pean sist = 'MUGGS AND SKEETER 'JULIET JONES © King Fenteres Syruiicuta, Ign, 1966. ('M INTRODUCING . THE NEW ° . AIR FRESHENER, "MOUNTAIN PINE" EQ THANKS TO YO; MAH PORE STARVIN' NEIGHBORS WILL. SINCE THE WORD OF ANNIES $1Z500 REWARD GOT OUT, THE WORLD IS 6UDPENLY FULL OF ye" BUT THIS ISN'T THE BRING A 2--~ LAPDER! BRING ALAPPER!! ais, tne, 1900, World tights reserved. i casey PO MISSES THE cid ve ATTACHING BANDS LEGS, TO IDENTIFY BACH ID WiLL ees Ne THING FOR YOU, SAWYER, YOU CAN SURE * FLY A PLANE, le BECOMES A PIONEER IN ER THOUSANDS OF BIR! ® TO BIRDS' NDED, HE ERECTS A GE "MAB OF NORTH AMERICA OUT6IDE HIS HOME... , m "AIN THE DATE,AS WELL AS MY NAME AND ADDRESS . NOW 10 TRY TO.LOCATE \ CASEY'S KIDNAPPERS! © King Fewares Syndicate, lnc, 1966, World vighte seearwed. OH, HO! LOOK! --dJack Miner THEM...» CONT) === Toronto Telegram News Service" ALL. NAMED ROONEY, OF COURSE~ mal IN FACT, I THINK ANOTHER ONE HAS ARRIVED IN THE OUTER J OFFICE YOU COULD AT LEAST HAVE HAD Ting Fenaee Syediim lon. 1908 World ghee renrvad, 1 DON'T FEEL WELL FA PLEASE GC WELL ooo. IF E GO. Wo wie WHAT TUL SEE YOD AGAIN ) YOU WISH.uu LATER, YOU MAY HAVE THAT ADVANTAGE, CLAY, /tL GOING TO DROP IT/ THATLL GIVE Py WAITS YOU THE EDGE ON ME/ THE LONE RANGER PASS, WHEN SUDDENLY-- SECRET AGENT X9 TEN-- TWENTY-~ THIRTY SECONDS THEN A CAESAR SALAD, =| FILET MIGNON, PARFAIT, FROMAGE, ESPRESSO! --_____ AND A CHILLED CHABLIS... DONALD DUCK by King Features Syodicase, HOW DOES THAT SOLIND, eee NOW BRING US TWO CHEESEBLIRGERS, HEAVY ON THE IT'S SOMETHING HE ¥ BOUGHT AT THE BOOK { STORE OVER ON ELM... |. AFTER DELIVERING TO GRANDMA HER FIRST LESSON OFA MAIL-ORDER COURSE.., CHAS, Kunn: 1-25 ON JUDO AND KARATE / Eke p Oa pel f eee pons, 0 4 pn? ype PARENTS DISAPPROVE aaa OF YOU, SKEETS? IN THAT CASE, TLL BE GENEROUS AND GIVE YOu P, A HORIZONTAL ZERO! hw WE PRICES BOAST A COUPLE OF BARGE CAPTAINS, ONE FORGER WHO: ACHIEVED INTERNATIONAL FAME, AND FOUR ACRES OF LAND THAT GREW SECOND-GRADE ALFALFA, ; MY FAMILY TREE WAS A : STUNTED CAROLINA PINE, HONEY, IT MEANS YOU FAILED ONLY BECAUSE You LAY Vaur THAT... THAT'S OLD-/4 YOU'VE FASHIONED! OBVIOUSLY NOBODY JUDGES A NEVER MET THE YOU BY YouR 4 TRENIERS, FAMILY ANY MORE! >~ 1906. World rights reserved. © King Features Syndicate, Inc.. CROSSWORD ACROSS . Eager . Young cow . Steal: sl, . River: 6. Italian Before mountain Pri- range mary . Apollo's color instrument . Has- tened » Metale lie watcher . . rocks of a,sort ve . Jars: . Ogle 13. Rom, . Wind lightly Antiq. instruments 15.Comb wool . Egyptian . Warrioress 17. Eng. short- earth . Watch out story writer god , River: 18, Couch Czech. 19, Guidonian . African note . Scandine term antelope . Capital of avian 39. Sun Chile capital god i + We 7 [B . Sherwood, ZA for one . Ruined A\d LL) . Certain 15 tripods . Corridor . Seal attached to papal documen* . Firm , Metat fissure . Upon DOWN . Absent . Dispose of: 2 words . Unieck: poet. . Goddess of earth . Capital city ElSISISMRET aga ao eee iS On IE OIRILIOIS|SMMAININ IE] ICIEINIEISMIC|S] ua SNGs oS [HIE MEP IOINIGTE IE] Yesterday's Answeg 34. Slide 35, Ancient 31, Author of times 14Episties 37, Baseball YOUR HEALTH Close Check Advised Of Blood Pressure By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: 1 am in myfitems in most cases provides early 20's and for ihe last few|the necessary clues for correct- months I have noticed that if}ing the trouble in younger peo- I bend over to pick up some-'ple.- In 'older folks, the same thing, or move my head fast I}causes may be at work, but get dizzy and feel like I am go-|middle ear trouble, high blood ing to pass out. This is espe-jpressure causing dizziness, and cially true during my menstrual] some other difficulties may also period. Could-it be a brain tu-| warrant inquiry. mor?--Miss B.W. Dear Dr. Molner: My hus- Brain tumor, especially at)band, 66, has diverticulosis, but your age, is quite unlikely--andj|not bad. I would like more in- anyway it would give entirely) formation. different symptoms. He has always been (a big You do need a physical exam-jeater, and even likes "a little ination, nowever, and at yourjextra meat" with his cake or age it would be logical to check|pie. Also he wants mustard, blood pressure (suspecting low-| vinegar and black pepper ofthis ness), to investigate whether| sandwiches your thyroid may be less active) I can't convince him that he than nornial, and to have aj should eliminate these from his blood count because some an-'food because they must be irri- emia may have developed tating. Or maybe I'm wrong.-- Examination covering these'J. W. Channel 2--Buftale 9:30 Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buffale Channel 6--Toronto Channel 7--Buffalo Channel &--Rochester 4--Petticoat Channel 9--Toronto eI Spy Channe! 11--Hamilten CSoneecesrimnaisenenniennme T¥SSuAY eve. 5:00 P.M, N--Pamily Theatre 10:30 9--Five O'clock Movie &--Bupermen 6--Passport To Adventure 3--Stingray 'Lloyd Thaxton R 5:30 P.M, 318 S-Leeve it Te Beever) ; 7Rocketship 7 | S--anetre FF Music Hop $--Rawhide 00 Pm 7--Twilight Theatre 6--Generation 4---News, Sports wi? Chuck Hesly 7--The Fug ia 6:20 PLM, 0-8--Tenight i fet 6:30 P.M. 11:40 Family Theatre 8 | éNighteap | 12:30 @--Huntley-Brinkley 7--Maverick db Acrees (seein 7:00 P.M, WW--Daniel Boone 9--The Littlest Hebe @--Biography 4--Neows, Weather, Sports é--Newscap 9:00 9--Playtime 4--Car #4, Where are | 4 -Mike's C You? 3--Gilligan's island 2--Huntiey- Brinkley 6--Extension 7:30 P.M. 9--Musical Showcase 10:00 8 2--My Mother The Car | 11--Whiplash 1--Combat 9--Playtime 4--On The Seene 4--Rawhide 3--Hogan's Heroes £00 Pm 11--Movie 10:30 %--Gomer Pyle N--Ed Allen §-2--Please Don't Eat The! 9--Bingo 6-3--Ivanhoe 6-3--Red Skelton Hour 8:30 P.M. |43--Friendly 2--Dr. Kildare 10:48 7--McHale's Navy 4-Red Skelton | %--F-Troop | 11:00 |3-2--Paradise In The Army | ®--Mr. And 0-2--Movie §-2--Morning 63--Front Page Challenge! 7--Supermar' 1--F Troop is 6 7--Peyton Place 6-3--Dick Van Dyke 6&3--News Magazine 4--CBC Reports ¢3~ The Public Eye 4--Chopin Singing Society 11:00 N44-74-43-3-- News Weather end Sports P.M, ines 6--Viewpeint ¥-4--Late Show é--Hight Metre | %Plerre Berton WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangeres Report 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 2--Dobie Gillis Bobby 8-2--Fractured Phrases 4-1 Love Lucy Daisies 8-2--Concentration | 7--Donna Reed | 4-The McCoys 9:00 P.M. The Wacklest Ship |11--Mike Douglas '3--Butternut Square TELEVISION LOG PLM, 1:30 A.M, %--Abracadabra |6-3--Across Canada | 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:00 NOON Junction \1--The Mery Griffin Shew | %--Toronto Today itive P.M, P.M, % | Love Lucy 1-2--Let's Play 64--Searc For Tomorrew o--Neon-day Revert 12:45 PLM, ¢4--Gulding Light 1:00 P.M. Pm. 1)--Theatre 9--Morning Star ot Ma e--Matinee 11:30 P.M, 7--Ben Casi N--The Saint 4 6--Luncheon Date thew 4--Meet The Miliers 3--Summer Carousel @ Dougie PM, + 1:30 P.M, 9--James Beard Show | 64--As The World Turns 2:00 P.M. P.M, | \|--News, Weather, Sports $--~ Kids Is People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password 2--Days of Our Lives 2:15 P.M. A.M. %--Dear Chariotte with Unele 2:30 P.M. --People In Conflict Doctors Bobty | 7--Dialing For Dollars | 8-8--The With Girl Talk 1A Time For Us 4--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkletter's Party Movie 3:00 P.M. --Donna Reed 9--Fractured Phrases #2--Another Werks 7--Qeneral Hospital +43--To Teil The Truth 3:30 P.M, 11--Funny Company v--Ite Your Move @--You Don't Sey 7--Superman Show A.M. +3--Take 30 4--Edge of Might | 2--Kartoon Karnival 200 P.M. carnival A.M, With Uncle } 00 | | %--Mickey Mouse Club Giant 6--The Match Game 7--Early Show A.M. 63--Bonnie Prudden Show Storm 6-3--Chez Helene. 4--Secret B-Rocky end His A.M, | Friends Bay 4:30 P.M. 11--Secret Squirrel Mrs. 9--Movie Star 7--Early Show ket Sweep 6-3--Razzie Dazzle 4--The 4-Thirty Show The items you mention shouldn't bother his diverticu- lum (which is what is irritated when you have~diverticutosis.) Rather, your husband will likely benefit much more by avoiding foods which leave a great deal of residue after hav- ing passed through the stomach and upper intestine--bran, nuts, corn and berries with seeds are the -principal such items. Dear Dr. Molner: I am 29, and for the last year have been bothered by dry, chapped lips. I have never had this or any skin problem before. In the last couple of months it has become worse. "I have tried "petroleum jelly and chap sticks but they don't help. Is there anything else to do?--Miss K.B. First of all, consider the pos- sibility of being allergic to. lip stick, or even toothpaste or a mouthwash if. you use one, Such sensitivity is a lot more com- }mon than you may think--com- mon enough so non-allergic lip- sticks are available. Or just omit cosmetics entirely for a lit- tle while. Change toothpaste. The second possibility: Do 'you smoke cigarettes? Or do you smoke a brand with some special type of tip? Just plain ordinary ones can irritate the lips. | If these simple but often ef- fective methods don't help, see a dermatologist (skin special- ist). Note to Miss B.M.H.: That |tanning drug, while not certain to succeed, may be helpful- to you when you go 'south, It has to be taken under a physician's supervision, and he will be on |the lookout in case any side ef- jfects develop. Sometimes there are some; sometimes not. If you decide to try it, have your doctor start now, and not wait yatil you have gone south. a 420 THE OSHAW ie FARES Tuesday, Jenucry 25, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuol Championship Play) North dealer. Both sides yvulncrah' hoes The bidding: North East ld Pass Pass INT Pass Pass 3NT Pass Opening lead--ten of hearts, The first blow struck by the defense--the opening lead--is frequently the most decisive play of the hand. More con- tracts are won or lost on the opening lead than at any other stage of the play. However, even perfect leads must be pursued properly by the defenders if their effective- ness is not' to be dissipated in the subsquent® play. Generally the later play is not so difficult because, once the opening lead is made, both defenders see 26 cards, instead of 13, and they are in a much better position to know what to do next, West made the killing lead in this hand, but, even so, East had to cooperate perfectly to make the lead effective. West led the ten of hearts, which dummy covered with the queen. If East-had taken the ace, South would have made the con- tract regardless of what East played next, But East realized that West had led the ten of hearts from a doubleton and he therefore refused the trick, at the same time signaling the ace by playing the seven. As a result of this play, South had to go down one. Whether he took a spade finesse, or played the ace and another spade, West was bound to get in with the king for a heart return to the ace and a heart ruff. It is not actually difficult for East to deduce that the ten of hearts lead is from a doubleton. West cannot have any other holding consistent with the bid- ding and play. Thus, if West had the 10-5-2 of hearts and decided to lead a heart, he would lead the two, not the ten. West therefore could not have three' hearts, Nor would West have the singleton ten because that would lead to the impossible conclu- sion that South had bid three times and suppressed a heart holding of five to the jack. West's lead of the ten of hearts therfore had to be a doubleton. CAR Vs. PLANE MILWAUKEE, Wis. (AP)--A Milwaukee driver has pleaded guilty to failure to yield the right of way to an airplane. Richard W. Grams, 18, was firied $25 on the charge that his auto skidded into the .whirling propeller of a single - engine plane at Gen. Mitchell Field where he works. Neither Grams nor the pilot was injured. SALLY'S SALLIES pe cm "Father hasn't said what he thinks of you. And Mother is waiting so she can disagree with him." SKATE X-CHANGE You Can Exchange Skotes That Are Too Small For A New or Used Poir. ui WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S 223 King St. W. 723-3224