Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jan 1966, p. 12

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Gender Is Determined CJHCH, 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, January 25, 1966 ot. Andrew's UCW Installs Executive At Annual Meeting The treasurer, Miss Marian Davenport, gave her financial report for the year and all other annual reports were read. Mrs. Werry the incoming pres- sident, presided for the balance of the meeting. Mrs. John Carn- with presented Mrs. McLeod in turn Mrs. McLeod expressed thanks for her gift. and for the fine co-operation which she had By Nature = Not Laws support him for the rest-of my life, I was not attracted to Rick for physical reasons. He is the kindest and most considerate person I have ever known. I have no plans to get married until I am 21, at least. And iwhen I marry it won't be for looks, or physique or any such nonsense. Furthermore I may not even marry Rick.-I just want to go with him. Please print my letter and your answer,--Seen Not Heard Dear Seen: Your father's rea- soning is faulty. Many young men who are re- Dear Ann Landers: My in- laws just left and I am. sick to my stomach. Yesterday their only daughter gave birth to her fourth son and they. are so un- happy you would think some- body in the family kad died. My husband and I have three fine boys (six, four, and two) and frankly, we are satisfied with things as they are. We wouldn't trade one of our sons for a million dollars but pre wouldn't give two cents for a fourth one. Tonight my father-in-law took me aside and said it is up to me to have a girl. He insists The Reverend John Morris in- stalled the new 1966 executive at the January Meeting of St. Andrew's United Church Wo- men, Those installed were: honor- ary president, Mrs. J. F. G. Morris; past - president, Mrs. D. I. McLeod; president Mrs. George Werry; 2nd vice-presi- dent Mrs. John Carnwith; treas- the Roaring Twenties and the Four-in-Accord, Ontario district champions will be Mrs, Paul Junkin, left, is show chairman for the 7th annual Sweet: Adeline "Har- that the law of averages will take care of me--that out of eight grandchildren one has to be a girl. He offered to pay all medical expenses and give us $5,000 if I will have another baby. I asked him what he would do jected by the services for phys- ical defects will lead active lives and live to a ripe old age. By the same token, it is not un- common for a man who has al- ways been in excellent health, jillness or even drop dead of al |te suddenly develop a disabling! surer, Miss Marian Davenport; recording secretary, Mrs. J. R. Warnica; tary Mrs. R. J. ian citizenship Mrs. F. M. Tuck community friendship, Mrs. Ce- phas Gay; co-operation in chris- vest of Harmony" to be held at McLaughlin Collegiate Saturday evening February 5. This year's theme will be guest stars on the program, "Femee" for the peppy, musical show will be Mrs. D. K. Stilés, received during her term of office. Mrs. Armstrong presented her| proposed budget for 1966 and|-- several items of new business} were taken care of. The mem-| bers were reminded of the 'Pres- corresponding secre- Tumey; christ- SOCIAL NOTICE hats without crowns and _for- sake conventional jewelry for ktchen forks and spoons strung tian and missionary education, Mrs, F. A, Getz; finance, Mrs. . dee ' 3 A. W. Armstrong; flowers, Mrs. er shoulders hopes he will re- nf a |E. W. Elliott; literature and consider. MR. AND MRS. JACK PEACOCK | communications, Mrs. J. Harold og -- Landers: Recently; | Sproule and Mrs, A. W. Brad- my husband and I invited two s "4 ¢ ee ee e2 ~~~ |ford; manse, Mrs. T. H. Greer; | 4 } Feces it po : : couples to join us in celebrating FY ] M ks Silver Weddin e nominations, Miss Marian Cuth- sHeception Mar Q'THE STARS SAY : my birthday. We decided t » bertson; membership, Mrs, Will- byterial meeting to be held in the church on February 15. heart attack. Please tell your dad that the woman with the good head on if I had another boy. He replied,| "It can't happen." I am s0 mixed up I am half sick, Please advise me.--Edith Dear Edith: It is outrageous that your in-laws regard you as a baby machine -- and would stoop to bribery in an attempt to feed their sick egos. Insist ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Rospond, Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jo Anne Beth, to Leo Daniel Purtill, son of Mrs. Daniel Charles Purtill London, Ontario, and the late Mr. Purtill. The on wire bands, Basic attire will be a loose, thigh-length tunic that can be worn alone, or over flared trousers or a long underskirt. Esterel's "cockpit shoes' had transparent plastic fenders, four inches high, around the outside of the foot. Paris Designer Shocks, Amuses PARIS (Reuters) -- Jacques that your husband silence his parents permanently. Dear Ann Landers: My father reads your column every day and says you are a woman with a good head on your shoulders. He is a very stubborn person and will not listen to anybody, not even my mother. You are my last hope. I am 17 and a high school senior. My father says I cannot go with Rickey any more be- cause he is 'physically unfit." Rick was turned down. bythe navy because he has a weak heart. According to my father, have dinner out and go night- clubbing. Mrs. X telephoned me and said, "Vincent had to leave| town. I hope you four don't! mind taking a spare woman! along. I've really been looking forward to tonight.' | Well, we four did mind, and| told her so. She has been very cool to us ever since. Were we! wrong?--Q.T.X. | Dear Q.T.X.: Yes. You were wrong. The fifth wheel should| have regretted both for herself] and her husband and-taken you! off the hook. Since she did not, however, you should have put |ston, and Mr. Peacock is the For Marland Avenue Couple | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peacock, Marland avenue, were honored at a reception held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Fred Fox and Mr. Fox, Simcoe street north, on the occasion of their} 25th wedding anniversary, last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Peacock is the former Millicent Elston, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William El- - son of Mrs, Simeon Peacock, Toronto, formerly duties at the Oshawa General! Hospital. They have. two daugh- J ters, Anne, Mrs. Ronald Hart-| emotionalism, bickering, tenden-|/@5Sistance, Mrs, W. F. ley, Fort William, and Jackie at! cies to "fly off. the handle" at}@nd pianist, Mrs. J. L | home. r iam Siksay; press and public-|Esterel inaugurated the Paris By ESTRELLITA ity, Mrs. J. R, Warnica; pro-|spring fashion season Sunday FOR TOMORROW gram, Mrs, J. G. Dancey; ste-| with a gimmicky collection fea- Wednésday's stellar configu-|Wardship and recruiting, Mrs, A.jturing bathing suits that ap- 'ations suggest that you avoid|®- Lenaerts; supply and social/proach the topless models : Pegg. |years ago. - |the slightest. annoyance. These|. AS this was the annual meet-| Esterel showed abbreviated Cigarette - holders sprouting like candelabra al- lowed the inveterate smoker to puff at as many as 10 cigar- Manuel| banned on French beaches two} ettes at o: branches awa. ceremony is to take place on Saturday, February 12, 1966 at 12 o'clock noon, in St. Hedwig's Roman Catholic Church, Osh- Those pouring tea were an-|same influences, however, will|i8, Prior to its opening, mem-| striped trunks, held up by nar- jother sister of the bride of 25|/prove highly stimulating to| bers of Unit 1 served light re-|row braces widening into two jyears, Mrs. Stanley Lawrence| writers. | }and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert! workers generally E artists Iston. The couple was ith a chrome automatic toast-| presented| FOR THE BIRTHDAY and. creative|freshments. |short devotional period. If tomorrow is your birthday,}on the national drive for key | with er, and the-guests from Toronto} your--horoscope--indicates--that| planning in_fellowship.renewal|tached-to-a brassiere - top raise; of Oshawa,| Presented them with an electric|job matters should be takenjin the church, with particular/or lower trunks as modesty de- jcrucial circles. | He named ge bathing} jsuit the '"ridokinf' combining} Mr. Morris gave a brief talkithe French word for curtain| bikini. Drawstrings at- Mrs. A. D. Austin led in al Full Length Formals AND BRIDESMAIDS GOWNS | BRAND NEW $ 95 19. SPRING ARRIVALS jcan-opener, Mr. Peacock pre-| Well in hand now and, even in| reference to the "P. F. Plan"| crees. collection has if I marry Rick I will have to up with her--and gracious! and the late Mr. Peacock. They) _-"__| were united in marriage in St. Music Teachers Discuss Features Of Examinations | |George's Memorial Church, on/jewel-box. the first} in January 18, 1941 in choral ceremony voice especially by those who M jable manner for the teachers|took part in the 1944 and '45|S¢ of the Royal Conservatory of were in order of grades Richard|musical extravaganzas written| P! Music, discussed examination |Gimblett, Marie Alexander and|by Jo Aldwinckle. At this time rocedure at the January meet- | Janice Faint. Mr. Peacock was serving over-| g of the Oshawa and District} Mrs. Jan Drygala, president, seas. soca Bool the ere gf Regis- | thanked Mr. Geen and the stu-| Shortly after their marriage,| ered Music Teachers' Associa-\dents for their part in an|they moved to Fort William tions held in the home of Mrs. |; i i poe ee oo "TS. |interesting and instructive pro-|where they resided until re- peti ciasect are held 'in gram. jcently when they returned to centres across Canada,.twice a| During a short business ses-\OShawa, where Mr. Peacock! year and are a means of|sion it was announced that the|"@S_ taken up Pharmacist's| measuring the progress of br naa hin Regio range of ger students and providing them|Students wou eld in the| j i with incentive fee eon Mr, |concert auditorium of Kingwes |EQypt Considering | Geen presided over "test ex-|College, March 30; the next | ' . | aminations" in Grades V, piano; |student' recital would be the|Legalized Abortion| VII singing; and X piano and|All-Boy Recital, February 19 in| led a discussion on marking, _| the Sunday School auditorium | He said that the examiner /of First Baptist Church. should state clearly why marks| The February meeting will be were lost. jheld at the home of Mrs. C. A. The students who took the| Naylor. ot. Stephen's UCW Elects Mrs. Lloyd Jewell, President --_:isiimcbiisation wie fm Mrs. David Duchemin opened|Mrs. John Cook; pianist, Mrs. hieddin's "government "to"-study the first meeting of the new/|Charles Rundle; Christian citi.| Me problem. : year for St. Stephen's United/zenship and social action, Mrs.| The fact that it has made this Church Women by reading a|Henry Bickle: community | Particular suggestion, which, in poem. Friendship and visiting, Mrs,|2 Moslem country, is almost Mrs. Charles Rundle led in a| James Randall; literature and|Cettain to arouse controversy, sing-song. The worship service|communications, Mrs. Frank|indicates the extent of official was presented by Mrs. Rundle|Crawford; program, Mrs. Car-|@0xiety about Egypt's popula- following the theme. The theme|son Heard and Mrs. G ordon|tion growth. for the worship was "The Great-|Tomlinson; supply and social| In addition to abortion, the or- ness of Lowly Service." Mrs.|assistance, Mrs. Bruce Vaillan-| ganization recommended a cam- Rundle read "A New.-Year's|court; stewardship and recruit-|paign to persuade the people| Wish." jing, Mrs. James Palmer; co-|that the Moslem religion does | Mr. Reginald Geen as a mem-|tests and performed in a cap- ber of the Board of Examiners | i CAIRO (Reuters) -- Legal- ized abortion, provided both husband and wife consent, is one of the solutions to Egypt's alarming population growth now being considered by the author-} ities here. | It is one of several sugges-| tions made by the central or-| ganization for statistics and gen- eral mobilization, which was sented his wife with many| were present as jell as many years, as they were both mem-|of the original guests. Out-of- bers of the choir at that time.j/town guests were the best man, Mrs. Peacock will be remem-| Mr. Keith Warner, Mrs. Warner /bered for her beautiful singing|and their daughter Pamela anl ago, and Mrs. Gouldburn were pres- lent as was Mr. Peacock's broth-| V er, Mr. prominent curler in the area. jried out conscientiously, if you! a attendants| Would see the definite uptrend} that can be yours in another year. Despite possible , breaks| in this connection during the} o! late April-late May period and|, in late. December, only hard) work and a willingness to as-| sume extra responsibilities in the interim' can bring you closer to your ultimate goals in the} beginning of 1967. | Vhere finances are con- cerned, you can expect to make some ratifying gains early in --|May, throughout July, in mid- | September, mid - October and} next January. Despite this pleasant picture, however, you will have to be somewhat con-| servative in your operations, Important to remember: Make} no loans in late May, be out of all speculative. enterprises by early June and be extremely) careful in budgetary matters between mid - November and mid-December, Sentimental matters should| prove highly stimulating this year, without outstandingly sus- picious stars governing romance jin late June, all of July (an/ excellent period for all Aquari-| }ans) and in late . September. There may be some change in either your home or business environment in early June and- or late" October, "but ~ these} changes should work out for} your ultimate good. A child born on this day will) be romantically ardent, adven-} turous and endowel pith our-) |nalistic ability, | All the original rs. Simeon Peacock, all of} sarborough. The organist who ayed at the wedding 25 years Mr, Matthew Gouldburn Charles Peacock, a CONVENER Mrs. Brian Curry is con- vening the Night of Cards | for Sunbeam Chapter, Order | of the Eastern Star. The an- | nual event is taking place in | the Masonic Temple, Wed- nesday, February 2. SOME BLIND MAY STUDY Canada has 19 special schools | |for the blind and deaf, attended 'by 3,333 pupils in 1964-65. The annual reports were read |operation in Christian education|not forbid birth control. and approved. and missionary education, Mrs.| The organization's chairman Mrs. Raymond Smith read a|David Duchemin; general ba-\said in a report to the new letter from Scott Mission thank-jezaar convener, Mrs. Gordon |"higher council for famiiy ing the UCW for the gift of/Lane; leadership development,| planning" that at the end of last| money at Christmas. Mrs. Stephen Saywell September, the 1 ! . § 2 : population of Mrs. Charles Rundle read a| Mrs, Saywell welcomed Mrs. Egypt was 30,090,000. Stevens. Jewell thanked Mrs. Duchemin Mrs. Stephen Saywell gave|and her executive for a job well lows: Honorary president, Mrs.| Four members attended the Stephen Saywell; president Mrs./executive annual presbyterial| Mrs. Raymond Smith; secre-|recently. tary, Mrs. John Cook; treasur-} Jt was decided to attend as a responding secretary, Mrs. Alex|the annual presbyterial meet- | Ferries; press and publicity, /ing at St. Andrew's Unite d| 15. Mrs. Crawiord, Mrs. Rundle, ATTACK CURVE SYSTEM attend as voting delegates. VANCOUVER (CP) The| Mrs. Smith volunteered oe Sas a Mrs. Lloyd Jewell read a the "distribution curve" system poem, "The Lasting Gift." A tacks by teachers and parénts. | The system automatically gives grade in every subject. BRUSH-UP FOR NURSES returning to work here will be able to take a refresher course Nurses' Association of British Columbia. Vancouver General course for women returning to| t active nursing. | letter from Miss Muriel|Lloyd Jewell as president. Mrs. | the nominating report as fol-|done. Lloyd Jewell; vice-president, | meeting at Albert Street Church | er, Mrs. Raymond Smith; cor-|group the evening session of ee arenes ~ |Church on Tuesday, February | Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Heard will school board here wants to end greet people at church. of grading students, after at-|social half-hour followed. | one in four students a D or E VANCOUVER (CP) -- Nurses | arranged by the Registered Hospital will give a five-week Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Electrolysis with our advanced }) method, from face, Farms, legs Free of worry and embarrassment. FREE CONSULTATION MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawo at the Genoshe Hotel, Jan. 24, &RHONE 723-4641 For appointment on these dotes to INTERIOR DECORATOR PURNITURS DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 SAVE TIME AND MONEY REN ELECTRIC CARPET SHAMPOOER with purchase of ror 9 ONLY KNIGHT'S CARPET SHAMPOO and UPHOLSTERY CLEANER Easy to use Makes colors like new Restores fluffy texture No sticky residue Resists re-soiling. JOHN SWAN HARDWARE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE NU-WAY RUG CENTRE 54-CHURCH Si. 728-4201 728-4681 a large|seeming lack of progress, car-|now being followed across Can- Mr. Morris for his talk and for) officiating at the installation of Esterel's as} da. little relation to high fashion as} Mrs. C. D. Russell thanked|the circus has to the opera. | He set out to shock andj} | amuse with designs for an era jin which women will wear large SARGEANT'S '.. Rentols 463 RITSON RD. §. 4 725-3338 fficers. SELLING OUT SALE Last Three Days!! FAMOUS MAKERS ORLON AND BANLON CARDIGANS All Colors. Sizes te 52. Reg, to 6.95 3.99 First Quality Micro - Mesh SEAMLESS NYLONS Reg. to 75¢ 3 pairs $s] "GOLDEN CROWN" FIRST QUALITY "BEADED" CARDIGANS All sizes -- Many colors. Reg. 12.95 7.99 LADIES' RAYON PANTIES Reg. to 75¢ 3 pairs 5] FAMOUS MAKERS ORLON AND BANLON PULLOVERS All Colors, Sizes 14 to 20. Reg. 4.98 2.9 4 LADIES' ALL WOOL COATS 4.95 LONDON LASSIE SHIRT TAIL BLOUSES 20% ott SABRE _ SKI PANTS For curling skiing etc. beautiful pastel shades --= pink -- beige -- blue. Reg. 19.95 sprciat 9.00 ALL OUR REGULAR LINES OF BRASSIERES and GIRDLES All the wanted styles and mokes -- 20% Off Reg. Price ALL LINGERIE -- and -- SLEEP WEAR 20% att FIRST QUALITY HALF SLIPS All Brand Nomes fresh febrics and trims, beautifully tailored. aut sizes 8Qc All Wool Pleated "Sabre"' SKIRTS A special of all wool mohair type fabric ---- all sizes -- three coiors, Half Price -- Many Styles Colors and Sizes GOLDEN CROWN BULKY CARDIGANS An assortment of first Quality Sweaters. - All sizes many colors. / 4.99 "PANTMAN" BLOUSES Longsleeve, prints, cotton, silks, and ra- yons all sizes to 16. Reg. to 14.95. 3.99 And Many More 9 Unadvertised Bargains At Budget Pleasing Prices. 11 SIMCOE ST. S. Next Door to Kresge's specialty. shops :

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