'ROUND THE GLOBE IN-A GLANCE Pension Plan Attacks Out Because It's Law Of Land SUDBURY (CP)--Attacks on)Thursday, because of days oft. officials concerning the settle- the Canada Pension Plan are|B.A.'s super visory personnel| ment of claims by the two gov- inappropriate because it now is|\who ran the plant during the|ernments, and the two coun- the law of the land, says Alex | strike pulled out of the refinery | tries' citizens, as a means of Godfrey, president of the Sud-'during the weekend. | improving relations. This was bury Chamber of Commerce. BSW Benen istated Monday by Malcolm It was for this reason, he! SEIZE TICKETS me |Bow, Canadian ambassador to wrote John Kroeker of Ottawa,)| MONTREAL (CP) -- Five |Hungary and Czechoslovakia, that the chamber cancelled Mr. | Members of the Montreal police | who is conducting the talks for Kroeker's speaking date at the | ee Rosng bi ga | Canada. chamber's Jan. 26 annual meet cts in a raid on a Montreal | PLAN SPYS Mr. Kroeker, 34, an actuary home Monday. Police said they} OAKVILLE (CP)--Prelimin- fired last year from a senior |at€ holding one man for ques-jary plans for a police station federal government post for| tioning in connection with the with cells "bugged" by. closed public criticism of the Canada | Seizure. circuit television and listening Pension Plan, charged Monday BEGIN VISIT |devices were recommended in ' You Have To Be Elderly To Be 'Camp On Movies L "00D (AP)--Camp is|last co-starring films of Jean-,Night After Night. 3. Johnny ic ee pth fo ce she in neti Macdonald and Nelson Sheffield. 4, Warner Oland, Sid- tellgentsia to things of the past | Eddy? ey |ney Toler, Roland Winters. 5. that are so outrageously cute,| 14. Who was Fred Astaire's "Gif me a viskey" in Anna quaint and unique as to be em-/jfirst screen dance partner? Christie. 6. Joan Blondell in braced in our sterile, stainless-| 15. Who starred in the Flash|Gold Diggers of 1933. 7, Glenda steel era. /Gordon serials? : | Farrell. 8. Rand Brooks, Car- You see camp everywhere: Inj 16. Who played the title role roll Nye, Clarke Gable. 9. Stan- art (pop), in home decoration tin Rebecea? i jley Morner, later known as (Tiffany lamps), in movies| 17. What was Baby Leroy's|Dennis Morgan. 10, Guy Kibbee. (What's New Pussycat), on tel-|real name? . /11. Mickey Rooney, Lewis Stone, evision (Batman). The campiest| 18. Who were The Four Sis-/Fay Holden, Cecilia Parker, camp of all is old movies, es-|ters? ' }Sara Hayden. 12. Edwina Booth. pecially of the 1930s. | 19. What was Shirley Tem-/13, Naughty Marietta and I An aid to proper campman-|ple's real name? a, an mae Rl ~~ ship, I offer this quiz. Scoring} 20. What song did they sing|Crawford in Dance y; 1. ate te . guide: 20 correct -- supreme|in the bus in It Happened One| Buster Crabbe. 16. No-one; she that the Sudbury chamber can-| waguinGTON (CP)--The Ca- pearly ~~ by + saga camp; 17 -- high camp; 14--|Night? was Laurence Oliver's deceased ; : : |celled the speaking date to Pro-|nadian committee on correction | hole. Two councillors, Mure medium camp; 1l--low camp; |THE ANSWERS \first wife. 17, Ronald Leroy ? jtect the public from / exposure began a two-day visit here Mon- | 1a, awtinr end Irionieet aavis 5--decamp. : | 4. Spangler Arlington Brugh,|Overacker. 18. Lola, Priscilla : at og padtee denied this |day which is to include a meet-|.aiq they will fight to have the bie beg ak 1 names of| William Henry Pratt, Leonard/and Rosemary Lane and Gail | wisate wieder kis views known,'"| 108 With Attorney-General Nich-| py circuit eliminated. The plans 1. Give FE So : iSlye, Pauline Levy, Emma!|Page. 19. Shirley Temple. 20. 7 . : . | lolas Katzenbach. The commit- ' i ; : ' Kanloee' |' | A " ae , a. oN "\now go before the capital bud- ang ie ge ironing Beacbnt Motzo. 2. "Goodness had noth-|The Daring Young Man on the beedleora engin bs es er it| tees first call was on = presi-| vet committee. 4 gers, Pa 7 sling Hi arie"in| Fiving 'T : j cons » OS » ™\dent's commission on law en-/2- Lizabeth Scott, ing to do with it, dearie in| Flying Trapeze. lappropriate for us to sponsor'| co 2. What Mae West' ee rencs | forcement and administration of ° nat was Mae ests an- -_§. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussday, Janvery 25, 1966 A LOVING WIFE REMEMBERS Bladon, Oxford- death. The card reads; "For England, today, the my grave at from (AP) shire, darling Winston ecard was placed by Lady : : oe Churchill on Sir Winston's first anniversary of his Clemmie. NO ONE MAY ENT THE THEATRE AFTER FABI ENTERS | HER BATH! y R 2 eee Vi}GINUAN SCHELL SAMANTHA EGGAR WERO THULIN Return": Ashes A Journey Into The Diabolical! | HERBERT LOM bd PANAVIGION? newesred wu UNITED ARTISTS ADMITTANCE NOW PLAYING R: Yo FeRsOns ® PLAZA FEATURE TIMES =" 'Crown PM 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 P.M. Charles Vine is only No. 2... 4 That's why he tries harder... and loves more dangerously! (FREE PARKING AVAILABLE where Broodway meets Times Square NEW YORK CITY FREE PARKING available in the heart of the theatrical and entertainment district «close to shopping, sight-seeing and business appointments. You'll enjoy the convenience and hos- pitality of the Par ft e+» 700 newly refurbished rooms, all with private bath, TV, and air condi- tioning: SPECIAL FAMILY PLAN RATES Free parking att Available y The committee under Mont- real businessman R. M. Fowler suggested that a new broad- |casting authority be set up that would replace both the Board of Broadcast Governors and the Como was_ back Monday night with his monthly musical show and brought with him an unusual! combination of guest : ena Home and Patty Duke,/Dotrd of diveciors of the pub fiss Duke demonstrated SOME} ity, indie Gob iad. would have i i } ' pela gihlte oh tiger tag be the power to issue broadcasting aerate jlicences or cancel them if sta- dancing. If her rock 'n' rollj,; i ; sore and watusl were not up to| Hons failed to live up to their the standard of her acting, hens : ' i i y) r ts S810) PENMANSHIP: Sandra Bran-| >"!!! Bets passing grades. i eadacaar in tha Gace Perry Barbara Dawson, 190; Gloria Skinner, 90; Lynda Stolarchuk, 75; Carol Robertson, From $9 Ont m ie $13.00 Double' Telephone Circle 6-5500 orTeletype [agusreneett 212 640-4481 ULF Gilg E P. Ashton Williams, Mgr e aoe ok ee f % y attacks against legislation); ice creat i. cate anh * ' ewer when a dowager" com | wg |rvicnnas'veem enacted, attr mice created last July ond Miglin Needn't mented: "Goodness, what Ben ase n a a e | : |the chamber, businesses and) r a| e ; z |organizations -all had an oppor-| PLEADS GUILTY what movie? é > 3. Who played Tarzan's son? | 2: |the pension plan. . . We feel it sd. 40. a former employee of 4. Name three actors who lis only fitting that we acceptii' Cre wn Trust Company,|. TRENTON, NJ. (AP) -- gee Ps a |the decision of government." | \fonday was sentenced to nine gg aye Ag i i. a were 7 § % , § »". words in a talkie? The name of NEW YORK (AP) -- Ben|fall. Ben Casey, in its fifth sea- ; a wigtadie z : ded ilty to two charges |flag, the New Jersey Supreme the film?- Casey, it appears, is sicker than) son, and the Dean hour of coun- , ae hg | CALGA RY (CP)--Socony gant gist Re $76,519 oa Court ruled Monday. Forgotten) many of his patients and the ill-| fry-style music and comedy in A simple wreath of hya- Mobil Oil of Canada Ltd. said bends ' The court voted 6-to-0 to up- Man was sung by whom in what /ness looks terminal. \its third, have been far down Monday it is planning a_two- sf hold a ruling by State Educa- musical? ABC will replace the televi-|on the national Nielsen charts. | month seismic program off the CONVENTION SET \tion Commissioner Frederick 7. Who starred in the Torchy| sion series March 28 with a|In the most recent report, both|_ z i = east coast of Newfoundland we EDMONTON (CP)~The Ca-|M. Raubinger, wiping out su- Blane series? British import called The|are rated among the bottom 15 summer as part of its search) oo.) wedical Association will|spension of a group of Black 8. Name the actors who/ Avengers. shows. : for petroleum resources. THe hold its annual convention here |Muslim 'pupils by the Elizabeth played Scarlet O'Hara's. hus-| Things look bad, too, for the) The Avengers has been al Fowler Recomendations program probably wi aint 40 une 13-17, it was announced|School board. bands in Gone With the Wind.|network's Jimmy Dean Show,|pritish TY, hit for four seasons | june, using . of atexico and| Monday. | Raubinger said the Black 9. Who sang A Pretty Girl is| which will depart early in April,| and is a comedy-adventure show| pation e Bag se chariered 00 Me! |Muslims were protected by a ~, ee in The ee eae eg @: cet starring Patrick McNee who| 5 ° ey unt Count | DISCUSS RELATIONS Fesag ed iis 9 exempted a egfeld | British-made entry, Court-Mar-/ will undoubtedly be contused| D B j ste t ts : | BUDAPEST (AP)--Talks are|the flag salute ceremony thos 10. Who played Scattergood| tial. _with Patrick McGoohan, an- Taw rod Ca rs in IDENTIFY PRIEST lin progress in Budapest Lal bo have conscientious scru- Oe is ths tive chachbers ar] iapicaemte oo Tecpinta wees other actor starring in a sim- QUEBEC (CP)--A Canadian |tween Canadian and Hungarian |ples. NN ' s , Ce § S\ilar British show, Secret Agent ; e j iti 20M: | the Hardy family. |summer reruns" of both pro- se CBS. sah: "~ OTTAWA (CP) -- Private|and these promises then be,trend toward definite program Priest killed in a Haitian com in Trader Horn? : It_is unlikely, however, that) Court-Martial will be a series | thumbs-down sign Monday to|The C.A.B. sees "inherent dan-|tinct from regulation," day was a chaplain in Lauzon, sts in the U.S. Army judge advo-| ; : | . ste seeking i r h Catholic church office here said ' A Pe latest committee study of use of| Although the station seeking committee report to show cate's office during the Second). air waves. lthe licence would make the|money spent on use of Cana-|Monday that Rev. Luc Allard . | World War and will star Bard-| shawa Business ollege sare SLRS ANG Fetes Graves. tary Judy LaMarsh, the Ca-|must be the board which ac-|is '"'meaningless and hopelessly in the new national Nielsen re-| casters outlined formally the|them. | It didn't take into account f | |port made public Monday and jonjections private station own-| 'This creates the possibility|amounts paid to announcers, All constr apogee ian ae Al nnounces Xam esu ts covering the two - week period | ers have been expressing ever|that the board, or individual directors, producers, artists, tee in" ' nip dg saint the | ending Jan. 9. The prime-time!since the controversial Fowler! members of it, will, however|writers, designers and air per- strike 0 weeks agains | Registrar of the Oshawa Busi-jell, 77; Valerie Dittmar, 82; rating of 19.6, followed by NBCling was made public last Sep-|jective preferences to bear.|tion's staff but only such non- here, arefinery spokesman) of examinations written by stu-| ; | w on their jobs until dents during September, Octo- Bg rn ogy Doreen Holyoak,| | 'The 7 etd Oz almost 30) 'The C.A.B. wants no part of sees ela: sie : = " ber and November last year. |75; Nancy Wakelin, 78; Gwen| Years old and a movie reruns tough new regulatory body COMBINE PROGRAMS ar gang eo Bed-| annually by CBS for the last/for the field, a major recom- SEX-CHANGING Commenting on the commit- and distributed by the Board of |/f0Td, 92; Susan Ross, 90; Ann J Gert" Bist e Program, defeating the/of proposals that stations seck- BY EXPOSURE ing television be reserved ex- iness Schools Association. aro ackburn, 84; : Passing standard for all sub-|Nichols, 94;° Bonnie Williams,|Bonanza by a fraction Of &/nerformance policies and hold} HIGH WYCOMBE, England |¢.4.B. said this would turn a jects is 75 per cent except for|76- rating point. to them or risk loss of licence. 05 chkage 3 lot of viewers to U.S, channels, | ' tae i strange things happened to |a problem the CBC also men- retarial Typewriting, their pass- a or > ARITHMETIC: usbeiphig in the following order, | most private stations across ing standard is 85 per cent | : ae |CBS' Red Skelton Show, Lucy the country and the CTV tele-| mates in a factory making |system seemed to be a com-| Following are the results: RAPID CALCULATION: Pat Show, Andy Griff it h Show, | vision network, also rejected, birth - control pills: They |Cation' of educational and FILING: Gwen Cuddahee, 98; | 20d8es: 99: Gwen Cuddahee, 90; Green Acres, Dick Van Dyke/committee criticism that the| started to grow curvy. other morning program fare as NG: Gwen Cuddahee, 98; tri ' ahs Beatrice Bedford, 98; Susan |peattice notion, Susan is a hg and ABC's| on Canadian talent. aches," Evans said. "Then I | pest gg be 'a Jackie Gleason Show. ticed that my breasts were ; 4 | Gils, 90; Karen 5: Mar- notic 3 fara se : be nisin Van Gils, 98; Sandra Branning, | »aret Powell, 106, Valerie Dt starting to swell. I also felt Re atari mys 5 tines ane 96; Viola Robinson, 96; Lor- mar, 90; Myrna Joseph, r Traine Crooks, 92; Barbara Viola Evans and the other men at present '| Robinson, 93; Lorraine Crooks affected were heavily ex- The C.A.B. noted the com- : § 2 ie Hae y , ° : . . Maha es id 84; Judy Thomas, 90; Brenda posed to synthetic female hor |mittee and the CBC were at) L Lynda Willan, 93: Carol | Switched to other jobs they aie 5 | Makeymia, #8: Michelle Le"le7, Pauline La Croix, 7: doyee became fit again. Middle- |Psted they be increased, the| Sharon Burle arol| Nichols, 89; aged women took over from jin that they be left un- Hamm, 96; Pat Spilchen, 98; Though they were provided pst : Hi sch or ee Ps Ka aes with special clothing, an offi- an 'cas ng hal arna, ; Pat Desrosiers, 98; . sai " , . . ball | cial_said, "they have been ilest we be accused of self inter- bun, 88; Sylvia Filipowich, 99;.| . ee to the government in the wake} icais in dust. form -- through . ; Irene Bobyk, 90; Valerie Ditt- pil Ft ar sug or edl of the Fowler report, also crit-| the skin or by breathing it | Then it immediately sug. mar, 94. agp wa BENOTe | PARLIAMENT jicized such a body in." ; gested it "would be useful' if} Owen, 81; Mary Ann' Stetski, AT h C the CBC adopted a policy of not| By THE CANADIAN PRESS beautiful diamonds'? And -in ] Fl : |tunity to present their views on} toRONTO (CP)--Gordon D. | a ute ag J s pied Charis Chas Jimmy Dean Hurting Too PLANS PROGRAM months in prison after he Ti png Mya 4 | cinths and daffodils with a 12. Who was the jungle girl/ grams. broadcasters gave a formal|made a condition of the licence.|content control as contradis-;mercial airliner crash Satur- 18. What were the first andieither show will be back next] episodés~ built around caseS!iey recommendations by the| gers. "Phe figure used in the-Fowler near. Quebec City. The Roman} In a submission to State Sec-|proposals, the C.A.B. said, "'it}dian talent by private stations | was in Haiti for health reasons. CBS was slightly head of NBC|nadian Association of Broad-|cepts, rejects or modifies"| unfair," the C.A.B. said. evening averages gave CBS a| committee report on broadcast-| unconsciously, bring their sub-|sonalities maintained on a sta-|British American Oil refinery! | ly A ; ; i ' | ness College announced results/Ann Wyst, 91. with 19.2. ABC trailed with 16.9.| tember. This could easily result in a/staff artists as freelance writ- said Monday. Some of the men Examinations are set, marked|Cuddahee, 96; nuay) , Wyst, 92; Nicky Van Gils, 96 Witty years, was the most PoP-/mendation of the committee, or tee. recommendation that. morn- Examiners of the Canadian Bus-| "St, 92; Nicky Van Gils, : : Pee Joyce| Perennial front-runner, \ NBC's|ing licences to broadcast set iclusively for education, the . (AP)--Bob Evans, 40, says Secretarial Shorthand and Sec- Other programs in the top 10) 'The association, group ing| st , him and some of his work- {tioned in its brief. The best} Show, NBC's Sammy Davis Jr-|stations spend a paltry amount| "I started getting head- jat presetioned in its brief. The} Ross, 98; Ann Wyst, 98; Nicola | eos: Anne Wyst, 92; Nicky Van 75; | NBC completely impotent other morning program fare as Owen, 88; Mary Anne Stetski Sandra Branning, 93; 96; Olga Janiw, 96; Krystina Farrow, 94; Olga Janiw, 90; | miones Uses. in. tne: pills odds over CBC commercial Burley, 88; Carol > ) them. changed or perhaps reduced Paula May, 94; Tammy Rath- absorb ; \ absorbing the hormone chem lest." the'C.A.B.-brief said. 99. D <5 " | The C.A.B. agreed, saying the RECORD KEEPING: Carol /82; Pam Stattergood, 79; Judy . sbyied Dr allowing & proavan 16 be ait: JOSEPH E. LEVINE presents David Anderson, 37, a chemistry expert who is pro- |cored unless the sponsor paid duction director in the fac- jenough to cover all production tory, said: "The problem has | oy purchase costs. The CBC re- no bearing on the safety Or laovers only partial costs effectiveness of. my firm's | many programs it feels it} birth-control pill. fabpuld carry to give varied 'viewing. Robertson, 79: Viola Robertson, | Thomas, 83; Brenda Farrow, 82; hg omy by ta Oe and 90; Coreen Sereda, 91; Paula|Olga Janiw, 78; -- Krystine its board were responsible for] May, 94; Marian Harding, 86; | Maksymiu, 79; Tammy Rath- | regulating the private sector of | Valerie Dittmar, 100; Margaret |bun, 87; Sylvia Filipowich, 79; broadcasting as_ well as oper- | Powell. 98 |Michelle Le Blane, 80; Lynda lating the ABnlinly \_owned Gok: | ee : Willan, 85; Sharon Burley, 80;| throne speech debate after oration é . : , ACCOT NTING 1: Diane Pow- Carol Hamm, 78; Linda Stolar-| tabling of new spending esti- Phe committee proposed an ell, 88; Joy Gleason, 97; Carol|chuk, 81; Pat Spilchen, 79; Cor-| mates and introduction of new | thority with a f , t "h Blackburn, 75; Pat Chrisomalis, een Sereda, 80; Karen Barna, \, bills. an ad pe ie hel 90; Nicky Van Gils, 89; Kay/86; Pat ,Desrosiers, 90; . Paul. A Creditis riti- ' " Wilson, 90. May, 84;- Sheila Norman. 78. | ee a bers. The association said.7ia | cize_the rament for not jfact this creates a one - man || i Goldring, 88; auli } sc r ® | ACCOUNTING IE: Dianne oldring, 88; Pauline | | ' revising family allowance "7 iy ** Jarvie, 80 Dorothy LaCroix, 84; Betty Boyd, 83: | , board, 38/ | JANUARY 28th ~ Payments was ruled out of | The C.A.B. said licensing of One of America's Top Recording Groups TODAY ot... 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:15 - 7:20 - 9:20 order Stations is 'too important to be nm: ANGELS = |------ Supplementary estimates of |removed from the hands of the a esd for 1965-66 were jelected representatives of | pec boosting planned |Canadians and placed in those Spending to $7,825,903,439. of an administrative tribunal." Sahar bmi dropped 106 aly The C.A.B. suggested the | bills into the Commons hop- 7 is , re R SHORTHAND I -- 100 wpm: |Irene Bobyk, 79; Pat Hodges,| P- |BBG consist only of three full trol to divorce, capital punish- | j | ""K oy Friend's Back" 1,000,000th Selling Record Appeared on Ed Sullivan's Show . : : | , ' art - time members from all My Boy Friend's Back" . . . 1,000, fe] ppe PAYROLL: Eva Brightman, 0° Dittmar, 83; Gwen Cudda-| ment to flag day. | alks of life who now sit on the | _ -- Shindig -- American' Bandstand' -- Llyod Thaxton Show. 96: Diane Schell, 96: Bonnie|"°®. 8%:, Beatrice Bedford, 79;| George Hees (PC -- North- |poard to represent private cit- Im , - . Williams 92: Carol Robertson Susan Ross, 80; Ann Wyst, 81;| umberland) said the govern- izens' interests, bus Ss "i : Be od, aha | Myrna Joseph, 78; Nicky Van| ment should change its "tight |. The o is Sasa wn: ee eee ee Gils, 81; Mary Anne La Forme;) money" policy. . ei piri ee 94; Linda Stolarchuk, 02; San-|°" Whe Bal a fe iwhen applying for a licence ne aie » 04: Viole i Bi ieee | tigouche-Madawaska) sa | dra Branning, 94; Viola JRob n-| BUSINESS MACHINES I --| government pee Rg de | gin i son, 94; Karen Barna, 94; Paula piane White, 88; Nancy Wake-| partment of education and it May, 94; Pam Scattergood, 94; |1in, 78: Nicky Van Gils, 82:{ culture, > H, G. WINTON Michelle LeBlanc, 94 Lorraine Anne Sabot, 96: Eva Brightman. Jean Wadds (PC --. Gren- l . Crooks, 90; Sharon Burley 99; |100: Fivelyn Massey, 100; Bon-| ville Turidas) said the govern: : Judy Thomas, 96; Brenda Far-|nie Stark, 80; Joy Gleason, 98; ment should forget the Can- row, 96; Sylvia Filipowich, 94; | Diane Schell, 92; Sandra Lack, it MONDAY, Jan. 24, 1966 The Commons continued the NEW YORK 46th St. West of B'way, Times Square el wide world" coiop AN EMBASSY PICTURES RELEASE cove gove Susan Gulliver, 83; Marlene}! SHORTHAND i -- 80 WPM: Chernoff, 87; Joyce Nichols, 81; | Diane Schell, 86; Rena Graham, |Cheryl Ann McBride, 79; Bar- 76: Diane Powell, 75: Anne|>ara Dawson, 79; Bill Mills, | Sabot, 88; Marian Pearce, 87; 89: Christine Bosworth, 78; Nancy Wakelin, 80. Gloria Skinner, 84; Dianne . |Schell, 76; Carol Robertson, 79; TWO BEATLE FILMS ON ONE PROGRAM STARTS WED. Will George be re-united with his ticker-tape machine? per, ranging from birth con- | 4; : een | Diane Powell, 85. 78: Margaret Powell, 79: Val-| |\time members, eliminating the | Seessetersesacesd SPASSSS HOAVEHES SS SOA And Ringo -will he ever Sandra Lack, 92; Linda Willan, '9 96: Olga Janiw, 96; Pauline La-! ¢- Croix 94 Gloria Skinner |jic¢ 94: Marlene Chernoff, 96; Chris- tine Bosworth, 94; Tammy Rath- bun, 92;. Pat Hodges, 94. 59 93 COMMERCIAL LAW: Olga Ca Melnick, 76; Bonnie Williams, | q) en Graham, 76; Dianne Powell, 86; py. Carol Blackburn, 92 Ja BUSINESS CORRESPON.- P¢ DENCE: Dianne Schell, 88; Bon- Chrisomalis, 86; TYPEWRITING--Diane Schell, Nancy Wakelin, 83; Rena! pot Stacey, 50 wpm, 93; Helen son, 53 wpm, 92. ada Development Corp. and act to spur private enterprise. John M. Retd (L--Kenora- Rainy River) said the CPR apparently is trying to dis- courage freight and express services in Northern Ontario. Pat | Angela Miko- Carol Blackburn, 80 : a wp, 92; June Bryans, 52 wpm, ; Pat Hodges, 60 wpm, 96; rol Blackburn, 55 wpm, 92; / oria Taylor, 60 wpm, 98; INTERNATIONALY KNOWN TUESDAY, Jan. 25 j= Ukrainian Canadian Singers The Commons meets at 11 |= 1 n a.m. EST to continue the | MICKEY 84 BUNNY > ~ |= FIRST WITH THE EXCITING NEW SOUND can vats - spa ~-- = OF HALF UKRAINIAN HALF ENGLISH SONGS AND MUSIC Present a emner, 64 wpm, 92; Dorothy rvie, 54 wpm, 92; Marian arce, 65 wpm, 92; Joy Glea- nes | nie Williams, 75; Carol Black- burn, 86; Dianne Powell, 87; Nancy Wakelin, 92; Helen Brem- ner, 88 OFFICE PRACTICE: Lack, 75 BUSINESS ENGLISH: Doreen Holyoak, 85; Bonnie Williams, 75; Nancy Wakelin, 88; Gwen Cuddahee, 81; Susan Ross, 82; Myrna Joseph, 84; Nicky Van ; 83: Beatrice Bedford, 92: 1 Barna, 83; Coreen. Sere- Joyce Nichols, 93; Helen Bremner, 75; Irene Bobyk, 75 Pat Hodges, 81; Margaret Pow- Sandra UKRAINIAN pi ENGLISH CONCERT FEATURING THE FASCINATING SONGS, COMEDY, AND MUSIC OF THE VERSATILE © D-ORIFTERS-5 DNIPRO UKRAINIAN HOME WED. JAN. 26 8:00 P.M. Adults $2.00 -- under 16 $1 RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH *5.00 PER DAY = wteace cn MILEAGE CHARGE 725-6553 : RUTHERFORD'S |. CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS | 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa 2 tr rt orsmmemte nam l3 | = No- Advance ---- Rush Seats Only. s E z ! TU _ BOBBY KRIS and the IMPERIALS bi PAIR 2 ous play the drums again? SORSEHRASER A ESELAO OSE CERES SZ 1S ON THE WAY! The Colorful Adventures of "THE BEATLES plus your Beatles favorites! $* s~moe Color than eer..n COLOR ee 6 Brand New Songs FO SSFSSCHSOSSSESSCSCOSOOS SEBS SSESS GORD SEBED RADIO BROADCAST direct from Theatre Lobby WEDNESDAY NIGHT 7-9 p.m. BOB TAYLOR, CKLB -- FREE -- LATEST RECORDINGS eansiaiibinae BILTMORE SHOWS CONTINUOUS FROM 6:45 P.M, Admission 2.00 Dancing 9 p.m. till 1