Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Feb 1966, p. 9

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cL BED RW. 8.10150 UI HOME DESIGN NO. 437 It is always very difficult to produce an attractive looking house to fit a 40 foot lot and still avoid a boxey appear- ance. However, our designer seems to have solved this problem. This small home has an excellent plan with virtual- ly no waste space. It would make an ideal home for a re- tired or childless couple. If heated electrically, the chim- ney with fireplace might be omitted if desired. Construc- tion is brick veneer but house could be built in frame. In- structions for doing so are in- cluded with the blueprints. Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 437 cost $15.00 for GARDEN GUIDE Any African violet fan will tell you that the easiest way to increase these house plants is by leaf cuttings. Although this has become the standard proce- dure for African violets, it is not generally known that a much wider range of plants may be increased in this way. Among these are the picka- the time of insertion, the same way. REX 2=GONIA Leai-Cutting Big Aid, Africa Violet Growth the leaf itself just rests on the)become overmature, they drop surface. Water the pot well at After- wards, do not allow the med- ium to dry out, and yet do not keep it too wet. Peperomias and gloxinias should be treated in to the ground and immediately take root with little outside aid. The bryophyllums or air plants produce young plantlets all around the edges of their leaves, if an old leaf is hung up in a humid place. ' Some kalanchoes produce --~ EU ORONO (TC) -- Winter sports are in full swing at the Orono Arena. Five hockey teams, ranging from Atoms to juve- niles, are operating each week. The Orono Figure Skating Club holds two sessions a week while there are three periods of public skating. A letter from residents of Park st. asking improvements in the condition of stfeets and back plant, some varieties of water lilies, almost all sedums, cotyledons and kalanchoes, Rex varieties of begonia, some rho- dodendrons, gloxinias, pepero- mias and the snake plants (San- seveira). Of course, there is more to this method: of propagation than just picking a leaf and placing it in a glass of water, as some people do with African violets, but the procedure is quite sim- ple. For the propagation of plants by leaves, a good rooting med- ium such as vermiculite, perlite or sand is most important. Place the medium in a pot, pan or flat jand insert the cuttings in this. |Since light is important in the development of roots, the recep- jtacles in which the cuttings are) with a fine mist every two or Propagating the Rex begonia varieties from leaves is an en- tirely different and more fas- cinating procedure. First, get a flat filled with rooting medium, tamp it down level and water it well, Then take a begonia leaf and turn it upside down. Next made several cuts across its large protruding 'veins. Now place ihe leaf right side up on top of the medium and peg it down with wire or place a few small stones on top to ensure close contact. Moisten the leaf} drop to the cuttings covering. three days. After about three weeks new plants will arise from the places where incisions were made. Allow these to de- velop lots of roots, then pot them individually. The snake plant or sanseviera has long thick leafy stems which iclothes, plantlets around the edges of their leaves while they are still on the plant. These little plants enough moisture, will start to send out roots and grow. Plants that grow from leaf usually fleshy leaves that do not suffer from exposure to sunlight and so, unlike normal soft-cuttings, they do not need any The leaf cuttings will need'no special care until they are well rooted, except for an occasional| spray with an atomizer. This instrument can be a bottle with holes in the top such as that us jally used for dampening) or one of the rubber-| ball types of atomizers. main thing is not to soak the cuttings or media too much and sidewalks has been referred by the Police trustees to the road committee. | The sum of $12,631.04 has been prepaid on frontage and connec- tion charges for the Orono Water System. This amount was turned over to the Ontario Water Resources Commission. A letter from' the United Counties Health Unit approved the use of garbage disposal area on the property of A. Pos. iD. Simpson said he understood Clarke Township wants to es-} tablish a disposal area of its }own in this section of the town- ship and wants the village to go u-jin with it. The matter will be discussed with the township. The secretary of the trustee Th e|board will contact the Ontario Water Resources Commission asking its representative to brief soil and, with have thick extra / THE OSHAWA TIMES, feturdey, Februcry 12, 1966 9 Hockey In Full Swing - Parish Honors Ashmores ment did not provide any bonus. "I question the engineers in de- signing the system with a six- inch main."" Mr. Woodyard also doubted the one could call the eight-inch main oversizing. "Have we the authority to tell the township assessor what he will do" said D, Simpson.. He jthen stated that the township has said it will assess the sprinkler system. To this Mr. Woodyard said: "They could have a lawsuit on their hands." Mr. Woodyard then stated that he understood the agree- ment was made with the knowl- edge of the OWRC. D. Simpson couritered that nothing to this effect had been put in writing. "Why was the water system put in? To serve the needs of the whole municipality and this it did not do with the six-inch main," said Mr. Woodyard, Mr. Simpson said costs had to be considered, "You will never serve the municipality if you are pénny wise and pound fool- ish," said Mr. Woodyara. a: Mr, Woodyard then called the discussion out of order. TEEN DANCE PICKERING BEACH (TC)-- The Silver Strings made a hit with the teenagers at. their dance Saturday night at the Powell rd. School. Prizes were won by Karen Hancock, -- Collicott, Liz Graham and Smerhy. Members of the Ajax Kinsmen Club supervised the event. A demonstration of a new method of decorating linens was held Monday night at the home of Mrs. V. Parker. The Home and School Assocl- ation executive met at the home of Mrs. Bruce Mitchell, Lakeview blvd., Monday night. MAILS WITH A BANG CATANZARO, Italy (AP)-- The mails are too slow, com- plained a note signed by a skull at the main post office here. The bomb's clockwork was slow as well and it failed to explode be- fore it was dismantled. 4 linserted should be placed in a 4 : : the first set, and $5.00 for ad- lsunny or well-lighted window. ns ne cut into lengths of two ditional sets. They are avail- | ; i to three inches and then placed he' ik 'Cagadn: + ret Let us take African violets|ja1¢ an inche deep in one of the able in Canada by return /first, 1 like to root these in @|media, They will eventually mail. (Ontario residents must (4 inch pot of vermiculite or. per-| y ; samit'S per cant Silos Tex.) 1... ee "|send out roots from the base and Now eeataiee at -this Bey lite. Perlite, an expanded vol-|rrom these roots will arise new the trustees on the operation, management and other factors pertaining to the village water system. D. M. Simpson referred to an agreement signed last year be- yet provide sufficient humidity: As soon as shoots appear around the base of the plant it is time to transplant. Put the rooted cuttings into small pots) LIVING 16-3120 INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE paper Office (or from the .ad- leanic rock, looks like snow and : oy shoots. is very clean. Vermiculite, ex-) If it is the yellow and green not more than three inches in diameter;. do not use too big a tween Curvply and the Trustees in which no charge whatsoever DRAPERIES BROADLOOM dress below) is our new De- panded mica, is easier to ob-| S ; sign Book entitled "Suburban |iain and quite efficient, except| Variety from which the cuttings "a;were taken, the new shoots will and Country Homes designed |that it breaks down in time and| ie | ; jfor sprinkler service. He said) for Canadians" price $1.00 | the level of the media will some-|"ot be the same as the parent|ting 's one Sart enen of 'sand, 1 S aren soll and. peat ithis agreement was contrary to tax free. This edition includes |tjmes drop an inch or 80 be- | Plant but will be green. To in-/8°! 200 P&S ___|the Municipal Act and did pro- information on Cost of Build- |fore the leaves send up their|crease this yellow-edged var-| |vide a bonus to Curvply. ing and Financing in Canada, |new shoots. jiety you must resort to division SEEK HAIRY JOWLS | E. R. Woodyard referred to Heating Insulation, Construc- | whatever medium is used, the|in the same way as for some p| NOTTINGHAM, Englandanother section in the Act tional Details, etc., plus many | procedure of inserting the eut-|ennials. |(CP)--Members of the East/ Act which, did give authority for outstanding new designs -- /tings is the same. I prefer to The so-called succulent plants,| Midlands Handlebar Moustache | the Trustees to enter into agree- Ranch, one and half storey, linsert the cuttings all around|such as cotyledons, sedums,|Club are seeking new members| ment for the supply of water for split level, two storey Colonial |the edge of the pot and put|bryophyllums and kalanchoes,|to build up declining member-| fire protection with any individ- | and Duplex Homes. Also in- |, yariety label in the middle.{are the easiest of all to growjship. The only qualification is|ual or corporation. He further cluded in this Book are full |~ake young leaves from the|from leaves. When the leaves|a moustache of '"'graspable di-|said that Curvply had paid for details on how to order Blue- |centre of the plant, for these|f some cotyledons and sedums mensions." 'this service and that the agree-| prints, seem to root faster and are more} " . - -- |pot or some cuttings will not), ; . aves. The best aati for pot-|'5 to be made against Curvply 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, (0 Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reouests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). : Name Address = lriggrus. Cat the tem 2 EN EY OY A A Ye RE Oe ES oe Se OO tenis ihe tia a WHETHER YOU ARE PLANNING TO BUILD A NEW HOME... OR REMODEL YOUR PRESENT ONE! CONTACT... OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. of the fire hazard), rubbing on the tile surface and allow-| 5 toa ling to remain for about 20 min- | jutes, then rinsing off with warm| jwater. When the tile surface is FIRST AID TO AILING HOME, *s%:"svcr's te sence' WATERPROOFING sible with a stiff brush. pared ager eg ba Ree ' , i i t bs ot es : i QUESTION: We would like to Sat ts Ste mained: facturer and widely available paint our basement with water- rei _fiarge '|in supermarkets, housewares, Wet the brick with clear water , fs resistant paint. We have been! and scrub with mechanic's hand hardware stores, following label! advised by a paint store that/soap containing fine sand and or ae ae hice the paint will be ineffecitye be-|planty of hot water; rinse/ oe . nrotective coating on cause our basement walls were| thoroughly with clear water. Or). 0 41) f id shaken F ltry a cleaning and etching prep-|'"e 'He surface and makes fu-| ry Prvrrrir iii) PPrerrriiiii titi Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. © LLOYD CORSON, President || © DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. |} e@ LUCAS PEACOCK, See-Trees | 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA | PHONE 723-5281 | reviously painted. Is there any} : | pakate resistant-paint that can\aration for stone prints ture removal of scum easier, | treating painted concrete walls| not successful, it may be neces- SA VE ON to make them water resist-|sary to go over the dry brick) be applied over painted walls? |surfaces, following label direc- ant? surface with coarse sandpaper. | Is there any other manner of | tions carefully. If results are ANSWER: There is a clear|scuM ON SHOWER TILE finish coating which can be-ap-| ; , y way | AUTO INSURANCE plied over painted concrete) QUESTION: Is there any way If you are an Abstainer you save up to $26.00 on your auto insurance, tect the old paint. I suggest you elbow grease, to. remove the! inquire at other paint dealers; | scum and coating that accumu- or consult your classified tele- i199 | phone directory under '"Water- late on shower tile? Our home is 50 years old; I have a feel- proofing materials." | ling the poor tile is just- tired, SOOTY FIRE BRICK put it gets so slimy and most | QUESTION: How can I clean|unattractive. I have tried clean- | and remove soot from the fire|sers, commercial tile cleaners, brick inside the fireplace? to no avail. | ANSWER: Fire brick, being) ANSWER: Remove the soap soft and absorbent, will be dif-|accumulation on the tile with a/ ficult to clean completely. Brush|paste made of powdered whit-| off as much of the soot as pos-jing and kerosene (be careful which will waterproof and pro- | besides using strong acid and | SM as RGE STOCK INCLUDES: WALLBOARDS Ten-Test - Gyproe - Ultrawall Kenmore Boord - Pegboard Abitibi Hardboords Flexboard - Weldwood Decorative Plywoods. FLOORING Oak - Pine - Spruce - Viny! Asbestos - Torginol Seamless Modern Tufting Broadloom, PLANS Homes « Garages ~ Cottages Fences « Do-It-Yourself Plywood Plans. F JOHN RIEGER II aye DIAL Gir) LUMBER r 728-7567 Spruce - Pine - Fir - Cedar Oak - Birch - Maple - Walnut Replace your old TV antenna, get Better Pictures witha New Super STARFIRE WINDOWS by 'LINDSAY'. . « HARDWARE Complete Line of Millers Falls Tools Both Hand and Power Pyramid Posts - Lazy Susan Spindles - Joist Hangers - Cupboard Hardware - Schlageh Lock Sets - Hinges - Wood and Metal Legs - Medicine Cabinets - Sliding Door Hardware DOORS Interior (all types) - Exterior (all types) - Wood Storm - Aluminum Storm - Folding Doors - Garage Doors PAINTS & VARNISHES Pittsburgh Interior Oil and Latex - Pittsburgh Exterior Oil and Latex Never - Wax - Varathane Valspar Full Stain Line Complete Line of Resilacrete MISCELLANEOUS Paint Brushes - Paint Rollers Weatherstripping - Shelf Brackets - Tub Enclosures Sandpaper - Putty - Plastic Wood - Letter Boxes, TOOL AND DIE OPPORTUNITY WITH REAL FUTURE. Dominion Sesh - Pierson Sashless - Mason Sashless insulating Glass. INSULATION Batts - Loose Insulation Aluminum Foil - Polythene SIDINGS Western Cedar Bevel - White Pine Bevel - Spruce Cove Renchwall - Knotty Pine Vertical - Asbestos Rock Asbestos Permatone. ROOFING Standard Aspho'? Shingles Super Seal Asphait Shingles Roll Roofing - Galvanize Roofing - Aluminum Roofing. MOULDINGS Base - Casing - Dowelling Crown Moulding - Bed Moulding CEMENTS Jiffy Cement - Contact Cement Insulation - Wood Glues Foundation Coating - Caulking Compounds - Roof Coating. Shop located in Western Ontario requires outstanding young die-maker as foreman. We require « man who is tops in his trade and who will grow with our shop. He must be aggressive and have « sense of urgency to meet deadlines. He must be able to lead and train his men. Te such a man we offer an outstonding future with excellent salary. Reply in confidence. BOX NO. D123 NEW AT MILLWORK 4' x 8' Sheets LAMINATED PLASTIC Ideal for counter tops, bars, cupboards, ete. Available in ten decorative colors, 49 Ask About Our 6 Month Deferred Payment Plan MILLWORK & Building Supplies Ltd. 728-6291 ee eee CLEAR-UP YOUR TV. PICTURE With this EXTRA High Performance TV antenna and be teady for VIVID COLOUR at its best. CEILING TILES J.M, Plain White and design PLYWOODS Fir - Birch - Mahogany Formica - Arborite Post Form Cupboard Tops. NAILS Common - Finishing - Box Coated - Ardox - Concrete Wallboard - Blued Lath, Have the SSF-10 installed and enjoy improved SPARK- LING black and white pictures, ENGINEERED FOR EXCELLENT COLOUR BLACK & WHITE TELEVISION RECEPTION CUSTOM-BUILT CUPBOARDS--CUSTOM-BUILT COTTAGES CUSTOM-BUILT. GARAGES FULL LINE OF TAPPAN-GURNEY RANGES HOODS and REFRIGERATORS Oshawa Wood Products LIMITED SCA ot Gee a ae BORE RUE le Ge Re Me BE ee "ALLONT -- THE NAME TO BUILD ON" e SQUARE FOOT Call we TODAY for a Free antenna check up and estimate T.R.1.0. TELEVISION Corner of Bond and Division Street OSHAWA PHONE 728-5143 Courtice Shopping Cent 728-1611 8 6i7 728-1617 ALLO | 1279 Simcoe North

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