woman died 'pf malnutrition Friday after a one - year slimming course, police said. They said the girl, afraid of growing too fat, practically stopped eating and took excessive doses of slimming pills. She weighed 70 pT Dp. Rlbort G Reviews Past Year's The congregation of Albert Street United Church, Olive ave. and Albert st., met in the church hall Jan. 19, for its an- nual meeting. The meeting began with a pot luck supper which was thor- oughly enjoyed by all. Follow- ing the supper, a number of well-known hymns were sung with organist and choirmaster, Harold Ellis, leading. Rev. Helmuth Dyck called the meeting to order and presided for the evening, Percy Walters was appointed secretary. Mrs. Stella Barnett was appointed to serve as press reporter. The list of those members who had been taken to rest in 1965 was given and a moment of silent remem- brance observed. REPORTS SUPPLIED Each member of the congre- gation was supplied with a bound mimeographed copy of all reports, statistical data and financial position of the church, Mr. Dyck called upon a repre- sentative of each of the follow- ing groups to comment briefly on the report of their organiza- tion: Missionary and Maintenance Committee, Kairos (a new group formed in 1965), United Church Women, Men's Own, Family Doubles, Church Sunday Tinitad We SESE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Ugbruery 12, 1966 1g Church Wave Vi Vaan School, Christian Education Committee, Committee of Stew- ards, Trustees, Junior Choir, Senior Choir, Bowling League, Cub and Scout, Men's Group Committee, Scouts, Explorers, 15th. Oshawa Cub Pack and Oshawa* Cub Scouts Mothers' Auxiliary. All of the reports indicated a year of increased activity; growth in membership and a peunhy participation in the life of the church. Notable among the reports was the significant amount raised by the United Church Women of $3,862 of 'which $3,762 was returned to the church. The Men's Own club raised $656 and turned over $575 to the church. The Friendly Doubles Club raised $596.02 | _-- $400 within the congrega- on. M and M givings were up from last year. BUDGET ADOPTED The meeting then dealt with the treasurer's report which in- dicated that finances showed a slight decrease in income over the previous year. It was ac- cepted by the congregation how- ever, and consideration was then given to the 1966 Budget. The finance committee had struck a budget of nearly $35,- 000 and had taken a very care- ful note of all aspects of income and Generally, it. Was agreed the financed come mittea had done an excelient ich and the budget was accept. without any significant chinges. The final item on the agenda was electing the members of session and to the committee of stewards. Six new names were added to the session. Other rep- resentatives were appointed to the official board in addition te the stewards and session. In closing, the chairman, Mr. Dyck, expressed appreciation to all groups and especially to the Officers of the church for their co-operation, support and loyal- ty during the year. As this was his first year at Albert Street United Church, he said he felt very satisfied and happy with all that had been achieved. E. Jones, chairman of the committee of stewards, express ed appreciation on behalf of the oe asa to Mr. and Mra, yck. T DID HE PAY THE FARE? KITAKYUSHU, Japan (AP)-- Yoshio Fujimoto, 19, was day- dreaming aboard the Sakurae jima express train when he felt a tug at his feet. It was a baby alligator two feet long. The young man composedly it in newspaper and turned over to the lost and found office at the next stop. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Minister: THE REV. JOHN E. G. MORRIS, B.A., S.1.M Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES, A.1.C.M. 9:30 A.M.--Junior and Intermediate Departments | poigs take away the spirit of ur work." Elder Peterson said Mormons believe the Church of Christ was restored on earth by a prophet, | Joseph Smith, in 1830 when the church was organized in Pal- myra, N.Y. There are about, 2,500,000 Mormons in the world today. RIVALS MAN'S BEST PAL est domesticated bird and may The greylag goose is the old-| (Children 9-13 years) Pre-Confirmation Class --- Grade 9 Senior Discussion Group -- Teens .- 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary Departments 11:00: A.M, U.C.W, SERVICE MISS BEATRICE WILSON Babes and toddlers are cared for during service. | SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE ST. S. AT BAGOT STREET The Church in the heart of the city with the World on Its heart. and has a strength of some 400 members in Oshawa and out- lying communities. | The success of the church in firmly establishing itself in the community largely rests with the work of the Great Canadian Mission -- the Mormon mis- sionary department, based in Toronto. | With more than 18,000 mis- sionaires carry the Morman faith around the world, the mission, in recent years, has concentrated its efforts on a door-knocking campaign to in- crease the number of baptisms. 300 VISITS A WEEK "SIX DISCUSSIONS" | be the second animal, after the The four are bringing "six|/ dog, tamed by man discussions," or basic beliefs of} ---- | the religion to households in the| } area. Only a few residents are} PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 drawing in the welcome mat} when the young men knock at} their doors. "AS fi tti fi Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister i S far as getting no pay for) hacia } our work," Elder Peterson said, | sehghagttiorcsectiiel H i i MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr, R. G, Geen, L.7.C.M, 11:00 A.M.--""OUR TRUE IDENTITY", The minister will preach. Socrament of Infont Baptism. 12:15 P.M.--CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS IN THE CHAPEL 7:00 P.M.--SERVICE OF INSTALLATION AND REDEDICATION FOR STEWARDS AND TRUSTEES. Rev. Wesley Herbert will preach, SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 waeeoe At DEPARTMENT -- YOUNG ADULT CLASS -- DULT BIBLE STUDY GROUP, Many of them were willing to} listen to his message. Elder Peterson said he| found Oshawa people friendly. | "Sf you get paid you feel you) are out just to get' money It} SUNDAY SERVICES olte veo tig Cy alg HARMONY ue pt am 11:00 A, ja citen Sue S DEPARTMENT -- BABY CARE to Osha t h } | mission's' 'work. Each mis.| UNITED CHURCH 11:00. A.M. | sionary expects to call on 200 homes a week. They maintain} themselves from savings as the chureh has no paid ministry The four are: Elder John Wells, 19 and Elder Edward Neal, 20, who are living at 25 Brock. st. w.; Elder Barry Peterson, 20 and Elder David Neeley, 19, who are living at #21 Nipigon st. All were or- Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., B.D, DIVINE WORSHIP Minister Mrs. Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T, (Piano and Organ), R.M.T. Senses Urganist and Choirmaster NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTER -- REV. H. A. MELLOW, B.A., D.D, ORGANIST -- MR. RONALD KELLINGTON DEACONESS -- MISS SHIRLEY M, McKEE FAITH Lutheran Church (Eastern Canada Synod) The Rev. Henry Fischer Pastor --- 725-2755 9:45 A.M.--Sunday Schoo! 11:00 A.M.--Kindergarten ond Tiny Tots Classes CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS 9:15 A.M.--Primary Grades 1, 2, and 3; Junior 4, 5. and 6 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP dained within the last two years. A rty Wel To All § Elder Wel's began his ministry sunt Diaaoe eh ge | Bong vi Aen oe ar "" B 5 } 10:45 Nursery ages 3; Kindergarten oges 4 and 3; : HA WESTMOUNT spliaieags Primary Grades 1, 2, and 3 ft tw RMONY ROAD #1 Canta 8 nipteaps gaggle Ie, ven after two years @ Sunday. Services, BAPTIST CHURCH || UNITED CHURCH MORNING WORSHIP | 0 reet West at, Rosehill Biv spl ea H 1 i i E35 wren off snp Pe aoe, oh ie the Holliers of Oakville are still discovering |] Minister: Rev. Frank H. Ward B.A , M s % 9:45 A.M, Sunday School {I} row aaceny ee Bae \ UU TM 7:00 P.M.--Church Membership Class i = - coo tl Te i W\ ott bia eas good things about electric heating i WORSHIP fe ed in Sega" | cove worse win os Mt St. Wnited on le I] 11:00 AM--Nursery "and. Primary g nITe. ure. "It's the answer to everybody's dream asfaras you may think. No wonder so many Dept, You are welcome to these Services le are turn- ing to electric heating for the grant mig tel comfort is concerned. The silence, evenness of aol commer Gr ee 6 Se heat and room-by-room temperature control ee ae Difference" Discover the Difference 129 KING STREET EAST ay. L. WESLEY. HERBERT, Minister UNITED | iss Nancy Fraser, Deoconess make it ideal,"says Mrs. K. Hollier. Recently, Mr. Rhyddid Williams Choir Director end Orgonist < : TRIPLE SEAL ALITY: a TECOSTAL the Holliers were interviewed to discover their be ALBERT STREET Uh NITED HI UR CH CHURCH Hl Church School and Morning Worship feelings about electric heating. They continue: i------ ya re presen hg pasyrcil (Corner of Albert St. and' Olive Ave.) 320 Ritson Road Sout at saver) a ag! gg Church, "We find the air is cleaner and much fresher with SYSTEM CAN HAVE -- by iia asp =i 733-63 ig page pape ga -- Hard: any of the stuffiness gonist-Cholrmaster: Harold Ellis 11:00 A.M. used hi ee ted electrically." ios tha nea esteter he inomaton teaaten dae ieee The Whole Gospel " ' ' The distribution is pcr pd on ring 4 yy the manufacturer of equipment, the contractor SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL to the Whole World THE LORD s Si SONG" There are no cold corners " no cold draughts. It's who installed it, and the Electric Heating Association of 9:45 AM.---Junior, intermediate and Senior ata far above our expectations Ontario who ensure that the ayatern pom correctly designed 10:45 A\M---Beginner, Kinderporten ond Primery Sunday: Broadcast over CKLB 'ie and the house adequately insulated. 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP en aie ae ae We ee cia, eter If we ever neve . mare 1 would certainly choose ' ae full pam rag about electric heating, consult a quali- ' shel emer cheat Anthem -- "'Seek. Y rd' heating. lon't think you can go wrong lectric heating contractor, or your Hydro, Nursery for. Infants and Toddlers 1) A.M.--Morning Wership ibe au poeta ge: ee with it at all." A-CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL | 7:30 P.M.--Evangelistic ak ai tye sn pe oe eee ra Pong Beno families in Ontario share the Hollier's feel- Adventist Church. Please enter by side door, core with mether, In thers' feby A no mo' reom, entering by , Cony siege te erty: Meee tans ay cated coe 'ort. Flameless electric heating . is safe, dependable and completely clean. There is no combustion to produce dust, dirt, film or soot. With all its advantages electric heating costs far less than Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Fri., 8:00 P.M.--Young People EVERYONE WELCOME your hydro CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Corner King and Centre St. REV, ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER Organist Mrs. A, H, Foy Burley Bus will leeve et 10:40 sharp, comer King end Charlies 9. ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada oa MaANUEL 4 | Catvary Baptist Corner Evangeline & Phillip Murray Pastor: REV, ERNEST WINTER FIVE EXCELLENT WAYS TO HEAT YOUR HOME ELECTRICALLY WG I I Ba mane units space, permit room-by- room temperature control. Radiant or hot water types available. 9:45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, "WHAT DOES GOD REALLY OFFER" Core provided for babies ana smoll children during the service. The Friendly Church ot the Centre of the City. CENTRE ond JOHN STREETS Pastor--REV, ROBERT B. LYTLE 43, Cc } " units behind grille, provides can easily. be combin radiant heat with natural with cooling for year-round or fan-forced convection. comfort. Wall panel, with h i remy ve Radiant ceiling haats Heat pump heats in concealed within ceiling: winter, cools in summer. Each room's temperature One setting maintains any can be individually con- ---- year-round temper- trolled, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD 1 Rev, N. Fronk Swackhommer, B.A CP 3OSHS , 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES Miss Judith Davison, Bac. Mus. "PRIORITY OF MISSION" Sas AM a 11:00 A.M.--"THE CHRISTIAN AT PEACE" SEE MEDALLION ALL-ELECTRIC HOMES ON DISPLAY IN THESE COMMUNITIES i : as : | : 7:00 P.M.--"THE CHRISTIAN AT WAR" ' : ALLEY BELLE a "THE CHRIST OF GOD" 7:00 P.M.--SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO HARMONY VILLAGE DOWNSVIEW oinesihomnied rato = DR. P. ALLABY 109 P.M : : 7:00 P.M. ' Walnut Court Adelaide Street Norwich Street Oshawa Blvd.N. Melrose Street 9:30 -- The Bible School "LIFE'S GREATEST LESSON" East North of Rossland Rd.W. F Nursery and Jr. Church. et 11 o.m Wid: 74S SE STUBY Wednesday 7:45 Bible Study and Prayer

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