14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, February 12, 1966 Golden Jubilee Chapter instaiis New Ofiicers The 16th annual meeting of the Golden Jubilee Chapter, . IODE, opened with the reading Of the 1965 minutes by the sec- retary, Mrs. E. L. Disney. The following reports were ap- proved: Mrs. J. E. Houghton, standard bearer; Mrs. W. H. Faint for immigration and citi- senship; Mrs. J. M. Souch, membership; Mrs..M. Korchin- sky, hospitality and Mrs. H. C. Element, card and social. "The financil was given by Mrs. D. H. Howe. The edu- cational secretary, Mrs. E. R. Snow, gave an excellent report on the year's work. Mrs. L. V. Walker read the services at home and board report and Mrs. D. M. Campbell gave the report on public relations. «In turning the meeting over tO the nominations chairman, Mrs. W. D. Burns, the Regent, thanked all the members for their co-operation during her two-year term as Regent. QFFICERS ELECTED « Mrs. Burns presented the new Slate of officers for the 1966-67 term as follows: "Regent, Mrs. D. A. Brown; Ist vice-regent, Mrs. E. L. Disney; 2nd vice-regent, Mrs. L. V. Walker; treasurer, Mrs. R. F. Kelly; Recording Secre- fary, Mrs. W. D. Burns; Cor- responding secretary Mrs. D. M.. Campbell; Echoes, Secre- tary, Mrs. R..'S. Irwin; Educa- tional Secretary, Mrs. J. E. Rundle; Standard Bearer, Mrs. J. A, Vivash; Services at Home and Abroad convener, Mrs. G. E. Coulter; membership, Mrs. E. R. Munday; Empire and World Affairs, Mrs. Paul Bellin- ; Public Relatioris, Mrs. E. , gn Immigration and Citi- zenship, Mrs. W. H, Libby; Golden Age Club convener Mrs. §. A. Willson; Hospitality, Mrs. M. Morchinsky and Card and Social, Mrs. L. R. Sawyer. "The chapter's Honorary Regent, Mrs. T. K. Creighton, spoke briefly to the new execu- tive following the. impressive installation ceremony she con- ducted. . The new Regent, Mrs. D. A. Brown, took over the gavel and thanked Mrs. Creighton for par- dicipating in the meeting. "In closing the meeting Mrs. Brown announced that Mrs. W. D. Burns will convene the thapter's mammoth rummage sale this year. * The first meeting of the new executive will be Feb. 14 in the form of a pot-luck supper in her home. The provincial annual meeting will be held April 20-22. Mrs. J. A. Vivash, who is on the provincial executive, was again nominated to run for this office The members also endorsed Mrs. McMulkin of Toronto for, the national executive. : During the social hour that followed Mrs. E. L. Disney nted the retiring Regent rs. Vivash, with. a gift on 'behalf of the executive mem- bers. 'HOLD BUSINESS MEETING * Prior to the annual meeting and election of officers for the '1966-67 term the Golden Jubilee Chapter, IODE, held'a business meeting at the home of Mrs. L. R. Sawyer, King st. The Regent, Mrs. J. Vivash, opened weighs 14% pounds, while the four girls, Lisa, Deborah, Shir- lene and Selina, range in weight from 13 pounds 15 ounces to 11 pounds four ounces. of the spring bazaar to be held by the Oshawa Shopping Centre; a letter from the IODE national president re the Centenary Fund for education purposes and a note from the Golden Age Club thanking the members for their interest in 1965. In the absence of the trea- surer, Mrs. R. M. Morrison, the treasurer's report was read by Mrs. D. H, Howe at which time it was reported the chapter's books had been auditgd~ The Standard Bearer, Mrs. J. E. Houghton, read a release from headquarters regarding the order's standard, which is the Union Jack, in relation to chapter meetings and the pro- vincial annual meeting. In the absence of Services at Home and Abroad convener, Mrs, R. W. Heagle, a report on the Christmas hamper was given by Mrs. D. A. Brown. ' The educational secretary, Mrs. E. R. Snow, read thank- you notes from recipients of the chapter's scholarship awards, also a,jetter from the adopted school at McKerrow thanking the members for the Christmas parcel. Mrs. D. M. Campbell, public relations convener, read two releases sent out by "head- quarters touching on the work done by the national chapter over the past year and the Junior Chapter Seminar held in 1965 as a pilot project prelimi- nary to the 1967 Youth Travel it will sponsor. The IODE will also be cele- brating its 66th birthday across Canada Feb. 13. The lucky draw for the even- ing was won by the honorary regent, Mrs. T. K. Creighton. COLLEGE ENDORSED The regent read a letter re- ceived from Alderman R. Don- ald of the Central Ontario Re- gional College Council, with regard to Oshawa becoming the home of a College of Applied Arts and Technology. A reply was drafted informing the coun- cil the IODE approves and en- dorses such a college for this area, It was also announced that a committee would be set up shortly to select a centennial project for the Chapter to spon- sor in February, 1967. The Regent thanked Mrs. Sawyer for opening her home to the members. Quints Thrive | In Sixth Month | AUCKLAND (Reuters)--New Zealand's Lawson quintuplets, now nearly six months old, are thriving and steadily gaining weight, their mother said today. The mother, Mrs. 8S. W. Law- son, said the babies are not yet sitting up, but are making their own talking sounds. Samuel, the only boy, now Mrs. Lawson said the. quints| are putting on more-than-aver- age weight each week. A great advance has been the reduction| of solid meals to three a day.' SUNSHINE UNIT The January meeting of the Sunshine Unit of Simcoe Street United Church was held in the church parlor The new officers are: Mrs. Herman Pincombe, president; Mrs, Russell Hayward, vice- president; Mrs, Clayton Hewer, treasurer; Mrs. Keith Bucha- nan, secretary; Mrs. Hugh Mc- Leod, program convener; Mrs. Frank Singer, pianist, Group leaders are: Mrs. Lloyd Brown, Mrs. Byron Worden and Mrs. Reginald Pinder. Mrs. John Fisher is the press re- porter. é Dessert and coffee were served by Mrs. Brown's group prior to the meeting. | Mrs. McLeod conducted the worship service, the subject be- ing 'Alternative to Futility." Mrs. Buchanan read the scrip- ture and a solo was sung by Mrs. Earl Campbell with Mrs. Singer at the piano. Mrs. Pincombe welcomed the new members and asked the members to attend the UCW Bible Study at Simcoe Street United Church Feb. 9 and the rededication of the church chapel on Feb. 27. Tentative plans were made for the annual Patio Party May ST. MATTHEW'S WA Mrs. W. A.. McAllister, presi- dent, opened the Jan. 25 meet- ing of the St. Matthew's Wom- en's Auxiliary with prayer. Mrs. H. F. Moore gave the scripture reading. Reports were presented by Mrs, R. Johnston, Mrs. H. Meades and Mrs. W. R. Mitchell. : | Three members volunteered to assist in the tuck shop at Hillsdale Manor Feb. 1. A penny auction sale will be held at the Feb. 8 meeting. Plans for a bake and rummage sale were discussed. CALVARY BAPTIST YWMC The Calvary Young Women's Mission Circle met in the church. Seven letters from mis- sionaries and students were read thanking the group for Christmas gifts. A request was made for wash- able toys for the Cradle Roll) Department. The members rolled band-| ages, made picture books and changed shirts into gowns. These will be sent to mission- aries to assist in their work. The Feb, 14 meeting, at the) home of Mrs. Victor Henkel-| man, will have a Valentine! theme. | | DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of "Oshawa women's orgatiaztions as compiled irom reporws submitted by their secretaries. 3 i The spiritual convener, Mrs. Terry O'Connor, announced that any member interested in mak- ing a retreat at the Cenacle or spending a week with their fam- ily during the summer at Com- bermere should contact 'her. Proceeds from the November bazaar totalled $404. In an effort fo increase membership it was decided to send special, membership envelopes to each woman in the parish. A cheque for $200 was pre- sented to Father Darby toward payment of the church organ. STORIE PARK ASSOC. A membership meeting was held at Storie Park Clubhouse, Jan. 24, with 12 members in at- tendance. ' All members are urged to attend a special meet- ing at 7:30 p.m., Feb, 16, for the election of officers. Dave Bayers, sports chair- man, said there is still room for a few more pee wee hockey players. Boys between 10 and 13 years can phone Mr, Bayers at 725-7206. ST. GERTRUDE'S CWL Plans were made at a meeting of the St. Gertrude's Catholic Women's League for a fashion show to be held Mar. 2 in the parish hall. The president, Mrs. John Melnychuk, announced the an- nual card party will be held April 13. Mrs. James Potticary was named co-convener of this event. The members were reminded of the regional meeting, Feb. 27, at Ajax. Mrs. Bert Meraw, the mem- bership convener, reported 101 paid-up members. Father Alec Tacacs, said the pastor, Rev. John Myers, was recovering satisfactorily after his recent operation. He urged the members to read the re- cently published "Constituation on the Church in the Modern World," from the Vatican Coun- cil. BETA SIGMA PHI (Delta Sigma Chapter) The Delta Sigma Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met recently at the home of Mrs. Robert Burr. Plans were finalized for the convention. Mrs. Robert Jack- son issued tickets to interested members for the "Valentine Swirl" being sponsored by the Phi Phi Chapter to be held in St. Gregory's Auditorium on Friday, February 11. An invitation will be extend- ed to those members in Phi Phi c hapter, who are advancing to the ritnal of the jewels degree to attend on a date to be an- nounced at the next meeting, Miss Betty Baxter presented the cultural. program on the theme-"Travel?*As-one of The members would he jeaving +shortly-for-an-extended trip to Australia, the program consist- ed of various customs one would encounter in that country. Following the closing ritual a shower of gifts was presented to Miss Ellie Wilson who leaves soon for Australia, Refréesh- ments were served. SUNBEAM CHAPTER STAR The regular meeting of Sun- beam Chapter, No. 73 was open- ed by the Worthy Matron, Wil- ma Taylor and Worthy Patron, |George Taylor. | Presentation of the flag was |made by the Marshal, Pearle Davidson. The devotional ses- sion was given by the Chaplain, Beatrice Duchemin. A report on the sick members was given by Gladys Elliot, after which the WM Wilma Taylor extended get-well wishes and sympathy to the bereaved. A special wel- come was given to the Worthy Patron, who had returned from a brief stay in the hospital. | 'The degrees of the order were |conferred upon three new mem- |bers who were given a hearty welcome. The charter was draped in memery of past Worthy Matron, Martha Dunlop. An invitation was received jand accepted to attend the in- spection at Markham, Ontario. Refreshments were served by Ellen Curry and her committee. LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary of |Branch 43, Royal Canadian Le- \gion, met with the president, Mrs. Alyn Elliott, presiding. Sympathy was expressed to |Mrs. Ernest Brooks and family jin the passing of her husband. |Mrs. Charles Gibbs reported on |the recent outing to see "Take |A Chance"'. Zone Commander Mrs. Rob- ert Williams pays her official jvisit Feb. 15. SHRINKING VIOLETS Whitby Shrinking Violets TOPS Club held its meeting at Dundas Street School with a |very good attendance. A weight loss of 21 pounds |was reported. The highest loser, |Irene Clark, who lost six | ' Following the pounds, was made "Queen" for the evéning. There were five gainers who had to pay the penalties. The mast sanaen na alt Bamen. wast somere mennite fn 5a ~ ot the members was to skip around the toom saying "Oink Oink" and tapping each member on and do exercises. Ww was held. The winners were Beryl Clarke and Marg Long- muir. Social games were in charge of Vera Wilkes and Jean Mc- Donald. The winner was Mar- jorie King. a PMA CLUB The Pleasant Monday After- noon Club met at the Legion Hall with Mrs. V. Lee presiding. Favorite hymns were sting. Readings were given by Mrs. Lloyd Patterson, Mrs. George Whitbread, Mrs. Lloyd Annis and Mrs. Rose Zufelt. Plans for the 5ist birthday party Feb. 21 were discussed. the head. Others had to sing Refreshments and a social time were enjoyed at the close of the meeting. MERRY MATES _. The Merry" Mates Doubles Ciub of Chrisi: Memorial Angii- can Church "enjoyed a skating patty, Jan. 22, at Grierson's Pond. A good crowd skated on the sheltered ice lighted by gas- oline lanterns and a large bon- fire Later the members gathered at the home of Chuck and Bev Dewhirst, 1010 Oshawa bivd. n., for lunch. Plans were made for a night of curling Feb. 19 at the Annandale Curling Club. JOB IS GOOD ANYWHERE MONTREAL (CP) -- Nurses are needed all over the world, say Australians Pamela Hayes, 24, and Lesley Taylor, 25, who proved it by travelling 17,000 miles working as nurses. '""We just decide where we want to go, then go," said Lesley. Next stop is Ontario. "Asout TOWN" -- BURNS SHOE STORE +t alee CALL! FINAL CLEARANCE SHOES & WINTER FOOTWEAR For the Entire Family Terrific Savings! | BURNS 1 King Street West Hurry & Save! SHOES All Sales Final | IBS STOP LOOK & LISTEN ST. PHILIP'S CWL | A day of recollection was described by the spiritual direc- tor, Rev. M. J. Darby, at the | recent meeting of St. Philip's! Catholic Women's League. The date of the event was tentative- | ly set for Mar. 6. It will be held| with Holy Cross Council at Holy | Cross Church. | The regional CWI public) speaking contest will be held| Feb. 20 at St. Gregory's Audi- | torium. Trophies will be pur- chased for the boy and girl from St. Philip's School who! will be taking part. The regional CWL meeting| will be held Feb. 27 in St. Ber- | nadette's Church, Ajax, at 2.30) p.m. Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By. Electrolysis with our advanced method, from face, arms, legs. Free of worry and embarrassment. FREE CONSULTATION MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa et the Genosha Hotel, Feb. 14, 18 and 16 PHONE 723-4641 For eppointment on these dotes EnterainerEB x 9900000000000000000000000000% FEBRUARY SALE PRICES! | French Provincial 'the meeting and welcomed two! eguests, Mrs. T. J. Heath and Mrs. A. Charlwood. The secretary, Mrs. E. L.| Disney, read the minutes and | -correspondence received from the Royal Canadian Legion, thanking the chapter -for its purchase of a wreath; a notice Mess lM Sugar Substitutes Q. scientists hove found substitutes harmful. true ? irror Is this f A. The only recent comment with which we ore fomilior Pertaining to sugar substitutes Sugor | The | from Foundation. § originated Research | recently reed thet suger | CAMP OCONTO h For girls... 6 to 16 years $i n h tawa and Montreal tri- For further information contact the directors: ituated on Eagle Lake, orth of Kingston, in the eart of the Toronto, Ot- Mr. Mrs. C. Labbett 3 Pine Forest Rd. Torente 12. Telephone: 489-1032 RGA Victor Contemporary Foundation referred to an ex-/ perimental study which] @ showed that cyclomates (sugar substitutes) had an adverse effects on the growth of rats. zB. The onimals were apparently fed huge quontities of the artificial sweetener B effects con be Adverse induced in animals and humans by ex- cess dosages of almost any substance --- ordinory table salt, for example. The Food and Drug Administration, the Food Protection Committee of the National Academy of Science -- National Reseorch il, and the American Association have stated thot now used ore safe. cyclamates as Remember -- the diagnosis | and treatment of disease is the function of the potient's physician. personal The personal intrest. we take 'nm the health of those we serve is of equal importance | with the professional skill we| put in the dispensing of pre- scribed medicine. - . PRUGS 28 King East Oshawa Open Evenings till 9 p.m. Pres City Wide Dotivery I'd Rather Fight Than Switch ! "Why? Because my Shirts have never look- ed better! | sent my DIRTY SHIRTS to PICKWICK CLEANERS and they come back es fresh and white as " new. TRY PICKWICK CLEANERS EXPERT SHIRT LAUNDERING, YOU'LL FIND THAT YOU'D ATHER FIGHT THAN SWITCH TOO! PICKWICK CLEANERS | & SHIRT LAUNDERERS | | 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 728-5133 Lb 22" CONSOLE 23" CONSOLE B In rich natural walnut veneer, a I! range control, static-free | sound, automatic scene control, F high level contrast control «nd H many more outstanding feat- B ures by RCA. 359.95 $10 down -- $4 week In beoutiful hand-rubbed satin walnut, fruitwood or mahogany. With advanced engineering features built in by RCA for longer life and clearer pictures. 23" TV.Radio-Phono Combination Model No. TS-3643. New Vista TX66.tronstormer RCA Victor RADIO-PHONO COMBINATION $1 599.95 0 down -- $5. week powered TV chassis, 20,000 volts picture power, keyed AGC. New Vista Tuner. UHF Convertible. FM/ AM radio with provision for Multiplex FM Stereo Radio. AFC. 6 push-button functions. Gar- rard Record Changer. Speakers: Two 9" x 6'; two 31%"; one 5'. In Walnut finish. H. 293 W. 5534"; D. 16". SEE RCA VICTOR NEW VISTA TV AT B.FGOODRICH -- HOME & AUTO CENTRE 88 King West 725-4543 WITH ~ EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES features "Beat the House" for both men and women! This consists of o five game series after which the highest scorer meets the house champ. If he wins he receives $25.00; if he loses he receives $10.00 and the remainder goes on to the house total for next week, So, as you can see, the total con be quite larae sometime. For all night owls, EASTWAY features "Twilight Bowling' on Friday even= ings from 11 p.m, to the wee hours of Saturday morning. With all the lights out except for the king pin lights, | am sure you will agree this creates a relaxed atmosphere, For one and oll, old or young spend a comfortable evening at the EASTWAY BOWL, King Eost. %. . fe eee 3 Due to the upcoming surge of color television, it is imperotive that you use a very directive antenna rather thon the ordinary broad bonded antennas previously used. By adding a rotator to your color antenna you can achieve a much gfeater signal, as you pinpoint your. antenna to the station. Due to the location nal ig -- are T.V, stations 360°. By using a rotator it is also possible to eliminate certain types of interference. You will find OSHAWA T.V, SUPPLY is ovals to assist you in mony suggestive ways to bring, you better T.V. reception. Why not call 723-8131 where service and knowledge is @ must to bring you complete year-round satisfaction! x.* * When talking to Heidi last week, she mentioned that she carries @ complete line of Sans Soucis cosmetics in her shop. Sans Soucis, "The World's Purest Cosmetics' are prepared from selected herbal extracts and beautifying mineral water from the Block Forest Spa, Baden-Baden. They are known the world over for their outstanding effectiveness for all types of skin, even if you have allergies! One of their preparations | would highly recom- mend is the 7-Day Wonder Mask which is a complete skin- rejuvenating mask treatment. | hove found it to be very effec- tive and. refreshing on the skin. Also, for those little crows-feet forming at the corner of your eyes, | suggest the Eye Wrinkle Balsom to contro! and eliminate lines. For complete information call HEIDI'S MODERN HAIRSTYLING 723-5631, x *& This news will be of special significance to prospective brides and bridegrooms. TURNBERRY INTERIORS have already had some summer brides-to-be, choosing the furnishings for their future homes and apartments. They have all been very pleased with the relaxed atmosphere while choosing furnishing thot co-relate. They also find it an easy job to match-up colors of broadioom, drapery and upholstery materials from the wide selection available. They enjoy the idea of plonning everything for their future home without the usual exhaustion ond frustra- tion. Plan ahead to stop in within plenty. of time as special styles, materials, etc. can take up to three months for delivery. Located on 312 Stevenson Rd. N., Mrs, Clarke will be very pleosed to help you. 723-3889. x -*% * Be. ready for Spring! Why not take your Lawn Boy (Power Mower) and Evinrude outboard motors in for pre-season servic- ing now. Avoid the rush! OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. carry a complete stock of parts for outboard marine products, and also have repairs by service specialists, They handle a full stock of fibreglass cloth, resins, repair compounds, marine glue, and marine paints for that refinishing job this spring. For any infor- mation on sports equipment, call Norm et 723-1901. 2 Se eee, 3 Rentol of new end used televisions Is evolloble ot ALCAN FURNITURE & APPLIANCES. T.V.'s (Marconi 19"), lamps, living room sets, etc. all your home may possibly need is avail- able in a wide selection. Everything is very rea: ly priced, with a price to fit every pocket book. Bertha Segers, pro- prietor, also mentioned that they have some 24" and 30" ranges (used) available. ALCAN features a complete appliance repair department specializing in wringer washers, ranges and driers. Drop in and browse around, Located 452 Simcoe S$. x ©. The reputation of a Used Car Dealer is built not only on the deal he offers the prospective buyer but also on the depend- ability of the cars he sells. When the cor dealer is not only selling the best used cars in the country, but is willing to stand behind his product, then much of your worry is eliminated. Such a mon is MORLEY STALKER of MORLEY STALKER MOTORS LTD. Morley is determined to give you not only the best deal on a used cor, but also the best car for your money. You can purchase « car at Morley's with complete confidence as to dependability and value. In Oshawa, it's the upside-down sign that leads you to the best value for your car-buying dollar. Thot's MORLEY STALKER MOTORS LTD., 137 KING WEST. ee fee If you are needing something moved, whether it be large or small, LOCKWOOD MOVING AND STORAGE are the people to call. They have trucks for every type of moving job and are completely trained in every phase of moving or storage. It is a proven fact that any job is done better by a professional, and LOCKWOOD MOVING & STORAGE are certainly professionals in this moving and storage business, Located at 557 Bloor St. in Oshawa, they are only a phone call away ot 725-2831, and ere prepared to handle your moving job to your complete sotisfaction. Across town, or across the country you can rely on LOCKWOOD MOVING & STORAGE for fast, professional moving service, ~~ ee "We weld anything, but the break of doy'. This phrase best describes the service offered by BUD'S WELDING of Pickering, Ontario, BUD'S WELDING does steel fabricating of all types with workmanship guaronteed. Dress up the exterior of your home or place of business by having Bud's make and install ornamental railings, signs ond sign brackets, fences, gates, window guards and grills and porch columns. Steel fire-escopes ore o necessity on buildings of two storeys and can save you money on insurance ond add to the volue of your Expert workmanship is standard at BUD'S WELDING, Ontario. property. Pickering, * es If you hove friends or relatives who are planning a visit end yeu haven't the facilities to accommodate them, then may | suggest you make reservations at the FLYING DUTCHMAN. Their rooms are beautiful and comfortable and the service is superb. When it comes to delicious, mouth-watering foods, in their extravagent, luxurious dining room, you will find, as well os your friends, there is no place finer than the FLYING DUTCH- MAN MOTOR HOTEL. For reservations phone 623-3373 and your requirements will be token core of by a courteous efficient member of their staff. Ko oe Have you heard of the dining and dancing being featured ot the OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE? They have o-FULL COU steak dinner with juice, salad, baked potatoes, coffee or tee, hot roll with butter and ice-cream, for only $4.00 per person. This special is on every Saturday evening. | om sure you will enjoy the candlelight atmosphere and soft music presented by Bernard Tierney and his orchestra. Forget the. dishes and enjoy yourself ot the OSHAWA. STEAK HOUSE, 1626 Simcoe St, N. this Soturdey evening. * 2 * Tired of the hustle-bustle of the city? Well, Mr. Frank of W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. mentioned he has a beautiful country retreat listed. Just three miles out of Oshawa, you con obtain the quiet atmosphere you are looking for. An exquisite 100 yeor old eight room house done in early Canadian fashion is situated on 115 acres of land. This gem is situated beck from the roadway and a colourful maple lane drive leads up to the house. There is a large painted barn, The view is real breath- taking. For the hobby fishetman, there is a nice trout stream right through the property. With a little bit of modernizing it would be the ideal house and property for a professional man. For all the little extras it features, it is a terrific buy at $75,000, For further particulors call 728-7518 x ew When talking to Don Robinson proprietor of OSHAWA LAUN- DRY & DRY CLEANING he informed me that they have another service which is available to the residents and businesses of the area. They now have oa rental service on sheets and linen, table clothes, uniforms for doctors and nurses and also supply hotels and businesses with laundry of every sort. If you are in the need for any of the above mentioned, moy | suggest you call 723- 1471 for further information. The prices are reasonable and the service is excellent. You will find OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING awnite your every need to serve you with complete satisfaction.